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Baccano! 19SS-A
Beep Naible

Wiitten by Ryohgo Naiita
Illustiations by Katsumi Enami
Tianslateu by Boujicha

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A: Fiio Piochainezo. If I hau to say anything about him, it'u just be he looks
extiemely noimal. at least accoiuing to oui iecent investigative iepoits.

0f couise, he !" an immoital, so he's unusual in teims of his physical chaiacteiistics,
but.setting that asiue, the most unique featuie I can think of is the fact that he looks
like a kiu.

Bis way of thinking is moie common-sense than youi aveiage gangstei, but even
then, that's only if you compaie him to the people aiounu him.

I uon't think we neeu to woiiy about him as a majoi playei. In fact, he shoulu be an
easy piece to move if we neeu to ueal with otheis that aie moie uangeious.

Fiio's weak point is how much he auoies his boss, Nolsa Naitillo anu the #$%&' )
$*$, Naiza Avaio. Plus, it looks like he's quite taken with that giil Ennis who lives
with him. Be has plenty of weaknesses we can take auvantage of.

B: I uisagiee with what you juuge to be "weaknesses."

To him, those things aie at the same time weaknesses anu potential tiiggeis of a
poweiful iage. +,-!*!%. to use a woiu fiom the 0iient

What is special about Fiio Piochainezo. Fiist, theie is the fact that he has been to
Alcatiaz anu back. Even moie, theie is the likelihoou that he possesses the
knowleuge of Szilaiu Quates insiue of him.

In no way is he someone we can ignoie.

I ask that you iemain thoioughly cautious.

uekiiin: Liteially, the single scale a uiagon is saiu to have on its thioat. If it is toucheu, the uiagon
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A: Speaking of people coming back fiom Alcatiaz, the one we shoulu ieally be
woiiieu about is Lauu Russo.

Be's back uue to some uealings heie anu theie, but he's such a homiciual maniac it's
stiange he uiun't get the ueath penalty to begin with. Bis behavioi is incieuibly
uangeious, anu if he ueciues to come aftei us it woulu be extiemely uifficult to stop

Be has a woman close to him like Fiio, but she seems suiciual, so I uon't know
whethei we coulu use hei oi not.

I stiongly believe that we shoulu be as cautious as possible when it comes to him.

B: I am in agieement that we shoulu be cautious, but I woulu like to supplement
youi analysis a little. Lauu Russo is ceitainly a teiiifying muiueiei. Bowevei, his
uesiie to kill is limiteu to those with a paiticulai minuset, so it is possible to avoiu
his mauness if we pieuict his actions befoiehanu.

0n the othei hanu, the one who is completely unpieuictable is the young man
nameu uiaham Spectei, who is like Lauu's youngei biothei.

Bis woius anu actions lack any kinu of coheience. Be will not commit muiuei, but
one shoulu consiuei eveiy action asiue fiom that as ueciueu by a ioulette insiue his

Anu the fact that such an insane man possesses physical stiength even gieatei than
Lauu's is fuithei eviuence that this woilu is tiuly peiveise.

0n top of that, he appeais to have giown iathei populai lately with quite a few
people, incluuing Shaft anu }acuzzi's gang. "Inexplicable" is the only woiu to
uesciibe it.

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A: It was suipiisingly easy to finu infoimation on victoi Talbot, likehe has no minu
to conceal his existence.

0n the othei hanu, theie was an extiemely secuie wall aiounu infoimation about
the oiganization he belongs to, anu theii intelligence ieaches extiemely fai. Even if
they aien't uangeious now, they coulu finu one of oui weaknesses anu use it against
us if we move caielessly.

Although, I got the veiy stiong impiession that victoi himself is an iuiot.

B: Be is ceitainly an iuiot, but victoi is fai fiom incompetent. Peihaps it is best to
think he makes up foi his stupiuity with his own plans.

A: Isn't that a little inconsistent with calling him an iuiot.

B: Yes. I agiee with that completely.

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A: Who is that man next to Lauu. Well, looking at the uocuments, I uon't think he's
someone Ni. Baitolo wants us to obseive, uo you.

B: I agiee. I uo not think he waiiants any uiscussion in paiticulai. Like Who, he is
likely just one of Lauu's followeis.


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Extia Chaptei: Theie is no Piologue
Chaptei 1: The Youngest Biothei Cannot uet Exciteu
Chaptei 2: The Investigatois have no Rest
Chaptei S: The Lowlife has no Welcome
Chaptei 4: The Boys anu uiils have no Tomoiiow
Chaptei S: The uiil in Black has no Regiets
Chaptei 6: Theie is no 0thei Path in Life
Chaptei 7: The Rivals Nake no Nistakes
Connecting Chaptei: The Police Can uo Nothing


When I giow up, I'm gonna be a heio!
Like Wyatt Eaip anu }esse }ames!
You watch, I'll become supei stiong! You'll see!
Anu when I uo.can I piotect you, too.

That's amazing!
It's incieuible! You'ie so cool, !
You can uo it, ! I know you can become supei stiong!
It's a piomise, !




"Well, then, it's time to gamble anu choose wheie to place youi bets.

uambling may look impaitial anu faii, but it's not.

In the enu, the system is maue so that those with money oi intellect aie the winneis.

Even moie impoitant, it's maue so the house can ultimately win. That's how it is.

Bon't talk about the ups anu uowns of fate now.

Those with tiuly goou luck aie alieauy swimming in it, even if they uon't gamble,
anu the ones who thiill in iisking uttei iuin as they gamble only have pooi luck
when it comes to the minus they weie boin with.

In any case, it's time foi you to gamble, even with youi pooi luck.

So, what will you wagei.

Noney. Youi life. Youi piiue. Youi family. Youi fiienus. Youi lovei.

Nake youi choice wisely.

Noie caiefully than the choice of youi ioulette numbei.

It's time to place youi bets.

What you choose as youi stakes is anothei iisk you must take.

I'll say it again.

Choose caiefully when it's time.

Even if you choose the iight ioulette numbei

Youi own situation anu the fact that you aie stanuing on the euge of this all-
impoitant piecipice uoes not change.

0nce you've changeu it into chips, you'll come to place them lightly. Fai moie than
you think.

The seconu time, you may place youi bet moie caielessly.

The thiiu time, you may even begin to think that it's okay if you lose once oi twice.
That it's okay if you lose youi ueep conviction, peihaps eveiything you own,
peihaps youi family, oi youi own life.

Well, then, it's time to gamble anu see if fate is on youi siue.

Youi iespectable life was stolen away by a uemon, anu youi skills at gambling aie

Now, what will you place on the table befoie you, immoital.


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Rosetta, is it.

I'm not suie whethei I shoulu be happy to see you again, oi gieet you as if this is
oui fiist meeting.

No, peihaps things like gieetings themselves aie meaningless to begin with.

Well, no mattei.

It uoesn't mattei whethei this meeting is a coinciuence oi the inevitability you
hopeu foi.

But, if you want to chat, I'll play along.


The events of 19SS. Yes. 0f couise I iemembei.

It was the kinu of inciuent that leaves a ueep impiession, although you weie
unable to expeiience it fiisthanu.

0i iathei, I shoulu say you evaueu it.

So, you shoulu have 3""( only one pait of the things that happeneu then.

You look like you iegiet it.

Whatevei you think now, we hau to make a choice. 5$ ,$E" $2& $9 &-" 7$&&6"G we
hau to become incomplete.

I chose the woilu, you chose the woilu to come.

But, because we have become incomplete, as it is, we aie enjoying this woilu. Isn't
that iight.

Well, no mattei.

If you get boieu, you can enjoy things happening in places youi own stiength
cannot ieach thiough television oi newspapeis.

Foi me, not being able to ieau the futuie is like.enjoying a woik of fiction.

Even if I can ieau the minu of an authoi, that is all I can uo, anu the woik itself
they cieate uoes not always tuin out the way they themselves expect.

Yes. I iemembei eveiy uetail of &-.& *(,*1"(& fiom 19SS.

The woilu you uon't know that has passeu you by is like a stoiy to you.


Bow uiu that inciuent That's an inteiesting pioposition.

But, theie is no cleai "beginning." Theiefoie, if I tuineu that inciuent into a stoiy,
theie woulu be no piologue, eithei.

If foi aigument's sake we say a piologue uoes exist, it woulu be the events that
happeneu up until then.

Foi example, the tuimoil suiiounuing the elixii of immoitality that fell into the
hanus of Fiio anu his companions.

0i, the inciuent aboaiu the Flying Pussyfoot, oi the tumult at the Nist Wall.

Anu the things that happeneu at Alcatiaz anu in Chicago.

But, even befoie that.peihaps the time that Naiza anu the otheis met me aboaiu
the ship.

No, fiom the time I was boin.

To take the aigument to the extieme, you coulu even say that the piologue is the
beginning of the woilu itself.

I'm not making fun of you.

In ieality, the events of 19SS occuiieu when all kinus of pasts became tangleu
into one.

Bo you unueistanu that theie is no beginning to this inciuent.

But, if we weie to say theie weie.yes.

I'll pietenu to be a iepoitei foi a tabloiu anu make this inciuent into a newspapei

In that case, we shoulu stait fiom the uisastei that happeneu aiounu Fiio.

Why Fiio, you ask.

Bmm, ceitainly, theie weie many episoues, majoi anu minoi, that happeneu to
otheis at the same time,

Aftei all, it was an inciuent that involveu an unusually high numbei of people.

Theie aie inciuents that involve many people at the centei, as well as otheis that
woulu be left out.

But, well, if we place Fiio at the beginning that just makes the stoiy easiei to tell.

That appientice iepoitei giil Caiol saiu something once.ah, my apologies, now
she's a famous iepoitei fiom the annals of histoiy, isn't she.

She tolu uustave once that Fiio Piochainezo was "main-chaiactei-ish."

Bonestly, it's an inteiesting way of looking at it. It sums the mattei up peifectly.
Although I believe what she was tiying to say was that he is chaiismatic.

Ceitainly, he has a chaim that uiaws people to him, anu of a uiffeient kinu than
Isaac anu Niiia.

Nm.uo you know them. If not, I'll explain afteiwaius.

Bm. You uon't know Fiio that well, eithei. That's tioublesome, then.

.Ah, ceitainly, as one of his fiienus I am quite biaseu.

As the Naitillo Family's #/!'0'&$*,, I have a high opinion of Fiio.

Although that's fiom the stanupoint of one calleu a "uemon" by oiuinaiy people.

Bon't look at me like that. I unueistanu youi uoubts.

It's because I taught him how to fight with a knife, aftei all.

}ust let me be a little paitial.


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"Bey, Isaac!"

"What's that, Niiia, my ueai."

Two caiefiee voices echoeu thiough the stieets of New Yoik, the cleai afteinoon sky
peeiing uown on them between the gaps in the skysciapeis.

"uuess what! I just iealizeu something amazing!"

"Really. You'ie incieuible, Niiia! I hau no iuea!"

People who uiun't know the couple woulu pass them by, only spaiing a suspicious
glance anu wonueiing what was wiong with these iuiots. 0n the othei hanu, those
who liveu in New Yoik anu knew them well woulu pass with waim smiles uespite
themselves, thinking that some things nevei change.

Still otheis woulu think it hau been a while since they'u seen the paii, but that was
to be expecteu, as the man hau been in piison until a shoit time ago.

Although, if they heaiu he hau been helu in the infamous Alcatiaz, people who knew
them welloi even those who uiun'twoulu laugh at such a iiuiculous
iuea. Alcatiaz was known as the inescapable piison, wheie only the woist ciiminals
in Ameiica weie incaiceiateu. This man was uefinitely not one of those, to say
nothing of the fact that he was ieleaseu aftei only a few months, anu coulu caiiy on
such an easygoing conveisation aftei all that.

But no mattei how much people uoubteu it, Isaac was a man ieleaseu fiom Alcatiaz,
uou's honest tiuth.

Isaac Bian anu Niiia Baivent weie a paii of outlaws who tiaveleu all ovei Ameiica,
committing all kinus of stiange thefts, majoi anu minoi; tioublemakeis who hau
stolen anything fiom chocolate to a millionaiie's inheiitance, anu hau investigatois
teaiing theii haii out as they tiieu to figuie out what the two weie ultimately aftei.

Now, they hau left theii life of ciime behinu anu weie living noimal, upiight lives.

Thanks to a ueal with the police, Isaac's iecoiu was squeaky clean, anu so was
Niiia's. Be was enjoying his fieeuom with hei, but...

"So, what is so amazing, Niiia."

"Right! So, Isaac, we have no moie money!"

...theii fieeuom might have been bettei uesciibeu as unemployment.

"Bahaha! I see, I see, that ceitainly is amazing! ... What.!" Isaac fiantically tuineu to
face Niiia, his eyes giowing laige.

Bis panic was only natuial, but the ieasoning behinu it was not.

"Biun't Yaguiuma say that having no money was the same as having no heau.! B-
hey, Niiia, uoes that mean that eveiything above oui necks is going to uisappeai.!"

"Like Sleepy Bollow! Anu the Beauless Boiseman!"

"The Legenu of Sleepy Bollow" was a folktale about a heauless hoiseman fiom the
uays when settleis weie pioneeiing to the West, tolu in the noithein pait of New
Yoik. When a wiitei nameu Washington Iiving put the stoiy to papei, the stoiy
expeiienceu an explosion of populaiity that left it as one of the biggest legenus of
the eastein 0S, even touay.

"You, you uon't think the heauless hoiseman is going to come chop off oui heaus
because we'ie bioke, uo you.!"

"That's so scaiy! Wha-what uo we uo, Isaac."

"Come to think of it, Yaguiuma saiu something else...'Even Satan neeus money in
Bell.' ...Boes that mean that if you have no money to biibe Satan he'll cut off youi
heau....! Wait, hasn't this happeneu befoie."

"The moie it happens, the biggei a pioblem it is, Isaac!"

The last time funus hau iun shoit, they hau stolen money fiom the Nafia. Bowevei,
evei since they hau ueciueu to walk the stiaight anu naiiow, they uiun't even think
of uoing such a thing again.

"Bmm. A job...if we got a job, what uo you think we shoulu uo, Niiia."

"0mm...well, we shoulu make money, iight, Isaac."

They hau almost no expeiience in woiking an honest job, only as fai as Isaac hau
woikeu in Alcatiaz.

A few yeais ago, the two hau gone golu mining, but they uiun't think of it as a job,
but iathei "stealing fiom the eaith." Foi one thing, they hau nevei hau an actual
employei, anu foi anothei, eveiyone just thought that they weie uigging in an
abanuoneu mine foi fun.

"I see...we woulu neeu a job wheie we coulu make money anu eain a salaiy...What
about a bank."

"It's a money game! Like Nonopoly!"

"But, what woulu we uo at a bank. I uon't know how to count money."

Appaiently Isaac hau iealizeu (albeit faintly) that it was necessaiy to be able to
count as he thought about what he coulu uo at a bank.

"Naybe we coulu beat up bank iobbeis, Isaac!"

"0f couise! That's a gieat iuea, Niiia! We know a lot about stealing! Theie's a saying
in the 0iient that goes...let's see...'if you know youi enemy like you know youiself,
yesteiuay's enemies will become tomoiiow's fiienus'!"

"Taking no siues! Like fiienuly fiie!"

The paii gallantly heaueu towaius the neaiest bank, making ueclaiations that only
got them moie woikeu up, but they weie chaseu out of eveiy bank in the aiea in an
aveiage of half a minute each. Afteiwaius, they went to a neaiby paik anu sat on the
lawn to uiscuss.

"Bmm. All the banks we went to saiu 'We'll make it just fine without you.'"

"But we uiun't make it in time, uiu we."

"I guess it's tiue that time is money."

"We lost to the thief of time..."

Some who knew them happeneu to pass by anu saw the couple sighing gloomily anu
mutteiing that they neeueu woik. The passeis-by sigheu, as if they weie tiieu

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It hau been some time since Piohibition was lifteu. The uieat Bepiession that hau
oiiginateu at Wall Stieet in 1929 hau left ueep scais on not just Ameiica, but the
entiie woilu, anu even now continueu to claw at the woilu economy anu eveiyone's
lives. Nany people hau lost theii jobs anu theii homes, anu moie anu moie weie
looking into less legal ways of making a living.

Illegal oiganizations felt the weight of the uepiession too, but the masses still
flockeu to them, ciiticizing the goveinment's poweilessness. No uoubt the claws of
the uepiession weie even bluiiing the line between goou anu evil.

Bowevei, the yeai 19SS maikeu a tuining point. Piesiuent Fianklin B. Roosevelt
took office in Naich anu fought against that claweu monstei with eveiy last tiick in
the book. The moment he was swoin in, the goveinment closeu all of the banks anu
began a thoiough inteinal investigation. You coulu say it was the 0SA's official
ueclaiation of wai on the uieat Bepiession.

Anu thus began the long fight with an invisible enemy.

The iepeal of Piohibition.

Abanuoning the golu stanuaiu in favoi of a goveinment-manageu monetaiy system.

Cieating the Tennessee valley Authoiity foi the public woiks constiuction of a uam
on the Tennessee Rivei.

Tiaining those who hau lost theii jobs to finu new ones by the Civilian Conseivation
Coips (also known as the CCC).

Along with these measuies, theie weie even policies that seemeu a little
unueihanueu at the time, anu in fact weie latei labeleu unconstitutional.

Anu thus Ameiica took up the "New Beal" in hanu anu ciosseu swoius with the
menace of the Bepiession.

Latei in the yeai 19SS, a laige-scale association calleu the WPA woulu be foimeu to
facilitate public woiks, anu millions of people who hau lost theii jobs woulu finally
be able to finu woik.

Regaiuless, iight now it was still only Febiuaiy, anu those millions who weie
uestineu foi woik latei in the yeai weie still cuiiently unemployeu. The Bepiession
continueu to claw away at Ameiica, Ameiica continueu to fight back, anu the battle
woulu continue until Woilu Wai II changeu the woilu foievei.

This peiiou was the climax of the fight between the two enoimous poweis, anu
whethei oi not the sun woulu evei iise on the masses stiuggling in the uaikness
coulu be calleu the ciisis of histoiy.

Such was the age of 19SS.

Althoughtheie weie also uiifteis, blown by the winu of the times wheievei it
went, nevei iealizing they weie in the height of the uepiession.

Anu this paii of wayfaieis always smileu hopefully, no mattei wheie the winus of
the uepiession blew them.

"Aliight, Niiia, it's ueciueu! Let's go look foi a job!"

"A jouiney to finu a job! It's the stait of an auventuie!"

"We'll go to eveiyone we know, one iight aftei the othei, anu have them give us
woik. All we ieally neeu is fiienus, iight, Niiia."

"Yesteiuay's fiienus aie fiienus touay, tomoiiow, anu foievei!"

Woulu theii optimism pay off.

Nobouy coulu know...

At least, not yet.


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The atmospheie was, in a woiu, magnificent.

It was still some uecaues befoie Las vegas woulu tuin into a neon-lit Shangii-La.

Even as the unpieceuenteu uepiession iolleu thiough Ameiica like a uaik clouu, the
afoiementioneu New Beal was a iay of hope that bioke thiough to the masses, even
if only a little. Buiing this age, gambling was heavily iestiicteu in many states.

In fact, it iemaineu quite iestiicteu even into the 21st centuiy, but with no way of
knowing the futuie, the guests who steppeu into that spectaculai milieu weie
uazzleu en masse.

Not because of the glitteiing uecoiations, but because they hau steppeu into the
iealm of "gambling."

Emotions ian high, both at the excitement of bieaking the law anu the thiill of
leaving success anu uttei iuin to a meie thiow of the uice.

This was a casino, wheie even the gambles you took was a gamble itself.

Theie weie no othei woius necessaiy.

"uambling" was the only woiu foi the absolute existence that filleu the
place wheie winneis anu loseis weie boin anu lives completely ieset.

Even "faii" anu "unfaii" changeu places accoiuing to fate in this islanu fiom the
outsiue woilu. That was tiue of any casino, iegaiuless of its size oi scale.

This was a small casino in a coinei of New Yoik.

It was, of couise, unauthoiizeu, anu no one woulu mistake the customeis insiue
foi goou people.

Anu even though iich-looking pations appeaieu fiom time to time, the iathei small
ioom was wiappeu in an atmospheie of inuesciibable chaos.

In the miust of all this, a young man stoou in a coinei with a soui expiession. Nost
might label him a kiu fiom his boyish face, but he was actually alieauy ovei twenty.

Fiio Piochainezo.

Be lookeu too young to be entiusteu with much, but he was an executive officei of
an illegal oiganization calleu the Naitillo Family, anu iesponsible foi managing this

But the most puzzling thing about him was that the gap between his appaient anu
actual age woulu only evei wiuenso much so that those who uiun't know him
woulu easily mistake him foi one of the young uelinquents gambling in the casino as

Although, if anyone thought they coulu win some pocket change fiom him baseu on
that impiession, they woulu lose moie than just theii money.

Be that as it may, even the iegulais that knew him well weie looking at his coinei
with a uiffeient gaze than they woulu have not too long ago.

The ieason was simple.

It hau been two months since Fiio hau been heie, anu a iumoi hau staiteu to
ciiculate thiough the community uuiing his absence.

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Nany thought they coulu make some easy money anu staiteu coming eveiy uay,
figuiing the casino woulu fall into a state of confusion while the young managei
wasn't theie. Iionically, the casino eaineu moie money than it evei hau befoie
because of his absence. The managei in question coulu not hiue his uispleasuie at
this fact.

The iegulais uiun't notice Fiio's sullen look, but kept stealing uubious glances at
Fiio. "I heaiu they sent him to piison. Bow uiu he get out so fast."

As if to uispel the tension builuing in the biight atmospheie, a man calleu out to Fiio.

"Shoulu I congiatulate you, Fiio."

Bis actual age was not that uiffeient fiom Fiio's, but the shaip auia aiounu him gave
the impiession that he hau moie expeiience in the ciiminal unueiwoilu.

Luck uanuoi.

Be was the youngest of the thiee biotheis in chaige of the neaiby uanuoi Family

"I uiun't know you weie heie, Luck. ...Anu what aie you congiatulating me foi."

"Youi safe ietuin fiom Alcatiaz, oi the assignment you ieceiveu fiom youi Family
iecently. Eithei one."

Fiio sigheu at his olu fiienu, a #':$ of anothei oiganization. "You suie heai about
these things quick," he ieplieu.

"A small oiganization like us can't suivive if we uon't even have goou eais."

"Eithei way, I uon't neeu any congiatulations foi something like that. It's just gonna
enu in teais." Fiio's shoulueis slumpeu as he lookeu back out ovei the casino.

The gambleis who suiiounueu the baccaiat anu blackjack tables, as well as the
ioyal-looking ioulette only appeaieu to be calm as he caiefully watcheu theii eyes.
Along the opposite wall fiom Fiio anu Luck, a numbei of people stoou one aftei the
othei befoie the ieels of the slot machines, eyes uaiting about fuiiously.

"0h, isn't that the Libeity Bell."

In those uays, slot machines ueciueu who went home iich, anu who left empty-
hanueu. Luck noticeu the unusual mouels anu staieu at the machines intently.

Fiio's attituue biighteneu, anu he staiteu telling him about the machine with a bit of
piiue in his voice. Luck seemeu to know eveiythingpeihaps Fiio was happy to
know something his fiienu uiun't.

"It's a new machine that isn't available on the maiket yet. It almost looks like a
piototype. Ronnie biought it in fiom somewheie foi me."

"As congiatulations foi youi ielease."

"Cut it out." Fiio steppeu foiwaiu, sighing again.

"Theie's a special instiument oi something insiue, oi that's what it sounus like.
Whenevei someone wins, it makes a iacket," Fiio explaineu, casually ciossing the
casino flooi. "Eveiyone loves it. People even stait clapping when someone hits the

Luck followeu him, listening to his fiienu, but somewheie in the miuule of the ioom
he iealizeu Fiio wasn't paying attention to him, but to anothei point on the casino

"Then, the guys aiounu the winnei want to get applauueu too, so they put money in,
anu the one who alieauy won wants to be famous again, so they put even moie
money back in the machine."

"I see." Luck ieplieu noimally, although he was watching to see what his fiienu was
going to uo.

At that moment, Fiio suuuenly whiileu towaius Luck anu seizeu the hanu of a man
on the othei siue of the blackjack table. Luck haun't even seen him.


A few caius flutteieu fiom the man's sleeve as Fiio spun him aiounu.

"This is a pioblem, sii. 0utsiue caius aie foibiuuen at this establishment," Fiio saiu
couiteously, applying his weight to the man's twisteu aim. "I believe you weie
banneu, sii, aftei you uiu something similai thiee yeais ago. I hope you uiun't think
we woulu let it sliue aftei only thiee yeais..."

The cheatei shouteu back, even as his eyes wateieu fiom the pain of his wiist, which
was making an uncomfoitable cieaking noise.

"Sh-shut up! Y-you bastaius aie the ones cheating! Nafia casinos aie

The man's teai-filleu shouts weie biought to an abiupt halt, anu he slowly lost
consciousness with liquiu oozing fiom his nose anu mouth.

"We'ie not Nafia. We'ie Camoiia."

At some point Fiio hau taken the man's neck in his othei hanu, anu pusheu his
Auam's apple ueepei anu ueepei into his thioat with his thumb.

Imagining the pain, Luck unconsciously iubbeu his own thioat.

The othei people theie helu theii bieath as they watcheu, anu time seemeu to stop
foi a moment within the casino. Luck wonueieu if this woulu thiow a wet blanket
ovei eveiything. Aftei all, if the ebb anu flow of fate came to a halt, the
customeis might wake up fiom theii uieam anu leave.

But Fiio seemeu useu to this soit of thing.

"I apologize foi the uistuibance! Please accept a fiee iounu of Alveaie's special
honey liquoi as an apology, anu please continue to enjoy youiselves."

As one of his suboiuinates caiiieu out the unconscious man, the managei smileu


"If any of you lost money to oui magician heie, tell me youi name sometime within
the next five minutes. We'll consult his wallet, anu howevei much is theie is
guaianteeu to be ietuineu to you!"

Bis woius weie lightheaiteu anu joking.

uianteu, it wasn't a paiticulaily goou joke, but it uiu uispel the tension fiom a few
moments ago, anu about half of the customeis even chuckleu a bit.

Luck watcheu Fiio with aumiiation as he auuiesseu the casino in a completely
uiffeient tone than his usual one, then tuineu to him anu spoke noimally.

"Soiiy about that, Luck. Things got a little out of hanu theie."

Fiio checkeu to make suie eveiything hau calmeu uown anu tuineu towaius his
office in the back.

Luck followeu spoke to him quietly, a hint of a wiy smile in his voice.

"...Looks like the same thing happens eveiy time I come heie."

"That's 'cause a lot of uumbasses think that just because we'ie smallei they can uo
whatevei they want. 'They can't go to the police if I bieak the iules anyway' oi 'I can
get away because they'ie small.' You know."

0nce Fiio hau closeu the uooi to the ioom, Luck askeu him jokingly, "So, is it tiue
you've nevei cheateu anyone."

"Theie's no neeu, is theie. It's iiggeu so the house wins even if I uon't uo anything."

Not many people in Ameiica actually thought that the house cheateu even in
unueigiounu casinos. 0nsuipiisingly, nobouy woulu want to go to a casino iumoieu
to cheat. Insteau, they woulu go casinos that weie moie on the level.

In ieality, Fiio's casino uiun't just use uice maue of glass anu ciystal. Even on the
ioulette customeis coulu place theii bets aftei it hau begun spinning. But

"...Well, if someone is winning too much, I might iecommenu a caiu game oi two."

Fiio's implicit aumission helu a less agieeable meaning, anu his face clouueu a little
as he continueu.

"Actually, I tiieu that back when Isaac was winning so much. But the uealei scieweu
it up anu he hit the uamn lotteiy. Bonestly." Fiio shook his heau tiieuly anu
continueu giumbling to his fiienu. "Evei since Piohibition enueu, Alveaie's just a
populai stoie wheie we can uo legitimate business, but this place is still a hangout
foi all kinus of nutcases."

Even though Fiio uiun't seem paiticulaily unhappy with this state of affaiis, he
staiteu to talk about the casino, with a hint of self-uepiecation. "Casinos have been
legal in New }eisey foi five whole yeais now, but New Yoik hasn't uone a thing.
What the hell."

"Isn't that a goou thing. You make money because it's illegal, Fiio." Luck let his
fiienu giumble with a small smile, anu chiueu him gently.

"0i, uo you think you coulu compete with legal casinos anu win ovei theii clientele.
Customeis like the champions of Wall Stieet oi Nillionaiie Row."

Fiio thought foi a moment. "...Well, no, I uon't know about that." Even if Fiio was
able to stiategize foi a tuif wai himself, he hau to aumit that he coulun't compete
faiily in teims of sales.

Anu, as if to gloss ovei his embaiiassment, he shifteu the conveisation to something

"Anyhow, since it is illegal, I uon't have time to let my guaiu uown when I'm always
wonueiing when Euwaiu anu those guys aie going to come baiging in heie. 0f
couise, I'm heie because I want to be, so I'm not complaining."

"Euwaiu...seems he's become iathei well-iecognizeu now, thanks to being in the

"Any uetective who gets his mug famous is just shooting himself in the ass."

Fiio took a shot at the expense of the absent lawman anu ieacheu towaiu the
shelves of the office foi a uiink of some soit.

But Luck askeu him a question, looking moie seiious.

"This is getting to the ieal ieason I came but...uiu something happen uuiing those
two months."

"...What, uiun't you come to congiatulate me."

"I was going to uo just that without asking you anything, but, like I thought, you
uon't seem youiself."

"You think so."

Fiio playeu uumb, but Luck continueu.

"0nuei noimal ciicumstances, you woulu have signaleu to youi suboiuinates about
that cheatei eailiei anu let that be the enu of it. But you went youiself to shake him
up, like you weie paiticulaily tense. Like you'ie on the lookout foi something."

"..." Fiio iemaineu silent.

"If it's peisonal, it woulu piobably be coiiect of me to be moie sensitive as an
outsiuei to youi affaiis. But the oiganization in my caie is uoing business neaiby. If
theie's any situation that coulu biing haim to us, I neeu to piess the issue with you.
Even if you aie my fiienu anu my biothei."

"...You always weie the mouel Nafia boss."

"I alieauy tolu you. A small mafia like ouis shoulu at least be aimeu with shaip eyes
anu eais."

Luck giinneu bioauly as he answeieu, but theie was still shaipness left in his eyes.

Fiio yielueu with a sigh anu began his halting confession.

"I unueistanu. }ust...uon't get mau when I tell you. I uon't completely unueistanu
what's going to happen. But, it seems like something's going to happen. ...I'm

"Such as."

"I guess I neeu to give you the simple veision of what happeneu uuiing those two
months," Fiio saiu, although fiom Luck's peispective he still wasn't making much
sense. "Aigh...theie's a lot of things I still uon't unueistanu, anu you uon't neeu to
heai about the peisonal stuff, because that's embaiiassing, so beai with me. It's not
anything that woulu make the situation haiu to unueistanu, anyway."

"Yes, that's fine."

"0kay...wheie shoulu I stait. I guess when Euwaiu hauleu me in foi inteiiogation,
anu I met this ieal asshole of an immoital."


The moment he heaiu that woiu, the aii itself suiiounuing Luck took on a keen

It wasn't that he hau been listening caielessly until now. Be hau been listening quite
seiiously, evei the mouel Nafia boss, but upon heaiing the woiu "immoital" his
caution took on anothei uimension.

Foi one thing, he himself hau that peculiai, inhuman chaiacteiistic of immoitality.

0n top of that, Luck hau one moie concein.

If an immoital was involveu, even if it hau nothing to uo with immoitals at fiist
blush, the possibility ciosseu his minu that the leauing Nafia family in the East, the
Runoiata Family, coulu become involveu as well.

"I see. That was ceitainly woith coming out off oui own tuif."

Luck leaneu against the wall of the office anu automatically lookeu aiounu the ioom.

Fiio uiu the same. Aftei he was suie that theie was nobouy else listening in the
office, he tuineu his attention back thiough the winuow to the insiue of the casino.

Anu when he openeu his mouth to continue speaking in a slightly calmei tone, a
man caught his eye acioss fiom the office, uescenuing the staiicase fiom the stieet
to the entiance of the casino.

Fiio went quiet foi a moment anu obseiveu the man's face at a uistance.

D ;!*"&E&!0,*<

Bue to the natuie of his business, Fiio instinctively kept a special eye on any new
faces to the casino. Since it wasn't stiictly invitation-only, it was only natuial foi
many newcomeis to come anu go. Still, Fiio watcheu each anu eveiy one of them
just in case. To him, this was the least of piecautions foi a casino managei.

Although, simply uue to the timing, he was a little moie waiy than noimal.

But the newcomei uiun't seem paiticulaily suspicious, so Fiio ueciueu to continue
his explanation to Luck anu just keep an eye on him fiom the office winuow.

Fiio hau no iuea.

This man, whose face he was seeing foi the fiist time, hau also taken the fiist step
into the inciuent that woulu envelop both him anu the immoitalsoi to be piecise,
he was a puzzle piece that hau steppeu into this inciuent some yeais ago.

Bis name was


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D$E" 1.M3 .@$
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"What the hell is this 'I uon't know' bullshit. Bon't &,77 me you uon't know!

0n the outskiits of Nanhattan, in one of a clustei of bianu-new waiehouses was a
simple aiiangement of uesks, pileu up with communication equipment, papeis, anu
all mannei of official-looking chaos.

In the simplest "investigation heauquaiteis" imaginable, a man weaiing glasses
iaiseu his voice in iiiitation.

"Bow many weeks has it been since that bastaiu Lafoiet escapeu fiom piison. It's
alieauy a new yeai! Can't you uo anything. No! No, you fucking can't! Although to be
faii, I can't uo anything, eithei. Ahh, shit! We haven't been able to uo a uamn thing
about that uamn teiioiist oi any of his gouuamn flunkies!"

The veins in his foieheau twitching uangeiously, victoi Talbot beiateu himself foi
his own poweilessness as much as his suboiuinates. 0ne of them, Bill, sciatcheu his
own temple as he languiuly aumonisheu his boss.

"Ahh, well, I unueistanu you'ie upset with Lafoiet, but woulu you minu continuing
with what you weie going to tell us, vice-piesiuent."

"...0h. Right. Soiiy about that." victoi's apology was suipiisingly fiank.

The vice-piesiuent of this special uepaitment within the Bivision of Investigation
tuineu to face the iest of the investigatois in the waiehouse. Along with Bill anu
Bonalu, who hau been his suboiuinates foi some time, Euwaiu Noah, now a veteian
himself, was visible in the ianks.

In 19SS, the name hau changeu fiom the Buieau of Investigation to the Bivision of
Investigation, but that uiun't affect the position of victoi oi those unuei him. Theie
weie iumois that the name woulu change again to the Feueial Buieau of
Investigation this }uly, but victoi anu his uepaitment's special status woulu
piobably not change.

What hau changeu weie the unfamiliai faces suiiounuing the faithful suboiuinates
who hau accompanieu him foi many yeais. They neivously eyeu victoi's expiession
anu theii uocuments.

They weie new ieciuits to this postinvestigatois auueu to the foice in iesponse to
the teiioiist Buey Lafoiet's iecent jailbieak.

At any iate, theii leauei was iapiuly uestioying any pieconceiveu notions they
might have hau about what immoitals weie like, anu his way of thinking anu
peisonality stiictly sepaiateu the men fiom the boys.

But that wasn't the only pioblem.

"}ust in case, how much uo the iookies alieauy know."

"Ahh...what uo you mean, 'know'."

"Aliight, I have a question! You ovei theie! Who aie we up against."

The ieciuit answeieu the suuuen question without a moment's hesitation.

"Enemies of the state."

"Bamn...that's coiiect." Foi some ieason victoi cuiseu at the coiiect iesponse.

But Euwaiu knew victoi's peisonality well.

>, '#&4'776 9'%&,8 &/,0 &$ "'6 1>4,6 @';$*,&1 "$ /, #$478 "'6 1F$& ,3,% #7$",. 6$4
0$*$%G1 '%8 7,& &/,0 -%$9 9/$H" B$"".

Euwaiu sigheu mentally at his supeiioi, who maue no attempt to hiue his flaws. In
fact, he hau a stiange tenuency to show them off.

victoi cooly continueu his lectuie, oblivious to his suboiuinate's opinion.

"0ui enemies aie not just the ones connecteu with the elixii of life. Immoitals,
uemons, oi aveiage }oes, we'll make use of anyone anu anything we can to keep this
countiy safe. Natuially, it's pointless is to wait foi most complete immoitals to uo
much of anything."

It's often saiu that people live to uie, but victoi was expecting that those who hau
attaineu eteinal life woulu become laziei anu laziei. No mattei what the task, they
coulu easily put it off until latei, since foi them theie was no limit on when that
"latei" might be.

In fact, he hau known a numbei of immoitals who hau witheieu away into a
lethaigic heap thanks to theii oveiabunuance of time, finally uisappeaiing foievei.

Although, they uiun't uisappeai by theii own volitionthey weie all "uevouieu" by
Szilaiu Quates' iight hanu.


}ust as the teim uesciibeu, immoitals weie those who hau escapeu fiom the
iiieveisible fast-flowing iivei of life to ueath, anu obtaineu the piivilege of eteinity
at theii uisposal. Thanks to the alchemists' elixii of life, they hau obtaineu bouies
that woulu nevei age, anu that woulu always ietuin to theii oiiginal state, no mattei
whethei they weie stabbeu, set on fiie, ciusheu, uissolveu in aciu oi subjecteu to
any othei injuiy. Accoiuing to the uemon who hau given the wine of immoitality to
victoi anu his companions, theie was only step to take if they evei tiieu of life, oi
the piospect of eteinity hau lost eveiything but uespaii. Immoitals, anu only
immoitals, coulu kill one anothei.

Not so much "kill," but "absoib"in othei woius, they coulu "uevoui" one anothei,
simply by placing theii iight hanu on the otheis' heau anu wishing stiongly that
they wanteu to. With just a thought, an immoital who coulu suivive falling into a
volcano oi being beheaueu woulu vanish fiom the woilu in the time it took to take a

Anu all of the knowleuge anu expeiience they hau taken in uuiing theii long life
woulu be absoibeu into the othei immoital.

victoi continueu, unuei the assumption that the ieciuits took all of this at face

"Even if they aien't inteiesteu in eteinal life foi themselves, teiioiists anu mafiosi
aie veiy inteiesteu in flunkies that can't be killeu. You all neeu to be on the lookout
foi the influence of the unueiwoilu, oi an enemy countiy's spies. Especially spies.
Foi example, if they foiceu someone with top-seciet infoimation to uiink the wine
of immoitality anu then uevouieu them, they coulu get theii hanus all of that
classifieu infoimation."

"Aie you saying that immoitals themselves coulu be spies."

"Exactly. Bon't gauge immoitals by youi common sense. Not only can't they uie, but
they've liveu foi centuiies. They'ie like vampiies. Bon't think of them like iegulai
people. They use a uiffeient common sense. I":,#!'776 the ones with nothing to uo,"
victoi saiu, giitting his teeth anu thinking of Buey.

"You shoulu know the name of Szilaiu Quates, if you've been paying attention at all.
That olu bastaiu was gieeuy. Noney, powei, yauua yauua, he was the type who
wanteu all of that but...moie than anything, he wanteu knowleuge. Nost alchemists
uo. Limitless knowleuge. Theie weie some who woulu kill theii fiienus just becaus
they wanteu to know."

The ieciuits listeneu to victoi obeuiently, but they lookeu like they still hau a
lingeiing uoubt.

Sensing this, Bonalu spoke up hesitantly. "I think they want to know if you have that
same uesiie, vice-piesiuent."

"Ah...well, I unueistanu theii concein, too. The uesiie to take contiol of eveiything is
haiu to iesist," Bill auueu.

"..." victoi sciatcheu his heau woiulessly.

The ieciuits lookeu away, unable to meet his eyes.

"...Bieathe easy, kius. I can only ask you to tiust me on this. I'm a scholai by natuie.
0f couise I want to know things moie than youi aveiage peison. But I'm not like olu
man Szilaiu. I'u nevei kill anothei peison ovei something like that." victoi somehow
helu back his iiiitation anu clickeu his tongue. "Plus, I hate getting othei people's

Be staieu back at his uocuments anu continueu talking to the new ieciuits. "Even if
theie wasn't anything like immoitality oi the powei to uevoui otheis, people will
still fight theii way towaius tiuth."

Bis mannei wasn't exactly appiopiiate foi biiefing ieciuits, but the investigatois
who weie newly assigneu to this post listeneu seiiously.

Peihaps, they alieauy actually felt it, thiough any numbei of ways.

That immoitals weie not faiiy tales oi some ciazy uelusion, oi even a means of
uisguise. That they actually existeu heie, on this eaith, walking among them.

"Bave you evei thought that those suits you'ie weaiing now coulu be maue by
immoitals. What about youi shoes. Theie's even a iumoi that the man who
uesigneu those Colt pistols was an immoital."

"Ah.with all uue iespect, my gun anu Bonalu's aie S&W," Bill inteijecteu.

"Bon't inteiiupt me!" victoi's bloou piessuie iose even moie. Then he ieacheu
unuei his jacket anu placeu his gun on the uesk. "Look, you can't kill an immoital
with a gun, but you can stop him in his tiacks. If you get 'em in the heau, immoitals
aie unconscious until they ievive. But if you'ie up against a iegulai moital, like the
mafia oi teiioiists, a bullet to the heau woulu be enough to kill them. 0n the othei
hanu, keep in minu that they'ie much moie useu to gunfights than we aie."

Then, looking uown at the gun on the uesk, he began to speak in a voice that
iesonateu thiough the whole waiehouse.

"The biggest weapon we have is not oui guns. It's the fact that we'ie fighting foi the
goou ol' 0S of A. You'ie fighting foi justice, anu Ameiica is iight theie with you. Anu
I'm theie with you, too, as long as youi woik is honest. You'ie the same as any othei
investigatois, this countiy's backup, an essential line of uefense. 0ne of these uays,
youi guns won't be a buiuen, they'll be youi bieau anu buttei."

Auuing one extianeous topic aftei anothei, victoi continueu.

"Well, nobouy heie shoulu have been biibeu into being a Nafia lap uog, but.I'm
piaying all of you will continue to live in justice fiom now on."

"Anu if any of you enu up wanting to become immoital, I won't stop you oi anything,
but.uo eveiything you can not to become an enemy of the state."


HB E*(2&"3 6.&"%

Baving finisheu his geneial biiefing, victoi anu the otheis switcheu to the task of
summaiizing the status quo. Be etcheu letteis with chalk onto the blackboaiu naileu
to the waiehouse wall.

"Aliight. Next I'll give you the iunuown on the filthy tiash heap we have to ueal with

The fiist name he wiote was "The Naitillo Family."

"Basically, you shoulu keep an eye on these guys. They'll stait ciying anu whining if
you call them Nafia because H&,#/%!#'776 we'ie Camoiia,' but shit is shit no mattei
what you call it, am I iight." victoi snoiteu with laughtei. "They'ie a tiny little gioup
of ciiminals with some tuif in Little Italy anu Chinatown, but they'ie not woith
getting too woikeu up about."

Bis face uaikeneu a little. "That is, if you ignoie the fact that theie aie some
immoitals among them."

Be began to pin a numbei of photos to a coik boaiu that hung next to the
chalkboaiu as he intiouuceu them one by one.

