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Median Filter:
In signal processing, it is often desirable to be able to perform some kind of noise reduction on an image or signal. The median filter is a nonlinear digital filtering technique, often used to remove noise. Such noise reduction is a typical pre-processing step to improve the results of later processing (for example, edge detection on an image). Median filtering is very widely used in digital image processing because, under certain conditions, it preserves edges while removing noise. The main idea of the median filter is to run through the signal entry by entry, replacing each entry with the median of neighbouring entries. The pattern of neighbours is called the "window", which slides, entry by entry, over the entire signal. For 1D signals, the most obvious window is just the first few preceding and following entries, whereas for 2D (or higherdimensional) signals such as images, more complex window patterns are possible (such as "box" or "cross" patterns). Note that if the window has an odd number of entries, then the median are simple to define, it is just the middle value after all the entries in the window are sorted numerically. For an even number of entries, there is more than one possible median.

Unsharp Filter:
Unsharp masking (USM) is an image sharpening technique, often available in digital image processing software. The "unsharp" of the name derives from the fact that the technique uses a blurred, or "unsharp", positive image to create a mask of the original image. The unsharped mask is then combined with the negative image, creating an image that is less blurry than the original. The resulting image, although clearer, may be a less accurate representation of the image's subject. In the context of signal processing, an unsharp mask is generally a linear or nonlinear filter that amplifies the high-frequency components of a signal.

Wiener Filter:
In signal processing, the Wiener filter is a filter used to produce an estimate of a desired or target random process by linear time-invariant filtering an observed noisy process, assuming known stationary signal and noise spectra, and additive noise. The Wiener filter minimizes the mean square error between the estimated random process and the desired process.

The goal of the Wiener filter is to filter out noise that has corrupted a signal. It is based on a statistical approach, and a more statistical account of the theory is given in the MMSE estimator article. Typical filters are designed for a desired frequency response. However, the design of the Wiener filter takes a different approach. One is assumed to have knowledge of the spectral properties of the original signal and the noise, and one seeks the linear time-invariant filter whose output would come as close to the original signal as possible. Wiener filters are characterized by the following: Assumption: signal and (additive) noise are stationary linear stochastic processes with known spectral characteristics or known autocorrelation and cross-correlation Requirement: the filter must be physically realizable/causal (this

requirement can be dropped, resulting in a non-causal solution) Performance criterion: minimum mean-square error (MMSE) In simple words Wiener filters are a class of optimum linear filters which involve linear estimation of a desired signal sequence from another related sequence. In the statistical approach to the solution of the linear filtering problem, we assume the availability of certain statistical parameters (e.g. mean and correlation functions) of the useful signal and unwanted additive noise. The problem is to design a linear filter with the noisy data as input and the requirement of minimizing the effect of the noise at the filter output according to some statistical criterion. A useful approach to this filteroptimization problem is to minimize the mean-square value of the error signal that is defined as the difference between some desired response and the actual filter output. For stationary inputs, the resulting solution is commonly known as the Weiner filter. Its main purpose is to reduce the

amount of noise present in a signal by comparison with an estimation of the desired noiseless signal.

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