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holds HAT makes an aeroplane fly up In the air How does It rise or will ot turn to left or rIght operator Of the millions ot Americans who 1 have become Intensely Interested In the wondetul achievements ot thE Wright brothers and who have marveled at the au cess ot M Blerlot In flyIng across the English chan nel perhaps few have Q clear conception of the mechanical principles on whIch these daring aviators have built their machines All aeroplanes whether of the Wright biplane or the Bleriot monoplane type have feur mechanIcal necessities that must be complied with before they can fly They must be sustained In the air and propelled through It They also require a balancing device and a steering mechanism To meet these requirements these machines are built In the flrst place around either one or two central surfaces commonly referred to as planes although strictly speaking these surfaces are constructed more along the lines ot a parabola than a plane They are equipped with gasoline engines similar to those used in automobiles only lighter and these en gines by turning circular propellers exactly like those used on steamships supply the motive power for the machines Next In importance to the functions of sus tenance and propulsion Is the balancing device and next to this in the mechanical necessities of an aeroplane ranks the steering mechanism

Wit il



Essential Features Common to All the various types of aeroplanes there are different methods ot construction but there are certalr


planes are tilted upward and they are turned down when It Is desired to ling the aero plane to the earth Perpendicularly between the two rudder planes Is a small U shaped plane This Is USEd to nrevent the aeroplanes from skidding sideways

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Vertical Planes Assist Big Ones Extending backward from the main planes about six feet is a Wooden framework to which are attached two small vertical planes These are In length equal to s the distance between the main planes held parallel to q each other and are spaced about a foot apart TheIr edges are at right angles to the big planes and they are so pivoted that their rear edges may be moved from left t to right and from right to left exactly like the rudderI of a ship These planes worked in conjunction with the i big ones assist In the dual function of turning the aero plane from side to side and In preserving Its balance Resting on the upper side ot the lower main plane and slightly to one side of Its center Is the engine The engine In the Wright machine is of special construction designed by the brothers themselves and weighs about 170 pounds The Wright engine is water cooled and consists of tour cylinders placed upright in a straight row Around each cylinder Is a hollow space spoken of technically as a jacket The gasoline explosions Inside the cylinders cause the cylinders to get hot and In time they would melt or burst were It not for the water flowing through the adjoining jackets thus keeping them cool Leading from the jackets at one end Is a pipe or hose and at the other end of this hose which is less than six inches in length Is a small centrifugal pump<

well known They consist of two long parallel surfaces In the Wright flying machine the called planes planes do not fit this description because If you look up at them as the machine files over your head you observe that the under surfaces of the two socalled planes are concave looking much as the human ribs would if they could be viewed from the Inside To speak literally as well as fIguratively these planes really consist of ribs made or white spruce wood shaped like a parabola and spaced about one foot apart The ribs are stretched over tightly with a good quality ot white muslin giving the planes when oem pleted something the appearance of a sail pn a Chinese fishIng boat The planes are more regular in outline than these sails inasmuch as they are nearly rectangular In shape Except for the corners which are rounded and the rear edges which are shaped like the edge of an umbrella they would be perfectly rectangular The main planes In the Wright machine are uniform In size about forty feet long six feet wide and are spaced parallel to each other about six feet apart

I essential features common to all Each type must meet I the requirements named above and In the present de Device Cools Cylinders and Water velopment ot the aeroplane the manner ot doing this This pump sucks the water out ot the Jackets and does not vary greatly In the different machines sends It Into a series of flattened brash tubes about four The general outlines ot the Wright aeroplane are feet long each tube being about an Inch wide and per-

haps an eighth of an Inch thick on the Inside The brass that composes the walls of these tubes Is extremely thin so that the water when forced Into them by the pump Is spread out In thin sheets and thus cooled

