You are on page 1of 75

PSYCHOGRAPHICS/ LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES 40% of the respondents had one to the !"#rar$ %&' t"(es "n the !

!ast t)o (onths* +'% had one to a hea!th ,!-# %&' t"(es "n the !ast t)o (onths* '.% had attended a ,on,ert %&' t"(es "n the !ast t)o (onths* In the !ast t)o (onths/ on!$ 0% had one for a 1a,at"on on,e* On!$ %'% p!a$ed ,ards '&4 t"(es "n the !ast t)o (onths* I2TERESTS 3'% of the respondents read (a a4"nes& (ost!$ En !"sh* To na(e a fe)5 Readers d" est/ Fe("na/ O-t!oo6/ Ind"a Toda$/ Hea!th* 70% 8at,hed ,a#!e TV "n the"r free t"(e* 9ost of the )o(en ,oo6ed :f"ne; food for the"r ,h"!dren or spo-se at!east . t"(es a )ee6 on an a1era e* %'% of the )o(en (ent"oned arden"n a!so as the"r "nterest* OPI2IO2 4'% )ere sat"sf"ed )"th )hat the$ ha1e "n !"fe* 0.% #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an& <-$ Ind"an* 30% #e!"e1ed that "t "s a (an;s )or!d to so(e e=tent* 3+% )ere not "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r* 9a>or"t$ of the respondents #e!"e1ed that Ind"a sho-!d ,o(e -nder d",tatorsh"p to ta6e ,har e of the pre1a"!"n ,ond"t"ons* Th-s/ "t )as seen that (ost of the respondents )ere ,areer or"ented and too6 6een "nterest "n o#ta"n"n the #etter th"n s "n !"fe* The"r ho(es ser1ed as a s$(#o! of the"r a,h"e1e(ents and "t )as #as",a!!$ ,h"!d or"ented* 9ost of the )o(en respondents d"d not ha1e the"r o)n 1eh",!e to ,o((-te fro( one p!a,e to another #-t s-re!$ d"d ha1e a ,ar at ho(e that )as >o"nt!$ -sed #$ #oth the spo-ses* The respondents )ere not #rand !o$a! tho- h the #rands )ere h"&te,h* <rands of o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents Stereos$ste(s5 Son$/ Ph"!"ps/ <PL/ 2at"ona!/ Panason",* Te!e1"s"on5 Ph"!"ps/ <PL/ V"deo,on/ On"da/ Son$/ Sa(s-n / Te!e1"sta* Refr" erator5 Godre>/ ?e!1"nator/ Ph"!"ps/ Tosh"#a/ <PL* 8ash"n (a,h"ne5 TVS/ <os,h/ <PL/ Ph"!"ps* 9a>or"t$ of the respondents d"d not ha1e the sa(e #rand for an$ d-ra#!e oods as "s seen )"th the respondents )ho had te,hno!o $ as the"r f"rst preferen,e* Cons"sten,$ "n ,hoos"n the #rand )as not present*


40-50 11% 50-60 11%

%A% of the respo n d e n t s

60+ 11%

30-40 11%

20-30 56%

'* SEB 37% )ere fe(a!es and ..% (a!es* .* 9O2THLY HOCSEHOL@ I2CO9E
25000+ 15-25000 10-15000 8-10000 0 10 20 30 40 50

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the 9HI*



Grad./post grad. professional-33% Matric-11%

Grad./post grad. general-33%

College but not grad./diploma-23%

PS Grad* "s the short for( for rad-ate and post rad* "s for post rad-ate* +* ++% of the respondents )ere working and 4+% )ere non-working. .

Th-s (a>or"t$ of the respondents )ere fe(a!es fro( the ho-seho!ds )"th 9HI #et)een 0& %000* 9ost of the respondents )ere )or6"n and )ere e"ther rad-ated or post rad-ates "n enera! or profess"ona! f"e!ds* The #rand here for the respondents "s the na(e that has e="sted "n the (ar6et for !on or the na(e )h",h "s ne) and has a ood eD-"t$E h" h !e1e! asso,"at"onF* For respondents )hose f"rst preferen,e )as #rand/ se,ond preferen,e )as "1en to spa,e and th"rd to !oo6s* PURC !"# $# !%&'R 8ord of (o-th and ad1ert"se(ents p!a$ed a (a>or ro!e "n he!p"n the respondents to sett!e -pon a #rand* A s-r1e$ )as a!so done "n the (ar6et and (ost!$ fa("!$ (e(#ers or fr"ends )ere ,ons-!ted* PSYCHOGRAPHICS/ LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES 9a>or"t$ of the respondents had #een to the !"#rar$ a#o-t '&4 t"(es "n the !ast t)o (onths* I2TERESTS In the free t"(e/ (ost of the respondents )ent o-t )"th fr"ends for a stro!! or dr"1e* Th"s )as -s-a!!$ done "n the e1en"n * 9a>or"t$ of the respondents !"stened to (-s", or )at,hed te!e1"s"on*

OPI2IO2 7+% of the respondents fe!t that the$ had not a,h"e1ed )hat the$ )anted "n !"fe* +0% #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an& <-$ Ind"an to so(e e=tent* 30% d"d not #e!"e1e "t to #e a (an;s )or!d* 70% )ere not "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r* And 00% of the respondents fe!t that Ind"a sho-!d #e "1en to the $o-th* It "s the ne) enerat"ons t"(e to et the re"ns and the$ sha!! #e a#!e to #r"n >-st",e to the ,o-ntr$* <rands of o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents Refr" erator5 ?e!1"nator/ Godre>/ <PL/ 8h"te 8est"n ho-se* Stereos$ste(5 <PL/ 2at"ona! Son$* Te!e1"s"on5 Son$/ <PL/ V"deo,on* 8ash"n (a,h"ne5 9od" Hoo1er/ <os,h* 9a>or"t$ of the respondents had a (eans to ,o((-te fro( one p!a,e to another* 4+% of the respondents )ere p!ann"n to sh"ft o-t of the"r ho-ses and sta$ a!one* The reasons5 H-s#ands )ere ett"n posted o-t and the !ad$ d"d not )ant to sta$ )"th the "n !a)s* St-dents had f"n"shed the"r post rad-at"on and )anted to o o-t and earn* It )as seen that e1en tho- h (a>or"t$ of the respondents fe!! "n the "n,o(e ,ate or$ of 0& %0/000 per (onth/ the$ st"!! )ent "n for #randed oods& those oods that a!)a$s ,har e a pre("-(* These respondents -s-a!!$ ,o(pared )hat the$ had )"th others and had h" h e=pe,tat"ons* 9ost of the( )anted to a1o"d sha(e/ fa"!-re/ h-("!"at"on and r"d",-!e* <-t the$ preferred ne1er to see6 a"d/ prote,t"on or s$(path$*


0% of the respon d e n t s

%* AGE 9a>or"t$ of the respondents )ere "n .0&40 $ears a e ro-p* '* SEB 4% )ere (a!es and 4% fe(a!es* .* 9O2THLY HOCSEHOL@ I2CO9E 9a>or"t$ )ere "n the #ra,6et of Rs*%0&%+/000* 4* E@CCATIO2 A!! 0% )ere ard-ates or post rad-ates "n enera! f"e!ds* +* 3% )ere )or6"n and '% non )or6"n * Th-s/ (a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho (ent"oned pr",e as the"r f"rst preferen,e )h"!e se!e,t"n a refr" erator/ (ent"oned spa,e as the"r se,ond preferen,e and te,hno!o $ as the"r th"rd* PURC !"# $# !%&'R 9a>or"t$ of the respondents p-r,hased a p"e,e thro- h store d"sp!a$ or de(o* S-ff","ent "nfor(at"on to ,ater to the"r needs )as ta6en fro( the reta"!er* PSYCHOGRAPHICS/ LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES 9a>or"t$ of the respondents had #een to the !"#rar$ on!$ %&' t"(es "n the !ast t)o (onths* The$ had the"r a,D-a"ntan,es (e(#ersh"p ,ard* I2TEREST

9ost of the respondents preferred )at,h"n TV "n the"r free t"(e* 9ost of the"r t"(e #es"des )or6 )as spent )"th the fa("!$* 2one of the respondents had an$ pets*

OPI2IO2 9a>or"t$ of the respondents fe!t that the$ ha1e a,h"e1ed )hat the$ )anted "n !"fe to so(e e=tent* The respondents stron !$ #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an& <-$ Ind"an* The$ a!so #e!"e1ed that "t "s a (an;s )or!d to so(e e=tent* 9a>or"t$ of the( )ere not "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r* 9a>or"t$ of the( fe!t that Ind"a sho-!d ha1e a d",tator to sett!e the pre1a"!"n ,ond"t"ons* <rands of o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents

Refr" erator5 ?e!1"nator/ Godre>* Stereo s$ste(5 A")a/ Son$/ A6a"* Te!e1"s"on5 Ph"!"ps* A6a"* The respondents had pr",e as the (a"n fa,tor and )"th that the$ ,hose the h" h prof"!e / h"&te,h #rands* 9a>or"t$ of the respondents #e!"e1ed that h" h pr",e "s asso,"ated )"th h" h D-a!"t$ and !on !"fe* It )as not",ed that these respondents )anted to a,h"e1e :respe,ta#"!"t$; and )anted to #e he!d "n a h" h estee(* 9ost of the respondents )ere a,t"1e "n so,"a! a,t"1"t"es !"6e part"es et,* The$ #e!"e1e that pr",e sho-!d "1e the( :1a!-e for (one$;*

A fr"d e )as a fr"d e #a,6 "n %AA%* P",6"n #et)een Godre> and ?e!1"nator )as e"ther a (atter o "rrat"ona! !o$a!t$ or ,oo!"n eff","en,$ 1ers-s ,o(pressor d-ra#"!"t$* Of ,o-rse there e="sted #" er than the %3+!t* #-t the pr",es & e=,"se d"storted& )ere -nreasona#!$ h" h* It "s "(portant to ,ons"der Ind"a;s ,o(("t(ent to phase o-t CFC;s #$ '0%0A@* The e(er en,e of rep!a,e(ent (ar6et at the top& sp-rred #$ droo! )orth$ ne) prod-,ts& has a!so ,reated a se,ond hand (ar6et to rea,h to ("!!"ons (ore* 9ar6eters are -n &ho a#o-t the opport-n"t$ that the$ see "n #oth/ deepen"n the ,ate or$ #$ penetrat"on and ent","n the e=,"t"n #ase to rep!a,e the"r #or"n o!d re!",s fro( a ,ho",e star1ed past* A,t"on )"!! "ntens"f$* F-t-re of the Refr" erator Ind-str$ %* The pre("-( se (ent Rs* '+/000 p!-s and o1er .00!t* for(s >-st a ("n-s,-!e +% of the tota! ' ("!!"on do(est", refr" erator (ar6et* Th"s "s e=pe,ted to ro) on,e the 92C;s set -p the"r prod-,t"on fa,"!"t"es here* '* CFC free refr" erators sha!! #e "n #$ '0%0 A@* .* Rep!a,e(ent (ar6et "s e=pe,ted to #oo(* 4* @-e to h" h ,o(pet"t"on/ the ,ons-(ers )"!! ha1e reater Va!-e For 9one$* +* Lot of e(phas"s )"!! #e !a"d on After Sa!es Ser1",e/ ed-,at"n dea!ers and de!"1er"n #etter (ethods of d"str"#-t"on* Co(pan"es )"!! s-re!$ stand to a"n on the( "n f-t-re* 3* Frost Free se (ent )"!! o -p to +0% of the de(and #$ end of the ,ent-r$* 7* %00!t* and #e!o) ran e refr" erators )"!! #e,o(e pop-!ar* 0* @e(and of refr" erators e=pe,ted to to-,h + ("!!"on per ann-( #$ '000A@* A* The resa!e 1a!-e of %3+!t* (ode! "s s!o) and "s e=pe,ted to de,!"ne* The -p radat"on

pro,ess "s s!o) and th"s se (ent )"!! e1ent-a!!$ #e )"ped o-t*



Washing machines are the third item in the priority list of purchase of consumer durables after Refrigerators and Televisions .


( in lig)t of t)e factors affecting t)e mar*et+ 1. Technology
<efore !"#era!"sat"on/ !o) end t-#s )"th (otors )ere enera!!$ ta6en to #e )ash"n (a,h"nes* Pr",e )as "n the ran e of Rs %+00 to Rs .000 These )ashers a,,o-nted for three of e1er$ f"1e (a,h"nes so!d "n a (ar6et p!a,ed at 4*. -n"ts * Se(" a-to(at", 8ash"n (a,h"nes a,,o-nted for .0% * F-!!$ a-to(at", )ash"n (a,h"nes that ,an a,t-a!!$ )ash -n("nded/ ,onst"t-ted %0%* 2o ,o(pan$ offered a!! the three se (ents *

2. Consumer perception
8"th (a>or"t$ of the )o(en #e"n ho-se)"1es/ the need for a (a,h"ne to espe,"a!!$ )ash ,!othes/ d"d not appea! to the(* 8o(en needed to s,r-# the ,!othes* The #e!"ef )as that the (a,h"ne )o-!d not "1e a hard )ash* 8o(en had the t"(e and the ,apa,"t$ to )ash the ,!othes* La#o-r )as ,heap and dependa#!e* And "f the ,ons-(ers d"d not ha1e a hand to he!p at ho(e/ the !o) end t-#s )ere #o- ht to (a"n!$ ,!ean the !"nen* Th"s )as "n ,ontrast to the #e!"ef that (a,h"nes )o-!d not "1e a hard )ash*

3. Players in the market

The (a"n share of the (ar6et )as he!d #$ !o,a! p!a$ers*


1. Technology 0

8ash"n 9a,h"nes "s not the rotat"n t-# no)* Greater attent"on "s #e"n pa"d to the en1"ron(enta! pro#!e(s and ,ons-(er needs* RG@ has started de1ot"n "ts ener $ to pro#!e(s s-,h as s,ar,"t$ of )ater/ ,orros"on #e,a-se of hard )ater and dan er of )"!d 1o!ta e f!-,t-at"ons* Se(" a-to(at", (a,h"nes do("nate the (ar6et toda$ a,,o-nt"n for a#o-t 30% of 0*+ !a6h -n"ts so!d "n ;A3* Gro)th "s pe ed at '+% per $ear and (ar6eters e=pe,t a (ass (o1e(ent -pto f-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"nes )hen peop!e ,an afford "t* F-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"nes ha1e .0% of the (ar6et* 8ashers are -s-a!!$ t)"n t-# (a,h"nes and a,,o-nt for %0% of the (ar6et*

2. Consumer perception
The$ #e!"e1e that a )ash"n (a,h"ne doesn;t >-st ,!ean ,!othes/ >-st a!!e1"ate dr-d er$ and hea1$ !a#o-r or >-st sa1e t"(e* It a!so ,reates opport-n"t$ to do other (ore sat"sf$"n and perhaps (ore )orth)h"!e th"n s to he!p one !oo6/ fee! and #e #etter* 8"th (ore )o(en o-t on >o#s and (a6"n a ,areer/ "t has #e,o(e an "(portant part of !"fe* 8"th ho-seho!d he!p on a de,!"ne or e=pens"1e/ (ost of the )or6"n )o(en th"n6 that the (a,h"ne "s a ne,ess"t$ no)* St"!!/ (a>or"t$ of the )o(en prefer p-r,has"n se("&a-to(at", (a,h"nes #e,a-se the$ need to ha1e a hand "n )hate1er the$ do* It "s eas$ to add or p-!! o-t ,!othes "n a se("& a-to(at", (a,h"ne* <-t at the sa(e t"(e/ (an$ ,ons-(ers are re!-,tant to a,t-a!!$ -se h"&te,h prod-,ts* 2o ,ons-(er )"!! ad("t to th"s fa,t #-t deep do)n/ there "s a fee!"n of te,hno!o ",a! "n,o(peten,e that "n,-!,ates the fear of #e"n fo-nd o-t*

3. Players in the market

Appro="(ate s"4e of the )ash"n (a,h"nes "n %AA0Hs "s 700,r* 9-!t"nat"ona! "n1est(ent ,a(e "nto th"s ,ate or$ * The Ind"an ,o(pan"es ha1e ,o(e "nto ,o!!a#orat"on )"th (an$ of the Internat"ona! ,o(pan"es * Vo!tas for(ed a >o"nt 1ent-re )"th Sa(s-n * @ae)oo )"th An,hor E!e,tron",s and E!e,tr",a!s* EThe sa(e ,o(pan$ (ar6ets Refr" erators too*F 8h"r!poo! ,a(e "n ,o!!a#orat"on )"th TVS* E!e,tro!-= for(ed a >o"nt 1ent-re )"th Intron* Godre> )ent "nto a!!"an,e )"th Genera! E!e,tr", E GE F I "t too (ar6ets Refr" erators -nder the sa(e #rand na(e* V"deo,on "s "n a!!"an,e )"th 9ats-sh"ta E!e,tr", ,o(pan$ !td* 9a$ta "s "n a!!"an,e )"th 9od" Ind-str"es* It (ar6ets refr" erators too* Other p!a$ers are <PL/ <os,h and LG*

S" n"f",ant rep!a,e(ent (ar6et has started e(er "n * E(phas"s "s no) on ,on1en"en,e/ )"th pro#!e( #-sters a"(ed at the ("d (ar6et and f-44$ !o ", s$ste(s tar eted at the soph"st",ated #-$er* 9ar6eters r"s"n sens"t"1"t$ to ,ons-(ers needs "s (an"fested "n the ,o("n of not so e=pens"1e/ h" h 1o!-(e (a,h"nes for !ar e fa("!"es* Reta"!"n patterns ha1e ,han ed* 8ash"n (a,h"nes are no) at shops that se!! )h"te oods* E=,!-s"1e sho)roo(s are a!so on the r-n* O1er a!! the )ash"n (a,h"ne 1o!-(es ha1e "n,reased #$ '+% to 3*+ !a, -n"ts / #-t at ,ons"dera#!$ red-,ed pr",es * Ra) (ater"a! ,osts ha1e #een es,a!at"n #$ %0% e1er$ $ear* 8"th !o) 1o!-(es/ ,o(pan"es ha1e hard!$ (ana ed to ,o1er o1erheads* E=,"se d-t$ has !o)ered fro( '0 to %0%* I(port d-t$ has !o)ered fro( +'% to 4'%*

