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8Mx SeLup wlLh CCS

lLems needed :
1.) lCun for Lhe 8Mx

lCun for 8Mx Slgnallng PosL

2.) unS A record Lo resolve lCun Lo Lhe Slgnalllng l of Lhe 8Mx

3.) LlsL of unS servers Lo enLer lnLo 8Mx

rlmary unS Server
Secondary unS Server
1erLlary unS Server

4.) CerLlflcaLe creaLed for Lhe 8Mx wlLh Lhe lCun as Lhe Sub[ecL llne. 1hls should be a MlcrosofL
.pfx flle or Lhe rooLca.pem, cerL.pem, prlvkey.pem also Lhe password LhaL was used Lo exporL
cerL puL ln a flle named 'cerLassword.LxL' case senslLlve fllename

See ALnulx A.

3.) PosL AuLhorlzaLlon seLup ln Lhe CCS server for Lhe 8Mx.

8lghL cllck Lhe lronL Lnd pool and SelecL 'roperLles' Lhen 'lronL Lnd roperLles', PosL
AuLhorlzaLlon Lab.

6.) 8ouLe seLup ln Lhe CCS server for Lhe 8Mx.

SLlll ln Lhe 'lronL Lnd roperLles' selecL Lhe 8ouLlng Lab.

7.) 'Server uomaln name' or Slp uomaln for Lhe 8Mx.

Server uomaln name

8.) 'Server l Address or name' for Lhe 8Mx.

Server l Address or name

Cnce a|| the above p|eces are |n p|ace we can conf|gure the kMk.

ln Lhe 'ManagemenL neLwork' under Lhe unS SecLlon:

'MCu PosL name' ls Lhe hosL name porLlon of Lhe lCun from lLem 1.

SeL 'unS' Lo Speclfy

uo noL check '8eglsLer PosL names AuLomaLlcally Lo unS Servers'

'Local uomaln name' ls Lhe domaln porLlon for Lhe lCun from lLem 1.

'unS Servers Addresses' are Lhe addresses you gaLhered ln lLem 3.

PlL 'Ck' 8Mx wlll mosL llkely need Lo 8eseL.

AfLer 8eseL go lnLo 'l neLwork Servlce'

ln Lhe 'l' 1ab:
verlfy 'l neLwork 1ype' ls seL Lo 'Sl' or 'P.323 & Sl'

ln Lhe 'Sl Servers' Lab:

'Sl Server' seL Lo Speclfy
under '8eglsLer' secLlon make sure all boxes are unChecked.
'8efresh 8eglsLraLlon every' can sLay aL Lhe defaulL '3600' seconds.
'1ransporL 1ype' should be '1LS'
under 'Sl Servers'
o 'Server l Address or name' ls Lhe l or lCun of Lhe CCS lronL Lnd Server from lLem 8.
o 'Server uomaln name' ls Lhe Sl uomaln of your company from lLem 7.
o 'orL' ls 3061 for 1LS
under 'CuLbound roxy Servers'
o 'Server l Address or name' ls Lhe l or lCun of Lhe CCS lronL Lnd Server from lLem 8.
o 'orL' ls 3061 for 1LS
1hen Cllck 'Send CerLlflcaLe' selecL all Lhe flles from lLem 4. See ALnulx 8.

PlL 'Ck' 8Mx wlll mosL llkely need Lo rebooL.

AfLer reseL go lnLo 'SysLem ConflguraLlon'

Make sure 'MS_Lnvl8CnMLn1' exlsLs and ls seL Lo '?LS'

lf you had Lo add or change hlLLlng 'Ck' wlll cause anoLher 8LSL1 of Lhe 8Mx.

Appendlx A:
Creat|ng the Secur|ty (1LS) Cert|f|cate |n the CCS and Lxport|ng the Cert|f|cate to the kMk Workstat|on

1o enable Lhe 1LS LransporL, cerLlflcaLe flles tootcA.pem, pkey.pem and cett.pem musL be senL Lo Lhe
8Mx unlL. 1hese flles can be creaLed and senL Lo Lhe 8Mx ln Lwo meLhods:

- 1he flles tootcA.pem, pkey.pem and cett.pem are provlded by a CerLlflcaLe AuLhorlLy and are senL
lndependenLly or LogeLher wlLh a password flle Lo Lhe 8Mx. 1hls ls Lhe recommended meLhod.