Is now hearing heavily against Ute rrirsof the main planes lUte gradually higher IIIId higher Now It is that the great principles of aeroplane construction the supporting force and the balancing device come into play Propellers Like Electric Fan Blades An understanding of what holds an eroplaael tile The propellers themselves are eight feet In diameter can best be reached by going back to the oW familiar air ordinary electric and closely resemble the blades of un fan except that each propeller has two blades instead kite A kite is kept elevated by running with It against It of the four that are usually found on electric fans The the wind or by allowing the wind to blow other each against two work forces plea the kite When point and blades are about a foot wide at their widest the weight of the whirl with such force when the engine Is working one the force ot the wind the other aeroplane with tIM smoothly that they will blow your hat oft at a distance kite It Is exactly the same with an to blow waiting wind the exception for instead of that you directly behind stand ot over II hundred feet If against It the aeroplane drives itself against tIN whdthemThe WrIght machine has a capacity of two passengers the seats being on the side of the engine M chine Not Chen Time to Fall Thus It is seen that when the aerQplane is iyfsg nearest the center of the aeroplane The operator sits preeaee In the seat farthest from the engine thus causing his through the air there is a coneant wind weight to balance that of the engine Tho second pas against Its under side Wilbur Wright when IIIIIke senger occupies the other seat which Is placed on the what kept the machine Up replied that It staid up becenter line of the machine The operating levers of cause It didnt have time to fall and that Is abut as which there are three are placed In easy reach of the good an explanation as could be given Stop the n ILe and the flier would tumble to the earth but as long as aviator It ryas In fly Is pushed against the wind It cinnot fall be must addi can aeroplane there an It Before tion to the combination or parts heretofore given a along on the air like a skater over thin loe The lifting power of the planet depends of course starting device In the French machines the start Is accomplished by having bicycle wheels fitted to the lower upon their area and the speed with which they are part of the frame and It Is on these wheels that the driven Prof S P Langley former secretary of the flier rests when It Is on the ground When it is de- Smithsonian IR8UtuUon at Washington who was Bret sired to start the aeroplane Is taken to a stretch of level to apply the plane principle to flying machines worked ground and then after tine engine Is started the ma out several formulas with relation to planes and their chine Is shoved along on the ground until It gaIns suffi lifting power He did this by constructing a huge ostrlvaaee cient headway to lift Itself by the aid of Its own prosomething on the order ot a merry go round with a pellers tic whirling post at the center To the top ot tM posts he 4 ea the fastened ropes bout hunlred feet long Wright Flyer Started with Wright vadpus sass please of ropes attached he ot end the far must can start be Wright It machine Before the turned the ropes with their attaohd placed on a sIngle wooden rail called n monorail about When the post through the air to great afrsles a hundred feet long the weight of the machine being planes went whirling making these planes carry weights that by was it and horicross extends by a bar that supported on the rail their lifting power at determined Langley Prof zontally from one ot the sledUke runners beneUh the apeeds machine to the other Back of the monorail is a small tower or derrick which supports a sixteen hundred Balancing the Long Sought Art pound weight and to this weight a rope is tied The rope passes over a pulley at the top ot the tower It an roplane had nothing more to do than strsthrough another pulley near Its base over a third pulley taln itself is the air the problem of IUtlfIdaI ltrbtat the far end of the monorail and back to the aero world have been solved centuries ago There rsmalaa plane where It is hooked on to the cross bar by an L the extremely dUftcult art of balancing the flyer s that shaped trigger which automatically releases Itself when it will renttn on as even keeL Jmtn birds had It WIt the flying machine gets ready to leave the rail for its cult to maintain their stablllty In the all The bawls trip into the sky In the constant effort to eteMy himself sways frog When the aeroplanist gets ready to fly the engine side to side to his flight like as acrobat on a tight rope la started the operator takes his Slat the weight is Occasionally a bird Will catch the wind on th top DC W released and the aeroplane runs along the monorail at wing with the result that be goes over sidewa7e often a tremendous clip Just before the end ot the rail is failing several feet before repialnc his boliaoereached the front edges ot the front rudder planes are tilted upward and the aeroplane responding to the air JJ oetiaued on pare four

chains being twisted so that k runs In a line similar to a figure eight The effort of this is to turn the pro pellers In opposite directions


PZAU pressure that


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Planes Flexibility Means of Balancing The tvo planes are held in position by upright struts or supports made of White spruce and placed a row of them along each edge Pirpendlcularly between the planes The ends of these struts Instead of being fastened rigidly to the plans are hinged so that the operator of the machine by working a lever can warp or bend the two big planes just as you can warp a postal card by holding it between your thumb and fingers and then pressing against the ends This fled bllity in the planes ot the Wright flying machine Is greater In the rear edges the front edges being almost rigid It is by means ot this flexibility ot the planes that the Wright brothers balance their machine About ten feet In front of the main planes with their edges parallel to the latter are two smaller planes called rudder planes These are pivoted along a horizontal shaft that Is supported and braced by the These framework extending out from the main plants to apart held two spaced about are feet planes rudder planes big supports to in the those similar by gether and are operated in unison by n rod extending back to a point near the operators seat between the big planes I When the aeroplane Is flying along on a level course to the the two rudder planes are held exactly parallel the front machine to raise the desired IS ones If it biz


nOdOPJfINZ R1f6rM1JIYcS 4 nua nE hr2 Jxs IvWr P4AN4 J l PLI D rrr D l ojiTyfNCS h THq c INi PROP41X R E S OVzt7U 1Q0





