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Dare-Devil Warrior Leader Pioneer Champion

Aries - Courage

Spiritual: Courage through Direct Action Seize the Moment The Chinese expressed this principle with the term wu wei, graceful action. The force that is forced is not the eternal force. Even the finest warrior is defeated when going against natural law. Destiny Welcomes Initiative. Timing in Action is Everything. Archetypal: Flames exploding outward daring to initiate new experience. The quest to express individuality and life. The Golden Fleece.
Mode Keys: Outward
Activating Creating Expanding Animating Invigorating

Element Keys: Fire

Identity Competition Leadership Will Vitality

Emotional: Desire (Anger)

Dare-Devil Thrillseeker Warrior Adventurer Leader Commander Pioneer Trailblazer Hero Champion

Harmonious Expressions
Headstrong Fierce childlike Sporty Spontaneous naive Innocent Adventurous Explosive expressive Assertive Vital Outgoing Brave Competitive Energized confident Enthusiastic direct fearless Pioneering Enterprising Bright Innovative exuberant Vigorous Bold Active Daring Courageous Independent

Shadow Expressions
Uncontrollable violent raging Coarse Impulsive Angry belligerent Abusive reckless Rash Impetuous Aggressive Pushy combative Careless competitive Rash Irresponsible Argumentative Impatient Destructive Selfish Uncooperative hasty Arrogant Prideful Egotistical Temperamental dominating

Mental: The assertion of willpower and creation of vitality for initiating new cycles of being. Mental Fortitude. Experiential: Soul Embodiment - Appearance - Behavior - Persona - Dharma Wherever the Aries archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to take initiative, lead, motivate, and master courage. Seize the moment and take bold action in that field of life experience. Body: Head, Adrenals. Muscular System.

Socialite Peacemaker Diplomat Fine Artist Lover

Libra - Grace

Spiritual: Harmony through Intimacy Live Your Artistry Harmonic motion and grace are achieved through following the Tao, theWay of moving through life with heart vision. Without faltering, fully choose to do what you must do. Support Yin and embrace Yang. Their interplay fills the universe. Balance Evokes Centeredness. Archetypal: The creation of social harmony, justice and wondrous works of art through intimacy with intricate patterns of beauty.
Mode Keys: Outward
Activating Creating Expanding Animating Invigorating

Element Keys: Air

Expression Knowledge Innovation Alliance Activism

Emotional: Love (Remorse)

Socialite/Host Decorator Coordinator Peacemaker Diplomat Lawmaker Fine Artist Strategist Lover Companion

Harmonious Expressions
Social Affectionate Caring Beauty-Loving Pursuasive Kind Elegant Cooperative Harmonious Peaceful Charming Courteous Balanced Fair Judicious Polite Concilatory Lawful Diplomatic Artistic Aesthetic Strategic Tactful Impartial Clever Graceful Intimate Refined Accomodating Beautiful

Shadow Expressions
Indecisive Wavering Inconsistent Distracted Self-Indulgent Cold Plastic Superficial Flirtatious Approval-Seeking People-Pleaser Deceitful Passive-Aggresive Remote Ambivalent Greedy Placating Air-Headed Defensive Conventional Tit-For-Tat Mentality Provoking Conceited Sophisticated Vain Luxury-Oriented Temperamental

Mental: Attaining balance, an inner state of deep relaxation and centeredness through union with grace and beauty, often discovered through relationships and artistic expression. Experiential: Intimacy - Friendship - Partnership - Contracts - Aesthetics Wherever the Libra archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to create relationships, express harmony, and discover love. Live your art and develop friendships in that field of life experience. Body: Kidneys, Lumbar Region. Endocrine System.

Taurus - Serenity
Owner Gardener Provider Builder Steward

Spiritual: Presence through Belonging Be Here Now on Purpose Return to the principles of Nature and tranquility arises. Embrace the sensuality of Body Wisdom and nourishment happens. The Tao provides for all things yet cannot be exhausted as the Mother of the Universe. As you plant, so you reap. Build Your House on Solid Ground. Archetypal: Receptivity to Spirit. Wasting energy to obtain rare objects impedes growth. Being aware of the artistic rhythms of nature.
Mode Keys: Inward
Harnessing Utilizing Consolidating Empowering Penetrating

Element Keys: Earth

Productivity Resources Values Organization Nature

Emotional: Satisfaction (Scarcity)

Owner/Appraiser Hedonist Gardener/Farmer Naturalist Provider/Chef Steward Builder Artisan Nature Artist Druid

