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SECTION 31 32 19 [02343] GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION AND SEPARATION IN ROADWAYS This guide specification has been prepared by Propex Operating

Company, LLC to assist design professionals in the preparation of a specification section covering woven geotextile for separation and stabilization between a base or subbase course and the underlying subgrade. t may be used as the basis for developing either a pro!ect specification or an office master specification. "ince it has been prepared according to the principles established in the #anual of Practice published by The Construction "pecifications nstitute $C" % including the use of section numbers and titles from the &''( )dition of #aster*ormat, this guide specification may be used in con!unction with most commercially available master specifications sections with minor editing. The following should be noted in using this guide specification+ ,Optional text re-uiring a selection by the user is enclosed within brac.ets, e.g.+ /"ection 0'1 22 ''3 0444443.5 , tems re-uiring user input are enclosed within brac.ets, e.g.+ /"ection 044444 6 44444443.5 ,Optional paragraphs are separated by an /O75 statement, e.g.+ 8888 O7 8888 This guide specification is available in both hard copy and a variety of electronic formats to suit most popular word processing programs and operating platforms. Please contact Propex nc. at $9''% :&161&;2 for additional copies or for information on available electronic formats. The information, including technical and engineering data, figures, tables, designs, drawings, details, suggested procedures, and suggested specifications, presented in this publication are for general information only. The information contained herein is sub!ect to change without notice. <hile every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without independent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability. The user shall be solely responsible for the selection, use, efficiency, and suitability of the information and anyone use of the information does so at his own ris. and assumes any and all liability resulting from such use. The information is provided on an /as is5 basis and Propex nc. disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any general or particular purpose or freedom from infringement of any patent, trademar., copyright, or proprietary right in regard to information or products contained or referred to herein. =othing herein contained shall be construed as granting a license, express or implied under any patent, trademar., or copyright. n no event shall Propex nc. be liable to user for any indirect, special, conse-uential or incidental damages arising out of the use, the results of use or inability to use the information. 1 1.1 GENERAL SECTION INCLUDES A. Separation Geotextile (Subgrade CB !"# 1. +. T$i% %e&tion i% appli&able to t$e u%e o' a geotextile to pre(ent )ixing o' %ubgrade %oil and an aggregate &o(er )aterial (%ubba%e* ba%e* %ele&t 'ill* et&.". T$i% %e&tion )a, al%o appl, to %ituation% ot$er t$an beneat$ pa(e)ent% -$ere %eparation o' t-o di%%i)ilar )aterial% i% re.uired* but -$ere -ater %eepage t$roug$ t$e geotextile i% not a &riti&al 'un&tion.


Stabili/ation Geotextile (1 0 Subgrade CB 0 !"# 1. T$i% %e&tion i% appli&able to t$e u%e o' a geotextile in -et* %aturated &ondition% to pro(ide t$e &oin&ident 'un&tion% o' %eparation and 'iltration. In %o)e in%tallation%* t$e geotextile )a, al%o pro(ide rein'or&e)ent.


ELATED SECTIONS A. Se&tion 1!1 +2 22 3 Eart$ 4o(ing5 1666665. 31 32 19- 1 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

)dit the following paragraphs to coordinate with other sections of the Pro!ect #anual.

May 20 1 1 G !" # "$%

B. 1.!

Se&tion 1!+ 1+ 17 3 A%p$alt 8a(ing5 1!+ 1! 1! 3 Con&rete 8a(ing5 1666665.


nclude the following article only for unit price contracts or lump sum contract with unit price ad!ustments. >elete for lump sum contracts. A. B. 1.: 4et$od o' 4ea%ure)ent# B, t$e %.uare )eter (or %.uare ,ard a% indi&ated in &ontra&t do&u)ent%" in&luding %ea)%* o(erlap%* and -a%tage. Ba%i% o' 8a,)ent# B, t$e %.uare )eter (or %.uare ,ard 9 a% indi&ated in &ontra&t do&u)ent%" in%talled. E;E ENCES

