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Pigeon and Dove Jack

Category: For beginners

Crochet knitted pigeonsWhen the air is filled with a variety of flavors, fun run on sidewalks thin streams, breaking through the old snow, and in the parks start loudly chirping sparrows and pigeons coo proudly spring comes! "his is the time when you want to change and love! "ime, when all the birds are finding a mate and build nests!

#ut it was the doves are a symbol of marriage! Pair of doves $uite the best gift! %fter all, it symboli&es a long and happy family life! "herefore, we will knit a pair of these proud and beautiful birds! %nd for them to build a nest!

For this wonderful couple you will need cotton 'for e(ample, ) ispol&ovala*adam "rikot %lmina+, filler 'or better sintepon holofayber+, little bobbin thread to spout, black beads for the eye, brown ,grass, socket, wire or a portion of a plastic bottle 'to make a nest stable+! %nd -ooks . /,/ 'for dove+, . / 'for dove+, . 0 0,1 socket! 2n3oy knitting4

Dove /st row: type 0 vp and knit 5 sc in second from hook loop 657! 0nd row: 'gain+ ( 5 times 6/07! 8ow 9: '/ sc, increase+ ( 5 times 6/:7! 8ow ;: '0 sc, increase+ ( 5 times 60;7! 8ow 1: '// sc, increase+ ( 0 times 6057! 8ows 5 /<: sc in a circle 6057! =umber //: > sc, '/ sc, increase+ ( 5 times, > sc 6907! =umber /0: sc in a circle 6907! =umber /9: > sc, '0 sc, increase+ ( 5 times, > sc 69:7! 8ows /; /?: sc in a circle 69:7! =umber 0<: > sc, '; sc, sc tog+ ( ; times, > sc 69;7! 8ows 0/ 00: sc in a circle 69;7! 09 row: /9 sc, sc tog, ; sc, sc tog, /9 sc 6907!

=umber 0;: sc in a circle 6907! =umber 01: > sc, '/ sc, sc tog+ ( 5 times, > sc 6057! =umber 05: > sc, '0 sc, sc tog+ ( 9 times, 5 sc, sc tog 'grab the first loop of the ne(t row, but she was not taken into account+ 6007! 0> row: / sc, '9 sc, sc tog+ ( ; times, / sc 6/:7! Fill filler to form a trunk! *ake sure that the head was well packed! #reast should protrude forward! 0: series: '/ sc, sc tog+ ( 5 times 6/07! %dd filler! 8ows 0? 9;: sc in a circle 6/07! 91 series: '9 sc, increase+ ( 9 times 6/17! 8ows 95 9>: sc in a circle 6/17! 9: series: '; sc, increase+ ( 9 times 6/:7! 8ows 9? ;/: sc in a circle 6/:7! Fill a little tail 'if desired+! Fold the tip twice 'as you like+ and knit the two halves together using 8@$! "hread to consolidate and hide in the middle of a dove with a needle!

Dove fit the same scheme, but crochet <!/ <!0 smaller than the one that you knitted dove! Aou can also knit one hook, but the dove a little tighter!

Wing '0 parts+ Dial a chain of 5 sn!

/st row: ; sc, starting from the second loop from hook, sc in the last five '1 in /4+! Pivoted clockwise knitting and knit the back side of the chain ; sc, and / sc provya&yvaem not in the loop, and the thread, which is the beginning of knitting to the wing tip was sharp! )f you can not find it then 0 sc in the last loop of the first row! 6/;7

0nd row: 0 sc, / P$=, 0 CC- 9 gain C@B C@B 0, P$= /, 0 sc! 9rd row: do pattern 0 sc, 9 vp, 0 sc, 9 and sn !!! to end! For the wings ) used pico Dove 0 sc, pico '9 sn and ss in the first loop of the chain+, 0 sc, pico, etc! )n the last loop series, which is the tip of the wing knit / sc, / P$= 0 C@B, / vp, 0 CC-, / ="C, ss in the first loop of the ne(t row! $ecure, hide the thread trimming! Aou can 3ust tie sc, and on top of the wing sticking white lace! -ow to knit all kinds of loops, see here ! *aking a dove: my eyes immediately sew beads 'or beads+ somewhere around the fifth row, between the eyes retreat about ; loops! "o sew invisibly black thread eyes white dove, amigurumi!com!ua recommends starting sewing the side to the point where the wing is! %nd to finish there! =e(t embroider beak! "hread should not be thick to beak turned neat! ) used a roll of thin thread! *aking stitches one to another! $o we get a small conve( beak! $ew wings! Dove is ready4 =est Jack can be connected from any thread, but the ,grass, the most suitable option! /st row: type 0 vp and knit 5 sc in second from hook loop 657! 0nd row: 'gain+ ( 5 times 6/07! 8ow 9: 'gain, / sc+ ( 5 times 6/:7! 8ow ;: 'increment, 0 sc+ ( 5 times 60;7! 8ow 1: 'gain, 9 sc+ ( 5 times 69<7! 5th row: 'gain, ; sc+ ( 5 times 6957! >th row: 'gain, 1 sc+ ( 5 times 6;07! 8ows : /0: sc in a circle 6;07!

/9 series: '1 sc, sc tog+ ( 5 times 6957! 8ows /; /5: sc in a circle 6957! /> series: '; sc, sc tog+ ( 5 times 69<7! =umber /:: sc in a circle 69<7! %fter beginning ubavok all the time try on the edge of the nest in the middle of a 'ie, wrap them in!+! *a(imum edge must be flush against the edges of the middle! /? series: '9 sc, sc tog+ ( 5 times 60;7! 8ows 0< 0/: sc in a circle 60;7! ) sewed to the very edge of the nest, but simply wrapped and put in a plastic ,tape,, which carved from a plastic bottle! Aou can use a wire and a little filler! )n 3ack can put eggshell from Cuail eggs, or associate of white cotton! -ow to fi( the pigeons to the nestD Aou can sew, you can pin or pins fastened with wire!

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