"!MP,# "&-#
+0 respondents of )h",h %0 )ere (a!es and 40 )ere fe(a!es*



To correlate the profile with choice in wa !"#$ %a&!"#'
F"rst prefer e n , e & Con1e n" e n, e @E9OGRAPHICS5 %* AGE
50-60 21% 60+ 16% 20-30 21%

40% of the respo n d e n t s *

40-50 21%

30-40 21%

10 0
25000+ 15-25000 10-15000 8-10000

'* SEB %00% )ere fe(a!e respondents* 9O2THLY HOCSEHOL@ I2CO9E

E a
40 50




On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the 9HI*


( '


Graduate/postgraduate professional-11%


Graduate/ post graduate general- ./%


30% of the respondents )ere )or6"n and .'% )ere non )or6"n *

9a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho (ent"oned ,on1en"en,e as the"r f"rst preferen,e (ent"oned te,hno!o $ as the"r se,ond preferen,e and pr",e as the th"rd* These respondents had rad-ated "n a enera! f"e!d of st-d$ and )ere (ost!$ non&)or6"n * Con1en"en,e "n,!-des a n-(#er of fa,tors5 It sho-!d #e a#!e to )ash the ,-ffs and ,o!!ars of sh"rts proper!$* @r$er sho-!d #e effe,t"1e&"t ,o(es "n hand$ d-r"n the (onsoons* The (a,h"ne sho-!d et p!- ed "n the present p!-(#"n s$ste( of the ho-se* 2o #rea6a e "s "ntended* Sho-!d #e a#!e to )ash a!! 6"nds of ,!othes* There sho-!d #e a pro1"s"on for #!ea,h and for app!",at"on of star,h and #!-e* Top !oad"n "s preferred as ,o(pared to Front !oad"n * Reasons5 O!d peop!e prefer to -se "t d-e to the"r #a,6 a,he* C!othes ,an #e added or re(o1ed/ "f needed* 8ater ,an #e added #$ the -ser h"(se!f s"n,e "t ta6es a!on t"(e for the t-# to f"!!* If the s-pp!$ stops/ )ater ,an #e added (an-a!!$* 9ore deter ent ,an #e added )h"!e )ash"n "s o"n on/ "f needed* Fro( the a#o1e three po"nts "t )as o#ser1ed that "nsp"te of the (a,h"ne #e"n F-!!$ A-to(at",/ the ho-se)"fe )ants to part","pate "n the )ash"n of ,!othes as she a!)a$s has #een do"n * PURC !"# $# !%&'R 9a>or"t$ of the respondents 1a!-ed )ord of (o-th to f"na!!$ sett!e on a #rand* The !ad$ "s st"!! not ,o(forta#!e -s"n the )ash"n (a,h"ne #e,a-se !a#o-r "s ,heap and (ost!$ )or6"n )o(en are the ones )ho )ash a p"!e of ,!othes on the )ee6end* 9ost!$ a s-r1e$ )as not done "n the (ar6et on an e=tens"1e s,a!e* And "f "t )as done/ "t )as ,onf"ned on!$ to the fr"ends* <-d et )as "1en (ost "(portan,e*


PSYCHOGRAPHICS/LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES .0% had attended a ,on,ert %&' t"(es "n the past t)o (onths* %4% -s-a!!$ p!a$ed ,ards on the )ee6end* I2TERESTS 70% )at,hed ,a#!e TV and "t )as (ost!$ after %%p(* 40% ,o(p!eted the rest of the )or6* It )as -s-a!!$ the 6"d;s )or6* Ver$ fe) respondents ,oo6ed food on the"r o)n* 9ost of the( had a he!per at ho(e* '0% of the respondents so!1ed ,ross)ord p-44!es after d"nner* OPI2IO2 7+% fe!t that the$ ha1e ha1e a,h"e1ed )hat the$ )anted "n !"fe to so(e e=tent* On!$ 40% #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an <-$ Ind"an* 30% )ere "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r* The$ fe!t that "t )as #etter that the street 6"ds are e(p!o$ed rather than the$ (o1"n on the streets and #e "n * 9a>or"t$ of the )o(en d"d not )ant to ,o((ent on the Ind"an po!"t",a! s,ene* <-t the$ )"shed that the "nf!at"on )o-!d ,o(e do)n*

Th-s/ (a>or"t$ of the respondents d"d ha1e ,on1en"en,e "n ("nd* The$ had do(est", he!p a1a"!a#!e* Pr",e )as st"!! a (a>or fa,tor* A0% of the )o(en had the"r o)n (eans of ,o((-t"n fro( one p!a,e to another* <rand of d-ra#!es o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents5 Fo-r )hee!er5 C"e!o/ 9ar-t"/ Estee(* Stereos$ste(5 Son$/ Ph"!"ps/ <PL* TV5 Son$/ Ph"!"ps/ <PL/ A6a"* F-!!$ A-to(at", )ash"n (a,h"ne5 <os,h/ <PL/ 8h"r!poo!*


F"rst prefer e n , e & Te,hno!o $ @E9OGRAPHICS5 %*

40-50 3*%

'0% of the respo n d e n t s *

50-60 15%

30-40 15%

20-30 31%



%+% of the respondents )ere (a!es and 0+% fe(a!es*

25000+ 15-25000 10-15000 8-10000 0 10 20 30 40 50

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the 9HI*



Graduate/postgraduate professional-.%

Graduate/postgraduate general-31%

College but not graduate/diploma-3.%


43% of the respondents )ere )or6"n and +4% non&)or6"n *

9a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho (ent"oned te,hno!o $ as the"r f"rst preferen,e (ent"oned ,apa,"t$ as the se,ond and pr",e as the th"rd* Te,hno!o $ "n,!-des a n-(#er of fa,tors5 The (a,h"ne sho-!d #e eas$ to operate and eas$ to (a"nta"n* 2o har( sho-!d ,o(e to the ,!othes& no tear"n of ,!othes* T"(e and e!e,tr","t$ ,ons-(pt"on sho-!d #e !ess* There "s a 1"e) that )ash"n (a,h"nes ,ons-(e a !ot of deter ent* Te,hno!o $ sho-!d #e a#!e to ta6e ,are of that* The respondents are "n a)e of the ne) te,hno!o $ !"6e press-re ,!ean"n that !eads the( to #e!"e1e that no har( )"!! ,o(e to the ,!othes* The$ a!so tr-st the a "tator )ash& the te,hno!o $ )"!! not #e harsh on ,!othes* So-nd of the (a,h"ne )h"!e "n operat"on sho-!d #e !ess* PURC !"# $# !%&'R S-rpr"s"n !$/ the per,enta e of )o(en )ho a1e te,hno!o $ as the"r f"rst preferen,e )ere non )or6"n !ad"es* And the$ see(ed to et "nf!-en,ed #$ the ad1ert"se(ents the (ost* Thro- h the ads* the (ost attent"on )as pa"d to s"4e fo!!o)ed #$ feat-res* 9a>or"t$ of the )o(en ,ond-,ted an "nfor(a! s-r1e$ and the peop!e ,ons-!ted )ere fr"ends fo!!o)ed #$ sa!es peop!e* PSYCHOGRAPHICS/LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES5 '0% of the respondents had one for a 1a,at"on %&' t"(es "n the past ' (onths* The$ )o-!d not ("nd o"n a!one )"th the"r fr"ends )"tho-t the spo-se* .0% had one to the !"#rar$ '&4 t"(es "n the past ' (onths and a fe) had one the"r )"th the 6"ds* +'% had p!a$ed ,ards at ho(e or at the ,!-# (ore than 4 t"(es "n the past ' (onths*


I2TERESTS5 9a>or"t$ of the )o(en )at,hed TV "n the free t"(e a1a"!a#!e* 4.% read (a a4"nes (ost!$ h"nd" and en !"sh* The !ad$ a!so ,oo6ed f"ne food at an a1era e of ' t"(es per )ee6* OPI2IO2 9a>or"t$ of the respondents )ere sat"sf"ed )"th )hat the$ had "n !"fe* 40% #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an <-$ Ind"an* +A% #e!"e1ed that "t )as a (an;s )or!d to so(e e=tent* 44% )ere not "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r 9a>or"t$ of the respondents #e!"e1ed that Ind"a sho-!d ,o(e -nder d",tatorsh"p to ta6e ,are of the pre1a"!"n ,ond"t"ons* It )as seen that (ost of the !ad"es )ere God fear"n and 1er$ ho(e or"ented* Ho-seho!d he!p )as on a de,!"ne* So(e of the )o(en had the 1eh",!e to the"r ,on1en"en,e #-t (ost!$ "t )as a fa("!$ ,ar* <rands of d-ra#!es o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents5 Fo-r )hee!er5 G$ps$/ C"e!o/ 9ar-t"* Stereo s$ste(5 2at"ona!/ Ph"!"ps/ Son$/ A6a"* TV5 Ph"!"ps/ A6a"/ <PL/ On"da/ Gr-nd" * 8ash"n (a,h"ne& F-!!$ a-to(at",5 V"deo,on/ Ph"!"ps/ <os,h* Th-s/ the respondents )ere s-re!$ te,hno!o $ ,ons,"o-s as "s seen fro( the o)nersh"p of #ro)n oods*


F"rst prefer e n , e & <rand @E9OGRAPHICS5 %* AGE

%7% of the respo n d e n t s *

40-50 20-30 0 20 40 60 80

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the a e ro-p* There )ere no respondents fro( the other a e ro-ps* '* SEB Of the respondents/ .0% )ere (a!es and 3'% fe(a!es* .* 9O2THLY HOCSEHOL@ I2CO9E
25000+ 15-25000 10-15000 8-10000 0 20 40 60 80

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the 9HI*



Graduate/postgraduate professional-02% College but not graduate/diploma12%

Graduate/postgraduate general-3.%


00% of the respondents )ere )or6"n and %'% non)or6"n *

9a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho (ent"oned #rand as the"r f"rst preferen,e a1e te,hno!o $ as the se,ond preferen,e and ,apa,"t$ as the th"rd* Reno)ned #rands )ere preferred to do a)a$ )"th the post p-r,hase d"ssonan,e to a !ar e e=tent*

PURC !"# $# !%&'R

These respondents 1a!-ed the ads and )ord of (o-th the (ost* Thro- h ads* the d"sp!a$ of the ad1ert"se(ent appea!ed to the( the (ost* The$ )ere pass"1e h-nters of "nfor(at"on and an Internat"ona! #rand na(e (ade the (ost d"fferen,e to the(* PSYCHOGRAPHICS/LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES5 9a>or"t$ of the respondents had a,,ess to ho-seho!d he!p* 30% had one to the hea!th ,!-# (ore than 4 t"(es "n the past ' (onths* Ver$ fe) had one for a 1a,at"on* I2TERESTS5 9a>or"t$ of the respondents had pets at ho(e* In free t"(e/ 30% )at,hed TV* Ver$ o,,as"ona!!$ d"d the !ad"es read (a a4"nes* OPI2IO2S5 To so(e e=tent/ (ost of the respondents had a,h"e1ed )hat the$ )anted "n !"fe* 30% #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an <-$ Ind"an* 40% #e!"e1ed that "t "s a (an;s )or!d* '0% )ere "n fa1o-r of ,h"!d !a#o-r* ++% #e!"e1ed that for so(e t"(e Ind"a sho-!d ,o(e -nder d",tatorsh"p to ta6e ,ontro! of the pre1a"!"n ,ond"t"ons*


9a>or"t$ of the )o(en #e!on ed to the do-#!e "n,o(e ro-p ,ate or$ )"th %&' ,h"!dren* A fe) of the( )ere str"1ers to rea,h that sta e* <rands of d-ra#!es o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents Fo-r )hee!er5 9ar-t"000/ Estee(/ G$ps$/ To$ota* Stereos$ste(5 Panason",/ Ph"!"ps* TV5 Sa(s-n / On"da/ @$anora/ Son$* Refr" erator5 Tosh"#a/ Godre>/ V"deo,on* 8ash"n (a,h"ne& (a>or"t$ Se(" a-to(at",5 <PL/ 9ahara>a 8h"te!"ne/ V"deo,on* %.% o)ned !o,a! #rand )ash"n (a,h"ne*


F"rst prefer e n , e & Capa,"t$ @E9OGRAPHICS5 %* AGE

40-50 50%

A% of the respon d e n t s *

20-30 50%

'* SEB '+% of the respondents )ere (a!es and 7+% fe(a!es* .* 9O2THLY HOCSE HOL@ I2CO9E

25000+ 10-15000 0 10 20 30 40 50

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s "s the 9HI*


4* E@CCATIO2 7+% Grad-ate or post rad-ate "n enera! s-#>e,ts* '+% Grad-ate or post rad-ate "n profess"ona! s-#>e,ts* +* '+% of the respondents )ere )or6"n and 7+% non)or6"n * Th-s/ (a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho had (ent"oned ,apa,"t$ as the f"rst preferen,e (ent"oned te,hno!o $ as the se,ond and pr",e as the th"rd*

PURC !"# $# !%&'R 9a>or"t$ of the respondents sett!ed -pon a )ash"n (a,h"ne #e "t #rand/ ,apa,"t$/ te,hno!o $ thro- h store or de(o on!$* A s-r1e$ )as done "n the (ar6et* 9an$ stores )ere 1"s"ted and other)"se fr"ends )ere ,ons-!ted* On,e "n the store/ feat-res )ere "1en the (ost "(portan,e* PSYCHOGRAPHICS/LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES5 40% of the respondents had p!a$ed ,ards at!east '&4 t"(es "n the past ' (onths* +0% of the respondents too6 -p arden"n 1er$ ser"o-s!$* 9a>or"t$ of the( 1"s"ted the !"#rar$ 1er$ rare!$* The$ #orro)ed #oo6s and (a a4"nes fro( fr"ends or ne" h#o-rs* I2TERESTS5 9a>or"t$ of the (a!e respondents preferred to o o-t and eat/ )"th fa("!$ or fr"ends* 30% of the respondents )at,hed TV "n the"r free t"(e* A fe) of the( a!so read #oo6s and (a a4"nes& #oo6s #e"n f",t"on and (a a4"nes )ere re "ona! and en !"sh (ost!$* 9a>or"t$ of the )or6"n )o(en had do(est", he!p*

3+% of the respondents fe!t that the$ had (-,h (ore to do "n !"fe and had a,h"e1ed th"n s on!$ to so(e e=tent* 9a>or"t$ of the( #e!"e1ed "n <e Ind"an <-$ Ind"an on!$ )"th referen,e to a fe) e!e,tron", oods* 40% #e!"e1ed that "t "s a (an;s )or!d* 7+% )ere not "n fa1or of ,h"!d !a#o-r* +0% fe!t that Ind"a;s po!"t",a! s,ene has a!)a$s #een !"6e th"s and on!$ a re1o!-t"on ,an "(pro1e the pre1a"!"n ,ond"t"ons*

9a>or"t$ of the respondents had a (eans to ,o((-te fro( one p!a,e to another*


<rands of d-ra#!es o)ned #$ (a>or"t$ of the respondents5 Fo-r )hee!er5 Ar(ada/ 9ar-t"/ C"e!o/ Jen* Stereos$ste(5 Ph"!"ps/ Panason",/ Son$/ <PL* TV5 Ph"!"ps/ <PL/ A6a"/ On"da* +0% of the respondents had a f-!!$ a-to(at", )ash"n (a,h"ne* And +0% of the( had a se(" a-to(at", )ash"n (a,h"ne* Capa,"t$ )as ta6en "nto ,ons"derat"on so that the )o(an ,o-!d )ash a !oad of ,!othes on the )ee6end* S-rpr"s"n !$/ (ost non)or6"n )o(en preferred ,apa,"t$ f"rst* The$ )anted the ,apa,"t$ for !"nen (ost!$* On!$ (a!e respondents (ent"oned !oo6s as the"r f"rst preferen,e* It )as '%* Th"s !eads to the tho- ht that the )o(an )ho has to dea! )"th the (a,h"ne ta6es "nto ,ons"derat"on the -t"!"t$ aspe,t of the (a,h"ne f"rst* On!$ fe(a!e respondents (ent"oned pr",e as the f"rst preferen,e* It )as 4%* On the )ho!e/ there )ere 7% of the respondents )ho (ent"oned that the$ )o-!d )a"t for a s,he(e&& d"s,o-nt or a dra) to et a )ash"n (a,h"ne* Th-s/ "t ,an #e seen that a )ash"n (a,h"ne "s not an "te( of ne,ess"t$ at ho(e* It "s (a"n!$ a so-r,e of ,on1en"en,e or ser1es as a stat-s s$(#o!*


Plotting 'f 3)e Percentage 'f ouse)olds 'n 3)e $asis 'f Purc)ase 'f Refrigerators !nd 4as)ing Mac)ines 5is-6-5is 3)e 't)er Products 3)e7 '8n !nd 3)e $rands (On The Basis Of The Study Done)

AKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK < KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKC ) = $ 4 %0% %.% %.% %.% .0% '0% Po"nt A5 The Ho-se)"fe EOne e=tre(eF Conser1at"1e and happ$ )"th )hat she has* 2o "ntent"ons of ,han "n or -p rad"n her !"fest$!e and the prod-,ts she a!read$ has* H-s#and p!a$s a (a>or ro!e "n de,"d"n )h",h prod-,t and #rand to #-$ re ard"n e!e,tron",s* Con1ent"ona! and o!d (ode!s of prod-,ts -sed* For ,on1en"en,e sa6e/ (a$ #-$ a 8ash"n 9a,h"ne5 )o-!d #e a !o,a! #randI the nor(a! t-# t$pe* %3+!t* Or %0+!t* Capa,"t$ refr" erator sha!! #e o)ned pro#a#!$ of Ge(/ A!!)$n * 8o-!d ha1e a <e!te6/ Te=!a TV/ prefera#!$ ,o!o-red* 8o-!d o)n a F"at or an A(#assador* In,o(e per (onth5 Rs*+&%0/000* Po"nt C5 The Ho-se)"fe EOther e=tre(eF 9odern ho-se)"fe* Has the !atest te,hno!o $ #rands& a ,!ass that has ,o(e -p* She )ants to ,onstant!$ -p rade her -t"!"t$ prod-,ts re ard"n e!e,tron",s* Can -se #oth5 )e!! esta#!"shed 2at"ona! or Internat"ona! #rands* O)ns a ,o(p-ter* Has a f-!!$ a-to(at", )ash"n (a,h"ne/ (a$#e <PL/ Godre>/ 8h"r!poo!* Has a Frost Free refr" erator* O)ns an A6a" or Sa(s-n or Panason", stereo s$ste( )"th or )"tho-t a C@* Has a ,o!o-red te!e1"s"on )"th a ,a#!e ,onne,t"on* Car o)ned "s an Estee( or a C"e!o or an Ope!** Po"nt <5 The Ho-se)"fe EThe ("dd!eF The ,!ass that "s -p)ard!$ (o#"!e and "n the f!-=* 8ants to ,han e the prod-,t& the -t"!"t$ prod-,t re ard"n e!e,tron",s* Chan e "s #ro- ht -nder spe,"f", ,ond"t"ons @"s,o-nt offers Pr",e fa,tor


Po"nts ) and = "1e (ore "(portan,e to ,ond"t"ons "*e* @"s,o-nt offers and the pr",e fa,tor than the po"nts $ and 4** The a1era e ho-seho!d #et)een these po"nts "*e* po"nt < The ho-se)"fe oes "n for h" h te,hno!o $ and )e!! 6no)n #rands of <ro)n oods* The refr" erator (a$ not #e of !ar e ,apa,"t$ or Frost Free te,hno!o $* Has a Se(" a-to(at", )ash"n 9a,h"ne* Has the (a"d he!p"n "n the ho-seho!d ,hores* The #rands o)ned )o-!d #e 2at"ona!/ Ph"!"ps or V"deo,on and has at!east t)o !atest #rands* O)ns a stereo #-t )"tho-t a C@* Car o)ned "s a 9ar-t"000/ F"at and )o-!d ha1e a t)o&)hee!er too* Is not !o$a! to #rands*

3)e product9 Refr" erators and 8ash"n 9a,h"nes*

Fa,ts fro( the resear,h Vis--vis Washing Machines V"deo,on he!d the (a="(-( a(o-nt of a)areness* It !"es "n the !o) pr",ed se (ent and "s per,e"1ed to #e the #est "n the Se("& A-to(at", (a,h"nes* Internat"ona! #rands do not ho!d (-,h share "n th"s se (ent* Con1en"en,eEte,hno!o $F )as "1en preferen,e to "n (a>or"t$ #efore the p-r,hase of the (a,h"ne* It )as e=pe,ted to )ash a!! 6"nds of ,!othes* It )as fo-nd that e1en )"th the ad1ent of soph"st",ated te,hno!o $/ the ho-se)"fe st"!! )ants to part","pate "n the )ash"n of ,!othes* She st"!! #e!"e1es that the ,!othes )"!! not et ,!ean "f the$ are not s,r-##ed* Th"s )as (ent"oned 6eep"n "n 1"e) the >eans and the ,-ffs and ,o!!ars of sh"rts* That "s )h$/ pro#a#!$ <PL "s preferred "n the F-!!$ A-to(at", se (ent& a "tator )ash* 9a"ds st"!! #e"n e(p!o$ed pro1e the fa,t* The )ash"n (a,h"ne (ar6et "s #as",a!!$ a rep!a,e(ent (ar6et and (a>or"t$ of the respondents had f"rst #o- ht a !o,a! se(" a-to(at", or t-# t$pe )ash"n (a,h"ne >-st to )ash the ,!othes* The ,!othes -sed to et )ashed "n the (a,h"ne f"rst/ ta6en o-t/ #eaten and then r"nsed #$ the ho-se)"fe or the (a"d !ater* The ho-se)"fe ot the sat"sfa,t"on that the (a,h"ne has )ashed the ,!othes* It "s th"s/ stat-s ,ons,"o-s and the asp"rat"ona! ro-p that )ants to o)n a ,on1en"ent and #randed prod-,t* 9ost of these (a,h"nes )ere rep!a,ed #$ the se(" a-to(at", or the f-!!$ a-to(at", one* <PL "s tho- ht to #e the #est #rand "n the (ar6et #$ the ,ons-(er* 8hen as6ed to re!ate the #rands of )ash"n (a,h"nes to a !"1"n persona!"t$/ the re!at"on )as e"ther to a 1er$ to- h or a 1er$ soft person* To- h& so that an$ a(o-nt of !oad ,o-!d #e ta6en and sho-!d #e 1ersat"!e* Soft& so that no har( sho-!d ,o(e to the ,!othes* Re!at"on )as eas$ #e,a-se the (a,h"ne "s a so-r,e of ,on1en"en,e and "s a -t"!"t$ prod-,t and )or6 "s atta,hed to "t* In the Ind"an s,enar"o )"th the e="sten,e of the (a"d/ "ntera,t"on )"th the (a,h"ne "s not freD-ent* E"ther the (a"d )ashes the ,!othes on a da"!$ #as"s and the (a,h"ne "s -sed on!$ )hen she "s not a#!e to ,o(e for the da$* Or the )or6"n ho-se)"fe ta6es o-t the (a,h"ne on!$ on the )ee6end or on S-nda$ )hen she )ashes the )ho!e !oad of ,!othes of the )ee6*


Th-s/ "n the )ash"n (a,h"ne Peop!e )ant ,on1en"en,e* The (a,h"ne sho-!d ,ons-(e !ess t"(e* 8ash"n of #a#$ ,!othes "n the (a,h"ne sho-!d #e h$ "en", and the te=t-re of ,!othes sho-!d not et spo"!t* In the -t"!"t$ aspe,t The (a,h"ne sho-!d not ,ons-(e !ot of e!e,tr","t$ and deter ent* Arran e(ent for the app!",at"on of star,h to ,!othes sho-!d #e present* Hot )ater arran e(ent "n the t-# "tse!f "s 1er$ ,on1en"ent*

The p-r,hase po)er or d"sposa#!e "n,o(e affe,ts the ,ons-(er ,ho",e "n th"s d-ra#!e "te( to a !ar e e=tent #e,a-se "t "s st"!! not per,e"1ed as an "te( of ne,ess"t$* E1en "f (one$ )as to #e "n1ested "nto the p-r,hase of a )ash"n (a,h"ne/ the #rand preferred )o-!d #e an Internat"ona! one* 8ash"n (a,h"nes are st"!! a )estern ,on,ept* 8ord of (o-th (ade the (ost "(pa,t "n "nf!-en,"n the ,ho",e* The ,ons-(er "s e=tre(e!$ p!eased to o)n a (a,h"ne and de,!are "ts o)nersh"p* Th-s/ the (a,h"ne sho-!d #e pos"t"oned #e pos"t"oned as a (a,h"ne of 1a!-e and -t"!"t$ pro1"der and sho-!d appea! to the ho-se)"fe* <as",a!!$/ the (a,h"ne "s #o- ht -nder the de(onstrat"on effe,t* If an$one "n the fa("!$ or ,!ose ne" h#o-rhood has #o- ht "t/ "t "s "((ed"ate!$ ,ons"dered #$ an "nd"1"d-a! or "t (a$ #e #o- ht a a"nst the (a"d )ho "s "rre -!ar "n ,o("n to the ho-se* As "t "s/ the Ind"an ,!"(ate does not reD-"re )ash"n (a,h"nes& (an$ fee!* Vis--vis Refrigerators Godre> he!d the (a="(-( a(o-nt of a)areness* It )as #e,a-se of "ts eD-"t$ and na(e "n the (ar6et* <-t <PL has s-re!$ #een a"n"n on* <-t st"!!/ ?e!1"nator and Godre> are #e"n preferred as the f"rst #-$ a(on a !ot of ,ons-(ers* On,e the fa("!$ en!ar es/ the ,o-p!e hopes to rad-ate to h" her ,apa,"t$ and #etter te,hno!o $* Apart fro( >-st spa,e and ,oo!"n ,apa#"!"t$/ (an$ other feat-res "n a refr" erator are #e"n pa"d attent"on* The n-(#er of doors/ (ane-1era#"!"t$ of she!1es and ,on1en"en,e )"th Frost Free are "1en preferen,e* <rand at present "s "1en the th"rd preferen,e* The refr" erator (ar6et "s do("nated #$ the repeat #-$ se (ent -n!ess the refr" erator "s too o!d and has "1en a !ot of ,o(p!a"nts* Godre> )as preferred #$ (a="(-( of the respondents for the f"rst #-$ #e,a-se "t pro1"ded the %0+!t ,apa,"t$ and the na(e spe!t D-a!"t$* 8"th Godre> do("nat"n the ear!"er (ar6et of the 70;s/ <PL "s ,ons"dered to #e the #est #rand "n the (ar6et #$ the ,ons-(ers/ Th"s "s #e,a-se of "ts te,hno!o $ and !oo6s* Refr" erator "s an o!d prod-,t and peop!e tend to ta6e "ts -t"!"t$ aspe,t for ranted* Coo!"n )as on!$ )hat the$ )ere a)are of/ #-t of !ate attent"on "s #e"n pa"d to (an$ other feat-res* 8"th a ,han e "n the !"fest$!e "n the Ind"an ho-seho!ds/ the eat"n ha#"ts ha1e ,han ed* 8"th #oth the spo-ses )or6"n and )"th no food p!ann"n / ,ons-(ers are preferr"n Frost Free te,hno!o $ so that food ,an #e stored for !on and t"(e "s not ,ons-(ed "n "ts (a"ntenan,e* Peop!e #e!"e1e that the free4er "n the Frost Free refr" erator "s (ore effe,t"1e* A fe) of the respondents ,o-!d not re!ate the refr" erator to a !"1"n persona!"t$ as the "ntera,t"on )"th the prod-,t "s 1er$ stereot$ped& one >-st opens and sh-ts the door to p-!! o-t or 6eep th"n s "n* Th-s/ "n the refr" erator @eep free4e "s needed/ )here 1e eta#!es and (eat ,o-!d #e stored*


Free4er sho-!d #e effe,t"1e so that the ",e&,rea(s #o- ht fro( the (ar6et ,o-!d #e 6ept for !on * 9ore she!f spa,e "s needed* It ,o-!d #e done #$ add"n 1a!-e s-,h as (ane-1era#"!"t$ of she!1es* Lo,6"n s$ste( sho-!d #e eff","ent*

The ,ons-(ers fe!t that )"th the te,hno!o $ "(pro1"n and #e,o("n soph"st",ated and )"th the a(o-nt of 1ar"et$ "n the (ar6et/ the Ind"an ,o(pan"es ha1e a h- e prod-,t ran e* F"er,e ,o(pet"t"on and th"s s-dden f!ood of prod-,ts has res-!ted "n #rand par"t$ "n pop-!ar ,ons-(er per,ept"on* The$ ha1e not #een a#!e to ,o((-n",ate the (essa e proper!$ and "t has !ed to the ,ons-(er ett"n ,onf-sed* Here ,o(es the wait and watch attitude. 9a"n ad1anta e of the Ind"an #rand )as the a1a"!a#"!"t$ of the prod-,t;s spare parts* Th"s po"nt had pro1ed to #e d"sad1anta eo-s to the Internat"ona! #rands* Te,hno!o $ "s "(pro1"n and the Ind"an #rands are pro1"n to #e a to- h ,o(pet"t"on to the Internat"ona! #rands* Th-s/ the te,hno!o $ of the Ind"an and Internat"ona! #rands are a!(ost at par* A po"nt on )h",h/ the ,ons-(ers fee!/ (ost of the "nternat"ona! ,o(pan"es #an6 -pon/ "s "ts per,ept"on a(on st the ,ons-(ers* The -p)ard!$ (o#"!e ("dd!e ,!ass )h",h has a!)a$s #een -s"n Ind"an prod-,ts/ ho!d the Internat"ona! #rands "n a 1er$ h" h estee(* The pr",e (a$ #e h" h #-t the$ are read$ to pa$ "f the !"fe "s !on * <-t )"th the Ind"an ,o(pan"es a!(ost at par )"th the "nternat"ona! ones/ the ,ons-(ers are not "n a)e of the Internat"ona! #rands tho- h the$ (" ht asp"re for the( on,e "n a )h"!e* The ho-se)"fe/ )"th the te,hno!o $ "(pro1"n and ad1an,"n / "s !oo6"n for)ard to ta6"n o-t a fe) ("n-tes for herse!f* The p-r,hase po)er or d"sposa#!e "n,o(e affe,ts the ,ons-(er ,ho",e "n th"s d-ra#!e on!$ to so(e e=tent* The #as", d"fferen,e (" ht ,o(e "n #randsE that de(and a pre("-(F or #et)een a nor(a! or frost free refr" erator* 9ost!$ the )or6"n ,ons-(er "1es f"rst preferen,e to #rand* 9ore of non)or6"n ,ons-(ers a1e f"rst preferen,e to spa,e* Th"s ,ons-(er )as so,"a!!$ a,t"1e/ thre) part"es and (ade 1ar"et$ of foods at ho(e* She "s a 6"t,hen#od$ )ho !o1es to ,oo6* 9ost!$ )or6"n ,ons-(ers a1e f"rst preferen,e to te,hno!o $* These ,ons-(ers )anted to spend on,e for a!! and d"d not )ant to #ear the #r-nt of #rea6do)ns and ser1",e of the prod-,t* Those respondents )ho a1e te,hno!o $ and #rand as the"r f"rst preferen,e )ere e=tre(e!$ #rand !o$a!* On the )ho!e/ the ad1ert"se(ents "nf!-en,ed the ,ons-(ers the (ost to arr"1e at a de,"s"on* Aesthet",s of the refr" erator (attered a !ot*


P-r,hase #eha1"o-r It has #een o#ser1ed that peop!e p!a$ f"1e ro!es "n the #-$"n of a ,erta"n prod-,t* %* In"t"ator& The one )ho s- ests the "dea of #-$"n the prod-,tERefr" erator and 8ash"n 9a,h"neF* Th"s ro!e/ "n (a>or"t$/ "s p!a$ed #$ the !ad$ of the ho-se )ho has to "ntera,t )"th the prod-,t (a="(-( n-(#er of t"(es* '* Inf!-en,er& 8hose 1"e) or ad1",e "nf!-en,es the de,"s"on* Th"s ro!e "s p!a$ed #$ peer ro-ps )ho ha1e a!read$ -sed the prod-,t or the (e(#er of the ho-se )ho "s a)are of the (ar6et and the te,hno!o ",a! d"fferen,es* 9ost!$ here the peer ro-p or the h-s#and "nf!-en,es* .* @e,"der& )ho de,"des on an$ ,o(ponent of a #-$"n de,"s"on5 8hether to #-$/ 8hat to #-$/ Ho) to #-$ and fro( )here to #-$* It has #een ana!$sed that "f the ho-se)"fe "s "ndependent and )or6"n / she s-re!$ ta6es the s- est"ons and (" ht et "nf!-en,ed #-t the -!t"(ate de,"s"on rests on her* Th"s "s "n ,ontrast to the !o)er ("dd!e ,!ass ho-seho!d )here (ost of the de,"s"ons "s !eft on the h-s#and* 4* <-$er& )ho (a6es the a,t-a! p-r,hase* 8here the )"fe p!a$s the (a>or ro!e "n the p-r,hase de,"s"on of the prod-,t/ she s-re!$ a,,o(pan"es her h-s#and or an$ other (e(#er of the ho-seho!d )hen the f"na! p-r,hase has to #e done* 8here the )"fe "s >-st the "n"t"ator and has no other ro!e to p!a$/ the (a!e (e(#er of the ho-se "s the #-$er* Pr",e "s the (a"n fa,tor for th"s se (ent* +* Cser& The one )ho -ses the prod-,t* The )ash"n (a,h"ne (a$ not #e -sed #$ the fa("!$ "*e* on!$ the !ad$ of the ho-se "ntera,ts )"th the prod-,t #-t the refr" erator "s -sed #$ ea,h and e1er$ (e(#er of the fa("!$* The ho-se)"1es stated that the h-s#ands >-st open the refr" erator to p-!! o-t #ott!es of )ater and fr-"ts* ig) &n5ol5ement Co(p!e= #-$"n #eha1"o-r @"ssonan,e red-,"n #-$"n #eha1"o-r ,o8 &n5ol5ement Var"et$ see6"n #-$"n #eha1"o-r Ha#"t-a! #-$"n #eha1"o-r

"ignificant difference bet8een brands :e8 difference bet8een brands

To ta6e a)a$ fro( the ta#!e "1en a#o1e5 Refr" erator and )ash"n (a,h"ne p-r,hase !"es "n a h" h "n1o!1e(ent se (ent* It "s -nder the d"ssonan,e red-,"n #-$"n #eha1"o-r* The prod-,t "s e=pens"1e and the p-r,hase "nfreD-ent and r"s6$* The ,ons-(ers th-s/ respond to a ood pr",e and to p-r,hase ,on1en"en,e* The$ are a!)a$s on ho!d to red-,e the d"ssonan,e re ard"n the p-r,hase* One does not )"n #$ >-st ett"n peop!e to !"6e the"r prod-,t/ #-t #e$ond that/ #$ se!!"n the"r )orth as an a-d"en,e to th"rd part"es& ad1ert"sers* It "s "(portant to !"n6 a prod-,t #enef"t and ad1ert"s"n pos"t"on"n *


The (a"n o#>e,t"1e #eh"nd :ne) for o!d; trade&"n offers "s to prepone the rep!a,e(ent de,"s"on* Th"s )or6s "n t)o sta es5 %* Pro1"n that o!d te,hno!o $ "s "nfer"or* '* A!!a$"n the ,ons-(er -"!t "n desert"n an o!d )or6"n prod-,t #$ (a6"n h"( a ood ,on1en"ent dea! for "t* Pa"n!ess d"sposa! (a6es the dea! 1"a#!e and the d"s,o-nt (a6es "t attra,t"1e* <-t the d"s,o-nt sho-!d not #e so p-#!","4ed as to ,reate d"ssonan,e "n the ("nds of those )ho ha1e a!read$ pa"d the f-!! pr",e*

