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did Islam forbid women leaders?

Peace unto you Asker, hope you are in the best of health God willing =) Asker, If a woman becomes leader, then she would have to face the public day and night, meet ministers and foreign dignitaries, lead the country in political crises and war, and be able to lead the people in congregational prayers. A woman cannot fulfil all these roles while having children and establishing her home. In fact, she cannot fulfill most of these role anyway, such as leading battle and prayer. ur creator Allah has en!oined upon me, the duty of maintaing the family. If a woman is not maintainer of her own home, how can she be e"pected to maintain the government of the country. ur beloved prophet #uhammed said$ %&he people who hand their rule over a woman, will not be successful 'or prosperous() '*ukhari( +ome muslim countries allow women to be ambassador, and members of the parliament, i think this is too much for a woman to handle and a woman should try her best to fulfill the role of a home,maker. Also Asker,a woman is obliged to observe her Islamic in!unctions on modesty. +o spending entire days and nights in parliament wearing -i!ab is difficult and uncomfortable, and the practical e"ample of women parliamentarians in muslim country today is that they cannot obey the rules. Also, A woman cannot travel on a !ourney which lasts more than a day and night unless she is accompanied by a mehram 'A close male relative(. +o you see, this !ob re.uires to travel inland and abroad in order to better discharge their duties. I am not saying that a woman have no say in the government of their country. If a woman has the capability and knowledge which could benefit the state, she could advise the government without having to participate in its daily workings / 0es, both Islam and 1hristianity forbid women leaders *2& some #uslim countries have woman as their President 3 4444444Islamic Prospective44444444 5 6 7vidence from the 8ur9aan$ Allaah says :interpretation of the meaning)$ ;#en are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has made one of them to e"cel the other, and because they spend :to support them) from their means< 'al,=isa >$?>(

Al,8urtubi said$

&he words ;#en are the protectors and maintainers of women< mean that they spend on them and protect them, and also that they :men) are the rulers and governors, and the ones who go on military campaigns, and none of these are the role of women.

&afseer al,8urtubi, @A5BC. Ibn Datheer said$ It means the man is in charge of the womanE he is her leader, the ruler over her who disciplines her if she goes astray. ;because Allaah has made one of them to e"cel the other< means, because men are superior to woman, and a man is better than a woman. -ence Prophethood was given only to men, as is the role of caliph, because the Prophet :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said$ ;=o people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of them.< &afseer Ibn Datheer, 5A>FG. G 67vidence from the +unnah$ It was narrated that Abu *akrah said$ Hhen the #essenger of Allaah :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard that the people of Persia had appointed the daughter of 1hosroes as their .ueen, he said, ;=o people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of them.< =arrated by al,*ukhaari, >5B?. Al,+hawkaani said in =ayl al,Awtaar, CA?I@$ &his indicates that women are not .ualified to rule, and it is not permissible for people to appoint them as rulers, because they must avoid that which will cause them not to prosper. Al,#aawirdi said, in the conte"t of his discussion of the position of waJeer$ It is not permissible for a woman to play this role, because the Prophet :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ;=o people will prosper if they delegate their affairs to a woman.< And because these positions re.uire wisdom and resolve, which women may be lacking in, and re.uires appearing in public to handle matters directly, which is haraam for them to do. Al,Ahkaam al,+ultaaniyyah, p. >B. Ibn -aJm :may Allaah have mercy on him) said, in the conte"t of his discussion on the role of caliph$ &here is no dispute that it is not permissible for a woman :to be caliph). Al,Kasl fi9l,#ilal wa9l,=ihal, >A5GF.