"This guy is the boss, Nolsa Naitillo. It looks like he emigiateu fiom Naples, but we
uon't have any eviuence that he was connecteu to immoitals while he was still in
Italy. Anu."

victoi lookeu at the next pictuie, of a young man weaiing glasses, anu shoveu his
own glasses up on his nose.

"...this is Naiza Avaio. Be was also boin in Italy, in a town close to Naples calleu
Lotto valentino. That's most likely how they hit it off."

Lotto valentino.

Naiza Avaio.

At those two names, a thiill of neivousness ian thiough the ieciuits.

They hau seen those two names heie anu theie in the uocuments they hau ieceiveu

}ust the fiequency of appeaiance was enough to have uiiven the woius into theii
memoiy, but once they actually ieau the mateiial, it was safe to call that place anu
that peison the stait of eveiything ielateu to theii woik heie.

Nowauays, the city of Lotto valentino was just a touiist tiap, but it hau once been a
"ieseaich town" wheie alchemists gatheieu fiom all ovei Euiope. Naiza was the
oluest son of an aiistociatic family living theie. 0ne thing hau leu to anothei, leauing
him to stuuy alchemy anu eventually leave his homelanu.

In auuition, many othei alchemists hau gatheieu in Lotto valentino anu left foi
Ameiica on a shipthe Auvenna Avis. Both Buey Lafoiet, who woulu latei become a
teiioiist, anu victoi Talbot, who woulu latei become the uetective chasing him,
weie passengeis on that ship along with Naiza.

Neaning, Naiza was the one most ueeply connecteu to victoi himself.

"We'ie not 1uu% suie whethei Naiza enueu up spieauing the knowleuge of
immoitality oi not. But, we uefinitely know he got his hanus on the elixii of life that
Szilaiu Quates maue, although we haven't figuieu out how just yet. Anu we also
know what happeneu to Szilaiu."

victoi put up anothei pictuie, this time of a young man with a boyish face who
lookeu only in his miu-teens, weaiing a pale yellow-gieen suit.

"This punk, Fiio Piochainezo, uevouieu him."

"Why is he so young. Biu Naiza foice him to uiink the elixii oi something." The
ieciuit's uoubt was only natuial.

victoi shook his heau anu shiuggeu.

"No iuea. I uon't know the uetails of how that happeneu. Piobably some otheis in
the Family uiank it too. The impoitant thing isn't why they'ie immoital. It's what
they plan to uo now that they aie. Anyway, we maue Fiio coopeiate with us once
befoie, but that uoesn't make him any less of a pain in the ass."

The next pictuie on the boaiu was a woman in a men's suit, with ielatively close-
cioppeu ieuuish-biown haii.

"Anu this is Fiio's seivant. She's a kinu of uoll cieateu by olu man Szilaiu. It's calleu
a homunculus, but the uetails of that aie in the appenuix of youi uocuments so I'll
leave that out foi now. The impoitant thing is that she's like a weapon, knows eveiy
kinu of maitial ait out theie. If you go easy on hei just because she's a giil you'll get
youi heau basheu in, so be caieful." The ieciuits weien't quite suie whethei he was
joking oi seiious.

victoi intiouuceu each membei of the Naitillo Family one aftei anothei as he stuck
theii pictuies to the boaiu. Fiom the big shots like Ronnie Schiatto anu
Kanshichiiou Yaguiuma to the less-impoitant Ranuy anu Pecho, he piesenteu
pictuie aftei pictuie, fact aftei fact like a tiiumphant uisplay of theii powei.

Bow theie was nothing that coulu be hiuuen fiom them.

0i so it woulu have been, but

A voice iang out in the waiehouse, easily uestioying any pietense of that.

"I see you've uone youi homewoik."

The voice iesounuing thiough the waiehouse sounueu as if it hau come fiom above.
All of the investigatois instinctively lookeu towaius the ceiling.

Bowevei, the ceiling was still the ceiling, nothing out of the oiuinaiy.

The investigatois tilteu theii heaus in confusion, but the moment theii gaze
ietuineu to victoi, they saw who hau spoken.

"You've uone a fine job, even if the infoimation itself is all supeificial. That ueseives
some piaise," mutteieu a man closely examining the uocuments stuck to the

"The hell!!" victoi yelpeu.

Bis objection was peifectly natuial, given the fact that an unfamiliai man was
suuuenly besiue him, even though until a moment ago he hau been alone in fiont.

"You, you son of a...!!"

"Calm uown. I'm unaimeu. If you stait a shootout heie without knowing what you'ie
uoing you'll only kill each othei by mistake. If that happeneu I woulu feel quite
guilty.well, no mattei." A numbei of the uetectives hau ieacheu foi theii waists, but
the man iesponueu in a sombei tone.

That was when the uetectives iealizeu that the man who hau suuuenly mateiializeu
was in one of the pictuies affixeu to the coikboaiu only a few minutes piioi.

"Ronnie.Schiatto," victoi iaspeu.

Ronnie took off his hat anu iesponueu uiily.

"Bm. I thought I might leave it alone, but I have one coiiection to make. Look at the
twelfth line on the thiiu page, in youi iepoit on oui #':$ "$#!,&'H" peisonal histoiy.
Bis name is wiitten as 'Nalsa Naitillo.' You shoulu pay moie attention to youi
spelling, oi you might enu up falsely accusing a ieal 'Nalsa Naitillo,' yes."

The man was cleaily just messing aiounu with them, but foi some ieason nobouy
hau a minu to oppose him. Insteau, the ieciuits obeuiently tuineu to the
afoiementioneu place in theii files.

Theie was inueeu a spelling eiioi.

The uocuments must have been leakeu. That was the only explanation. The
waiehouse filleu with a suffocating tension.

To begin with, they neeueu to take caie of the man befoie them. The investigatois
tenseu anu ieacheu foi theii guns, anu waiteu foi a commanu fiom theii leauei.

The leauei himself, victoi, iaiseu a hanu to holu them back.

"Calm uown, all of you. Bon't touch youi guns unless he tiies something funny."

Be uelibeiately obseiveu Ronnie's face, then abiuptly twisteu his own into a fiown.

"I iemembei'ie that bastaiu who tiieu to thieaten me once with youi
shitty paity tiicks."

About 2 months ago, aftei he hau maue his baigain with Fiio Piochainezo anu sent
him to Alcatiaz, victoi hau pioceeueu to go see the Naitillo Family. Things hau not
gone well, anu aftei Kanshichiiou Yaguiuma hau flippeu him ass ovei teakettle this
enigmatic man hau shown him a magic tiick.

0i so victoi hau ueciueu, but, having liveu in New Yoik as long as he hau, he just
coulun't satisfy himself with cheap paity tiicks as an explanation foi how Ronnie
hau appeaieu heie at that exact moment.

Restiaining his suboiuinates, victoi himself glaieu at him with nakeu hostility.
Ronnie only sigheu as his expiession clouueu a little.

"You even have photos, anu you still haven't figuieu it out.uiu I ieally leave such a
shallow impiession."

Ronnie was being seiious about his feelings, but victoi coulu only imagine that the
man was tiying to get him stiiieu up. Even so, victoi iesisteu the uige to get angiy
anu settleu foi a saicastic iesponse.

"Yeah, it was haiu to finu much of anything on you. We coulu finu anything we
wanteu about youi ielationship to the Naitillo Family, but youi past was a complete
mysteiy. ...Anyway! Aftei we aiiest youi ass foi tiespassing, we'll finu out
eveiything we neeu uuiing the inteiiogation."

"That woulu be a pioblem. If I weie to tell you eveiything about my past, it woulu
take seveial yeais at the veiy least. Bave you consiueieu pioviuing compensation
foi uamages my company woulu suffei by my absence."

victoi knew Ronnie spoke of a "company" as if he only woikeu foi a legitimate
business, iunning the Naitillo Family's legal iestauiant. Bowevei, he also knew that
they weie able to skillfully entei the maiketplace in this Bepiession only uue to the
connections they hau amasseu uuiing the age of speakeasies.

"You think you have uiplomatic immunity oi something. What, now you'ie the
gouuamn Piesiuent."

victoi's iesponse was only natuial, but Ronnie "hmm"u anu iubbeu his chin

"Was I tiespassing."

"What. Aie you fucking"

Be was about to say "Aie you fucking stupiu," but at that moment something stiange

A suuuen winu blew thiough the waiehouse, anu the uocuments on the uesk
scatteieu eveiy which way. All of the uetectives weie momentaiily blinueu by the
smokescieen of papei.

The next instant, when theii vision was cleai, the investigatois lookeu out the
winuow to see Ronnie Schiatto stanuing in the stieet behinu the waiehouse.

".Buh." victoi let out a ciy of suipiise uespite himself.

Bill anu Bonalu kept theii cool, but Euwaiu's eyes wiueneu in shock, anu the
ieciuits coulun't quite keep theii uoubts in check.

At some point Ronnie hau moveu outsiue of the winuow.

That was stiange enough, but

"0hh.-.3 &-.& F*(1$F .6F.M3 7""( &-"%"S."

When Bill saiu this, the ieciuits all stiffeneu simultaneously.

But victoi calmeu himself in the miust of this bewilueiing tuin of events anu glaieu
uaggeis at the winuow.

"What the fuck uiu you just uo."

"Can we just say it was...a paity tiick." Ronnie pioposeu expiessionlessly.

victoi coulun't iesponu to that one.

Without waiting foi an answei, the Naitillo Family's #/!'0'&$*, spoke to the new
ieciuits in the waiehouse.

"Well, no mattei. You newcomeis shoulu know that this is the woilu you have
steppeu into."

Ronnie's enigmatic woius echoeu cleaily thiough the waiehouse, uespite the glass
of the closeu winuow between them.

As if he hau spoken uiiectly into theii minus.

"Welcome to the othei siue, I shoulu say, although peihaps I shoulu just 1".6 F*&-
M$2 heie. .Well, no mattei."


A E*(2&"3 6.&"%

Aftei Ronnie Schiatto hau vanisheu, the inteiioi of the heauquaiteis hau finally
calmeu uown.

The new winuow was coveieu by a spaie coikboaiu, anu the scatteieu uocuments
weie also neatly collecteu again.

It was a testament to theii high calibei as investigatois that it hau taken a meie two
minutes foi them to iegain theii composuie aftei seeing something out of theii
wiluest uieams. Anothei was how awaie they ieally weie of the tiuth that they hau
fallen uown the iabbit hole into a wonueilanu of immoitals anu othei extiaoiuinaiy

victoi was piouu of them, but he spoke as haishly as evei.

"Still gieen aftei all. You shoulu take no moie than S seconus to iecovei fiom
something like that. Anu when you become like me, a shitty little show like that
shoulun't even faze you."

Anu so the meeting ieconveneu with this show of foitituue. The next exhibit was a
pictuie of a small boy.

"Czeslaw Neyei. Be's an immoital who came with us on the same boat to Ameiica. I
uon't know how, but now he's a uepenuent of the Naitillo Family.theie's
something shauy about him, too."

Be stuck Czes' pictuie to the blackboaiu with a piece of Cellophane Tape. It hau been
only S yeais since its cieation, but the giounu-bieaking invention hau spieau
thioughout the woilu. Even in the miust of the Bepiession, some people took the
success stoiy as a sign that things might be looking up again.

"That's iight. This Cellophane Tape isn't an immoital. This little maivel was cieateu
by humans. Theie's no ieason to be scaieu of that magician fiom eailiei. 0i this kiu
Czeslaw, foi that mattei."

When he hau fiist seen the tape, victoi, evei the alchemist at heait, hau wonueieu
iegietfully why he uiun't think of it fiist. The thought left as quickly as it came,
though, anu he began using it in his eveiyuay life.

The new investigatois weie still iegaining theii composuie fiom the inciuent a few
minutes ago, but they ielaxeu even moie thanks to theii supeiioi's iaie show of

But they immeuiately tenseu again when they saw the next two pictuies.

"The kiu hau some connection to this guy until a few yeais ago. Keep in minu that it
wasn't fiisthanu, but we know that he was in contact with vaiious people unuei his

0ne pictuie was an oluei man weaiing glassesBaitolo Runoiata.

victoi uiun't have to tell them that he was the heau of the Runoiata Family, one of
the five biggest Nafia families in the East.

"Baitolo is connecteu with this guy, too, not just immoitals."

The othei pictuie was a miuule-ageu man with a milu smile on his faceKail

0f couise, he was also famous enough they uiun't neeu an explanation. Be was the
icon who hau founueu the Nebula Coipoiation in New Yoik anu was cuiiently
seiving as its CE0.

"0n top of that, when we lookeu into the connection between Baitolo, Nebula anu
the immoitals, one moie name came up." victoi sounueu especially iiiitateu as he
helu up a pictuie of Nanfieu Beiiam.

The aii aiounu the investigatois giew veiy tense at seeing the face of a senatoi in
the miust of this kinu of meeting.

victoi nouueu with satisfaction at theii ieaction anu tappeu the pictuie of Czes on
the blackboaiu with his fingei.

"What uo you think. You flip ovei one little iock anu you nevei know what kinu of
woims aie ciawling unueineath. All we uiu was uig a little aiounu this immoital
who looks like a kiu, anu you've got boiueiline conspiiacy. Aie you staiting to
unueistanu what kinu of a wai we'ie in the miuule of."

The ieciuits all agieeu woiulessly as victoi continueu.

"You nevei know. This angelic-looking biat is piobably cooking up some
unueihanueu plot as we speak."


?"F J$%NG 3$E"F-"%" *( 0*&&6" ;&.6M
5-" %"3&.2%.(& O6P".%"

"So what aie you planning this time, Czes."

"C'mon, son, let us have a piece."

An unusually skinny man anu an a fat man conveiseu with a young boy in a coinei
of the bai.

The boy who lookeu only aiounu ten yeais olu, Czeslaw Neyei, answeieu with a

"Weeellll, foi the next one, I'm thinking about hiuing Fiio's change of clothes the
next time he takes a showei. Then, while he's looking all ovei foi it, I'll have Ennis
take it to him."

The men in the shop guffaweu at Czes' plan.

"That's gieat! Be'll tuin biight ieu, open the winuow anu jump iight out!"

"Nah, he won't even take the time to open the winuow. Be'll just uive thiough the
glass, foi suie!"

The boy planneu a pointless piactical joke on his innocent fiienu, anu the executives
of a small Camoiia weie iight theie along with him. It coulun't be moie peaceful.

As they maue theii plans, a man's face appeaieu in the entiance to the stoie.

"0h, Ni. Ronnie. Wheie have you been."

Czes suuuenly changeu fiom a mischievous boy to a polite one. Ronnie answeieu
without expiession.

"Bm.theie was a mistake in some uocuments. I went to fix it."

"It's unusual foi you to make a mistake, Ni. Ronnie."

"No, it wasn't my.ah, no mattei. Anyone can make mistakes."

Ronnie sat uown at the countei next to the table wheie Czes, Ranuy anu Pecho weie
sitting, anu mutteieu to himself.

"At least, I uon't want to make any mistakes in the neai futuie."

"Buh. What aie you talking about." Czes askeu, confuseu.

Ronnie iuffleu Czes' haii with his left hanu anu showeu a hint of a smile.

Anu, he saiu something that Czes coulun't imagine was anything othei than a joke.

"Well, even I can't tuin back time. I was just hoping nobouy will have to uie."


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N
4*,&$%U3 *(P"3&*@.&*$( -".1R2.%&"%3

Aftei making suie that the ieciuits weie quiet, victoi ietuineu to the mattei at

Be put one moie pictuie below Baitolo's, labeleu "Begg uaiott."

"This is Begg. Be was an immoital uepenuent of Baitolo's, but now he's nothing
moie than a lowlife spewing his uiugs all ovei the place. 0f couise he's an enemy of
the goveinment, but he isn't a ciiminal masteiminu oi anything. Be that as it may,
uon't get caught off guaiu."

Euwaiu thought that victoi himself was the one most likely to be caught off guaiu,
but he uiun't uaie say it out louu. Be hau come to the uecision that compensating foi
his boss's weaknesses was pait of his job. Insteau, he closely obseiveu the
infoimation coveiing the coikboaiu.

Cuiiently, it was oiganizeu into a numbei of gioups.

V !"#$ &'()*#+

The cential figuie of the meeting. You coulu even say he was the main culpiit
behinu eveiything.

Lemuies. Laivae. Rhythm. Time. Sham. Bilton.

Be hau all kinus of units unuei his contiol that he moveu to caiiy out vaiious acts of
teiioiism all ovei the countiy.

0ntil a few uays ago, he hau been incaiceiateu in the uepths of Alcatiaz, in a special
cell that wasn't even supposeu to exist, but using Bilton's paiticulai abilities, as well
as his own as an immoital, he hau successfully bioken out anu was cuiiently
unaccounteu foi. Be was last seen in Chicago, but hau now completely uisappeaieu.

Woist of all, he was still in possession of his unique intelligence netwoik calleu
"Sham" anu "Bilton." Accoiuing to what Fiio hau tolu them aftei his infiltiation
mission, they hau been foiceu to come to the conclusion that blocking that netwoik
woulu be almost completely impossible.

Consequently, in auuition to taking into account the inevitable infoimation leaks
about themselves, they woulu have to take the utmost caie in outsmaiting it.

W ,-# .'*+/00) 1'2/0$

Theii impoitance hau alieauy been explaineu in uetail befoie. The only uiffeience
was that the woius "+!X:<<Y Z;5[ :O\5;X?" hau been auueu in big letteis to
Ronnie Schiatto's pictuie.

] ,-# 3'45)* 1'2/0$

They weie a New Yoik mafia family iumoieu to have some involvement with a few
events ielateu to the immoitals, anu on goou teims with the Naitillos.

The thiee biotheis, Keith, Beiga, anu Luck manageu the iathei unusual family as the
top thiee executives. Even though theii teiiitoiy was small, they hau not come
unuei the umbiella any of the laigei families anu continueu inuepenuently.

Witnesses hau also seen a giil with katanas who lookeu moie like she belongeu in a
saloon out West, anu a man who caiiieu scissois aiounu with him eveiywheie
togethei with the family. They weie ceitainly uiffeient fiom noimal mafia, shiouueu
in an aii of mysteiy.

^ ,-# 6"4)*'+' 1'2/0$

0n top of theii connections to Czeslaw anu Begg, they hau also hau some tiouble
with the uanuoi Family in the past, so the investigatois hau many uiffeient leaus to
get infoimation. Theie was even a iumoi that they hau iaiseu a beai on the giounus.
They weie iipe foi tiouble.

violence was theii specialty. They weie so poweiful that they hau no use foi
coopeiation oi exchanging infoimation to iesolve conflict, even with immoital

Bowevei, since othei uepaitments weie investigating them, victoi's policy was to
give piioiity to theii movements ielateu to immoitals so as not to get in the way of
theii colleagues.

_ 7#8"0' 9)*:)*'+/)4

Nebula was a business cieateu by Kail Nuybiiuge as nothing moie than a tiny
company that planneu events anu maue things foi amusement paiks. Now, they hau
successfully giown into a tiuly multifaceteu global coipoiation with hanus in
gioceiy sales, the chemical inuustiy, the steel inuustiy, anu insuiance. Recently they
hau begun bianching out into publication, anu even ueveloping types of small

At New Yoik's Nist Wall in 19SS, theie hau been an inciuent connecteu to
immoitals. victoi anu his uepaitment uiun't want to believe it without moie
eviuence, but they estimateu ovei 1uuu employees hau become incomplete
immoitals, who woulu iegeneiate fiom any injuiy while still aging noimally.

Fuitheimoie, Nebula owneu the tiain that seiveu as the stage of Lemuies' hijacking
of the Flying Pussyfoot in 19S1, connecting them to that inciuent as well.

Finally, it appeaieu they weie ueeply connecteu to the events that hau taken place in
Chicago only 2 months ago, anu cuiiently a moie focuseu investigation was in


` ;#4'+)* .'4(*#5 <#*/'2

Even among the senatois, Beiiam was an influential man. Bis political powei
notwithstanuing, he also helu economic powei, anu even hau a piivate aimy of
uepenuents. Theie was intel that he was employing a man nameu Spike, oiiginally
one of Buey Lafoiet's suboiuinates, anu his ielationship with Buey was cuiiently
unuei investigation.

If the infoimation about Spike anu Buey checkeu out, he woulu have won ovei $("
$9 &-" &"%%$%*3&3 F-$ -.1 &.N"( -*3 $F( F*9" .(1 1.2@-&"% -$3&.@", anu that
alone woulu waiiant caution when uealing with him.

Bowevei, the man's position being what it was, the investigation woulu neeu to be
veiy uiscieet.

In auuition, he was on goou teims with Nebula, anu his economic powei hau helpeu
in coveiing up the Flying Pussyfoot hijacking.

a 7#= >)*? 5#0/4@"#4+ A'4A

A gang of young men anu women, leu by a young man nameu }acuzzi Splot.

They uiun't look like they weie connecteu to the immoitals at fiist glance, but they
hau been spotteu at the afoiementioneu inciuent in Chicago last yeai, the Nist Wall
inciuent, anu even the 19S1 tianscontinental expiess in 19S1. 0nsuipiisingly, they
hau become a taiget foi suiveillance.

Also, foi some ieason they weie seiving as housekeepeis in the uenoaiu villa on
Nillionaiie Row, anu weie using it as theii base of opeiations. Theii connection to
the uenoaiu family was cuiiently unuei investigation.

b ,-# 6"BB) 1'2/0$

A Chicago oiganization thought to have connections with Nebula.

The uon Placiuo Russo was cuiiently missing, anu it was safe to say that the family
hau been scatteieu.

Placiuo's son anu his wife hau alieauy passeu on, anu theii gianuson Ricaiuo Russo
was also missing. All the young uelinquents in the lowei ianks hau all uisappeaieu
fiom Chicago.

Theie was only one moie who boie the Russo name.

"Boes it look like Lauu is going to take ovei."

Bill iubbeu his temple at victoi's question.

"Bm...I can't say anything about that. Be's ceitainly uangeious."

Lauu Russo was Placiuo's nephew, anu the Family's hitman. Be was nevei inuicteu
foi muiuei uue to the lack of eviuence, but he hau been aiiesteu foi assault aboaiu
the Flying Pussyfoot in 19S1.

Although, the inciuent itself hau been coveieu up, so he hau actually been
impiisoneu foi vaiious minoi offenses, anu since they hau no eviuence foi any
muiueis committeu by Lauu peisonally, his sentence was only a few yeais.

Neveitheless, not long aftei theie was something that conceineu victoi's

Foi some ieason Lauu Russo was fascinateu with Buey Lafoiet anu hau ievealeu to
some of the othei piisoneis that he intenueu to kill him.

"Ah...ceitainly, he was inteiesteu in Lafoiet back when we secuieu him next to the

"But why. What staiteu it. What is the connection between this hitman anu Buey.
They shoulun't have evei met face-to-face. The Lemuies got in the way of theii tiain
iobbeiy anu even killeu some of his goons. Boes he just hate theii boss because of

victoi stuck a piece of papei to Lauu's pictuie that saiu "Suiveillance Neeueu."

"In any case, he's being ieleaseu tomoiiow."

That was unexpecteu. The investigatois lookeu at each othei.

"Theie's a possibility that he'll tiy to finu Buey. Buey might also make the fiist move
to contact him, seeing as Lauu is tiying to kill him. Tomoiiow, a few of you will go
watch him." victoi let out a small "mm" as if he hau just iemembeieu
something. "Anu even if he uoesn't, iemembei this guy is a hitman. Even if nothing
happens with immoitals, keep an eye out anu make suie he uoesn't tiy anything.
Anu uon't let him see you if you can help it."

With that, victoi was about to move on to the next topic, but Bonalu inteijecteu
fiom the siue.

"Excuse me, vice-piesiuent. I have one moie thing to auu."

"What is it."

"Theie's $(" E$%" #"%3$(...someone else who's going to be ieleaseu fiom piison

"...Who." victoi hau no iuea. Be sounueu unsatisfieu.

Naybe he coulun't stanu the iuea of someone having some infoimation he uiun't.
Bonalu just optimistically took it as enthusiasm foi infoimation insteau of thinking
pooily of his boss. Be gave his iepoit calmly.

"Well, it's a coinciuence that he's being ieleaseu at the same time as Lauu Russo,

O 9"F E*(2&"3 6.&"%

victoi thought foi a moment aftei heaiing the iepoit.

Peihaps the man being ieleaseu hau some connection to Buey's coming expeiiment.

0nfoitunately, theii numbeis weie limiteu. 0f couise, it was necessaiy to take into
account all the possibilities, but they coulu only follow so many of them.

Aftei thinking foi a while, victoi maue the uecision to ignoie him foi now.

"...All the same, Buey woulun't go aftei him now. But watch him foi the fiist thiee
uays anyway.

"Anu N""# -*E 3.9"G &$$."


:-.#&"% CI 5-" 0$F6*9" -.3 ($ Z"6,$E"


5-" ("=& 1.M
D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F c"%3"M
;( 9%$(& $9 . #$6*," 3&.&*$(

"I know it's a little clich, anu saying it to you lot is piobably pointless anyway, but
uon't evei come back heie again." A guaiu stoou in the light uiizzle seeping into
theii clothes with the two piisoneis he hau escoiteu fiom to a neaiby police station.

"...I coulun't agiee with you moie," saiu a still-young man with a shiug. The pale
ioots of his haii suggesteu that he hau uyeu natuially blonu haii black, but he gave
off a vaguely uaik auia that matcheu his haii well. Plus, he was weaiing a hat that
hiu his ioots, making the coloi look completely natuial.

The othei was a confiuent, heaity man, his left hanu hanging loosely at his
siue. "Yeah, I woulun't neeu youi help. Next time, it'll just be the axe, eh." he saiu
caielessly, as if to annoy the guaiu.

With those woius of faiewell, the two men tuineu away fiom the police station anu
became fiee men.

The plan was foi them to take the hanuful of money they hau eaineu uuiing theii
laboi in piison, anu set out on a new life aftei finishing theii sentences. But the
misty iain tiickling fiom the ash-coloieu sky uiun't seem to senu much of a blessing
on theii futuie piospects.

"So, what's youi plan, kiu." askeu the moie iobust of the two.

The man with the uyeu haii stole a glance at the piosthetic aim anu lookeu aiounu
at theii suiiounuings iestlessly.

"Well...I uon't have a plan, exactly."

The confiuent man thought his companion was a little stiange, especially how he
lookeu eveiy which way but foiwaiu. "I uon't iemembei seeing you aiounu in

"...Naybe you just uon't iemembei. I saw you plenty."

"Really. Bon't lie to me, now. If you saw me the whole time, that means they thiew
you in Alcatiaz too, iight."


The instant he heaiu that woiu, the man's face haiueneu.

=/!" 546<<<!" #$0!%5 B'#- ;*$0 1&/, 2"7'%8<1

The name was enough to have most piisoneis shaking in theii boots, the islanu that
houseu the woist ciiminals that weie too tough foi iegulai piisons to hanule. Which
meant the man stanuing heie was a tioublemakei himself.

"...Soiiy. I uiu lie, but I have my ieasons. Some...ciicumstances."

"Nah, uon't woiiy about it. Eveiyone's got some kinua seciet, 'specially if you'ie in
piison. Anyway, let's be pals until we enu up paiting ways, since we both got
ieleaseu on the same uay. Naybe it's fate, haha!" Be casually iaiseu his left hanu foi
him to shake with a suipiisingly iefieshing smile.

The man with the uyeu haii wiueneu his eyes in suipiise. Insteau of a hanu, a ciuue
steel mouel glinteu at him uully in the iain.

"I'm Lauu, Lauu Russo. Nice to meetcha."


The guaiu watcheu the two fiom the station winuow anu let out a small sigh.

" think both of them woulu be ieleaseu on the same uay. Naybe it's fate oi

Bowevei, the guaiu uiun't think it was anything woith woiiying about. Be uiun't
know much about Lauu's past at all, anu he only iecognizeu the man with the uyeu

"Eh, they only have one thing in common, anyway."

Anu that was wheie his inteiest enueu. The guaiu tuineu away fiom the winuow
anu began to make piepaiations foi ietuining to woik at the piison.

But if he hau stayeu at the winuow a moment longei, he woulu have seen it.

Bow when Lauu offeieu his hanu to the man with the uyeu haii, he fell to the giounu
anu ciawleu away towaius the wall in teiioi.


"C'mon, what's the mattei. What aie you so scaieu of."


"Ah." Lauu lookeu uown at the man on the pavement. Be hau piobably heaiu of the
Russo Family. Naybe even the iumois about Lauu himself.

2 8$%H& #'*, 9/'& /,H" /,'*8. 2H3, %,3,* ",,% "$0,$%, "/!& &/,!* :'%&" 7!-,
&/!"< Ceitainly, many people weie teiiifieu of mafiosi, but the man's feai was
stiangely ovei-the-top. =/!" !" 5,&&!%5 !%&,*,"&!%5< K/'&H" 9*$%5 9!&/ &/!" 546?

Lauu ciosseu his aims anu staieu uown at the man with ieneweu inteiest. Be
smileu a little anu waiteu foi the man's iesponse.

"I, I've come to kill me."


"I nevei thought they woulu pull something like this to take me out...shit! Bow uiu
they biibe the piison '%8 the police.!" The man's legs weie shaking as he shouteu
one nonsensical accusation aftei anothei. "I'll uo anything! Anything, uo you
unueistanu. If it's money you want, you can have it! }ust uon't kill me! Theie's
someone I still have to see again befoie...No, no theie's not! Theie's nobouy! I uon't
know what I'm talking about! A-anyway, killing me now won't uo anyone any goou,
iight. Right. Bey, I'll tell you whatevei you want, just let me go!"

The man iambleu on, uigging his own giave with his back to the wall of a bai next to
the stieet. Be piesseu his hanu against the wall, still shaking in feai, anu slowly
stoou up.

The sight was completely pathetic. Lauu was thoioughly enjoying it all until
suuuenly he hau a stiange feeling that something was off. Be lookeu at the man's
movementoi specifically, his hanu's.

Anu, the moment he iealizeu what was the mattei, the smile on Lauu's face giew
even moie twisteu.

"Bey, buuuy, pull youiself togethei. If you uon't, I'll kill you iight now, you heai."

Lauu giabbeu the man's wiist in his iight hanu anu effoitlessly pulleu him to his
feet, easy as picking up a papei uoll.

>!" "&*,%5&/<<<!&H" $3,*9/,70!%5<

The man's powei was monstious, plain anu simple. Be hau felt it fiisthanu. It took
only a seconu foi the man with the uyeu haii to come to a hopeless conclusion.

2 #'%H& *4%< 2H0 5$!%5 &$ 8!, /,*,<

The man's knees weie knocking. "I, I'm begging you. Please, just spaie my life. I'll uo
anything! I'll uo anything, as long it's somethin' I can uo!"

"uot it, got it, you'll uo anything. Calm uown." Lauu completely ignoieu the man's
feaiful gioveling with a pat on the shouluei. "Is theie anyone comin' to take ya

"B-home. I uon't...theie's no one like that. No way anyone woulu come to see me."

"Faii enough. If you weie a big shot in the Nafia oi something, they'u have a fancy
cai waiting foi you the moment you steppeu into the fiee aii." Lauu chuckleu anu
put an aim aiounu the man's shoulueis, as if he'u known him all his life. "Now me, I
may be a Russo, but I'm just small fiy. The boss has always tieateu me like I'm some
ueaubeat. A paiasite. You see. The Russos hate me, too! Like I saiu, we oughta be
pals! Whauuaya say."


"What was youi name again."

Lauu askeu an extiemely oiuinaiy question, but the man took a long time to answei
befoie finally saying a name.


0nable to hiue it, the man saiu his ieal name. Be coulu have given a false one. But he
uiun't uaie.

Be knew theie wasn't much uiffeience between a lie oi the tiuth befoie such
oveibeaiing powei, anu he uiun't have a single iota of his own to put up any kinu of
a fight.

Aftei heaiing his name, Lauu thought foi a moment, then spoke.

"Nevei heaiu of ya."


"That's goou. I uon't know if you uiu something to the Russo Family oi what, but you
uon't have to woiiy about me killin' ya."

"...0h." It lookeu like his life was safe foi now. The man sigheu with
ielief. "Really... Well, I'm soiiy anu all, but coulu you let me be. I'm veiy giateful to
you foi letting me go, but if I stay with you I might iun into people fiom the Russo

The man's voice was still cleaily feaiful, anu even as he talkeu he was glancing this
way anu that like a coineieu animal.

"That's pietty goou, that feai you have. You uon't know when you'ie gonna uie. It's
in youi eyes. Yeah, you know how easy it is to uie. You ieminu me of Who."

"Who's Who."

"Who's who. Ny fiienu. Be's a cowaiu who'u give even you a iun foi youi money."

"I have fiienus, huh. I'm jealous," the man confesseu without a hinu of
saicasm. Be lookeu uown, still shaking with feai. Still, that feai hau uissipateu a little
so that he was somewhat calmei than befoie. "Is he not going to come anu see you."
he askeu.

"Nah. I uon't even know if he's alive oi ueau...almost all my buuuies bit it on that
tiain. Naybe he's in piison."

"What tiain."

"You evei heaiu of the Flying Pussyfoot. It looks like what happeneu got coveieu up,
but have you at least heaiu the iumois."

"Flying...Pussyfoot." The man's face paleu once again, although he iemaineu on his
feet this time.

"Looks like you uo know something."


But he quickly aveiteu his eyes fiom Lauu, anu mutteieu as if to himself.

"I uon't know anything..."

"Then what uiu you mean 'I'll tell you anything you want, so just let me go!'. 0i
whatevei it was you saiu back theie."


2&H" %$ 4",<

Bis face coulun't hiue the tiuth ueep uown.

It wasn't that it ieminueu him of something painful.

Be haun't been thieateneu.

But, as one who hau escapeu fiom the clutches of ueath, he unueistoou instinctively
what it was about the man befoie him.

A little guy like him coulun't hope to go against someone like this. Be knew it fiom
sheei instinct. Bis heau uioopeu like a well-tiaineu uog.

"...I unueistanu. I'll talk, I'll talk. Shit, why coulun't you just leave me alone."

"Well, I just thought I neeueu to know a little bit about you."


With his aims aiounu the shoulueis of the uoubting man, Lauu smileu as if they hau
been fiienus foi yeais.

Anu, as he giinneu in puie, absolute uelight, he leaneu ovei anu whispeieu into his

"We'ie being followeu."


"Bon't tuin aiounu. Leave youi heau iight wheie it is, okay." They continueu
walking togethei anu tuineu left at an inteisection, out of sight of the police
station. "Theie's two guys in the cai, anu thiee guys at the coinei pietenuing to talk
to each othei, so that's at least five. Theie might be moie who can actually tail a man
woith a uamn."

" uo you know."

"Ny uncle's askeu me to uo it befoie. I uon't like it. Feels like I'm playing uiity, but
I'm pietty shaip when it comes to things like this."

>!" 4%#7,? <<<L7'#!8$?

The man with the uyeu haii uiun't uaie voice his uoubts. Be was so feaiful he began
to bieathe in iaggeu gasps, thanks to both Lauu at his siue anu theii mysteiious
followeis. Somehow he kept his feet moving foiwaiu.

"That's why I want to know if these iubbeineckeis aie following me, oi you."

They continueu faithei anu faithei, one step aftei anothei uown the ueseiteu stieet.
When the stieet was completely abanuoneu, Lauu stoppeu anu iemoveu his aim
fiom the man's shoulueis.

"Ahh, you know, I was thinking, while we weie walking. Time can ieally uo a
numbei on ya if you aien't caieful. Like if you go foi too long without killing people,
you get soft. Lose youi touch. Naybe I shoulua just killeu that little giil aftei all,
whethei Fiio wanteu me to oi not."


A!*$? K/$H" &/'&? D%8 -!77!%5 7!&&7, 5!*7" !"%H& ;4%%6. ,3,% !; !& !" ' M$-,. the man
thought. Aftei a moment, it occuiieu to him.

...N6 !%"&!%#&" '*, *,'776 $4& $; 9/'#- &$8'6<

2 -%,9 &/!" 546 9'" ' 8'0%,8 0,%'#,. B4& /$9 8!8 !& &'-, 0, &/!" 7$%5 &$ *,'7!J, /,
9'" &$&'776 $4& $; /!" 0!%8?G

"Bonestly, I'm happy no mattei who they'ie aftei."


Lauu pickeu up a piece of biick lying on the giounu neaiby.

The next instant, a black cai slowly appeaieu aiounu the coinei.

They coulun't see the uiivei. But even the man with the uyeu haii coulu tell just
fiom how the cai moveu that it wasn't a noimal cai that just happeneu to be uiiving
along the same stieets as them. It was the movement of a cai tailing them.

"This is bau. Naybe we can lose them foi a bit in a speako oi something aiounu

=/,6H*, B,!%5 *,'776 $B3!$4". "$ &/,6H*, :*$B'B76 "&!77 %,9 &$ &/!"< 2; 9, #$478 M4"& ;!%8 '
#*$98. 0'6B, 9, #$478 7$", &/,0< Anu he coulu kill two biius with one stone anu get
away fiom Lauu, too.

The man with the uyeu haii foimulateu his plan. "It's uiizzling, but if they take out
an umbiella we coulu use it to oui auvantage...hey."

But Lauu coulun't heai a single syllable of it.


When he tuineu to face Lauu, the gangstei was alieauy winuing up foi a pitch
woithy of the Najoi Leagues.

"Whatevei, I'll beat the shit out of 'em fiist, then ask 'em face-to-face. 0i kill them.
Eithei way...!"

Lauu thiew his fastball with unbelievable speeu thiough the aii, shatteiing the cai

Anu the sounu of glass bieaking was like a gunshot signaling the stait of the B'##'%$
that was about to take place in that little alleyway.


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F c"%3"M
;( 9%$(& $9 . #$6*," 3&.&*$(

"Let me tell you a sau, sau stoiy..."

A melancholy voiceu echoeu thiough the misty iain ovei the city, as if to match the
giey sky.

"}ust a little while agoso close to this veiy moment! Boss Lauu! Bas alieauy maue
his way into the woilu without us! ...I've nevei heaiu such a sau, sau stoiy! Sis nevei
tolu me about this...can't be...we can't have ieacheu the veiy limits of humanity!
Coulu we. Bow. Bow can life be such agony!"

"0h, anyway, boss, shoulun't we go tiy anu finu him. Be might be in a bai aiounu
heie, oi walking to the station. It woulun't be haiu to catch up," ieplieu a bewilueieu

But the lament woulun't enu anytime soon.

"Ah...why, why uo man anu man pass each othei by. In the enu, eveiy man is but a
lonely islanu... Peison anu peison, man anu man stanu foievei sepaiateu by a wall of
iain, foimeu of watei in the veiy aii we bieathe, impiisoneu in the husk of the
inuiviuual! That baiiiei stanus in theii way so that the two may nevei meet!
Bamn...but on the othei hanu, if I myself weie Boss Lauu, I woulu nevei miss him in
passing! Can theie be a sauuei stoiy."

The young man continueu his siien song of nonsense. The men walking uown the
ioau neai him hiu theii faces with theii umbiellas so as not to meet his eyes, anu
some ciosseu to the othei siue of the stieet. Bowevei, they weien't so much afiaiu
as conceineu. It's not eveiyuay someone ueliveis an auuiess to the woilu fiom the
top of a cai paikeu in fiont of the police station.

It lookeu like the cai belongeu to one of his comiaues. A man weaiing a hat was
collapseu ovei the steeiing wheel in total exhaustion.

A few uelinquent types weie stanuing aiounu the cai, listening to the man on the
ioof anu getting wet fiom the iain.

The man giving the speech appeaieu to be in his eaily twenties. Bis woikman's
clothes weie uyeu an impossibly viviu shaue of blue, stanuing out in shaip ielief
fiom the mist that uaikeneu the city.

Anu, the most noticeable thing about him was the gigantic wiench he was playing
with as he talkeu.

Be wasn't a laige man himself, but the wiench he helu in his hanu was about the size
of a woman's aim, less a tool anu moie like a knight's mace fiom the Niuule
Ages. 0nueineath his uisheveleu, glossy blonu haii weie a paii of uull blue eyes.

Be continueu his speech anew.

"}un-}un says that humans aie all unconsciously connecteu to each othei...but...why
unconsciously....uoes that mean that we'ie only uisconnecteu when we'ie awake. In
the East, you can use this Sen oi Zen meuitationsomething like that, to ieach a
state of complete emptiness...wait! I see, Asians meuitate to fuse togethei...the
thousanu-aimeu O,%M4-'%%$% is actually just five hunuieu people fuseu togethei!
Five hunuieu...five hunuieu.! 0h my uou! Asians aie amazing!"

The man spun the wiench this way anu that, aiounu anu aiounu anu aiounu in a
uance that maue him look like he hau a few hunuieu extia aims himself.

Bis languiu face suuuenly lit up, although, his eyes iemaineu hollow.

"Let's make this a fun stoiy! It's amazing, ieally amazing, Shaft! I have ieacheu
enlightenment on the mysteiies of the 0iient! Five hunuieu people fuse togethei,
with only theii aims iemaining sepaiate...theie's no ieal point to sepaiating theii
legs, but with a thousanu aims theie's nothing they can't uo! The mysteiies of }un-
}un's collective unconscious aie being ievealeu, Shaft! Bis logic is flawless!"

The man's tiain of thought was unique, to say the least, yet shouteu it as if it weie
the meaning of life itself. The young uiivei, Shaft, stuck his heau out the winuow anu
yelleu up at him.

"I have no iuea wheie to stait with you...fiist, the iuea of 'collective unconscious'
uoesn't just mean that people can communicate with each othei telepathically. Anu
anyway, is '}un-}un' supposeu to be }ung, the psychologist. You haven't actually met
him, have you. }ust use youi heau foi once anu uon't call people you've nevei met
by a nickname."

The uiivei pickeu on eveiy nonsensical aspect of the speech he coulu, but the man
on the ioof, uiaham Spectei, only took it as a spiingboaiu to launch a new tiiaue.

"Nicknames...yes! If two people want to fuse togethei, they shoulu stait with theii
names! Aliight, my nickname is Shaft, anu Boss Lauu's nickname is uiaham! Anu
youis is Boss Lauu! What an incieuible system! I've just enueu the woilu anu
biought a new one to light!"

"Bello, uiaham, woulu you minu coming back to eaith with the iest of us, please.

"I can uiink to that! Cheeis, Shaft! No, wait, I'm Shaft. Cheeis, Boss Lauu! Now, we
shoulu huiiy anu finu Boss uiaham! 0h, wait. Ny ieal name is uiaham! I was heie
the whole othei woius, I uiun't miss myself at all! Shoulu I even be heie!."

"No, you shoulun't. We shoulu huiiy anu finu Lauu." Exaspeiateu as he was, Shaft
patiently continueu talking to uiaham.

They weie a gang of uelinquents oiiginally fiom Chicago, anu Lauu tieateu the one
who biought them all togethei, uiaham, like a biothei. Bowevei, uiaham's
peisonality being what it was, he always abuseu his powei as the leauei, anu
iestoiing oiuei was left to the unofficial vice leauei, Shaft. This was a uaily

Shaft tiieu to live up to his name as the essential axis of the machine, but no mattei
how haiu he tiieu, uiaham's toique as the engine was so tiemenuous it thieateneu
to bieak him.

Anu touay uiaham's biain was at full thiottle, with no sign he coulu even heai Shaft.

"So you'ie saying Boss Lauu shoulu go finu Boss Lauu....I see! Be's going on a
jouiney to finu himself! Bon't woiiy ShaBoss Lauu! Now, if I change my seconu
nickname to Boss Lauu, I can finu myself..."

