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Filipino and resident of No. 08 Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Arevalo, Iloilo City, after having een s!orn to in a""ordan"e !ith la! and after having een e#amined y A##$. M%. F& V. H'()**% of HOJILLA %+, A--'.)%#&- L%/ O00).&- in S1)#& M!2, 2+, F*''3, R'-%3$ B1)*,)+4C'3. 51&6'+! G&+. L1+% S#3&&#-, I*')*' C)#$, do here y depose and state that$ PURPOSE: %he testimony of the &itness is offered to prove the fa"ts leading to the filing of this instant 'etition. %he &itness !ill also testify on su"h other matters !hi"h are relevant to this "ase. %he &itness !ill also identify do"uments su"h as this instant 'etition, Certifi"ate of (eath and )ast !ill and %estament of CA**+,

-ANANSA)A &.//'S. Further, the &itness !ill also identify su"h other do"uments that are relevant to this instant 'etition. 51&-#)'+ N'. 7 8957:;: 'lease e informed that this e#amination is under oath and that you may fa"e "riminal lia ility for false testimony or per0ury, should you not tell the truth. (o you understand, -adam &itness1 A+-/&3 89A:;: ,es, ma2am. I understand.

52: -adam &itness, !hat rings you to this .onora le Court1 A: I am the 'etitioner of this present "ase, ma2am.

53: Could you re"all having e#e"uted a do"ument in "onne"tion !ith this "ase1 A: ,es, ma2am. I filed a 'etition efore this .onora le Court. 5<: If this 'etition !ill e presented to you, !ill you e a le to identify the same1 A: ,es, ma2am. 5=: I have here a four 3456page 'etition dated /"to er 4, 7089. Is this do"ument familiar to you1 A: ,es, ma2am. %hat is the 'etition that I !as referring to. 56: /n the fourth 34th5 page of this 'etition is a do"ument entitled :erifi"ation and Certifi"ation is a signature a ove the name ;aren -anansala )atum o. Is this signature familiar to you1 A: ,es, ma2am. %hat is my signature. 52: .ave you gone over and read the allegations "ontained in this 'etition1

A: ,es, ma2am. 5>: (o you affirm and "onfirm to the truthfulness and vera"ity of the allegations "ontained in this 'etition1 A: ,es, ma2am. COUNSEL: -ay I re<uest this .onora le Court that this 'etition dated /"to er 4, 7089 !hi"h !as identified and authenti"ated y this &itness e mar=ed as E?@)A)#- 9A: for the first 38st5 page, 9A!7: for the se"ond 37nd5 page, 9A!2: for the third 39rd5 page and 9A!3: for the fourth 34th5 page, entitled :erifi"ation and Certifi"ation. -ay I also re<uest that the signature of &itness6'etitioner appearing on the fourth 34th5 page of this 'etition entitled :erifi"ation and Certifi"ation !here she authenti"ated earlier e also mar=ed as E?@)A)# 9A!<:. 59: -adam &itness, do you =no! the %estatri# of this present "ase1 A: ,es, ma2am. %he %estatri# Carrey -anansala &hoops is my older sister and I am living together !ith her at No. 08 Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Arevalo, Iloilo City. 570: Could you tell this .onora le Court !hat transpired, if any, on Novem er 87, 70871 A: ,es, ma2am. Sometime on Novem er 87, 7087, I !as present and !itnessed my sister Carrey -anansala &hoops e#e"uted her last !ill and testament !here she instituted me as her e#e"utor. 577: (o you have proof, if any, of su"h a fa"t1 A: ,es, ma2am. I have a "opy of the said )ast &ill and %estament of my sister.