After It Is cooled It passes out at the lower end of the rr Extending backward from the engine and slightly cooling device known as a radiator and back Into the above the level of the lower plane is the engine shat jackets surrounding the cylinders By this construction ant about eight feet on either side ot this and at both the water and the cYlinders are kept cool point halt way between the two big planes are eounte r The WrIght engine Is fItted with what Is known as shafts to which are attaohed the propellers The counmake and break ignition automatic Inlet valves and a ter shafts are supported by steel brutesall held rigidspecial direct teed arrangement for supplying the gaso ly In place by a multitude of slender piano wires line to the engine It has no carburetor and will de- Sprocket wheels on the engine shaft and on the counter velop about thirty horse power shafts are connected by automobile chaIns one ot these

G Q1177 snows lH W1lG4ZnP7HOD O UIRPINJ rlr I1A1NtaM III WDS 01 zo AN J7flV BINo n7 J4CUJ PAf S C A R AH44 81DJ

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Mechanical Principles of the Aeroplane

real sportsmenknow that Peters semismoke less ammunition has greater force is more accurate and is less injurious to a gun than any othWhen er ammunition high flying are the ducks Peters shells bring them
We have complete lines of Pe Winchester and U M C loaded shell Wlncheater and Remington automatic and pump runs All kinds of hunting coats pants caps and boots as well as fOy ducks and other hunting 1 cesslties


Scott Hardware
168 South Main Phones 748




Blue Wagons

Western Fuel Co
Critchlow Fischer Kittle Cable Address Wesfuco 73 Main Street Phones 719

