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GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO SCIENCE EVALUATION - FOURTH PERIOD Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Answer the below questions about the Energy: Grade: Third

1. Most energy that we use every day provides form A. Thewind B. Thesun C. The wter D. Thesoil 2. Energy that produces motion or movement is called A. Potential B. Thermal C. Kinetic D. Electric

3. Write the names of the types to energy in the charts with the below words : Thermal energy , Electrical energy ,Nuclear energy, Kinetic energy , Solar energy


4. Complete the definitions with the correct word from the word bank
Word bank: Temperature, matter, volume,energy, mass

A. B. C. D. E.

The amount of space an object takes up ______________ Anything that takes up space is _____________ ______________ is the ability to work The amount of matter in an object is ______________ Is the measure of how cold and hot something is ____________

5. Write the states of the matter in the lines: (solid , liquid or gas)

6. Describe the properties of the matter of the below objects in the chart Object Table Ball Television computer pencil 7. Write True (T) or False (F) according to the below statements: A. The ligth is a king to energy _______ B.The ligth can travel trough any kind to objects.______ Color and shape Size Weigth

C.The sound travels in waves.______ D.The propeties of the sound are : volumne and density.______

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO SCIENCE EVALUATION - FOURTH PERIOD Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________
1. Look the below pictures and number according to the properties of the ligth

Grade: Fourth

1) 2) 3) 4)

The ligth travels in waves When you look at a mirror The process can bend the ligth The white ligth can be separated into different colors

2. Match the Column A with Column B according to the evolution of the ligth COLUMN A
Oil lamps were invented In 1792


William Murdoch was invented the gas lighting 18th century The light Bulb was invented by Thomas Alba Edison in The miners in the caves using the light of the fire . Many years ago In 1879

3. Look the picture of the Electric current , write the parts using : battery, light bulb, switch, and wire .

Complete the below sentences with these words : wire ,energy, circuits , light bulb . The electric _____________usually have a ____________ to conduct the electric current from a source of ____________to a device, for example the ______________.

4. Which of the below sentences is false? A. B. C. D. The properties of the sound are the frequency and intensity The sound can move in a vacuum The sound is the result of the vibration of an object The intensity is the amount of energy a sound carries

5. Answer the below questions about the Solar System:

A. What is the biggest planet in the solar system? ______________________________________________________________________ B. What is the smallest planet in the solar system ? ______________________________________________________________________ C. What is the nearest to the sun? ______________________________________________________________________ D. What is the farthest planet to the sun

______________________________________________________________________ 6. Listen and complete: Name : Geocentric model of _____________________ Proposed by :________________ Ptolemy Description : __________________is the center of the Solar System . The sun , _____________ , ________________and other objects orbit ________________

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO SCIENCE EVALUATION - FOURTH PERIOD Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Read the below text and answer the question: Grade: Fifth

1. The fossil fuels like Petroleum, gas naturals , Coal are examples of : A. Force B. Simple machines C. Renewable energy D. Nonrenewable energy 2.Complete the paragraph with the below words : nature, geothermal , non renewable , period, energy. Solar , wind,_________and hydropower are ___________ resources of ____________ because can be replenished by___________ in a short __________of time. 3. Look the below picture and answerthe question : What type to energy is ?

A. B. C. D.

Thermal Potencial Kinetic and potencial Electric

4.Write if the below examples are elements or compounds: Gold Au ___________________________ Water H2O ________________________ Oxygen O2 ________________________ Carbon dioxide CO2__________________ 5.Read the text about the evolution ligth and make a time line with the dates ,names ,and pictures that the reading .

EVOLUTION OF THE LIGTH Humphry Davy invented the miner's safety lamp1815,then the sailors on ships used the ligth the stars to help them to find their way. After that the people used oil lamps and candles in 1780 . Later 1792 William Murdoch created gas lighting . Finally In 1875Henry Woodward designed the electric ligthsthat we use in our homes, stores , factories , offices and many other places1879 Thomas Edison patent incandescent lamp.

6.Read each definition and complete . Use the word bank .