572: If su"h do"ument !ill e presented to you, !ill you e a le to identify the same1 A: ,es, ma2am. 573: I am sho!ing to you a "opy of Carrey -anansala &hoops2s )ast &ill and %estament dated Novem er 87, 7087. Is this do"ument familiar to you1 A: ,es, ma2am. %hat is the Carrey -anansala &hoops2s )ast &ill and %estament that I !as referring to earlier. COUNSEL: -ay I re<uest this .onora le Court that )ast &ill and %estament dated Novem er 87, 7087 of Carrey -anansala &hoops !hi"h !as identified y this &itness and !as previously atta"hed to this 'etition as A++&? 9B: e mar=ed as E?@)A)# 9C:. 57<: Appearing on the third 39rd5 page of this )ast &ill and %estament are the signatures a ove the name Carrey -anansala &hoops, *ushelle B. 'ar"on, &ilma -. )agan"e, and Anna >ade ). ?ranada and signatures on the left margins of first 38st5, se"ond 37nd5 and fourth 34th5 pages. Are these signatures familiar to you1 A: ,es, sir. %hose are the signatures of the testatri#, Carrey -anansala &hoops, and her attesting !itnesses, *ushelle B. 'ar"on, &ilma -. )agan"e, and Anna >ade ). ?ranada.

57=: .o! !ere you a le to =no! that those are the genuine signatures of the testatri# de"edent Carrey -anansala &hoops1 A: I am very familiar !ith Carrey -anansala &hoops2s signature and that one is her "ustomary signature aside from the fa"t that she is my sister@ I am present !hen she signed the do"ument. 516: I am turning it to page three (3). There is a signature above the name

Carrey -anansala &hoops, do you recognize it? A: ,es maAam. %hat is the signature of my late sister she affi#ed last Novem er 87, 7087. 517: I am turning the same document on its first (1st), second (2nd) and fourth ( th) pages. !o you recognize any signatures affi"ed therein? A: ,es maAam, I do re"ognize my late sister2s signature. It is the first signatures lo"ated in the left margin of the first 38 st5, se"ond 37nd5 and fourth 34th5 pages of the said )ast &ill and %estament.

COUNSEL: At this moment, may I re<uest this .onora le Court that the signatures identified and authenti"ated y herein &itness e mar=ed as E?@)A)#- 9D: for the third 39rd5 page, 9D!7: for the first 38st5 page, 9D!2: for the se"ond 37nd5 page and 9D!3: for the fourth 34th5 page.

57>: Further, ho! !ere you a le to =no! that those, really are, the true signatures of Carrey -anansala &hoops2s attesting !itnesses1 A: I am also familiar !ith the signatures of *ushelle B. 'ar"on, &ilma -. )agan"e, and Anna >ade ). ?ranada for the said do"ument !as signed y all of them in my presen"e.

COUNSEL: -ay I re<uest this .onora le Court that the signatures of the testatri# Carrey -anansala &hoops2s attesting !itnesses !hi"h !as also identified y this &itness as e mar=ed E?@)A)#- 9E:, 9F:, %+, 9G:, respe"tively.

579: &hat happened after, if any1

A: %en 3805 months after my sister e#e"uted su"h last !ill or on Septem er 79, 7089, my sister died. 520: (o you have proof, if any, of su"h a fa"t1 A: ,es, ma2am. I have a "opy of Carrey -anansala &hoops2s Certifi"ate of (eath. 527: If su"h do"ument !ill e presented to you, !ill you e a le to identify the same1 A: ,es, ma2am. 522: I am sho!ing to you a "opy of the Certifi"ate of (eath !hi"h !as issued y the /ffi"e of the Civil *egister ?eneral. Is this do"ument familiar to you1 A: ,es, ma2am. %hat is the (eath Certifi"ate of Carrey -anansala &hoops that I !as referring to earlier. COUNSEL: -ay I re<uest this .onora le Court that this Certifi"ate of (eath of Carrey -anansala &hoops !hi"h !as issued y the /ffi"e of the Civil *egister ?eneral and !hi"h !as identified y this &itness and !as previously atta"hed to this 'etition as A++&? 9A: e mar=ed as E?@)A)# 9B:. 523: &hat happened then, if any1 A: &hen my sister e#e"uted the said !ill, she signed the do"ument together !ith RUSHELLE B. PARCON, WILMA M. LAGANCE, and ANNA JADE L. GRANADA.