ot the main plane and steers it from from Page One The balancing device In the Wright side to side by swinging the tall around machine Is secured by an Ingenious In the direction he desires to go like a Peary at last attained his scheme for manipulating the two main rudder on a ship In hIS search for and ambition as The monoplane does not have planes These planes are so arranged discovery of the North Pole the biplane but your that they can be warped endwhys Run much plane surface Itasdoes searen for wealth In not have so ning along In the muslin that covers on the other hand you will discover by experiless Is also carry to weight It ex much the planes Is a stout wire which ence that a bank account is of winds tends from the operators seat In front susceptible to cross currents the surest and safest way to the In elements disturbing to the far ends of the lower plane By and other You are cordially suCCess moving a lever one end of the lower air because there is less flat surface Invited to open an account plane can be pulled down and the other for these to strike against wIth us The development in aeroplanes will end by the same movement pulled up 4 per cent interest paid As the planes are hinged together one be compelled to walt more or less upon operation of the lever has the same ef the progress In gas engine construction On savings accounts of In theIr present state gas engines are feet on both of them notice stop least the without to liable and uIt for any reason then such a cross will teswind Inequality of air currents or as any owner of an automobile In stops an engine perhaps a miscalculation In the dis tify and when the likely to come tribution ot weIght the machine begins aeroplane It Is most more or less of a to tilt sideways the operator by the down to earth with pCONTINENTAL use of his lever lowers the rear corners thud There is no getting out and like the of the two big planes on the side of the crawling under the machine trouble Is machine that is sinking and raises the chauffeurs do to where the corresponding corners on the other side No Chance Given for Repairs By this movement a greater surface on Salt Lake City Utah the sinking side of the machine Is exTo absolute safety the aero posed to the rush of air that Is coming plane Insure every second of run engine must In from In front and that side of the the time the machine Is In the air If Capital 25000000 flyer instantly ascends anything breaks the operator cannot his seat to see where the trouble Method Claimed to Be Infringement leave Is for that would overbalance the ma Glenn H Curtiss who made such a chine And gas engines are disgustingbrilliant record in the flights at Rheims ly obstinate sometimes They stoP dead last month balances his flyer by means still without an Instants notice and of two small auxiliary planes placed apparently with no more reason than horizontally half way between the ends animates a balky horse Its no use of his main planes By moving these talking about the future of aeroplanes plares so that the one on the sinking then until the future of gas engines Is TO TELL side of his machine is turned directly determined The progress of one Is ab against the wind he secures a greater solutely dependent on the progress of plane surface on that side of the ma the other unless of course some new chine and thus restores Its balance method Is found to turn the propellers The Wright brothers claim this method The question may arise and often Is an Infringement of their patents and does In a discussion of aeroplanes as pending in the to why the propellers propel they now have a suit To a New York courts by which they will mind unfamiliar with mechanical terms OF YOUR HAPPY AND PROS seek to compell Curtiss to use some It is difficult to explain the exact action PEROUS SITUATION other system of balancIng of revolving propellers on the air of Briefly it may be said that the all The balancing of monoplanes you reside In the Capital or I which the Frenchman Dleriots machine pressure against all objects Is some fifState of Utah is the best example is secured partly teen pounds to the square Inch Thus They surely are waiting to hear by having the big main plane divided at the air presses against the palm and from you and of the center so that In flight his machine the back of your hand at that rote the CITY PAST AND SALT LAKE has something the appearance of a two pressures exactly balancing each PIlES EXT birds outspread wings If his machine other Remove the air adjacent to the It will save you much use ot begins to sink on one side he lowers the palm of your hand and the pressure pen and ink besides the exer wing on that side thus securing a more from the back would be fifteen pounds tion ot writing In these hot upward push of the air from under for every vacant square Inch ort the times It you will send them copy ot a nath In addition to this he has a long other side and the strain on the back SALT LAKE CITY PAST AND taillike arrangement attached to the of your hand would be equivalent to PRESENT rear of hl flyer and this assists In bal- that caused by lifting a weight as just issued from the press ancing much as a kites tall helps keep heavy as fifteen multiplied by the numit on an even keel It will surprise them how we ber of square Inches unoccupied by air prosper Closely related to the balancing de vice is the steering mechanIsm When Plopellers For sale by book dealers news Create Their Own Vacuum stands and the publisher the corners of the big planes are let down a greater surface on that sidc of Thus when the aeroplane propellers E V FOIILIN Publisher the machine Is exposed to the air and are revolving they are constantly biting dOS D F Walker Bldg this has the effect of halting the speed Into the air In front of them and push Salt Lake City Utah way they ing on of the machine that side Thus if it behind them In this the righthand corners of the big planes create a partial Vacuum In front and are lowered the air pressing against what they take away from in front Is those corners with more force than It added behind thus to the fifteen does at the other ends of the planes pounds per square Inch that Is already Ruses the whole machine to swing hearing against the blades from behind around to the right Meanwhile the rear Is added the number of pounds pressure rudders are turned slightly to further that they are able to subtract from the pressure In front making we will say assist In the turning movement A monoplane so called because It has twentyfive pounds pressure to the taking a dose of castor hut one main plain Instead of two Is square inch behind and only five in that follows different in construction from a blplllne front It Is In response to this pressure oil salts or calomel is about the of the Wright and Curtiss types In from behind that the machine moves worst you can endureU Blerlots machine the engine Is air forward gives one the creeps You dont cooled and has eight cylinders Instead If the propellers could whirl rapidly CARETS of four This gives him a more uni enough they could create an absolute have to have form distribution of power In his ma vacuum in front and have thirty move the bowelstone up the chine the propeller Is placed out in pounds per square Inch on every Inch liverwithout these bad feelings front so that It bores directly Into the of their back surface If this condition iUair as the machine proceeds thus pull were possible or if engines powerful Ing the flyer along after It instead ot enough and propellers strong enough to CABCARBT8 Inc a box for a weeks pushing It from behind The operator with stand that pressure could be made treatment all druwsts Blnest seller In the world Million boxes a month sits above the engine and directly be- an aeroplane according to such experts hind the propeller He raises and low- as the Wrights could be sent through er the machine by changing the angle the air at a rate of 500 miles an hour

Peary Rewarded

University of Utah

Salt Lake City UtahT-


National Bank

Sciences the State Normal School or the School of Education the State School of Mines and a School of Medicine are embraced by the University of Utah

