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Article appeared Friday, March 14th, 2014 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation ( 1!"

yo#s#$ %ah&#&#l 'sla%, (h)

*ach has a li%ited a%o#nt o$ ti%e on earth+ ,o an i%portant -#estion is how %#ch ti%e do we have le$t. /ill we get the things that we need to do, done. /ill there &e eno#gh ti%e. The $act that ti%e is li%ited, %a0es it the %ost precio#s thing we have+ 1et %any o$ #s loo0 $or ways to waste it+ ,ho#ld we waste it. To help #s #nderstand the precio#sness o$ ti%e, philosophers and writers have le$t &ehind sayings+ The A%erican (sychologist, M+ ,cott (ec0 (1! 2 3 2004" said, 5ntil yo# val#e yo#rsel$, yo# won6t val#e yo#r ti%e+ 5ntil yo# val#e yo#r ti%e, yo# will not do anything with it+ {1} (ec0 {1} has lin0ed the ti%e with the val#e we place on o#rselves 3 i.e. i$ we val#e o#rselves, we will val#e the ti%e that we have le$t and #se it e$$iciently7 Ti%e is the only thing we have to #tili8e and de%onstrate the #ni-#e and &ea#ti$#l h#%an &eing that we have &een %ade+ To help #s reali8e this $act, the A%erican &#siness%an Alan 9a0ein {2} #ses a %athe%atical e:pression to show that, Ti%e ; 9i$e+ There$ore, waste yo#r ti%e and waste o$ yo#r li$e, or %aster yo#r ti%e and %aster yo#r li$e+ {2} ,o i$ we waste o#r ti%e doing things that have no o#tp#t or val#e, we are in $act wasting li$e that we hold precio#s+ <aving said that, the *nglish%an, /illia% (enn (1244 3 1=1>", &rings o#t a d#ality in h#%an nat#re in the $ollowing -#ote? Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. {3} Altho#gh we want %ore and %ore ti%e to do the things we want to do, we either #se o#r ti%e ine$$iciently or si%ply waste it+ To s#% #p, there$ore, the A%erican Activist Malcol% @ (1!24 3 1!24" 'n all o#r deeds, the proper val#e and respect $or ti%e deter%ines s#ccess or $ail#re+ {4} '$ we there$ore wish to &e s#ccess$#l in #tili8ing the gi$t o$ li$e given, we need to plan ahead and #se the present ti%e that we have e$$iciently and prod#ctively to do the things that need to &e done+ The A%erican Aartoonist Bil Beane (1!22 3 2011" 1esterday6s the past, to%orrow6s the $#t#re, &#t today is a gi$t+ That6s why it6s called the present+ {5} /here did the present co%e $ro%. C#r Areator, Allah, points o#t in the %ost recent Revelation, the D#ran, 't is <e /ho %ade the s#n to &e a shining glory and the %oon to &e a (re$lecting" light (o$ &ea#ty" and %eas#red o#t stages $or her? that yo# %ight 0now the n#%&er o$ years and the co#nt (o$ ti%e"+ Allah did not create this &#t to esta&lish tr#th and righteo#sness+ (Th#s" does <e e:plain <is ,igns in detail $or those who #nderstand+ E10+4F The p#rpose o$ the phases o$ the Moon, i.e. the wa:ing and waning o$ the Moon, is especially $or h#%an &eings to &e a&le to 0eep trac0 o$ ti%e in their lives+ As the ti%e on earth is li%ited, the Areator wants h#%an &eings to 0eep trac0 o$ ti%e+ <e has created the l#nar calendar syste% so that no special device or ed#cation is needed $or one to &e a&le to $ollow the l#nar calendar+ 't is not s#rprising that Archeologists have discovered a l#nar calendar in A&erdeenshire, ,cotland {6} that is nearly ten tho#sand years old+ Their $indings show that the calendar %a0ers tho#ght a&o#t ti%e and $ig#red o#t a %eans to $ollow it at a period in history that was still in the ,tone Age+