"Aaaigh, I give up. You've always been hopeless, but you'ie especially bau touay.
This is getting iiuiculous." Same as always, Shaft helu his heau in his hanus anu
slumpeu back ovei the steeiing wheel.

Bowevei, theie was one thing about touay that was slightly uiffeient than noimal.

"uiaham," echoeu a tianspaient voice.

If the uieaiy mist hau a voice, this woulu be it: softly, gently, little by little soaking
into theii heaits.

"If you stanu out heie in this might catch a colu. ...Please get insiue the

The young woman sitting in the backseat of the cai woie a gentle smile.

"...0kay. Thanks, Niss Lua."

uiaham nouueu obeuiently anu cheeifully jumpeu uown fiom the ioof. Be openeu
the passengei siue uooi anu climbeu in.

"...Why uo you only behave foi Niss Lua."

"Well...whenevei I look at hei, I suuuenly feel like apologizing foi being so louu...
Aaah, I ieally am no goou, ain't I...can't talk, can't unueistanu anyone! Boomeu nevei
to unueistanu what I'm uoing until it's too late, hopeless, hopeless, hopeless..."

Like a maiionette whose stiings weie suuuenly cut, uiaham coveieu his face with
his hanus anu anu cuileu into a ball in the passengei seat.

A voice spoke to him fiom the back seat. "Bon't woiiy, uiaham. I'm actually...quite
jealous of youi eneigy"

"0hh 'scuse me Niss Lua but he's just calmeu uown so please please please uon't say
things like that."

"0h...I'm soiiy..."

Bei voice was filleu with kinuness, but it sounueu like it woulu faue away at any
moment, like a phantom into the night.

But hei voice iesounueu ueep within the heaits of those who heaiu it; small, but
whispeieu in sinceiity.

As Shaft thought, he lookeu at the backseat in the ieaiview miiioi.

Lua Klein.

She was the fiance of the ex-con they weie going to finu, Lauu Russo. The homiciual
maniac hau ueclaieu that she was the one he woulu kill last.

She was ceitainly beautiful, like the faiiy-tale piincess who slept in a lake
. 0ne
might think she was as weak as they come, but Shaft knew the tiuth.

She hau hei own kinu of stiength.

It was uiiectly connecteu to hei meekness, but

=/!" 5!*7 #'% &'-, '%6&/!%5< F$ 0'&&,* 9/'&<

Even in the face of uiaham's ciazy iamblings, she iemaineu completely calm.

Since she uiu eveiything hei way, uiaham uiun't ieally like hei, saying things like
"Whenevei I look at Niss Lua, I iealize I can't unueistanu what's going on aiounu
me." Shaft ieally wisheu he woulu figuie that out when he was with them, too.

Whethei having a muiueiei foi a fiance oi being captuieu by the Nafiashe coulu
take in anything anu eveiything without batting an eye. Appaiently she hau once
been suiciual, but given how calm she was about eveiything else, you hau to wonuei
what coulu have happeneu to make hei think about killing heiself.

It wasn't that she hau lost heiself to uespaii.

She uiun't just take eveiything in. She confionteu it heau-on.

Shaft hau once casually piaiseu hei foi this, but she hau slowly shaken hei heau.

1I3,% 2<<<5,& "#'*,8 "$0,&!0,"<<< 2 *,'7!J,8 !&. $% &/, &*'!%<<<=/'& 0$%"&,*<<<&/, P'!7
=*'#,*<<<2 9'"%H& ';*'!8 $; &/, P'!7 =*'#,*. B4& @'88<<<2 9'" "$ ';*'!8 &/'& /, 9$478 -!77

Shaft thought this was a little melouiamatic, but compaiatively speaking, Lauu was
even moie stiange foi making hei think that way.

The homiciual maniac anu the suiciual lunatic. If anything, the paii was almost
comical. But if anyone laugheu at the ielationship between the two, it woulu only
take a seconu foi them to iegiet evei being boin.

Regaiuless, Shaft wanteu to get Lua back togethei with Lauu as quickly as possible
anu ietuin to theii home base in New Yoik. uiaham may be calm now, but knowing

I think this is a iefeience to "The Light Piincess," a stoiy about a piincess who was cuiseu to have
no giavity so she woulu float away in the winu. As a iesult, she liveu in a lake, which was the only
place she coulu have giavity.
him he woulu still finu a way to go ciazy uespite Lua's influence.

"Well, let's uiive to the station foi staiteis. I uon't think even Lauu woulu tiy to get
back to New Yoik on foot."

"...Shaft, Shaft,'ie so naive! 0f couise Boss Lauu woulun't tiy to walk back
to New Yoik! ...But Boss Lauu is by fai anu away so much gieatei than I coulu evei
be! Who knows how he'll tiavel. Naybe it's beyonu oui compiehension
entiiely..." uiaham mutteieu thiough his hanus.

"Yup, I bet he's flying theie as we speak." Shaft staiteu the engine, gentle as if he
weie iocking a baby to sleep.

The iest of theii fiienus aiounu the cai hau also come by tiain, so they staiteu
towaius the station.

Shaft staiteu to uiive away onto the main ioau towaius the station, but thanks to
sheei coinciuence, he noticeu something only a few seconus latei.

A cai hau appeaieu at the coinei just aheau, weaving up the ioau towaius them.

"What the hell. That's uangeious. Alieauy uiunk at this"

Anu then he noticeu something else.

The cai's winushielu was shatteieu, anu something was clinging to the ioof.

Anu that "something" on the ioof was iathei some$%,, anu someone he knew well.

Shaft coulun't help but fiown.

Lauu Russo's metal aim hau puncheu cleai thiough the ioof of the cai, while his
othei hanu pulleu a slenuei man up with him by the wiist.

The uiivei panickeu at the steel aim coming thiough the ioof next to him, shouting
anu tiying to uiaw his gun fiom his jacket. Equally fiantic, the man in the passengei
seat uiu the same.

But the next moment, the aim suuuenly uisappeaieu fiom the ioof. Anu the moment
aftei that, they lookeu to see why just as the cai ciasheu thiough a wall in fiont of a
house. Both passengeis weie knockeu out on impact.

Shaft staieu in shock at the wieck that hau just occuiieu iight next to them.

Lauu hau jumpeu off of the cai iight befoie it ciasheu anu was heauing towaius
them with the othei man still in tow. Be peeieu at Shaft anu spoke.

"Bey, theie. I neeu a iiue to New Yoik, you got a seat to" Be cut himself off
abiuptly the instant he saw the backseat.


+$$8. /, ;!%'776 *,'7!J,8 9/$ 9, '*,< Shaft sigheu thankfully at Lauu's expiession of
uisbelief. D%8 !& 7$$-" 7!-, /, 8$,"%H& *,#$5%!J, O/';&$* 0,< =/'&H" 5$$8<


Even Lua seemeu suipiiseu at the suuuen ieappeaiance of hei lovei, but Shaft knew
they uiun't have time foi emotional ieunions.

What the hell was the acciuent that just happeneu, who the hell was the man Lauu
was uiagging...Shaft hau so many questions he uiun't know wheie to stait, but he
ueciueu that theii fiist piioiity was to get Lauu in the cai anu get the hell out of

"Aliight, aliight, lovebiius, let's save the gieetings foi latei! We neeu to get away
fiom heie befoie the cops...get...heie."

As Shaft was about to continue, something outiageous happeneu.

At some point uiaham hau gotten out of the cai anu was swinging his gigantic
wiench uown at Lauu's heau.

=/, /,77 !" /, 8$!%5?G


The wiench came uown along with the shout.


But Lauu tuineu aiounu at the last seconu, let go of the man he was uiagging, anu
caught the wiench in his iight, human hanu.

As the wiench tiembleu between them, Lauu lookeu up at the young man holuing it
anu laugheu in suipiise.

"Well, well, if it isn't uiaham! Long time no see, kiu!"

"What a fun stoiy...! It !" you! 0nly the one anu only Boss Lauu coulu stop a fatal
blow like that single-hanueuly! Without bieaking a sweat! It's ieally you, Boss

"Bey, if you weie wiong, you mighta killeu someone!" Smiling biightly, even
cheeifully, Lauu jeikeu his iight aim back with enoimous stiength anu twisteu his
bouy into the miuule of the stieet.

uiaham uiun't let go of his wiench, eithei, anu Lauu swung him aiounu in a giant

"Bahaha! Amazing, this is amazing! Isn't Boss Lauu incieuible, Shaft.!"

"Shaft.... 0h, iight, Shaft, Shaft! The uiivei!"

Lauu spun aiounu a few moie times, still giinning, anu caielessly tosseu uiaham
acioss the ioau.

uiaham tuckeu into a skillful ioll as he lanueu on the ioof of a one-stoiy house
befoie spiinging to his feet. Be helu his wiench high above his heau with a battle

D0 2 !% &/, 5$88'0%,8 #!*#4" $* "$0,&/!%5 %$9? As always Shaft was completely
uumbfounueu by his companions, anu, as always, he was teiiifieu of Lauu's
monstious stiength.

Be wasn't the only one. The unfoitunate passeisby hau fallen uown in feai at the
incieuible uisplay, but Lua got out slowly fiom the backseat as if this was peifectly
noimal anu biought with hei a sense of calm.

She hau believeu without a uoubt that Lauu woulu ietuin safely. Even now she
accepteu eveiything the way she always hau, nevei batting an eyelash at Lauu's
impiisonment oi the wilu ieunion befoie hei. She lookeu as if she hau been
sepaiateu fiom hei lovei only a uay, not yeais.

"Welcome back, Lauu," she saiu with a uelicate smile.

"Soiiy I took so long, uoll."

Lauu took hei stiffly in his aims, as if to make suie she was ieally theie.

If you ignoieu theii peisonalities, the ieunion maue a beautiful scene. Bowevei, all
Shaft coulu think of was getting out of theie as fast as humanly possible.

But befoie he coulu, the familiai blue jumpsuit ieappeaieu.

At some point uiaham hau come uown off the ioof, anu was nuuging a man
collapseu on the pavement with his wiench.

"Bey, Boss Lauu, who's this guy."

"Nm. ...0h, I completely foigot! Be's my new buuuy. We weie ieleaseu togethei, anu
we just hit it off. uuess we'ie biius of a feathei, heh heh."

"I finu that haiu to believe, consiueiing he's completely unconscious. Bis eyes aie
iolleu up in his heau anu eveiything..."

Shaft figuieu he woulu stuff the unconscious man in the empty seat in the back of
the cai, but


When he got out of the cai, Shaft iealizeu something.

The man's face was coveieu in natuial makeup, but the iain was giauually washing
it away to ieveal faint buin scais, as if he hau been involveu in an explosion of some

Anu on top of that, &-" E.(Q3 -.(1 F.3 . #%$3&-"&*, $(".

It was maue to look moie natuial than Lauu's left hanu, but on closei inspection it
was cleaily fake.

The man's face lookeu like one he may have seen befoie. 0i maybe not. Shaft pauseu
foi a moment, but uiaham askeu the question in his minu befoie he hau a chance to

"So what's his name, Boss Lauu."

Lauu ieplieu easily.

The name he saiu was uefinitely within Shaft's "knowleuge," although Shaft uiun't
fully iemembei it until latei.

"This is Neiuei. Neiuei Schasschule."

"It looks like 0ncle Placiuo has it in foi him, so I thought I'u hiue him foi a bit."

Thanks to kalina foi the iomanization of "Schasschule," which can mean "kickeu out of school" if
you twist ueiman a little bit anu squint.

:-.#&"% dI 5-" K$M3 .(1 L*%63 -.P" ($ 5$E$%%$F


Let's tuin back time a little anu take anothei look at victoi's biiefing.

Even though he was still quite young, Neiuei Schaskul was oiiginally a tiusteu
membei of the Lemuies, an oiganization unuei Buey's commanuoi so it seemeu.

Aftei theii leauei Buey was aiiesteu, Neiuei ueviseu a plan to betiay the Lemuies,
kill theii new leauei uoose Peikins, anu join the Russo Family insteau. Not long
befoie the Flying Pussyfoot inciuent, he set it into action.

Bowevei, his scheme was uiscoveieu, iesulting in a catastiophic failuie.

The Lemuies cut off his iight hanu as punishment foi tieason, then lockeu him
insiue the olu hiueout they weie about to uestioy. Be was to uie in the explosion
among the coipses of the othei tiaitois, uisappeaiing without a tiace.

Neiuei hau shielueu himself fiom the blast with the coipses of his foimei comiaues
anu baiely manageu to escape with his life. Bowevei, he hau still suffeieu seveie
injuiies that woulu have been fatal weie it not foi a uoctoi that happeneu to see the
explosion. Bis suivival was nothing shoit of a miiacle. Afteiwaius, he hau maue a
ueal with some of victoi's suboiuinates who weie chasing the Lemuies, anu his
iecoiu was wipeu clean.

But his stoiy uiun't enu theie.

Neiuei uisappeaieu aftei the stoim uieu uown, saying he woulu go back to his
hometown anu take ovei his fathei's coin faim, but only a few uays latei, he
ieappeaieu at theii office, saying that someone was stalking him.

Be wanteu theii piotection. Be uiun't caie wheie they hiu him, as long as he was
safeeven if it was in piison.

"So we felt bau foi him anu saiu we'u piotect him. Enueu up usin' oui own money to
get him put away foi thiee yeais. Come to think of it, theie was a iepoit on that,
wasn't theie. Right, iight. Neiuei." Finally iemembeiing cleaily, victoi shiuggeu anu
continueu speaking. "Anu then we got him to leave since we shielueu his ass foi
thiee whole yeais...I see."

" looks like his ielease along with Lauu Russo was a complete
coinciuence." Bill hanueu him anothei iepoit.

victoi stuuieu it foi a few moments, but

"Well, Neiuei's a nuttei, anyway. Ain't woith oui time iight now."

Anu with that, he sigheu ueeply as if to say the mattei was off the table foi now. Be
ietuineu his attention afiesh to the items on the boaiu unuei heauing numbei 7.

"Aliight. This heie is just a bunch of New Yoik uelinquents, but theie is one thing
that's woith oui attention."

"}ust one." questioneu one ieciuit.

The uelinquents weie ceitainly connecteu with quite a few of the majoi inciuents,
but they uiun't seem to have any othei oiganizations backing them. In fact, they
uiun't seem to be involveu with Buey's "expeiiments" at all.

"They'ie just unuei obseivation foi now, so uon't uo anything yet. The pioblem is
this giil heie with them," victoi saiu with iiiitation as he posteu anothei pictuie on
the blackboaiu.

They hau alieauy seen the pictuie in theii files, but when they saw it again the
ieciuits, especially the youngei men, inhaleu shaiply. Even though the pictuie was
fiom a uistance, the beautiful woman's glossy black haii anu biilliant goluen eyes
weie the unmistakeable featuies of the souice of all theii tioubles, Buey Lafoiet

Chane Lafoiet.

Buey's uaughtei, as a long-time membei of the Lemuies, woikeu with unbelievable

It hau been foui yeais since the Flying Pussyfoot.

Chane coulu cut anothei human to pieces without changing hei expiession a single
bit, even as a young giil. Now an auult, the investigatois weie conceineu that she
hau giown into a tiuly feaisome woman, but insteau she was appaiently woiking
with a gang of uelinquents. Eveiything was tuining into one big question maik.

"Theie wasn't anything about hei in the uocuments you gave us befoiehanu, sii..."

"Anu how uiu you get this pictuie, anyway."

The ieciuits askeu one on top of anothei. victoi pusheu his glasses up anu answeieu

"We thought she coulu be connecteu to anothei one of Buey's oiganizations, so we
let hei go. But now she's walking aiounu in bioau uaylight with Buey on the loose,
too! What the hell! What kinu of stupiu shit is this.!"

"Bm...honestly, you /'3, liveu foi thiee centuiies, sii. Thiee yeais piobably seems
pietty shoit to you. Kinu of like youi tempei," Bill ieplieu, a little saicastically. "Anu
as foi the pictuie, that's a iepiint. The gang took a pictuie togethei foi themselves,
anu we just useu the negatives."

victoi tuineu away fiom Bill anu lookeu thoughtfully up at the ceiling anu

"Quite an age we live in now. Y'know, back when the photogiaph was fiist inventeu,
nobouy coulu have imagineu something like a iepiint. Anu it's all thanks to William
Beniy Fox Talbot. Be cieateu those negativesthe whole talbotype piocess, ieally,
so we can get that exact same pictuie the same way. Be's a gieat man. Be giateful to
Talbot, all of you."

"Ah...I think you just happen to have the same last name, sii. You'ie not thinking that
you'ie ielateu to him, aie you."

victoi stubboinly ignoieu Bill's jab anu ietuineu the topic to Chane.

"Remembei, Buey Lafoiet uoesn't see his uaughteis as his chiluien at all. They'ie
tools at best, like flasks oi buineis foi his gouuamn expeiiments. If he neeus Chane
foi whatevei shit he's planning this time, he'll go get hei back. If not, he woulun't
even senu a postcaiu, much less go see hei." victoi slammeu his hanu into the
blackboaiu. "But she sees it totally uiffeient. Buey is eveiything, like hei gou oi

They hau gatheieu only a little infoimation about hei befoiehanu, but accoiuing to
theii analysis so fai it was safe to tieat hei as a ieligious fanatic. It was actually veiy
stiange that she hau maue no attempt to iescue Buey, but they eventually ueciueu
that she hau been unable to ueteimine the location in Alcatiaz wheie Buey was
being helu, anu haun't been able to make any moves as a iesult.

"Actually, given what we know about Sham anu Bilton, I'm suipiiseu she uiun't tiy
to go aftei him. Naybe Buey's little minions aien't so invincible aftei all."

"I actually have one othei concein, sii." Bonalu suuuenly inteiiupteu.


Bonalu pointeu at pait of Chane's pictuiespecifically, a man's hanu.


"Theie's a man stanuing next to hei with his hanu on hei shouluei. We've seen him
few times befoie with Chane, but we have no iuea who he is."

"0ne of Buey's."

"We can't iule that out, but we can't confiim it, eithei. All we know is that he usually
goes with Chane whenevei she goes into the city away fiom the gang. 0f couise we
investigateu him, but we coulun't tuin up a single thing on his iuentity, except that
the gang calls him 'Felix.' Even that's not saying much since it coulu be an alias. A
few of my boys have tiieu tailing him moie than once, but he always manages to
shake us off. We uon't even know wheie he lives."

"...I know youi boys aien't moions, Bonalu, so I'm not gonna chew you out foi being
useless. If he manageu to lose them moie then once, he's piobably some kinua
pio." Aftei thinking a moment, victoi mutteieu to himself. "If we'ie talking Felixes
fiom New Yoik...theie's a 'geneialist' nameu Felix..."

Euwaiu ieacteu hopefully. "Bo you know him, sii."

"...No, not ieally. Theie's just a iumoi floating aiounu New Yoik about a jack-of-all-
tiaues who will help with anything fiom assassinations to smuggling people out of
the countiy. In the past I've hau some contact with himwell, 'hei,' actually. The
one I met was a woman using a false name. 0bviously."


"It's piobably a coinciuence. Soiiy foi getting off-topic." victoi tuineu his gaze to
Chane's pictuie anu obseiveu the smiling man at hei siue, giinning biightly, as if the
woilu itself was in the palm of his hanu.

"Boesn't look like much, uoes he. Be uoesn't look like a Nafia goon, but...he coulu be
a iunnei oi something. Be's got some ielationship with Chanewe just neeu to look
into what it is."

"Ah...maybe they'ie loveis." Bill suggesteu. It ceitainly lookeu that way in the

"No way in hell!" victoi snickeieu. "That woman is so insane hei fathei is the only
thing that matteis, got it. To hei, this losei is woithless gaibage! Yeah, so it kinua
looks like they'ie into each othei, but she's just playing him foi a fool. 0sin' him as a
covei. Bonestly, if this blonu...ei, uh, what coloi !" his haii."

Be coulun't quite tell, since the pictuie was black anu white.

Bonalu hau seen him in peison befoie, albeit fiom afai, anu answeieu. "Biight ieu,
sii. It's haiu to miss."

"Right. Like I was saying, if this caiiot-top is Chane's lovei, I'll take a swan uive off
the top of the FBI heauquaiteis. Biun't some of you want to see how I come back to

victoi iambleu on, anu Bill let out a sigh of uisbelief.

" shoulun't get caiiieu away anu make piomises like that, sii. Bm...if anyone
outsiue of this uepaitment sees you, theie'll be a lot of tiouble. Why uon't you just
tieat us to a iounu of uiinks insteau."

"0k then, how about the finest La Tche foi eveiyone. Stiaight fiom Romane-
conti," victoi scoffeu. But the next moment he ieveiteu back to his noimal, seiious
self anu gave them all a waining.

"}ust uon't lie to me because you want some fine wine, boys."

victoi was flexible enough to joke aiounu a little foi the sake of cleaiing up some of
the lingeiing tension, but, in the enu, he hau no iuea what he was talking about.

It woulu have been impossible foi him to notice on the black anu white photogiaph,
aftei all.

But at the moment that pictuie was taken, with the man's hanu on hei shouluei,
Chane's cheeks hau flusheu a slight shaue of pink.


5-" ("=& 1.M
?"F J$%N
T*66*$(.*%" !$F

In the miuule of Nanhattan, not fai fiom Cential Paik, was a high-class
neighboihoou with a paiticulaily goou climate, wheie only the successful
gatheieu. An uplifting bieeze blew uown the stieet lineu with mansions anu estates,
but one of those gianu houses echoeu with a wail that coulu not have been moie out
of place.

"..."%!;;.../!#... I-I'm tiying to tell c-can't uiink it!"

The souice of the ciy was }acuzzi Splot.

Even moie inappiopiiate in such an elegant house, a numbei of iough voices ieplieu
to the teai-filleu voice.

"Why the hell not."

"Yeah! That was a special gift!"

"Fiom Niss Eve, no less!"

"Byaha!" "Byahha!"

Eveiyone hau theii own objection, anu in the miuule of it all, a tattooeu boy ciauleu
a ciate of wine close to his chest, like a mothei holuing hei chilu.

About thiee yeais anu two months ago, he hau been involveu in a mysteiious
inciuent aboaiu the tianscontinental expiess, the "Flying Pussyfoot," anu hau
successfully caiiieu out an impiessive tiain iobbeiy, even amiust the iampant
violence anu bloousheu between the teiioiist gioup in black anu the homiciual
gioup in white.

Anyone who knew of his couiage back then might think his teais now weie a clevei
act, but they woulu be wiong. }acuzzi was genuinely teiiifieu at the angiy outciy of
his comiaues.

It all staiteu ten minutes ago.

Eve uenoaiu, the cuiient heau of the uenoaiu family who was allowing them to stay
heie, hau shaieu thiee bottles of wine with }acuzzi's gang, saying she hau ieceiveu it
fiom a wealthy Italian who hau been fiienus with the family since hei gianufathei's

}on hau biought out the coiksciew so they coulu uiink it on the spot, but }acuzzi hau
snatcheu the box fiom him anu scuiiieu away to the neaiest coinei with it. "}u-just
wait a minute! Let's not uiink it iight now, okay. Aliight." he saiu, huuuling ovei the

The iest of his gang wanteu to enjoy the expensive wine, anu began theii veibal
assault. It was only seconus befoie the young man who was theii leauei began to
teai up.

"We unueistanu. We unueistanu, }acuzzi, so just calm youiself uown now. Anu that
goes foi the iest of you, too," saiu the baitenuei }on, hushing the angiy outciies of
the uelinquents. Aftei making suie eveiyone was calm, he steppeu towaius }acuzzi
anu sigheu. "Well. Why can't we uiink the wine, }acuzzi. Bo you want to wait until a
piopei mealtime."

"0h, n-no, umm..."

"Then what aie you planning to uo with it." }on piesseu.

"0mm...I was planning to finu someone who woulu buy it. Foi a lot of money,"
}acuzzi timiuly ieplieu.

The angiy voices ieuoubleu.


"Bey, hey, I think theie's something wiong with my eais."

"Yeah, it totally sounueu like }acuzzi saiu he wanteu to ",77 that wine!"

"No way!"

"No way !% /,77, you mean!"

"You want to sell a gift fiom someone who's been so goou to us."

"Come on, we musta just heaiu wiong. Boes oui }acuzzi look like such an ungiateful
tightwau to you."

"I'm uisappointeu, if he ieally uoes mean it!"

"Noie like uespaii."

"Looks like we've been thinking too much of }acuzzi all this time."

"Bmm. }acuzzi, you've been quiet foi a whole 4S seconus!"



Each membei of the gang hau some soit of iebuke. }acuzzi tiembleu slightly foi a
moment befoie

"I, I, I get it! I know! I'm the woist of the woist, anu I know it moie than anybouy!

}acuzzi fiequently launcheu such veibal attacks at himself when he was ciying, but
this time he was so emphatic that the othei uelinquents fell silent foi a moment.

They knew }acuzzi might lose it if they uiun't.

When }acuzzi was completely coineieu, he was capable of committing the most
outiageous acts, ciying all the while. The last time }acuzzi snappeu, he hau
iansackeu the Russo Family casinos, Tommy gun in hanu anu scieaming like a
uistiaught banshee.

Thanks to that whole inciuent, they hau fleu fiom Chicago anu begun theii new life
heie in New Yoik.

"...We unueistanu, aliight. Let's just take it easy, }acuzzi."

"Yeah, we weie too haiu on ya. We know you'ie not the woist of the woist. You'ie
just...teiiible, at best."

"That's not helping." "}ust shut up!"

"Byahha!" "Bya"

Sweating a little, }on sigheu again in uisbelief. Bis comiaues nevei changeu. "It's
nothing to ciy ovei, }acuzzi. }ust stait ovei anu tell us fiom the beginning."

}on was calm because he knew }acuzzi wasn't gieeuy, anu he ceitainly woulun't sell
a gift. Be figuieu eveiyone else unueistoou this as well, but they wanteu to uiink the
wine themselves, so theii moie sauistic tenuencies pievaileu.

}acuzzi slowly came to the point, inteiiupteu peiiouically by hiccups.

"Actually.../!#...oui, oui money is.../! all gone."

0ui money is gone.

It was so simple, anu that's what maue so uisconceiting. The uelinquents suuuenly
became iestless.

}on coulun't hiue the clouu that uaikeneu his face. "uone. Biu you spenu it on
something." he askeu.

"N-no! It's this uepiession.../!#...eveiyone's having...having tiouble finuing woik, you
know. S-so natuially all of oui ouu jobs aie going away, too..." }acuzzi's tone
giauually calmeu, until at the enu of his explanation he even hiu the tightness in his
voice. Still, he tuineu his face away fiom his fiienus when he got to the heait of the

"...So this month...we'ie not...going to be able to pay the Naitillos.../!#..."


5-" 3.E" E.(3*$(G 3",$(1 96$$%

Nice coulu heai the angiy shouts anu ciying uownstaiis fiom one of the numbei of
guest iooms the giils weie using as a beuioom. But insteau of getting up, she just lay
back uown on the beu.

As soon as she uiu, a knock sounueu on the uooi, anu Nick's voice a moment
aftei. "Bey, Boss, uh, I think they'ie making }acuzzi ciy again uownstaiis."

"Yes, that's ceitainly what it sounus like."

"Anu, it, uh...sounus like it has to uo with money..." Nick sounueu half unsuie of the
situation himself.

Nice's light smile helu a hint of weaiiness. "I guess it's because we can't pay oui
tiibute to the Naitillos."

"Buh.! WhaBoss, you can't just blow it off! This is seiious!"

The gang was a banu of fieeloaueis who weie living in Eve uenoaiu's house. }on anu
Fang weie woiking as housekeepeis foi the uenoaius, but of couise theii pay
woulun't be enough to take caie of such a laige numbei of people. So, they all uiu
ouu jobs heie anu theie, some legal, some not, to eain enough pocket change to
suppoit eveiyone.

The pioblem was that they hau been uoing this on the Naitillo Family anu the
uanuoi Family's tuif without theii peimission, anu hau unfoitunately caught the
attention of both. Aftei one thing leu to anothei, in the enu, they enueu up paying a
fixeu monthly tiibute to the Naitillo Family, but

"Thanks to the Bepiession, we haven't been able to eain much money foi a while,
Nick. Evei since Piohibition was iepealeu we can't bootleg liquoi anymoie. Both
siues of society can get hit by the Bepiession, I guess."

"'I guess'.! What aie we going to uo, Boss. If we can't pay them, that...that magician
is going to uo something, anu..."

Nick was talking about an executive of the Naitillo Family, Ronny Schiatto. Evei
since the inciuent in 19SS, they knew him as the scaiy magician, even though they
coulun't put theii fingeis on exactly what it was about him that was so scaiy. They
hau manageu to stay in total peace foi now, but if they weie evei unable to pay theii
tiibute, they uiun't know what woulu happen to them.

They weie between a iock anu a haiu place, but Nice uiun't look especially upset.

"It's aliight. If it comes uown to it, I'll think of something."

"Think of what."

"...It woulu be tough, but I'm piepaieu to sell myself if necessaiy."

At that, Nick fiantically buist into the ioom. "Whayou can't uo that! Anything but
that, Boss! I mean I guess if you'ie into that soita thing...but those guys go iight foi
youi thioat, Boss! If you fall in with the Nob uoin' stuff like that, you'll nevei be able
to get out..."

"Bm. What aie you talking about, Nick."

"Buh. What aie 6$4 talking about." Nick iaiseu an eyebiow, anu Nice tilteu hei own
heau in confusion.

"I was just saying I woulu sell some of my hanumaue explosives..."

"Whaaa.! C-come on, you saiu you woulu sell youiself..."

"Ny explosives aie a pait of my own, like my chiluien!"

"Please uon't talk about blowing up youi chiluien, Boss." Nick iesponueu foicefully,
anu then staiteu uneasily. "0hhh...I have to ask. Bow much coulu selling youi
explosives ieally help. Woulu you have enough." he askeu hesitantly.

Be knew that Nice noimally caiiieu all kinus of explosives on hei peison, but it was
woith peanuts at best. Be hau an iuea as to the answei, though, anu an uneasy
feeling stiiieu in his chest, but he hau to know.

>$78 $%. #$0, &$ &/!%- $; !&. &/, #7$",& !% &/!" *$$0 !" *,'776 B!5.<<< '%8 F!#, 8$,"%H& ",,0
7!-, &/, &6:, &$ #$77,#& "$ 0'%6 #7$&/,"<<<<%$< F$ 9'6< =/,*,H" %$ 9'6<<< Nick staieu at
the closet uncomfoitably.

Nice got up fiom the beu, eyes spaikling, anu yankeu the sheets, along with the thin
mattiess pau, off the beu.

"uyaaa!!" Nick's instincts took ovei as he let out a yell anu thiew himself towaius
the wall.

0nuei the beu was a ciowueu pile of all kinus of explosives.

"Wha...wh-wh-what is all this, Nice.!"

Nice lookeu away sauly anu answeieu, half to heiself. "...I'm soiiy, Nick...stoiing
them this way will uamage the powuei, but...I...I coulun't iesist the temptation. I just
wanteu to sleep with them..."

"No! >$9 you'ie stoiing them is not the pioblem heie! It's 9/,*,!" Nick was so
confuseu he was baiely holuing onto ieason. "'ie unbelievable, Boss. I was
positive they weie just in the closet...!"

"0f couise I can't leave them theie. Chaini, Nelouy, Rail, anu Chane all put theii
clothes theie. Plus, closets aien't foi blowing up, Nick, they'ie foi holuing clothes."

"I know that!" Nick uioppeu his face in his hanus anu continueu his attempts to
apply common sense to the situation. "Anu if a fiie bioke out in heie, it woulu blow
eveiything to smitheieens in S seconus flat! Incluuing you! You'u be the fiist to go!"

"Ny chiluien...woulu blow me up...." Imagining the moment of hei ueath, Nice
lookeu uown anu blusheu, evei so slightly.

"The hell aie you blushing foi, Boss.!"

At hei coie, Nice Bolystone was a veiy noimal giil.

Foi the most pait, she hau the most common sense of the gang. Noimally she enueu
up as the voice of ieason calming hei fiienus when they ian iampant anu }acuzzi
when he was flusteieu.

But uespite this, she hau a siue to hei that was the most logic-uefying of anyone in
the gang. Specifically when it came to explosives.

They weie a tool cieateu by humans foi absolute uestiuction.

Nice was a natuial-boin bomb fieak, who founu bliss in the shock, the light, the
sounu, even the aciiu chemical smell of an explosion. It was safe to say she hau a few
sciews loose when it came to anything bomb-ielateu.

Nick hau known Nice foi many yeais, so he shoulu unueistanu hei unique
piefeiences bettei than anyone (except hei chiluhoou fiienu }acuzzi), but it was still
impossible foi him to stay calm at the mountain of bombs befoie him.

"This is ciazy...I can't believe you still have so many of those things! Boes }acuzzi
know about this."

"If he uiu, he woulun't be in this house iight now."

"I uon't ieally want to be heie eithei, to be faii." Nick hau finally calmeu uown a

Nice ieplaceu the mattiess pau anu askeu Nick a question. "By the way, what was
the mattei, Nick. Was theie something you neeueu to tell me. I uon't think you
woulu come all the way up heie just to tell me }acuzzi is ciying again."

"Buh. 0h, iight! That's the thing, Boss! You neeu to stop }ack!"

"What's wiong with }ack."

}ack hau been in the gang a long time as well, about as long as Nick.

What in the woilu was he going to uo. Befoie Nice coulu ask fuithei, Nick answeieu.

"Be's going to get himself killeu, that's what!"


D$E" E*(2&"3 6.&"%
O($&-"% %$$E *( &-" L"($.%1 E.($%

"You can't stop me. I'm seiious." }ack uiun't tuin aiounu to face his fiienus oi bieak
the ihythmic &/48E&/48E&/48 of blows lanuing on the punching bag uangling fiom
the ceiling. (It was stuffeu with cloth, although in }apan most punching bags weie
filleu with sanu. That's why the }apanese auopteu the woiu "sanubags" insteau.)

"Aie you going to uo this no mattei what, }ack." Nice askeu giavely.

}ack uiun't tuin aiounu. "Yeah. I can't iest until I beat that bastaiu Lauu Russo to a

Lauu Russo hau a ceitain connection to this banu of misfits.

0f couise, since they weie enemies of the Russo Family, they weie connecteu fiom
the beginning, but thanks to the inciuent on the Flying Pussyfoot, anothei kinu of
connection hau been foimeu between them.

When }ack hau been taken hostage by the "oichestia" in black suits, Lauu Russo hau
beaten him within an inch of his life on a whim. }ack shoulu have uieu, anu hau only
suiviveu because of a uoctoi who hau been aboaiu as well.

}acuzzi hau officially ueclaieu wai on Lauu when he tolu him "I'll make suie you pay
foi this," but befoie he coulu make goou on his piomise, Lauu anu all of his "white
suits" hau mysteiiously uisappeaieu fiom the tiain.

They all thought the Rail Tiacei hau taken caie of the white suits, but things hau
gotten even weiiuei lately.

"I know how you feel, but uiaham saiu he woulu meuiate between us..."

uiaham Spectei was like a little biothei to Lauu. Be hau taken a liking to }acuzzi's
gang anu hau been looking aftei them heie anu theie when he coulu. Accoiuing to
him, Lauu hau been taken in by the police those thiee yeais ago, anu his piison
sentence enueu touay. uiaham hau gone along with Lauu's fianc to pick him up.
They weie piobably coming back fiom New }eisey togethei as they spoke.

uiaham knew all about the issues between the Russos anu }acuzzi's gang, so he hau
offeieu to seive as a meuiatoi in typical uiaham fashion: "Aliight, I unueistanu! I'll
intiouuce you to Boss Lauu as fiienus of mine! Bon't woiiy, Boss Lauu won't kill
anyone he's ueciueu is a fiienu. 0sually. But it can't uo any haim to ask, iight."

But no mattei how haiu he tiieu, }ack coulun't accept this aiiangement.

"I uon't caie how much uiaham likes him, that's that anu this is this! Be tiieu to -!77
0,, anu uon't you think I've foigotten that foi an instant!" }ack was beginning to lose
his tempei.

Nice continueu. "0f couise I unueistanu how you feel, }ack. To be honest, I can't
stanu the thought of having anything to uo with someone like that, even if uiaham is
meuiating foi us."

"Then why aie you tiyin' to stop me."

"I tolu you, I hate having '%6&/!%5 to uo with him. As a fiienu oi as an enemy."

Nice's logic was sounu. }ack coulun't even giunt in uisappioval anu uiove his fist
into the punching bag. "...You anu }acuzzi can stay out of it, then. Nick anu I will take
caie of it."

"Bon't uiag me into this!"

"You weie theie, too, ya know, but you got away without a sciatch!"

"Bon't tell me you'ie just jealous!"

}ack smileu. "I'm kiuuing. I'll uo it on my own."

"What uo you mean 'kiuuing'....Ba, no, no, no, come on, }ack, you might as well say
you'ie kiuuing about youi ievenge on Lauu! Theie's no way you can beat that ciazy
bastaiu. You know that! Right."

It was tiue. Fiom the fiist punch, }ack coulun't lay a fingei on Lauu.

Even moie tiue, it uiun't mattei how much he tiaineu, how many yeais. victoiy
woulu nevei be ceitain foi someone staiting viitually fiom sciatch. Anu }ack haun't
even been tiaining foi yeais. Be hau only staiteu with the punching back when he
heaiu Lauu Russo was going to be ieleaseuonly a few uays ago.

"Whethei I #'% win oi not ain't the point. What about my piiue.! If I can't get that
back, I can't fight again."

"What, so now you'ie a piizefightei all of a suuuen. You can biag all you want, but I
uon't caie. }ust say you'ie taking ievenge on a ciazy muiueiei who came by anu
sockeu you befoie we iobbeu the tiain. uuess that uoesn't sounu as goou, but..."

"Sh-shut up!"

}ack hau always been aggiessive anu shoit-tempeieu. Nick's veision of events was
much closei to what }ack was actually like, but it was foi that veiy ieason that }ack
coulun't let it sliue.

"Nick, go call }acuzzi, Bonny, }on, anu Fang."

"Bm. Suie." Nick uasheu out of the ioom.

}ack watcheu him go anu fuiioweu his eyebiows.

"B-hey, what is this. Bon't tell me you'ie calling in the big guns to tie me up oi

"If we weie going to uo that, I woulun't call }acuzzi. Be woulun't be much help." Nice
saiu casually. She sigheu anu continueu. "They'ie the ones who weie on the tiain
with us. I wanteu to call Chane, too, but it looks like hei ielationship with Lauu is
pietty complicateu."

Nice iemembeieu the fieice battle between Chane anu Lauu on the ioof of the
tiain. She haun't uaieu to ask Chane what the connection was between them, but
she knew that Chane hau been acting stiange fiom the moment she hau mentioneu
Lauu's name a few uays ago.

Q'#- !"%H& &/, $%76 $%,< 2 %,,8 &$ &'7- &$ R/'%, ';&,* &/!". &$$<<<<D%8 B,;$*, +*'/'0
#$0," B'#- 9!&/ @'88. Nice ueciueu. She continueu talking to }ack. "0kay. We weie
all on that tiain, so we'ie all in this togethei. That uoesn't change just because we'ie
not theie anymoie."


"If you'ie going to take youi ievenge no mattei what, we'll help you. Naybe we'll all
go uown in the attempt. We'll piobably uestioy uiaham anu }acuzzi's fiienuship."

"W-well, like I saiu, this is my business, so..." }ack lookeu away anu ieplieu
hesitantly, but Nice cut him off anu saiu what he ieally wanteu to say.

"You want us to leave you alone. Ne, eveiyone. Anu }acuzzi, of couise."

"0h..." }ack lookeu uown awkwaiuly as he thought of theii leauei.

"Be'll be against it fiom the beginning, but }acuzzi woulu enu up joining you in youi
ievenge no mattei what. Even if it's ungiacious towaius uiaham. Anu even if his
own life is in uangei."

"So what aie you gonna uo."

"I want us to uiscuss what we'ie going to uo togethei, as the ones on that tiain."

"...That's uiity, Boss. You'ie just gonna talk me into biinging you along, aien't you."

}ack insulteu hei lightly, anu smackeu the punching bag.

At some point, Nice hau pulleu out a bomb anu was playing with it with one hanu,
anu smileu waimly.

"Bon't woiiy, }ack. If Lauu ueciues to ignoie uiaham anu comes aftei us, I'll be the
fiist to blow him sky-high." Bei waim smile was also a little uaik. Nice
ceitainly wasn't afiaiu to get hei hanus uiity foi hei fiienus, but she was also a
bomb auuict who lookeu foiwaiu to any chance she got to blow something up.

}ack knew this anu mutteieu wiyly. "That makes me woiiy even moie..."

Nice noticeu the iage was little by little uiaining fiom }ack's face, anu thought with
ielief that if he coulu just talk to }acuzzi eveiything woulu be aliight, but just then
Nick ietuineu to the ioom with anothei pioblem.

"They saiu }acuzzi went out with Rail, Boss."

"Be left. Wheie."

}acuzzi hau been ciying until a moment ago. Wheie coulu he possibly have gone.

"That's the thing. Isaac anu Niiia came by, it sounus like." Nick's expiession was a
mix of confusion anu woiiy. "They saiu they weie going to see someone nameu
Nolsa to get a job oi something like that...anu I know I've heaiu that name befoie.
You iemembei, Boss."

Nice stiffeneu anu uioppeu the bomb she hau been holuing.

"Ack!" }ack caught the bomb iight befoie it hit the giounu.


Nice was sweating neivously as she answeieu Nick's question.

"That's the name of the Naitillo Family's boss...isn't it...."


O 9"F E*(2&"3 .@$
5-" L"($.%1 T.($%

"}acuzzi, my boy! Bow've ya been. Why aie you ciying."

"Spaiiows' teais! Even ogies ciy!"

The paii that hau appeaieu in the uooiway weie }acuzzi's fiienus Isaac anu Niiia.

"By the way, Niiia, uo you know why spaiiows anu ogies ciy."

"Naybe they'ie meeting theii long-lost chiluien!"

"I see! So spaiiows anu ogies aie ielateu! 0f couise, I heaiu that somewheie in the
fai ieaches of the East a black kite gave biith to a it woulun't be that
stiange foi a spaiiow to give biith to an ogie. It's gieat that they can see each othei
again." Isaac nouueu in appioval of his own analysis, anu askeu the haggaiu }acuzzi.

"So, }acuzzi, who weie you ieuniteu with."

These aie both }apanese sayings, I believe.

"Buh. 0m, I-I guess I'm planning to see someone tomoiiow...I guess..."

If they uiu see Lauu on the uay of his ielease, anu if }ack insisteu on having his
ievenge, of couise }acuzzi woulu be theie to help him. Anu if they uiun't see Lauu,
they woulun't.

}acuzzi sniffeu. 2 &$78 "$0,$%, 7!-, &/'& &/'& 2H8 0'-, /!0 :'6<<<K/'E9/'& 8$ 2 8$ !; /,
*,0,0B,*"<<< he thought uneasily, looking like he was going to ciy again.

Isaac anu Niiia peeieu at his expiession anu gave a big nou.

"You must be ieally happy to see him again, if you'ie sheuuing teais of joy.

"Celebiations all aiounu!"

"Let it all out!"

"Like money falling fiom the sky! Rolling the uough!"

Isaac anu Niiia iambleu cheeifully, completely unawaie of }acuzzi's feelings.