HEAD OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF UTAH Schools The School of Arts and 150000 Laboratory Equipment
lost of the apparatus machinery and tools
are new and of the very best
Women etc

Dont Forget

Your Friends Abroad

mitted to all partments The Dean of Wimen looks after Law which is part of the School of Arts and the welfare of the young worntin stweh sciences That lome of Many of them Strange is Not us go dway 125 graduates of the come the East from when students greatest Universities of this country and to school and the West the North and the South and Europe the far countries of the eArth to attend the Including the Sum University of Utah 1618 Students mer of 1909 With the children of the Training School more than Registration of student P S 2000 young peopTh received instruction in the arLlduAal September 16 17 And University buildings last year 18 Fee 1000 After the 18tl1 fee 1200 Embraces Regular work begins September 20 Inquire E qUlpmen ten brick of local agents for railroad rates Catalog 92 acres of grounds and Picture Bulletin and complete informAtion and stone buildings sent free upon request other University property

33 Departments

Including Department










Sick Feeling



Auction sale of State Lands with water right at Panguiteli Garfield COIUltJT Utah October 1 1909 Minirnuni price of land 250 per acre Maximum price of water 30 per acre Terms of sale Onetentli of purchase price together with interest at 5 per cent per annum from date of sale to January 1 1910 payable8 in cash at time of sale the remainder of the PaYments will be di vided into ten equal annual amounts The first annual install lllent will be due and payable in advance January 1 1910 and annually thereafter on January 1 of each year Full payment may be nmle at time of sale if desired
The land to be sold Is known locally as the Pan gultch East Bench It Is covered with a growth of grass la free sagebrush aid from alkali slopes gently to the west and Is well adapted for growing farm crops The soil of quite twothirds ot the tract Is a deep sandy loam where drainage lines cross the area the exposed soil layer frequently shows a depth of from ten to twelve the north end of the tract the nearest railroad the station It Marysvala on Sevier Valley Branch or the Rio Grande Western Railroad the distance being fortyflye miles Good public ranges are In the Immediate vicinity of the land making the location good for stock raising anti dairyingThe timber supply Is near there being a sawmill about ten miles distant from the creek The tractup Sanford supply of fencing material Is plentipine both cedar and ful In the mountains Immedi ately east at a distance ot five or six miles Wood is the only fuel avail able In the Immediate vicinity Coal It Is however plentiful can be obtained by a haul of about forty miles a clear creek Sanford mountain stream crosses the tract somewhat south of the

1 main hotly of irrlgable laMi and forms a good evnIT water supply water The water supply right for this land Is made up from two sources FirstA filing in the state engineers one hundred twenty office for five cubic feet per second of the flow of Sevler river This filing will supply the lands with water during the high or flood water of each spring poor quality of IIOtII or hare I rough material porUons are these tho s eliminated from the are sold without a water right a uniform charge f 1260 per acre being made for the same It does not follow that the 260 fractious ol some ot the fortyacre treats are worthless they form of the best locations Jur homes and yards The expenses for general maintenance of the Irrttion system will be paid from a maintenance fund which will be provided by the land board levying a uniform tax on all land In the system with a water right which tax for anyone acre with such water right shall not exceed 15500 of the total expense ot main tenance of said IrripthtR system No land will be sold for less than the appraised value thereof and not less tiIaa forty acres nor more than Ill acres will be sold to any se IndividuaL company or COW poratlon and such sales will only be made to citisees ot the United States or these who have declared their JRtentiGn to become such STATE BOARD OF LAfD

Try them




whom by the way came stars subsequently

FRECKLESDaiWonderful ntyreatment That for This Trouble

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want to remove your freckles