The following article assumes that the date of each reference standard will be the latest edition as of the date of the pro!ect specification. This provision must be defined in >ivision 1? coordinate with >ivision 1 statements. A. B. A)eri&an A%%o&iation o' State <ig$-a, and Tran%portation O''i&ial% (AAS<TO" =Standard Spe&i'i&ation 'or Geotextile Spe&i'i&ation 'or <ig$-a, Appli&ation%> De%ignation 4 +??92@ AAS<TO Te%t Standard%# 1. +. !. C. T ?? 3 Standard Te%t 4et$od 'or 8arti&le Si/e Anal,%i% o' Soil% T A2 3 Standard Te%t 4et$od 'or Deter)ining t$e 8la%ti& Li)it and 8la%ti&it, Index o' Soil% T AA 3 Standard 8ra&ti&e 'or Deter)ination o' t$e 4oi%ture Den%it, elation% o' Soil% U%ing a @.@ lb $a))er and 1+ in drop (Standard 8ro&tor"

A)eri&an So&iet, 'or Te%ting and 4aterial% (AST4"# 1. +. !. :. @. 7. B. ?. A. 12. 11. D 1+! 3 Standard Ter)inolog, elating to Geotextile% D +B7 3 Standard Te%t 4et$od 'or Identi'i&ation o' ;iber% in Textile% D :!@: 9 8ra&ti&e 'or Sa)pling o' Geo%,nt$eti&% 'or Te%ting. D :!@@ 9 Te%t 4et$od 'or Deterioration o' Geotextile% 'ro) Expo%ure to Ultra(iolet Lig$t and Cater (Denon9Ar& T,pe Apparatu%". D ::!A 9 Ter)inolog, 'or Geotextile%. D ::A1 9 Te%t 4et$od% 'or Cater 8er)eabilit, o' Geotextile% b, 8er)itti(it,. D :@!! 9 Te%t 4et$od 'or Index Trape/oid Tearing Strengt$ o' Geotextile%. D :7!+ 9 Te%t 4et$od 'or Grab BreaEing Load and Elongation o' Geotextile%. D :B@A 9 8ra&ti&e 'or Deter)ining t$e Spe&i'i&ation Con'or)an&e o' Geo%,nt$eti&%. D :B@1 9 Te%t 4et$od 'or Deter)ining Apparent Opening Si/e o' a Geotextile. D :?B! 9 Guide 'or Identi'i&ation* Storage* and <andling o' Geotextile%.

D. E. 1.@

;ederal <ig$-a, Ad)ini%tration (;<CA" 9 Geo%,nt$eti& De%ign and Con%tru&tion Guideline%* 8ubli&ation No. ;<CA <I9A@92!?* 4a, 1AA@. Geo%,nt$eti& A&&reditation In%titute 9 Laborator, A&&reditation 8rogra) (GAI9LA8".

DE;INITIONS A. Cali'ornia Bearing atio (CB "# T$e ratio o' (1" t$e 'or&e per unit area re.uired to penetrate a %oil )a%% -it$ a 1A %. &) (! %. in" &ir&ular pi%ton (approxi)atel, @1 )) (+ in" dia)eter" at t$e rate o' 1.! )) F )in (.2@ inF)in". To (+" t$at re.uired 'or &orre%ponding penetration o' a %tandard )aterial. 4ini)u) A(erage oll Galue (4A G"# 8ropert, (alue &al&ulated a% t,pi&al )inu% t-o %tandard de(iation%. Stati%ti&all,* it ,ield% a AB.B per&ent degree o' &on'iden&e t$at an, %a)ple taEen during .ualit, a%%uran&e te%ting -ill ex&eed (alue reported. T,pi&al oll Galue# 8ropert, (alue &al&ulated 'ro) a(erage or )ean obtained 'ro) te%t data. 31 32 19- 2 G ! " # " $ % S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -


C. May 20 1 1


SUB4ITTALS A. Sub)it under pro(i%ion% o' Se&tion 121 !! 225 1666665# 1. Certi'i&ation# a" T$e Contra&tor %$all pro(ide t$e Engineer a &erti'i&ate %tating t$e na)e o' t$e geotextile )anu'a&turer* produ&t na)e* %t,le* &$e)i&al &o)po%ition% o' 'ila)ent% or ,arn% and ot$er pertinent in'or)ation to 'ull, de%&ribe t$e geotextile. T$e 4anu'a&turer i% re%pon%ible 'or e%tabli%$ing and )aintaining a .ualit, &ontrol progra) to a%%ure &o)plian&e -it$ t$e re.uire)ent% o' t$e %pe&i'i&ation. Do&u)entation de%&ribing t$e .ualit, &ontrol progra) %$all be )ade a(ailable upon re.ue%t. T$e )anu'a&turerH% &erti'i&ate %$all %tate t$at t$e 'urni%$ed geotextile )eet% 4A G re.uire)ent% o' t$e %pe&i'i&ation a% e(aluated under t$e )anu'a&turerH% .ualit, &ontrol progra). T$e &erti'i&ate %$all be atte%ted to b, a per%on $a(ing legal aut$orit, to bind t$e 4anu'a&turer.

)dit the following to coordinate with >ivision 1.



+. 1.B

4anu'a&turing Iualit, Control (4IC" te%t re%ult% %$all be pro(ided upon re.ue%t.

DELIGE J* STO AGE* AND <ANDLING A. B. C. D. E. ;. Geotextile labeling* %$ip)ent and %torage %$all 'ollo- AST4 D :?B!. 8rodu&t label% %$all &learl, %$o- t$e )anu'a&turer or %upplier na)e* %t,le na)e* and roll nu)ber. Ea&$ %$ipping do&u)ent %$all in&lude a notation &erti',ing t$at t$e )aterial i% in a&&ordan&e -it$ t$e )anu'a&turerH% &erti'i&ate. Ea&$ geotextile roll %$all be -rapped -it$ a )aterial t$at -ill prote&t t$e geotextile 'ro) da)age due to %$ip)ent* -ater* %unlig$t* and &onta)inant%. T$e prote&ti(e -rapping %$all be )aintained during period% o' %$ip)ent and %torage. I' t$e -rapping i% da)aged prior to in%tallation* t$e outer -rap o' geotextile )aterial )u%t be di%&arded be'ore in%tallation. During %torage* geotextile roll% %$all be ele(ated o'' t$e ground and ade.uatel, &o(ered to prote&t t$e) 'ro) t$e 'ollo-ing# Site &on%tru&tion da)age* extended expo%ure to ultra(iolet (UG" radiation* pre&ipitation* &$e)i&al% t$at are %trong a&id% or %trong ba%e%* 'la)e%* %parE%* te)perature% in ex&e%% o' B1 deg C (172 deg ;") and an, ot$er en(iron)ental &ondition t$at )ig$t da)age t$e geotextile.


IUALITJ ASSU ANCE SA48LING* TESTING* AND ACCE8TANCE A. Geotextile# 1. +. Geotextile% %$all be %ubKe&t to %a)pling and te%ting to (eri', &on'or)an&e -it$ t$i% %pe&i'i&ation. Sa)pling 'or te%ting %$all be in a&&ordan&e -it$ AST4 D :!@:. A&&eptan&e %$all be in a&&ordan&e -it$ AST4 D :B@A ba%ed on te%ting o' eit$er &on'or)an&e %a)ple% obtained u%ing 8ro&edure A o' AST4 D :!@:* or ba%ed on )anu'a&turerH% &erti'i&ation% and te%ting o' .ualit, &ontrol %a)ple% obtained u%ing 8ro&edure B o' AST4 D :!@:.