9.36 The number of months in the sight of Allah is twel e !in a "ear# so or$aine$ b" %im the $a" %e &reate$ the hea ens an$ the earth' of them four are sa&re$' that is the straight usage. (o wrong not "oursel es therein an$ fight the )agans all together as the" fight "ou all together. *ut +now that Allah is with those who restrain themsel es.
Not only has the Areator created twelve %onths, <e has allocated $o#r %onths $or special religio#s d#ties+ These %onths have &een %ar0ed o#t to allow $#l$illing o$ the religio#s o&ligations+ The $o#r ,acred Months were %ade $o#r, three in s#ccession and one alone, so that the (two types o$ pilgri%ages" Hajj and Umrah are per$or%ed with ease+ Dhul-Qadah, the %onth &e$ore the <aGG %onth, was %ade sacred &eca#se they re$rained $ro% $ighting d#ring that %onth (to allow ti%e $or preparation"+ Dhul-Hijjah, the ne:t %onth, was %ade sacred &eca#se it is the %onth o$ Hajj, d#ring which they per$or%ed Hajj rit#als+ Muharram, which co%es ne:t, was %ade sacred so that they are a&le to go &ac0 to their areas in sa$ety (a$ter per$or%ing Hajj)+ Rajab, in the %iddle o$ the l#nar year, was %ade sacred so that those co%ing $ro% the $arthest areas o$ Ara&ia are a&le to per$or% Umrah and visit the <o#se and then go &ac0 to their areas sa$ely+ {,} ,o M#sli%s %#st restrain the%selves $ro% $ighting d#ring the sacred %onths, #sing the %onths to per$or% the rit#als and collectively plan to %eet those who oppose the% in a coordinated %anner a$ter the sacred %onths and rit#als have &een co%plete+

9.3, -eril" the trans)osing !of a )rohibite$ month# is an a$$ition to unbelief. the unbelie ers are le$ to wrong thereb". for the" ma+e it lawful one "ear an$ forbi$$en another "ear in or$er to a$/ust the number of months forbi$$en b" Allah an$ ma+e su&h forbi$$en ones lawful. The e il of their &ourse seems )leasing to them. *ut Allah gui$es not those who re/e&t faith.
H#st as the ti%e o$ the wee0ly Friday prayer cannot &e shi$ted, nor can the sacred %onths+ The ti%e on earth is $or each individ#al to prove that heIshe is grate$#l $or the gi$t o$ li$e and do the things that need to &e done to esta&lish the tr#th o$ the Areator+

9.30 1 "ou who belie e2 3hat is the matter with "ou then' when "ou are as+e$ to go forth in the &ause of Allah "ou &ling hea il" to the earth4 5o "ou )refer the life of this worl$ to the %ereafter4 *ut little is the &omfort of this life as &om)are$ with the %ereafter.
C&eying and helping the (rophet is part o$ the de%onstration o$ &elie$+ The ti%e on earth and o&eying o$ the co%%and%ents are all part o$ a test, to test o#r &elie$+

9.39 6nless "ou go forth %e will )unish "ou with a grie ous )enalt" an$ re)la&e "ou with others !to $o wor+ for %im#' but %im "ou woul$ not harm in the least. 7or Allah has )ower o er all things.
JJJJJJJ {8otes}? {1} http?IIwww+&rainy-#ote+co%I-#otesI-#otesI%I%scottpec101> +ht%l {2} http?IIwww+&rainy-#ote+co%I-#otesI-#otesIaIalanla0ein14424>+ht%l {3} http?IIwww+&rainy-#ote+co%I-#otesI-#otesIwIwillia%pen10>121+ht%l {4} http?IIwww+&rainy-#ote+co%I-#otesI-#otesI%I%alcol%: >420 +ht%l {5} http?IIwww+&rainy-#ote+co%I-#otesI-#otesI&I&il0eane121>20+ht%l {6} http?IIphys+orgInewsI201 J0=JscotlandJl#narJcalendarJstoneJageJrethin0+ht%l {,} Ta$sir '&ne Bathir, ,#ra AtJTaw&a, *nglish Translation, p+=2

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