Harmonious Expressions
Practical Affectionate Kind Comfortable Sensuous Caring Serene Tranquil Placid Dependable Strong Fertile Natural Realistic Determined Traditional Steadfast Reliable Stable Hardworking Artistic Enduring Thorough Peaceful Composed Pragmatic Persevering Abundant Protective Conservative Resourceful

Shadow Expressions
Greedy Indulgent Materialistic Stingy Lazy Heavy Slow Plodding Simple Cautious Confused Unimaginative Dull Stubborn Stuck Traditional Rigid Unyielding Resistant Stagnant Predictable Conservative Possessive Fearful Controlling Dogmatic

Mental: Discovering abundance through moments of tranquility and pleasure. Cultivating a mind of serenity through reverence for nature. Experiential: Appetites - Possession - Resources - Nature - Serenity Wherever the Taurus archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to utilize resources, find serenity, and be productive and abundant. Be present and find your unique way of belonging in that field of life experience. Body: Neck, Throat. Endocrine System.

Scorpio - Transformation
Investigator Investor Researcher Alchemist Shaman

Spiritual: Empowerment through Surrender Align With Change Releasing Struggle yields Perfection. Death is Rebirth. When opposing forces unite within, power is discovered. Grasping leads to Suffering. Creation flows back to return to Tao as rivers to the ocean. Transformation Invites Regeneration. Archetypal: Direct penetration to the heart of Eternal Mystery. Flourish in endless variation. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.
Mode Keys: Inward
Harnessing Utilizing Consolidating Empowering Penetrating

Element Keys: Water

Imagination Emotion Compassion Rejuvenation Heart-Vision

Emotional: Passion (Suffering)

Investigator Dominator Investor Occultist Researcher Psychologist Alchemist Transformer Shaman Sorcerer/Wizard

Harmonious Expressions
Passionate Hedonistic Intense Sexy Powerful Resilient Mysterious Resourceful Private Perceptive Loyal Self-Controlled Deep Probing Penetrating Determined Psychic Magnetic Transformational Fascinating Esoteric Magical Engaged Regenerative Sacred

Shadow Expressions
Controlling Possessive Jealous Compulsive Obsessive Dominating Inflexible Secretive Extreme Vengeful Moody Ruthless Complicated Suspicious Prying Confrontational Seductive Dangerous Manipulative Smoldering Dark Willful Fierce Fearful Power-Hungry Foreboding

Mental: The process of engaging the infinite, surrendering, and awakening to hidden mysteries that stimulate psychological regeneration. Experiential: Investments - Sexuality - Psychology - Rebirth - Mystery Wherever the Scorpio archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to investigate, probe the depths, and concentrate passion. Align with transforming action in that field of life experience. Body: Reproductive Organs. Endocrine & Immune Systems.

Trickster Shapeshifter Messenger Storyteller Eternal Youth

Gemini - Spontaneity

Spiritual: Conversation through Spontaneity Know Thyself Abandon holiness and scheming; discard cleverness and rules of behavior and commerce. Cultivate the mind of an innocent fool. On Tiptoes, one is not steady. Every word reflects the universe, every moment brings enlightenment. Realize Divinity Within Ordinary Life. Archetypal: Pillars of Knowledge and the dual essence of cyclic interplay and communication. The genesis of language and symbolism.
Mode Keys: Spiral
Seeking Adapting Distributing Demonstrating Evolving

Element Keys: Air

Expression Knowledge Innovation Alliance Activism

Emotional: Curiosity (Scattered)

Trickster Gossiper Shapeshifter Writer/Linguist Messenger Merchant Storyteller Comedian Eternal Youth The Fool

Harmonious Expressions
Quick-Witted Clever Trivial Light-Hearted Curious Comical Communicative Mentally-Agile Dextrous Flexible Adaptable Knowledgeable Logical Mobile Intelligent Glib Articulate Versatile Variety-Seeking Perceptive Stimulating Youthful Carefree Spontaneous Natural-Mimic

Shadow Expressions
Overly-Talkative Superficial Fickle Flirtatious Trivial Tricky Insubstantial Unsympathetic Unemotional Unfocused Nervous Perverse Robotic Uncaring Scammer Over-Intellectual Dishonest Scattered Selfish Zealous Quixotic Changeable Foolish Immature Indiscriminate Schizophrenic

Mental: The quest for information and knowledge through language/ symbols; the ability to interrelate experience and render meaning. Experiential: Wherever the Gemini archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to express curiosity, find mental stimulation, and communicate. Have conversations and practice spontaneity in that field of life experience. Body: Lungs, Arms, Hands. Nervous & Respiratory Systems.
Environment - Conveyance - Communication - Learning - Intelligence