3)e Consumers %ie8 'f "er5ice ;ualit7 The ,-sto(ers assess(ent of ser1",e D-a!"t$ "s for(ed a!on the fo!!o)"n d"(ens"ons5 Tan "#!es5 Re!"a#"!"t$5 Respons"1eness5 Ass-ran,e5 E(path$5 Appearan,e of ph$s",a! fa,"!"t"es/ eD-"p(ent/ personne! and ,o((-n",at"on (ater"a!s* A#"!"t$ to perfor( the proposed ser1",e dependa#!$ and a,,-rate!$* 8"!!"n ness to he!p ,-sto(ers and pro1"de pro(pt ser1",e* ?no)!ed e and ,o-rtes$ of e(p!o$ees and the"r a#"!"t$ to ,on1e$ tr-st and ,onf"den,e* Car"n / "nd"1"d-a!"4ed attent"on the f"r( pro1"des "ts ,-sto(ers*



The ,ons-(ers ("nd "s a ("nef"e!d for (ar6eters* For e1er$ ,o(pan$ that "s tr$"n to de!"1er 1a!-e thro- h "ts prod-,ts and ser1",es/ -nderstand"n the n-an,es of the ,ons-(er;s needs and )ants (-st #e the start"n po"nt* Ho)/ after a!!/ does one ,reate 1a!-e for the ,-sto(er -n!ess one f"rst 6no)s >-st )hat 1a!-e (eans for h"(/ and ho) (-,h of "t "s #e"n pro1"ded #$ onese!f and the ,o(pet"tors;L Cr-,"a!!$/ 1a!-e no !on er (eans the sa(e th"n to e1er$one* And as a deep e=a("nat"on of the des"res and )"shes/ fears and ,o(p!a"nts/ of ,ons-(ers )"!! re1ea!/ the ,on1en"ent n-(#ers that are -sed as a short&hand for (ar6et se (ents& )ho ,an " nore the attra,t"on of Ind"a;s '+0 ("!!"on& stron ("dd!e ,!ass (ar6etL& ,a(o-f!a e the (an$ ,o(p!e="t"es and ,ontrad",t"ons that !"e )"th"n* Cnder the fast&,han "n so,"o&e,ono(", en1"ron(ent/ #r"n "n )"th "t "ts o)n ps$,ho&,-!t-ra! -phea1e!s/ the ,-sto(er "s a tr-!$ (o1"n tar et toda$* And he "s (o1"n (-,h faster than ,o(pan"es ,an "(a "ne* So/ (ar6eters (-st respond #$/ f"rst/ 1a!"dat"n the"r ass-(pt"ons a#o-t the s"4e of the"r (ar6et and the ("nds of the"r ,ons-(ers5 (an$ of the( )"!! t-rn o-t to #e ("sp!a,ed* The$ (-st then se (ent ,ons-(ers not on the #as"s of s-perf","a! s"("!ar"t"es of a e or "n,o(e/ #-t #$ -s"n the rea! (ot"1at"n fa,tors that pro(pt the( to a,,ept or re>e,t prod-,ts* On!$ then )"!! the$ #e a#!e to tar et e1er$ se (ent )"th a re!e1ant (ar6et"n strate $* And these pro,esses )"!! pro1e ,r-,"a! "n (ar6et"n to those t)o reat (ar6et se (ents5 Ind-str"a! ,-sto(ers/ and the r-ra! #-$er* The road to ,-sto(er 1a!-e/ therefore/ !"es "n pro#"n the ,-sto(er;s ("nd* An$ ne) prod-,t ,on,ept ,an )or6 on!$ )hen "t pro1"des a po)erf-! reason to s)"t,h& espe,"a!!$ )hen "t "n1o!1es a ne) te,hno!o $ or a ne) prod-,t -sa e* The s"(p!est (ethod ,o-!d #e de(onstrat"on and tota! ed-,at"on of the ,ons-(er )"tho-t )h",h no no1e!t$ ,an f"nd a -ser* <ased on the a,t-a! data on the ,ons-(pt"on and o)nersh"p of ,ons-(er d-ra#!es and non&d-ra#!es "n %AA4&A+/ as )e!! as the !"6e!$ "n,o(e and pop-!at"on ro)th rates t"!! '003&07/ a f"1e& t"er str-,t-re of the Ind"an (ar6et ,an #e pro>e,ted for the t"(e per"od #et)een '00%&0' and '003&075 3)e <estitutes9 8"!! ,ons-(e 1er$ fe) (an-fa,t-red oods* 3)e !spirants9 8"!! p-r,hase a fe) "ne=pens"1e ,ons-(er oods/ !"6e trans"sters and #",$,!es* 3)e Climbers9 8"!! o)n and p-r,hase s!" ht!$ (ore e=pens"1e d-ra#!es/ s-,h as #!a,6 and )h"te TV;s/ se)"n (a,h"nes and ("=er r"nders* 3)e Consuming Class9 8"!! #-$ the #-!6 of ,ons-(er oods* 3)e %er7 Ric)9 8"!! p-r,hase the (ost e=pens"1e ,ons-(er d-ra#!es and ,ons-(er non& d-ra#!es* The "n,o(e ran es o#ta"ned "n th"s fash"on for d"fferent ,ons-(er ro-ps are5 The @est"t-tes5 Cpto Rs %3/000 per ann-(* The Asp"rants5 <et)een Rs %3/00% and Rs ''/000 per ann-(* The C!"(#ers5 <et)een Rs ''/00% and Rs 4+/000 per ann-(* The Cons-("n C!ass5 <et)een Rs 4+/00% and Rs '/%+/000 per ann-(* The Ver$ R",h5 O1er Rs '/%+/000 per ann-(*


In the -r#an areas/ the (o1e(ent #et)een the d"fferent ,ons-(er

ro-ps )"!! #e faster* The ,ons-(ers )"!! #e of a hetero eneo-s nat-re5 fro( those )ho ,ons-(e on!$ essent"a! ,o((od"t"es/ s-,h as food and ,!oth"n / to those )ho #-$ e=pens"1e ,ons-(er oods* Var"at"ons "n the p-r,has"n po)er for a "1en !e1e! of "n,o(e )"!! #e present "n f-t-re too* !""#3 PR#:#R#=C#"9 8h"!e (ar6et s"4e and str-,t-re are #oth "(portant for dra)"n -p (ar6et"n strate "es/ eD-a!!$ "(portant "s "nfor(at"on on the per,e"1ed preferen,e for d-ra#!es a(on ho-seho!ds* The fo!!o)"n Asset Preferen,es 9atr"= "s on the #as"s of the (ar6et "nfor(at"on s-r1e$ of ho-seho!ds/ )h",h ,onta"ns the data on the sto,6 of ,ons-(er d-ra#!es o)ned #$ d"fferent ,ate or"es of ho-seho!ds* F"1e prod-,ts/ )"th pr",es of o1er Rs 3/000 ha1e #een ta6en s"n,e the pr",e ran e )"!! "n,!-de )ash"n (a,h"nes and refr" erators* The preferen,es for these ,ons-(er d-ra#!es are ta#-!ated separate!$ for r-ra! and -r#an ho-seho!ds a,ross f"1e "n,o(e ,ate or"es* Products priced abo5e Rs >?222
UR,AN H"$! "#&)%' $-)./ (Ann-a! "n,o(e5 A#o1e Rs 03/000F %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* 8ash"n (a,h"ne +* VCR/VCP %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* 8ash"n (a,h"ne +* VCR/VCP %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* 8ash"n (a,h"ne +* VCR/VCP %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* 8ash"n (a,h"ne +* VCR/VCP RURAL %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* 8ash"n (a,h"ne 4* TVE,o!orF +* VCR/VCP %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* 8ash"n (a,h"ne 4* TVE,o!orF +* VCR/VCP %* T)o )hee!er '* TVE,o!orF .* Refr" erator 4* VCR/VCP +* 8ash"n (a,h"ne %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* VCR/VCP +* 8ash"n (a,h"ne %* T)o )hee!er '* Refr" erator .* TVE,o!orF 4* VCR/VCP

U//'-- %"001' "#&)%' $-)./ EAnn-a! "n,o(e5 Rs 3'/000& Rs 03/000F

2"001' "#&)%' $-)./3 EAnn-a! "n,o(e5 Rs 40/000& Rs 3%/000F

L)w'-- %"001' "#&)%' $-)./ EAnn-a! "n,o(e5 Rs '0/000& Rs 40/000F

L)w "#&)%' $-)./ EAnn-a! "n,o(e5 Less than Rs '0/000F

%* T)o )hee!er '* TVE,o!orF .* Refr" erator 4* VCR/VCP


Mar*etplace 2221... The Ver$ R",h )"!! ro) fo-r&fo!d/ the fastest a(on the f"1e ro-ps* The Cons-("n C!ass )"!! #e t)",e as !ar e as the @est"t-tes and the Asp"rants* A!! -r#an ho-seho!ds )"!! #e #-$ers of ,ons-(er d-ra#!es* And "t "s seen that #oth -r#an and r-ra! ,ons-(ers prefer t)o&)hee!ers to CTVs and refr" erators* The preferen,es for Rs 3/000&p!-s prod-,ts are "dent",a! a,ross "n,o(e ro-ps*




Masl o 8 @ s

ierar c ) 7 of

um a n =e e d s

"elf !ctualisation ("elf- :ulfillment+ #go =eeds (Prestige? status? self respect+ "ocial =eeds (!ffection? friends)ip? belonging+ "afet7 and "ecurit7 =eeds (Protection? order? stabilit7+ Ps7c)ological =eeds (:ood? 8ater? air? s)elter? seA+


The )ho!e p",t-re of the per,enta e of respondents "1"n the"r f"rst preferen,e to the 1ar"o-s attr"#-tes "s "1en #e!o) "n the p"e ,hart*


L))5 -3%

S/a&'- 32%

T'&!#)1)$4- 38%

!4!R#=#"" ': 3 # $R!=<" ': R#:R&G#R!3'R".

't)ers %oltas !ll87n #lectroluA 4esting)ouse %ideocon 4)irlpool $P, Cel5inator GodreB





On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s are the #rands of Refr" erators* The responses )ere tota!!$ -na"ded* Godre> had the (a="(-( a)areness #$ 7.% of the respondents* '0% of the respondents )ho (ent"oned Godre>/ (ent"oned P-f/ C!ass", as )e!!* The others "n,!-des Tosh"#a/ 2at"ona!/ Ph"!"ps/ IF</ @ae)oo/ Ge(& ea,h a#o-t '% on an a1era e*


Mar*et 3rend For refr" erators/ the rep!a,e(ent (ar6et "s 1er$ !ar e* irst buy! St"!! ,ont"n-"n )"th the sa(e*
%oltas %ideocon !ll87n Cel5inator GodreB 2 2 / > . 12

On the B&a="s/ the per,enta e of respondents "s p!otted* These refr" erators )ere #o- ht "n the !ast %0&%+$rs* And the respondents had no "ntent"ons of ,han "n "t $et* 2one of the ne) #rands or the "nternat"ona! ones f" -red "n the p",t-re #e,a-se the$ had #een re,ent!$ ta6en "n as rep!a,e(ents* These #rands sha!! #e (ent"oned "n the repeat #-$ or rep!a,e(ent se,t"on of refr" erators5 as to ho) (an$ o!d #rands of refr" erators )ere rep!a,ed #$ the ne) te,hno!o $ #rands and ho) (an$ )ent "n for repeat p-r,hase of refr" erators* Capa,"t$ of and reasons for p-r,hase of the a#o1e (ent"oned #rands5 Godre>5 Capa,"t$ )as of %0+!t* ?e!1"nator5 Capa,"t$ )as of %3+!t* A!!)$n5 '00!t* Capa,"t$ that no other refr" erator "n that t"(e )as offer"n and "t had s!ee6 !oo6s that appea!ed* Vo!tas5 2o other #rand )as a1a"!a#!e at that t"(e* Cho",es )ere !ess*

Repeat purchase of Refrigerators %* Godre> as a repeat p-r,hase a a"nst ?e!1"natorE' respondentsF* Reasons Greater ,apa,"t$* H" h and #etter te,hno!o $* <PL and V"deo,on a!so )ere #o- ht as a repeat p-r,hase a a"nst ?e!1"nator& ,apa,"t$ #e"n the (a"n ,r"ter"a* Godre> as a repeat p-r,hase a a"nst Godre>E% respondentF* Reasons Capa,"t$ needed Had #een -s"n the prod-,t/ sat"sf$"n res-!ts* <e,a-se of the eD-"t$ "n the (ar6et ?e!1"nator as a repeat p-r,hase a a"nst Godre> )as #o- ht on!$ #e,a-se of "ts eD-"t$ "n the (ar6et and a s(a!!er ,apa,"t$ )as neededE % respondentF*
'* .*

?e!1"nator as a repeat p-r,hase a a"nst A!!)$nE% respondentF* Reasons Capa,"t$


8anted to #-$ an Ind"an #rand* Reasons on the )ho!e for repeat p-r,hase5 %* 2e) te,hno!o $ neededEFrost FreeF '* 2eed for !ar er ,apa,"t$* The ne) refr" erator )as -s-a!!$ 6ept "n the 6"t,hen and the ear!"er one for ,on1en"en,e sa6e )as 6ept "n the other roo(s to sto,6 #ott!es of )ater/ hard and soft dr"n6s and a n-(#er of "te(s that are -sed "nfreD-ent!$* So(e of the "te(s are ,heese/ >e!!"es/ ("!6 po)der/ d"fferent 6"nds of f!o-rs and ,-stard po)der* Replacement of Refrigerators! %* Rep!a,e(ent of ?e!1"nator #$ Godre>E' respondentsF Reasons H" h ,oo!"n ,apa,"t$ <etter te,hno!o $ % respondent )ho ear!"er had ?e!1"nator rep!a,ed "t #$ <PL and another one rep!a,ed "t #$ <os,h* <PL )as ,ons"dered d-e to s-per"or te,hno!o $ and <os,h d-e to h" h ,apa,"t$* ?e!1"nator )as so!d at a!(ost the sa(e pr",e at )hat "t )as #o- ht ens-r"n that the resa!e 1a!-e of ?e!1"nator "s h" h "n the (ar6et*

Rep!a,e(ent of Or"ent )"th ?e!1"natorE% respondentF @one "n the ear!$ 00;s <est #rand "n the (ar6et at that t"(e and (-,h ,ho",es )ere not a1a"!a#!e* <etter te,hno!o $* Rep!a,e(ent of 8est"n ho-se )"th Godre> and ?e!1"natorEI respondent for Godre> and one for ?e!1"natorF Reason 5 Spare parts )ere not a1a"!a#!e* On!$ #rands "n the (ar6et at that t"(e Godre> )as preferred #$ one respondent o1er ?e!1"nator #e,a-se "t had a !ar er ,apa,"t$* Rep!a,e(ent of Godre> Frost Free )"th <PL Frost FreeEI respondentF Reason For the sa(e ,apa,"t$/ <PL pro1"ded reater ,apa,"t$* It ,o-!d #e "n ad>-st(ent of she!1es and reater 1e eta#!e stor"n spa,e and ,on1en"en,e "n (-!t"p!e doors* Rep!a,e(ent of A!!)$n E. respondentsF Reason It (ade no"se* Rep!a,e(ent of 2at"ona! )"th Tosh"#aE% respondentF Reason Tosh"#a )as de!"1er"n the Frost Free te,hno!o $*





Th-s/ Godre> and ?e!1"nator ha1e #een (a>or p!a$ers "n the rep!a,e(ent (ar6et* ?e!1"nator has a!)a$s #een preferred as the f"rst #-$ "n the %3+!t* Capa,"t$* In the !ast %0 $rs* 2one of the refr" erators )ere rep!a,ed )"th ?e!1"nator and "n the !ast +$rs* 2one of the respondents had #o- ht a ?e!1"nator a!so/ tho- h so(e of the respondents had #o- ht Godre>* Reasons on the )ho!e for rep!a,e(ent5 %* <etter te,hno!o $ Frost Free& It has reater ,oo!"n ,on1en"en,e "n ,!ean"n and (a"nta"n"n the refr" erator* po)er and there "s (ore


Lar er ,apa,"t$ )"tho-t ha1"n to sto,6 another refr" erator at ho(e&Ve eta#!e and stora e spa,e* .* O!d "nternat"ona! #rands )ere rep!a,ed as spare parts )ere not a1a"!a#!e* 4* Pro(ot"on s,he(es attra,ted #-$ers for rep!a,e(ent spe,"f",a!!$ Godre>;s s,he(es* +* 9-!t"p!e doors Con1en"en,e& open on!$ that door )h",h "s reD-"red* Th"s s$ste( "s 1er$ -sef-! "f there "s no e!e,tr","t$* There "s a 1"e) that the spa,e pro1"ded #$ ' door "s the sa(e as the . door one5 there "s no spe,"f", d"fferen,e* For the Frost Free/ (an$ of the respondents )ere of the 1"e) that the "te(s ,an o sta!e "f the e!e,tr","t$ oes off* S"n,e there "s no ",e that ,an (e!t and 6eep the th"n s ,oo!/ "t >-st ser1es as a ,-p#oard* Th"s )as the enera! per,ept"on #-t those )ho had the te,hno!o $ )ere 1"rt-a!!$ sat"sf"ed )"th the prod-,t/ te,hno!o $*

$#"3 $R!=<" &= 3 # M!RC#3 !CC'R<&=G 3' 3 # C'="UM#R.

