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Course Title: Labor Market Management Course

Course Outcome: By the end of the Course the participants must be able to formulate for the use of their superiors or policy makers specific policies and programs relevant to reducing labor underutilization based on examination and assessment of available labor market data information and intelligence!

Time Open $% mins

Topics Registration/Opening Program

$% mins -Leveling of Expectations "ay # odule !" Labor # Emplo$ment Concepts $ hrs -Course Introduction and Objectives !" T%e Labor ar&et '" Labor (uppl$ )ierarc%$ *" Redefining t%e P%ilippine +nemplo$ed ," Labor # Emplo$ment (ituationer -" Labor ar&et Opportunities

"ay # "ay &

odule '- Labor ar&et Examination. /ature0 Processes and Objectives ' hrs

!" '" *" ,"

Labor ar&et anagement 1e$ Indicators of t%e Labor ar&et Tools for L I 2nal$sis Common Tools for Examining Labor ar&et 3ata

3a$ '

odule *Emplo$ment (olution atrix

( hrs

!" anaging +nemplo$ment '" Emplo$ment (olution atrix *" T%e 4our 5indo5 model of PE(O !" Labor ar&et Intelligence ($stem L I (ources # 6enerators

) hrs "ay $ odule ,-3etermining Labor ar&et 3emand !( hr

Closing Program

4acilitators7 6uide
Opening Activity Training Steps Plenar$ !" +nfree8ing/6etting to 1no5 '" Level expectations of t%e participants Time ': min Resources !" +se an$ unfree8ing/getting to &no5 activit$ '" eta cards

!- min

*" Present overvie5 of t%e 5or&s%op" T%e overvie5 must include general '- min objectives of t%e course and specific objectives of eac% module0 t%e topics and t%e training approac%" 9ou ma$ combine 5it% step ' to process t%e expectations of t%e participants"

*" Po5er Point presentation

4acilitators7 6uide ;* %rs<

odule !" Labor and Emplo$ment Concepts Training Steps Plenar$ !" Provide t%e participants7 5or&boo& and explain %o5 t%e 5or&boo& 5ill be used" Individual Learning '" Provide around !: minutes for participants to get familiar 5it% t%e 5or&boo& and read t%e Information (%eet !-=T%e Labor ar&et>" Plenar$ *" Present t%e first topic =T%e Labor ar&et> # Labor (uppl$ )eirarc%$ ," ?alidate understanding of participants b$ as&ing @uestions Individual Learning -" Provide !: minutes for participants to read Information (%eet '-=Redefining t%e P%ilippine +nemplo$ed> and anot%er !: min to ans5er (elf C%ec& !" Plenar$ A" ?alidate understanding of participants b$ as&ing volunteers to s%are t%eir ans5ers speciall$ t%at pertaining to t%e ne5 definition of =unemplo$ed>" Provide a s$nt%esis of t%e topic" 6roup Bor& C" 6roup participants in fours" Provide t%e direction for t%e activit$" 2llo5 !- min for individual reading of Information (%eet * D Labor # Emplo$ment (ituationer # Information (%eet ,-Labor ar&et Opportunities>" 2llo5 !- min for group discussion and anot%er !: min for 5riting t%eir report" Plenar$ E" Collect t%e group report and as& one group to present t%eir output" Provide feedbac& on t%e report and provide criteria on 5%at s%ould be reported 5%en describing t%e =state of )ealt% = of t%e Labor ar&et Total Time Time &% min #% min Resources !" Participants7 5or&boo& '" Participants7 Bor&boo& $% min #% min &( min *" Po5er Point Presentation ," List of Possible @uestions to as& -" Participants Bor&boo& A" Participants7 Bor&boo&

&% min

$% min

C" Participants 5or&boo& specificall$ 2ctivit$ (%eet !