Gypsy/Traveler Pilgrim/Seeker Explorer Scholar/Priest Philosopher

Sagittarius - Inspiration

Spiritual: Faith through Divine Inspiration Follow Loves Bliss A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. The Sage is led by inner truth and holds to depth. Taking long strides, one cannot keep pace. One who knows himself is enlightened. Your life lived is your religion (Gibran). Civilization Weaves Culture Archetypal: Overcoming the random surface urges to channel desire into ultimate truth and personal meaning. Inspiring Cultural Vision.
Mode Keys: Spiral
Seeking Adapting Distributing Demonstrating Evolving

Element Keys: Fire

Identity Competition Leadership Will Vitality

Emotional: Optimism (Disappointment)

Gypsy/Traveler Idealist Pilgrim/Seeker Athlete Explorer Coach/Teacher Scholar/Priest Inspiration Philosopher/Sage Spiritual Teacher

Harmonious Expressions
Multicultural Sporty Upbeat Outdoorsy Buoyant Adventurous Ethical Idealistic Honest Athletic Faithful Jovial Optimistic Enthusiastic Inspiring Educated Open-minded Benevolent Scholarly Judicious Principled Humorous Prosperous Well-Read Expansive Philosophical Lucky Metaphysical Spiritual Influential

Shadow Expressions
Restless Loud Clumsy Indulgent Careless-of-Details reckless Idealistic Blunt Overconfident Dogmatic Preachy Boisterous Opinionated Scattered Tactless Close-minded Obnoxious Judgemental Extravagant Zealous Addictive Hearty-Appetite Uncommitted Deluded Exaggerative Luck-Trusting

Mental: The experience of meaning through the development of a personal philosophy or spiritual path that governs behavior through principles. The discovery of space-time through the inner journey. Experiential: Exploration - Discovery - Civilization - Knowledge - Meaning Wherever the Sagittarius archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to explore, seek truth, find meaning, and philosophize. Practice faith and following your bliss in that field of life experience. Body: Hips, Thighs, Liver. Nervous & Respiratory Systems.

Homemaker Healer

Cancer - Hearth

Protector Counselor Hearth Guardian

Spiritual: Compassion through Unconditional Love Feel the Heart The Sage rules by stilling minds, opening hearts, by filling bellies, strengthening bones. Opening to Heart Wisdom. Tao nourishes and protects all creatures yet does not claim lordship over them. When there is silence one finds inner peace and the universal anchor. Archetypal: A mother nurtures her child; two souls in loving union. Opening the heart through compassion. Dwelling in the Hearth of Life.
Mode Keys: Outward
Activating Creating Expanding Animating Invigorating

Element Keys: Water

Imagination Emotion Compassion Rejuvenation Heart-Vision

Emotional: Empathy (Depression)

Homemaker Nurturer/Cook Protector Great Mother Counselor Therapist Healer Physician Hearth Guardian Matriarch

Harmonious Expressions
Caring Domestic Comfortable Food-Family-Security-Oriented Protective Emotional Inviting Sensitive Sentimental Maternal Supportive Psychic Imaginative Warm Compassionate Retentive Empathic Intuitive Healing Considerate Helpful Dependable Traditional Classical Humble Rooted Nourishing Patriotic

Shadow Expressions
Crabby Moody Cranky Shy Indulgent Clinging Touchy Protective Clannish Insecure Snobby Hypersensitive Worried Illogical Subjective Irritable Manipulative Hysterical Dependent Old-Fashion Acquisitive Possessive Prickly Traditional Attached-to-Past Private Withdrawn Patriotic

Mental: The organization and operation of the domestic realm of life to give the soul an anchoring foundation. Mental organization of your family and household often expressed as lists, chores, recipes, etc. Experiential: Roots - Family - Home - Ancestral Myths - Inner Peace Wherever the Cancer archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to nurture, protect and heal. Express your heart and develop compassion in that field of life experience. Body: Stomach, Breasts/Chest. Digestive & Immune Systems.