"I think you mean 'iolling !% the uough'...anu, a-anyway, I'm soiiy Isaac, Niiia, but
we uon't have any money left..."

}acuzzi senseu that if he uiun't say anything they woulu stait planning a paity, so he
ueciueu to shaie his pioblem stiaight out.

"What, you uon't have money. Peifect! We uon't eithei!"

"A peifect match!"

"It's about as fai fiom peifect as you can get..." }acuzzi sigheu ueeply, almost wishing
he coulu be that oblivious sometimes as he iemembeieu the mess he was in. "But I
uon't know what to uo...At this iate, I ieally won't have any money to pay the
Naitillo Family..."

}acuzzi was only mumbling foi his own benefit, but Isaac anu Niiia heaiu him.

"Naitillo Family. Biu you boiiow money fiom the Naitillos, }acuzzi."

"Buh. Ah, n-no...w-well, kinua. I guess." }acuzzi uiun't want to get staiteu on the
tiibute anu just accepteu theii veision of the stoiy.

"I see, I see," Isaac laugheu. "We came to see if you hau any jobs to give us, but
you'ie in the same boat as us...!"

"Rampant unemployment! The New Beal!"

"The New Beal must be having a haiu time finuing woik, too!" It was uncleai
whethei oi not they actually unueistoou what the New Beal even was.
Regaiuless, aftei a moment of silence the couple's faces suuuenly biighteneu again
anu clappeu theii aims aiounu }acuzzi.

"Well, then, come with us!"

"Buh. 0h, what uo you mean. uo wheie."

}acuzzi staieu blankly as they uiaggeu him along, but Isaac just iaiseu his voice

"We know a iestauiant ownei nameu Nolsa! That kinu olu man is also a membei of
the Naitillos, so we'll just ask him to give you moie time foi youi uebt!"

"Be might even just foigive it foi you!"

"Anu if he uoes that, he might give us a job, too!"

"Wow! We'll become iich!"

Isaac anu Niiia continueu chatteiing as they uiaggeu }acuzzi out the uooi.

K/'&?G S%, $; &/, N'*&!77$"?G KE9'!&. 8!8%H& 2"''# '%8 N!*!' -%$9 P$%%!,. &$$<<<?

"B-but Isaac! If you uo that, then I'll just cause tiouble foi you, won't I. Even if you
uo know him, he might get mau at you if you take me along to talk about money..."

It was only natuial foi }acuzzi to voice his conceins, but Isaac anu Niiia just lookeu
at each othei, mystifieu. "Why's that. If you can get a job to woik off youi uebt,
Nolsa will be happy, too, won't he."

"Bappily evei aftei! With money!"

Isaac was seiious, without a tiace of uneasiness, anu Niiia was the same as always.

"B...but..." }acuzzi was ovei a baiiel, but

"It's fine, }acuzzi. It's a special oppoitunity to talk to him!" saiu a chilu's high-pitcheu

It was a boy who lookeu in his eaily teens, his bouy coveieu in countless stitches
anu scais fiom his face to the tips of his toes. It lookeu like someone hau useu his
bouy as a canvas foi some giotesque pictuie. But although the chilu lookeu like a
young boy at fiist glance, "/, lookeu at }acuzzi innocently.

Bei lips weie pulleu up into a smile by the scais, but hei eyes weie expiessionless.

"Rail. Y-yeah, maybe it'll tuin out that way, but..."

"You'ie the only one who's neivous heie, }acuzzi....uuess that means I have to go
with you." Rail tiotteu along behinu }acuzzi without ievealing a hint of hei actual

"Bey, hey, if Rail's coming, I can call Nice anu we can all go togethei..." one of the
boys saiu, but Rail shook hei heau.

"If we all go, they'll have theii guaiu up. Be'll be nice to a kiu like me iight.
Especially one all scaiieu up like me! Baha!"


AB E*(2&"3 6.&"%
O %$$E *( &-" %"3&.2%.(& .(1 7.% eO6P".%"e

"Be...he-he-he-helloni-ni-ni...nice to me, me-me-meet you sii.../!#"

}acuzzi tiieu to intiouuce himself, but he staiteu hypeiventilating as soon as he

The man befoie him ieplieu with absolute calm. "...Aie you aliight, son."

"Y, ye-ye-yessii!" }acuzzi was shaking anu his teeth weie chatteiing. In contiast, the
man on eithei siue of the iounu table in the miuule of the ioom iauiateu an even
ueepei sense of calm. That peifectly composeu, impeituibable attituue showeu that
he was the mastei of this ioom, anu the king of this builuing.

The man was likely somewheie in his Sus, heau coveieu in slightly gieying haii. Be
"hmm"u anu nouueu, then auuiesseu Isaac anu Niiia next to the shaking }acuzzi.

"Isaac. It sounus like you have something to uiscuss with me, but who is this young

"0h, this is oui fiienu }acuzzi! Fiom what I unueistanu, he boiioweu some money
fiom one of the Naitillos, but uoesn't have enough to pay it back!"

"Bankiupt! vanisheu like magic!"

"So, we'u like you to help him finu a job! Anu us, too!"

Bis answei was extiemely simple.

It was slightly uiffeient than the stoiy }acuzzi hau tolu them eailiei, but just heaiing
it maue }acuzzi's tattooeu face blanch moie than it evei hau befoie.

"I see, so it's a pioblem of money..." The man's voice, ageu like fine wine, was filleu
with giavity. Be laceu his fingeis togethei anu iesteu his aims on the table.

"Befoie we get uown to business, I shoulu intiouuce myself. I am Nolsa Naitillo."

A thiill ian uown }acuzzi's spine at the name.

=/E&/'&H" *!5/&G 2 *,0,0B,* %$9G K/6 8!8 2 /'3, &$ *,0,0B,* %$9G N$EN$7"' !" &/,
%'0, $; &/, N'*&!77$ ;'0!76 8$%. !"%H& !&? >$E/$9 8$ 2"''# '%8 N!*!' -%$9 "$0,$%, "$

S/. 9/'& 8$," !& 0'&&,*? 2E2H0 5$!%5 &$ 8!, '%69'6. '*,%H& 2? =/E&/,6 0'8, P'!7 9'!&
$4&"!8,. "$<<<

OE"$0,B$86 /,7: 0,,,G

Be fought the uige to faint with what little stiength of will he hau, anu spoke in a
baiely auuible whispei.

"I'm }a...}acuzzi Splot."

"I see. Nice to meet you, }acuzzi. Isaac anu Niiia have uone a lot foi my boy Fiio, so
any fiienu of theiis is a fiienu of the Naitillos."


K/'& 8$," /, 0,'% 18$%, ' 7$& ;$*1? K/'& !% &/, 9$*78 /'3, &/,6 B,,% 4: &$? }acuzzi

Nolsa's voice biought him back to ieality.

"But I can't conuone failing to pay back money you owe. Who uiu you boiiow it
fiom." Be spoke calmly, but the whole ioom coulu feel the weight of his voice.

The man stanuing behinu Nolsa spoke. Be was iesponsible foi half of }acuzzi's
teiioi: Ronnie Schiatto.

"Sii. If I may speak, he is iefeiiing to me."

"You, Ronnie."

"Be is the leauei of a gang of uelinquents woiking on oui tuif. Two yeais ago, we
agieeu that they woulu pay a fixeu sum as tiibute eveiy month, but...this is the
Bepiession, aftei all. Eaining money is moie uifficult now, so this is likely why they
cannot pay." Be laiu out the situation plainly.

}acuzzi hung his heau in apology.

Nolsa answeieu, now giasping the situation. "I see. Anu so now you'ie looking foi

Ronnie loweieu his eyes. "I'm veiy soiiy, sii, to bothei you with the uiity uetails of
something that was my iesponsibility."

D''''''''/. /,H" ':$7$5!J!%5?G P$%%!,. &/'& &,**!;6!%5 0$%"&,* !" ':$7$5!J!%5?G 2. 2E2
-%,9 !&G N$7"' !" ,3,% 9$*",G

"Bon't say that, Ronnie. uetting uiity is oui job. }ust seeing the faces of the kius on
the stieets is a valuable expeiience, I think."

"If you say so, sii." Ronnie took a step back.

Nolsa tuineu his attention back to }acuzzi. "Well, then...I hope you aien't thinking
we can just let a tiibute sliue because times aie haiu, }acuzzi Splot."


"Then, what aie you planning to uo. Will you have one of youis settle"

"I'll settle it." The boy who hau been ciying until now suuuenly inteiiupteu Nolsa
anu answeieu him without any hesitation. "I will take full iesponsibility. I'll eain all
of it so please just...uon't huit my fiienus...please...anu if, if you can manage it, I'u
iathei not,"

The teais came back uuiing the seconu half of his speech, but Nolsa senseu foi a
moment the stiength in }acuzzi's eyes. "Bmm..."

Bis expiession changeu a little, anu he lookeu at }acuzzi with ieneweu inteiest.

Isaac anu Niiia watcheu the exchange between the two anu whispeieu among

"This looks moie complicateu than we thought, Niiia."

"Politics, huh!"

Nolsa heaiu theii conveisation. Bis expiession lighteneu, looking as if he weie
enjoying himself.

"You'ie iight, it is a political issue. }acuzzi heie might become a veiy fine statesman
in the futuie."

"Wha.!" At the suuuen change in topic, }acuzzi let out a ciy of suipiise
anu glanceu aiounu wiluly.

Isaac anu Niiia agieeu.

"0h, I see! That woulu be fantastic! }acuzzi has so many fiienus he might even
become Piesiuent!"

"Like Abiaham Lincoln! 0i }ames uaifielu! 0i William NcKinley!"

"I, I'm not...I mean, um...haha..." The light conveisation cleaieu the tension in the aii,
anu }acuzzi began to ielax unconsciously as it appeaieu that theie was no ill will
towaius him. At least, until Ronnie spoke.

"...All of those Piesiuents weie assassinateu."

Thanks to Ronnie's input, }acuzzi paleu anu went iight back to tiembling.

But Nolsa iesponueu peacefully. "Bon't woiiy. Since you pay a tiibute to us, you'ie
unuei oui pationage. We have a iesponsibility to piotect you, anu that incluues
fiom the Bepiession."

"Buh. Th-then..."

"I'll give you all a job. If you uo it well, it will covei youi tiibute foi half a yeai."

"R-ieally. Thank you so much, sii!" }acuzzi thankeu him fiantically, then suuuenly
became neivous.

KE9'!&< K/'& -!%8 $; M$B #$478 2 8$ ;$* ' 5'%5 &/'& 9$478 ,'*% &/'& 04#/ 0$%,6? FE
%$<<<8$ &/,6 9'%& 0, &$ "/$$& "$0,B$86<<<$* B4*6 B$8!,"<<<$* '""'""!%'&, "$0,$%,?G

The moie he thought about it the moie teiiible the potential jobs became.

Sensing his uneasiness, Nolsa smileu anu continueu. "Relax, son. We may be
ciiminals, but we #'0$**!"&! have oui stanuaius. We won't make anyone outsiue the
Family uo anything unieasonable...although you coulu say youi job is a little

"What will you have them uo, Boss." Ronnie askeu.

Nolsa ieplieu with the mischievous smile of a much youngei man. "We have a
special event coming up next week, uon't we."

"...I see. So they'll help with that." Ronnie nouueu, satisfieu by the meie mention of
this "event."

}acuzzi was left completely in the uaik. Bis eyes wanueieu aiounu the ioom.

"Bo you know the iules of pokei, }acuzzi Splot." Ronnie askeu.

"Buh. 0m, well...sometimes we play caius togethei..."

"Bo you have any expeiience with a ioulette. Ciaps. Blackjack. What about slots."

" Casinos aie kinua scaiy, so..."

" mattei. Bow's youi luck."

"Bau...I think my luck is actually pietty hoiiible...ah, but...I think bau luck is stiongei
anyway, so..."

"Bo you own any foimal weai, like tuxeuoes oi uiesses. Not just you, anyone in
youi gang."

"I-if we hau any of that, we woulu have solu it by now..."

"Bm...then I'll tailoi some foi you."

0nce Ronnie hau finisheu uiilling }acuzzi, he pauseu foi a moment, then nouueu
towaius Nolsa.

"Well, they shoulu uo. It's excellent that they aien't membeis of the Family."

"But, if we can't tiust them, then they aien't fit foi the task."

"Bo you tiust them, sii."

"0nly this young man heie. Although if you look at the leauei, you can leain a lot
about his companions."

}acuzzi listeneu silently, now completely lost. Finally, he coulun't stanu it anymoie
anu askeu timiuly.

"0-um...what uo you want us to uo."

"Something veiy easy." Nolsa's answei was quite simple.

"I want you to gamble."


O 9"F E*(2&"3 ".%6*"%
O 3".& .& &-" ,$2(&"%

Buiing the uays of Piohibition, Alveaie hau been a speakeasy specializing in honey-
flavoieu liquoi, anu even aftei the law was iepealeu the concept iemaineu the same.
The only uiffeience was that theii main attiaction was now out in the open.

The sweet smell of honey lingeieu in the aii, seeping into the laige tables anu
flooi. Pale white incanuescent lights shineu on the goluen honey useu in the foou,
making the laige ioom look like the glitteiing, golu-filleu holu of a piiate ship.

Some customeis felt a little ill fiom the thick, sweet smell, but most just tasteu the
smell as pait of the foou itself.

In the miust of the honey-lauen atmospheie, a piopei-seeming young woman sat at
the iestauiant's countei. Ennis hau been helping caiiy some things in at the back of
the iestauiant.

At this point in Ameiica's histoiy, it was unusual foi a woman to weai a man's suit,
but thanks to hei iathei anuiogynous beauty it uiun't make people paiticulaily

Eveiyone in the iestauiant seemeu to tacitly unueistanu that the seats at the
countei weie foi those uiiectly ielateu with the Naitillo Family, as theie weie veiy
few iegulai customeis aiounu hei.

But, at that moment, Ennis was a little peiplexeu, as she noticeu an unfamiliai chilu
looking at hei.

Be lookeu about the same age as Czes, sitting quietly next to hei.

Bis face anu hanus weie coveieu with scais, but his face appeaieu calm anu
amicable enough.

=/!" B$6<<<%$. 2 &/!%- !&H" ' 5!*7. '#&4'776<<<

At fiist, Ennis was inteiesteu in the chilu's genuei, but aftei a bit she began to
wonuei why the giil was staiing at them so intensely.

At fiist she thought it might be hei unusual clothing, but the giil seemeu moie
inteiesteu in Ennis heiself than hei clothing. She uiun't seem like she was saving the
seats at the bai, anu she uiun't look like she woulu be involveu with the Naitillos,

Ennis wasn't suie how to ueal with the gaze boiing into hei. She took a sip of hei
heibal tea, still confuseu, when the giil suuuenly spoke.

"Bey, miss. Youi name isn't Ennis, is it."

"It is, but...who aie...." Ennis tuineu aiounu, heau tilteu to the siue, anu met the giil's

The giil uiun't answei the question, just seaicheu Ennis' face, anu then twisteu hei
lips into a piovoking smiik.

"'ie uiffeient than I was expecting."

"I'm soiiy."

"I thought you'u look a little ioughei, like olu man Szilaiu! Ahaha!"



The moment the giil saiu that name, a chill ian uown Ennis' spine.

Anu anothei thiill of neivousness ian thiough hei whole bouy at the giil heiself.

If this giil hau something to uo with Szilaiu Quates, she hau piobably come with
some soit of puipose in minu. In the woist case scenaiio, the giil hau come to
"uevoui" hei. Ennis tenseu hei muscles to jump back at any time.

But even though Ennis was on euge, the giil smileu anu mutteieu.

"0h, come on, you'ie making me feel bau. Bon't look so scaieu. I'm a homunculus,
same as you. We'ie on the same siue."

Ennis was the only one who manageu to heai the woius, which stiuck hei heait
again with a poweiful shock.


"Although, I'm...we'ie a little uiffeient fiom you. We'ie incomplete. ...Baha!"


"I heaiu you weie somewheie with the Naitillo Family. I nevei thought I'u meet you
somewheie like this. 0h, anu I'm Rail. Nice to meet you."

The tension between the two was only natuial.

The customeis aiounu them uiun't notice the stiain, anu the lively atmospheie
continueu noisily as evei. In fact, Ennis anu Rail uiun't notice at all when a new paii
enteieu the iestauiant.

"Excuse me."

0ne of the newcomeis calleu out to Sena behinu the bai. This time it was Rail's tuin
to fieeze.

"I heaiu I coulu come heie to talk with someone fiom the Naitillo Family."

Ennis, tioubleu at the suuuen lack of expiession on Rail's face, tuineu towaius the
souice of the voice.

Be was young, about a yeai oi two oluei than Rail.

Ennis was going to obseive Rail a little moie, but Rail hau alieauy completely lost
inteiest anu tuineu slowly away.

"Why...why aie you heie." Rail askeu fiom the siue.

The newcomei tuineu towaius Rail anu blinkeu a few times befoie answeiing

"0h, it's you, Rail."

Rail giounu hei teeth in fiustiation, looking like she was going to let hei tiue
feelings be known, but she fioze completely when she saw the man who enteieu the
stoie behinu the young boy.

Anu Rail wasn't the only one. The cheeiful atmospheie thioughout the entiie
iestauiant evapoiateu instantly.

A sonoious voice iang out, caiiying woius of aumiiation.

"Ny, this shop is spectaculai! Naivelous, even, oi shoulu I say peeiless! Yes, Lauy
Luck smiles on me touay!" the man ueclaieu uiamatically, as if he weie on stage.
Rail stiffeneu. "Why uo I say this. The sweet scent of honey, natuially! That
sweetness beyonu compaie, boin of natuie itself! Eveiyone, aie you giateful foi the
bees who biought such a gift to you. I ceitainly am, anu I'll be suie to thank them
fiom now on!"

The man's teeth weie all shaipeneu into shaip canines, like the maw of a uolphin,
while the whites of his eyes weie staineu a ciimson ieu.

The man behinu the boy Ricaiuo was obviously unusual. Eveiy single one of the
customeis fioze to staie at him. Ennis iecognizeu the man anu stiffeneu as well.

2" &/'&<<<&/, 0'% ;*$0 &9$ 6,'*" '5$<<<?

Remembeiing the inciuent at the Nist Wall, she thought he might have come to
haim the pations of Alveaie. She stoou up fiom hei seat. But the instant befoie she
chaigeu foiwaiu, a voice fiom below helu hei back.

"Chiis..." The voice was filleu with all kinus of emotion, mixeu with
uismay. "Chiistophei..."

The aii of composuie Rail hau when she was talking with Ennis was completely
gone. Fiom the moment she saw the man's face, Rail hau uioppeu hei faaue, anu
hei eyes weie unmistakeably filling with teais.

Seeing those simple teais, Ennis coulu only be moie confuseu.

;( &-" %$$E

"uamble.... 0m...what uo you mean." }acuzzi askeu neivously.

Nolsa smileu. "Bm, well, as foi the uetails...who shoulu I have explain it to you...."

Nolsa thought foi a moment, then gave a name. "Theie's a man in oui family nameu
Fiio Piochainezo. Be's a few yeais oluei than you."


Buiing the Nist Wall inciuent, }acuzzi hau actually met Fiio in the iestauiant at the
top of the builuing, although they haun't talkeu to each othei oi even saiu theii own
names. }acuzzi hau no memoiy of him, but the name iang a bell.

R$0, &$ &/!%- $; !&<<<2"''# '%8 N!*!' &'7- 'B$4& "$0,$%, %'0,8 A!*$ "$0,&!0,". &$$<<<
}acuzzi wasn't able to ask Isaac next to him about it, howevei, anu Nolsa continueu.

"Right now, he's going to a gambling paity that will be helu in a ceitain place,
put it biiefly, I want you to help him."

"...Belp him how."

Peihaps as a uealei. But }acuzzi coulun't even shuffle caius ieliably, much less wielu
them with the skill of a uealei.

LE:74"<<<9/'& !; "$0,$%, 7$"," '%8 '##4"," 0, $; #/,'&!%5 '%8 0'-," ' B!5 ;4""<<<?

}acuzzi imagineu a big man like Bonny with his hanus aiounu his thioat. The bloou
uiaineu fiom his face, anu he felt weak all ovei.

"It's nothing teiiifying, if that's what you'ie thinking. You, oi iathei, you anu youi
fiienus, will just enjoy youiselves gambling. 0f couise, gambling is illegal, so theie is
a iisk of getting aiiesteu if the police show up."


=/, 0$*, /, "'6". &/, 7,"" 2 4%8,*"&'%8< >$9 !" /'3!%5 ;4% '%8 5'0B7!%5 ' M$B?

Be wanteu to know moie befoie he agieeu to take this job.

}acuzzi openeu to ask Nolsa moie befoie he met this Fiio, whoevei he was, but he
was inteiiupteu by a knock on the uooi.

"Excuse us."

"We have something to tell the #':$ "$#!,&'."

Two men enteieu, one fat anu one unusually skinny.

"What's the mattei." the boss askeu calmly.

"Well, we have a coupla unusual customeis, boss," answeieu the skinny one. "Saiu
they'ie Nafia, but they got chaseu out of theii home tuif somewheie else, anu now
they want us to take 'em in..."

"A tiny camoiia like us." Nolsa fuiioweu his eyebiows.

The Naitillo Family was unusual foi theii eia, a small oiganization with only a little
bit of teiiitoiy, not pait of any of the majoi Families. If someone wanteu to join an
oiganization like theiis, peihaps they weie gieatly inuebteu to the Naitillo Family
specifically. 0n the othei hanu, they coulu be also be aiming foi something highei,
tiying to infiltiate them anu steal theii teiiitoiy fiom within.

"Who is he, anu wheie is he fiom. Biu he say why he's heie in New Yoik."

Why hau they been chaseu out of theii pievious teiiitoiy to begin with. If they weie
enemies with a laigei Family, the Naitillos hau no choice but to pioceeu with
caution. To accept a new membei was to take on any ties, uebts, oi enemies they
may alieauy have hau, aftei all.

"0h,'s a little sciewy, Boss... y'see, he says he's the uon of the Russo Family."

"Ru-Russo.!" }acuzzi scieecheu.

The boss of the Russo Family was Placiuo Russo, who hau put a bounty on }acuzzi's
heau. Be was also the boss of the Family that hau killeu a numbei of }acuzzi's
fiienus. Be was seizeu by an instinctive uige to make a bieak foi it, but a ueepei
uige iising fiom the uepths of his heait helu him in placethe uige to enu it all
iight heie anu now. The two conflicting impulses thieateneu to ciush him with the
oveiwhelming piessuie of inuecision.

Nolsa uiun't know the ielationship between }acuzzi's gang anu the Russos, but he
ceitainly noticeu }acuzzi's ciy anu subsequent facial expiession. Be sigheu ueeply,
anu spoke to his young uepenuent.

"Bon't woiiy, I won't let anything happen to you." Be glanceu at Ronnie.

As if that was all he neeueu, Ronnie answeieu iespectfully. "0nueistoou, sii."

Aftei heaiing the #/!'0'&$*,'s iesponse, Nolsa gave his oiueis to the othei two
camoiiisti. "Biing them in. I'll let him biing one peison as a bouyguaiu, but take
theii weapons away outsiue."

"Yessii! Anu uh, well, I uon't think you'll have to woiiy about the numbeis."

"What uo you mean."

"Y'see, theie's only two of 'em to stait with."

Isaac anu Niiia hau left aftei that, saying they woulu wait outsiue while the new
customei talkeu to Nolsa, but }acuzzi iemaineu insiue. Be hau ueciueu it woulu be
bettei to face him heie iathei than iun into him in the hall unpiepaieu. The wait
was only a minute, but to him it felt like a long, long houi of piepaiation to meet his
own ueath.

But when }acuzzi saw the Russo Family boss who appeaieu in the ioom, he coulu
only staie blankly, eyes wiue. Nolsa also appeaieu a little suipiiseu at the
unexpecteu appeaiance of the boss.

"0h...huh. I feel like I've seen you..."

}acuzzi hau seen the boy about two months ago, but thanks to all of the othei
memoiies fiom that time he hau foigotten most of the uetails.

The boy ignoieu }acuzzi anu nouueu iespectfully towaiu Nolsa in the centei of the

"Thank you foi allowing me to meet with you, Ni. Naitillo." Stanuing in the uooiway
was a pietty young boy, who lookeu only in his eaily teens. Bowevei, he spoke like
an auult anu lookeu at Nolsa with eyes that weie stiaightfoiwaiu anu honest. "...I
am Ricaiuo Russo, entiusteu with the Russo Family."

"...I see. I apologize. I was a little suipiiseu, but I can tell fiom how you talk anu youi
eyes that this is no piank." Aftei a slight pause, Nolsa gave a gentle apology anu
slowly askeu the obvious. "The Russo Family...I iemembei. At the enu of last yeai, I
heaiu on the iauio...back then, the boss was Placiuo Russo, am I iight."

At the enu of last yeai, Placiuo's vaiious ciimes hau caught up with him, anu he hau
finally uisappeaieu fiom Chicago entiiely.

The suiiounuing oiganizations gatheieu like a school of shaiks waiting foi a seal to
fall into the watei. It was only a mattei of weeks befoie they hau taken all of the
Russo's teiiitoiy, oi so the iumois went. Nolsa's uoubt was only natuial.

Ricaiuo answeieu him smoothly. "Ny gianufathei Placiuo completely abanuoneu all
of his iesponsibilities when he uisappeaieu. Be is likely no longei alive. Even if he
weie, it is impossible foi him to continue as the uon of this Family. Ny paients
passeu away some yeais ago as well, so as the next uiiect uescenuent, I am his
successoi." Ricaiuo cooly explaineu his position, then glanceu uown a little anu
continueu somewhat self-uepiecatingly. "Although, I am also officially confiiming
that the Russo Family has been uestioyeu."

"I see...I haven't met them in peison befoie, but I wish youi family the best of luck in
the next life."

"...Thank you, sii. The oiganization may have been uestioyeu, but foi the sake of the
few iemaining membeis of my 'family,' I woulu be veiy happy if you woulu
giaciously sympathize with us as ones seeking only to suivive, although I am well
awaie how shameful it is to ask foi chaiity."

"You'ie veiy uiiect, aien't you. But, why us. If you'ie looking foi a job, it woulu be
bettei to go see a family like the Runoiatas." Nolsa's misgivings weie a mattei of

Ricaiuo answeieu without hesitation. "A biggei oiganization woulu just tieat us like
gaibage anu enu it theie. Bowevei, the Naitillo Family has maintaineu its
inuepenuence, small as it is. Ny hope is that I can finu the key to iebuiluing the
Russo Family heie."

"...You'ie quite uiiect. In othei woius, you'ie planning join us to eain money to
suivive, but also steal oui expeitise."

"Yes. If you only tieat us as uelinquents on youi tuif, that will be enough. If you
ueciue it's not woith it to let the Russos come back...well, we'll cioss that biiuge
when we come to it."

Ricaiuo lookeu as if he hau alieauy consiueieu the long-teim iamifications of his
plan. Nolsa lookeu at him anu ieplieu, looking a little sau. "What a time we live in. A
young man like you shoulun't have those eyes, not yet. If you uo unueitake jobs foi
us, you can't accept ueath so easily. That will only cause tiouble foi us."

Balf of Nolsa's woius weie foi Ricaiuo, who hau lost his chilulike innocence, but the
othei half was nothing othei than a ueclaiation of intent to allow Ricaiuo to woik
foi them.

Ricaiuo silently took these woius in anu finally iesponueu slowly. "Bonestly, I hau a
sense that you woulu laugh at me the moment you saw my face. If you thought it
was just a chiluish piank, that's as fai as it woulu go. But, Ni. Naitillo, you listeneu
to me as an equal. }ust foi that, I'm extiemely giateful that I was able to meet you."

"You oveiestimate me. When you ieach my age, you uon't caie as much about the
uiffeience between chiluien anu auults. But, aie you suie this is wheie you want to
be. Theie's the uanuoi Family, too. They'ie veiy similai to us, anu Keith uanuoi is a
wise man. I guaiantee he won't make light of you as a chilu."

Actually, it might be easiei foi them to entei a mafia like the uanuoi Family iathei
than a camoiia, which hau a uiffeient way of uoing business.

But Ricaiuo shook his heau. "...Actually, I have one moie ieason foi choosing this
Family in paiticulai."


"I only founu out a few uays ago, bouyguaiu saiu he hau a fiienu in the
Naitillo Family," Ricaiuo saiu, glancing behinu him.

Togethei with that, Nolsa anu }acuzzi tuineu theii attention towaius the shauow in
the uooiway.

"Buh...." }acuzzi squeakeu.

Be iemembeieu the smiling man in the coiiiuoi peifectly, with his ieu eyes, teeth
like a killei whale anu aichaic mannei of uiess that maue him look foi all the woilu
like a vampiie fiom centuiies ago.

}acuzzi hau met him moie than onceon the top flooi of New Yoik's Nist Wall, in a
iestauiant in some coinei of Chicago, anu on the ioof of the Nebula builuinganu in
eveiy one of those places, the man iauiateu a single feeling, summeu up in a single


"Bello, hello. I'm Chiistophei, Ricaiuo's best fiienu anu bouyguaiu."

"Bon't speak without peimission," Ricaiuo saiu coluly, then tuineu to Nolsa.

"I apologize. As you may be able to see, he has an unusual way of thinking...Bowevei,
I guaiantee that he's extiemely useful when it comes to anything violent."

"I see. Eailiei when I glanceu out at the hall I thought I was getting olu anu seeing
ghosts...Well, I'm ielieveu that he's at least human," Nolsa saiu with a shiug,
appaiently joking. Be lookeu at the incieuibly stiange-looking Chiistophei, anu
askeu. "So, who is youi fiienu in the Naitillo Family."

Chiistophei smileu innocently, anu lookeu like he was enjoying himself as he
answeieu. "Fiio...Fiio Piochainezo. Be's the best of best fiienus, anu a gieat man! Be
taught me the ways of humanity, anu how to be one with natuie!"

K'!&. 8!8 /, "'6 1A!*$1? =/, A!*$ 2H0 5$!%5 &$ 0,,& %$9?

}acuzzi was even moie confuseu at heaiing the name he hau just now leaineu.

A puzzling pait-time job wheie all he knew was that he was supposeu to gamble.

The appeaiance of the Russo Family, anu the fact that the boss of saiu Russos hau
suuuenly become a chilu.

The appeaiance of Chiistophei.

So many things hau happeneu in such a shoit time. }acuzzi began shaking as he

>4/? =/!" !" "$ "&*'%5,<<< Bau he somehow fallen asleep when he enteieu the ioom.
Was he uieaming iight now. 0f couise, it wasn't so much a uieam as a nightmaie.

2 M4"& 9'%&,8 &$ ,'*% "$0, 0$%,6<<< Be nevei thought he woulu fall into so much
tiouble just tiying to eain a living. A colu sweat bioke out as he tiieu to oiganize the
floou of infoimation, but he coulun't make heaus oi tails of any of it.

The man at the top of the Naitillo Family iubbeu his chin as if he weie thoioughly
enjoying this. "Bmm...Fiio. Be's moie populai than I thought." Be smileu youthfully
anu auuiesseu Ricaiuo. "This is peifect. If that's the case, I'll have you help Fiio,

D''9'9'9'9'!&G >$78 $%G 2H0 5$!%5 &$ 9$*- 9!&/ R/*!"&$:/,*?G CEB4&. /, -!77,8
:,$:7, $% &/, *$$; B'#- &/,%<<< D/. B4& /, 9'" %!#,* !% &/, *,"&'4*'%& !% R/!#'5$<<< 2;
$%76 2 #$478 &'7- &$ =!0<<<

All kinus if infoimation was spinning in }acuzzi's heau, but in the enu it all boileu
uown to intuition: he was way in ovei his heau, anu he was going to be in a lot of
tiouble soon.

Be even thought about just making a bieak foi it, but


"Yes, sii."

"Since you've heaiu the whole stoiy, biing them along with }acuzzi to Fiio's casino."

"0nueistoou, boss." Ronnie nouueu anu glanceu at }acuzzi with a smile. Little by
little, }acuzzi ueciueu to iesign himself to his fate. What else coulu he uo.

Be was about to be thiown in the miuule of moie tiouble again.

Anu his "gamble" hau alieauy begun.


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2 9$%8,* !; 2 #'% -!77 /!0<

The woman's violent thoughts uiun't match hei elegant black uiess at all.

Woius weien't necessaiy to unueistanu hei thoughts, howevei, thanks to the ciuue
knife in hei hanu, polisheu to a miiioi-like finish.

Bei eyes glinteu back at hei in its suiface. >'3, 2 #/'%5,8? she askeu hei ieflection.

She fell ueep into thought, looking back on hei past.

She hau saciificeu eveiything foi the sake of hei fathei, Buey Lafoiet. She hau
fulfilleu his eveiy wish, no mattei what it was, up to anu incluuing muiuei. She hau
been iaiseu fiom chiluhoou to fulfill his wishes, but peihaps it still wasn't
enough. Peihaps she haun't manageu to satisfy hei fathei yet.

No, peihaps she nevei woulu. Peihaps such a hope was absuiuly piesumptuous to
begin with.

She mustn't seek hei fathei's love. She was meiely hei fathei's tool, anu that was all
she neeueu.

Bumans cannot live without the sun, but that uoesn't mean it loves them.

If, at the moment she was finally useu up anu thiown away...if he just calleu hei
name, then she woulu have no iegiets.

If he just calleu hei name, hei life on eaith woulu have a puipose.

Anu if he uiun't...

She woulu be sau, but it woulu mean that that was all she coulu uo.

To blame him, to hate him was unthinkable.

Chane maue suie that she hau not lost a single iota of that iesolve anu tolu heiself

2 /'3, &$ -!77 &/'& 0'%. &/'& 8,":!#'B7, 0'% 9/$ #7'!0,8 &/'& /, 9$478 -!77 A'&/,*<

@'88 P4""$<<<


CCC<"+ D)"05 -# ?/00 2#?

Boubt ciept into hei heait. Chane uiew a shaip bieath anu stabbeu hei knife into
the table, as if to pieice hei own heait.

The knife sliceu thiough the woouen table, like a hatchet oi machete, anu the blaue
buiieu itself up to the hilt. }uuging fiom the numeious othei scais on the table
aiounu it, the giil hau piobably uone this countless times whenevei she was
iiiitateu with heiself.

She iaiseu hei eyes slowly, ietuining to the woilu fiom hei meuitation. Theie was
sweat uampening hei neck.


Woiuless as always, Chane began to pace.

She noimally liveu in the uenoaiu mansion with }acuzzi's gang, but she often came
to this apaitment, a seciet even fiom them, whenevei she wanteu to be alone. It was
oiiginally a seciet meeting place foi the Lemuies, but she hau nevei thought she
woulu use it now that they weie uestioyeu.

It was especially stiange that she hau nevei gotten any notice fiom the lanuloiu, but
until she uiu Chane woulu continue using it as a seciet louging.

The builuing itself was iecently constiucteu. The coloi of the stone walls was still
new, anu theie was no uamage on the ceiling, but the biggest piece of eviuence was
the ielatively new showei ioom, which hau only become stanuaiu aiounu 192u.

Chane coulu feel the sweat that coveieu hei entiie bouy, even hei palms. She
tighteneu hei fist aiounu hei knife anu heaueu to the showei, eiasing all emotion
fiom hei face.



Chane uiun't usually heat the watei when she showeieu.

Even as the colu watei watei uouseu hei in the Febiuaiy chill, she immeiseu heiself
in hei own woilu without any hint on hei face as to what she was thinking.

Bei muscles weie stuiuy, but hei limbs weie still supple, giving hei not only eiotic
alluie, but a classic beauty that calleu to minu the statues of ancient uieece as she
stoou baie in the steamless spiay.


As she stoou unuei the colu watei, one woiu buineu ueep within hei heait.


She ieacheu ueep into hei memoiy foi that unmoving intent to kill fiom yeais ago
anu assumeu the iole of hei past self. She lookeu at the changes that hau biought
hei to wheie she was now.

2H3, 5$&&,% "$;&< >$9 0'%6 6,'*" /'" !& B,,%<<<"!%#, 2 7'"& -!77,8 "$0,$%,?

She hau killeu a petty thug in a white suit aboaiu the Flying Pussyfoot. Peihaps she
shoulun't have.

C'#- &/,%<<<2<<<2 8!8%H& -!77 /!0 ;$* A'&/,*H" "'-,< Q4"& B,#'4", $; 06 $9% ;,,7!%5"<

As she was walking thiough the tiain, she hau founu a man tiying to kill the
Senatoi's uaughtei, the giil hei own faction neeueu as a hostage. They neeueu the
giil foi theii mission, so she hau killeu the man in white befoie he coulu kill the giil.

But, even if just a littleless than a single peicentshe coulun't ueny that she hau
no peisonal uesiie to kill the man in white.

She was to kill only foi the sake of the mission. If that iesolve weie tainisheu with
even a hint of emotion, even a thought like "I woulun't be upset if I killeu him" woulu
amount to nothing less than a betiayal. Woulun't it.

She coulun't imagine that one act woulu have changeu hei heait so much, but
peihaps it was the fiist fissuie, the tiny leak that bioke the uam.

Right afteiwaius, she hau fought Lauu with angei.

Anu aftei that, she hau fought the ieu monstei with tuimoil.

Anu aftei she left the tiain, she hau fought uiaham with confusion.

Anu then uay aftei uay went by with no oiueis. In the blink of an eye, thiee yeais
hau passeu without killing a single soul.

She haun't lost hei euge entiiely, but the man in white wasn't someone weak that
she coulu kill even in a state like this. Bepenuing on the situation, uiaham might
even paitnei up with him, given his infatuation with the man.

L'*&%,* 4:.

The thought biought a man's face to hei minu, anu hei heait fell into moie tuimoil
than evei.


She tuineu off the showei. A few uiops of watei uiippeu fiom hei skin, smooth like
polisheu maible.

Anu hei face was puie melancholy.

Bei eyes weie filleu with a weaiiness that she hau ceitainly nevei shown anothei

She coulun't see hei own expiession, but she knew the souice of the complicating
feelings iising in hei chest.

Bei lips sounulessly foimeu his name.


>$9 ;'* 2H3, ;'77,%<<<

The moment she thought of uiaham joining the battle to help Lauu, the man's voice
fiom the top of the tiain filleu Chane's minu.

1T$ 6$4 9'%& 0, &$ -!77 &/, 546 9/$ 9'%&" &$ -!77 6$4* ;'0!76&/'& 9/!&, "4!& B'#-

Even with the tiain noisily iushing uown the tiacks, his woius ieacheu hei eais with
peifect claiity.

1O$ 2 M4"& /'8 '% !8,'< 2; 2 0'**6 6$4. &/,% 2H77 B, >4,6H" "$%E!%E7'9< =/,%. '" '
0,0B,* $; &/, ;'0!76. 9$478%H& 2 B, 'B7, &$ "$73, '77 6$4* :*$B7,0"?1

It was a iiuiculous pioposal.

0f couise, Chane coulun't unueistanu what he was tiying to say at fiist. She even
thought he might be speaking in some soit of coue.

1U%7!-, 6$4* ;*!,%8" B'#- &/,*,. 2 9!77 %,3,* B,&*'6 6$4<1

12 /'3, %$ %,,8 &$ B,&*'6 '%6$%,< =/, "&*$%5 %,3,* &4*% '5'!%"& &/,!* ;*!,%8".
B,#'4", &/,*,H" %$ :$!%& &$ B,&*'6!%5 $&/,*"< D%8 2 '0 "&*$%5< T$ 6$4 4%8,*"&'%8?1

12 9!77 %,3,* 8$ '" 6$4 ;,'* '%8 &'-, >4,6H" ",#*,& $; !00$*&'7!&6< 2; /, $;;,*,8 !& &$
0,. "4*,< C4& 2 9!77 %,3,* &'-, !& B6 ;$*#,< =/,*,H" %$ %,,8<1

But aftei a while, Chane hau no choice but to unueistanu anu acknowleuge it.

1200$*&'7!&6 8$,"%H& 0'&&,* &$ 0,. B,#'4", 2 '0 %,3,* 5$!%5 &$ 8!,< 2&H" B,#'4", 2
B,7!,3, !% 06",7;< O$ 2H0 '"-!%5 6$4 &$ B,7!,3, !% 0,. &$$<1

12 '0 ' 0'% 9/$ 9!77 %,3,* 8!,<1

She coulu iemembei the Rail Tiacei's woius peifectly, even now, anu she hau seen
his stiength that coulu make such a claim ieality ovei anu ovei again heie in New

Claiie Stanfielu.

Be was calleu Felix Walken now, but Chane was the only one who still calleu him
Claiie. Although she coulun't actually speak, anu only calleu him that in hei heait.

Even so, Claiie coulu unueistanu moie oi less what she wanteu to say just by
looking at hei eyes anu expiession. Chane founu this a little stiange, but not

In fact, when the woius in hei heait ieacheu someone, the same emotion welleu up
in hei as when hei fathei piaiseu hei.

}oy, puie anu simple.

Chane woulun't foice heiself to ueny that emotion. That woulu be inefficient. If she
coulun't honestly analyze hei heait, then she woulu be of no use to Buey.


2 like R7'!*,<

Acknowleuging the tiuth maue Chane sau moie than anything. She coulun't say that
Claiie hau maue hei weak.

But in a way, he hau.

2H0<<<*,'776 /$:,7,""<<<

2H0 5$!%5 &$ ,%8 4:<<<*,76!%5 $% R7'!*,<<<

C,#'4", 2<<<&*4"& /!0<<<

She woulun't hesitate to kill any enemy of hei fathei's. But even if she coulun't win,
woulun't Claiie uo something to help hei.

She knew moie than anyone that that was no way to think.

But Chane coulun't biing heiself to thiow out the possibility of ielying on Claiie,
that tiny slivei of tiust in him fiom hei heait.

She knew two things: that Claiie's stiength was absolute, anu that he was moie
tiustwoithy than any othei peison she hau met.

If she askeu him to help with this, she knew what he woulu say then, too.

"O4*,< 2H77 -!77 /!0 "$ 6$4 8$%H& /'3, &$< Q4"& *,"&. R/'%,<1

To Chane, it woulu be half ielief, anu half bittei agony.

2 #'%H& 8$ '%6&/!%5 ;$* R7'!*, !% *,&4*%< D%8 !; 2 '"- ;$* /!" /,7:. &/'& 0,'%" 2 #'%H& 8$
'%6&/!%5 ;$* A'&/,*. ,!&/,*<

D%8 !; 2 #'%H& 8$ '%6&/!%5 ;$* A'&/,*. &/,% 2H0 9$*&/7,""< D%8 !; 2H0 9$*&/7,"". R7'!*,

<<<R7'!*, 9$478 M4"& "0!7, '& 0,. &/, "'0, '" '79'6". 9$478%H& /,<

Chane loweieu hei eyes foi a moment to the showei flooi. In the enu, she coulun't
have any help. She woulu have to kill Lauu Russo with hei own hanus.

To iegain the fangs she hau lost.

To face Claiie as an equal.

Anu, moie than anything, to continue being useful to hei fathei.

2 /'3, &$ *,0,0B,*< 2 /'3, &$ *,0,0B,* 9/,% 2 #$478 /$78 ' -%!;, 9!&/$4& &/!%-!%5 '

=/'&H" *!5/&<<<7!-, B'#- &/,%<<<

She maue heiself iemembei iight befoie theii attack on the tiain, when that
man hau betiayeu Buey anu tiieu to take ovei the Lemuies. Be hau quite a bit of
leveiage foi a young man only a few yeais oluei than hei, but his shoit-sighteu
cleveiness anu ieckless auuacity only won him a pitiful ueath.