Se-n Sea)% (i' re.uired"# 1. +. !. :. ;or %ea)% t$at are to be %e-n in t$e 'ield* t$e Contra&tor %$all pro(ide at lea%t a + )eter (7 't" lengt$ o' %e-n %ea) 'or %a)pling b, t$e Engineer be'ore t$e geotextile i% in%talled. ;or %ea)% t$at are %e-n in t$e 'a&tor,* t$e Engineer %$all obtain %a)ple% o' t$e 'a&tor, %ea)% at rando) 'ro) and roll o' geotextile t$at i% to be u%ed on t$e proKe&t. I' %ea)% are to be %e-n in bot$ dire&tion%* %a)ple% o' %ea)% 'ro) bot$ dire&tion% %$all be pro(ided. ;or %ea)% t$at are 'ield %e-n* t$e %ea)% %e-n 'or %a)pling %$all be %e-n u%ing t$e %a)e G !" # "$% 31 32 19- 3 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

May 20 1 1

e.uip)ent and pro&edure% a% -ill be u%ed 'or t$e produ&tion %ea)%. @. 2 +.1 PROD.CTS 4ANU;ACTU E S A. B. +.+ 8ropex In&.* C$attanooga* Tenne%%ee* !B:++ USA* 8$one (?22" 7+191+B!. Sub%titution%# Under pro(i%ion% o' Se&tion 121 +@ 225 1666665. T$e %ea) a%%e)bl, de%&ription %$all be %ub)itted b, t$e Contra&tor along -it$ t$e %a)ple o' t$e %ea). T$e de%&ription %$all in&lude t$e %ea) t,pe* %e-ing t$read* and %tit&$ den%it,.

)dit the following to coordinate with >ivision 1.

4ATE IALS A. Geotextile# 1. T$e geotextile &on%tru&tion %$all be -o(en %lit 'il) pol,prop,lene geotextileL indi(idual %lit 'il)% -o(en toget$er in )anner to pro(ide di)en%ional %tabilit, relati(e to ea&$ ot$er in&luding %el(age%. e%i%tant to UG degradation and biologi&al and &$e)i&al en(iron)ent% nor)all, en&ountered in %oil%.


nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class 2% woven geotextile $B)OT)C &''"T%. Dse Type 1 for light duty roadways and paths. !. 4ini)u) A(erage oll Galue% (4A G"# P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation 8un&ture Strengt$ 4ullen Bur%t Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (8er&ent retained at @22 $our%" T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :?!! AST4 D !B?7 AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent N (lb%" E8a (p%i" N (lb%" )) (US Std." Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" ?A2 (+22" 1@ :22.@ (A2" +B@B.7 (:22" !!!.? (B@" 2.:+@ (:2" 2.2@ 17! (:" B2

nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class 2% non woven geotextile $B)OT)C ('1%. Dse Type 1 for light duty roadways and paths. P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" @!: (1+2" @2

May 20 1 1 G !" # "$%

31 32 19- 4 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e (4axi)u) A(g. oll Galue" 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (8er&ent retained at @22 $our%"

AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@

N (lb%" )) (US Std." Sie(e" Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent

+++ (@2" 2.+1+ (B2" 1.B @B2: (1:2" B2

MMMM O MMMM nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class &% woven geotextile $B)OT)C &E'"T%. Dse Type & for paved and unpaved rural roadways and taxiways where the subgrade CF7 2. :. P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation 8un&ture Strengt$ 4ullen Bur%t Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (8er&ent retained at @22 $our%" 4ini)u) A(erage oll Galue%# T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :?!! AST4 D !B?7 AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent N (lb%" E8a (p%i" N (lb%" )) (US Std." Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" 111+.@ (+@2" 1+ :?A.@ (112" !::B (@22" :22.@ (A2" 2.:+@ (:2" 2.2@ 17! (:" B2

nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class &% non woven geotextile $B)OT)C :'1%. Dse Type & for paved and unpaved rural roadways and taxiways where the subgrade CF7 2. P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e (4axi)u) A(g. oll Galue" 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (per&ent retained at @22 $our%" May 20 1 1 G !" # "$% T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent N (lb%" )) (US Std." Sie(e" Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" B1+ (172" @2 +7B (72" 2.+1+ (B2" 1.!2 ::?2 (112" B2