Capricorn - Wisdom
Entrepreneur Manager Advisor Hermit Wise Elder

Spiritual: Ambition through Integrity Holistic Organization When the great work is complete, the people say, It happened by itself. Tao is revealed through perfect virtue and action. Plan your Work & Work Your Plan. Without Promotion - Be Distinguished. Without Reward - Gain Merit. Earth depends on Heavens Principles. Archetypal: The quest for wisdom and truth in deep solitude and their expression in life as structure. Sit quietly and find the truth within.
Mode Keys: Outward
Activating Creating Expanding Animating Invigorating

Element Keys: Earth

Productivity Resources Values Organization Nature

Emotional: Accomplishment (Neglect)

Entrepreneur Realist/Skeptic Manager Organizer Advisor Executive Hermit Consultant Wise Elder Patriarch

Harmonious Expressions
Controlled Conservative Practical Cautious Hardworking Diligent Organized Structured Disciplined Methodical Ambitious Enduring Authoritative Efficient Successful Enterprising Status-Conscious Professional Achieving Historical Serious Solitude-Oriented Wise Respectful Mature Traditional Responsible Accountable Grounded

Shadow Expressions
Inhibited Conservative Pessimistic Cheap Mean-spirited Insensitive Rigid Calculating Cold Stiff Restricting Worrying Ruthless Overworking Materialistic Bossy Controlling Tycoon-Mentality Lonely Miserly Detached Cynical Grave Scrupulous Reserved Repressed Conventional Demanding Guilt-Laden Unimaginative

Mental: The creation of a unique Calling in the service of the community, including the promotion of your contribution to society. The mental ability to organize, structure, and plan. Mental Discipline. Experiential: Reputation - Honors/Fame - Authority - Vocation - Destiny Wherever the Capricorn archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to get organized, harness discipline and express wisdom. Practice integrity and seek solitude in that field of life experience. Body: Knees, Bones, Teeth, Skin, Hair. Skeletal & Immune Systems.


Performer Noble Knight/Lady Aristocrat Magical Child

Leo - Creativity

Spiritual: Creativity through Dramatic Performance Join the Play Endlessly creating, endlessly pulsating. Existence and non-existence are creations of this hidden supreme power. Action arises from Heart. The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self. Create Your Unique Visions. Learn the wisdom of obscurity. As you live, so you die. Archetypal: Creative essence pouring from the circle of Spirit. Cosmic Semen. Royal Lion. Be wary of Honor and Disgrace.
Mode Keys: Inward
Harnessing Utilizing Consolidating Empowering Penetrating

Element Keys: Fire

Identity Competition Leadership Will Vitality

Emotional: Enjoyment (Sadness)

Clown Entertainer Performer Dramatist Noble Knight/Lady Minstrel/Bard Aristocrat Monarch Magical Child Emperor/Empress

Harmonious Expressions
Affectionate Romantic Comical Dazzling Warm Fun-Loving Creative Theatrical Radiant Expressive Dramatic Zesty Dynamic Charismatic Courageous Noble Confident Honorable Brave Admirable Impressive Loyal Proud Royal Generous Respectful Childlike Joyful Playful Dignified Magnetic Ambitious

Shadow Expressions
Attention-Seeking Extravagant Risktaking Insulting Egotistical Conceited Narcissistic Self-Centered Dramatic Arrogant Insensitive Prideful Self-Glorifying Starstruck Tyrannical Overbearing Dominating Power-Hungry Childish Temperamental Stubborn Luxurious

Mental: Invoking the power of creativity, blending thought forms to create new artistic works. Deriving enjoyment through the experience of developing talents, pursuing hobbies, and recreation. Experiential: Children - Play - Entertainment - Romance - Lovemaking Wherever the Leo archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to perform, create, and become a master of fun! Join the dynamic play of the universe in that field of life experience. Body: Heart, Spine, Upper Back. Cardiovascular Systems.

Aquarius - Communion
Rebel Inventor Reformer Humanitarian Cosmic Genius

Spiritual: Freedom through Authenticity Path of Individuation One who sees self as everything is fit to be a guardian and teacher of the world. Know everything in this moment and know the eternal Tao. The great master follows his own nature. The bliss of eternity is found in your contentment. Empower the Cosmic Tribe. Archetypal: Two poles of flowing cosmic energy: Electricity and Knowledge. Embrace originality, innovation, and celestial intuition.
Mode Keys: Inward
Harnessing Utilizing Consolidating Empowering Penetrating

Element Keys: Air

Expression Knowledge Innovation Alliance Activism

Emotional: Astonishment (Boredom)

Rebel Nonconformist Inventor/Scientist Activist Reformer Liberator Humanitarian Altruist Cosmic Prophet Philanthropist

Harmonious Expressions
Independent Self-organized Surprising Bizarre Eccentric Technological Futuristic Brainy Technical Innovative Brilliant Communal Freedom-Fighter Revolutionary Activistic Radical Friendly Tolerant Unique Charitable Progressive Detached Visionary Original Intuitive Enlightened Cosmic