't)ers %ideocon Cel5inator GodreB 4)irlpol $P, 2 12 22 32 /2

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents* Reasons5 $P,9 Frost Free te,hno!o $* S!ee6 Loo6s* Great ran e "n ,o!o-rs and s"4es* <rand ass-ran,e* 9ore spa,e a1a"!a#!e "n the sa(e ,apa,"t$* Va!-e added refr" erator*



Internat"ona! #rand& S-per"or te,hno!o $* Good ,o!o-rs* P!a,e(ent of ,o(pressor "s at s-,h a pos"t"on that "t has reater ,oo!"n po)er* <rand na(e* PCF asso,"ated )"th te,hno!o $* St-rd$* Po)erf-! ,o(pressor* H" h te,hno!o $ fro( GE* Lon !ast"n * Coo!est one* E="sted for so !on "n the (ar6et* 2o"se!ess* <rea6do)n "s !ess* The na(e* S!ee6 !oo6s*




The others "n,!-des E!e,tro!-=/ 8est"n ho-se/ Tosh"#a and LG* Ea,h )as (ent"oned #$ .% of the respondents* #lectroluA9 Had -sed "t a#road* Greater spa,e and h" h ,oo!"n ,apa,"t$*

4esting)ouse9 Lon !ast"n * 3os)iba9 ,G9 Te,hno!o $* P2 s$ste(*

+% of the respondents )ere of the 1"e) that "f E!e,tro!-= ,o(es "nto the (ar6et no)/ "t sha!! #e a fa"!-re* The$ had e=per"en,ed -s"n the refr" erator "n the ear!$ 30;s and 70;s )hen E!e,tro!-= -sed to r-n on 6erosene* Later )hen the s$ste( )as e!e,tr"f"ed/ the (a,h"ne d"d ,ons-(e !ess e!e,tr","t$ and d"d not (a6e an$ no"se #-t the eff","en,$ "n ,oo!"n )as ,ons"dera#!$ !o)* The per,ept"on st"!! sta$s* A fe) of the respondents )ho had -sed the refr" erator a#road )ere sat"sf"ed )"th the prod-,t #-t a(on st the "nternat"ona! #rands/ Hoo1er and 8h"r!poo! )o-!d #e preferred an$ da$*


$R!=< P#R"'=&:&C!3&'= <rand person"f",at"on )as done for those #rands that )ere (ent"oned as the #est #rands "n the (ar6et #$ the respondents* The responses )ere tota!!$ -na"ded* The D-est"on )as #as",a!!$ as6ed to et a p",t-re of ho) the respondents 1"e) a ,erta"n #rand* Refrigerators 4)irlpool !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Att"t-de 9ode of transport <rand Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Persona!"t$

9a!e .+M Pr"1ate se,tor e(p!o$ee .+&40 For(a!s/ )e!! dressed 9odern Fo-r )hee!erE ,arF <98/ Ford/ C"e!o/ Astra P!a$"n Go!f/ <r"d e/ Snoo6er/ SD-ash A ress"1e persona!"t$ Ton$ <!a"r/ Na,6"e Shroff

8h"r!poo! )as 1"s-a!"4ed as a (a!e on the )ho!e* There )ere fo-r respondents of )h",h ' )ere (a!es and ' fe(a!es*


$P, !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e %+&'+ St-dent or fash"on des" ner %/ %0&'0 A1era e!$ dressed #-t fash"on or"ented 9odern Fo-r )hee!er Estee( or Ope! S"t )"th the fa("!$ and ,hat/ S)"(("n / E1en"n )a!6s* Raa esh)ar"/ N-h" Cha)!a/ Sr"de1"/ @eept" <hatna ar/ R"t- <er" 9a!e '0&.0 <-s"ness or Ser1",e "nd-str$ %+&'0 ent!e(an!$ dressed& For(a!s as )e!! as ,as-a!s 9odern Fo-r 8hee!er Estee(/ Ope! @an,e/ Eat o-t/ Tenn"s/ Read f",t"on Teena er %+&'+ St-dent +00&700Epo,6et (one$F S,hoo! dress

Att"t-de 9ode of transport <rand Le"s-re a,t"1"t$

9odern T)o )hee!er <",$,!e P!a$"n pran6s


A("ta#h <a,h,han/ Na,6"e Chan/ <"6ra( Sa!->a/ Roh"t <a!

9a,a-!e$ C-!6"n

Here (a>or"t$ of the respondents 1"s-a!"4ed <PL as a (a!e* Th"s "s "n ,ontrast to the responses "n the p"!ot st-d$ )here (a>or"t$ of the respondents 1"s-a!"4ed <PL as a fe(a!e* The (a!es/ "n the a e ro-p of '0&.0 / "n (a>or"t$ 1"s-a!"4ed <PL as a fe(a!e* One respondent& a fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p 40&+0 1"s-a!"4ed <PL as a teena er*


Cel5inator !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e .0&40EYo-n ener et",F 3+E o!d e=per"en,edF Ho-se)"fe 9a!e 40&+0 <-s"ness e=e,-t"1e/ en "neer/ e=* Ar($ personne! %0M

Cr"sp star,h$ ,!othes& s-"ts and Gent!e (an !oo6s #-t one respondent sarees presented a ,ontrast"n p",t-re a!so5 a sha##"!$ dressed person Att"t-de 9odern 2e"ther (odern nor ,onser1at"1e 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er T)o/ fo-r )hee!er <rand C"e!o/ %%02E L9L Vespa/ 9ar-t"000* Jen/ G$ps$ Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ s)"(("n / )at,h"n TV P!a$"n o!f and read"n ne)spapers Persona!"t$ @e(" 9oore/ Asha Pare6h Fat short person/ !a!a t$pes/ Ra> Attr"#-tes5Has !ot of pat"en,e/ "s <a##ar/ S-n"! @-tt/ A("ta#h se!f ,ons,"o-s and a)are of <a,h,han )hat "s o"n on 9a="(-( of the respondents 1"s-a!"4ed ?e!1"nator as a (a!e* GodreB !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e '0&'+ Food #-s"ness/ (ode!!"n %0&%+ 9a!e '+&.0 <-s"ness (an/ Pr"1ate se,tor e(p!o$ee '0M

Saree )"th Ind"an >e)e!!er$ and For(a! ,!othes that are #randed #as",a!!$ ,o(forta#!e ,!othes* A!!en So!!$/ Jod"a, Att"t-de 9odern 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er Fo-r )hee!er <rand Ope!/ %%02E/ Jen 9er,edes/ Astra/ Contessa Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Gon o-t and en>o$"n )"th Into read"n ne)spapers and (ana "n #-s"ness fr"ends/ eat"n >o"nts and Go"n o-t for a ho!"da$ to p!a,es !"6e 9onte d"s,otheD-es Car!o Persona!"t$ Ran" Ne$ra>/ 9ehr Ness"a/ ?"ran Sat"sh Shah/ Harshad 9ehta/ 9",hae! Gor#a,he1 ?her/ 2a!"n" S"n h Attr"#-tes5 Conf"dent ED-a! n-(#er of respondents 1"s-a!"4ed Godre> #oth as a (a!e and a fe(a!e* The respondents )ere fe(a!es "n (a>or"t$ "n the a e ro-p 40&+0* One respondent& Fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p '0&.0/ 1"s-a!"4ed Godre> as a st-dent )ear"n 6n",6ers and T&sh"rts and "nterested "n p!a$"n Carro( #oard after s,hoo!*


#lectroluA !ttributes Se= Fe(a!e A eE$rs*F '0&.0 O,,-pat"on Se,retar$ "n a 92C off",e In,o(e per (onth %+&'0 Rs;000 C!othes <-s"ness o-tf"ts/ Short s6"rts and tops Att"t-de 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er/ ,ha-ffe-r dr"1en <rand C"e!o Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ F!"rt"n )"th #oss Persona!"t$ C"nd$ Cra)ford On!$ one respondent )ho )as "n ,onta,t )"th the #rand E!e,tro!-= s"n,e he had -sed "t/ (ent"oned "t as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* He )as a (a!e "n the a e ro-p of 40&+0$rs* 3os)iba !ttributes Se= Fe(a!e A eE$rs*F %0&'% O,,-pat"on St-dent In,o(e per (onth %/+00Epo,6et (one$F Rs;000 C!othes Cas-a!s& >eans/ s6"rts et,* Att"t-de 9odern 9ode of transport T)o )hee!er <rand ?"net", Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ En>o$ )"th fr"ends and !o1es o"n for part"es and !"sten"n to (-s",* Persona!"t$ Pr"an6a Gandh" On!$ one respondent (ent"oned Tosh"#a as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* It )as a fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p of 40&+0$rs*


%ideocon !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e '0&.0 <-s"ness E=e,-t"1e 0&%+ 9a!e .0 Go1ern(ent f"r( 0&%0 #-t has (an$ per6s and fa,"!"t"es

T$p",a! Ind"an )o(an& S-"t"n the o,,as"on& #oth for(a!s and ,as-a!s S-"ts/sarees and ,as-a!s too Att"t-de 9odern 9odern 9ode of Transport Fo-r )hee!er Fo-r )hee!er <rand 9ar-t"000/ Jen Estate 9ar-t"000 Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ P!a$"n Tenn"s/ FreD-ent"n @e1oted to the ho-se and spends t"(e )"th the d"s,otheD-es and -s-a!!$ fa("!$ )"th fr"ends Persona!"t$ 9an"sha ?o"ra!a/ Ra(#ha/ A("ta#h <a,h,han 2"66" <ed" V"deo,on on the )ho!e )as 1"s-a!"4ed as a fe(a!e and (a>or"t$ of the respondents )ho 1"s-a!"4ed "t so/ )ere fe(a!es of the a e ro-p +0&30$rs* $osc) !ttributes Se= Fe(a!e A eE$rs*F .0 O,,-pat"on Ho-se6eeper In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes <!a,6 dress )"th a )h"te apron Att"t-de Conser1at"1e 9ode of transport <rand Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ 8at,h"n TV Persona!"t$ 9other On!$ one respondent (ent"oned <os,h as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et That )as #e,a-se the respondent )as st"!! -s"n the refr" erator for the past .0 $ears and there had #een no ,o(p!a"nts* The ,oo!"n )as so ood that she d"d not e1en fee! the need to rep!a,e "t* She asso,"ated the prod-,t to her (other #e,a-se& %* She has s-r1"1ed "n the to- hest of ,ond"t"ons* '* So deter("ned and !on !ast"n * .* And after so (an$ $ears of )or6/ she "s st"!! "n a ,ond"t"on to o on*


P)ilips !ttributes Se= Fe(a!e A eE$rs*F '0 O,,-pat"on St-dent/ hard )or6"n In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes S"(p!e/ e!e ant ,!othes Att"t-de 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er <rand C"e!o Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Read"n no1e!s Persona!"t$ Sho#ha @e On!$ one respondent/ fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p .0&40/ (ent"oned Ph"!"ps as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* It had #een p-r,hased fro( a#road and )as of the Frost Free te,hno!o $* !ll87n !ttributes Se= 9a!e A eE$rs*F '0 O,,-pat"on Profess"ona! In,o(e per (onth '+M Rs;000 C!othes <randed ,!othes/ Jod"a, sh"rts Att"t-de 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r 8hee!er <rand 9ar-t" Estee( Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Read"n ne)spaper/ 9a a4"nes Persona!"t$ Co-!d not re!ate to an$ On!$ one respondent (ent"oned A!!)$n as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et*


The ,-e )h"!e person"f$"n a ,erta"n #rand 9a>or"t$ of the respondents )hen as6ed to re!ate the #rand to a !"1"n persona!"t$/ d"d so #$ re!at"n "t to peop!e )ho )ere ,!ose to the(& fr"ends and da- hters (ost!$* The person person"f"ed )as des,r"#ed as an "dea! / s-,,essf-! person "n h"s o)n )or6 and f"e!d* 8h"!e person"f$"n / the f-n,t"ona! and the -t"!"t$ aspe,t of the prod-,t )as ta6en "nto ,ons"derat"on5 F-n,t"ona! aspe,t& Eff","en,$ )"th )h",h the (a,h"ne )or6s& "t sho-!d #e st-rd$ and !on !ast"n * Loo6s of the prod-,t& s!ee6* Sho-!d ,o(e "n -se )hene1er needed* Sho-!d ser1e as a stat-s s$(#o!* Sho-!d appea! to the )ho!e fa("!$* Ct"!"t$ aspe,t& Con1en"en,e "s the (a"n ,r"ter"a* The prod-,t sho-!d #e eas$ to operate and (a"nta"n* Sho-!d #e a#!e to perfor( a 1ar"et$ of >o#s "*e* 1a!-e added prod-,t* T"(e ,ons-(pt"on sho-!d #e no("na!* 8hen the prod-,t "s a part of the fa("!$/ the respondents 1"s-a!"4e the person"f"ed and a!"1e person s"tt"n and ,hatt"n )"th the fa("!$ at ho(e* T)o of the respondents/ )hen as6ed a#o-t the a e of the persona!"t$ 1"s-a!"4ed/ D-oted the a(o-nt of t"(e for )h",h the (a,h"ne )o-!d )or6 "n a perfe,t ,ond"t"on* The #rand as6ed to 1"s-a!"4e )as <os,h and the a e D-oted )as %0&%+$rs*

3)e Pla7ers

Vo!tas too6 o1er A!!)$n;s !"a#"!"t"es #$ "n1est"n .0&.+ ,r* And e(#ar6ed on sa!es and ,o(e #a,6 "n"t"at"1e* 8"th the ta6e o1er of A!!)$n/ Vo!tas has A,D-"red ann-a! prod-,t"on ,apa,"t$ of appro=* .00/000 refr" eratorsE!ar er prod-,t"on ,apa,"t$F Reasona#!e a(o-nt of #rand eD-"t$ that A!!)$n had ,reated for "tse!f* <een s-,,essf-! "n ,-tt"n ,osts as #oth the -n"ts )"!! ha1e ,o((on (ar6et"n and d"str"#-t"on net)or6* S-,,eeded "n penetrat"n the So-th )here A!!)$n "s a 1er$ stron #rand* Vo!tas "s a!read$ stron "n 8est* Vo!tas refr" erator "s per,e"1ed as dependa#!e )"th s-per"or perfor(an,e ,hara,ter"st",s* "trategy! It p!ans to "n,rease the ran e* P!ans to e=pand ,apa,"t$ thro- h A!!)$n a,D-"s"t"on* P!ans to ,ont"n-e d-a! #rand"n * #roduct Mi$! Vo!tas T-r#o Ch"!! "s "n %3+!t* and .'0!t* do-#!e door* Pr",e "s Rs*7000 and Rs*%%/000 respe,t"1e!$* Co!o-rs are <!a,6/ <!-e/ Red/ Gre$/ Green* Vo!tas Contra T-r#o Ch"!! "s a1a"!a#!e "n %3+!t*/ '00!t*/ and '+0!t*



E,ono(", T-r#o Ch"!! Refr" erator ,on1erted to soft !oo6 (ode!s/ ro-nd ed es/ #-"!t "n hand!es and s-per"or aesthet",s* Its ,o(pressor ,an )"thstand f!-,t-at"on -pto %40&'00V* Refr" erator "s %00% PCF !"ned* <otto( of the refr" erator has 1ent"!at"on for ,o(pressor* Vo!tas had %.% (ar6et share #efore the ta6e o1er and no) "t #oasts for a ,o(#"ned (ar6et share of '0%* !,,4D= It )as the ,o-ntr$;s f"rst PCF "ns-!ated fr"d e and had "ntrod-,ed the f"rst do-#!e door (ode!* Pr"or"t$ "s to #r"n #a,6 !o$a!t$ of ,-sto(ers and #a!an,e the prod-,t"on !"ne and th-s (od"f$ the prod-,t des" ns* Prod-,t d"fferent"at"on "s the (a"n fo,-s* The$ )ant to offer #etter Va!-e&For&9one$ to the f"rst t"(e #-$er* The s-##rand @-ro,oo! a,,ent-ates A!!)$n;s pro("se of d-ra#"!"t$* #roduct Mi$! A!!)$n @-ro,oo! "s "n the ran e of %00!t*/ %A0!t*/ and .00!t* Re,ent!$/ the$ ha1e !a-n,hed %3+!t* e,ono($ and the .&door .30!t* Frost Free* The ,o!o-rs are s6$ #!-e/ dar6 #!-e/,herr$ red/ reen/ re$ and )h"te*E(phas"s "s !a"d on the soft !oo6* %"#! Rad"a! a"r f!o) s$ste( to ens-re eff","ent ,"r,-!at"on of a"r Per(anent odon"ser to pre1ent (eta!!", s(e!! ("n !"n )"th food* Other Cn"D-e Feat-res5 A-to ,-t off s$ste( to pre1ent ,oo! a"r fro( es,ap"n * Spe,"a! (e,han"s( re -!at"n h-("d"t$ !e1e!s* Has Napan;s !atest H"ta,h" (ode!E,o(pressorF th-s #r"n s "n "nternat"ona! (ode! "n the ,o-ntr$* Pos"t"oned @-ro,oo! as the refr" erator that re) o!d )"th the fa("!$* A!!)$n has '. sa!es off",es to ,o1er the '+00 dea!er net)or6 at present* Present ,apa,"t$ of the p!ant "s '*.+ !a6h fr"d es/ ,an o -p to + !a6hs "n %AA0* E=pe,t to se!! a#o-t %0/000 -n"ts of "ts .30!t* fr"d e "n :A7&;A0* P!an to !a-n,h '00!t* do-#!e door and 4+0!t* (ode!s* "trategy! 9a6e !"("ted -se of press* Cse TV (ed"-( "nstead* 9a6e e=tens"1e -se of re "ona! papers* Cse press ad1ert"s"n on!$ after #rand and prod-,t ha1e #een esta#!"shed* E(#ar6 on ,ons-(er needs* Lon !"fe and d-ra#"!"t$ has (o1ed do)n the !"st of pr"or"t"es* Va!-e added feat-res are "(portant* A ress"1e penetrat"on "n 8est and 2orth and ,onso!"date "n stron (ar6ets "n So-th and East Ind"a* G'<R#E-G#