- AlLernaLlvely, Lhe 1LS cerLlflcaLe flles are creaLed lnLernally ln Lhe CCS and exporLed Lo Lhe 8Mx
worksLaLlon from where Lhe flles can be downloaded Lo Lhe 8Mx. lf Lhe cerLlflcaLe ls creaLed lnLernally
by Lhe CCS, one *.pfx flle ls creaLed. ln addlLlon, a LexL flle conLalnlng Lhe password LhaL was used durlng
Lhe creaLlon of Lhe *.pfx flle ls manually creaLed. 8oLh flles can Lhen be senL from Lhe 8Mx worksLaLlon
Lo Lhe 8Mx unlL. When Lhe flles are senL Lo Lhe 8Mx, Lhe *.pfx flle ls converLed lnLo Lhree cerLlflcaLe
flles: tootcA.pem, pkey.pem and cett.pem.

SomeLlmes, Lhe sysLem falls Lo read Lhe *.pfx flle and Lhe converslon process falls. 8esendlng *.pfx flle
agaln and Lhen reseLLlng Lhe sysLem may resolve Lhe problem.

1o create the 1LS cert|f|cate |n the CCS:
1 ln Lhe CCS otetptlse lools Lree, expand Lhe ools llsL and Lhe setvet pool llsL. lf a Load 8alancer ls
used ln MlcrosofL 81envlronmenL, Lhe LransporL Lype may be seL Lo 1C or 1LS.

2 8lghL-cllck Lhe pool ltoot oJ enLlLy, and cllck Cert|f|cate. 1he Offlce commoolcotot 5etvet wlzotJ
welcome wlndow ls dlsplayed.

3 Cllck Next.
1he Avolloble cettlflcote 1osks wlndow appears.

4 SelecL Create a New Cert|f|cate and cllck Next.

1he ueloyeJ ot lmmeJlote kepoest wlndow appears.

S SelecL Send the kequest |mmed|ate|y to an on||ne cert|f|cate author|ty and cllck Next.

1he Nome ooJ 5ecotlty 5ettloqs wlndow appears.

6 ln Lhe Nome fleld, selecL Lhe 8Mx name you enLered ln Lhe lOuN fleld when deflnlng Lhe LrusLed hosL
or as deflned ln Lhe unS server.

7 SelecL Lhe Mark cert as exportab|e check box.

8 Cllck Next.
1he Otqoolzotloo lofotmotloo wlndow appears.

9 LnLer Lhe name of Lhe Otqoolzotloo and Lhe Otqoolzotloo uolt and cllck Next.

oot 5etvets 5object Nome wlndow appears.

10 ln Lhe 5object oome fleld, selecL Lhe lOuN name of Lhe 8Mx from Lhe llsL or enLer lLs name.
keep Lhe defaulL selecLlon ln Lhe 5object oltetoote oome fleld and cllck Next.

11 lf an error message ls dlsplayed, cllck es Lo conLlnue.

1he Ceoqtopblcol lofotmotloo wlndow appears.
12 LnLer Lhe geographlcal lnformaLlon as requlred and cllck Next.

1he cboose o cettlflcotloo Aotbotlty wlndow appears.

13 Lnsure LhaL Lhe Se|ect a cert|f|cate author|ty from the ||st detected |n your env|ronment opLlon ls
selecLed and LhaL Lhe local CCS fronL end enLlLy ls selecLed.

14 Cllck Next.
1he kepoest 5ommoty wlndow appears.

1S Cllck Next Lo conflrm Lhe llsLed parameLers and creaLe Lhe requesLed cerLlflcaLe.

1he Asslqo cettlflcote 1osk wlndow appears.

16 SelecL Ass|gn cert|f|cate |ater and cllck Next (MS 82).
SelecL Ass|gn cert|f|cate |ater and cllck I|n|sh (MS 81).

1he cettlflcote wlzotJ completeJ wlndow appears (MS 82).

17 Cllck I|n|sh (MS 82).

ketr|ev|ng the Cert|f|cate from the CCS to the kMk Workstat|on

1 ln Lhe CCS otetptlse lools Lree, expand Lhe lools llsL and Lhe 5etvet lool llsL.

2 8lghL-cllck Lhe pool ltoot oJ enLlLy, and selecL Cert|f|cate.
1he Avolloble cettlflcote 1osks wlndow appears.