Shadow Expressions
Shocking Weird Hyper Erratic Unpredictable Rebellious Perverse Cold Aloof Mad-Scientist Robotic Over-Intellectual Insensitive Irreverent Authoritative Disruptive Mentally-Stubborn Conservative Utopian Fanatic Unreliable Impractical Crazy Emotionally-Detached Zealous Lost-in-ideas Strange Selfish

Mental: The ability to channel paradigm shifting thoughts and perceptions into communities, often expressed and realized through goals. Experiential: Wherever the Aquarius archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to form communities, harness original ideas, and generate excitement by channeling the future into the present. Attain the freedom of authentic individuation in that field of life experience. Body: Shins, Ankles, Calves, Aura. Circulatory & Chakra Systems.
Aspirations - Group Activity - Unique Acquaintances - Activism - Humanity


Virgo - Devotion

Sacred Servant Craftsman Mentor Guide

Spiritual: Devotion to Service & Craft Cultivate Beginners Mind The primal Tao guides without forcing and serves without seeking. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The inner is the foundation of the outer. Cut by cut, one is honed to perfection in Tao. Work With Intention & Focus. Be Selfless in Action Archetypal: Spiritual awakening to a life of devotion, purity, humility and service. Expressing discipline in sacrifice, pragmatism, and craft.
Mode Keys: Spiral
Seeking Adapting Distributing Demonstrating Evolving

Element Keys: Earth

Productivity Resources Values Organization Nature

Emotional: Usefulness (Waste)

Laborer Humble Worker Sacred Servant Disciple/Apprentice Craftsman Technician Mentor Expert/Herbalist Wise Master The Guide

Harmonious Expressions
Realistic Practical Patient Hardworking Modest neat Discriminating Orderly Reliable Service-Oriented Dutiful Analytical Differentiating Intelligent Precise Logical Crafty Healthy Efficient Knowledgeable Pragmatic Healing Natural Pure Discrete Selfless Qualitative Responsible

Shadow Expressions
Boring Fussy Overworking Persnickety Sarcastic Uptight Legalistic Picky Prudish Timid Discriminating Intolerant Anal-Retentive Nitpicking Lacking-Perspective Fault-Finding Perfectionist Bossy Pedantic Repressed Narrow-Minded Critical Self-Effacing Taskmaster Martyr-Like Skeptical Sacrificial

Mental: Expression of purity and devotion in thought. Service to life through pragmatic contemplation and mastery of skills and techniques. Experiential: Coping - Routines - Health - Training - Employment Wherever the Virgo archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to analyze, categorize, discriminate and approach perfection. Cultivate the beginners mind and devote yourself to a craft related to that field of life experience. Body: Intestines, abdomen. Digestive & Immune Systems.


Pisces - Spiritual Unity


Poet/Musician Contemplative Visionary Mystic

Spiritual: Unity through Divine Vision Merge With Spirit The best way to live is to be like water, for water benefits all things. Tao is the source gate to Eternal Being. Hold fast to the power of One. Heaven depends on the Principles of Tao. The still is master of the restless. Emptiness Creates Usefulness. The Uncarved Block is Unified. Archetypal: The Unification of Heaven and Earth, Yang & Yin. The Oneness of the Universe. The Tao, uniting the rivers Source & Mouth.
Mode Keys: Spiral
Seeking Adapting Distributing Demonstrating Evolving

Element Keys: Water

Imagination Emotion Compassion Rejuvenation Heart-Vision

Emotional: Unification (Isolation)

Dreamer Sensitive Poet/Musician Navigator Contemplative Empath/Psychic Visionary Artist Seer Mystic Oracle

Harmonious Expressions
Sensitive Imaginative Dreamy Idealistic Romantic Gentle Sentimental Artistic Poetic Emotional Fluid Compassionate Meditative Sympathetic Charitable Inspirational Intuitive Subtle Fantastical Mysterious Mystical Unified Enchanting Spiritual Miraculous

Shadow Expressions
Spacey Vague Illusory Unrealistic Escapist Impractical Whimsical Foggy Clouded Abused Addictive Sentimental Shy Indiscriminate Illogical Passive Confused Depressed Changeable Indecisive Deluded Deceptive Evasive Vulnerable Impressionable Sacrificial Martyr-Like Dogmatic Subjective Longing

Mental: The exploration of the source-conscious through dreaming, active visualization and the poetic imagination. Mystical Perception. Experiential: Isolation - Secrets/Dreams - Meditation - Inspiration - Compassion Wherever the Pisces archetype is flowing into your chart thats where you need to dream, imagine, fantasize and seek spiritual unity. Achieve a state of unified consciousness through expressing divine visions and universal compassion in that field of life experience. Body: Feet, Toes, Eyes, Soul. Endocrine System.

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