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New York Telegraph To the strug gling young dramatist who believes that the world is cold and theatrical managers brutal a study of the careerof the late Clyde Fitch must prove stimulating His foothold was not obtained without many a slip and many a bruised shin and only a trick born of desperation ever gained him an audience with Charles Frohman While Fitch after the production of continued to double HOTELS AND RESORTS Beau Brummel was fairly successful You can probably find a val he had not been able to place a manu BRfGHTON HOTEL uable clue to that property try as In script with Frohman fad UTAH LAKE you would like to find and buy SILVER he would he never could gain Froh Most Beautiful Spot In Utah In tooays paper pen had his Plays from ear mans Now In house at 731 been produced at the Boston Museum Dally stage leaves Sugar p m Leave but FItch was not satisfied a m arrives Brighton 1 arrives sugar Brighton at 430 p m One day he bribed Frohmans office s p mboy to lay a manuscript on his em Threerelaye of horMs en route ployers desk It bore on its pale blue rAIlOl1S WHITE DOBy Clyde cover only the title and SEATTLE WASHINGTON There was no address and no Fitch mark of Identification Ied other It happened that a blizzard struck MAKES A BIG LOU town on the day Frohman discovered Easy to Bake typewritten manuscript and he deConcrete steel and marble In heart the QtYEEN OF TIlE VALLEY FOVA office early He took to leave his cided MILL of city 210 rooms 135 baths Eng the play with him for lack of more Mill Stuff happened All For Kind also promising It literature up 100 Grin lish that the current play at the Empire AND MILL OFFICE theatrethen the home of the most celebrated stock company In America Srd West and 8th So Sts

s well as In city City and without a single failure tt is have sold It to our beat trade and success so that we gladly vith infallible It for removing freckles Get rummendthe toilet goods department of lc at Co and see how c H Dayton Drug Full iK1Y It removes your freckles Sufficient quantity for tcatment 100 summer 0c freckles of nmol cases Inc KINTHO MFG CO hapin Rhd Buffalo N Y
women in New York

Continued from Page 3 never gets Into the program No matter how good his work may be he enjoys no credit Most ot the audience take it for granted that the part Is played by the regular man and the few who know It Is done by an understudy will either say it is rotten or If they are honestenough to admit their pleasure In his efforts will add nine times out of ten Yes this man Is pretty fair but you He ought to see Blinks In the part created It you know If Id known he wasnt In the cast I wouldnt have come an outrage to advertise Blinks and Its then give us some one else Thats what You cant blame the understudy gets the public either BUnks name Is on the program as appearing In this character and the people expect to see him They want him even if he is nothing like so good an actor as the man who temporarily takes his place Thats what makes me mad


Bug Killer
That works like a charm One appll cation makes these pesky little brown pests vanish like a summers dream Largt bottles 2Sc Special price by gallon Phones 457

The business manager and the prop erty man got In a row In Slloam Springs Ark and the latter person became so peeved that he took up cot ton picking or corn cultivating or some other job far removed from hustling for the rugs which soften the villains fall and the celery which makes the dinner table look like Home Sweet Home Consequence the business manager had to double on taking in the coin and spreading himself out over the real scenery of the Yahoo circuit hunting He dldnt like It so he for props sent an ad to a Chicago theatrical paper The ad read WantedAt once good property man Apply Immediately care Blank Hotel Memphis XX COMPANY There were several answers awaiting In Memphis but the one that received the most attention from the manager and the rest of time trick was this I see hy your ad In the Chicago Trouper that you want a good property man Now I alnt got much property but I think Id make a good man There was more to It but the manager

Kenyon Pharmacy

209 Main


Geo T Brice Drug CO

BANKERS Incorporated Established


ISM 100000

SecondA storage reservoir situated twenty miles south of tIle tract at Hatebtown cap able ot holding fourteen thou sand acrefeet of water Each acre of Irrigated land sold wilt have attached to it 17MOor this reservoir or two acre feet of water for each acre of land sold with a water right This SUPpI It traits ferred without loeb to the land would cover It twenty with water four Inches The reservoir and canal will be completed durIng October of the present year so that Irrigation water can be car miMi to all the land during the Irrigation season of The purchasers must build their own laterals TiLlS will be comparatively an easy mat ter as the soil Is easilyplowed and the slopes are favorable Portions of some of the fortyacre tracts selected and to be sold aPe Irregular In surface or contain a very




By W


W H Farnsworth Secretary


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Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent

Travelere Letters ot Credit Issued Available In All Parts of the World We Invite your account

Sin I
Te have In active tile IIJI operation Creek Lime Kline and ore prepared to Liii your orders promptly



Deseret National Bauk

BaIt Lake City Utah CapitalS
ssoo 500000


Moses Thatcher H 8 Young


Vice President CashIer



Edgar a L W SAFETY

HlIlsnAsst BurtonAset
R E N-

President Cashier Cashier FOR

ifOl 41


JEWELRY STORE 234 MAIN STREET Set of Teeth lit parallteecl07oe There Is no economy In having den Gold CroWI14 Loo tat work done at any price unless it la Bridge Work Deat 5o Hero is an oppor liingsdone first class Gold 00 ulD Silver Fillings very work at beet 75c to tunity have the Teeth CJeaned 100 the lowest prices by an old estab All work guarallteecl U Tean tiahed office whose guarantee Is good Painless Extraction Free with Plates


