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1. Buku : Iswadi,Kusma.2011.Kulit Manggis Berkhasiat Tinggi.APMK (G : !akarta "#$erina,An!elita.2011.Khasiat %antatis Kulit Manggis.Grasind#:&akarta 'arisn# dan (ahana,Kres.2012.

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1. &urnal internasi#nal:

50hai$isuthangkura, A., Malaika, 6., 0ha#$analikit, A., &aratrungtawee, A., Panseeta, ,., ,anatanukul, P. and +uksamrarn, +. 2007. Pren-lated 8anth#ne 0#m*#siti#n #3 Garcinia mangostana (Mang#steen %ruit )ull. 0hr#mat#gra*hia 97:11:511;. -Mahabusarakam, W., Iriyachitra, P. and Taylor W. C. 1987. Chemical <#nstituents #3 Garcinia mangostana. &#urnal #3 "atural Pr#du<ts :0:=>=5=>;. 5?adern#wski, ,., 04a*li<ki, +. and "a<4, M. 2007. Phen#li< a<id *r#3iles #3 mang#steen 3ruits (Garcinia mangostana . %##d 0hemistr- 112: 9;:59;7. 5 %u, 0., 2##, A.@.K., 0hia, %.P.P. and )uang, (. 200>. Alig#meri< *r#<-anidins 3r#m mang#steen *eri<ar*s. &#urnal #3 Agri<ultural and %##d 0hemistr- ::: >9;75>97=. 5
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Ahmad, Mohd A. alrozi, Rasyidah.2010.Optimization of preparation conditions for mangosteen peel-based activated carbons for the removal of Remazol rilliant l!e R !sing response s!rface methodology B#lume 19:, Issue 1. 4 Mohd 5(mier 5hmad 4 6asyidah 5lro(i 4 "chool o+ Chemical *n,ineerin,, *n,ineerin, Cam!us, 7ni8ersiti "ains Malaysia, 101)) 'ibon, Tebal, Penan,, Malaysia

This study in8esti,ates the o!timal conditions +or !re!aration o+ acti8ated carbons +rom man,osteen !eel 9MP: +or remo8al o+ 6ema(ol /rilliant /lue 6 96//6: reacti8e dye +rom a;ueous solution. The MP acti8ated carbon %as !re!ared usin, !hysiochemical acti8ation method %hich consisted o+ !otassium hydro-ide 9$<=: treatment and carbon dio-ide 9C< >: ,asi+ication. Central com!osite desi,n 9CC#: %as used to determine the e++ects o+ the three

!re!aration 8ariables? C<> acti8ation tem!erature, C<> acti8ation time and $<= im!re,nation ratio 9I6: on 6//6 !ercenta,e remo8al and acti8ated carbon yield. /ased on the CC#, a ;uadratic model and a t%o-+actor interaction 9>@I: model %ere res!ecti8ely de8elo!ed +or 6//6 !ercenta,e remo8al and carbon yield. The si,ni+icant +actors on each e-!erimental desi,n res!onse %ere identi+ied +rom the analysis o+ 8ariance 95'<A5:. The o!timum conditions +or MP acti8ated carbon !re!aration %ere obtained by usin, acti8ation tem!erature o+ 8>8 BC, acti8ation time o+ 1 h and I6 o+ 1.), %hich resulted in 8).1CD o+ 6//6 remo8al and >).73D o+ acti8ated carbon yield.

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