In al,#awsoo9ah al,Ki.hiyyah :G5AGLI) it says$ &he fu.aha9 are agreed that one of the conditions of the position of caliph is that the holder should be male. &he leadership of a woman is not valid, because the Prophet :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said$ ;=o people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of them.< &hat is also so that he will be able to mi" with men, to devote his time solely to dealing with affairs of state, and because this position involves handling very serious matters. &he responsibility is great and this is a man9s role. +haykh MAbd al,MAJeeJ ibn MAbd,Allaah ibn *aaJ :may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked the following .uestion$ Hhat is the Islamic view on a woman being nominated as a candidate for the position of head of state, or head of a government, or a public ministryN -e replied$ It is not permissible to appoint or elect a woman as head of state. &his is indicated by the 8ur9aan, +unnah and scholarly consensus. In the 8ur9aan, Allaah says :interpretation of the meaning)$ ;#en are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has made one of them to e"cel the otherO< 'al,=isa >$?>( &he ruling in the verse is general and includes a man9s position of leadership in his family, and applies more so to his position of public leadership... ...In the +unnah, the Prophet :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said$ ;=o people will ever prosper who appoint a woman in charge of them.< =arrated by al,*ukhaari. 2ndoubtedly this hadeeth indicates that it is haraam for a woman to take a position of public leadership, or to become the governor of a province or city, because all of that comes under the general meaning of the hadeeth, and the Prophet :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that those who appoint a woman as their leader will never prosper. Prospering means being successful and doing well Positions of leadership and high public office means taking on the mission of establishing Islam by reviving religious knowledge and establishing its foundations, engaging in !ihaad for the sake of Allaah 6 which includes preparing armies and distributing war booty 6 establishing the !udicial system, carrying out !udicial punishments :hudood), fighting oppression, en!oining what is good and forbidding what is evil, acting as a deputy of the Prophet +AH+ :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). &here is no dispute among the scholars that one of the conditions of the imaam or leader is that he should be male. Ibn -aJam reported in his book #araatib al,I!maa9 that there was scholarly consensus on this point. In the section he says$ ; ut of all groups of the people of

the 8iblah 'i.e., all #uslim sects(, there is not one that allows the leadership of women.< Al, 8urtubi reported something similar, and al,MAllaamah al,+han.eeti said, ;&here is no difference of opinion among the scholars on this point.< &he evidence for this is the general meaning of the aayah :interpretation of the meaning)$ ;#en are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has made one of them to e"cel the otherO< 'al,=isa9 >$?>(. It is also clearly indicated by the hadeeth of Abu *akrah who said that when the Prophet +AHN+ :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard that the Persians had appointed the daughter of 1hosroes as their .ueen, he said, ;=o people who appoint a woman as their leader will ever prosper.< :Peported by al,*ukhaari, 5?A@?). &his is because positions of leadership and government re.uire a person to !oin men9s gatherings, which is not allowed for women according to sharee9ah because of the aayah :interpretation of the meaning)$ ;And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignoranceO< 'al,AhJaab ??$??(. &hese positions also re.uire perfect wisdom, reason and alertness, and the testimony of a man has been made e.ual to that of two women, the reason for which Allaah has e"plained in the aayah :interpretation of the meaning)$ ;O so that if one of them :two women) errs, the other can remind herO< 'al, *a.arah G$GCG(. Imaam al,#uwaffa. Ibn 8udaamah said$ ;Kor this reason the Prophet +AH+ :peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his successors :khulafa9) and those who came after them never appointed a woman to be a !udge or a governor of a province, as far as we know. If it were permissible, it should have happened.< Imaam al,GhaJaali said$ ;&he position of leader :imaam) could never be given to a woman even if she possessed all the .ualities of perfection and self,reliance. -ow could a woman take the position of leader when she did not have the right to be a !udge or a witness under most of the historical governmentsN< Imaam al,*aghawi said$ ;&he scholars agreed that women are not fit to be leaders or !udges, because the leader needs to go out to organiJe !ihaad and take care of the #uslims9 affairs, and the !udge needs to go out to !udge between people, but women are Mawrah and it is not right for them to go out. *ecause of their weakness, women are not able to do many things. Homen are imperfect, and the positions of leaders and !udge are among the most perfect of positions for which only the most perfect of men are .ualified.<

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