31 32 19- 3 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

MMMM O MMMM nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class 1% woven geotextile $B)OT)C 21E"T%. Dse Type 2 for paved urban roads where subgrade 1 G CF7 G 2, heavy duty haul roads, and runways. @. 4ini)u) A(erage oll Galue%# P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation 8un&ture Strengt$ 4ullen Bur%t Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (per&ent retained at @22 $our%" T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :?!! AST4 D !B?7 AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent N (lb%" E8a (p%i" N (lb%" )) (US Std. Sie(e" Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" 1:2+ (!1@" 1+ 77B.@ (1@2" :1!7 (722" @2! (11!" 2.:+@ (:2" 2.1 17! (:" B2

nclude the following for Type $@@"ATO Class 1% non woven geotextile $B)OT)C 9'1%. Dse Type 2 for paved urban roads where subgrade 1 G CF7 G 2, heavy duty haul roads, and runways. 7. P+!* +"y Grab Ten%ile Strengt$ Grab Elongation Trape/oidal Tear Apparent Opening Si/e ( 4axi)u) A(g. oll Galue" 8er)itti(it, Cater ;lo- ate UG e%i%tan&e (per&ent retained at @22 $our%" +.! a" 4ini)u) A(erage oll Galue%# T -" M "/!) AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :7!+ AST4 D :@!! AST4 D :B@1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D ::A1 AST4 D :!@@ .($"N (lb%" 8er&ent N (lb%" )) (US Std." Sie(e" Se&91 lF)inF) + (gp)F't+" 8er&ent P+!* +"y R 01$+ 2 (" A1+ (+2@" @2 !@7 (?2" 2.1?2 (?2" 1.@2 ::?+ (112" B2

Iualit, Control 4anu'a&turing Iualit, Control (4IC"# Te%ting %$all be per'or)ed at a laborator, a&&redited b, GAI9LA8 'or te%t% re.uired 'or t$e geotextile* at 're.uen&, ex&eeding AST4 D :!@:.


Se-ing T$read (i' re.uired" 1. +. Se-ing t$read %$all &on%i%t o' $ig$ %trengt$ pol,prop,lene or pol,e%ter (N,lon %$all not be u%ed". T$e t$read %$all be o' a &ontra%ting &olor to t$e geotextile. G !" # "$% 31 32 19- 4 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

May 20 1 1

3 !.1

EXEC.TION 8 E8A ATION A. B. Clear* grub* and ex&a(ateF'ill in%tallation %ite to de%ign grade. e)o(e top%oil* (egetation* and ot$er un%uitable )aterial%. So't %pot% and un%uitable area% %$all be identi'ied during %ite preparation or %ub%e.uent proo' rolling. T$e%e area% %$all be ex&a(ated and ba&E'illed -it$ %ele&t )aterial% and &o)pa&ted u%ing nor)al pro&edure%.


INSTALLATION A. B. T$e geotextile %$all be laid %)oot$ -it$out -rinEle% or 'old% on t$e prepared %ubgrade in t$e dire&tion o' &on%tru&tion tra''i&. AdKa&ent geotextile% roll% %$all be o(erlapped* %e-n or Koined a% re.uired belo-#

S1&5+a) CBR Greater t$an ! 13! 2.@ 3 1 Le%% t$an 2.@ All roll end% C. D. E. ;.

M$($212 O6 +%a* !22 9 :@2 )) (1+ 9 1? in" 722 9 1222 )) (+: 9 !7 in" 1222 )) (!7 in" or %e-n Se-n 1222 )) (!7 in" or %e-n