&% min

$ hrs

4acilitators7 6uide ;E %rs<

Module 2. Labor Market Examination !ature" #rocesses $ Ob%ectives Training Steps Time Resources !" Provide introduction to module ' !: min !" Po5erPoint if needed '" 2llo5 !- min for individual reading of !- min '" Participants7 information s%eet - # A" Bor&boo& *" Present t%e topic 1e$ indicators of t%e labor mar&et ," 2llo5 !: min for participants to ans5er self c%ec& ' -" ?alidate Learning b$ re@uesting volunteers to read t%eir ans5ers" A" 2llo5 !- min for participants to read information s%eet C- Tools for L I anal$sis C" ?alidate understanding b$ providing sample exercises to be solved as a group" E" 2llo5 !- min for participants to ans5er self c%ec& *" a&e sure t%e$ compare t%eir ans5ers to model ans5er" *: min !: min !: min !- min *" Po5erPoint Presentation ," Participants7 5or&boo& -" 2ns5ers to self c%ec& A" Participants7 5or&boo& !: min C" (ample Problem E" Participants7 5or&boo& F" Participants7 F" 2llo5 !: min for participants to read !: min Information s%eet E-Common tools for examining Labor ar&et 3ata !:" Present t%e topic Time (eries and (%ift (%are 2nal$sis for L I !!" ?alidate understanding b$ providing an example solved as a group" To be done t%e follo5ing da$ !'" 6roup participants in fours and as& t%em to perform 2ctivit$ '0 * # , !*" 2s& eac% group to present t%eir output !," Provide s$nt%esis *: min ': min !-: min !': min !' min 5or&boo& !:" Po5erPoint Presentation !!" (ample problem

!- min

!'" Participants7 5or&boo& !*" 6roup output

4acilitators7 6uide ;, %rs<

Module &. Employment Solution Matrix Training Steps Time Resources !" Provide introduction to module * '" 2llo5 !: min for individual reading of information s%eet Fanaging +nemplo$ment *" Present t%e topic =T%e 4our Bindo5 odel of Peso> ," 2llo5 !: min for participants to ans5er self c%ec& , -" ?alidate Learning b$ re@uesting volunteers to read t%eir ans5ers" 2llo5 participants to as& @uestions" A" 2llo5 !: min for individual reading of information s%eet !:-Emplo$ment (olution atrix C" Present t%e topic =Emplo$ment (olution atrix> E" ?alidate understanding b$ as&ing @uestions" 2llo5 participants to as& @uestions F" 6roup participants in fours and as& t%em to perform 2ctivit$ -" Read t%e direction and allo5 participants to ma&e clarification" !:" 2s& eac% group to present t%eir output" a&e sure to derive commonalities of issues and problems !!" Provide s$nt%esis !: min !: min !" Po5erPoint if needed '" Participants7 Bor&boo& ': min !: min ': min *" Po5erPoint Presentation ," Participants7 5or&boo& -" 2ns5ers to self c%ec&

!: min

A" Participants7 5or&boo& C" Po5er Point Presentation E" List of @uestions to as&

': min !- min

,: min

F" Participants7 5or&boo&

A: min

!:" 6roup Output

!: min

4acilitators7 6uide ;, %rs<

Module '. (etermining Labor Market (emand Training Steps Time Resources !" Provide introduction to module , '" Present t%e topic =Labor ar&et Intelligence ($stem> Include all possible L I (ources # 6enerators" 9ou ma$ also include ot%er approac%es to L intelligence generation *" ?alidate Learning b$ as&ing @uestions" 2llo5 participants to as& @uestions" ," 6roup participants in fours and as& t%em to perform 2ctivit$ A" Read t%e direction and allo5 participants to ma&e clarification" -" 2s& eac% group to present t%eir output" 3erive commonalities A" Provide s$nt%esis C" Closing activities Training program evaluation 25arding of certificates !: min *: min !" Po5erPoint if needed '" Po5erPoint Presentation

': min

*" List of @uestions to as&

A: min

," 2ctivit$ (%eet /o" 2ll data necessar$ to perform t%e activit$

-: min

-" 6roup output

*: min

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