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Week 1

File Organisation for Lecture, tutorial and ISL Lecture Tutorial ISL Cultural and Ethnic Groups Present the personal family Prepare a personal family - Meaning and tree and relate the migration tree and migration concepts of ancestral history. factors of ancestors - Types of ethinic *Powerpoint on migration *Family Tree of the group groups and factors of the group members demography (4) Awareness of Socio-cultural Discuss and present the Research on differences Aspects or Ethnic Groups taboos of various races in in race, structure of - Race Malaysia society, beliefs and - Structure of society/ *Powerpoint on taboos language social class *Powerpoint on race - Beliefs and language and - Language (4) social class Awareness of Socio-cultural Discuss and present the Research on differences Aspects of Ethinic Groups differences of socio-cultural in custom and rituals - Custom and Rituals aspects of ethnic groups and *Powerpoint on Custom - Gender (2) the implications. and Rituals Implications of Socio-cultural *Powerpoint on Religion Diversity and Belief - Teacher - Student (2) Implications of Socio-cultural Discuss the factors that cause Research on issues on Diversity disparities in terms of gender inequality of educational - School and social class in the tertiary opportunities in terms of - Hidden Curriculum level and its implications for gender and social class (2) individuals, families, *Articles on the above Inequality in Educational communities and countries issues and a personal Opportunities *Mind map on factors and reflection - Social class implications - Gender (2) Inequality in Educational Discuss the issues and Research on issues about Opportunities implication on inequality of inequality of educational - Minority groups educational opportunities opportunities for - Exceptional students *Mind map on factors and minority groups, - Issues on inequality implications exceptional students in educational *Articles on the issues opportunities and a personal reflection -aborigines -indigenous -interior (4) Create Culturally Friendly Present the classroom Create a culturally Environment in the management plan and friendly environment Classroom explain the rationale for the through a classroom - Managing physical design of the plan. management plan environment *Powerpoint presentation (physical, - Managing socioemotional) socioemotional *Classroom management environment plan (include physical (4) setting, rules and

Create Culturally Friendly Environment in the Classroom - Relationships among ethnics (3) Create culturally Friendly Enviroment in the Classroom - Managing teaching and learning - Cultural and indigenous relevant pedagogy (3) Create Culturally Friendly Environment in the Classroom - Pedagogy for combine classes - Sociolinguistic (3) Create Culturally Friendly Environment in the Classroom - Culturally responsive assessment (2) Communication skills of Teachers - Verbal (1) Communication Skills of Teachers - Non verbal - Language register (3)

Discuss to what extent RIMUP has succeeded in promoting integration among Malaysian school children of different ethnic groups. *Personal reflection Present and justify the learning activity, taking into consideration the incorporation of multicultural knowledge *Prezi or Powerpoint

routines) Search for information regarding RIMUP. *Articles about RIMUP

Create and present a 30minute lesson plan for a combine class using relevant strategies. *Lesson Plan and rationale for the strategies used. Compare and Contrast assessment which are culturally responsive and not responsive. *Graphic organizer

Plan and incorporate the knowledge on cultural diversity in one of your learning activities. *Learning activity and rationale for the incorporation of multicultural knowledge Access information about Sekolah Kurang Murid and the pedagogy for combine classes *Articles


Access information and provide examples of assessment which are not culturally responsive. *Articles



Action Plan to Create Culturally Friendly Environment (3) Action Plan to Create Culturally Friendly Environment - Aborigines - Indigenous - Interior (3)


Act out different scenarios when miscommuniation occurs due to lack of understanding about language register of different cultures. *Discussion on how to overcome the above miscommunication and misunderstanding. Present the action plan on how to create culturally friendly environment *Action Plan Present the action plan on how to create culturally friendly environment *Action Plan

Collect examples of miscommunication due to lack of awareness about the different language register (laras bahasa) in different cultures. *List of examples of scenarios Access articles on how to create culturally friendly environment *Articles Access articles on how to create culturally friendly environment for aborigines, indigenous and interior children *Articles

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