To )"thstand (-!t"nat"ona!s/ Godre> )h",h a!read$ had 4%% share of the (ar6et/ t"ed -p )"th Genera! E!e,tr",EGEF of CSA& one of the !ead"n p!a$ers "n the )or!d "n the )h"te oods se (ent* ED-"t$ sta6e 30540 "n fa1o-r of Godre>* Godre> #r"n s "n esta#!"shed na(e and GE #r"n s "n !atest te,hno!o $ to -p rade "ts prod-,ts* La-n,h GE refr" erators "n the pre("-( se (ent and reta"n Godre> #rand na(e "n Va!-e For 9one$ se (ent* The ,o(pan$ has a tota! ,apa,"t$ of %*. ("!!"on -n"ts* In %AA+&A3/ "t so!d o1er 040/000 refr" erators* #roduct Mi$! 9ode!s a1a"!a#!e are Godre> Soft Loo6 "n %3+!t*E'&doorF/ '40!t*Et)o doorF ,apa,"t$I Godre> Co!d Go!d "n %3+!t*/ '.0!t*/ .00!t*/ .A0!t* and %00!t* ,apa,"t$I Godre> (ar#!e f"n"shEFrost FreeF "n '40!t*E'&doorF ,apa,"t$* &ey 'ifferentiators! 8"dest ran e/ )or!d ,!ass D-a!"t$/ ,o(pet"t"1e pr","n / Soft !oo6 st$!"n * "trategy! Con,entrate on After Sa!es Ser1",e Eeas$ a,,ess to te,hn","ans and spare partsF* Cp radat"on of fa,tor"es and prod-,ts* 9ass ad1ert"s"n thro- h pr"nt and e!e,tron", (ed"a* 4 &R,P'', CS #ased 8h"te Goods (a6er/ 8h"r!poo! ho!ds a +3*.% "n 8h"r!poo! of Ind"aE8OIF* It had de,!ared !osses of 4A*0',r after n"nth per"od on @e, %%/;A3* Th"s )as the f"rst ,onso!"dated res-!t of the refr" erator ,o(pan$ after the (er er of )ho!!$ o)ned (ar6et"n s-#s"d"ar$/E=po 9a,h"ner$ Ltd* and 8ash"n (a,h"ne s-#s"d"ar$ 8h"r!poo! 8ash"n (a,h"ne Ltd* "nto "t* 8h"r!poo! has ?e!1"nator of Ind"a;s (an-fa,t-r"n fa,"!"t$ and e=,e!!ent d"str"#-t"on net)or6* Its (a"n a"( )as to -se the ?e!1"nator #rand na(e/ )h",h )as f"r(!$ entren,hed "n the ,ons-(ers ("nd/ #efore "t )ent #a,6 to E!e,tro!-=* Th-s/ "t p!anned to (a6e a p!a,e "n the ,ons-(ers ("nd* 8h"r!poo! )"!! #e fo,-ss"n on fo-r prod-,ts5 8ash"n 9a,h"nes/ Refr" erators/ A"r Cond"t"oners and 9",ro)a1e O1ens* It "s the !ar est fore" n "n1estor "n Ind"an 8h"te Goods Se,tor* %"#!

The refr" erator "n,orporates t"(e tested Hat Tr",6 ,o(pressor "1"n e=tra d-ra#"!"t$ 2e) pro,ess of )"e!d"n "n ,o(pressor has red-,ed the n-(#er of >o"nts and th-s the pro#a#"!"t$ of as !ea6s* 8h"r!poo! -arantees perfor(an,e and pro("ses re!"a#"!"t$* It has started to (an-fa,t-re CFC free/ Frost Free refr" erators near P-ne* It has set -p %*+ ("!!"on -n"t* #roduct Mi$! Has de,"ded to !a-n,h on!$ %G' door -n"ts* It re,ent!$ !a-n,hed "ts CFC free/ 2o Frost .%0!t* refr" erator*


Its #rand :(asterp"e,e; ,ost"n Rs*7+00 tho-sand se!!s the (ost* "trategy! 8ant to et onto the rep!a,e(ent (ar6et )"th a e=,han e offer* It has appro="(ate!$ a stron dea!er net)or6 of 4000* It has p!anned to stradd!e o-t %*+&' ("!!"on refr" erators #$ '000* #,#C3R',UF O)nersh"p of ?e!1"nator #rand re1erted #a,6 to A< E!e,tro!-=/ the O%4 #"!!"on S)ed"sh ,o(pan$ at the #e "nn"n of %AA7* It has p!anned a d-a! #rand"n strate $ for ?e!1"nator and E!e,tro!-=* Cel5inator@s ,-rrent share "s est"(ated to #e no (ore than '0%* It "s #e"n pos"t"oned "n "ts trad"t"ona! s!ots as d-ra#!e/ ood 1a!-e for (one$ prod-,t* In 6eep"n )"th the ,os(et", ,han e/ the na(e #ad e )"!! #e s(arter* Se1en (ode!s of ?e!1"nator )ere !a-n,hed "n Nan-ar$* . "n %3+!t*/ ' "n %0+!t* and '%0!t* ,ate or$* Pr",es ran e #et)een 7/+00 and %0/000 depend"n on ,apa,"t$ and feat-res* The$ are f"tted )"th po)erf-! ,o(pressors& ?e!1"nator;s trad"t"ona! stren th* Later/ #" er refr" erators sha!! #e "ntrod-,ed -pto 400!ts* -nder the #rand na(e* A Frost Free ran e sha!! a!so #e "ntrod-,ed* <a#$ fr"d e of 3+ !t*,apa,"t$ "s the s(a!!est a1a"!a#!e "n the (ar6et* A ne) ,on,ept "s ta6"n on* ?e!1"nator "s pos"t"oned at the !o)er end of the (ar6et&the (ass (ar6et and tar eted at those )ho are #-$"n the refr" erator for the f"rst t"(e* The ,o((-n",at"on stresses on "t #e"n the !o,a! prod-,t* E1er$ ?e!1"nator (ode! "s a1a"!a#!e "n three pr",e #ands& !o)/ (ed"-( and h" h/ th-s ,ater"n to Va!-e For 9one$ se (ent Lo) ran e ,osts as !"tt!e as Rs*7/+00 for ,on1ent"ona! %3+!t* fr"d e and h" h end -n"t )"!! not e=,eed Rs* 0/+00 for the sa(e (ode!* Co(pressor for ?e!1"nator sha!! #e "(ported and the fr"d e )"!! #e a1a"!a#!e at (an$ (ore o-t!ets* The "dea "s ,o(p!ete penetrat"on* There are %7 ser1",e ,entres to attend to ,a!!s and a net)or6 of '/+00 dea!ers sprad"n o1er %0 ,"t"es a,ross Ind"a*


#lectroluA refr" erators/ "n the '*4 ("!!"on -n"t do(est", (ar6et/ sha!! #e (an-fa,t-red and d"str"#-ted #$ 9ahara>a Internat"ona! Ltd* "trategy! It )"!! #e an "nsp"rat"ona! prod-,t at the pre("-( se (ent of the (ar6et It )"!! tar et the rep!a,e(ent #-$ers and the f"rst t"(e se,ond enerat"on #-$er* Its p"t,h )"!! #e !o#a! D-a!"t$* It )"!! ,han e (ore on the sa(e ,apa,"t$ fr"d es #e,a-se "t has to (a"nta"n "ts !o#a! standards* %"#! 9a=" "ns-!at"on "n the door and ,a#"net <enef"t "s faster ,oo!"n and/ therefore !ess )or6 has to #e done #$ the ,o(pressor* 9a=" fr"d es ,ons-(e 40% !ess e!e,tr","t$* Th",6er "ns-!at"on "s ,r"t",a! "n a ,o-ntr$ p!a -ed #$ food spo"!"n po)er ,-ts* #roduct Mi$5 A1a"!a#!e "n three s"4es& %3+!t*/ %0+!t* and '%0!ts* The$ sport ta s of a#o-t Rs*0/000/ Rs*A'00/ Rs*A/+00 respe,t"1e!$* It a!so offers a re -!ar fr"d e/ %3+!t* S-per @e!-= (ode! for a#o-t Rs*0/400 "n fo-r ,o!ors* Food she!1es ,an #e ad>-sted "n 0 d"fferent arran e(ents* It has a!so "(ported 400!t* fr"d e ,ost"n Rs*40/000* %3+!t* se!!s the (ost #-t -p radat"on "s seen to h" her ,apa,"t$ !e1e!s* E!e,tro!-= )"!! #e so!d on!$ thro- h e=,!-s"1e o-t!ets "n (a>or ,"t"es* It p!ans to ta6e "ts !o,a! ,apa,"t$ -p to a#o-t % ("!!"on* <!#4'' @ae)oo An,hor E!e,tron",s "s a 735'4 >o"nt 1ent-re #et)een @ae)oo E!e,tron",s Co*/ ?orea and An,hor E!e,tron",s and E!e,tr",a!s* A (an-fa,t-r"n fa,"!"t$ "s #e"n set -p "n Greater 2o"da ha1"n prod-,t"on ,apa,"t$ of '00/000 CTV;s and the other at P-ne to (an-fa,t-re %00*000 )ash"n (a,h"nes and %00/000 refr" erators* <$ ;A0/ the ,o(pan$ p!ans to do-#!e the -n"ts* At present/ the d"str"#-t"on net)or6 "s restr",ted on!$ to the )estern part of the ,o-ntr$* (b)ective! <-"!d #rand a)areness f"rst/ 1o!-(es ,an )a"t* On,e fa,tor"es start )or6"n / !a-n,h prod-,t at the !o)er end of the (ar6et* P!ans to ,apt-re %0% of the (ar6et for ,ons-(er d-ra#!es* The tota! pro>e,t ,ost has #een est"(ated at Rs*'00 ,rores* @ae)oo An,hor E!e,tron",s "s ,-rrent!$ )or6"n )"th "ts 1endors to (a"nta"n D-a!"t$ !e1e!s* A!(ost +0% of the prod-,t"on sha!! #e e=ported* @ae)oo #e!"e1es "n stren then"n the ,ore #enef"ts de!"1ered #$ "ts prod-,ts* At present/ .30!t* ,apa,"t$ fr"d e "s #e"n so!d the (ost "n the (ar6et* %"# "s the s-rro-nd ,oo!"n s$ste(* Ea,h ,o(part(ent ets ,oo! a"r d"fferent!$*


%&<#'C'= To ,onso!"date "ts pos"t"on "n the (ar6et/ the ,o(pan$ entered "nto a >o"nt 1ent-re )"th Napanese ,ons-(er e!e,tron",s (a>or 9ats-sh"ta/ o)ner of 2at"ona! and Panason", #rands* The ,o(pan$ )"!! #e a !a-n,h 1eh",!e for 9ats-sh"ta "n Ind"a and the prod-,ts& Refr" erators/ 8ash"n 9a,h"nes and A"r Cond"t"oners )"!! #e (ar6eted -nder the 2at"ona! #rand* The sta6e "s 30540 "n fa1o-r of 9ats-sh"ta* V"deo,on App!"an,es )"!! se!! "ts prod-,ts at the !o)er end of the (ar6et* The >o"nt 1ent-re )"!! a"( at the -pper end* #roduct Mi$! %* Co(p-ter ,ontro!!ed/ s"= door/ 4+0!t*EF30F refr" erator* It has s"= spe,"a!!$ des" ned ,ha(#ers )h",h ens-res d"fferent t$pes of food that need d"fferent te(perat-res to re(a"n fresh* F-!! front ,ontro!* '* ' door& +00!t*E<+0F/ 3 door& 4+0!t* (ode! and +00!t* (ode! are a!so "n the (ar6et* It p!ans to do-#!e "ts ,apa,"t$ to %00/000 -n"ts* Lar est se!!"n -n"t "s A&%3 Net(at", Refr" erator& %3+ !ts* M'<& ''%#R It "s a >o"nt 1ent-re #et)een O.*4 ("!!"on Hoo1erEa s-#s"d"ar$ of 9a$ta Corporat"on of CSF and the S? 9od" ro-p* It !a-n,hed 1a,--( ,!eaners #-t s"n,e the$ are )a$ do)n on the pr"or"t$ !"st of ho-seho!d "te(s/ the eD-"t$ ,o-!d not #e #-"!t* #roduct Mi$! 40%!t* (ode! &pr",e Rs*+'/000 4'0!t* (ode! &pr",e Rs*7+/000 Frost Free 334!t* (onster &pr",e Rs*%/'+/000 It "s the f"rst p!a$er offer"n s-,h h- e ,apa,"t"es* Lar er (ode! "s se!!"n a#o-t a tho-sand -n"ts per (onth* Marketing "trategy! Re1o!1es aro-nd the dea!er* There "s se!e,t"1e dea!er net)or6 of .0 o-t!ets and ad1ert"s"n "s !"("ted to pr"nt* $P, <PL refr" erat"n s$ste( "s des" ned to !ast* It e=pe,ts to !a-n,h a h" h ,apa,"t$ refr" erator ,o(pet"t"1e!$ pr",ed a a"nst "(ported #rands* #roduct Mi$! It does not ha1e a %3+!t* (ode!* It has Ind"a;s )"dest ran e of Frost Free* There are (a"n!$ + (ode!s fro( 4 door &.+0!t* !e end to ' door &%0+!t* Perfe,t 9at,h* *haracteristics of #roduct! To- h a,r$!", she!1es/ R-st proof/ Po!$ester pre,oated (eta! #od$/ F-!!$ trop",a!"sed ,o(pressor* Target audience5 @o-#!e "n,o(e ho-seho!d* H" h "n,o(e se (ent )h",h oes for te,hno!o ",a!!$ s-per"or prod-,t and "nternat"ona! feat-res* "!M"U=G


Sa(s-n Ind"a E!e,tron",s !"("ted/ the +%54A >o"nt 1ent-re #et)een ?orea #ased Sa(s-n e!e,tron",s and Ah(eda#ad #ased Reasona#!e Co(p-ter So!","tors P1t* Ltd* has #roadened to "n,!-de Refr" erators after CTV;s* #roduct Mi$! At present/ the fr"d es are #e"n "(ported* There are 0 refr" erators at present/ t)o of )h",h are CFC Free* Capa,"t"es ran e fro( .'0 to 3%3!ts* and pr",es fro( 'A/000 to 34/000* 'istinct eatures! Can )"thstand 1o!ta e f!-,t-at"on of %30&'30V S-per B&f!o) that -ses separate 1ents to pro1"de a"r to ea,h ,o(part(ent and $et (a"nta"ns the te(perat-re of the fr"d e at a ,onstant '*+ de ree Ce!s"-s* Coo! Te,hno!o $ a!!o)s ,oo! a"r to r-sh o-t )hen the fr"d e "s opened )h",h pre1ents the )ar( a"r to ,o(e "n* 9ore ener $ eff","ent* Car#on deodor"ser present a#sor#s the -np!easant odo-rs* 9an-fa,t-r"n fa,tor$ "s #e"n set at 2o"da* Capa,"t$ + !a6h -n"ts* 8"!! #e se!!"n nat"ona!!$ thro- h a#o-t A00 dea!ers* The net)or6 of ser1",e ,entres ,o1ers the 2orth/ 8est and So-th re "ons* 9ar6et"n strate $ re1o!1es aro-nd the dea!ers and "n e1er$ re "on/ the$ f"rst ha1e the ,orporate ,a(pa" n and then the prod-,t re!ated ,a(pa" n* Target +udience! Cpper and -pper ("dd!e ,!ass/ )ho 1a!-e h" h te,hno!o $/ S-per"or prod-,t feat-res/ )ants 1a!-e for (one$ and needs dependa#!e/ eas$ to -se prod-,ts*


,G #,#C3R'=&C" The OA #"!!"on Seo-! #ased Co(pan$ "s "n a +05+0 >o"nt 1ent-re )"th Or"ent Paper Ind-str"es& a part of GP&C? <"r!a ro-p* It p!ans to "n1est Rs*'%30 ,rores "n Ind"a o1er the ne=t . $ears* LG <"r!a;s asse(#!$ !"nes at 2o"da )"!! #e read$ #$ the end of th"s $ear* The p!ant )"!! ha1e the ,apa,"t$ to prod-,e 400/000 fr"d es/ 000/000 CTV;s/ ''0/000 A-d"o s$ste(s/ '00/000 )ash"n (a,h"nes/ %00/000 a"r ,ond"t"oners and .0/000 VCR;s* Fr"d es are "(ported f-!!$ #-"!t fro( ?orea at present* The ,o(pan$ has "ntrod-,ed 0 (ode!s of refr" erators ran "n fro( .00 to 3+0!ts* "trategy! 9ode!s !a-n,hed )"!! ,ater to a!! stratas of the so,"et$ To a,h"e1e a %0% (ar6et share #$ '000A@ thro- h a (ore dea!er and ,-sto(er fr"end!$ approa,h* Prod-,ts )"!! #ear the LG #randna(e "nstead of the prod-,ts )orth CSO %00 ("!!"on "n a %0$r* Per"od )hen (ass prod-,t"on starts pre1"o-s Go!dstar* P!ans to e=port*

4 &3#4#"3&=G 'U"# has t"ed -p )"th @e!h" #ased 4eston #lectronics for d"str"#-t"on of "ts ..0!t* to .70!t* refr" erators pr",ed #et)een Rs* .A00 and Rs* %*'+ !a6hs* It has #een a#!e to se!! on!$ a#o-t '00 -n"ts "n the !ast one $ear*


4!" &=G M!C &=#"

The )ho!e p",t-re of the per,enta e of respondents "1"n the"r f"rst preferen,e to the 1ar"o-s attr"#-tes "s "1en #e!o) "n the p"e ,hart*
Ca/a&"84-*% ,-a#0-17%

P-"&'-4% L))5 -2%



!4!R#=#"" ': 3 # $R!=<" ': 4!" &=G M!C &=#"

't)ers #lectroluA %oltas GodreB &:$ 3%" $P, %ideocon 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

On the B&a="s "s the per,enta e of respondents and on the Y&a="s are the #rands of 8ash"n 9a,h"nes* The responses )ere tota!!$ -na"ded* 70% of the respondents )ere a)are of V"deo,on* It ho!ds the (a="(-( re,a!!* Others "n,!-des Son$/ Ph"!"ps/ Sa(s-n / Hoo1er/ @ae)oo/ On"da and a fe) !o,a! ones* These are .% of ea,h on an a1era e*