Sound , electricity, magnetism , non-renewable , geothermal

A.An ___________ is a material that emits a magnetic field when the electric passes through It. B. Natural gas is a _______________ resource. C. Energy that means heat of the Earth ____________ D.____________ moves through cables. E. Is a form to energy resulting from vibrations that travel in the waves .

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO EVALUACIN DE LENGUAJE - CUARTO PERODO DATE : ________________________ NAME: _________________________________ 1. Completa el siguiente cuadro de acuerdo a las partes de la oracin : sujeto y predicado, encierra sus ncleos. Oracin El faran construy una gran piramide. Antonia se subi a un rbol de naranjo una mujer vesta un traje hermoso. Los delfines son muy inteligentes. Colombia uno de los pases con mayor biodiversidad en el mundo. 2. Escribe 10 nombres de profesiones que terminen con los siguientes sufijos : Ista , ero, dor Ejemplo : beisbolista Sujeto Predicado GRADE: THIRD

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Forma prefijos a partir de las siguientes palabras : Hacer ___________________________ Feliz ____________________________ Aparecer _________________________ Unir ___________________________ Visible ________________________ Ayer ________________________

Hroe ________________________ Presidente___________________

4. Escribe comas o dos puntos donde sea necesario : La doctora Morales llegar a las ocho en punto. Juliana mi mejor amiga vendr a almorzar. Me gustan los helados de fresa mora y avellana Nosotros tenemos clase de natacin los das martes jueves y sbado. 5.Lee el siguiente fragmento y responde las preguntas: a. A qu gnero literario pertenece esta lectura? _____________________________________________________ b. Qu personajes aparecen en el texto? _____________________________________________________ c. Escribe las acotaciones que aparecen y explica su funcin en el texto. _____________________________________________________ d. Qu tiempos verbales aparecen el texto? ___________________________________________________

e. Escribe como es la estrctura de un guin teatral ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ f. Elabora una historieta apartir de este guin teatral

Ttulo: Mi pequea Natalie El narrador: (Piensa por un momento con el lpiz en la boca)Mmm Lo tengo! (Comienza a escribir) rase una vez, una chica llamada Natalie. (Aparece Natalie mientras habla) Ella era una muchacha bonita, (Modela como nia) dulce, gentil y amable (Natalie camina) De repente, aparece un hombre, era su pap quin viene a hablar con ella, le dijo El padre: Natalie! (La abraza mientras sonre) Natalie: Pap! (Se separan) El padre: (Sin soltarla de los brazos) Te dije que no vayas demasiado lejos! Natalie: Lo s pap, pero me gustara ir (Extiende los brazos y mira hacia arriba mientras sonre) a conocer todo el mundo! El padre: Pero recuerda que en el mundo hay muchos peligros! Natalie: Lo s, pap. El padre: Por lo tanto, no puedes alejarte de m, Est bien? Natalie: (Con mirada cabizbaja) Est bien. El narrador: Luego, se vuelven a abrazar (Abraza a su padre) Despus de eso, l se va seguro que su hija ha entendido el mensaje. (El narrador piensa durante unos segundos) Despus de eso, Natalie sigui jugando. De repente apareci un anciano con un bastn, la vio y se le acerc. El anciano: Perdona, nia. Natalie: (Se da la vuelta rpidamente) S, seor! El anciano: Lo siento, pero Me podras ayudar a encontrar esta direccin? (Le muestra una hoja de papel) Natalie: Ok (Lee el papel) Este lugar est cerca de aqu! (Le seala la direccin) El anciano: Puedes llevarme all? Natalie: (Sonre) Lo siento, pero mi pap me dijo que me quedara aqu. El anciano: Por favor! Ser rpido. Narrador: (Natalie le vio por un momento) (Responde con voz dudosa) Ok, seor vamos.

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO EVALUACIN DE LENGUAJE - CUARTO PERODO DATE : ________________________ NAME: _________________________________ GRADE: FOURTH

1. Escribe al frente de cada oracin si se emplean pronombres ; personales, demostrativos o posesivos. A. Nosotros compramos unos deliciosos helados ___________________ B. Quisiera comprara aquella chaqueta ___________________ C. El suyo es el ms pequeo _____________________ D. Esta es muy linda _________________________ E. El carro rojo es mo. ___________________

2. Observa la siguiente infografa e identifica cada uno de los elementos que la conforman y cul es el mensaje que obtienes a partir de ella.