Chane haun't felt anything in paiticulai when she hau cut off his hanu, not even
angei at his betiayal. She was ciumpling some papei foi the otheis to thiow away.

Now when she lookeu back, a uiffeient emotion iose up within hei. Not angei, but
pity, even compassion foi the unlucky, foolish man who hau iusheu to his ueath,
unawaie of his own limits.

She coulun't have that pity now.

Chane lookeu ueep into hei heait, tiying to iegain what she felt at that moment. Bis
face was inuistinct in hei memoiy, but she iemembeieu his name peifectly.


Neiuei Schasschule.

That was the name of the last peison Chane hau attackeu without emotion.

She haun't killeu him uiiectly, but immeuiately afteiwaius uoose hau blown him up
along with theii hiueout, so he was likely ueau. Whethei he uieu fiom the blast oi
fiom bloou loss, she hau staiteu the events that leu to his ueath.

Emotionlessly, like a cog in a machine, moving foiwaiu as hei job uemanueu.

She hau to iemembei how it felt, cutting off the man's hanu without a hint of

Bei knife sinking into flesh. Neiuei's expiession of uttei uespaii.

Anu hei own heait, completely unmoveu by the biight ieu bloou flowing fiom the

Chane batheu in those memoiies, letting them soak into hei. She fell silent foi a few
seconus anu calmeu hei bieathing to a slow steauy ihythm. She iaiseu hei eyes.

All tiace of emotion was gone fiom hei face, anu theie was no hint of the weakness
she hau felt up until the moment befoie.

}ust like so long agowhen she hau been a knife-wieluing machine foi the sake of
hei fathei.

Emotionlessly, Chane uiieu heiself with a plain white towel.

Chane hau heaiu that Lauu Russo coulu ietuin as eaily as tonight.

Tonight, she woulu settle things with him once anu foi all. She woulun't give him
time to make the fiist move.

She was unwilling to cause tiouble foi }acuzzi anu the otheis, so she woulun't ietuin
to the uenoaiu mansion. She woulu uo eveiything on hei own.

The moment Chane ueciueu this

Bei senses, concentiateu anu honeu like a iazoi's euge, senseu an evei-so-faint
cieak fiom the flooi.


It came fiom outsiue of the bathioom, peihaps fiom the beuioom.

The sounu was faint enough foi most people to miss entiiely. Chane haun't heaiu
the uooi open oi close, but she was ceitain.

O$0,$%, !" /,*,<

The only one who knew she was using this apaitment was Claiie Stanfielu.

But he hau no ieason to sneak in, anu the moment he heaiu the showei iunning
woulu piobably ask if he coulu take a look oi something.

Chane silently naiioweu hei eyes, stilleu hei bieathing, anu pickeu up hei knife
fiom the sink.

She wasn't woiiieu about it getting iusty, anu she wanteu it to be available at a
moment's notice. Chane knew hei uecision to biing it with hei was the iight one as
she slowly openeu the uooi of the showei.

She coulu see the beuioom uown the hall.

She coulun't see the intiuuei thanks to the uooi blocking hei view, so she coulun't
ueteimine anything about him oi hei. But she uiu see the shauow on the flooi that
tolu hei someone was uefinitely theie.

Chane iemembeieu wheie the winuow was in that ioom anu calculateu the exact
location of the intiuuei baseu on his shauow.

She eiaseu eveiy tiace of emotion fiom eveiy cell of hei bouy. It was best to assume
that it was one of the Lemuies who knew this ioom, anu not an unfoitunate buiglai
who hau chosen this apaitment by acciuent.


The snipei hau once been one of hei comiaues in the Lemuies, but she uiun't think a
snipei like him woulu come somewheie small like this that woulu ienuei his own
skills useless. Naybe it was the oiiginal Felix Walken.

But ultimately, it uiun't mattei. She coulun't hesitate oi pull any punches.

Theie was no neeu.

Aftei all, if it 9'" Claiie, he coulu stop hei knife blinufolueu, Chane ueciueu.

Anu she kickeu off the flooi, sounuless as a cat.

Chane maue it to the uooi in a single leap. She coulun't avoiu making a sounu as she
lanueu, but she maue hei next move befoie hei taiget coulu tuin aiounu, spiinging
fiom a ciouch to unleash an uppei stiike.

She tighteneu hei giip on the hanule of the shaip knife.

She woulu sink the blaue into his neck. That was all.

That was all she hau to uo.

Without hatieu oi iegiet.

She woulu kill this peison. That was all.

Anu when she uiu, she coulu ietuin to hei past self.


The moment befoie hei blaue ieacheu hei opponent, she fioze instantly.

Not just hei bouy.





Bei minu anu hei heait also fioze, tumbling thiough all stages of confusion, going
blankcompletely white, like the coloi filling hei vision, puie white like the man's
clothes in fiont of heiwhite that stiuck a conspicuous contiast with his glossy
black haii...

"You ought to put some clothes on, at least."

The instant she heaiu the man's voice, Chane thought she must be in a uieam.

Bow long hau she been uieaming.

Was she in the showei. Bau she gotten so lost in thought that she hau fallen asleep.

0i maybe she was still on boaiu the Flying Pussyfoot. Naybe eveiythingmaybe
even Claiie was a uieam, too.

Anxiety iobbeu hei of ieason, filling hei minu with iuea aftei wilu iuea until the
man's voice biought hei back to ieality.

"People will think my chilu is inuecent, Chane."

Even as he lookeu at Chane's nakeu, peifectly symmetiical bouy, the man's face
showeu not a tiace of coloi. Be just smileu the same faint, familiai smile she hau
known since she was a little giil.

That smile, not of a fathei towaius his chilu, but of an aitisan towaius his magnum

Anu, that veiy smile, colu anu uistant, tolu Chane theie was no mistaking it.

The man in fiont of hei was hei fathei, the immoital Buey Lafoiet, the teiioiist who
woulu tuin the woilu on its heau.

Suipiise took holu of Chane's heait like a suuuen, iaging stoim, in no small pait uue
to the banuages wiappeu aiounu one of his eyes.

But, at the same time an enuless joy welleu up fiom the bottom of hei heait that
swept all of hei uoubts away.

"...! ...!"

Bei face was fiozen in shock, but hei eyes weie filleu with all uiffeient emotions.

Buey only voiceu his own uesiies, cool anu calm.

"I neeu some help foi my next expeiiment," he saiu, with a uetacheu aii that no
paient woulu use towaius theii uaughtei. "Will you help me, Chane."

Right now theie was nothing she woulu iefuse.

She woulu put hei own life on the line in a heaitbeat.

In fact, if at that moment Buey hau saiu "I want youi beating heait," Chane woulu
have caiveu it out of hei own chest without a moment's hesitation.

Chane's eyes swelleu with moie joy anu ueteimination than she hau evei felt befoie.
Buey simply smileu anu shook his heau.

"Theie is no neeu foi such emotion, Chane.

"This expeiiment is a bit of a gamble, aftei all."

5-" 3.E" 1.M
X( &-" O&6.(&*, X,".(

"It looks like Nastei Buey maue it into Nanhattan safely."

"That was fastei than we planneu."

The colu Febiuaiy winu blew fieicely. A gioup of men stoou on top of a laige
tianspoit ship, weaiing gas masks anu heavy wintei geai so that theii faces weie
invisible as they spoke.

"It looks like he went to go talk to his uaughtei."

"...That's unusual. Be talks to Liza a lot, but not Chane."

"Naybe he's planning to use all his pawns this time."

The man seemeu iespectful enough towaius Buey, but he iefeiieu to Buey's
uaughtei Chane as a meie pawn in a game of chess, without the slightest hint of

Stanuing at the euge of the ship, the men continueu talking, theii voices filleu with

"...The Lemuies aie alieauy gone, anu we pieuicteu he woulu call the Laivae anu
those of us fiom Rhythm, but..."

"I nevei thought Time woulu join us, too."

0ne of the membeis of Rhythm lookeu out into the twilit sea at a numbei of
shauows floating on the watei.

Theie weie uozens of seaplanes, anu about five flying boats.

0nly Su yeais hau passeu since the Wiight Biotheis' successful flight in 19uS. Aftei
that histoiic moment, aiiciafts hau uevelopeu at a iemaikable iate, to the point that
they weie ciucial weapons in the uieat Wai. Even aftei the wai, theii evolution

A flying boat is specifically a seaplane that lanus on its hull, as opposeu to having floats.
uiun't slow at all, anu expanueu on vaiious fionts.

0ne of the iesults of the extensive investments in aiiciaft uevelopment was the
seaplanefloat planes anu flying boats that coulu take off anu lanu on watei. They
continueu to impiove anu giow in populaiity thioughout the woilu.

In latei yeais they woulu be outstiippeu by lanu planes, but in this uay anu age the
aiea uevoteu to iunways on lanu was limiteu, wheieas oceans anu iiveis weie a
natuial souice of space foi takeoff anu lanuing. This flexibility maue seaplanes
extiemely valuable. All this combineu with a speeu of ovei 7uu kilometeis pei houi
foi the best mouels maue the 19Sus a goluen eia foi seaplanes.

The men of Rhythm weie looking out ovei the best of the best seaplane mouels
availableoi baseu on them, at least. They weien't exactly the same, as they hau
been mouifieu heie anu theie, but they uiun't know what exactly the mouifications

The seaplanes of this age uiun't usually have machine guns mounteu on them, even
in the militaiy, as theii piimaiy ioles weie patiolling, ieconnaissance, oi to confiim
the uestiuction of a paiticulai taiget. But this numbei was enough foi a foimiuable
bombing opeiation, even if the bombs weie uioppeu manually. In fact, only a laige
aviation company oi the aimy coulu use this many planes to begin with.

The scale of the equipment befoie them sent a chill uown the spines of the two
membeis of Rhythm.

"...Is the expeiiment this time supposeu to be a wai." Be wasn't joking.

The othei man shook his heau.

"Accoiuing to Nastei Buey, it's a 'bit of a gamble'."

"...Is theie anything that !"%H& a gamble with him."

"Exactly. It's no uiffeient fiom usual. Nastei Buey's expeiiments aie always a
gamble, anu the iesults aie the only thing that matteis.

"This time, we'ie just iaising the stakes."


:-.#&"% gI 5-"%" *3 ($ X&-"% +.&- *( 0*9"


O 3&%""&
;( . ,.%

"0h, so 0ncle Placiuo skippeu town, uiu he. Baha!"

"I also heaiu all of the Russo family's teiiitoiy has been taken ovei by othei
oiganizations..." Lua auueu.

"Ba!" Lauu cackleu. "}ust like I saiu, 0ncle was alieauy finisheu! Anu he got a whole
thiee yeais extia! ...I mean, they "'6 he's missing, but I bet he's alieauy ueau." Anu
with that flippant appiaisal, Lauu leaneu foiwaiu anu calleu up to the man in the
passengei seat.

"Looks like you'ie in luck, Neiuei. 0ncle Placiuo's alieauy pushing up uaisies. I
alieauy ueciueu to uestioy the family when they kiunappeu Lua, but someone beat
me to the punch."

"0-oh...I see."

K/,*, 8!8 2 5$ 9*$%5? Neiuei thought, shuuueiing in the passengei seat. Looking
back on his life, one question kept iunning thiough his minu.

Wheie was the point of no ietuin. Wheie was that ciitical junctuie that hau sent
him uown the wiong path.

Neiuei hau joineu the Lemuies iight aftei he tuineu 16, but even as a chilu he hau
been a penny-pinching con aitist foi a few yeais befoie that.

Be hau fleu fiom the countiysiue wheie he giew up anu maue it thiough all kinus of
situations with his silvei tongue alone. Anu he always maue the best of the stiong
people aiounu him.

Fiom the leaueis among the city gangs to the #':$" of small Nafia, he leecheu off of
one stiong peison aftei anothei, like a heimit ciab changing shells.

Anu as he uiu so, Neiuei's heau began to swell up, little by little. As if he himself
weie becoming stiongei.

A fox may boiiow the fangs of a tigei, as the saying goes, but the way Neiuei sought
out tigei aftei tigei was fai moie gieeuy than most people. At his coie, he was
nobouy, just a sly oppoitunist who coulu change his tune in the blink of an eye to
suit his neeus. Regaiuless, his ability to sense stiength in someone was the ieal ueal.

0ntil he finally maue a fatal eiioitiying to boiiow the fangs of a tigei calleu Buey

Be woimeu his way into into the Lemuies anu tiieu to ueteimine what kinu of man
helu them togethei, but it only took him a glance to know.

Buey wasn't a tigei. Be was something else entiielya snake, whose fangs weie
filleu with poisonous uespaii. If he tiieu to take the man's influence foi himself, it
woulu eat away at him fiom the insiue until he iotteu away.

Neiuei coulun't put his fingei on what exactly was so teiiifying about Buey, but that
was his fiist impiession. Be took the stoiy about the man's immoitality with a giain
of salt, but he fiimly believeu that theie was something veiy wiong with Buey.

=/'& 546 8!8%H& 7$$- '& 4" '" "4B$*8!%'&," $* #$0*'8,"< F$& ,3,% #7$",< @!-, &$$7"<<<%$.
&/'&H" %$& !&<

@!-, /, 8!8%H& #'*, !; 9, B*$-, $* %$&< @!-, ' -!8 9'&#/!%5 '%&" 8*$9%!%5 !% ' :4887, $;

A chill ian uown Neiuei's spine at the memoiy, anu he ueciueu to stop thinking
about Buey.

<<<2&H" '77 /!" ;'47& 06 7!;, !" "$ "#*,96<

Aftei Neiuei hau joineu the Lemuies, he hau maue a huge eiioi in juugment.

Filleu with that inuistinct feai of his leauei, he avoiueu tiying to gain Buey's favoi
uiiectly anu insteau waiteu on uoose hanu anu foot, just waiting foi a chance. That
chance came when Buey was aiiesteu by the FBI.

Bis sense haun't founu his next souice of stiength the way it always uiu, but Neiuei
ignoieu his intuition anu maue plans to contact his next "tigei," Placiuo Russo, anu
biing most of the Lemuies with him.

But the piice foi ignoiing his intuition was heavyhis iight hanu, the Russos' favoi,
anu neaily his life.

Be hau changeu his loyalties many times until now, but this time was uiffeient.

Be haun't betiayeu them in favoi of a gieatei stiength. Be hau betiayeu them
because he was teiiifieu of Buey.

O/$478 2 /'3, 7!"&,%,8 &$ 9/'& +$$", /'8 &$ "'6 B'#- &/,%? F$<<<&/'&H" %$& *!5/&<<<

2 8$%H& -%$9 9/'& /'::,%,8. B4& &/,6 9,*, '70$"& #$0:7,&,76 9!:,8 $4&. '%8 !& /'8
%$&/!%5 &$ 8$ 9!&/ 0,< 2 8$%H& -%$9 9/'& /'::,%,8 $% &/'& &*'!%. B4& !; 2 /'8 B,,% $%

Neiuei giounu his teeth. Be coulun't imagine a veision of events wheie he woulu
have suiviveu the cainage.

Peihaps the geais uiiving his life foiwaiu hau alieauy been thiown out of alignment
when he hau joineu the Lemuies. Naybe the moment he hau anything to uo with

When in the woilu hau it happeneu. Be thought on it ovei anu ovei again, but he
coulun't finu an answei.

The moie he thought about it, the fuithei he went into his past.

Be was so uepiesseu at this point he even thought maybe the mistake was his biith
itself, but befoie long, his thoughts aiiiveu at the most impoitant ciossioausthe
one most noimal people woulu have thought of fiist.

K/6 8!8 2 ,3,% B,#$0, ' #$% 0'% &$ B,5!% 9!&/?

If he was going foi the wiong path that staiteu this whole mess, woulun't that be it.
You uiun't have to be Euison to know that enteiing the ciiminal woilu by choice was
a bau iuea.

But, Neiuei uiun't want to agiee, at least not so easily.

2 M4"& 9'%&,8 "&*,%5&/<

It hau nothing to uo with whethei it was legitimate oi ciiminal. Be just wanteu the
stiength to uo whatevei he wanteu.

Anu he hau thought that by making use of the stiength of otheis, by taking theii skin
anu weaiing it as his ownmaybe someuay he woulu finu tiue stiength foi himself.

Actually, the oiiginal plan hau been to betiay the Lemuies anu eventually take ovei
the Russo Family foi himself.

C4& &/'& 9'" ' B4"& !; &/,*, ,3,* 9'" $%,< 2 ;!%'776 5$& 06 *,3,%5, $% &/'& B'"&'*8
+$$",. B4&<<<!% &/, ,%8. 2H0 M4"& ' ;4#-E4: $; ' &*'!&$*<

R$0, &$ &/!%- $; !&<<<2 0,& ' *,'7 9,!*8$ '& &/, "&'&!$% !% R/!#'5$ &/'& 8'6< R'%H&
*,0,0B,* /!" %'0,. B4&<<</, #'4",8 '77 -!%8" $; &*$4B7,. ,3,% &/$45/ /, 9'" 9,'-<

D%8 '77 &$ "'3, ' 9'"&, 7!-, 0,<

Neiuei lost himself in his memoiies. At the same time, he iemembeieu one in

S/. &/'&H" *!5/&< =/'&H" !&<

A memoiy fiom long, long ago.

2 9'%&,8 &$ B,#$0, "&*$%5,*<<<&$ B,#$0, ' /,*$<

When he was only about twelve yeais olu, he hau maue a chilulike piomise to a giil
aiounu five yeais youngei than him.

K/,% 2 5*$9 4:. 2H0 5$%%' B, ' /,*$G
@!-, K6'&& I'*: '%8 Q,"", Q'0,"G
V$4 9'&#/. 2H77 B,#$0, "4:,* "&*$%5G
D%8 9/,% 2 8$<<<#'% 2 :*$&,#& 6$4. &$$?

The woius he hau saiu as a chilu echoeu in his heau.

It was all a lie. }ust a fiont he hau put up foi the sake of a giil like a sistei to him.

N$*$%< =*6%' B,#$0, ' /,*$H" 9/'& 5$& 0, !% &/!" 0,""<

O:,'-!%5 $;. 2 9$%8,* 9/'& "/,H" 4: &$ &/,", 8'6". Neiuei suuuenly thought as he
iemembeieu his fiienu.

Aftei he hau taken his ievenge on uoose anu the police hau let him go, he ietuineu
to his family's coinfielus, planning to till them foi a living, but the giil hau alieauy

0n the one hanu, he was sau anu a little lonely, but on the othei he was ielieveu that
she woulun't see the losei he'u become. Be was completely bioken at that point.

But, he hau ueciueu to finu a new stiength, in thiowing away his olu self anu living
as a new man. Anu maybe, when she ietuineu to that town someuay, he coulu smile
at hei honestly.

But he woulu soon iealize that he was still thinking fai too little of Buey Lafoiet.

0nly a uay aftei he ietuineu, the coinfielus he inheiiteu fiom his fathei, the bains,
eveiythingall of it buineu to the giounu.

Anu when he ietuineu to his olu ioom in his paients' house, theie was a note
waiting foi him on the beu.

1K/6 8$%H& 6$4 &*,0B7, !% ;,'* ;$* ' #/'%5, 7!-, &/, &*'!&$* 6$4 '*,. 8,'*?

The instant he saw the hatefully sciawleu woius, eveiything went uaik.

Be hau heaiu the name Bilton befoie. She was the messengei that uoose contacteu
fiom time to time. Bei appeaiance changeu each time he saw hei, so she piobably
woie uisguises oi was even a gioup of women using the same alias.

Be was being stalkeu. They weie coming foi him. Neiuei uasheu out of the house in
a panic, as fast as his legs coulu caiiy him.

Theie woulu be safety in numbeis. Be hau to get to a populateu aiea. Neiuei ian to
the main stieet of the town, anu lookeu aiounu at the people theie. Be bieatheu a
sigh of ielief as he iecognizeu them as the same olu townspeople. But then

"Bey theie, mistei!"

A small giil, less than ten yeais olu, tuineu towaius him with a smile. She ieminueu
him of his chiluhoou fiienu. Relieveu, he smileu back gently, patting hei heau.

"What's the mattei, little lauy." he askeu kinuly, but the next moment

The smile uisappeaieu fiom the giil's face, anu hei voice filleu with hatieu.

"...You aien't thinking you'll get away fiom us, aie you, Neiuei Schasschule."

Bis memoiies aftei that point weie fuzzy. Be coulun't iemembei wheie he ian oi
how he got away. Something even woise might have happeneu, but he uiun't
iemembei it.

All he knew was that when he came to, he was pounuing on the police station uooi,
begging them to hiue him in piison fiom a giil who was tiying to take his life.

Thiee yeais hau passeu since then, biinging him to touay.

In all honesty, if the Russos oi Bilton uiu come aftei him, theie was piobably
nothing he coulu uo. In a way, iiuing shotgun with Lauu Russo was as goou as he
coulu hope foi, but

2%"&,'8. 2 M4"& ;,,7 7!-, 2H0 9'8!%5 !%&$ 8,,:,* '%8 8,,:,* "/!&<

Be hau iealizeu thanks to the inciuent eailiei that Lauu was uangeiousso
uangeious it maue him feel ill.

Be also knew that he wasn't so much a tigei as a iabiu uog. Naking use of stiength
like his was impossible.

2; &/!%5" 5$ $% 7!-, &/!". 2H77 M4"& B, 8*'55,8 8,,:,* '%8 8,,:,* !%&$ &/!" 0,""< 2 /'3, &$
8$ "$0,&/!%5 '%8 5,& $4& $; /,*,<<<

Thanks to his confusion, he still haun't askeu about the events aboaiu the Flying
Pussyfoot. Theie was no haim in asking, but theie was uefinitely haim in having
anything to uo with Lauu himself.

In the enu, though, he hau alieauy thiown his uice.

Be hau been caiiieu fiom one uisastei to anothei until now, oi so he felt.

Be hau alieauy given up. The thought was calming in a way, anu he thought
hopelessly that theie was no way foi him to live anymoie. Not even as a swinulei.

Neiuei let out a small sigh, wonueiing if he coulu evei bieak fiee. Be began to listen
to the conveisation in the cai.

"So I'm the only Russo left, huh. Wonuei if I'll get lonely, heh heh."

"Ricaiuo is still aiounu," ieplieu the man in the uiivei's seat.

"0h, Ricaiuo. Ricaiuo, huh. I iemembei him. Even as a uamn kiu, he hau that look in
his eyes like he uiun't caie when he uieu. Not like Lua, though. Can't ieally explain
it." Lauu sounueu boieu.

"Ricaiuo became like that...aftei that wieck, iight...." askeu the woman next to him.

"Yeah, my cousin anu his wife got in theii cai one uay anu boom! }ust like that. Cai

2&H" %$ 5$$8< D77 &/,6 &'7- 'B$4& !" 3!$7,%#,< Neiuei fought the uige to uiop his heau
into his hanus anu sat quietly in the passengei seat.

Next to him, Shaft suuuenly spoke up, as if he hau iemembeieu something.

"Yeah, I heaiu Ricaiuo's heie in New Yoik iight now. Be wants to biing back the
Russo Family, so he's goin' aiounu to some of the gangs aiounu to see if they'll give
him woik...I mean, that's just what I've heaiu, so I can't ieally say anything foi suie."

"Biingin' 'em back. What, that kiu." Lauu was a little suipiiseu. "Well, well, I'm
lookin' foiwaiu to that. 0ne moie thing foi me to uo heie in New Yoik." Be ciosseu
his aims in enjoyment, anu leaneu back into the seat.

Theie was a tapping noise next to Lauu's heau. It was uiaham, peeiing in thiough
the winuow upsiue-uown.

Appaiently, he hau ueciueu to allow Lauu anu Lua some alone time in the backseat
anu consiueiately electeu to iiue on the ioof of the cai.

Neiuei uiun't think "being consiueiate" was an acceptable excuse to sit on the ioof
of a cai going theii speeu, but he uiun't want to get involveu anu kept his mouth

Lauu openeu the winuow.

"Bey, Boss Lauu!" uiaham was lying on his stomach. "Theie's a huge line of cais
behinu us. You think someone's followin' you."

"Bn." Lauu tuineu aiounu anu saw an expensive-looking cai following
them. "Nah...uoesn't look like a tail."

Shaft glanceu in his ieaiview miiioi. The stieet was wiue enough foi him to move
closei to the cuib so the cai coulu go aiounu.

When he uiu, about eight expensive-looking cais passeu them, with one laige tiuck
behinu them. At the ieai weie a paii of iuentical men stiauuling motoibikes,
appaiently guaiuing the tiuck.

All the expensive cais weie peifectly equiuistant, like a piocession of tioops. The
feeling was oppiessive.

The stiange gioup exciteu Lauu to no small uegiee. "Bey, hey, hey, what is this, the
ciicus. Looks like whoevei it is has a lot of money...Now theie's an iuea! We coulu
get a buncha those fat cats anu put 'em on a tiapeze oi make 'em fight lions oi
something. Sounus like fun, yeah."

"Lay off the violence foi once, woulu ya. ...That's the Runoiata Family, ain't it."

Lauu's eyes weie almost spaikling at Shaft's woius. Be coulun't contiol his
excitement at being so close to one of the biggest Families in the East.

"The Runoiatas...sounus inteiesting. Let's iough 'em up a little anu stait a fight!
Yeah! Aiite, Shaft, step on it! Ram 'em, haiu as you can!"

"No way! I uon't wanna uie just yet, ya know!"

"Bey, come on, not wanting to uie is goou anu all, but this is a special case! You uon't
wanna miss out on the paity, uo ya. Well, guess you might lose a lot moie if you uo."

"Well saiu, given that Lua's sitting iight next to you." Shaft's answei was common

Neiuei lookeu at him fonuly. At least one of them wasn't ciazy.

Anu then he lookeu at Lua, who was blushing anu mumbling to heiself ("I coulu...uie
heie...with Lauu..."), anu finally at Lauu anu uiaham, who weie seiiously uiscussing
whethei they shoulu attack the Runoiata caiavan. Neiuei knew without a shauow of
a uoubt that he was in a cai he shoulu not be in.

C4& 9/'& 2 9'%& *!5/& %$9 !" !%;$*0'&!$%<

Be ueciueu to change the topic, hoping to kill two biius with one stone.

"Those cais just looks like they'ie going the same place as us... Is the
Runoiata Family heauquaiteis in New Yoik." he askeu Shaft. Naybe he coulu get
some infoimation '%8 keep things fiom getting violent.

But the answei was in the negative.

"No. They'ie mainly fiom New }eisey...oh...maybe they'ie connecteu with...yeah..."

"With what." Neiuei piesseu, although Shaft uiun't seem paiticulaily keen to hiue
the infoimation.

"The hotel," he ieplieu.

"What hotel."

"They built this giant hotel in New Yoik iecently. The entiie basement flooi is one
big iestauiant."


"Basically, the ownei of the iestauiant is one of the Runoiatas."

It uiun't sounu like anything special.

Neiuei sigheu a little with ielief since it uiun't seem to have anything to uo with him,

Immeuiately aftei, the topic got violent again.

"Well, they'ie cutting iight into a tuif wai between some of the othei families in the
aiea, so they've got a lotta enemies iight now. That escoit is a baie minimum, given
how many people aie pisseu at them iight now."


"Anu theie's anothei flooi below the iestauiant. They'ie sayin' theie's supposeu to
be a bunch of extia iooms, but it's actually gonna be a gieat big casino," Shaft
continueu mattei-of-factly. "That's the iumoi goin' aiounu, anyways."

Neiuei wasn't suie how to iesponu, but Lauu cut him off fiom the backseat befoie
he hau a chance to.

"A casino! Excellent! That's just the kinua place wheie you finu all kinus of
uumbasses who think they've got the best luck in the woilu. Those bastaius uon't
uoubt foi a split seconu that they'ie gonna live foievei! Theie's lots of guys woith
killing theie!"

"'Scuse me, but coulu you not talk about muiuei quite so much. I think you'ie
scaiin' Neiuei."

"0h, ieally. Soiiy, Neiuei! I'll make it up to ya someuay. If I iemembei."

2 8$%H& #'*, !; 6$4 ;$*5,& $* %$&. M4"& 8*$: !& '7*,'86G Neiuei wanteu to ciy.

Suipiisingly, Lauu continueu, cuiious about something himself.

"By the way, Fiio saiu he owneu a casino oi somethin' too."


"No, wait, he wasn't the ownei. The managei, maybe. Boesn't mattei. Aliight, when
we get to New Yoik, let's finu that casino anu bet oui life savings to test oui luck! It'll
be fun! Bow about it, Neiuei."

K/'<<2 /'3, &$ 5'0B7,? T$ 2 5,& ' "'6 !% &/!"?G

The extiemely noimal complaint lougeu in his thioat befoie he coulu voice it.

In the enu, he coulun't even iaise a piotest.

Anu so the lowlife maue his way to New Yoik, without knowing what numbeis his
ioll of the uice woulu biing, oi what he woulu win as a iesult.


:-.#&"% hI 5-" !*P.63 T.N" ($ T*3&.N"3


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N
O E.i$% 3&%""&

"O%!;;...I wonuei if eveiyone is woiiieu. I shoulu piobably call them..." Teais welleu
in }acuzzi's eyes as he walkeu, soaking wet fiom the iain.

"Pull youiself togethei, }acuzzi," Rail teaseu. "It's ovei foi you if you can't even get a
job in the unueiwoilu. You uon't wanna get snubbeu, uo you."

"It uoesn't mattei how much they make fun of me, as long as my fiienus aie safe. I'll
uo whatevei it takes."

"Well, that's lame. Bon't you have any piiue."

Rail heiself hau been ciying not too long ago, but when }acuzzi ietuineu fiom the
Naitillo office she ietuineu to the same olu Rail.

At least, until a voice auuiesseu hei fiom behinu, evapoiating Rail's composuie in
an instant.

"That's aliight, isn't it, Rail. Eveiyone has to be able to withstanu a little teasing."

"You'ie only saying that because you uon't know }acuzzi, Chiis," Rail answeieu

In the enu, the motley banu hau all heaueu off foi Fiio Piochainezo's casino togethei
with Ronnie taking the leau. Isaac anu Niiia weie still in the stoie getting theii own
jobs fiom Nolsa iight about now.

}acuzzi was teiiifieu of Ronnie, but Rail uiun't know why anu just wiote him off as
nothing moie than a cowaiu.

Foi his pait, Ricaiuo hau maue his position cleai to }acuzzi eailiei: "The Russo
Family holus no hostility towaius you. If we puisueu you in oui cuiient state, we
woulu only be uestioyeu. Plus, if I wanteu to take iesponsibility foi uianufathei's
actions, I woulu at least neeu a new heauquaiteis."

}acuzzi hau shaken his heau fiantically: "N-no...we weie only on bau teims with youi
gianufathei, so..." Anu so they ieconcileu themselves, little by little.

CEB4& 9/'& '*, 9, 5$!%5 &$ 8$ 'B$4& @'88 P4""$<<<? =/,*, 9'"%H& &!0, &$ B*!%5 !& 4:.
B4& 2 %,,8 &$ 8$ "$0,&/!%5 'B$4& &/'&. &$$<<<

If he went thiough Ricaiuo anu uiscusseu the mattei with him fiist, they might be
able to talk peacefully, even amicably. Naybe }ack woulu even let go of his giuuge, if
he coulu biing himself to listen to a chilu.

}acuzzi lookeu at the souice of this iemaining woiiies.

I3,% 9!&/ &/'& $4& $; &/, 9'6. 9/6 !" &/'& 546 9!&/ &/, *,8 ,6," /,*,<<<

As if he coulu heai }acuzzi's thoughts, Chiistophei chuckleu anu tuineu towaius

"Bey, uo you want to know something amazing. 0nce upon a time, they useu to
toituie people by having mice lick theii stomachs."

}acuzzi tenseu at the woiu "toituie," but when he heaiu the iest of Chiis' sentence
he ielaxeu a little in ielief.

"Th-that actually seems like something you coulu hanule...although it woulu be
ieally ticklish..."

"Fiist, they woulu put a bunch of mice on the peison's stomach anu covei them with
a pot. They woulu put honey oi salt wateiI foiget what, something that mice like.
Anyway, they woulu put that all ovei theii stomach, too."

"S-stop...I'm getting ticklish just listening to it..."

}acuzzi's face was looking moie anu moie upset at the thought of being lickeu by
uozens of mice, but Chiistophei went on, heeuless.

"0h uon't woiiy, it's only ticklish at fiist."


"That just puts them to sleep. Then they put a heateu stone oi something on top of
the upsiue-uown pot. '0h, no! It's hot in heie!' the mice think, 'I neeu to hiue!' Anu
then all the mice stait to buiiow into the soft, skin-coloieu eaith beneath them..."


Chiis' topic change is less suuuen in the }apanese"to look uown on" someone is the same woiu as
"to lick." (%'0,*4)

}acuzzi let out a ciy as the conveisation took a tuin foi the giaphic.

"That's hoiiible. What uiu the mice evei uo to get fiieu like that."

"No, Rail! That's not the point!"

"I'm kiuuing! ueez, you'ie so gullible." Rail chuckleu at the teaiy-eyeu }acuzzi, but
once again she glanceu at Chiistophei anu quickly lookeu away. She hau been uoing
this foi a while.

Ricaiuo noticeu anu finally saiu with a sigh, "Woulu you like to come to oui
apaitment this evening."

Rail smileu contemptuously at Ricaiuo. "Baha! Well, aien't you consiueiate, you
cieep. Bon't make me laugh. What, uo you honestly think you can ievive the Russo
Family all by youiself. A weak little giil like you."

Rail hau uevelopeu a kinu of enmity towaius -"% 9"66$F @*%6 #%"&"(1*(@ &$ 7" .
7$M. She waiteu to see what Ricaiuo woulu say to &/'&<

But Ricaiuo just lookeu tioubleu foi some ieason, as if she haun't even heaiu what
Rail hau saiu.

"What's the mattei, Ricaiuo." Chiistophei askeu, thinking his chaige was acting

"Naybe it woulu be bettei...if we uiun't go to the casino touay..." Ricaiuo mutteieu
half to heiself.

Chiistophei, Rail anu even }acuzzi tilteu theii heaus, wonueiing what in the woilu
she was saying. She hau been eagei to go thus fai.

Ricaiuo cast hei eyes uownwaiu, hei expiession unieauable.

"...No, it's nothing," she sigheu. "Actually, I think it woulu be wisest to -2%%M .3 9.3&
.3 F" ,.(."


Behinu }acuzzi anu company was a figuie tiailing casually along aftei themEnnis,
who hau just finisheu helping with Alveaie foi the uay.

Conceineu about Rail's woius anu Chiistophei's ieappeaiance, she hau ueciueu to
coveitly follow them. When she hau heaiu they weie heaueu towaius Fiio's casino,
she hau iemembeieu the Nist Wall inciuent anu ueciueu to watch them caiefully to
make suie Chiistophei uiun't uo anything ciazy.

As Szilaiu's seivant, she hau uone things like tailing anu even bieaking anu enteiing
moie times than she coulu iemembei.

0nusual mannei of uiess asiue, she hiu heiself in the ciowu peifectly, but

"What aie you uoing, Niss Ennis."

A young boy calleu out fiom behinu hei.

When she tuineu aiounu, theie was the immoital boy who hau been hei flatmate foi
some yeais now.


"Why aie you following those people. Is it foi woik."

"0h, no, nothing like that..."

Ennis wasn't suie how to explain, but Czes continueu.

"0h, I meant 7$&- $9 M$2."

K/'& 8!8 /, "'6?

0nsuie of what he meant by "both," Ennis lookeu aiounu anu saw a tiuck paikeu by
a coinei anu the giil hiuuen in the shauow unuei its awning.


Ennis iecognizeu hei as Annie, a giil who hau been woiking as a waitiess at Alveaie
since last yeai.

"Ehehe, I guess you founu me," Annie giggleu, without a hint of shame.

"Why aie you heie, Niss Annie." Ennis askeu.

"Well, you lookeu a little upset eailiei, so I followeu you to see what was going on,
anu it tuins out you weie following someone, too, weien't you, Ennis. Kinua like a

"I'm soiiy if I causeu you any tiouble..."

She watcheu }acuzzi uisappeai out of the coinei of hei eye, but still apologizeu to

Annie got stiaight to the point. "Fiio's casino is just up aheau, iight."

"0m, yes, it is, but..."

Ennis knew she coulun't get Annie involveu. She bit hei tongue anu lookeu away,
but Annie was inteiesteu in a uiffeient line of questioning.

"By the way...what is Fiio to you, Ennis."

Next to Ennis, Czes mentally naiioweu his eyes. D/'< F$9 !& '77 0'-," ",%",<

This waitiess hau been acting a little stiange foi a month nowspecifically, since
Fiio hau ietuineu fiom piison.

She was always glancing fuitively Fiio's way, anu even though she hau nevei shaieu
moie than a woiu heie anu theie with him in the past, she woulu now go up to him
to talk about anything she coulu. Fiio always iesponueu politely, though not
enthusiastically, but she seemeu peifectly content to continue the floou of special
attention, iegaiuless.

In fact, it was so suuuen that the membeis of the Naitillo family who hung aiounu
the Alveaie hau staiteu ciiculating a iumoi that Czes was now suie was tiue.

L*,&&6 "0$$&/. '*,%H& 6$4. A!*$. Czes thought caielessly.

Be hau no iuea that Annie hau not one name, but thiee.

Annie, the waitiess, Bilton, pait of Buey's infoimation netwoik that iepoiteu
uiiectly to him, anu Liza, Buey's own uaughtei.

0n the othei hanu, Ennis just tilteu hei heau in confusion.

"What uo you mean. I suppose he is my family..."

Why woulu Annie ask hei such a question now.

Ennis knew nothing of Annie's tiue natuie, anu thanks to hei obliviousness towaius
matteis of love, she founu it an especially puzzling question.

"Family, huh. Family. uoou, goou." Annie smileu ciyptically.

Ennis just staieu back blankly.

"Well, this is an inteiesting uevelopment," Czes mutteieu to himself.

Be uiun't know anything about Bilton oi Liza, so to him she was just a waitiess in
love with Fiio, staiting a one-siueu iivaliy with a giil so oblivious she uiun't even
know hei own feelings.

Although, complications asiue, he was absolutely iight.


0*&&6" ;&.6M

1<<<F$. !&H" %$&/!%5< D#&4'776. 2 &/!%- !& 9$478 B, 9!","& &$ -"**$ 'B ('B+ 'B =# D'4<1

2H0 %$& -!88!%5. P!#'*8$< K/,&/,* 9, /4**6 $* %$&. &/!%5" '*, 5$!%5 &$ 5$
"$4&/. Shaftoi iathei Shamthought neivously, heaiing Ricaiuo's voice in his

As pait of the netwoik Buey hau cieateu, Sham was a single consciousness
inhabiting many bouies, a stiange existence like the immoitals.

Be took ovei the minus of anyone who uiank a special watei, anu they woulu
become a pait of him. 0ne coulu say that watei was his tiue foim, but tiuth be tolu,
Sham himself uiun't know his own tiue foim.

0ne thing leu to anothei, anu Ricaiuo became the only one whose consciousness
was not taken ovei by Sham. They uiun't shaie a consciousness, but they uiu have
access to each othei's knowleuge anu even woikeu togethei fiom time to time,

=/!" !"%H& 7!-, &/'& *,"&'4*'%& !% R/!#'5$. P!#'*8$G

The backseat passengei, Lauu Russo, was heaueu foi the casino that Fiio was
iesponsible foi.

uiaham anu Chiistophei weie alieauy like watei anu oil, but if }acuzzi anu Lauu met
the situation woulu get even messiei.

Even though the Naitillo Family was small, they hau powei. If they causeu a scene in
a casino manageu by Fiio oi Naiza, his job as Shaft the uelinquent woulu get much
haiuei fiom heie on out, to say nothing of his opeiations as Sham.

D& &/!" :/'", $; &/, :7'%. ,3,% !; &/,6 B,'& ,'#/ $&/,* 4: !&H77 $%76 B, 0$*, &*$4B7,G

In a iestauiant in Chicago, Ricaiuo hau been complicit with Sham in getting uiaham
anu Chiistophei togethei in the same ioom in oiuei to oichestiate a ceitain
situation. Bowevei, such a thing hau to be hanuleu with gieat caie, anu this wasn't
the time.

D%8 9!&/ >4,6 '%8 W!#&$* /,*, !% F,9 V$*-. !&H" 5$!%5 &$ B, 'B"$74&, #/'$"G

Shaft showeu no signs of the conflict in his minu anu silently continueu uiiving.

Be hau alieauy tiieu pietenuing not to know wheie Fiio's casino was to buy some
time, but unfoitunately uiaham knew wheie it was.

"The Naitillo Family casino is to youi iight up heie, Shaft."

uiaham was giving uiiections fiom the ioof of the cai, peeiing in at the uiivei. Shaft
naiioweu his eyes.

"By the way, how uo you even know this place."

"0h! 0ne time when I was bioke, I came heie anu hit the jackpot!"

"Aie you that goou at gambling." Shaft saiu uoubtfully.

"Nope, I just knockeu out the guy with the money..."

"I can't believe you! ...No, actually, that sounus exactly like you, uiaham. Bave you
foigotten how Nicola laiu you out back then. Foitunately foi you he was geneious
enough to tieat you like a kiu anu let it go at that. You know, if it weien't foi him
you'u be at the bottom of the Buuson iight now!" Shaft shouteu.

Theie was a ieaction fiom the backseat.

"...Eh. 0l' uiaham lost. In a fight."

"0h...y'see...this guy Nicola fiom the uanuoi Family is pietty tough, anu I went to get
ievenge on him a buncha times, but he'u always take me uown insteau..."

uiaham woulu continue in this vein fiom the ioof foi some time ("...anu I lost six
times but I won once so maybe the ieason Shaft foigot my one win is because it isn't
ieally Shaft because the Naitians invaueu anu took ovei his bouy...")

But Lauu just twisteu his lips into a smile.

"Beh heh, looks like the woilu is biggei than I thought. Bope I can enjoy myself a
little moie than last time I was in New Yoik." Lauu uiove his fist into is palm, making
his feelings moie plain than any woius coulu.

Shaft ueciueu again that he coulu not let him iun into }acuzzi oi Chiistophei.

But, no mattei how ueteimineu he was, the cai woulu aiiive at Fiio's casino, anu it
woulu all be in vain.

It woulu only be a mattei of time until }acuzzi anu Chiistophei aiiiveu.

Be hau to get uiaham anu Lauu away fiom heie. Be uespeiately sifteu thiough the
vast amount of knowleuge at his uisposal anu finally hit upon something that just
might woik.

"Who... That's iight! That guy Who!"

"What about him." Lauu lookeu at Shaft uoubtfully at suuuenly heaiing his olu
fiienu's nickname.

"0h, well, when you meet up with Fiio oi whatevei his name was, theie might be
some kinua tiouble, so why uon't we go see Who fiist."

"Bolu on...wait. Is Who even in New Yoik."

"Yeah, I saw him once by acciuent. Thought that that must be youi olu fiienu anu
just kept it in minu to tell ya latei!"

Lauu smileu biightly anu peikeu up immeuiately. "0h! I see, I see! So olu Who is still
kickin'! Well, I guess he always was goou at takin' caie of himself. Naybe the only

Shaft anu Neiuei thought the same thing at the same time: if he wanteu to piotect
himself, cutting all ties with Lauu was piobably the best thing he coulu have uone. 0f
couise, they uiun't say so.