52<: &ho are these persons that you have 0ust mentioned1

A: %hey are the !itnesses !hen the de"edent Carrey -anansala &hoops e#e"uted the !ill !hi"h is the su 0e"t of this instant 'etition. 52=: No!, the do"uments you have 0ust presented are only photo"opies of the original do"uments. &hat happened to the original do"uments, -adam &itness1 A: -a2am, I have the originals for referen"e !ith the photo"opies. 526: No!, -adam &itness, do you have anything else to tell this .onora le Court, if any1 A: ,es, ma2am. Be"ause of these "ir"umstan"es and for the fa"t that I am the one instituted a ovementioned !ill y the %estatri#, my late sister, Carrey -anansala &hoops, I am praying to this .onora le Court that the e admitted to pro ate and that letters testamentary 3or of administration5 e issued !ithout ond. 522: &hat else, if any1 A: No more, ma2am. I am e#e"uting this foregoing >udi"ial Affidavit to attest to the truth and vera"ity of the allegations "ontained herein. IN &I%N+SS &.+*+/F, I have hereunto set my hand this 79 rd day of /"to er 7089 in the City of Iloilo, 'hilippines.

AREN MANANSALA LATUMBO Affiant/Petitioner %he affiant, !hose name and personal "ir"umstan"es are stated a ove, personally appeared efore me this 79rd day of /"to er 7089 in the City of Iloilo, 'hilippines, presented the foregoing >udi"ial

Affidavit, signed the same in my presen"e and affirmed under oath to the "orre"tness of the "ontents or allegations of the same. %he affiant !as identified y "ompetent eviden"e of identity,

namely a TIN 327!6=<!9>2 earing her photograph and signature.


N/%A*, 'BB)IC F/* %.+ CI%, AN( '*/:INC+ /F I)/I)/ N/%.C/--.*+?.N/.CD until (+C 98, 7089 IB' N/. 8C4E08, 8F07F87, Iloilo City '%* N/. 9D784D0, 8F07F87, Iloilo City */)) A%%/*N+, N/. 97G4G -C)+ Comp. No. I:60004G8C, 9F7F87 (o". No. C70@ 'age No. 808@ Boo= No. )HII@ Series of 7089.


I, ATTY. MA. FE V. HOJILLA of HOJILLA %+, A--'.)%#&- L%/ O00).&-, Filipino, of legal age, married, and !ith offi"e address at S1)#& M!2, 2+, F*''3, R'-%3$ B1)*,)+4C'3. 51&6'+! G&+. L1+% S#3&&#-, I*')*' C)#$, after having een duly s!orn in a""ordan"e !ith la!, do here y depose and state that$ 8. I have "ondu"ted the e#amination of the &itness@ 7. I have faithfully re"orded the <uestions I have as=ed and the "orresponding ans!ers that the &itness gave, and@ 9. Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting me "oa"hed the &itness regarding the latter2s ans!ers. IN &I%N+SS &.+*+/F, I have hereunto set my hand this 79rd day of /"to er 7089 in Iloilo City, 'hilippines.

ATTY. MA. FE V. HOJILLA Counsel for the Petitioner %he Counsel, !hose name and personal "ir"umstan"es are stated a ove, personally appeared efore me this 79rd day of /"to er 7089 in the City of Iloilo, 'hilippines, presented the foregoing Attestation, signed the same in my presen"e and affirmed under oath to the "orre"tness of the "ontents or allegations of the same. %he Counsel !as identified y "ompetent eviden"e of identity,

namely an IBP ID N'. 322<2 earing her photograph and signature.


N/%A*, 'BB)IC F/* %.+ CI%, AN( '*/:INC+ /F I)/I)/ N/%.C/--.*+?.N/.49 until (+C 98, 7089 IB' N/. 8C874, 8F07F87, Iloilo City '%* N/. 9D7808, 8F07F87, Iloilo City */)) A%%/*N+, N/. C4974 -C)+ Comp. No. I:600048C7, 9F7F87

(o". No. DC8C@ 'age No. C@ Boo= No. )HIII@ Series of 7089

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