9a"d 1ers-s 8ash"n 9a,h"ne 40% of the respondents had a (a"d )ho )or6ed part t"(e to )ash ,!othes* The$ a!so had a 8ash"n 9a,h"ne* ..% of these respondents/ -sed (a,h"ne D-"te often e1en )"th the (a"d aro-nd* 7% of the( preferred ett"n the"r ,!othes )ashed #$ the (a"d* Reason5 @"d not )ant to )aste t"(e )at,h"n o1er the (a,h"ne* 9a,h"ne )as #o- ht (ere!$ for ,on1en"en,e/ "f the (a"d does not t-rn -p* These 7% of the peop!e had Se("&A-to(at", (a,h"nesI on!$ one respondent had a 2at"ona! F-!!$ A-to(at", 9a,h"ne* The ..% of the peop!e )ho -sed the (a,h"ne and a!so had the (a"d re -!ar!$ ,o("n & ot the"r da"!$ ,!othes )ashed #$ the (a"d and on!$ the hea1$ ,!othes !"6e Neans/ L"nen and to)e!s )ere )ashed #$ the (a,h"ne* Rest +7% of the respondents )ashed a!! the"r ,!othes #$ the (a,h"ne* The opt"ons "1en "n the (a,h"ne )ere -sed (-,h to the"r ,on1en"en,e* On!$ the ,!othes that ran ,o!o-rs EHand!oo( ,!othF )ere )ashed #$ hand* Mar*et 3rend The (ar6et "s rad-at"n to)ards the F-!!$ A-to(at", 9a,h"ne* The T"(er and <-44er "s preferred on!$ #$ )or6"n !ad"es )ho ha1e no other he!p at ho(e* That "s #e,a-se/ the$ th"n6 "f the$ are (a6"n an "n1est(ent/ the (a,h"ne sho-!d f"n"sh a!! the ,hores re!ated to the )ash"n of ,!othes* 9a>or"t$ of the( prefer the (a,h"ne )"tho-t the t"(er so that the !"d ,an #e opened a a"n and a a"n at the"r o)n ,on1en"en,e* It "s #as",a!!$ a replacement mar*et* It "s so #e,a-se (a>or"t$ of the respondents had the !o,a! #rands of the 8ash"n 9a,h"nes as the"r f"rst #-$ and the #rands that the$ o)n no)/ are the ones that ha1e #een #o- ht as a rep!a,e(ent to the"r !o,a! #rands* F"rst <-$ 5
&:$ %ideocon $P, ,ocal 3%" oo5er =ational GodreB 2 0 12 10 22

On the B&a="s are the per,enta e of respondents and the Y&a="s has the #rand na(es* '0% of the respondents/ for the"r f"rst #-$/ )ent "n for !o,a! #rands that )ere of the t-# t$pe* The #rands )ere Ra,o!d/ A1"s/ Pear!/ Gre$sha(* The reason for th"s )as that the (a"d )as e,ono(",a! for the nor(a! ,!othes and the ho-se)"fe >-st needed to sp"n the !"nen and the hea1$ ,!othes on,e "n the (a,h"ne and the (a"d )as a1a"!a#!e for r"ns"n * V"deo,on )as ta6en #$ %7% of the respondents and "t )as Se("&A-to(at",* Rest a!! (a,h"nes )ere F-!!$&A-to(at",* These (a,h"nes )ere #o- ht )"th"n the !ast f"1e $ears* Godre> )as #o- ht s"n,e "t )as 1er$ ,on1en"ent re ard"n ,!othes* <oth )oo!!ens and s"!6 ,o-!d #e )ashed* Th"s "s "n ,ontrast to the f"nd"n s "n the p"!ot st-d$* There on!$ 3% of the respondents had #o- ht IF<& F-!!$ A-to(at",*


Rep!a,e(ent 9ar6et5 .% rep!a,ed the !o,a! (ade #rand )"th <PL F-44$ Lo ", 9a,h"ne* 3% rep!a,ed the !o,a! (ade #rand )"th TVS* .% rep!a,ed 2at"ona! )"th 2at"ona! on!$/ the for(er one #e"n Se("&A-to(at",* 7% rep!a,ed V"deo,on )"th V"deo,on on!$/ the for(er one #e"n Se(" A-to(at",* The (a,h"nes #o- ht )ere F-!!$ A-to(at",* In the p"!ot st-d$/ IF</ Intron and Ph"!"ps )ere #o- ht #$ 0% of the respondents on an a1era e* $#"3 $R!=<" &= 3 # M!RC#3 !CC'R<&=G 3' 3 # C'="UM#R

%oltas %ideocon 3%" $P, &:$ 2 12 22 32 /2

On the B&a="s/ are the per,enta es of the respondents and the Y&a="s has the #rands of 8ash"n 9a,h"nes*

Reasons5 &:$9

Internat"ona! te,hno!o $* Sta"n!ess stee! t-#* Hot )ater arran e(ent* Front !oad"n s$ste(/ ,an a,t-a!!$ see the ,!othes ett"n )ashed* The na(e spe!!s D-a!"t$* S-per"or te,hno!o $* F"n"sh of the prod-,t "s 1er$ ood )"th s!ee6 !oo6s*




Top !oad"n s$ste(* Can 6eep on add"n (ore ,!othes and deter ent* A "tate )ash s$ste(/ per,ept"on that the ,!othes sha!! not et har(ed* Sta"n!ess stee! t-#* Hot )ater arran e(ent* '&.% of the respondents )ho #o- ht TVS )ere of the 1"e) that "t "s a #etter prod-,t than <os,h #e,a-se "t "s ,o(parat"1e!$ ,heaper and has (ore feat-res* %ideocon9 Pr",e re!at"1e!$ !o)* Va!-e for (one$ #-t per,ept"on that the D-a!"t$ "s not that ood* For ,on1en"en,e sa6e/ "t ,an #e #o- ht* Capa,"t$ see(s ,ons"dera#!$ !ar er than that of the (a,h"nes of the other #rands* Tr"ed the (a,h"ne/ fo-nd "t ood* 2o #rea6 do)n*


In th"s st-d$/ IF< and <PL to ether !ead #-t "n the p"!ot st-d$/ 8h"r!poo! )as ,ons"dered to #e the #est #rand* %.% of the respondents "n the p"!ot st-d$ had (ent"oned Godre> as the #est #rand "n the (ar6etI "t ha1"n a na(e "n the )or!d/ "t #e"n a )or!d !eaderI "t #e"n "n asso,"at"on )"th GE/ #-t there has #een no (ent"on of Godre> "n th"s st-d$ 1"s&P&1"s )ash"n 9a,h"nes*


$R!=< P#R"'=&:&C!3&'= <rand person"f",at"on )as done for those #rands that )ere (ent"oned as the #est #rands "n the (ar6et #$ the respondents* The responses )ere tota!!$ -na"ded* The D-est"on )as #as",a!!$ as6ed to et a p",t-re of ho) the respondents 1"e) a ,erta"n #rand* $P, !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e '+&.0 8or6"n "n a pr"1ate ,o(pan$ or #-s"ness %+&'0 9a!e .+ 8or6"n "n a #!-e ,h"p ,o(pan$ +0

For(a!s& s-"ts/ sarees and E-ropean ,!othes& For(a! s-"ts ,as-a!s !"6e s6"rts and >eans Att"t-de 9odern 9odern 9ode of transport T)o/ Fo-r )hee!er Fo-r )hee!er <rand ?"net",/ Estee(/ G$ps$ C"e!o/ Jen Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ S)"(("n / )at,h"n TV/ Go!f Sports and tra1e! Persona!"t$ Pr"$a Tend-!6ar/Re6ha/ A("ta#h <a,h,han/ Go a ?apoor Steff" Graf/?"ran ?her Attr"#-tes5 Po"sed/ a)are of )hat "s o"n on/ and 9ana es #oth Ho(e and off",e )e!!* 9a="(-( respondents 1"s-a!"4ed <PL as a fe(a!e* The respondents )ere fe(a!es (a>or"t$ "n the a e ro-p .0&40$rs* T)o respondents 5 Fe(a!es "n the a e ro-p5& .0&40 V"s-a!"4ed "t as a (a!e* Ma)araBa 4)iteline !ttributes Se= 9a!e A eE$rs*F 40&4+ O,,-pat"on #-s"ness(an In,o(e per (onth '+M Rs;000 C!othes @hot" 6-rta/ #an"a t$pes Att"t-de Conser1at"1e 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er <rand 9ar-t" 1an Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Chatt"n )"th peop!e and ,he)"n paan Persona!"t$ Cannot re!ate to an$ one e="st"n #-t s-re!$ "s short and p!-(p On!$ one respondent (ent"oned 9ahara>a as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* The respondent )as a (a!e "n the a e ro-p +0&30*


$osc) !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes

Fe(a!e '0&40 <-s"ness/ fash"on des" ner %0M Fash"on or"ented/ e!e ant

9a!e '+&.+ <-s"ness of !a-ndr$ and dr$&,!ean"n or ,oast -ard +0M

8h"te sh"rt )"th #!a,6 >a,6et and the ,oast -ard "n #r"efs Att"t-de 9odern 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er Fo-r )hee!er <rand %%0 2E C"e!o/ <98/ G$ps$/ S"erra/ 9er,edes Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Read"n no1e!s F!"rt"n )"th "r!s and en>o$s !on dr"1es "n the ,o-ntr$ s"de Persona!"t$ 9ehr <has"n Pata-d"/ Arno!d/ To( Cr-"se/ <o##$ @eo!/ S$!1estor Sta!!one/ <"!! C!"nton 9a>or"t$ of the respondents 1"s-a!"4ed <os,h as a (a!e& "t #e"n a (an!$ na(e* On!$ one respondent& Fe(a!e/ a e ro-p&.+&40$rs* 1"s-a!"4ed <os,h as a fe(a!e* One respondent& Fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p .0&40/ 1"s-a!"4ed <os,h as a dho#" 5 earns Rs*'& . tho-sand per (onth/ )ears 6-rta p$>a(a/ dr"1es a s,ooter and en>o$s read"n f"!( (a a4"nes* 3%" 4)irlpool !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Fe(a!e '0&'+ <-s"ness e=e,-t"1e '0&.0 9a!e '+&.0 <-s"ness e=e,-t"1e .0

For(a! dresses For(a!s& s-"ts and s-"ts Att"t-de 9odern 9odern 9ode of transport Fo-r )hee!er Fo-r )hee!er <rand Ope! F"at Cno/ 9ar-t"000 Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Pa"nt"n / S)"(("n and so,"a!"s"n <o)!"n and p!a$"n tenn"s Persona!"t$ A"sh)ar$a Ra"/ T 2 Seshan/ 9"!"nd So(an Raa esh)ar" ' respondents& Fe(a!es/ a e ro-p&.0&40/ 1"s-a!"4ed 8h"r!poo! as a fe(a!e* One respondent5 Fe(a!e a e ro-p&.0&40 1"s-a!"4ed 8h"r!poo! as a ser1ant at the (er,$ of the (aster* The ser1ant "s s"(p!$ dressed and not "ndependent* 8hen as6ed to re!ate/ she re!ated the "nd"1"d-a! to N-h" Cha)!a as "n the h"nd" (o1"e& Aa"na*


GodreB !ttributes Se= Fe(a!e A eE$rs*F '' O,,-pat"on Profess"ona! In,o(e per %+ (onth Rs;000 C!othes S-"ts Att"t-de 2e"ther (odern nor ,onser1at"1eE #est of #oth )or!dsF 9ode of Fo-r )hee!er transport <rand F"at Le"s-re Chatt"n on the phone a,t"1"t$ Persona!"t$ V">a$a 9ehtaE art f"!( (a6erF On!$ one respondent (ent"oned Godre> 8ash"n 9a,h"ne as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* She had #o- ht "t #e,a-se she has a Godre> refr" erator and "n the !ast %0 $ears "t has not "1en an$ pro#!e(s* %ideocon !ttributes Se= A eE$rs*F O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth Rs;000 C!othes Att"t-de 9ode of transport <rand Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Fe(a!e '+&.+ Fash"on des" ner/ ho-se)"fe '0&.0 For(a!s& s-"ts and sarees Conser1at"1e eno- h to #e a ho-se)"fe #-t st"!! (odern Fo-r )hee!er %%02E/ 9ar-t"000/ Estee( Read"n no1e!s/ P!a$"n #ad("nton and )"th 6"ds and freD-ent"n #ea-t$ par!o-rs 9a!e '+&40 Profess"ona! .0 Three p"e,e s-"ts& For(a!s For(a! att"t-de T)o )hee!er Ya(aha 9otor,$,!e F!"rt"n )"th "r!s/ @"s,otheD-es/ o"n o-t for !-n,hes #-t spend"n t"(e )"th the fa("!$ too* She6har ?ap-r P!a$"n )"th rand ,h"!dren 9a!e 30&70 A ret"red (an pens"on #-t sta$s )"th h"s fa("!$&sons ?-rta p$>a(a Conser1at"1e 2ot "ndependent& does not tra1e! farI prefers to )a!6


La!"ta>"/ S"(" Gare)a!/ Asho6 ?-(ar Radha Seth 9ost of the respondents 1"s-a!"4ed V"deo,on as a (a!e* Fe(a!e respondents "n the a e ro-p .0&40$rs* 1"s-a!"4ed V"deo,on as a fe(a!e& a fe(a!e )ho "s #as",a!!$ an "ndependent ("nded ho-se)"fe* =ational


On!$ one respondent&Fe(a!e "n the a e ro-p +0&30$rs* had (ent"oned 2at"ona! )ash"n (a,h"ne as the #est #rand "n the (ar6et* She ,o-!d not asso,"ate "t to an$ !"1"n ent"t$5 reasons Has no ,onne,t"on )"th a s-rna(e !"6e Godre> has* V"e)ed the #rand 2at"ona! "n a #roader perspe,t"1e 2at"ona!& A e/ Se=/ nat"ona!"t$ no #ar and ,aters to a!! strata of !"fe* %0% of the respondents ,o-!d not re!ate the (a,h"ne to an$ !"1"n ent"t$* The$ fo-nd "t to #e >-st a Ro#ot*

3 # P,!D#R"
M'<& ''%#R It "s the f"rst p!a$er offer"n s-,h h- e ,apa,"t"es* The pr",es are a!so fan,"f-!* <-t #$ so-r,"n the (ode!s fro( 9a$ta / no r"s6 "s #e"n ta6en* #roduct Mi$! F-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"ne )"th %0*% 6 ,apa,"t$* Pr",e& Rs* .0/000 Top (o-nt (a,h"ne )"th '46 ,apa,"t$* Pr",e& Rs*+7/000 %"#! Can -nder o an$ p-n"sh(ent/ "s d-ra#!e and fast* 4 &R,P'', 8"th a s"4ea#!e a(o-nt of "n1entor"es/ "t has ,o(e "nto the ,o(pet"t"on* It has (o1ed "nto the 2orth )here "t d"d not ha1e a presen,e ear!"er* #roduct Mi$! + 6 t)"n t-# (a,h"ne The se(" a-to(at", (a,h"neES-perF pr",ed at Rs*0/+00 se!!s the (ost #,#C3R',UF It "s the !eader "n the )ash"n (a,h"ne se (ent #-t the #ase "s ,ons"dera#!$ s(a!!* The ,o(pan$ has t)o (ode!s/ one )"th )asher and one )"th )asher dr"er *


G'<R#E - G# !PP,&!=C#" #roduct Mi$! It has re,ent!$ !a-n,hed S(art8ash/ F-44$ Lo ", S$ste( )ash"n (a,h"ne* It "s a +*+6 -n"t/ pr",ed at Rs*%0/000* eatures! '4 hr* pro ra((a#!e t"(er* Fa#r", and !oad sensors* 9-!t"p!e )ash opt"ons* Chooses a )ash ,o(#"nat"on after sens"n the !oad and the t$pe of fa#r",* T)o a,t"1e soa6 opt"ons* Casters for eas$ (o#"!"t$* Rat (esh for prote,t"on fro( rodents* It a!so has +*% 6 top !oad"n t-(#!e )ash* It ,!a"(s to de!"1er the #enef"ts of front !oad"n (a,h"neEPo)er and E,ono($F* Pr",e&.'/000* It "s des" ned to sa1e spa,e and offers )ash pro ra(s )"th the opt"ons of 1ar$"n the te(perat-re* %&<#'C'= 8"!! "n1est #et)een Rs*A to '0 ("!!"on CSO o1er a f"1e $ear per"od "nto the se (ent of )h"te oods* #roduct Mi$! 2e) (ode! "ntrod-,ed& @o-#!e ,as,ade5 It has a (",ropro,essor that sa1es '+% ener $* The ,o(pan$;s 400T/ se(" a-to(at", -n"t/ pr",ed at Rs*0/'00 se!!s the (ost* %',3!" The t)o (ode!s that se!!s the (ost "n the (ar6et are5 .6 se(" a-to(at", (a,h"neI Pr",e Rs*7/000 4*A6 se(" a-to(at", (a,h"neI Pr",e Rs*0/'00 It a!so has a +*+6 top !oad"n 9e a La-nderetteI Pr",e Rs*'0/000 The ,o(pan$ tar ets the ("dd!e ,!ass se (ent*