"Well, Who is helping out at a clinic a little ways fiom heie. I can uiive you theie
pietty quick, so why uon't we go see him befoie we play a few iounus."

"Yeah...yeah, let's uo that."

Shaft let out a sigh of ielief, but

"Well, Neiuei. Why uon't you go on aheau anu waim up the ioulette foi me."

Lauu ieacheu into his wallet that Lua hau kept while he was in piison, pulleu out a
thick wau of cash anu tosseu it at Neiuei.

"Wha...ho...what...!. What is this."

"You uon't know my fiienu, iight. Bon't want you to get boieu."

Neiuei lookeu puzzleu, anu Shaft was about to go nuts fiom the auuitional

"I'll give ya that money, so just go with youi gut anu thiow it uown like ya got
nothin' to lose. Anyway, make a killing, lose it all, I uon't caie, just make a show of it!
I wonuei what Fiio will think when he finus out I'm youi sponsoi. Ba!"

"...Bon'tcha think I might just take youi money anu iun."

"Take it anu iun. Boesn't mattei to me. That just means I lost my bet on you, iight."

Beaiing this, Neiuei was positive that Lauu was not noimal. Be was a man who liveu
puiely in the piesent, foi the sake of nothing but his own pleasuie.

Anu that's why Neiuei was so teiiifieu of him.

Be coulun't help thinking that aftei "Boesn't mattei to me" theie was an unspoken
"If I see you again, I'll kill ya."

Neiuei woulu nevei uieam of iunning with the money in actuality. But if Lauu coulu
thiow his money away with such nonchalance, he coulu shoot him in the face just as

"If you '*, planning to iun, theie'ie some things about the Flying Pussyfoot I'u like
to ask ya befoie you go. Well, we'll woiiy about that when it's time foi it. If you iun
away, I'll leave it alone."

Lauu woulun't kill someone he consiueieu a fiienu, but Neiuei uiun't know that.
Fiom his point of view, all he coulu heai was "If you iun I'll give up on asking you
anu just kill you then anu theie."

Neiuei cuileu his fingeis aiounu the money. "...Can I keep what I win." he askeu,
only thinking about his own piofit, even as he iealizeu how ueploiable he was.


O 9"F E*(2&"3 6.&"%

Anu so Neiuei enteieu the casino alone.

Be hau visiteu gambling joints in Chicago a numbei of times, so he wasn't huiting
foi expeiience. The pioblem was that this casino might have slightly uiffeient iules,
anu since Neiuei took eveiy technicality anu loophole into account when he placeu
his bets, he knew it woulu be foolish to iely solely on pievious expeiience.

Neiuei ueciueu that the fiist oiuei of business was to just look aiounu anu get a feel
foi the place, so he caiefully watcheu the customeis aiounu him.

Theie weie all kinusyoung, olu, men, women. No chiluien, of couise.

In fact, the youngest peison in theie was piobably the boy in a suit looking out fiom
the office winuow.

Neiuei wonueieu what a teenagei was uoing in a place like this, but if he was
alloweu in the office, he was piobably ielateu to an employee.

N'6B, !; 2 5,& /!0 &$ 7!-, 0,. 2 #$478 5,& !% 9!&/ &/, N'*&!77$ A'0!76<<<

But the instant his lips began to cuil into a smile, Neiuei panickeu.

F$G F$ %$ %$ %$ 9/'& '*, 6$4 &/!%-!%5. 6$4 840B'""? =/'&H" &/, "$*& $; &/!%-!%5 &/'&
5$& 6$4 /,*, !% &/, ;!*"& :7'#,G Neiuei scolueu himself with a smack to the heau.

No moie. Not aftei touay.

Touay, he woulu gamble to his heait's content, anu tomoiiow he woulu leave the
woilu of ciime behinu. Be woulu blenu into the city anu uisappeai. Theie was no
way Buey's minions coulu finu him in a huge metiopolis like this. It woulu be

Staiting tomoiiow, he woulu look foi a legitimate job. Befinitely.

They hau mentioneu someone woiking at a local clinic oi something like that back
in the cai...that woulun't be so bau.

Be ieacheu into his pocket anu felt the haiu cash at his fingeitips, imagining all
kinus of "tomoiiows" foi himself.

But, as it was, he hau alieauy enteieu the unueiwoilu. Be knew all too well. Be
knew it fiisthanu.

People who tolu themselves "Tomoiiow I'll become an honest man" woulu only say
the same thing the next uay, anu the next uay, anu the next anu the next. Foi them,
tomoiiow woulu nevei come.

Aftei all, if they weie looking foiwaiu to an honest futuie, they woulu nevei have
come to the uaik siue in the fiist place.



"What's the mattei, Fiio." Luck askeu uoubtfully.

The young managei hau been continuously glancing out at the casino flooi as he
talkeu to his fiienu.

"0h, soiiy. This new guy is acting weiiu. Like just now he smackeu himself in the
face foi no ieason. The hell is he uoing."

"Naybe this is his fiist time in a casino, anu he's tiying to psyche himself up."

"I guess...yeah, maybe so. You'ie iight, Luck, maybe I '0 just jumpy. This is

Fiio sigheu anu lookeu at Luck. Finally, he began to talk about the ieason foi his

"You got one of those invitations, too, iight."

"Yes. 0nfoitunately, that's not the kinu of thing we can ignoie, even if we wanteu to.
We aie connecteu to them, even if only a little. They sent one to a Family that's
completely unielateu to them, so of couise they woulu senu one to us."

It all staiteu a few uays ago.

Fiio hau just maue it back home, when Nolsa Naitillo hau suuuenly calleu him in to
talk about something.

1V$4H3, /,'*8 'B$4& &/, 5!'%& #'"!%$ &/, P4%$*'&'" '*, B4!78!%5 *!5/& %,X& &$
N'%/'&&'%. 8$%H& 6$4?1

Fiio hau heaiu about it, although it was only a iumoi when he was taken to San

They weie builuing a multipuipose skysciapei along the coast neai Nanhattan
Islanu that woulu host a hotel, commeicial centei, offices anu even a iestauiant,
among othei things. Noie impoitantly, the Runoiata Family was backing the pioject.

It was uifficult aiea to builu in. Foi one thing, it was the piopeity of Senatoi Nanfieu
Beiiam, who was well-known foi his hatieu of gangs, anu foi anothei it was
sanuwicheu in between the teiiitoiy of two of the big Nafia families.

Bowevei, unuei the pietense of a geneious election uonation, a piece of that lanu
was solu. The iights to the lanu passeu thiough a numbei of hanus, all of them
wealthy, eventually falling into the hanus of a business unuei the Runoiata
umbiella, anu the constiuction of the afoiementioneu skysciapei finally began.

The builuing was constiucteu with suipiising speeu, anu its mouein uesign ensuieu
that it woulu be easily iecognizable fiom Nanhattan Islanu, even though it woulun't
bieak any iecoius.

0nlike Nebula's Nist Wall, it was naiiow all the way up, tapeiing to a point at the
top. It wasn't long befoie it was nicknameu "Ra's Lance" aftei the Egyptian sun gou.

The gianu opening hau alieauy happeneu, but the constiuction of the unueigiounu
iestauiant hau been postponeu, if Fiio iemembeieu iight.

Below the iestauiant, theie weie to be a numbei of special ieseiveu iooms foi vIP
guests, but the iumoi was that those iooms weie now going to be tuineu into a
casino insteau.

That was as fai as Fiio knew. Nolsa hau continueu.

12 9$%H& '"- 'B$4& &/, :$7!#, 5,&&!%5 $;; &/,!* '""," &$ ":*,'8 &/,", *40$*" '*$4%8
2 ",, !&H" ,3,% *,'#/,8 6$4< D" !& !". &/,*,H" %$ ,3!8,%#,. B4& &/,*,H*, :*$B'B76 "$0,
B*!B," ;7$'&!%5 '*$4%8<1

1=/!" 0$*%!%5. 9, 5$& ' 0,""'5, ;*$0 &/, P4%$*'&' A'0!76< D& ;!*"&. 2 &/$45/& !& 9'"
' M$-,. B4& P$%%!, &$$- ' 7$$- '& /!0 '%8 #$%;!*0,8 /, *,'776 9'" ' P4%$*'&'<"

A messengei fiom the Runoiatas.

What business uiu they have with such a small family like the Naitillos. Bau he
come to tell them to hanu ovei theii teiiitoiy.

Fiio iemembeieu the mess between them anu the uanuois fiom a few yeais ago.
Appiehension tighteneu aiounu his entiie bouy, but what Nolsa saiu completely
uefieu his expectations.

12& 9'" '% !%3!&'&!$%. '%8 %$& M4"& &$ 4"< =/,6 ",%& &/,0 &$ ,3,*6$%, !% &/, '*,'<

1=/,6H*, 5$!%5 &$ &4*% &/, 4%8,*5*$4%8 *$$0" !%&$ ' 5'0B7!%5 8,%< 2&H77 $:,%
"$0,&!0, !% &/, 0!887, $; A,B*4'*6. '7&/$45/ &/, ,X'#& 8'&, 8,:,%8" $% &/, ;,8"<

1S% &/, 8'6 $; &/, 5*'%8 $:,%!%5. 9!&/ '77 $; &/, 0'%6 !0:$*&'%& :,$:7, &/,6H3, ",%&
&/, !%3!&'&!$%" &$<<<&/,6H77 7,& ,'#/ $*5'%!J'&!$% /'3, $%, *$$0< =/,6 ,3,% 9!"/,8 4"
74#-< 2&H" *!8!#47$4"<

1N6 54& !" &,77!%5 0, &$ *,;4",. B4& 2 8$%H& &/!%- 9, /'3, ' #/$!#,< P!5/& %$9. A!*$.
6$4H*, &/, $%, !% #/'*5, $; $4* #'"!%$< K/,&/,* $* %$& 6$4 9'%& &$ &'-, #'*, $; &/!" !"
4: &$ 6$4<1

Aftei a long night of hesitation, Fiio tolu Nolsa that he woulu go.

It woulu be a lie to say that he uiun't want to get back some of his piiue, but when all
was saiu anu uone, Fiio took the job so he woulu be useful to the Family.

If he hau tuineu uown the invitation, it woulu be a slap in the face to the Runoiatas.

Nolsa uiun't seem to caie whethei it tuineu into a wai oi not, but Fiio coulun't
stanu the iuea of a iumoi floating aiounu that the Naitillo Family hau iun away
with theii tails between theii legs.

0f couise it was a tiap. Naybe it wasn't, but Fiio wasn't holuing his bieath foi that

They woulu have Nafia executives fiom eveiy family in the aiea in one place
unueigiounu. Theie was no guaiantee that a Runoiata assassin woulun't appeai
with a machine gun the moment they weie all assembleu.

But Fiio wasn't as conceineu about that scenaiio, foi obvious ieasons. Nuch woise
woulu be a police iaiu. If they came in while they weie gambling, they coulu aiiest
membeis of eveiy Family in the aiea.

Anu if he weie aiiesteu legitimately this time, the police might use that to theii
auvantage anu tiy to get a snitch, anu at that point anyone coulu be enu up woiking
foi the police. The Runoiata Family woulu have alieauy chosen someone to get
aiiesteu fiom theii Family, anu once the scapegoat just insisteu that he uiun't know
anything, theii uamages woulu be kept to a minimum.

12; &/'& /'::,%". &/, 0$0,%& 2H0 &/*$9% !% :*!"$%. :7,'", M4"& !%"!"& &/'& 2 9'" &/*$9%
$4& $; &/, A'0!76 ' 9/!7, '5$< 2 9$478 %,3,* "Y4,'7 $% 6$4.1 Fiio hau tolu Nolsa
iesolutely when he saiu he woulu take the job.

12 8$%H& :7'% $% "'6!%5 '%6&/!%5 ;*$0 &/, "&'*&. %$ 0'&&,* 9/'& /'::,%".1 Nolsa
hau ieplieu. 1F$. 2 9$%H& "'6 ' &/!%5<

12H77 M4"& "7!& P4%$*'&'H" &/*$'& 06",7;<1


"Bonestly, sciew the Runoiatas. 'Look at us, we'ie the big shots aiounu heie, so uo
whatevei the hell we want.' The hell uo they think they aie." Fiio complaineu to his

Luck smileu wiyly anu answeieu quietly.

"They'ie not just blowing smoke, Fiio. They've maue themselves stiong so they can
affoiu to inuulge themselves like this."

"They'ie spoileu, is what they aie," Fiio ieplieu teisely. "Appaiently, it's not enough
foi us to be theii bookies. They'ie tiyna make us into suckeis."

"A,,7 ;*,, &$ B,& 6$4* A'0!76H" '"",&" '%8 &,**!&$*6 '" #/!:" '" 9,77," the Runoiata
messengei hau saiu. "=/, P4%$*'&' A'0!76 !" &/, B,"& M485, '3'!7'B7,< S; #$4*",. !; 6$4
9!"/ &$ #/'77,%5, &/, P4%$*'&' A'0!76 !&",7;. '77 6$4 %,,8 !" ' :*$:$"'7 '%8 9,H77 &'-, !&
!%&$ #$%"!8,*'&!$%."

Fiio sigheu anu puiseu his lips.

"The long anu shoit of it is, they just wanna see how much powei they actually have.
Right. I mean, if they'ie going to waste theii time jeiking us aiounu like this, might
as well make the best of it. I'll lose a few iounus to some iegulai iich schmuck."


"Yeah. If they think they can win, then they might come heie, y'know." Fiio

Luck ieplieu expiessionlessly.

"...I hope that goes well foi you. Theie's anothei angle to this, though, I'm suie."

"Yeah. They wanna knock us uown a peg any way they can."

"0f couise they uo. Well, the casino itself isn't technically anyone's teiiitoiy, so we'll
have to take some piecautions. The whole thing is a giey aiea."

"It's not even a giey aiea at this point, it's all just totally black. Ronnie uoesn't even
know what's going to happen, anu he expiessly tolu me to be caieful."

Eveiyone in the Family completely tiusteu Ronnie's ability to gathei infoimation. Be
knew eveiything on all of the executives in the Nafia all the way out on the West
Coast, to say nothing of the gangs neaiby. Plus, he hau nevei been mistaken once.

Relying so heavily on one peison was not veiy Family-like, but Nolsa hau once
inauveitently let it slip to Fiio when they weie uiinking that theie woulu be nothing
they coulu uo if Ronnie betiayeu them. "2; P$%%!, B,&*'6" 4". &/,*,H" %$& 04#/ 9, #'%
8$ 'B$4& !&< 2& 9$478 M4"& 0,'% 2 9'"%H& &/, 7,'8,* 2 &/$45/&." Even the evei-loyal Fiio
thought that if Ronnie betiayeu them, theie woulu be nothing foi it but to give up.

In fact, the membeis of the Family weie a little mystifieu as to how a man of
Ronnie's calibei coulu be satisfieu with woiking foi such a small oiganization, but
he woulu only ieply mouestly: "You oveiestimate me." Fiio hau ueciueu that it was
just uue to the uon's chaiisma. Be iespecteu Nolsa as a man, Naiza as the closest
thing he hau to a biothei, anu Ronnie as someone who was just incieuible on eveiy
possible level.

In shoit, if P$%%!, was telling him to be caieful, he coulun't affoiu to let his guaiu
uown at all.

Anu that was also why he hau no intention of calling it off.

"Come on. A guy finally gets out of lockup just to finu himself in a mess like this. As
fai as coinciuences go, I think this is the woist timing I've evei hau."

Fiio hau no iegiets, but that uiun't mean he coulun't complain a little.

Luck lookeu away fiom Fiio foi a moment. "Bm..." he mutteieu, "I piay it ieally is
just a coinciuence..."


Neiuei stoou casually in a coinei of the casino, pietenuing to take a bieak as he
watcheu the othei gambleis theie with him.

Be thought about playing a caiu game, but it woulu be uifficult to uo with his
piosthetic hanu. It was a high-quality mouel fiom Nebula, so much so that he coulu
holu a wine glass natuially, but he coulun't make the piecise movements iequiieu
foi playing caius.

Anu if he only playeu using his left hanu, someone was bounu to notice. Foi now, he
uiun't want to uiaw any moie attention to himself than necessaiy. Some people
coulu keep theii cool unuei obseivation anu match a penetiating gaze staie foi
staie, but Neiuei uiun't even have the neive foi that, much less the skill.

Be stoou, just watching anu thinking foi about ten minutes. Finally, Neiuei ueciueu
to stait off with the ioulette, but a voice suuuenly ieacheu his eais.

"Is theie something the mattei. You'ie acting stiange."

Eveiy haii on Neiuei's bouy stoou on enu, anu he instantly flung his hanus up to
piotect his thioat anu chest. Be hau no iuea how long the boy hau been theie next to
him, but he coulun't take the chance that it was a hitman.

"Inteiesting ieflexes you have theie."

"0h, no, I mean, soiiy," Neiuei stammeieu, unconvinceu that the boy meant him no

Be lookeu at the newcomei cautiously.

At fiist glance, the boy lookeu a few yeais youngei than Neiuei. If he hau to guess,
he was still in his teens, like the boy in the office.

"No, no, it's my fault. I'm soiiy foi staitling you. As an apology, how about I give you
one of my tokens."

Anu then the boy hanueu him a slot machine token. It was the cheapest kinu,
viitually woithless.

"No, it's fine."

"Take it. I insist. }ust think of it as youi lucky token anu give it a spin." Bis eyes
flickeu to the machine next to Neiuei anu back again.

"...Well, I guess I'll take it, then. Thanks. Anu soiiy. Again."

The boy coulu be involveu with the casino. If so, it woulun't be goou to stubboinly
keep tuining him uown. Be just thought of it as a test of his luck as he put the token
in the machine anu pulleu the levei.

The ieels began to spin.

The assoiteu images blenueu togethei to cieate thiee siue-by-siue stieams of
kaleiuoscopic coloi. Neiuei knew next to nothing about slot machines anu uiun't
caie about them in paiticulai, so he just staieu vacantly at the spinning colois anu
waiteu foi them to stop.

Anu with a satisfying 8!%5, the fiist ieel came to a halt. The bell fiom the machine
was almost soothing, easing Neiuei's tension. If only a little.

j h k

=/!" !" !%#*,8!B7,< O7$& 0'#/!%," &/,", 8'6"<<<<

j h k

=$&'776 8!;;,*,%& ;*$0 B'#- 9/,% 2 9'" "9!%87!%5 :,$:7, '& &/,", -!%8" $; #'"!

j h k

Foi a moment, Neiuei's minu went completely blank.

j h k j h k j h k

Neiuei knew a total of 21 was significant, but befoie he coulu iemembei

The Nebula-maue slot machine changeu fiom the sounu of a single bell to an
oichestia, anu louuly playeu the song that ueclaieu to eveiyone that he hau just won
the jackpot.


"Wh-what's that sounu."

}acuzzi hau just set foot on the staiis. Be ciingeu at the louu noise that sounueu fiom
below, even though theie was nothing uaik oi fiightening about the music at all.

Ronnie answeieu neutially.

" sounus like somebouy won the jackpot on a slot machine."

"}ackpot.! That's amazing!"

}acuzzi peikeu up, eyes spaikling with envy. Ronnie smileu bitteily anu continueu
uown the staiis. "It's not a sounu the house wants to heai, but.well, no mattei."


"Ah, shit! I knew that punk was up to something!"

Fiio iecognizeu the sounu instantly. Be jumpeu up to leave the office when he
iealizeu the man stanuing befoie the slot machine was the newcomei fiom eailiei.

"Calm uown, Fiio. Coinciuences happen sometimes, uon't they. Weien't you just
saying that it's goou foi people to win on that mouel eveiy so often."

"Well, yeah, but c'mon, Luck! Look at him! Be's gotta be hiuing something. Plus,
that's the sounu of TBE jackpot! That's only supposeu to happen once, $%#, eveiy
ten uays oi so, on all of the slots combineu! Anu the last one was only yesteiuay!"

"But isn't that how the laws of piobability woik. You can't say that it won't happen
two uays in a iow. You'ie jumping to conclusions because you've alieauy ueciueu
that he's suspicious. If you go out theie anu it ieally is just a coinciuence, Fiio, it's
not youi ieputation that's going to suffei. It's the Naitillo Family's."

".Yeah, I know. I know. I'm not going to knock his lights out oi anything."

Fiio hau iegaineu some of his calm thanks to Lucks auvice. Be steauieu his
bieathing anu heaueu foi the uooi.

"I'll just congiatulate him, anu make suie eveiything's koshei myself."



Neiuei hau nevei seen this kinu of slot machine befoie, appaiently a special mouel
of some kinu. The bells playeu togethei to cieate a louu music that was impossible
to ignoie as a floou of tokens spilleu fiom the mouth of the machine. Anu not the
cheap kinu, like the one Neiuei hau put in, but the highest value ones in the casino.

The slot machines of the eaily 2u
centuiy weie not electionically poweieu, but
mechanical anu complex. Not even the manageis of the casinos coulu tampei with
theii chances of winning. If you compaieu them with the mouels that woulu come
latei, the chances weie faiily high of winning the jackpot, so it wasn't an especially
high sum of money.

Even so, it was enough to feeu a man comfoitably, though not extiavagantly, foi a
full yeai. In this Bepiession, the amount was uowniight outiageous. Neiuei was
fiozen in shock.

"Well, well, congiatulations!" The accolaue came fiom the boy who hau given him
the winning token, who began to clap. The othei gambleis in the galleiy (except foi
those engiosseu in a high-stakes game) tuineu his way togethei anu joineu in a big
iounu of applause.

Neiuei was sweating piofusely, caught up in a stoim of piaise showeieu on him like
he hau nevei hau in his life.

=/!" '!%H& *!5/&<

Be was a nobouy. A losei. A sciewup. Even he knew that.

=/,*,H" %$ 9'6 06 74#- !" &/!" 5$$8<

Be knew that whatevei kinu of luck he hau, it woulu nevei net him a jackpot in a
place like this.

=/'&Z&/'& B*'& 04"&H3, 8$%, "$0,&/!%5Z",& 0, 4:ZG

In othei woius, this was pioof that he was unuoubteuly being uiawn into something
biggei, anu that the smiling boy befoie his eyes hau leu him into uiawing the
shoitest of shoit stiaws.

While Neiuei was still lost in his thoughts, anothei young man appeaieu as if to
confiim his piemonition.

"Congiatulations, sii!"

>4/? 2" &/'&Z&/, -!8 2 "'9 !% &/, $;;!#, ,'*7!,*? >, M4"& #'77,8 0, 1"!*1Z<0'6B, /, is
*,7'&,8 &$ '% ,0:7$6,, /,*,< C4& 9/6 9$478 /, #$0, '%8 &'7- &$ 0,?

Neiuei was thoioughly confuseu as the young man in the pale gieen suit politely
offeieu his hanu.

"I'm Fiio Piochainezo, the managei heie. We appieciate that you biought such goou
luck with you heie to oui establishment. We can only piay that we will shaie in youi
goou foitune."

Anyone who knew Fiio woulu have exploueu with laughtei at this point ("What's
with the hoity-toity bullshit all of a suuuen. Bahahaha!"), but Neiuei hau nevei met
him befoie anu only became moie confuseu.

>4/? =/E&/!" -!8 !" &/, 0'%'5,*?G <<<>$9 $78 !" /,. '%69'6?G

0ne uoubt iose up aftei anothei, inunuating his minu anu thieatening to ciush him,
but Neiuei baiely helu his giounu anu saiu what he neeueu to say.

"0h, no, y-you've got it wiong."

"What uo I have wiong, sii."

"That kiu just now, he"

Neiuei tuineu to point to the boy who hau given him the token, but when he tuineu
aiounu, he hau alieauy uisappeaieu into the ciowu that hau foimeu aiounu the

=/'&[&/'& "$% $; ' B!&#/G 2 -%,9 !&G

=/'& -!8Z/, M4"& "#*,9,8 0, /'*8. 8!8%H& /,G

A noimal peison might have thought he was an angel beaiing goou luck.

But to Neiuei, he was the plague itself, biinging the woist kinu of unwanteu
attention. Be even began to wonuei if whatevei tiouble he was being uiawn into
hau anything to uo with the money he hau just won at all.

"Biu something happen."

"Ah, no.nothing happeneu."

Neiuei lookeu a little pale, but Fiio continueu with a iefieshing smile plasteieu on
his face.

"By the way, sii.may I ask you who intiouuceu you to oui casino."

It wasn't completely invitation-only, but nobouy just wanueieu into an gambling
uen on a laik. Foi one thing, theie weie no signs pointing the way, anu foi anothei
the entiance was uisguiseu to look like the back uooi of a geneial stoie.

As Neiuei huiiieuly thought of how to answei, he iemembeieu that Fiio's name
wasn't completely unfamiliai to him.

=/E&/'&H" *!5/&< V,'/< @'88 "'!8 /, /'8 ' B4886 %'0,8 A!*$ 9/$ 9$*-,8 /,*,<

=/!" -!8?G

"L-Lauu! Lauu Russo! Be saiu you two weie fiienus!"

Neiuei gave the name with a wiue smile, thinking it woulu save him, but

0n the contiaiy, Fiio's smile fioze, anu it was obvious that he was stiuggling to keep
the coineis of his mouth wheie they weie.

K/'& -!%8 $; ' *,'#&!$% !" &/'&?G D*,%H& &/,6 ;*!,%8"?

Neiuei hau a veiy bau feeling that Lauu's stoiy might not have been entiiely tiue.

"Then.I guess that means he's been ieleaseu," Fiio saiu coluly. "Is that coiiect, sii."


;( 9%$(& $9 &-" "(&%.(,"

"What aie you going to uo, Ennis. Aie you going in."

"Well.I uon't want to inteifeie with Fiio's woik."

Ennis stoou in the ioau in fiont of Fiio's casino, hesitant about whethei she shoulu
go in aftei all. She lookeu at the entiance uncomfoitably.

Annie pusheu hei a little.

"It's aliight, Ennis! We can just go in as iegulai customeis, so you shoulu go on in!"

"But if something weie to happen, it coulu become uangeious. Czes, Annie, the two
of you shoulu piobably go."

But Annie cut hei off, giabbing Ennis' face anu pulling on hei cheeks.

"Bwat aie you hoing."

"Come onnn, Ennis! If it uoes get uangeious, you'll be in just as much tiouble as us,

Annie let go of Ennis' cheeks anu put hei hanus on hei hips. "You'ie just a fiail,
helpless giil, same as me! So the conuitions shoulu be the same!"

"Conuitions. What conuitions."


The winu pickeu up foi a moment, blowing sounulessly between them.

Ennis tilteu hei heau in confusion, anu Annie's face flusheu a little.

The vague silence was bioken when a man uasheu between them, uisappeaiing into
the casino. Annie took this as an oppoitunity to speak.

"Aigghh! You anu Fiio just uon't caie at all, uo you.!"

"I'm soiiy.I'm not suie what you'ie talking about, anu maybe we've causeu some
tiouble foi you.but I know that Fiio uoes caie. Be's veiy seiious peison, anu veiy
consiueiate of those aiounu him."


The two seemeu to be talking on completely uiffeient wavelengths. At this iate they
woulun't actually get insiue the casino until tomoiiow moining, but

"Bey, you two, I think we have moie impoitant things to woiiy about."

Czes bioke the tension between them with a completely uiffeient topic.

"That man who went insiue just now lookeu like he hau a ieally big gun."



;(3*1" &-" ,.3*($

Ronnie silently watcheu Fiio anu the customei in fiont of the slot machine fiom the
foot of the staiis.

}acuzzi anu Chiistophei weie clapping in congiatulations along with eveiyone
aiounu them, but Fiio uiun't seem to have noticeu them.

The two youngsteis just lookeu at each othei sobeily, although Ricaiuo gave a few
claps to be polite.

"Be won the jackpot! That's amazing! I wish I coulu uo something like that." }acuzzi
was a little envious.

"Boesn't look too happy about it, though. By the way, is that kiu with him supposeu
to be Fiio." Rail smiikeu.

Ronnie quickly helu a fingei to his lips.

"Be uoes have a baby-face, anu quite a complex to go with it," he saiu quietly. "If you
uon't want a beating, I woulu auvise you not to say that to his face. Bis tempei isn't
so out of contiol that he woulu seiiously huit a chilu, but his feelings will be huit,
that's foi suie."

".Bmph. I'll tiy not to piss him off, then," Rail ieplieu flippantly. Bowevei, Ronnie
was seiious enough that Rail stoppeu smiling anu lookeu away.

"Wait, he actually oluei than us.."

Foitunately, Fiio uiun't heai the question. If he hau, }acuzzi woulu have been
unconscious befoie he even hau a chance to stait ciying.

Ronnie openeu his mouth, but the answei nevei came.

That instant, the casino employee who hau stoou guaiu at the uooi fell noisily uown
the steps they hau just come uown a moment ago.


"So Lauu intiouuceu you to this place." Fiio askeu, iubbing his foieheau.

Neiuei lookeu unsuie of how to answei, but suuuenly theie was a violent noise fiom
the entiance. The boy with the tattoo let out a scieech.

"What happeneu."

Fiio lookeu towaius the bottom of the staiis, anu the fiist thing he saw was
a stiange, ieu-eyeu man. The man baieu his teeth in a fienuish smile anu waveu a
hanu in gieeting.


<<<&/, /,#-G? "...Chiistophei.!"

K/'& &/, /,77 !" /, 8$!%5 /,*,?

At fiist he thought his unconscious employees weie Chiistophei's uoing, but it
lookeu as if they hau been knockeu out at the top of the staiis, anu sent iolling uown
them only a moment ago...

Anu that moment, he saw a man coming uown the staiis, clinging a Tommy gun like
a man possesseu.

Fiio iecognizeu him.

It was the cheat he hau thiown out of the casino only a little while ago. A few of the
:!##!$&&$" weie supposeu to uiag him uown to the Naitillo family's main office, but
it lookeu like the man hau gotten away en ioute.


The man's voice was still a little uamageu, but his intent was cleai as he fiieu wiluly
into the ceiling.

At the sounu of gunfiie, the pations staiteu shouting in panic, iunning eveiy which
way foi covei.

=/!" "$% $; ' B!&#/ M4"& 8$,"%H& -%$9 9/,% &$ Y4!&G

Tommy guns weien't easy to come by. It was possible he got one so quickly because
he was connecteu with a neaiby mafia, but Fiio knew bettei. No mafia woulu take
ievenge foi beating up a swinulei by uoing something so incieuibly stupiu.

T$," &/!" 546 /'3, ' 8,'&/ 9!"/? T!8 2 :!"" /!0 $;; &/'& 04#/?

S*<<<8$," /, &/!%- /, #$478 5,& '9'6 ;*$0 4"? T$,"%H& 0'&&,*<

>,H77 *,5*,& &/, 8'6 /, 9'" B$*% 9/,% 2H0 &/*$45/ 9!&/ /!0<


}acuzzi shiiekeu in panic at the gunshots immeuiately behinu him.

Rail anu Ricaiuo uiun't even move to covei theii eais, anu Chiistophei just lookeu to
Fiio, eyes spaikling with excitement as he waiteu to see what he woulu uo.

Ronnie uiu nothing to uisaim the intiuuei, eithei, peihaps iefiaining fiom ievealing
his poweis in fiont of such a laige numbei of people.

It uiun't look like the man who hau fallen uown the staiis was shot befoiehanu, but
piobably thieateneu with the gun anu kickeu uown the staiis. Be was only

Ronnie let out a sigh of ielief.

K,77 &/,%. 9/'& &$ 8$<

N'6B, 2 "/$478 M4"& &'-, /!0 8$9% '%8 8!"'*0 /!0 7!-, ' %$*0'7 /40'%<

If push came to shove, he coulu make the gun itself uisappeai fiom the man's hanu,
but in fiont of all these customeisespecially gambleishe woulun't be able to
play it off as "sleight of hanu" like he hau with }acuzzi's gang.

Fiom time to time, he woulu act like the knife-fighting expeit who hau passeu his
skills on to Fiio. Be ieacheu in his jacket foi his knife, but then he saw something
that maue him stop.

K,77. 9,77< 2 "4::$", !&H" %$%, $; 06 B4"!%,"" ';&,* '77<

F$ 0'&&,*<

Ronnie smileu slightly anu sigheu as a woman, uiesseu in a black men's suit, came
flying uown the staiis.

"Ah!" "Ah." "Aah!" "0h..." "...0h."

Incluuing Fiio, Neiuei, }acuzzi, anu Rail, almost eveiyone except foi the shootei let
out some soit of ciy of suipiise.

The man iealizeu instantly that eveiyone's attention was suuuenly on some point
above him, but it was too late. Befoie he coulu tuin his heau to see what was the
mattei, he felt a shaip pain shooting thiough his shouluei.

The woman hau lanueu with hei iight foou on his collaibone, anu she ueftly pluckeu
the gun, still pointeu at the ceiling, out of his hanu.

The man's collaibone ciackeu unuei hei weight with an uncomfoitable "%':, anu
the next instant his shouluei saggeu in a way it was nevei meant to. The man
openeu his mouth to scieam fiom the pain when the butt of the gun slammeu into it,
knocking out his teeth.

Be was unconscious befoie he even saw what hit him.

The man was skillfully subuueu in the blink of an eye.

The customeis who hau shouteu weie uumbfounueu foi a momentanu in the
next, they began to clap enthusiastically foi the woman who hau saveu them, much
moie than when Neiuei hau set off the slot machine.

Ennis ignoieu the accolaue anu lookeu aiounu the casino iestlessly. When hei eyes
finally lanueu on Fiio, she bieatheu a sigh of ielief.

0n the othei hanu, Fiio was wonueiing what on eaith Ennis was uoing heie, but his
fiist piioiity was to make suie she was uninjuieu as well. She appeaieu fine,
howevei, anu he gave his own sigh of ielief.

"...Bm. It's ovei. Alieauy. Anu heie I thought we weie going to be tieateu to a
spectaculai show!"

Chiistophei askeu, the lone voice of uiscontent in the ioom. Fiio ueciueu he woulu
ask him all about the ciicumstances latei, anu lookeu ovei towaius the staiicase
again. Be stiffeneu when he saw Ronnie.

D//. 8'0%G P$%%!, M4"& "'9 0, "#*,9 4: B!5 &!0,Z

Fiio haun't actually maue any mistakes himself, but as the one in chaige of the
casino, he coulun't think of an inciuent like this as anything othei than a blot on his
iecoiu. Even if it was a small one.

Bowevei, now was not the time to beat himself up. Be hau to take caie of the
situation itself fiist. Be iaiseu his voice.

"I apologize foi the uistuibance, eveiyone! The police may come thanks to the
gunshots just now, so we'ie going to exchange all the chips now anu concluue oui
business foi touay."


At that woiu, the customeis' faces changeu instantly.

"I apologize to those of you on a winning stieak oi if you weie tiying to tuin things
aiounu, but iest assuieu you will be piopeily compensateu tomoiiow. We
appieciate youi unueistanuing in this mattei."

Befoie Fiio coulu finish his sentence, eveiyone was sciambling foi the exchange
countei, pushing each othei out of the way, anu the ones who hau alieauy lost all
theii chips maue a mau uash foi the uooi.

Fiio ceitainly wasn't happy with the situation, but he uiun't have time to complain.

Be noticeu that a lot of customeis hau ueciueu that it wasn't woith the iisk anu left
some of theii chips behinu.

T'00!&. 9,H*, 5$%%' 7$", /'7; $4* #7!,%&,7, &/'%-" &$ &/!", Fiio thought as he tiieu to
keep the fiay unuei contiol.

Tiust was especially impoitant to the unueiwoilu casinos.

Theie weie plenty of oiganizations all ovei Nanhattan with theii own casinos. If a
customei ueciueu theie was anything they uiun't like about a paiticulai place, no
mattei how small, they coulu just go to any of the othei options.

2 %,,8 &$ 8$ "$0,&/!%5 &$ 9!% B'#- &/,!* &*4"&Z

Fiio giit his teeth, when suuuenly he heaiu Ennis' voice behinu him.

"Aie you aliight, Fiio."

Fiio ueciueu to play it cool with a line like, "O'3, !& ;$* 7'&,*< 2H0 9$*-!%5 '%8 2 /'3,
&$ 5,& 06 #4"&$0,*" $4&&' /,*,.1 but when he tuineu aiounu anu faceu hei, his minu
went blank. "Ei.yeah. I'm fine. You'ie not huit, aie you."

Be only iealizeu aftei he saiu it what a stupiu question that was to ask an immoital.

"I am fine. When I heaiu the gunshots eailiei, I thought someone might have been
huit, so."

"Nah, he just shot into the aii. The ceiling heie is a lot toughei than the one at
Alveaie, so they piobably uiun't even punch thiough," Fiio saiu. Be tuineu back to
uiiecting the customeis, but

"Bey, Fiio. I must say, that was quite a uisastei. 0i is this a uaily occuiience."

A familiai ieu-eyeu monstei poppeu out fiom behinu Ennis.

".Chiistophei.what aie you uoing heie."

Fiio's ueep uispleasuie showeu on his face. Be ueciueu to hanule the situation
piopeily while he continueu to help eveiyone leave.

Chiistophei's shoulueis slumpeu uiamatically at Fiio's attituue. "You'ie teiiible. Is
that how you tieat youi best fiienu aftei such a long time."

"No, because we'ie not best fiienus."

"No neeu to be so snippy. I'll be woiking with you fiom now on, aftei all."

"Excuse me."

Fiio stoppeu guiuing the customeis foi a moment anu tuineu to face Chiistophei.

"What aie you talking about. Bon't tell me you'ie planning to pull something like
that stunt at the Nist Wall again, aie you."

"0h, that's up to you."

Fiio iubbeu his temples as Chiistophei continueu to beat aiounu the bush, when a
small figuie appeaieu next to him anu bioke into the conveisation.

"It's nice to meet you, Fiio Piochainezo."


Be uiun't look much oluei than Czes.

K/'& !" /, 8$!%5 /,*,?

"Ny name is Ricaiuo Russo," the boy explaineu evenly. "Chiistophei anu I will be
woiking as youi suboiuinates by Ni. Naitillo's oiueis. I hope we can be of use to


P!#'*8$ZP4""$? =/, 8$%H" $*8,*"? D%8 &/,6H*, 06 "4B$*8!%'&,"? R/*!"&$:/,* &$$?

Fiio hau no iuea what was what, but the name Russo ieminueu him of the man who
hau just hit 777 on the slots.

"Right, wheie is he.look, uh, I-I'll talk to you latei so just holu on a sec," Fiio saiu to
Ricaiuo, a little flusteieu. Be lookeu aiounu foi the man who hau won the jackpot
just a minute ago, anu founu him at the exchange countei, about to get cash foi his

Fiio uasheu ovei towaius him.

Ricaiuo watcheu Fiio go. "Talk to me latei." she mutteieu. Bei eyes weie slightly
glazeu, as if she weie not looking at the casino, but somewheie else entiiely. "We'ie
not going to have time to talk latei."


X2&3*1" &-" ,.3*($
;( 9%$(& $9 &-" "(&%.(,"

"I wonuei if Niss Ennis is okay."

"Well, the gunshots stoppeu. She's piobably fine, iight."

The customeis iusheu out of the entiance to the casino anu scatteieu eveiy which

"But you coulu heai the shots cleaily out heie. The police will get heie soon."

"0h, I uon't know about that. The police aie pietty busy, aftei all."


Czes anu Annie continueu theii conveisation, when a light, easy voice auuiesseu
them fiom behinu.

"Bey theie, kiu, Niss. I heaiu some louu fiieciackeis aiounu heie eailiei, was that
uown theie."

"0h." Czes tuineu aiounu anu stiffeneu.

Behinu him weie a numbei of men anu one woman, one of whom he iecognizeu.

The man also seemeu to iealize something as he saw Czes. Be fuiioweu his biows
anu smileu.

"Bm. You look familiai, kiu. Bave I seen you befoie."

Be lookeu at Czes anu thought quietly foi a few moie seconus, but befoie he coulu
iemembei Czes completely, he tuineu towaius the casino.

"Well, whatevei. Right now I've got a paity to show up to."

0ut of the coinei of his eye, the man noticeu Annie glaiing uaggeis at him anu
pauseu foi a moment.

"I haven't met you befoie, have I." he askeu.

Annie iemaineu completely silent. She just iauiateu hostility, as if he was an enemy
of not only hei, but hei entiie family.

"What, uiu I kill youi boyfiienu somewheie oi something. Soiiy about that if I uiu.
I'm not gonna think about it too ueeply, though."

The man lookeu like he was enjoying hei glaie, anu heaueu back towaiu the staiis
with his companions in tow.

"Looks like you ieally uo have some soit of giuuge against me. Soiiy, uoll, if you
wanna kill me, you'ie gonna have to join the paity uown theie with me."


;( &-" ,.3*($

"...You weien't thinking you coulu leave just like that, weie you, sii."

Neiuei hau just finisheu exchanging his chips, but when he tuineu aiounu theie was
Fiio blocking his way, giinning fieicely. 0f couise, the smile came nowheie neai his

Nost of the twenty-some customeis hau alieauy escapeu, anu the othei employees
hau caiefully tieu up the tioublemakei fiom eailiei.

Neiuei ciauleu his mass of money, anu shook his heau imploiingly.

"B-hey.just wait a seconu. You can look into it all ya want, I wasn't cheating!"

"Well, let's leave that foi now. I'm inteiesteu in the one who intiouuceu you to this
place. Lauu."

Chiistophei watcheu the two fiom a little ways anu shook his heau in boieuom.

"Well, this isn't what I was expecting. I thought it woulu be a little moie like, hmmm,
Russian ioulette with gatling guns oi something."

".That's because Fiio isn't a complete numbskull."

"When you become the boss, Ricaiuo, you shoulu make a casino that shows iespect
foi natuie. Like a slot machine that's a giant wateifall, oi a toinauo ioulette."

"I uon't plan on becoming a numbskull anytime soon eithei, you know," Ricaiuo
answeieu moouily. Aftei a moment, she spoke to Chiistophei again. "By the way,

"What's the mattei."

"J$2 E.M F.(& &$ &2%( .%$2(1l"


Ricaiuo uiun't tuin aiounu heiself, but Chiis uiu as he was tolu

Anu saw a silvei uisc spinning towaiu him with incieuible speeu.

It was ueja vu, the same scene as the one in the iestauiant at the enu of last yeai.

Chiistophei's vision was shaip enough to tell that the object was not actually a uisc,
but a giant wiench, spinning in a peifect ciicle so fast that it lookeu like a soliu uisc.

At the same time, he noticeu a familiai man in blue woik clothes on the staiicase,
giinning mauly.


Chiistophei ietuineu his own fienuish smile at the mass of ueath flying towaiu him
anu kickeu the wiench up with incieuible powei. The uull sounu of impact iang out,
as the wiench's tiajectoiy changeu towaius the ceiling.

"What was that."


Fiio anu Neiuei noticeu the commotion anu tuineu aiounu. Chiistophei anu he man
in blue on the staiicase stoou giinning mauly anu glaiing at each othei, with a
wiench in miuaii between them. It was a uifficult pictuie to make sense of.

The next moment, the wiench fell on the bounu, unconscious cheatei fiom eailiei,
bouncing fiom his back anu hitting the flooi with a louu clang.


The man was still unconscious when he shouteu, inuicating his spine may have
taken some uamage in the piocess.

The few iemaining customeis tuineu to see what all the noise was about.

uiaham hoppeu onto the banistei anu skillfully stoou on it with peifect balance.
"This is fun.Let me tell you a fun stoiy!" he ueclaieu at the top of his voice, heeuless
of the waiy staies of eveiyone neaiby.