C$en %e-n %ea)% are re.uired* t$e %ea) %trengt$* a% )ea%ured b, AST4 D:7!+ %$all be e.ual to or greater t$an A2 per&ent o' t$e %pe&i'ied grab %trengt$. On &ur(e%* t$e geotextile )a, be 'olded or &ut to &on'or) to t$e &ur(e%. T$e 'old or o(erlap %$all be in t$e dire&tion o' &on%tru&tion and $eld in pla&e b, pin%* %taple%* or pile% o' 'ill or ro&E. 8rior to &o(ering* t$e geotextile %$all be in%pe&ted b, a &erti'ied in%pe&tor o' t$e Engineer to en%ure t$at it $a% not been da)aged during in%tallation. Da)aged area%* a% identi'ied b, t$e Engineer* %$all be repaired i))ediatel, b, &o(ering t$e da)aged area -it$ a geotextile pat&$ t$at extend% an a)ount e.ual to t$e re.uired o(erlap be,ond t$e da)aged area. T$e %ubba%e %$all be pla&ed b, end du)ping onto t$e geotextile* or o(er pre(iou%l, pla&ed %ubba%e aggregate %u&$ t$at at lea%t t$e )ini)u) %pe&i'ied li't t$i&Ene%% %$all be bet-een t$e &on%tru&tion e.uip)ent tire% or tra&E% and t$e geotextile at all ti)e%. 8reten%ioning Geotextile# 1. 8roo' roll -it$ $ea(il, loaded* rubber9tired (e$i&le. C$eel load o' tru&E %$all be e.ui(alent to )axi)u) expe&ted 'or %ite. Ge$i&le to )aEe at lea%t 'our pa%%e% o(er 'ir%t li't in ea&$ area o' %ite. On&e de%ign aggregate $a% been pla&ed* u%e road-a, prior to pa(ing to pre%tre%% geotextile9 aggregate %,%te) in Ee, area%.



+. I.

I' re.uired* %taple or pin geotextile at o(erlap% to )aintain po%ition during &on%tru&tion a&ti(itie%. U%e +@2 to !22 )) (12 to 1+ in" long nail% pla&ed at )ini)u) 1@ ) (@2 't" on &enter 'or parallel roll% and 1.@ ) (@ 't" on &enter 'or roll end%. Do not pla&e o(erlap% along anti&ipated pri)ar, -$eel pat$ lo&ation%. 8la&e o(erlap% at end o' roll% in G !" # "$% 31 32 19- 7 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

N. May 20 1 1

dire&tion o' aggregate pla&e)ent -it$ pre(iou% roll on top. O. C$en geotextile inter%e&t% an exi%ting pa(e)ent area* extend geotextile to edge o' old %,%te). ;or -idening or inter%e&ting exi%ting road% -$ere geotextile% $a(e been u%ed* an&$or geotextile at road-a, edge. Co)pa&t 'ir%t li't o' ba%e aggregate -it$ a tra&Eing do/er and t$en &o)pa&t -it$ %)oot$9dru) (ibrator, roller to obtain )ini)u) &o)pa&ted den%it,. Co)pa&tion o' per)eable ba%e% %$all )eet %pe&i'ied re.uire)ent%. 8er'or) &on%tru&tion parallel to road align)ent. ;ill rut% 'or)ed during &on%tru&tion to )aintain ade.uate &o(er o(er geotextile. Do not blade rut% do-n. 8la&e re)aining ba%e aggregate in li't% not ex&eeding +@2 )) (12 in" in loo%e t$i&Ene%% and &o)pa&t to %pe&i'ied den%it,.

L. 4. N. O. 8.


8 OTECTION A. B. At)o%p$eri& expo%ure o' t$e geotextile to t$e ele)ent% 'ollo-ing la,do-n %$all be li)ited to 1: da,% to pre(ent da)age. E.uip)ent )a, operate on road-a, -it$out aggregate 'or geotextile in%tallation under per)eable ba%e% i' %ubgrade i% o' %u''i&ient %trengt$. 1. +. !. C. ;or extre)el, %o't %oil%* u%e lig$t-eig$t &on%tru&tion (e$i&le% 'or a&&e%% on 'ir%t li't. Li)it &on%tru&tion (e$i&le% in %i/e and -eig$t to li)it rutting in initial li't to B@ )) (! in". I' rut dept$% ex&eed B@ )) (! in"* de&rea%e &on%tru&tion (e$i&le %i/e or -eig$t or in&rea%e li't t$i&Ene%%.

Turning not per)itted on 'ir%t li't o' ba%e aggregate. Con%tru&t turnout% at road-a, edge to 'a&ilitate &on%tru&tion.


May 20 1 1 G !" # "$%

31 32 19- 9 S"a & $%$' a "$ ! ( a( ) S * a + a " $ ! ( I( R!a) , a y -

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