SPECIAL Prices For Utah fl4uIiQki UUM






extraction of teeth or no pay All work guaranteed Coolest office Zn the city at each chair Electric

W8 a failure Frohman read the Fitch manuscript and before nightfall had Issued an or der to call a rehearsal of his stock corn pany the following morning Overnight he arranged to have the parts of the new piece typewritten and distributed
the following clay the play and at wu In rehearsal Meanwhile he hadbeen unable to locate Pitch It was three days later that Fitch timidly presented himself at Frohmans odlce He called to see the office boy

Phones Boll 3450 md







Your Evening Meal

The evening meal is usually the one that Is most enjoyed for the other two are often eaten in more or lss of a hurry At the evening meat greater attention is paid to the Social feature and for this reason tile table should be supplied





We Treat You Right

good A fine wh1e diamond tnougli for JlIOlt people It not good wc you have tile blue enough for


and not the muter Did you carry out my Instructions he asked the boy Yes sir replied the latter Did Mr Frohman read the play I I dont know replied the hay but he saId he wanted to see you Fitch hung around dhnttl Frohrnan arrived When ushered across the threshold of the private office ho began as
follows I know

Nerve Porco Make you feelStyong Viroroll full ol NiuriI VIM and qu1 to of Lifo it TOil tho DIIUoDnd lulTerwitli Lot Vttality alO Neroui Weak Worn out or rAIn In Lark Strength Energy Ambition Weakne hey side or shoulder FeellJupondentLneUe llart Kidneys DizzySpell fled Dreems NERVE RllnDoW11 trynlxlj8 Weak orLiver reThln TABLETS Ietugendyou s tan months treatment on hark Ileemib trial When you are uUallod that tbe bring aDd ake life worth living then ps us 11 Send name end T ONCE Ii0LLAUBOX e you will we mill 4ress end I IrL MFG CO D3G BARCLA DENVER COLO






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md Phone gar

FRANK KNOX President JAMES A MURRAYVIce President W F EARL8 Cashlerm A


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i442 So



It Is the great table beverage whetting the appetite assisting tIM digestive organs and furnishing a mild healthful exhilaration that sharpens the wits and Quickens conversation and repartee Fisher bottled beer is a hIghgrade product clean and pure anl containing but a minimum percentage or alcohol It Is a mUd healthful malt and hop beverage Ordr up a case


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Phone 265

A Fisher Brewing Co

Phone 65 for the correct time


youre a busy man Mr Frohman but I wish youd read that play of mine If you havent the time Hair switches puffs pompadours wigs wont you have your play reader look and toupees made to order hair chains It over

SASSES Hairdressing College



Groo Cashier BANKING IN ALL ITS BRAN HES cent interest on savings de

DANK Jr Armtrong President





Pitch said Frohman Its in rehearsal been waiting to see you to make Ive 4owroJII ASSAYERS AND ClIBX oi B the necessary contract ISThat piece was Bohemian It Patentability Guide to report touched the POPular pulse and ran for ia Free TIBIRDCOWAN CO Wanted 100 nearly 150 New list Inventions Book nights at the Empire In the oyemeflt5 sent fue Pat east wcre Henry Miller Viola Allen Xatk West Temfle Street treLexb advertiSed Phone w H Ttompsnn William Faversham EVANS WILKENS A COI St Wu olt D 2t tQrru Johnson and Ida Conquestall of II


Wwwell whlihats become of

I have read It

replied Frohman

and ornaments


tis So Main

We buy hair combings Phones 4H-

Accounts SOllClted posits service guaranteed



Scliramms Where the Cars Stop Sole Agency

Main St over tile new permanent location have moved to Christensen Shoe Ca 8 doors north of old locatIon We offer for 80 days spee1al prices as follows

The Boston Dental Parlors at their


Whalebone Set of Teeth


Lightest and Strongest Plate Made


201 Offices Established 1841 The Oldest and IAirgesootR G DUN

Solid Gold Crown

Can Den Exchange


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or md ii33 Dyeing Co


700 450 FILLING PftEE

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