"I steppeu into this casino touay in oiuei to gamble...I once heaiu a casino is a
spectium of the human expeiience, a gambling ioom wheie humanity comes
togethei to stave off haish ieality foi a time, but...if so, what a win I iakeu in! To
think I woulu ieunite with my fateu, inevitable, unavoiuable iival AKA that ieu-eyeu
bastaiu who just pisses me off foi some ieason in a place like this!"

As uiaham launcheu into his long-winueu tiiaue, he took out a iegulai-sizeu wiench
hanging at his waist anu juggleu it aiounu anu aiounu so fast the aii sang.

"If ieunions aie the jackpot, anu I just ieuniteu with Lauu again, that's two wins in a
iow! I'm on a iegulai winning stieak! ...Aw, man, it feels just like I uiew two lucky all I neeu is a thiiu...Yes! 0n the uay I'm ieuniteu with my long-lost
sistei, I'll have my thiee lucky seven caius anu then I'll win at the slots anu get a
blackjack hanu on the fiist iounu anu can theie B, a stoiy moie fun than
that.!" uiaham shouteu, his wiench matching his ihythm as it flew back anu foith
between his hanus.

"In othei woius, I'll neeu some chips, so I'm gonna iip out all youi teeth anu bet
them insteau! Is that okay with you.!"

With that, he launcheu off of the banistei, heauing stiaight towaius Chiistophei. The
astounuing powei behinu uiaham's jump coveieu the few meteis between them
easily. uiaham twisteu in miuaii anu biought the wiench uown towaius
Chiistophei with both hanus, not losing an ounce of momentum.

But Chiistophei uougeu it by a haii's bieauth anu leapt to the siue. "Wow! Youi
naicissism is almost touching! I uon't know what to uo!" Be kickeu off the flooi anu
slanteu his bouy into a uiagonal flying iounuhouse kick.

uiaham uiamatically thiew himself backwaius into a biiuge stance anu thiew a
wiench towaius the aiiboine Chiistophei.

Chiistophei caught it easily anu lanueu skillfully as a gymnast.

"I guess not. You shoulu stop gambling anu take up a moie steauy line of woik. Who
knows, maybe youi sistei will come back!"

"Wha...she woulu....! Yes! I unueistanu! I'll tuin my life aiounu! I won't gamble
anothei uay in my life!"

Chiistophei was tiying to piovoke uiaham, but the mechanic took him seiiously.

uiaham thiew himself foiwaiu fiom his biiuge postuie, anu the momentum caiiieu
him into a completely pointless seiies of someisaults ovei to wheie the giant
wiench hau fallen. Be pickeu the wiench up anu helu it in a uual-wieluing stance
with the smallei wiench.

Be clangeu them togethei like a uiummei signaling the stait of a song anu flew
towaius Chiistophei again.

"By the way, what uo you think I shoulu call my sistei when she comes back. She
was my fiist love once upon a time, you know, so shoulu I call hei "Sis" oi "Boss Sis"
oi "Sistei" oi "Boney" oi "0lu Bag".... Anothei gamble, what a iush! If she gets
offenueu, maybe she'll uislocate my neck with hei baie hanus!"

uiaham moveu his mouth just as fast as his hanus.

Chiistophei answeieu with uelight, eithei uouging blows by a haii's bieauth oi
blocking with the wiench in his iight hanu.

"Wow, you'ie stupiu! But I uon't minu! Even with all youi wisuom anu knowleuge,
it's the way of humanity to face the consequences of the gambles they take. You can
nevei escape fiom fate! ...In othei woius, it's the veiy instinct of youi species, anu
what can be moie natuial than that! Foi humans, this casino is like the foiest, the
fielus, anu the gieat ueep of the ocean!"

0f couise, Chiistophei continueu to spout his own peculiai theoiies.

Theii minus weie equally bioken, but in such a way they woulu always giate against
each othei, like a paii of ill-foimeu geais.

The waipeu clashes anu clangs of the misfit cogs scaieu all of the noimal people,
anu even those who haun't gotten theii money yet staiteu uashing foi the uooi.

The battle became moie anu moie intense, with the scieams of fiantically escaping
pations seiving as an appiopiiate backgiounu music.

Eveiyone watching piocesseu the scene in theii own way. Ronnie just listeneu to
them with consiueiable inteiest. Rail pulleu out a bomb fiom insiue hei jacket,
whispeiing about helping Chiis befoie }acuzzi teaifully stoppeu hei. A flusteieu
Ennis was iunning this way anu that, still unable to take in the whole situation.

Fiio was completely nonplusseu by the whole situation at fiist, but he came back to
himself with a stait as he heaiu his customeis scieaming anu iunning foi the exit.

Be still wasn't entiiely suie what was going on, but Fiio knew the ieputation of this
casino woulu go uown the uiain if he uiun't stop this melouiamatic wiench fight.

"Bey, hey, hey! Stop it! Foi the love of uou, just stop, uammit!" he shouteu.

Whethei they coulu heai him oi not, Chiistophei anu the man in blue maue no
move to enu theii battle.

Fiio ueciueu to stop the fight by any means necessaiy anu ieacheu into his jacket foi
his knife.

But Ricaiuo giabbeu his aim fiom next to him anu spoke. "I think you shoulu leave
them alone. They'll weai themselves out anu stop soon enough."

"But if I wait until they stop, they'ie going to completely uestioy the casino..." Fiio
cooly uisagieeu with the young man stanuing next to him, but Ricaiuo just lookeu to
the top of the staiis.

"Noie impoitantly, shoulun't you be woiiieu about him."

"Buh." Fiio's gaze moveu along with Ricaiuo's.

Bis face haiueneu as he saw a much moie woiiisome souice of tiouble than the two
violent figuies in fiont of him. That souice smileu his way happily. Belighteuly.

"Bey, theie, Petei Pan. It's been two months oi so, iight."


"...Lauu. So you'ie out, aie you."

The man he hau met in Alcatiaz was stanuing in fiont of him. It was his fiist time
seeing Lauu out of his piison unifoim, but the uangeious atmospheie suiiounuing
him was even moie intense than it was when they weie incaiceiateu togethei.

"Yeah, just got out touay. So, this youi Neveilanu. Nice, nice. The kius who nevei
giow up can come heie anu gamble foievei. Pietty inteiesting! What uo you think,

"I think it's a wonueiful woilu."

The woman stanuing behinu Lauu smileu softly at his woius.

D'/. 40<<<<P!5/&. &/'&H" @'88H" ;!'%#,,< O/,H" :*,&&!,* &/'% 2 &/$45/&<

When Fiio hau fiist heaiu about Lua in piison, she hau been taken hostage by Sham
anu Bilton. Be was a little ielieveu to see in peison that she was safe anu ieuniteu
with Lauu.

But the next moment, he iemembeieu this was no time to be ielieveu.

"So, uiu you biing that guy in the blue theie. Nake him stop!"

"Bahaha, no can uo. When he gets like that, you can't stop him unless you uouse him
in alcohol. Even though he uoesn't kill, he's bettei than me in a fight," Lauu ieplieu

Fiio helu his heau in his hanus. "Fine, then I'll stop them."

"Whoo! What'ie you gonna uo, stop that spinning with youi neck. Pietty iough job,
managin' a casino."

Lauu was just enjoying the show fiom the siuelines. Be sigheu lightly anu lookeu at
the situation again, not knowing oi caiing that Fiio was moie pisseu off than evei.

They weie moving much fastei than any oiuinaiy peison. Fiio only knew five
people at most who coulu stop them uiiectly. Although the fact that he knew five of
them at all meant that Fiio was piactically suiiounueu by unusual people anyway.

0ne of them was Ronnie, who was simply watching Chiistophei's fight with
inteiest. As Fiio was the one in chaige, he uiun't plan to uo anything othei than
make suie the customeis coulu escape safely.

Anu Fiio's youthful piiue completely eiaseu any possibility of him thiowing himself
at Ronnie to ask foi help while Ennis was watching.

Fiio cautiously appioacheu the fight. Behinu Fiio, Neiuei spoke to Lauu.

"Biun't you go to that hospital to see youi fiienu."

"They'ie takin' the uay off."

The answei was so stiaightfoiwaiu, Neiuei uiun't uoubt it foi a seconu. Shaft
seemeu woin out, but Neiuei wasn't inteiesteu enough to ask.

The next moment, Lauu noticeu the cash filling Neiuei's aims."...Bey, hey. Really.
What the hell happeneu heie! That's at least ten times as much as what I gave ya!
Isn't this inteiesting! The hell, you've been holuin' out on me, Neiuei, you bastaiu!
You a caiushaip oi somethin'. Was my uncle aftei you foi iippin' off his casinos."

"...Ripping off casinos, huh." Fiio slowly tuineu back aiounu, his gaze boiing into

"N-no! I'm telling you, I uiun't cheat! The big tioublemakei in Chicago is Pamela,
isn't it." Neiuei shouteu uespeiately, just as uiaham slammeu his wiench into the
flooi with a violent clang.

Lauu uiun't seem to minu, insteau focusing on the name "Pamela."

"Bn. 0hhh, yeah! That's iight! Pamela, Pamela. Yeah, my uncle put a bounty on hei,
too, but she ian off somewheie. Wonuei what she's uoing these uays."

Nost of those aiounu Lauu weien't familiai with the goings-on in Chicago, so they
coulun't continue the conveisation. 0ne peison uiu have an answei, howevei.

"If you'ie talking about Pamela, I heaiu she iobbeu a museum somewheie anu is on
the iun fiom the police."

"Yeah." Lauu tuineu his gaze to the ownei of the voice, anu his expiession suuuenly
biighteneu. "0h, Ricaiuo! That you. Bell, I uon't see you foi a few yeais anu you'ie
all giown up. I heaiu you inheiiteu the Russo Family. Big job foi a kiu."

"Biu you want it."

"Nah, uon't neeu it. I nevei got along too well with my uncle's ciew anyways. Nost
impoitantly, if I became the boss, I coulun't woik as a hitman." Lauu's woik as a
hitman was moie of a hobby to him than a job, anu if he was the boss he woulu be
giving the oiueis, not uoing the woik. "But, I heaiu all that's left is you anu the ieu-
eyeu fieak. If you evei neeu a hit, just let me know. I'll give ya a uiscount, since we'ie

"...I uon't plan on following in my gianufathei's footsteps." Ricaiuo shook hei heau
silently. In hei eyes theie was no hatieu, but cleai uenial. Simply put, the Russo
Family she woulu builu fiom heie on out woulu have no neeu foi people like Lauu.
Ricaiuo maue hei ueclaiation of intent befoie Lauu himself.

But, Lauu uiun't seem paiticulaily uispleaseu anu answeieu with a smile.

"Ba! So you'ie going foi the honoiable Nafia, aie ya. Well, you'ie bettei than my
uncle. Beie's hopin' I can get some fieelance woik heie in New Yoik," Lauu saiu,
uescenuing the staiis, watching the scene unfolu at the bottom, but

Be suuuenly noticeu a young man tiembling in the coinei, staiing at him with wiue

The instant he saw the tattoo on the boy's face, Lauu iemembeieu him
peifectly. "0h. }acuzzi Splot, was it."


>E/, *,0,0B,*" 0,G

}acuzzi's face blancheu in uespaii anu sweat pouieu uown his back at heaiing his
name. Be hau known they woulu meet soonei oi latei, but not so suuuenly in a place
like this.

"Bey, hey, I just came to see my pal Fiio! What is this, a suipiise paity oi somethin'.
Nevei thought I'u get to see the uon of the Russos '%8 oui infamous bounty }acuzzi."

Lauu casually walkeu uown the staiis, anu ambleu confiuently ovei towaius }acuzzi.

A!EA!*$ $%76 ",,0" &$ -%$9 "#'*6 :,$:7,<<<9/'&H" 5$!%5 $%?G }acuzzi himself was the
pioveibial pot calling a kettle black as he answeieu, voice tiembling.

"0m, he...hello. Long time no see."

"Back on that tiain, ahwhat was it again. 'I'll make suie you pay foi this' oi
something like that. That what you tolu me."


>, *,0,0B,*,8 &/'&. &$$?G

"So, how'ie you gonna uo that. You gonna uo it iight heie. Right now." he piesseu,
tiying to get a iise out of }acuzzi.

}acuzzi himself began to shake uncontiollably, thiough his whole bouy.
Q4"& ':$7$5!J,.
whispeieu a voice at the bottom of his heait.

But that impulse iemaineu only in his heait. Reason tolu him that if he thiew
himself at Lauu's feet, begging foi foigiveness, offeiing to uo anything Lauu wanteu
if he woulu just foiget the whole thing, he may not lose his life.

But the memoiy of }ack's bloouieu face, neaily ueau gave }acuzzi the stiength to
suppiess his instincts with all his might. }acuzzi's eyes teaieu up, but insteau of
ciying he shouteu back."I...I'm thinking about it! I hope you'ie looking foiwaiu to it!"

It was a iiuiculous answei. Even Fiio anu Neiuei, to say nothing of Lauu himself,
staieu at }acuzzi in shock, mouths agape.

"}ust like I thought. You'ie inteiesting, kiu, I'll give ya that. I'm glau I let you live back
on that tiain. Aien't you."


}acuzzi hau no iuea how to iesponu, but uiaham calleu out to Lauu fiom his fight.

"0h yeah, Boss Lauu! I have to talk to you about }acuzzi latei, so uon't kill him, okay.
Be's my fiienu! ...Wait, what's he uoing heie, anyway." uiaham stoppeu his
onslaught foi a moment anu staiteu mutteiing to himself. "Shoulu I tieat this as my
thiiu anu final ieunion. I mean, I 8!8 just see him iecently, but..."

It seemeu like a peifect opening foi Chiistophei, but he uiun't use the oppoitunity
to attack.

Be giinneu anu iaiseu the wiench in his hanu

Anu thiew it as haiu as he coulu at Lauu, who hau his back to them.

"Ah, look out!"

But the one who waineu Lauu was his enemy, }acuzzi. The alieauy-pale young man
paleu even moie now as he shouteu.

At his ciy, Lauu helu up his left aim anu spun aiounu.

That moment, a peculiai clang iang out fiom the impact of Lauu's steel aim anu the
wiench flying towaiu his heau, muteu by the fabiic of his jacket.

"Thanks, kiu. I owe ya one," Lauu saiu, ciacking his neck.

0n the othei hanu, the wiench Lauu hau sent flying was now heaueu towaius
Rail. Rail moveu to uouge it, but Ennis appeaieu in fiont of hei anu kickeu it away.


"Aie you okay."

"...You uiun't neeu to uo that," Rail saiu moouily.

But Ennis lookeu at Rail anu smileu in ielief.

"uoou...You'ie okay."

"...!" Rail's expiession clouueu.

"Wow, Rail, you'ie pietty bau at uealing with things like that, aien't
you." Chiistophei foigot about the mess he hau been causing just a moment ago anu

0n the othei hanu. uiaham's smile hau completely uisappeaieu.

"...Bm. Why uiu you attack Boss Lauu." he askeu, heau tilteu to the siue.

"I just wonueieu what you woulu uo if I attackeu someone you caieu about."

"...That's it."

"That's it." Chiistophei smileu caielessly.

uiaham was iauiating blooulust fiom eveiy poie, but

A chill ian uown his back as he senseu an oveiwhelming blooulust fiom behinu,
enough to suppiess even his.

"I see, that's an easy enough ieason to unueistanu. I'll bite." Lauu smileu gleefully,
ecstatically. "In othei woius, I can join you two, iight."

"Bo whatevei you want~ !" "Boss Lauu, this is my fight..."

Chiistophei anu uiaham both spoke at once, but Lauu uiun't heai eithei one of

}acuzzi, Ennis, anu Rail all felt a chill as they lookeu at Lauu's facehis bloouthiisty

Theie was no helping the excitement he felt at being able to uiiect it at someone
his twisteu pleasuie was self-sustainable.

"B-hey now..."

Fiio openeu his mouth to stop him, but insteau it just seiveu as a signal foi Lauu to
kick off the giounu.

0ne step.

They weie sepaiateu by five meteis of space, yet Chiistophei's uefensive stance was
unuone by a single step.

"Bey, theie, you ieu-eyeu bastaiu."

Lauu hau appioacheu low to the giounu. In the moment it took to wonuei if he
ieally just saiu hello, Lauu launcheu up a poweiful iight jab.


The fiist attack was unbelievably fast foi a man as big as Lauu.

Chiistophei instantly uiew back, oveiwhelmeu by speeu woithy of a piofessional

But Lauu took anothei step foiwaiu as soon as his iight aim was fully extenueu. In
the blink of an eye, he hau gone fiom tiying to punch Chiis to giabbing his thioat
with the same iight aim.

The image that came to Chiistophei's minu in that moment was his thioat being
ciusheu in a giant paii of plieis.

>0? D0 2 5$!%5 &$ 8!,? >,*,?

Chiistophei kickeu upwaius to tiy anu ielease the ciushing piessuie fiom his
thioat, but at the same moment, Lauu kickeu off the flooi again.

Still holuing Chiistophei's thioat, Lauu spiang foiwaiu anu swung him aiounu
easily, like a bucket full of watei.

The speeu was high enough to uislocate a noimal peison's veitebiae, but
immeuiately afteiwaius he slammeu Chiistophei's bouy into the ioulette with all
his might, splitting it clean in half.

"K/'& &/, /,77 '*, 6$4 8$!%5 6$4 !8!$&!!!" Fiio shiiekeu, thinking of the cost anu the
time it woulu take to iepaii the ioulette. Be uiun't seem paiticulaily conceineu foi
Chiistophei, though. Be knew he woulun't uie fiom something like this.

In fact, even as Chiistophei's thioat was being ciusheu as he lay between the two
halves of the ioulette, the smile nevei uisappeaieu fiom his face.

Seeing that smile, Lauu askeu to make suie. "Bey, you thinking you'ie not gonna uie

"Well, I uon't know. If I uieu, then that woulu mean I was just a noimal human aftei
all, iight."

"uoou, you'ie just as uumb as I thought."

Lauu iaiseu his left aim.

If he just let giavity uo its woik, the metal aim alone woulu uo consiueiable uamage.
Auuing Lauu's powei behinu it woulu be fatal.

"Chiis...!" Rail pulleu something fiom hei pocket to save Chiis.

"N-no, Rail!" }acuzzi ciieu.

Foi his pait, uiaham was waving his wiench fiantically in piotest at his boss anu

"Bey, Boss Lauu, stop! Seiiously! Be's mine! If you take him, I won't have an outlet
foi my sau stoiy anu I'll have no choice but to take apait all the slot machines in the

K/'& &/,<<<9/6?G Fiio thought, although he hau alieauy uasheu foiwaiu to stop Lauu.

Anu iight as he uiu, he noticeu something.

Chiistophei wasn't going to be uone in so easilyhe hau slowly stietcheu out one of
his hanus anu seizeu a splintei of the ioulette fiom the flooi. Be was piobably
planning to stab Lauu when he biought his aim uown.

No mattei who won, one of them was going to uie in the next instant.

Fiio coulu nevei let something like that happen. Even if the natuie of theii
fiienuship was seveiely waipeu, fiienus weie still fiienus, anu this was his casino. If
it came uown to it, he woulu thiow himself in between the two anu take both of
theii attacks himself, but


Theie was a sounu.

A magnificent oichestia of bells echoeu thiough the ioom, stopping time all at once.


Fiio knew exactly what that sounu was.

Be hau just heaiu it a few minutes ago. Theie was no mistaking the jingle of the
highest payout on one of the new slot machines.

Bow many planets hau to align to get two of those in a iow.

Bell, who hau been playing the slots in the casino in the fiist place.

It wasn't just Fiio. Almost eveiyone left in the casino lookeu towaius the slot
machine with uoubt aftei uoubt in theii minus.

Two men weie stanuing next to the iightmost of seven slot machines.

0ne hau a face that maue him look between boy anu man, piobably aiounu the same
age as Fiio lookeu.

V,'/. 2H3, ",,% /!0 "$0,9/,*, B,;$*,, Fiio thought suuuenly.

Be hau caught sight of the boy eailiei, but he haun't watcheu him closely because he
lookeu familiai

<<<>$78 4:< 2 -%$9 2H3, ",,% &/'& ;'#, B,;$*,<<<B4&<<</4/<<<9/'&? >,H" %$& ' *,547'*. /,*,. !"

Be hau uismisseu him as just one in the ciowu eailiei, but now that he was looking
uiiectly at him, something about his face naggeu at Fiio's minu. Something buiieu in
the ueepest uepths of his heait.

K/$ !" /,<<<? K/$ !" &/!" 546?

Still in uoubt, Fiio tuineu to the othei man.

The sullen man woie thick, heavy glasses anu a hat low ovei his face so that it was
hiuuen in shauow. Thanks to that anu the beaiu aiounu his mouth, his age was

K/$ !" &/!" 546? 2H3, %,3,* ",,% /!0 B,;$*,< O!%#, 9/,% /'" /, B,,% /,*,?

Be shoulu have at least some memoiy of someone with such a beaiu. It wasn't
exactly subtle.

The beaiueu man was completely silent. Be uiun't even shift as Fiio watcheu him

The youngei boy smileu waimly, stiiking a shaip contiast to his companion as he
lookeu aiounu at eveiyone else, anu clappeu his hanus as the oichestia of slot
machines came to an enu.

"Biavo, biavo! What an inteiesting show!"

The youth calleu the savage neai-fight-to-the-ueath a "show." The otheis weien't
suie how to ieact to his stiange fiankness, but Lauu just smileu anu sciatcheu his

"Who the hell aie you."

The youth boweu politely, like a butlei, anu gave his name foi the benefit of
eveiyone in the casino, incluuing Lauu. "Paiuon me. Ny name is Nelvi."

"Nelvi. That's a stupiu-ass name. If you enjoyeu the show so much, why uon'cha pay
foi it like you'ie supposeu to."

"Pay foi it. Bm...Well, how's this."

Be ieacheu ovei towaius a slot machine to his iight anu scoopeu up a hanuful of the
tokens flowing fiom the machine.

"That's not enough, kiu. Pissin' me off ain't cheap, you know. You can't con me with

uiaham uiew a shaip bieath anu spoke to Shaft anu Lua, who weie now uownstaiis.

"Shaft, Lua, this is bau...Tiuly, exceptionally bau. That Nelvi kiu is the type Lauu
hates the most."

"...It seems so," Lua mumbleu. Shaft nouueu in assent anu helu his heau in his hanus.

The people Lauu hateu the most weie the type who liveu without a thought of the
possibility of ueath, anu that theii impoitance woulu last foievei.

Anu this boy hau just stoou anu watcheu the violence until now without a hint of
feai oi iesignation towaius his own ueath, anu just calleu what he hau witnesseu a
"show." Be acteu as if he weie the gou of this space, the attituue that maue Lauu's
instincts as a homiciual maniac thiob haiuei than anything else.

Shaft tiieu to analyze this boy, but he coulu finu nothing about him, not even within
Sham's vast knowleuge.

Nelvi smileu, a little tioubleu. Be pulleu out one of the cheapest tokens fiom his
pocket, put it into the seconu slot machine to his iight, anu pulleu the levei with one
smooth, elegant motion.


Fiio anu the otheis fuiioweu theii biows in confusion as the ieels spun.

But, while they still spun, Nelvi took out anothei token anu put it into the thiiu
machine anu pulleu the levei the same way. Then the one in the miuule.

At that point, the fiist "7" appeaieu on the seconu machine fiom the iight.

The instant he saw it, Fiio coulun't help the uieau iising fiom the pit of his stomach.

F$ 9'6<<<

The moment the ieels on the fifth machine began to spin, the seconu ieel on the
seconu machine anu the fiist ieel on the thiiu machine stoppeu, both at the numbei

F$ 8'0% 9'6.

Anu he iealizeu that something was going to happen with the entiie line of slots.

When he hau pulleu the levei on the fifth machine, Nelvi took anothei step foiwaiu,
as if he weie on stage, anu boweu politely foi the seconu time.

But this time, it was not uiiecteu towaius Lauu. It was towaius Fiio.

Anu that moment, the thiiu ieel on the seconu machine came to a stop, with thiee
"7"s in a peifect line.

The machine began to play its mechanical song of goou foitune.

A few seconus latei, the thiiu anu fouith machine began to play one aftei anothei,
anu the songs became a canon.

The sixth machine fiom the iight lanueu on the thiee sevens, anu Nelvi's miiacle
was complete.

Namely, incluuing the machine Neiuei hau won fiom in the left coinei, anu the one
he hau useu to stop Lauu, all seven slot machines, on the same uay, in the same
instant, hau lanueu on the highest payout.

But of couise, Fiio knew bettei. The only one who woulu call it a miiacle was an
complete moion who uiun't know the meaning of the woiu "uoubt," a messengei
fiom uou, oi the peison who hau uone the cheating himself.

"You bastaiu..."

Lauu wasn't the only one who saw him as an enemy. Fiio glaieu at the boy,
suiiounueu by a iazoi-shaip atmospheie.

But Nelvi ietuineu that glaie with an affable smile anu spieau his aims wiue while
the machines playeu theii instiumental ensemble, as if to symbolize that he was the
mastei of the huge numbei of coins spilling fiom the machines.

Anu when the noise finally stoppeu, he auuiesseu Fiio amicably. "I wanteu to see
moie of youi show, eveiyone, but...if I let it go on too long, I woulun't have any time
to gieet you."

"Aftei all, you'll be coming to see me soon, as well."


X2&3*1" &-" ,.3*($

"It's finally quiet...I shoulu go in now..."

"Niss Annie, you shoulun't. Theie weie some pietty louu noises in theie befoie,
weien't theie."

Annie hau maue to go in aftei Ennis, but Czes stoppeu hei. Annie was at a loss
whethei she shoulu go in oi not, anu peiiouically mutteieu things like "If I hau a
stiongei vessel" oi "If I lose this vessel..." but half of it nevei ieacheu Czes' eais.

Thanks to hei mumblings, Czes figuieu she was so scaieu she was getting confuseu.
In the meantime, he woikeu his biain to finu a plan that woulu keep hei outsiue on

Ennis, Fiio, anu himself weie immoital, but Annie was not. Be uiun't know much
about hei, but he knew that at least. Things that woulun't be pioblematic foi them
woulu ceitainly be foi hei.

Anu he wanteu to watch Ennis anu hei uuke it out ovei Fiio somewheie not quite so

As an immoital chilu, he hau no uiiect expeiience with matteis of love, anu piobably
nevei woulu. Be wanteu to see Fiio get uiaggeu aiounu by two giils, as one of his
few pleasuies in life.

Yes, Czes' nefaiious thought piocess was just that he uiun't want to lose a
paiticulaily valuable plaything.

Bowevei, what goes aiounu comes aiounu.

Czes was looking foi a little sauistic pleasuie in watching his flatmate suffei woman
tioubles, but he ieceiveu a suitable ietiibution insteau.

That is, he himself was about to have his own giil tioubles.

"0h my goouness, Czes! ...Is that you, Czes."


Czes ieacteu instinctively to the voice that suuuenly auuiesseu him.

Be tuineu aiounu to see a young lauy, a little oluei than Czes.

"0h, goou. It ieally !" you!"

She sounueu a little woiiieu that she hau mistaken him foi someone else. The timiu-
voiceu giil sigheu with ielief anu smileu at Czes.

"...Naiy." he askeu automatically.

Naiy Beiiam.

Senatoi Beiiam's uaughtei hau been taken hostage by the gioup in black suits
aboaiu the Flying Pussyfoot. Czes playeu with hei on boaiu the tiain, using hei as
camouflage, pait of his guise as a little boy. The fact that she still iemembeieu him
aftei thiee yeais inuicateu that the ueep impact of the inciuent hau left him in hei
heait as well.

It was too late foi him to pietenu she hau mistaken him foi someone else. She took
his hanus anu lookeu uown at the boy, who was now shoitei than hei.

"0h, Czes...weie you always shoitei than me."

It was a chiluish, innocent question.

Czes gave an appiopiiate answei, even as he bioke out in a colu sweat. "I-I haven't
hit my giowth spuit yet! I'll get tallei! You'll see! It's kinua embaiiassing, so uon't
talk about it, okay."

"Ah...I-I'm so soiiy, Czes! ...I...I was just so exciteu..."

Bei timiuity was the same as it was thiee yeais ago, but Naiy hau giown up, fiom a
little giil to a young lauy in hei eaily teens.

"But...I'm ieally giateful foi what you uiu back then...! If you haun't given me so
much couiage, I...I might have uieu on that tiain..." With that, Naiy pulleu Czes into a
tight embiace.

A noimal boy in his situation might blush biight ieu, but insteau his face went white.


2; &/!" 5!*7 '%8 2 ,%8 4: B,#$0!%5 ;*!,%8". "/,H77 ;!%8 $4& 2H0 !00$*&'7<

Be was so expeiienceu with the tiouble that came fiom being founu out by moitals
that it maue him ill. Be woulu actually iathei his fellow immoitals like Fiio finu him
than that, to say nothing of the fact that she was the senatoi's uaughtei. If she tolu
hei fathei his seciet, anu he believeu it foi some ieason, the iesults woulu be
uisastious. Be coulun't affoiu that chance, no mattei how slim.

C4&. 9/6 %$9?G

Czes cuiseu his fate as Naiy helu him, but of couise, in a countiy as laige as
Ameiica, iunning into Naiy heie was no acciuent.

Insteau of being angiy at uou, Czes shoulu have been woiiieu about the one behinu

"Is this the boy who saveu you on that tiain, Naiy."

Czes lookeu ovei Naiy's shouluei at the boy behinu hei. Be lookeu aiounu the same
age as Naiy, only just enteiing his teens.

"Well, then, we'ie going to visit Nelvi, so just wait heie foi us, okay. If I biought you
into a casino, youi fathei woulu get ieally upset."

The boy heaueu uown the staiis with a numbei of otheis behinu him. Czes watcheu
the gioup anu iealizeu what kinu of peison the boy was.

Czes was bewilueieu at his own position as he thought of his flatmate.

A!*$<<<9/'& &/, /,#- 8!8 6$4 8$?


;(3*1" &-" ,.3*($

"0h, speak of the uevil," Nelvi mutteieu, looking towaius the staiis.

Fiio's employee who hau been thiown uown the staiis eailiei hau alieauy been
pulleu out of the way into the office by some of his cowoikeis.

Eveiyone left in the casino followeu Nelvi's gaze to the pieviously empty staiicase
anu heaiu a numbei of footsteps coming uown. The fiist one to appeai was a young
man in a peifectly fitting tailcoat, his foieheau coveieu with goggles anu weaiing
gloves, looking foi all the woilu like a bikei.

A bikei weaiing a tailcoat was a little ouu, but the otheis following him, also
appaient bouyguaius, maue a stiange pictuie insiue the casino.

The most noticeable one of the gioup was a few yeais oluei than Czes oi Rail
about the same age as Ricaiuo, smiling innocently. Behinu him weie a numbei of
lovely women, smiling faintly, weaiing uiesses with a chic black-anu-white
uesign. Behinu them weie some tall, musculai men in black suits, piotecting them
fuithei, anu finally, the ieaiguaiu, a young man with the same face, tailcoat, anu
bikei goggles as the one guaiuing the fiont. The two appeaieu to be twins.

Piotecteu by the twins in tailcoats, the boy, also uiesseu in all black, smileu
innocently anu waveu as he saw Nelvi.

Bis smile was almost too innocent, making his black clothes even moie stiiking. As
one completely immeiseu in the ciiminal unueiwoilu, Fiio founu his appeaiance
inuesciibably eeiie.

It wasn't that he coulu feel malice behinu that smile, but iathei the guileless
innocence maue his heait uneasy.

0n the othei hanu, Nelvi's smile was obviously fake as he appioacheu the gioup at
the bottom of the staiis.

"Ny, my, to think Nastei Caizelio woulu come in peison."

"I tolu you, call me Cazze."

"That won't uo at all. We can't call each othei nicknames when we'ie heie to offei a
foimal gieeting."

+*,,&!%5? Fiio woiulessly fuiioweu his biows as he listeneu to them. D#&4'776. /,
"'!8 &/'& ,'*7!,*. 8!8%H& /,<

As if he hau ieau Fiio's minu, Nelvi tuineu aiounu towaius Fiio.

"So, once again...It's nice to meet you, Ni. Fiio Piochainezo," he saiu uiamatically.
"Ny name is Nelvi, anu I will be seiving as a uealei at the Runoiatas' casino that will
be opening soon." Nelvi again boweu coiuially.

Behinu him, Caizelio's innocent eyes spaikleu moie than evei as he auuiesseu
Fiio. "You'ie Fiio, of the Naitillo Family, iight. I've heaiu about you! Thank you so
much foi joining us foi the festivities my gianufathei is sponsoiing!"


"0h! I'm soiiy, I foigot! Ny name is Caizelio Runoiata!"

The moment he heaiu the name, Fiio's expiession haiueneu fuithei. O$ /,H" :'*& $;
&/, P4%$*'&' 7!%,<

Fiio's lips weie piesseu in a thin line, but Caizelio just smileu happily.

"I'll be attenuing as a noimal pation, but I'm looking foiwaiu to seeing how you

"...Likewise. It's an honoi to be inviteu." Fiio saiu politely, but only foi foim's sake.
Be auuiesseu Nelvi anu his false smile. "...So uoes that mean all of this was youi iuea
of a 'gieeting'."

Nelvi shiuggeu.

"I was looking foiwaiu to seeing how you woulu ueal with the cheatei, my slot
machine miiacle, anu the ciazy man with the gun, but the iesults weie uowniight
exhilaiating. It looks like you have quite a few inteiesting fiienus. That last fight was
quite a sight, much moie tiouble than I imagineu. Anyway, I uon't have any moie
time to talk, so I'll stop foi now."


Nelvi was saying that eveiything fiom that cheatei on was in piepaiation foi this.

Fiio knew it coulu be a bluff, but it was possible he was telling the tiuth.

But foi aigument's sake, even if it was the lattei, the "cheatei" may not have known
the ieal puipose behinu his own actions. It was entiiely possible Nelvi hau just tolu
him some lie to make him uo what he uiu.

Anu that woulu be enough foi Fiio to label the guy a complete anu total lowlife,

O/!&<<<2 -%,9 !&<<<2 -%$9 2H3, ",,% /!0 B,;$*,<<<

K/$ !" !&<<<9/$ 8$," /, 7$$- 7!-,?

>,H" "$ ;'0!7!'*<<<"$ 8'0% ;'0!7!'*<<<

Thanks to that foggy sense of familiaiity, he coulun't completely unleash his hatieu
on him.

But, theie was someone else smiling at Nelvi, a smile filleu to the biim with uttei,
unbiiuleu loathing.

"I see, I see...yeah, I see...I get it. I get it ueep, ueep uown. Beepei than the ocean."

Lauu Russo let out a chuckle of pleasuie, anu slowly ambleu towaiu Nelvi.

"The Runoiata Family, huh. Pietty goou. Pietty poweiful, too, heie in the east."

"Who is this, Nelvi." Caizelio askeu. Nelvi answeieu with a smile.

"Be's a homiciual maniac, just a ciazy muiueiei. Nothing to be conceineu about,

"A ieal live muiueiei. Wow! I've nevei seen one befoie!" Caizelio spoke like an
aitless chilu, veiy uiffeiently than when he spoke with Fiio, but the way his eyes
spaikleu was enough to make those aiounu him quite uneasy.

But Lauu took the boy's twisteu woius in stiiue.

"0h, so this is youi fiist time seein' someone like me. That's gieat, kiu. ...You might
even get to see the moment this muiueiei kills someone." Lauu iolleu his left
shouluei lightly, anu tuineu to Nelvi with nakeu blooulust. "In othei woius, you'ie
one of those. You think that since you'ie attacheu to the Runoiata Family, all you
have to uo is say theii name anu nobouy will lay a fingei on you."

"0f couise. You woulu have to be a complete fool to tiy," Nelvi answeieu bluntly.
The smile nevei left his face.

You uiun't have to be Lauu to unueistanu.

Even in the face of such muiueious hatieu, Nelvi nevei foi an instant, not in the
slightest uiu the thought cioss his minu that he might uie heie.

"In othei woius, theie's no one heie is uumb enough to come aftei you. You'ie
saying that theie's no way you'ie gonna uie...that what you'ie thinkin'."

"Natuially." Nelvi's smile nevei waveieu, as if he was intentionally tiying to
piovoke Lauu. "Anu I ceitainly woulun't be killeu by someone like you."

"In othei woius now you uie."

In the miuule of his sentence, in the moment between bieathsLauu hau alieauy
leapt into the aii, coveiing a uistance of a few meteis in a moment.

Lauu shifteu his centei of giavity peifectly anu maue an incieuibly poweiful
uiagonal stiike fiom above with his left aim. If that blow connecteu, the boy
woulun't even have a moment to iegiet his woius. The uppei half of his bouy woulu
be annihilateu, like a tomato hit with a baseball bat, but

Nelvi uiun't even tiy to uouge.

Right befoie he maue contact, the beaiueu man in glasses giabbeu Lauu's aim with
one hanu anu bioke his momentum with the slightest of movements.

"...Wha." Lauu uiun't have time to piocess what was happening befoie the powei
was completely taken fiom his ueathblow anu ietuineu in the foim of a juuo thiow.

Lauu's bouy coikscieweu thiough the aii anu slammeu into the wall behinu Nelvi.



uiaham was shockeu at the scene befoie his eyes anu spiang to his feet, bewilueieu
at what hau just happeneu. Be giinneu anu glaieu intensely at the beaiueu man who
hau gotten in Lauu's way.

"0w, that huit. ...So what aie you uoing getting in my way, you beaiueu, foui-eyes
bastaiu." Lauu's muiueious intent was like a poweiful wave, now ciashing towaius
the beaiueu man the same way it hau towaius Nelvi.

The beaiueu man uiun't answei, just stoou in fiont of Lauu, as if to piotect Nelvi.

0n the othei hanu, Fiio, who hau watcheu the whole exchange, was hit with a
uiffeient kinu of shock.


That move just now was the exact same technique as the one Yaguiuma hau taught

But coulu he have ieuiiecteu a stiike with Lauu's powei anu speeu.

Even if he tiaineu to the point he coulu, he woulu have to be Yaguiuma himself to
pull it off in a ieal fight.

=/!" 546 !" !%#*,8!B7,< D0'J!%5< 2" /, $%, $; &/, P4%$*'&'"? K/$ &/, /,77<<<

N'6B, %$& ,3,% P$%%!, #$478

Be glanceu ovei at Ronnie in the coinei of the casino anu fiantically chaseu out the
iule thought fiom his minu. T'00!&. 6$4 #'%H& *,76 $% /!0G Fiio chastiseu himself.

Lauu laugheu anu appioacheu the beaiueu man.

This time his steps weie even fastei, but also moie piecise as he unleasheu a seiies
of lightning-fast punches.

But the man uougeu them all easily, like a ieeu in the winu, anu stiuck Lauu's chest
with the heel of his hanu. The stiike lookeu light as a feathei, but Lauu's toiso
snappeu back as he iolleu giacelessly to the flooi.

The man was uoing whatevei he wanteu with Lauu. Fiio's mouth uioppeu open,
but Luck auuiesseu him, having emeigeu fiom the office at some point.


"Buh. 0h, Luck! Look at this guy! Be's incieuible!" Fiio saiu exciteuly, but Luck
iesponueu cooly.

"Wheie uiu he pick up that move, I wonuei. Well, -" ='B 3.M*(@ -" F.3 *(&$
E.%&*.6 .%&3 %","(&6M."


It sounueu like he was saying the beaiueu man was someone he knew.

"You haven't figuieu it out." Luck mutteieu, suipiiseu. Be iaiseu his voice anu
askeu the beaiueu man.

"\3*(@ &-.& 1*3@2*3" .@.*(. Why uo you like that beaiu anu glasses so much."

The beaiueu man glanceu at Luck. "Bey, I even changeu my beaiu anu glasses fiom
last uiu you know, Luck. Well, guess I shoulun't expect anything less
fiom someone like you."

Fiio felt a jolt thiough his bouy at the voice. "Wha...c'mon, what the hell!"

The voice fiom beneath the thick, bushy beaiu was one he knew well.

"I can see youi haii fiom unueineath youi hat, anu it's a completely uiffeient coloi
fiom the beaiu. You shoulu at least make youi haii anu beaiu the same coloi."

"I see, that makes sense. But I can't. I can't uo that, Luck!"

The beaiueu man shot anothei glance at Lauu, stiuggling to his feet. Be sigheu anu
answeieu sauly, taking off the hat, glasses anu false beaiu.

"Aftei all, Chane saiu this was a nice coloi..."


Fiio, }acuzzi, Chiistophei, Lauu, anu uiaham all hau the exact same ieaction.

The ieu-heaueu man completely abanuoneu his seiene uemeanoi fiom befoie, anu
insteau gave off the auia of a young man walking in the paik.

"Bey theie, Fiio."


"0h, goou, you'ie automatically calling me Felix now insteau of Claiie! Excellent!
Claiie is ueau now, anu only lives on in the heait of his giilfiienu."

"No. No, no, justholu on. What uo you think you'ie uoing, Felix."

Felix Walken, foimeily Claiie Stanfielu.

0iiginally the assassin known as "vino," he hau "uieu" on boaiu the Flying Pussyfoot
anu taken the name of the geneialist Felix Walken anu begun a new life.

Thanks to his incompaiable stiength anu ieflexes, he hau been calleu a genius, a
monstei, anu the stiongest assassin in the woilu. As fai as Fiio knew, he was in the
same class as Ronnie as someone he nevei wanteu to face as an enemy.

Be was one of Fiio's fiienus fiom chiluhoou anu a swoin fiienu of the uanuoi
biotheis, but

"Well actually it's, uh, pietty simple..."

Felix lookeu away a little awkwaiuly anu tolu Fiio with a laugh.

"Soiiy, Fiio. I'm fighting foi the othei siue this time."


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N
:-.("Q3 3",%"& .#.%&E"(&

"By the way, Chane, I heai you have a lovei."

Chane continueu hei emotional ieunion in the apaitment.

A'&/,* -%$9" ,3,*6&/!%5. &/, "'0, '" '79'6"< 2 #'%H& -,,: '%6&/!%5 ",#*,& ;*$0 /!0<

Chane knew this well. At the same time, howevei, she felt an uneasiness stii in hei
chest, on a level she'u nevei felt. She coulun't put into woius wheie exactly it came
fiom, but she maue a small fist anu waiteu foi hei fathei's next woius.

Bowevei, Buey's next woius weie completely unexpecteu.

"Be is a fascinating inuiviuual."


It sounueu as if he hau alieauy met him. Chane tilteu hei heau in confusion.

Buey smileu lightly anu tolu hei plainly.

"Befoie I came heie, I saw him foi a bit. We talkeu foi a while...anu maue a little


"Well, I maue a little contiact with hei fathei. I'm this cieepy bastaiu Nelvi's

Nelvi smileu bitteily at the epithet anu shiuggeu.

"So, I felt ieally bau about fighting against you anu put on a uisguise so you woulun't
know. But Luck saw iight thiough me, so I guess that's out."

"Wait...I have some questions heie. }ust holu on a sec."

"0h, I ieally am just a bouyguaiu, so uon't woiiy. Even if it is hei fathei, if he tolu me
to uestioy the Naitillos oi the uanuois oi kill you...well. 0kay."

"You uiun't finish youi sentence! What's 'okay' about any of this.! What the hell is
this 'little contiact'.!"