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Clasifica las siguiente palabras en el cuadro, si son diptongos , triptongos e hiatos : Acarreador , Zologo ,Salgis ,Juego ,Averiguis,Ocenico , baha , alegra , Antonio.Luego escribe una oracin con cada una de ellas. Diptongos Hiatos Triptongos

4. La obras de teatro son obras literarias , escritas en forma de dilogos , a qu gnero pertecen? A. Gnero lrico B. gnero dramtico C. gnero narrativo

5. A partir del siguiente fragmento responde las preguntas : a. cules son los elementos que conforman un guin teatral? __________________________________________________ b. Cmo se llaman las especificaciones de escenografa y utilera que el autor hace en la obra teatral? __________________________________________________ c. Qu personajes aparecen en el texto? _____________________________________________________ d. Escribe que otras representaciones conoces del gnero dramtico? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ e. Elabora una historieta apartir de este guin teatral

Titulo: Los pequeos osos Narrador: Esta pequea obra habla sobre la amistad, la cual nios deben saber que es una de las cosas ms fuertes del mundo, nuestra historia se centra en dos pequeos osos, Christian y Jos, quienes siempre haban sido amigos, por eso nunca se peleaban, su mejor amiga No -Oso era una pequea mariposa llamada Rebeca quien siempre los ayudaba cuando tenan problemas. (Los tres animales entran a escena y se acercan al ro, en el slo hay un pez, los dos osos corren rpido para atraparlo, ambos lo hacen) Christian y Jos: Es mo! Narrador: As como pasa en todas las amistades, los osos encontraron algo por lo que pelear y as lo hicieron. Christian: Yo lo atrap primero. Jos: Mentira, yo lo atrap! Christian: Pero yo lo vi primero! Jos: Deja de mentir, y djame comer mi pescado en paz. Christian: Es mi pescado! Narrador: Si por algo son conocidos los osos en el mundo es porque son animales muy testarudos, as que la pelea duro mucho, mucho tiempo Casi 15 minutos, hasta que Rebeca se desesper y decidi solucionarlo todo.

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO ENGLISH EVALUATION - FOURTH PERIOD Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ 1. Label the sentences using the words in the chart First then after that finally Grade: Third

_____________________ ambulances arrived at the place of the accident. _____________________ a car crashed into a bus on Oak Avenue. _____________________ a driver called 911. _____________________ the ambulance took the driver to the hospital. 2. Write comparative sentences using the words given.

John is ______________ ( tall ) than Peter Liz is _____________ ( long ) hair than Jane Mary is ____________ ( fat ) than the Sarah Mike is _____________ ( old ) than Sam

3. Complete the sentences about the tv programs use (cartoons, sports, news, comedy, soap opera) Example : Sports programs are exciting - ______________________________ educational. ______________________________ are adventurous. ______________________________ is funny. ____________________________ interesting. are is

4. Complete the Conversation using the verbs in parentheses in Future with Be going to like the example. Example :MIA: Hey! It is going to bemy birthday next week! MAX: What ______ you __________(do) to celebrate it? MIA: I ___________________ (invite) my friends to the movies. MAX: _____you _________ restaurant? (eat) in a

MIA: No, we ____________________ (not go) out. My mother ___________________ (make) my favorite cake.

5. Look the pictures and write sentences using ( past continuous ) with the below verbs: leave , comb , sleep, take a shower , eat, get up .

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

6.Fill in the blacks with the correct form of the verb in past simple . Dinosaurs lived (live) on earth about 248 million yeas ago. One opf the most terrible dinosaurs __________(be) tyrannosaurus rex; his name means thye cruel lizards king. He ___________ (eat) other dinosaurs. T-rex___________ (walk) on two feet and _________ (have) small arms

GIMNASIO COLOMBO AUSTRALIANO ENGLISH EVALUATION - FOURTH PERIOD Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________ 1. A. B. C. D. 2. Complete the sentences using Superlative Adjective: Peter is ________________( Intelligent ) student in the school Nicolas Cage is_________________(famous) actor in Hollywood The giraffe is _____________ (tall ) animal in the jungle My dog is __________________ (nice) pet in the world Choose the correct statement , using Must or Mustnt Grade: Fourth