"!M"U=G It tar ets the pre("-( se (ent* It re,ent!$ "ntrod-,ed ' (ode!s "n the (ar6et* Top Load"n (a,h"ne of !oad ,apa,"t$ 36 ea,h F-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"ne Pr",e&Rs*'+/.A0 and has #oth p!ast", and stee! t-#* Se(" a-to(at", (a,h"ne Pr",e Rs*''/.A0* Technology! 8aterfa!! f!o) te,hno!o $I has the Ross#$ )a1e ,"r,-!at"on H" h!$ e(#ossed sta"n!ess stee! t-# s-rfa,e* <ase of (a,h"ne "s (ade of Prop$!ene to a1o"d r-st"n * The res-!t "s5 Po)er ,!ean"n and tan !e free )ash"n * 8ash"n effe,t"1eness "s "n,reased #$ .0%* $osc) <os,h/ IF<;s !on t"(e ,o!!a#orator has ta6en o1er IF< #e,a-se the Rs*'7. ,rore IF< "nd-str"es "s "n a,-te f-nds ,r"ses* It had !a-n,hed front !oad"n // f-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"ne -nder the !",en,e of Ger(an "ant <os,h "n %AA0* It )as the p"oneer "n G!ass 8"ndo) t$pe front !oaders* It )as not s-,,essf-! "n the fa,e of state&of&art prod-,ts of other "nternat"ona! ,o(pan"es* It no) p!ans to ,on,entrate on (",ro)a1e o1ens and a-to(ot"1e #-s"ness* <!#4'' Has !a-n,hed 4 (ode!s of Top Load"n f-!!$ a-to(at", (a,h"nes* Capa,"t$5 3/7/A/%06 Pr",e5 Rs*'7/000I Rs*../A00I Rs*40/A000I Rs*37/A000 Technology! Generat"on of a"r #-##!e )h",h d"sp!a,es d"rt as deter ent froth does* Less fr",t"on ta6es p!a,e/ therefore/ de!",ate fa#r",s are not "n dan er* It re,o((ends @r$tenEa spe,"a! deter entF to (a6e ,!ean"n (ore ent!e* 2o"se "s not (ore than 47 de,"#!es* Target +udience! H" h "n,o(e rep!a,e(ent #-$er !oo6"n for ,on1en"en,e* uture! Co(pan$ has a!read$ '00 dea!ers "n the 8est and "t hopes to "n,rease the( #$ %+0 #$ %AA7* To ha1e .00 dea!ers "n 2orth .+0 dea!ers "n So-th '00 dea!ers "n East To #-"!d a #ase of '000 s-#dea!ers to rea,h a!! Ind"an to)ns )"th o1er +0/000 "nha#"tants* Sa!es tar et ;A7 set at '0*000 -n"ts <$ '00+ se (ent/ share to #e 70% E=pe,ted t-rno1er& '.0 ,rores*

8"!! !a-n,h se(" a-to(at", (a,h"nes "n .*+6 ,apa,"t$ ran e*


P#RC#P3&'= R#G!R<&=G &=<&!= $R!=<" <isad5antages of an &ndian brand %* Per,ept"on that "t does not (at,h the "nternat"ona! D-a!"t$* '* Prod-,t #e,o(es no"s$ after so(e t"(e* .* F"n"sh"n of the prod-,t "s not ood* 4* Poor perfor(an,e re,ord* !d5antages of an &ndian brand %* Can et the prod-,t repa"red eas"!$ and the spare parts are a1a"!a#!e* '* Good dea!er net)or6/ ,onta,t"n for repa"rs "s no pro#!e(* .* After Sa!es Ser1",e "s ood* The (e,han",s are a)are of "ts )or6"n and te,hno!o $* 4* E1en #$ #e"n "n the sta e of adopt"n the !atest te,hno!o $/ the pr",e "s re!at"1e!$ !o) and -arantees are "1en* +* Fa("!"ar"t$ of the prod-,t )"th Ind"an ,ond"t"ons& ,an ta6e ,are of the 1o!ta e f!-,t-at"ons* 3* The prod-,ts are st-rd$* Re ard"n refr" erators& Co(pressor "s hard$* V"s&P&1"s the spa,e5Ind"ans -se !ar e -tens"!s to store "te(s "n the refr" erator* Ind"an ,o(pan"es are a)are of "t and des" n the prod-,t adeD-ate!$* Re ard"n 8ash"n 9a,h"nes& Can )ash a!! 6"nds of ,!othes and the (a,h"ne f"ts "nto the enera! p!-(#"n s$ste(*

+* 9an$ (an-fa,t-r"n defe,ts* 3* Poor After&Sa!es&Ser1",e* 7* Prod-,ts ,ater to the (ass (ar6et& te,hno!o $ not -pto (ar6*

0* <od$ of the (a,h"ne "s 1er$ !" ht*

A* Prod-,t ran es are 1er$ )"de and the ,ons-(er -s-a!!$ ets ,onf-sed* The (essa e re ard"n one prod-,t does not et thro- h* Re ard"n Refr" erators& Co(pressors are of #ad D-a!"t$ and the as !ea6s after so(e t"(e and that needs to #e ref"!!ed* There "s a !" ht #od$/ the tra$s are f!"(s$/ #rea6 eas"!$ and are 1er$ e=pens"1e to rep!a,e*


P#RC#P3&'= R#G!R<&=G &=3#R=!3&'=!, $R!=<" <isad5antages of an &nternational brand %* Spare parts are not eas"!$ a1a"!a#!e* E1en "f the$ are/ one "s not s-re "f the$ are en-"ne* Ver$ e=pens"1e to et the prod-,t repa"red* '* Repa"r fa,"!"t$ not a1a"!a#!e* !d5antages of an &nternational brand %* Q-a!"t$ of the prod-,t and the ser1",e "s s-per"or* '* ED-"t$ "n the (ar6et and #as",a!!$ the per,ept"on "n the ("nd of the ,ons-(er re ard"n the s-per"or"t$ of the prod-,tI ,red"#"!"t$ atta,hed to the prod-,t* .* <e!"e1e that the ,o(pan"es de!"1er )hat the$ pro("se* 4* Ser1es as a stat-s s$(#o!* +* Chan,es of #rea6"n do)n ,o(parat"1e!$ !ess* 3* Te,hno!o $ !asts and the prod-,t !oo6s "((ense!$ s!ee6* 7* Pro1"des (-,h (oreE1a!-e addedF than >-st the #as", -t"!"t$ of the prod-,t* Re ard"n Refr" erators& H" h speed (otor present that "s (ore eff","ent "n ,oo!"n / (a6es !ess no"se/ and the CFC free te,hno!o $ that "s e,o fr"end!$* Re ard"n 8ash"n (a,h"nes& The prod-,t "1es a #etter )ash and (a6es !ess no"se )h"!e "n operat"on*

.* 9e,han",s are not a)are of the te,hno!o $ and f-rther deter"orate the prod-,t* 4* 2o -arantees "1en* +* Ina#"!"t$ to adapt to the Ind"an en1"ron(ent& #e!"ef that the (a,h"ne ,annot #e treated ro- h!$5 soft to-,h (a,h"ne* 3* 2on fa("!"ar"t$ of the #rand a(on the (asses* 7* Pr",e "s h" h* Re ard"n Refr" erators& Free4er and stora e ,apa,"t$ "s a!(ost eD-a!!$ d"str"#-ted )h",h "s not reD-"red* Re ard"n 8ash"n 9a,h"nes& The )or6"n see(s ,o(p!",ated*


<#C&"&'= M!C#R !3 3 # 3&M# ': PURC !"# 9 The responses to th"s enD-"r$ )ere prett$ 1a -e s"n,e (a>or"t$ of the respondents (ent"oned that the )ho!e fa("!$ part","pated "n the de,"s"on (a6"n of these prod-,ts/ that "s refr" erators and )ash"n (a,h"nes* Th"s "s #e,a-se a!! the (e(#ers of the ho-seho!d "ntera,t (an$ a t"(es )"th the refr" erator "f not the )ash"n (a,h"ne* A fe) of the respondents (ent"oned that The )"fe "s the (ot"1at"on #eh"nd the need of s-,h a prod-,t at ho(e * The h-s#and or the son )ho e1er "s present "s the one )ho de,"des )h",h <rand "1es the #est 1a!-e for (one$ and )h",h "s te,hn",a!!$ (ore so-nd * It has #een fo-nd that )o(en )ho are "ndependent and #e!on to the SEC of Rs %'000M per (onth / p!a$ a (a>or ro!e "n de,"d"n )h",h #rand to #-$ * It "s the fa("!$ / tho- h / )h",h de,"des that the prod-,t "s needed and s- est"ons re ard"n the #rand are "1en ,ons"dera#!e "(portan,e* 8o(en #e!on "n to the SEC of Rs*+000 & 0000 per (onth p-ts "n a )ord for the need of s-,h a prod-,t #-t the de,"s"on to p-r,hase the prod-,t and the #rand depends tota!!$ on the h-s#and* 8o(en #e!on "n to the SEC of Rs '0000 M per (onth and )ho are "ndependent ta6es her o)n de,"s"on as she "s the one )ho has to -se the prod-,t* The )o(an of the ho-se !oo6s "nto the -t"!"t$ aspe,t E Te,hno!o $ & Frost free / spa,e "n refr" erators and tota! ,on1en"en,e "n )ash"n (a,h"nes* F of the prod-,t )h"!e the h-s#and pa$s attent"on to ,o!o-r and st$!e * CO2TRA@ICTIO2S R Ind"an prod-,ts s-"t the en1"ron(ent #etter *S Th"s "s "n ,ontrad",t"on )"th the state(ents -s-a!!$ (ade that the #rea6do)n of the Ind"an prod-,ts "s rea!!$ h" h * E1en )"th the h" h a(o-nt of po)er ,-ts and the 1o!ta e f!-,t-at"ons/ the peop!e o)n"n "nternat"ona! #rands do not ,o(p!a"n a#o-t the #rea6do)n of the (a,h"ne/ then pro#a#!$ the "nternat"ona! #rands s-"t the Ind"an ,ond"t"ons #etter as on!$ ("nor defe,ts ar"se* ! :#4 :!C3" %* One respondent )as of the 1"e) that the refr" erator "s a !o) te,hno!o $ prod-,t at present* It "s an o!d prod-,t no) and there "s hard!$ an$th"n !eft to "nno1ate* E,o fr"d e "s the one that "s needed no)* '* Ind"an ,ons-(ers st"!! fee! that Ind"an ,o(pan"es fa"! to "(pro1e and "nno1ate and (ost!$ the te,hno!o $ "s "(ported fro( a#road* Th-s/ )h$ not spend a !"tt!e (ore and et a en-"ne "nternat"ona! #rand prod-,t* .* If ,o(pan"es are offer"n a !o)er pr",e/ "t sho-!d #e at par )"th the ,o(pet"tors* If "t "s not so/ the prod-,t sha!! #e per,e"1ed as an "nfer"or one* <iscrepencies 8)ile conducting t)e researc) %* The D-est"onna"rre )as !en th$ and the respondents -sed to et "(pat"ent* '* In so(e ,ases/ the a,t-a! person )ho had (ade the de,"s"on re ard"n the p-r,hase ,o-!d not #e ,onta,ted* An$ (e(#er of the ho-se )as spo6en to/ "n th"s ,ase*


;U#"3&'==!&R# E8ash"n 9a,h"neF %* 8hat #rands of 8h"te Goods are $o- a)are ofL 8ash"n 9a,h"nes Refr" erators <$ )hat (eans are $o-r ,!othes -s-a!!$ )ashed at ho(eL 9a"d 8ash"n 9a,h"ne An$ other (eans @o $o- d"fferent"ate #et)een the )ash"n (ethods of 1ar"o-s ,!othesL Yes 2o If $es/ p!ease spe,"f$5 ?"nd #$ (a"d ?"nd #$ (a,h"ne ?"nd #$ se!f 8hen d"d $o- #-$ the (a,h"neL In the !ast one $ear In the !ast three $ears In the !ast f"1e $ears 8as "t Yo-r f"rst #-$ Rep!a,e(ent Add"t"on 8hat fa,tors d"d $o- ,ons"der #efore #-$"n the (a,h"neL Ep!ease ran6& % #e"n the h" hestF Pr",e T U Loo6s T U Capa,"t$ T U S-per"or te,hno!o $ T U Con1en"en,e T U <rand T U An$ other T U 8h",h do $o- th"n6 are the #est #rands "n the (ar6etL Reasons aF #F ,F dF 7* 8ho (a6es the de,"s"on f"na!!$ at ho(e )hen $o- o and #-$ s-,h prod-,tsL H-s#and Yo-rse!f








An$ e!der!$ person 8ho!e fa("!$ 0* 8hat are the ad1anta es of an Ind"an #randL 8hat are the d"sad1anta es of an Ind"an #randL 8hat are the ad1anta es of an Internat"ona! #randL 8hat are the d"sad1anta es of an Internat"ona! #randL A* If ea,h of these #rands )ere !"1"n ent"t"es/ ho) )o-!d $o- 1"s-a!"4e the(L Se= A e O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth C!othes )orn Att"t-deE 9odern/,onser1at"1eF 9ode of transport Car o)ned Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Persona!"t$ %0* aF #F P-r,hase #eha1"or I(p-!se T U P!anned T U T U

An$ S-r1e$ done "n the (ar6et/,ons-!tat"on Yes T U 2o If $es/ I(portant p!a$er d-r"n the s-r1e$ P-r,hase pro,ed-re Ad1ert"se(ents Store @e(o 8ord of (o-th





Persona! "nfor(at"on 2a(e5KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK A e5 '0&.0 .0&40 40&+0 +0&30 30M 9T U FT U @ate5KKKKKKKKKKK


Ed-,at"on5 9atr", Co!!e e #-t not rad-at"on&d"p!o(a Grad-ate or post rad-ateE enera!F Grad-ate or post rad-ateEprofess"ona!F 8or6"n T U 2on )or6"n T U


Other prod-,ts o)ned5 <rand TV Refr" erator Stereo s$ste( Fo-r )hee!er 8ash"n (a,h"ne CTV 2or(a! Yes Yes Se(" a-to* </8 FF 2o 2o A-to*


;U#"3&'==!&R# ERefr" eratorsF %* 8hat #rands of 8h"te Goods are $o- a)are ofL 8ash"n 9a,h"nes Refr" erators 8h",h refr" erator do $o- ha1e at presentL <rand ?e!1"nator Godre> V"deo,on Vo!tas A!!)$n <PL Capa,"t$ %00!t* %3+!t* '00!t* '00M!t* 2or(a! S"n !e door FF @o-#!e door Three door


Te,hno!o $ .* Is "t $o-r F"rst #-$ Repeat #-$ Rep!a,e(ent


8hat fa,tors d"d $o- ,ons"der #efore #-$"n the (a,h"neL Ep!ease ran6& % #e"n the h" hestF Pr",e T U Loo6s T U Capa,"t$ T U <rand T U Te,hno!o $ T U An$ other T U 8h",h do $o- th"n6 are the #est #rands "n the (ar6etL Reasons aF #F ,F dF



8ho (a6es the de,"s"on f"na!!$ at ho(e )hen $o- o and #-$ s-,h prod-,tsL H-s#and Yo-rse!f


An$ e!der!$ person 8ho!e fa("!$ 7* 8hat are the ad1anta es of an Ind"an #randL 8hat are the d"sad1anta es of an Ind"an #randL 8hat are the ad1anta es of an Internat"ona! #randL 8hat are the d"sad1anta es of an Internat"ona! #randL 0* If ea,h of these #rands )ere !"1"n ent"t"es/ ho) )o-!d $o- 1"s-a!"4e the(L Se= A e O,,-pat"on In,o(e per (onth C!othes )orn Att"t-deE 9odern/,onser1at"1eF 9ode of transport Car o)ned Le"s-re a,t"1"t$ Persona!"t$ A* aF #F P-r,hase #eha1"or I(p-!se T U P!anned T U T U

An$ S-r1e$ done "n the (ar6et/,ons-!tat"on Yes T U 2o If $es/ I(portant p!a$er d-r"n the s-r1e$ P-r,hase pro,ed-re Ad1ert"se(ents Store @e(o 8ord of (o-th





Persona! "nfor(at"on 2a(e5KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK A e5 '0&.0 .0&40 40&+0 +0&30 30M 9T U FT U @ate5KKKKKKKKKKK


Ed-,at"on5 9atr", Co!!e e #-t not rad-at"on&d"p!o(a Grad-ate or post rad-ateE enera!F Grad-ate or post rad-ateEprofess"ona!F 8or6"n T U 2on )or6"n T U


Other prod-,ts o)ned5 <rand TV Refr" erator Stereo s$ste( Fo-r )hee!er 8ash"n (a,h"ne CTV 2or(a! Yes Yes Se(" a-to* </8 FF 2o 2o A-to*


P)ilip Cotler arper 4 $o7d Ralp) 4estfall "tanle7 : "tac) "ubroto "engupta ,eon C "c)iffman ,eslie ,aGar Canu* $usiness 3oda7 :inancial #Apress !d5ertising and mar*eting $usiness 4orld $usiness &ndia 'utloo* $rand #Iuit7 arketing anagement #ig)t) #dition "e5ent) #dition arketing research Brand Positioning Consumer !eha"ior Marc) 111H !pril 111H 2/ Ean 111H 1 =o5 111H 111>- Ean? Mar? Eune? !ug? "ept? =o5? <ec. 111H- Mar? !pr? Ma7. 111>- :eb? 'ct? =o5. 111H- Ean? !pr. 'ct. 111> :eb? !pr- 111H Ma7 111H =o5. 111> Mar? !pr- 111H :ift) edition





(with reference to #efrigerators and $ashing



3)e <el)i "c)ool of Communication PG<PC- &&



Th"s "s to de,!are that the report J !ffect of consumer profile on c)oice in t)e 8)ite goods industr7 8it) reference to refrigerators and 8as)ing mac)ines@ has #een s-#("tted #$ P-neet G"!! "n part"a! f-!f"!!(ent of #ost ,raduate 'iploma #rogram in *ommunication fro( The 'elhi "chool of *ommunication -year .//0&A0F/ 2e) @e!h"*


Puneet Gill


Ac n!"led#e$ent
I would sincerely like to expre s s my grateful thanks to the following individuals for their co- oper a tion and support. Prof. Surojit Lahiri Principal DSC Prof. Ramola umar Dean DSC !s. Sush m a "nand Students co-ordinator DSC !s. Priyada rs hini #arendr a Sr. Account Executive, LINTAS and $rig. %.S. $awa. I would like to thank the staff of &S' for providing me with the nec e s s a r y infrastruc t ur al facilities and a cong e ni al environ m e n t within which I have (e e n a(le hone my cap a (ilities and intere s t s. I would also like to sincerely thank my pare nt s and my colleag u e s who have always (ee n there with me at the right time when I nee d e d the m. &espite of all this support and help) it is *uite possi(le that som e errors have occurre d. +hes e errors and shortco min g s should (e attri(ut e d solely to me.


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