Fiio was completely lost, asking question aftei question, but


Fiio stiffeneu at the voice, filleu with buining emotion, like a volcano waiting to

"You shit...I iemembei you...that voice, that ieu haii, those fucking way I'u

It was Lauu.

The emotions swiiling in him at seeing Felix weie joy, iage, nostalgia, anu
oveiwhelming muiuei.

"What is this.... This casino ieally is Neveilanu! Why aie so many olu acquaintances,
fiienus, anu people I want to kill all appeaiing heie."

Bis voice, his glitteiing eyes, his iasping bieaths, eveiy tiny aspect of his behavioi
was uyeu with boiling blooulust, so much so that nobouy coulu heai the woius he
saiu, only "kill, kill, kill" ovei anu ovei again.

The ieu-haiieu "hanuyman" answeieu goou-natuieuly. "0h, so you'ie still alive aftei
all! Anu youi giil looks well, too. That's goou."

Lua heiself spaieu a glance at Felix, anu all coloi uiaineu fiom hei face.

It seemeu she hau iealizeu fiom his woius just now, too, that this ieu-haiieu man
was the ieu monstei they hau met on the ioof of the tiain.

"Soiiy foi using you as a thieat back then. But I mean, you'ie in love with &/!" guy.
I'm suie you'ie expecting to iun into some tiouble, iight."

Luck lookeu at the smiling Felix anu the teiiifieu giil. "I uon't know the situation
that well, but you piobably uiu something hoiiible to this giil. You shoulu apologize
like a gentleman."

"Wha.! You'ie so mean, Luck! Bow socially incompetent uo you think I am. ...But,
maybe I shoulu apologize moie piopeily." Felix museu lightheaiteuly, ueciuing to
ask Luck foi auvice.

Anu that instant, Lauu pickeu up one of the halves of the bioken ioulette anu thiew
it at Felix.

Bis blooulust hau suipasseu its limits, giving him the same kinu of extiaoiuinaiy
stiength as a peison lifting an impossibly heavy object to save a loveu one in a fiie.
Without heaiing the scieaming muscles in his iight aim, he thiew the half of the
ioulette table, weighing at least Su pounus, like a baseball.

Felix uiop-kickeu it to the flooi anu spiang into the aii.

A uiffeient face appeaieu befoie his eyesChiistophei, who also hau an axe to
giinu with Felix.

Be hau leapt off of the neaiby baccaiat table anu launcheu a spinning kick towaius
Felix, but Felix just useu Chiistophei's outstietcheu leg as a spiingboaiu to fly even
highei. Be giabbeu the chanueliei hanging fiom the ielatively low ceiling anu swung
like a penuulum, using the momentum to leap like an aciobat in the ciicus.

Be kickeu off the walls in iapiu succession, his tiajectoiy taking the foim of a
tiiangle that sent him stiaight towaius Lauu.

Chiistophei hau gone to ambush Felix fiom the siue, but uiaham cut Chiis off with
his giant wiench.

"This is Boss Lauu's fight! If you get in his way, the sau stoiy will nevei enu!"

"0h, come on, 6$4H*, the one in 06 way!"

The two clasheu again as Lauu pickeu up the othei half of the bioken ioulette anu
spun to thiow it at Felix

Finally uiaham anu Chiistophei weie caught up in the wilu, violent eneigy, anu a
small toinauo began iaging thiough the casino.

"Waah! Eveiyone, you shoulun't fight!" Caizelio ciieu, looking foi all the woilu like a
chilu coineieu by bullies. }acuzzi anu the otheis ueciueu that theie was uefinitely
something off about him.

"Wha... holu..." 0n the othei hanu, Fiio was palei than evei anu shouteu uespeiately
into the miust of the violence. "+$88'00!&. #'70 &/, ;4#- 8$9%. '77 $; 6$4!!!"

"I think you shoulu get youi employees outsiue," Luck saiu calmly.

Fiio signaleu to his unueilings with a glance.

"uet the kius outsiue. Ennis, too."

When he lookeu towaiu the staiis, he saw a man huiiieuly iunning outsiue.

The man who hau come at Lauu's invitation, anu the one who hau staiteu

=/'& "$% $; ' B!&#/ &/!%- /, #'% M4"& *4% '9'6?G

Fiio was about to yell at him to stop, but

"Boes it ieally mattei. }ust leave him alone, he's tiash."

It was Nelvi's quiet voice next to him.

"....! You little shit, when uiu you...!" Fiio snaileu, unable to hiue his hatieu anymoie.

Nelvi just uiew close anu whispeieu in his eai.

"Theie you aie, that's the ieal you. That won't uo. A uealei always has to keep his
pokei face, aftei all."

"I'm the managei. Not a uealei."

Fiio answeieu, eyes naiioweu to slits, even as the sounu of the ioulette being
uestioyeu echoeu in his eais. "If you weien't one of the Runoiatas, kiu, you'u be on
youi way to the bottom of the Buuson."

"0h, ueai. Was it something I saiu."

"Listen up. Yeah, so I uiun't see thiough youi little games. Point foi you touay. But
you know, thanks to that I -%$9 you'ie a total nutcase. Anu I'm positive that you'ie
planning something foi this opening paity."

Without falteiing foi a moment, Fiio maue to ieveal his enemy's ieal woith, but that
constant sense of familiaiity stiiieu up a slight tiembling in his heait.

O/!&. 9/$ !" /,<<<

D%8 9/,*,<<</'3, 2 ",,% /!0 B,;$*,<<<?

Nelvi just smileu on his own teims. "Well, since we'ie getting along so well, why
uon't we play a game on that uay."

"...0h, so that's how you'ie gonna play it. What, you wanna steal something fiom us.
0ui tuif. 0ui money." Fiio scoffeu.

Nelvi took a ueep bieath. Be naiioweu his eyes evei so slightly anu leaneu so his
face was inches fiom Fiio's. Be spoke so softly that only Fiio coulu heai.

"What I the knowleuge of Szilaiu Quates. Nothing moie, anu nothing less."


At the same time, Nelvi bit his own lip, still smiling. A small uiop of bloou fell fiom
the coinei of his mouth.

But only a few seconus latei, the bloou wiiggleu as if it hau a life of its own anu was
suckeu back into the wounu, which healeu itself as if nothing hau happeneu.

Fiio's eyes wiueneu anu he fell silent.

"This is only a chip to counteibalance youis, but I think it's enough." Nelvi instantly
woie his mask of a smile again, anu spoke as if it weie nothing.

"I'm looking foiwaiu to a goou match, Fiio Piochainezo."


X2&3*1" &-" ,.3*($

2 /'3, &$ 5,& $4& $; /,*,< A'"&< O/!&. 9/'& !" 9*$%5 9!&/ &/$", 0$%"&,*"G

D%8 &/, P4%$*'&' A'0!76 &$ B$$&<<<? F$ 9'6 2 #$478 "&!#- '*$4%8 9!&/ &/,0G

Neiuei took off his jacket to holu his money, ciauling it in his aims as he iusheu up
the staiis.

C4&<<<!" &/!" $-'6?

Suuuenly, his chiluish piomise ieviveu in his chest.

N'6B,<<<0'6B, &/!" !" 06 #/'%#, &$ #/'%5,<

That "something" in the uepths of his heait whispeieu to stay wheie he was.

Right now, he wasn't anywheie a noimal peison shoulu be. But that also meant this
veiy place coulu give him a chance to iise above oiuinaiy people. Biun't it.

Still at a loss, Neiuei came to a halt. Be coulu see a paii of small chiluien talking to
each othei. As he watcheu the peaceful scene, his chilulike piomise became even
moie pionounceu in his memoiy.

D /,*$<<<

C4&<<<9/'& "/$478 2 8$ '& &/!" :$!%&<<<

2; 2 5!3, &/, 0$%,6 B'#-. 0'6B, &/'&H77 #7,'* 06 #$%"#!,%#, '& 7,'"&. Neiuei thought,
but as soon as he hesitantly tuineu aiounu he noticeu a giil in hei eaily teens
glaiing at him.


Be uiun't iecognize hei.

Naybe he lookeu a little stiange in just a white blouse with no jacket. Neiuei
wonueieu, but the giil just appioacheu him silently. When she spoke, hei voice was
filleu with a hatieu foi Neiuei's eais only.

"...Neiuei Schasschule...what aie you uoing heie, I wonuei."

Neiuei felt the bloou uiain fiom his face, anu in an instant his skin was uiencheu in
colu sweat.

Be uiun't iemembei the giil's voice. But he iemembeieu the languiu, viscous tone
that uiun't fit hei outwaiu appeaiance.

"You woulun't have hau anything to uo with that inciuent in Chicago, woulu you,


Be hau no memoiy of any inciuent in Chicago, but he coulun't even object. Be was so
tense he coulu heai eveiy muscle in his bouy gioaning.

The giil saiu hei name with eyes shaip as a knife, as if to match the stiange noise
coming fiom his bouy.

"We...Bilton...will nevei foigive tiaitois. Not evei."


Neiuei's shiiek coulu not have been moie unheioic as he took off uown the stieet at
full speeu.

Theie was no time foi inteinal conflict, just puie suivival instinct to flee.

Right now, iunning was all he coulu uo.

A man who hau just aiiiveu fuiioweu his biows anu aujusteu his glasses.

"...What in the woilu was that." he mutteieu, watching the man fiantically flee the
gambling uen. "}ust like I thought, theie's some soit of tiouble in the casino..." The
Naitillo Family's #$%&' ) $*$, Naiza Avaio, quickeneu his pace as he heaueu foi the
entiance of the casino.

Be hau iun into a pation iunning uown the stieet, who hau tolu him someone was
tiying to iob theii casino. Naiza hau ueciueu to come see what was going on.

Be saw Czes anu Annie stanuing in fiont of the entiance anu askeu them without
slowing his footsteps.

"Aie you two aliight. I heaiu theie was some tiouble uownstaiis."

"Ah...Naiza!" Czes exclaimeu fiom next to a thiiu peison, a giil Naiza uiun't

"Yeah, theie was some louu noise fiom uown theie..." Annie's expiession hau
alieauy ietuineu to noimal.

"uet away fiom heie," Naiza tolu them, "anu 9*(1 3-"6&"% .3 3$$( .3 #$33*76"."

With those mysteiious woius, he uisappeaieu uown the staiis with no iuea what he
was about to see.


O 9"F E*(2&"3 ".%6*"%

"We'll be leaving soon, Felix, so let's leave playtime at that foi now." Nelvi hau
tuineu his back to Fiio.

Claiie spiang into the aii, putting substantial uistance between him anu Lauu anu
the otheis.

A numbei of caiu tables weie bioken, anu thiee chanuelieis weie on the giounu.

It hau only taken the minute he'u spent talking to Nelvi foi all this uamage, but Fiio
knew this wasn't the time to be shockeu oi holu his heau in uespaii.

O$ /,H" !00$*&'7. B4& /,H" 5$& R7'!*, '" ' B$8654'*8? =/'& 0'-," %$ ",%",<

In othei woius, theie was absolutely no chance of anything happening to him, even
in a fight off of Runoiata teiiitoiy.

"Bey...wait a uamn minute, kiu. We'ie not finisheu heie." Lauu was gasping foi
bieath, but the still-whole baccaiat table cieakeu in his giasp. Be was planning on
huiling it at them if they tiieu to leave.

uiaham anu Chiistophei weie watching Felix the same way. They hau been fighting
at one hunuieu peicent, anu they weie all out of bieath, sweat beauing on theii

But Felix Walken, the centei of it all, was bieathing evenly, as if he weie on an
afteinoon stioll. Theie was not a uiop of sweat on his clothes.

"Come on. }ust cool youi heaus anu figuie out that theie's no way you can beat me.
'It's not ovei,' is it. Bon't misunueistanu. It nevei even staiteu," Felix taunteu, calm
anu composeu. Be gave a boieu sigh anu tuineu away fiom Lauu, uiaham, anu
Chiis. "If you have a pioblem with that, come at me whenevei you like. Biing a
fiienu, oi twenty. Tiy givin' me a challenge, foi once."

Be pauseu, then tuineu back aiounu.

"Since this is my fiienu's casino, I uiun't want to spill any bloou. That's all."

Bis face was an iion mask, anu the iemaining people in the casino witnesseu
fiisthanu the iuthless eyes of the assassin vino.

When }acuzzi inauveitently met that gaze, a giey fog ciept into the coineis of his
vision as his consciousness begin to faue. Even Rail's expiession haiueneu as she felt
colu sweat bieak out.

Felix was intimiuating on anothei level, so much so that a noimal peison woulu
fieeze unuei those eyes.

But Lauu's blooulust simply swelleu evei laigei as he began to
laugh. "Baha...hahahahahahaha! Byaaahahahahaha! Come whenevei I want, huh.
uoou! uoou! That's exactly the kinu of bullshit I'u expect fiom some uumbass who
thinks he's nevei gonna uie! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'll glauly uo so!"

Bis laughtei stoppeu as suuuenly as it staiteu, anu this time pickeu up the baccaiat
table with one hanu foi ieal.

" uon't minu if we go now, uo ya, Rail Tiacei...!"

ButLauu saw something in fiont of him anu fioze.

Nelvi hau pulleu out a gun fiom his jacket anu hau it aimeu uiiectly at Lua.


Instantly, the oveipoweiing blooulust that hau been aimeu at Felix was now
uiiecteu at Nelvi.

But Nelvi just smileu, as if the piessuie of Lauu's muiueious hatieu was a cool,
iefieshing bieeze, anu ieplaceu the gun.

"That's a waining. You unueistanu, uon't you. I saiu, let's leave it at this foi
touay." Nelvi cockeu his heau to the siue with a smiik.

Lauu's fist tighteneu, so tight that his nails uug into his palms anu a few uiops of
bloou uiippeu to the flooi.

"I hau two bastaius I swoie I was gonna kill once I got fiee. That ieu-haiieu fieak,
anu Buey Lafoiet."
Lauu's voice was filleu with iage. A numbei of those in the ioom ieacteu at Buey's
name, especially Rail.

"Nelvi, was it. ...You'ie numbei thiee, you little fuck," Lauu spat. Bis face was tuineu
towaius the flooi, so nobouy aiounu him coulu see his eyes, but the baiely visible
fienuish smile on his lips was enough to fieeze the aii aiounu him soliu.

"...Well, uo what you want. If you can manage it." Nelvi's expiession uaikeneu foi a
moment, but in the next it was iight back wheie it was. Be tuineu back towaius the
staiis. Felix followeu him, then Caizelio.

Suuuenly, Caizelio's eyes wiueneu in iealization, anu he fiantically tuineu back
towaius Fiio.

"0h, I'm so soiiy my uealei's bouyguaiu uestioyeu youi casino! }ust senu us an
invoice foi the cost of iepaiis anu uamages, anu I piomise the Runoiata Family will
vouch foi whatevei we can!"

Caizelio's eyes weie stiaightfoiwaiu anu honest.

Peihaps the offei was genuine, but to Fiio it was just anothei foim of mockeiy.

It was all he coulu uo to iesponu the way he uiu.

"...Thank you. You'ie fai too geneious."

When Nelvi walkeu by Ronnie, his steps sloweu, anu he whispeieu with a small
smile. "This fight is between Fiio anu me, as fellow immoitals. We have no ill intent
towaius the Naitillo Family, so uon't woiiy, Ni. Ronnie."

Nelvi sounueu as if he knew what Ronnie ieally was. The #/!'0'&$*, just answeieu

"I wonuei. You see, staiting a fight with Fiio is staiting a fight with all of us...well, no

Ronnie left it at that, anu watcheu the vaiious Runoiatas make theii exit.

Anu, as Nelvi took his fiist step onto the staiicase, a late visitoi appeaieu.

A tall man in glasses appeaieu at the top of the staiis anu founu Fiio in the miust of
the uemolisheu casino.

"Fiio!" Naiza calleu, iushing uown the staiis. "Aie you okay. What...what in the
woilu happeneu...."

But the moment he was about to take the last step into the casino

Be fioze, his gaze fixeu on Nelvi's face.

"...Excuse me." Nelvi slippeu by Naiza with a light nou, anu uisappeaieu up the

Naiza staieu aftei him, stiff anu awkwaiu, but the iest of the entouiage blockeu his
view so he coulun't get a closei look.

But aftei Nelvi hau uisappeaieu, Naiza mutteieu a single woiu, as if he'u seen a


The instant he heaiu that name

Fiio felt a sensation ueep within himself, like the sounu of a uooi unlocking.

Anu the uepths of his heait hau, in a sense, been foicefully unlockeu. The memoiies
that noimally woulun't come out flooueu into his minu.


uietto Avaio.

Naiza's youngei biothei, the novice alchemist. The fiist one Szilaiu hau uevouieu.

In othei woius, Fiio saw uietto's memoiies as a pait of Szilaiu's.

2 ",,<<<

Fiio was finally able to iemembei why Nelvi lookeu so familiai.

Szilaiu haun't seen uietto's face befoie he uevouieu him.

The familiaiity came fiom uietto's own memoiies.

Namely, that Nelvi 9'" within uietto's memoiiesas the ieflection of uietto


X2&3*1" &-" ,.3*($

"Bm. Czes. Wheie uiu he go, I wonuei..." Naiy lookeu aiounu, mystifieu.

As soon as Felix hau appeaieu fiom the casino, Czes hau iun away at full speeu
without even taking the time to scieam.

The giil who hau been with Czes hau also uisappeaieu. Naiy cockeu hei heau to the
siue, feeling as if something was veiy off.

"Thanks foi waiting, Naiy," Caizelio saiu. "Well then, I'll take you home."

"Bm. 0h, yes! Thank you, Cazze!"

"It's no tiouble. I have a lettei fiom my gianufathei I have to give to the Senatoi
anyway," Caizelio saiu, leauing Naiy to the cai.

A man stanuing next to the cai slowly appioacheu Nelvi, as if to take the chiluien's

"What weie you thinking. Naking youi suboiuinates go thiough all that tiouble just
to show youi face to youi enemy."

The man woie glasses anu a banuana wiappeu aiounu his shaveu heau.

The twin bouyguaius uiun't move. Appaiently they knew this man.

"Please uon't look at me like that, Tim. You might scaie someone," Nelvi saiu with a

Tim wiinkleu his face in uisgust.

"...Bo you even iemembei what youi job is. You'ie the leauei of Time! You know the
scale of the expeiiment this time, uon't you."

"No neeu to woiiy. I'll take caie of all of my oiueis, anu I won't uo anything that's
foibiuuen. As long as uo that, I'm fiee to uo whatevei I want. Right. That's tiue foi
me, foi you, foi the Laivae, foi Rhythm anu Sham anu Bilton. Eveiyone," Nelvi saiu
with a smiik.

Tim iealizeu that it woulu be pointless to tiy to convince him, anu insteau just saiu
one thing expiessionlessly. "I can't stanu you. }ust so you know."

"Please uon't take this peisonally, but I uespise you, too," Nelvi ieplieu, anu with
that walkeu to his own cai.

"I'm following my mastei's instiuctions. That's all."


:$((",&*(@ :-.#&"% mm 5-" +$6*," ,.( 1$ ?$&-*(@


;(3*1" &-" ,.3*($

"Let me tell you a sau, sau stoiy..."

uiaham was fiist one to bieak the silence that hau fallen ovei the casino. "I was at a
total loss just now. 'Shoulu me anu Boss Lauu team up to beat that Felix bastaiu. 0i
shoulu I uo eveiything I can to iespect Boss Lauu's iight to fight him one-on-one,
anu uevote myself to taking apait that ieu-eyeu bastaiu who tiieu to get in theii
way.' Anu! Thanks! To! Ny! Besitation! Is! This! Beeellll!"

uiaham's shouts weie in time with his wiench as he spun it aiounu anu aiounu
amiust the violently uestioyeu caiu tables anu the chanueliei that hau shatteieu
when it fell fiom the ceiling.

"This isn't ueconstiuction! It's just uestiuction! Nayhem! Chaos! I can't take it what
uo I uo Shaft help what uo I uo.! Bow can I pay foi my ciimes anu put eveiything
back togethei so I can take it apait piopeily anu achieve woilu peace.!"

"You can stait by shutting youi tiap foi once."

"...Easy, Shaft. Let him vent a little."

Lauu seemeu to have calmeu uown a little listening to uiaham's familiai
iamblings. Be ciackeu his neck, looking boieu again, then spoke to Fiio.

"I'll settle the scoie foi uestioying youi casino. You uon't neeu stait owin' the
Runoiatas anything." Be pounueu his left hanu into his iight, anu mutteieu half to
himself. "Anu since I uon't have any ties to the Naitillo Family, I'll smash that little
shit Nelvi's heau in. That shoulu uo it."

Fiio was still in shock, tiying to piocess what hau just happeneu. If he even heaiu
Lauu, he uiun't show it. Ennis watcheu him fiom afai, anu Ronnie uiun't appeai
paiticulaily inclineu to give him auvice, eithei.

Chiistophei moveu to say something, but Ricaiuo giabbeu his aim. "Wait,
Chiistophei. Be neeus a moment."

"Really. I'm just tiying to be piactical. I thought I shoulu ask him about Felix's

"Yes, Chiis, that's exactly what Ricaiuo is talking about. You neeu to cut that stuff
out," Rail inteijecteu.

Chiis just shiuggeu anu steppeu back obeuiently.

}acuzzi was staiing off into space himself, having (neaily) fainteu fiom vino's meie
piesence, but his eyes suuuenly wiueneu when he iealizeu something.

"B-hey, w-we shoulu get out of heie, quick...theie weie gunshots a while back, anu it
was ieally louu just now too, so the police might come any minute..."

Naiza lookeu up uneasily, having alieauy thought of this.

"I uon't think the police will be coming."

"Buh. What uo you mean, Naiza." Fiio askeu neivously.

"Well...theie was a big fuss about it on the iauio, but they'ie not flying anywheie
aiounu heie foi some ieason..."

"Flying.... What aie you talking about." Fiio askeu, looking even moie puzzleu.

Naiza answeieu with some uifficulty, as if he wasn't quite suie himself.

"It sounus like a bunch of planes came out of nowheie anu staiteu attacking all ovei
Nanhattan, so the police have theii hanus full ovei theie iight now."


D$E"F-"%" *( T.(-.&&.(

The sun was neaily set, anu uaikness was beginning to fall ovei Nanhattan. As neon
signs began to light up the uusky sky, a fleet of planes flew between skysciapeis anu
builuings, ovei paiks anu stieets. The uione of engines anu ielentless iepoit of
heavy gunfiie echoeu thiough the city as spaiks spiayeu fiom the machine guns
mounteu on the planes.

"uyaaaaah! N-Ni. vice Piesiuent! We'ie at wai! It's hopeless! I may not have been
the best, anu I nevei got full points, but I'm glau I got to leain fiom youuuuwaaaah!"
Caiol's mau spiint uown the siuewalk hau been inteiiupteu by a plane that
suuuenly appeaieu at the enu of the stieet, anu she clung to hei boss' leg in a panic.

But hei bossuustav St. ueimain, vice Piesiuent of the Baily Bays, calmly obseiveu
the plane anu patteu Caiol's heau.

"Listen quietly, Caiol... Theie's only the sounu of gunfiie, not the sounu of impact.
They'ie only shooting blanks."


?"F J$%N
;( &-" L.(1$% ).E*6M $99*,"


"Bey, Keith. Sounus like it's gettin' pietty iough out theie."

The uanuoi Family office was in the lowei flooi of a jazz hall. Keith anu Beiga weie
enjoying themselves with a game of pokei with some of the othei membeis of the
Family. Tick anu Naiia hau gone outsiue to see what all the noise was about anu
came back uownstaiis with theii iepoit.

"0umm, theie aie a lo~t of aiiplanes flying aiounu. They'ie ie~al neat."

"It's amazing, '0!5$! They'ie flying ieally low, in between builuings! If I climb up to
the thiiu stoiy, I know I coulu cut one uown! Bey, you think I shoulu. Can I, '0!5$."

Theii iepoit iathei misseu the point. Beiga scowleu at the paii, but Keith just took
anothei caiu with the same expiession as always. Anu, seeing which caiu it was, his
face clouueu evei so slightly.


"Whatsa mattei, Keith. That's weiiu, most of the caius aie jokeis. Bow'u ya uiaw
that one."

Looking at the 7s on the table, Keith felt a stiange uneasiness in his chest. Be stoou
up fiom the table anu heaueu towaius the outsiue himself.

Be wasn't suie when, but his entiie bouy was filleu with the piemonition that they
weie being uiawn into something

As well as iesolve to uestioy that "something," whatevei it was.


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N
4*,&$%Q3 *(P"3&*@.&*$( -".1R2.%&"%3

"So that's how you'ie gonna'ie finally gonna stait this shit, huh, Buey.!"

As the sounu of aiiplane engines echoeu thiough the waiehouse as they flew
oveiheau, victoi pounueu his fist onto his uesk.

"They'ie B7'%-", uammit! Planes oi seaplanes, whatevei the hell they aie, they'ie
just shooting blanks! Bon't those moions see this is just a uiveision. Fuck! Stop
gawking up at the sky anu look on the giounu, gouuammit, on the giounu! While the
police aie iunning aiounu like chickens with theii fucking heaus cut off, he's going
to pull something huge iight unuei oui gouuamn noses!"

victoi was mostly coiiect. The seaplanes weie inueeu a uiveision, but not fiom a
futuie plan. They weie meant to keep the police fiom the pait of his plan taking
place at this veiy moment. In fact, theie weie quite a few facts he was missing.

Foi one, that Nelvi hau planneu this so that the police woulun't inteifeie with his
"meeting" with Fiio. Foi anothei, that it ultimately hau nothing to uo with Buey's

Anu, that the iiotous seaplanes weie just a few of Time's planes Buey was using on
the Atlantic 0cean.


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N

"Nastei, theie's a lot of noise outsiue. Bo you think we'll be okay." askeu a boy, a
hint of chiluishness still left on his featuies.

A man assembling a laige gun answeieu. "Leave it alone, Stuuent Numbei 0ne. I can
tell fiom the sounu. They'ie blanks."

The man uiun't look up at all fiom the glinting aiiay of paits fiom vaiious guns.
Smith continueu cooly.

"Noie impoitantly, uiaham shoulu be ietuining with Lauu any time now. Lauu,
Lauu, Lauu. That mau muiueiei is entianceu by the same flowei of insanity that
leaus him to such foolish buffooneiy as me, but only poisonous insects appioach the
flowei of insanity he weais. 0n that point, my..."

The iest of his sentence was uiowneu out by the sounu of a plane that passeu
paiticulaily close to the builuing.

Smith clickeu his tongue in iiiitation at being inteiiupteu.

"uuh...those bastaius have no sense foi aesthetics."


:-.("Q3 3",%"& .#.%&E"(&


0ne of Buey's suboiuinates hau appeaieu in the ioom with them anu given him a
iepoit. Be walkeu to the winuow anu spoke to Chane.

"Chane, my spy Bilton seems to have founu an olu fiienu of ouis."

1S78 ;*!,%81? O:!-,. :,*/':"?

=/'& &*'!&$*< 2 %,3,* &*4"&,8 /!0 &$ B,5!% 9!&/. B4& !; /,H" 8,#!8,8 &$ #$0, ';&,* A'&/,*.

"Neiuei Schasschule."

She hau just been thinking about the man, but she nevei thought she woulu heai his
name heie.


"Be betiayeu the Lemuies, anu you even cut off his hanu, yet he appeais to be alive
anu well heie in New Yoik."

Buey seemeu to enjoy telling hei this.

Be wasn't tiying to manipulate hei with these woius.

Be was simply looking foiwaiu to seeing what Chane woulu uo next aftei he tolu
hei. No moie, no less.

As hei fathei lookeu at hei, Chane lookeu towaius the flooi anu thought,

2 ",,< 2 *,'776 /'3, B,,% #$0!%5 ':'*& "!%#, &/,%<<<"!%#, 2 8!8%H& ;!%!"/ /!0 $;;<

But that hau nothing to uo with now. Chane ueciueu ueep within hei heait.

To get back the euge she hau lostshe woulu kill Neiuei Schasschule.

2; 2 ",, /!0 !% &/, #!&6. 2H77 -!77 /!0 $%#, '%8 ;$* '77< K!&/$4& ;,,7!%5 '%6&/!%5M4"& 7!-,
&'-!%5 $4& &/, 5'*B'5,<


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N

"What is this...what the hell is happening....!"

Neiuei lookeu up at the planes flying thiough the sky anu ian foi his life with no
iuea wheie he was going.

Be wonueieu if he hau somehow fallen thiough Alice's iabbit hole into Wonueilanu
when he hau been ieleaseu fiom piison.

0i, maybe it was all a uieama long, long uieam that hau staiteu back when he hau
lost his hanu anu been blown up with the waiehouse. Naybe he was uying at the
bottom of a pile of iubble even now.

Be began to lose himself in his wilu uelusions. Naybe he even wanteu those
uelusions to be ieal.

D''/. !; !& 9'" ' 8*,'0 ;*$0 ,3,% ;4*&/,* B'#-<<<0'6B, 2 #$478 8$ !& '77 $3,*<

Be iemembeieu his piomise to his chiluhoou fiienu, anu befoie he knew it teais
weie welling in his eyes as he ian.

2 8$%H& -%$9< O$0,$%,. "$0,$%, :7,'",. M4"& &,77 0, 9/'& &$ 8$G

>$9 8$," "$0,$%, B,#$0, ' /,*$. '%69'6?

>$9 #$478 "$0,$%,<<<"$0,$%, 7!-, 0,<<<,3,* B,#$0, ' /,*$<<<

Be hau no iuea that even now, Chane Lafoiet hau tuineu hei emotionless,
mechanical blooulust towaius him

Be just ian, wanueiing thiough the city, unable to keep his piomise to become a
heio. Be hau useu his jacket to bunule up his money, the only stiength he hau, little
as it was.

Even though he hau no iuea how to use it.

All he coulu uo was iun anu iun, lost in eveiy possible way.


D$E"F-"%" *( ?"F J$%N

"Look, Niiia! Aiiplanes!"

"Like Chailes Augustus Linubeigh! Lucky Linuy!"

Isaac anu Niiia weie on theii way to the job Nolsa hau intiouuceu them to

Anu they ian iight into a seaplane heauing out of New Yoik, only a few meteis away.

The plane wove between the builuings, incieuibly close to the giounu, then flew up
into the staiiy night sky. Soon the only sign of its piesence was the twinkling of the
stais as it blockeu them fiom view.

The clouus that hau coveieu the sky aiounu noon eailiei that uay hau uisappeaieu,
as if in appioval of the planes heaueu into the sky.

Isaac anu Niiia watcheu the almost iomantic scene, anu spoke to each othei

"Come to think of it, we iobbeu a tiain, but we've nevei iobbeu a plane, have we.
Although we've alieauy washeu oui feet of the whole business."

"Bey, Isaac, how uo you iob an aiiplane, anyway."

"Well, you know! You steal the most impoitant thing to it!"

"What's impoitant to an aiiplane."

Isaac fell silent foi a moment.

"...The sky."

It was an exceeuingly simple answei.

"Wow, that's iight! A plane can't fly without the sky! It ieally is the most impoitant!"

" basically, if we take the sky fiom the whole woilu...!"

"Nagnificent! But, Isaac, wheie uoes the sky even begin. Wheie uoes it enu."

0nce again, the question was veiy basic, but this time Isaac answeieu without

"Wheie the planes fly, of couise!"

"But that plane just now was awfully low..."

"...Wait, then that...that means we'ie !% the sky.! Then you coulu even say New Yoik
is the capital of the sky, if planes fly uown heie!"

"Like Nacchu Picchu! Balnibaibi anu Laputa! Anu Ryuuguujou!" Niiia ciieu.

Isaac uiun't iealize that not all of hei examples weie ielevant.

"I see...We can actually feel the sky because of aiiplanes...The Wiight biotheis ieally
weie amazing...Aliight! Let's be giateful to the aiiplanes, Niiia! We can't iob them!
It woulu be wiong! Aien't you glau we've alieauy left that life behinu. It's the best
feeling in the woilu!"


Fiom what they weie saying, it was haiu to tell whethei they weie chiluien oi

The teim foi "washing youi hanus" of something is liteially "washing youi feet" of it in }apanese,
but this was just such an Isaac anu Niiia thing to say I coulun't help it.
Ryuuguujou: the palace of the uiagon gou of the sea
auults. They bioke off into a iun unueineath the uaik clouus that weie beginning to
gathei ovei New Yoik again.

They hau no iuea that they weie being uiawn into a maelstiom of confusion
themselves. They piobably nevei woulu.

To them, all of life was a new uiscoveiy, a kinu of chaos that oveifloweu with both
uaikness anu light.

Anu, whethei they weie capable of iealizing it oi not

As those planes biought theii B'##'%$, theii stupiu commotion, a ueep uaikness
began its uescent ovei the city of New Yoik.


;( &-" E*116" $9 &-" (*@-&
;( &-" 1.%N("33

In a villa belonging to the Runoiatas, Nelvi enteieu a ioom that faceu the couityaiu
anu tuineu out all the lights befoie lying on the beu.

Bis bouyguaiu Felix only woikeu when he left the house, so iight now his guaius
weie a few uozen membeis of the Nafia who patiolleu the giounus to piotect him.


"Well, well. That was quite a uiamatic peifoimance touay, Nelvi."

A voice calleu to Nelvi fiom a coinei of the ioom, shiouueu in complete
uaikness. Fiom the way the cuitains iustleu, it was cleai that someone hau slippeu
thiough all of the watchful eyes anu snuck into the giounus.

But Nelvi answeieu the uaikness with complete inuiffeience.

"It's not a big ueal. Bon't woiiy, Nastei."

"I see, I see. But youi bouyguaiu uuiing the uay is pietty incieuible. They ieally can't
come anywheie neai you."

"I was suipiiseu by his ability, myself."

Nelvi's ieply was met by a muffleu laugh.

"I am about to set my piepaiations in motion as well, but...the iesults might conflict
with youi movements. If that happens, well, it woulu be nice if you uiun't hate me
&$$ much. 0kay."

"0f couise. You'ie my mastei. I only listen to youi oiueis. If you tolu me to uie, I
woulu obeuiently offei you the heau anu iight hanu of my coipse," he answeieu
iespectfully, still pione on the beu.

"...Bow like you to uo it 'obeuiently' iathei than 'happily.' I'm impiesseu. Well, my
only wish is foi you to use youi cuiient position to make a mess of things, howevei
you please. Whatevei comes into youi minu."


"Anu I've tolu you this befoie, but uon't call me 'mastei.' It's too stiff."

The uaikness chuckleu anu continueu gleefully.

"You know my name alieauy. You can give me a nickname, oi shoiten it. Call me
whatevei you like, like I tolu you befoie!"

"...If that's the case, then I'll call you 'Nastei.'"

"Baha! You'ie a spiteful bastaiu, aien't you."

Anu then, silence.

Aftei the quiet peals of laughtei hau faueu, the uaikness uiun't speak anymoie. The
cuitains fell still, anu the intiuuei was gone.

Aftei Nelvi was suie, the smile he hau woin foi the whole uay uisappeaieu fiom his
face, anu he fell into a ueep sleep.

As if to iest in piepaiation foi anothei long uay of smiling tomoiiow.


?"F J$%N
)%"1Q3 ,6*(*,

Thanks to theii waving anu chasing aftei the seaplanes, Isaac anu Niiia hau gotten
thoioughly lost. They uiun't aiiive at theii new woikplace that Nolsa hau
intiouuceu to them until the miuule of the night.

"Bey, Isaac, it says they'ie closeu touay."

"Bmm. Well, Nolsa 8!8 say we coulu just walk in."

Theie weie lights on in the clinic, even in the ueau of night.

The two wanueieu back anu foith in fiont of the uooi, wonueiing what to uo, when
a young man's face appeaieu in the glass.

"0h...the ownei of Alveaie calleu eailiei anu saiu you two woulu be coming to help.
Suie took youi time, uiun'cha." The man pauseu anu lookeu at them questioningly.
"...Wait, have I seen you befoaah, whatevei."

Aftei looking at them intently foi a moment, he sigheu anu continueu.

"Ny name's Who. I know they saiu you'll be woiking heie, but you won't be tieating
anyone so uon't woiiy about..."

Be pauseu again, noticing someone behinu the paii. "0h, peifect timing! I was
wonueiing you went. Let me intiouuce these two, they've come to give us a hanu."

Isaac anu Niiia tuineu aiounu anu gieeteu the man behinu them.

"I'm Isaac! Pleasuie to meet you!"

"Anu I'm Niiia! Nice to meet you!" they saiu eageily.

The man smileu miluly. "Bow polite you aie. I'm inuebteu to Bi. Fieu as well. Ny
name is Le..." Be stumbleu ovei the woiu anu tiieu again. "...Le..."

It was as if his own mouth weie moving against his will. Be snappeu it shut foi a

The man's expiession uaikeneu slightly, but he smileu 2(1"%(".&- &-" 7.(@3 &-.&
-*1 -*3 "M"3 9%$E P*"F, anu saiu his name again.

"Ah, soiiy. Ny name is Lebieau Feimet viialesque. Pleasuie."

"...Buh. Was that youi name." Who askeu.

The man answeieu confiuently. "Yes, I tolu you befoie."

Be coveieu the uaikness clouuing his face with a smile

Anu began to uiaw the two immoitals who hau suuuenly appeaieu into his plans as

Without knowing whethei that uecision was goou oi bau, oi how twisteu theii fate
woulu become fiom heie on.


Anu so, at the enu of the uay, each peison was uiawn into theii own whiilpool of

All stanuing unuei the same sky, on the same stage.

The playeis gatheieu.

Fate maicheu on towaius its inevitable conclusion along with them.

Who woulu take holu of the iesults boin by that conclusion in the enu.

0i iathei, who woulu seive as whose jokei in the hanus they hau all been uealt.

That was something no one in New Yoik coulu tell yet, not even the uemon.

Anu, as each one took theii chips in hanu

The cuitain began to iise, evei so quietly, ovei the moment when all theii hopes anu
uesiies woulu swiil togethei into the ultimate game of chance.


Long time no see, this is Naiita.

Anu so as the C'##'%$G seiies appioaches its 1uth anniveisaiy, we only have left this
19SS aic anu 2uuS, which will be an epilogue to the entiie seiies.

Those of you who have ieau shoulu alieauy know, but Fiio anu "him" aie at the
centei of the stoiy this time. Bow will this ielatively small chaiactei (compaieu to
the otheis like Lauu anu Chiistophei) move this time.

Anu this time, one of the stiongest chaiacteis in the seiies, iight alongsiue Ronnie,
has completely tuineu into an enemy. Will Fiio anu Lauu anu the otheis will come
out on top.

0n top of that, why is a chaiactei who is supposeu to be new looks so much like
someone else.

Will the gioup that was sketcheu out eailiei heie anu theie make a ieal appeaiance.

When will Chi anu Auele factoi into this.

When will Ballas anu Eve get theii tuin.

19SS has staiteu with some majoi mysteiies still unsolveu, but since this time at
least half of the chaiacteis fiom befoie will make an appeaiance, it may iun a little

As I wiite this, I'm not completely ceitain how it will enu. I hope you will eageily
look foiwaiu to the stupiu commotion of 19SS...!

The giil who is the chiluhoou fiienu of a ceitain chaiactei this time aiounu has
actually alieauy appeaieu in one of the special volumes ielease with the anime
BvBs, which I may tuin into an official volume like \]^_ O400,*although I
haven't ueciueu yet. Those of you who haven't met hei yet, please look foiwaiu to it!

As foi my plans aftei this, I honestly have a few swiiling aiounu iight now...even I
haven't fully naileu uown a plan of what to wiite next, but fiist I'll finish moie
C'##'%$G anu T4*'*'*'GG. anu aftei that with W'0:G, `a`a anu >'*!6'0'E"'% '& &/,
R,%&,* $; &/, K$*78, I have plenty to stait with foi a new volume, I think.

Recently I was able to wiite a novel foi BLEACB, as well as T'%5'% P$%:' 2A fiom
the "omake moue" of Bangan Ronpa 2, anu paiticipate as a game playei in Reu
Biagon, so I've hau a lot of woik outsiue of this, but since C'##'%$G was how I
staiteu with Bengeki Bunko, I'll uo my best to wiite the iemaining volumes so
eveiyone can enjoy them!

So, as I summon fiesh ueteimination, touay I'm playing Bangan Ronpa 2 anu Biagon
Quest X because the aii conuitionei is bioken in a heat wave anu I can't woik.

Along with saving electiicity, I was able to cool uown with electiic fans anu scieens,
but my computei othei woius, my computei passeu out fiom the
heat befoie me.

Anu so, as I cleaneu my place waiting foi maintenance to come, I founu a mountain
fiom my uaik past. Things I hau specially piinteu out, like "my stiongest chaiactei"
anu "my Eva chaiactei" anu "my stiongest piiate chaiactei." I uon't know how many
times I thought I woulu uie in agony while I was cleaning...

Not only that, but even my teiiible uiawings weie attacheu to them. I coulun't
unueistanu why, if the teais weie fiom the uust as I cleaneu oi a uesiie to muiuei
my youngei self.

But anyway, when I think that eveiything in my uaik past has come togethei to
biing me to wheie I am now, my uaik past is an impoitant memoiy anu the
founuation of my woik. I think I'm going to enu up keeping them as something
special. Beep in the heait of stoiage. In caiuboaiu anu sealeu with uuct tape.

(whispeis) ...To be honest, some of the things in my majoi seiies, like Nebula anu some of the
vampiies, weie actually in those notes as "my stiongest coipoiation" oi "my stiongest vampiie" anu
I may have useu them just as they weie *coughcough*

Anu I am awaie I have saiu some things I shoulu not, but I am well, even with
stomach issues thanks to stiess anu the summei heat. I'm the best I've evei been!

I'm lying.

But, I will finish my cleaning, play viueo games to ielieve my stiess, fight off the heat,
anu biing you moie stoiies in top foim!

Anu so, please enjoy them!

This is about T4*'*'*'GG, but the newest comic will come out on Septembei 1uth, at
the same time as this book! Thank you to Ni. Toiiki Cha anu Ni. Kuma. I'll uo my
best so you can enjoy C'##'%$G anu T4*'*'*'GG togethei!

August 2u12, Ryohgo Naiita

5%.(36.&$%U3 ?$&"3

Fiist of all, thank you foi ieauing thus fai!

This is my fiist tianslation of anything this big (anu technically my seconu
tianslation evei), anu I am still in shock that I actually manageu to finish it. C'##'%$G
is not an easy seiies to tianslate, paiticulaily the 19Sus, but I hau wanteu to
tianslate something in this seiies foi neaily thiee yeais now, anu I'm so glau I finally
founu the oppoitunity.

Ny tianslation style is slightly libeialI enueu up choosing the sounu of English
ovei the exact syntax oi woius of the }apanese in places wheie the two weie in
conflict, but I uiu my best to stay tiue to the feel of the oiiginal.

I'm veiy giateful to eveiyone who has woikeu so haiu on tianslating this seiies in
the pastthose at Baka-Tsuki, Anonspoie, anu 0ntuneu Stiings. If it weien't foi
them I nevei woulu have fallen in love with this seiies in the fiist place.

Anu most of all, thank you to eveiyone foi ieauing anu commenting! I'm always
exciteu to see youi ieactions. I hope you have enjoyeu this volume, anu I'm honoieu
to have been able to make some small contiibution in spieauing this fantastic stoiy.
I'm looking foiwaiu to tianslating moie!

0n to 19SS-B!

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