A. You _____________ make noise in the library. B. We ___________hurry or we will miss the bus. C. You _____________ eat fruit and vegetables. D. The baby is sleeping. You _____________shout. 3. Read the below text and write True ( T ) or False ( F) FUTURE HOMES Future homes of course will take advantage of future robots to do chores such as cleaning and organizing. Some of this technology is happening now. Japanese engineers have made great strides in recently years developing more realistic and functional robotics that can recognize human speech and respond or do specific tasks around the house

A. B. C. D.

the technology in the future will be more advantage_________ The robots wont help to the people__________ the robots are dirty________ the people will use it do specific tasks around the house. _________

6. Choose the correct statement , using Must or Mustnt A. You _____________ make noise in the library. B. We ___________hurry or we will miss the bus. C. You _____________ eat fruit and vegetables. D. The baby is sleeping. You _____________shout. 7. Classify the words.
Chocolate beans apples sugar oil cookies



6.Write the sentences according to the activities that they were doing using Past Continuous with the below verbs : talk, listen , eat, paint , play .

Example: Mrs. Toledo was walking Lucas __________________________________________________ Augusto and Fiona: _______________________________________ Joaqun:________________________________________________ Sergio and Mara:_________________________________________ Edelmira:________________________________________________


Date : _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Grade: Fifth

1. Complete the sentences with for or since Simon has played the violin . a) since 1991. Maria has had long hair.. They have sung in a band .. We have had our dog. a)______ five years a)______February b) __for__ 1o years. b) ________ 1998. b) ________ six months.

a) ______ Joe was four b) ________ a long time.

2. Complete in the blanks with the correct form form of the verbs using present perfect. Have you ever ridden a donkey? No, I havent . Have you ever_________ dinosaurs fossils?____________ Have you ever _________ dog food? ____________ Have you ever _________ coffee? ____________ 3. Look the pictures an write according to the below quantifiers: bar , piece , cartoon, cup, glass and bottle.

4. Write sentences about your diet. Too much enough too many not

Example : I eat too much chocolate ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5. Answer the question using the words in parentheses in Present Perfect Continuous like the example Why is Jim tired? ( he / work / all morning ) He has been working all morning.__________ Why is John sweating? ( he / run / in the park)


Why is Jenny angry ( she / wait / for you )


Why is Helen wet? (she/ swim/ in the pool )


8. Complete the sentences. Use the superlative forms of the long adjectives. The Shark is ________________ animal in the ocean . (dangerous) The Giraffe is the _________________ animal in the jungle. ( tall) Rio de Janeiro is one of _________________the cities in the world. (beautiful) Messi is the _______________ soccer pplayer in the world ( famous ) La voz Colombia is the TV show in Colombia . (popular


NAME: _________________________________ 1.Solve the problems : Conrad has a book about the outdoors, and 2/5 of the book is about camping. Conrad has read 1/3 of the section on camping. What part of the book has conrad read? Analyze Operation Result

2. Lucy created a design with different shapes. Stars made up 1/4 of all the shapes in the design. 8/9 of the stars are red. What fraction of all the shapes are red stars. Analyze Operation Result

3. During the fair, the fifth grade class use 1/4 of the gym. They divide the space into 5 equal sections for displays. What part of the gym is used for each display? Analyze Operation Result

4. Solve the below multiplication of fractions : .

5 .Complete the below table about polygons

Name of thepolygon

Number of sides

Number of vrtices


Triangle Hexagon Pentagon Heoptagon Square Nonagon Decagon


Solve the problems : 1. Pilar packs 6.1 cartons per hour. At this rate, about how many cartons can she pack in 2.25 hours? Analyze Opertation Result

2. Mark prints 17.5 pages on his printer each hour. About how many pages can he print in 7.8 hours? Analyze Operation Result

3.Look the shapes and complete the below table about polygons:

Name of thepolygon Nonagon Triangle Hexagon Square Square Decagon

Number of sides

Number of vrtices


4. What is the perimeter of the below rectangle?

5. What is the perimeter of the below pentagon?

6. What is the area of this rectangle?

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