3 SelecL Lxport a cert|f|cate to a *.pfx f||e and cllck Next.

1he Avolloble cettlflcotes wlndow appears.

4 SelecL Lhe cerLlflcaLe 5object Nome of Lhe 8Mx and cllck Next.

1he xpott cettlflcote wlndow appears.

S LnLer Lhe paLh and flle name of Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle Lo be exporLed or cllck Lhe 8rowse buLLon Lo selecL
Lhe paLh from Lhe llsL.

1he new flle Lype musL be *.pfx and lLs name musL lnclude Lhe .pfx exLenslon.

6 SelecL Lhe Inc|ude a|| cert|f|cates |n the cert|f|cat|on path |f poss|b|e check box and Lhen cllck Next.
1he xpott cettlflcote losswotJ wlndow appears.

7 lf requlred, enLer any password. lor example, lolycom. WrlLe down Lhls password as you wlll have Lo
manually creaLe a password flle ln whlch Lhls password wlll appear.

Cllck Next.
1he cettlflcote wlzotJ completeJ wlndow appears.

8 Cllck I|n|sh.
1he creaLed *.pfx flle ls added ln Lhe selecLed folder.

Cpt|ona|. Creat|ng the Cert|f|cate assword I||e (certassword.txt)

lf you have used a password when creaLlng Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle (*.pfx), you musL creaLe a
certassword.txt flle. 1hls flle wlll be senL Lo Lhe 8Mx LogeLher wlLh Lhe *.pfx flle.

1o create the certassword.txt f||e:

1 uslng a LexL edlLor appllcaLlon, creaLe a new flle.

2 1ype Lhe password as you have enLered when creaLlng Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle. lor example, enLer lolycom.

3 Save Lhe flle namlng lL certassword.txt (flle name musL be exacLly as show, Lhe 8Mx ls case

ALnulx 8:

Sending the Certificate to the RMX.

1 Cllck Lhe Send Cert|f|cate buLLon.

1he lostoll llle dlalog box opens.

2 Cllck Lhe 8rowse buLLon.

1he Opeo dlalog box appears, leLLlng you selecL Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle(s) Lo
send Lo Lhe MCu.

uependlng on Lhe meLhod used when Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle(s) were creaLed, send Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle(s) Lo
Lhe 8Mx accordlng Lo Lhe conLenLs of Lhe flle seL LhaL was creaLed:

- 1he cerLlflcaLe flles tootcA.pem, pkey.pem, cett.pem and a cettlosswotJ.txt. 1he flles were creaLed
by a CerLlflcaLe AuLhorlLy and are senL as ls Lo Lhe 8Mx LogeLher wlLh Lhe requlred password conLalned
ln Lhe cettlosswotJ.txt flle. 1hls ls Lhe recommended meLhod.
- 1he flles tootcA.pem, pkey.pem and cett.pem. 1he cerLlflcaLe flles were creaLed by a CerLlflcaLe
AuLhorlLy and are senL as ls Lo Lhe 8Mx.
- A *.pfx flle and a cettlosswotJ.txt flle. 1he flle cettlosswotJ.txt ls manually creaLed lf Lhe *.pfx flle
was creaLed by Lhe CCS uslng a password. 1he *.pfx flle wlll be converLed lnLernally by Lhe 8Mx uslng
Lhe password lncluded ln Lhe cerLassword.LxL lnLo Lhree cerLlflcaLe flles named tootcA.pem, pkey.pem
and cett.pem.
- A *.pfx flle lf Lhe cerLlflcaLe flle was creaLed ln Lhe CCS wlLhouL uslng a password. 1he *.pfx flle wlll be
converLed lnLernally by Lhe 8Mx lnLo Lhree cerLlflcaLe flles named rootcA.pem, pkey.pem and cett.pem.

3 ln Lhe flle browser, selecL all flles Lo be senL ln one operaLlon accordlng Lo Lhe conLenLs of Lhe seL:
- Cne *.pfx flle, or
- 1wo flles: one *.pfx flle and certassword.txt, or
- 1hree flles: rootCA.pem, pkey.pem and cert.pem, or
- lour flles: rootCA.pem, pkey.pem, cert.pem and certassword.txt

4 Cllck Cpen.
1he selecLed flle(s) appear ln Lhe lostoll llles paLh.

S Cllck Insta||.
1he flles are senL Lo Lhe 8Mx and Lhe lostoll llle dlalog box closes.

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