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OHCHR likely to play major role in war crimes probe

By Our Political Editor

US, India reach consensus on resolution against Sri Lanka, full implementation of 13th mendment and more resources for !P" #ocument $as only an initial draft% final official resolution still not handed o&er, &ote on 'arch () Sunday, March 09, 2014 It went viral after a UN-based web outlet last Monday reported on t e initial draft of a resolution t e United !tates will move on !ri "anka at t e on-#oin# Human Ri# ts Council sessions in $eneva% "ocal and forei#n media reproduced t e &our-pa#e &ull te't( posted )s a Cross reference to a report in t e Inner City *ress in New +ork% !ome mistook t e draft and claimed to be t e &inal One I, as already been anded over to t e Council !ecretariat % It is not so% !till in its infancy( t e draft resolution was co-sponsored t is week by t e United -in#dom( Montene#ro( Macedonia and Mauritius% More countries are to be added as co-sponsors% , ey would be bot members and non-members of t e UNHRC% , e resolution itself is to under#o furt er minor structural c an#es as t e U! consults stake olders w o are supportin# it( important amon# t em( India% It is only t ereafter t at t e formal resolution will be anded over to t e Human Ri# ts Council !ecretariat% It will come up for debate on Marc ./% Among the key speakers on that day will be Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights, Peter Mulrean, Charge'd 'Affaires of the ! mission in "eneva and !ri #anka's $%ternal Affairs Minister "# Peiris& 'he final vote on the latest ! resolution will be on Mar(h )*& 'he (ru% of Monday's +nner City Press report by its sole operator Matthew Russel #ee was that !amantha Power, ! Ambassador to the nited Nations, listed to appear at the Palais de Na(iones in "eneva on 'uesday, had (alled off her visit to address the NHRC& 'his was whilst speakers from ,ritain and Canada had already spoken on a((ountability issues in !ri #anka the day before, he said& #ee (laimed, -,ut at . pm on Monday when the marked up !ri #anka resolution was tabled, its eight /si(0 operative paragraph appeared to simply ki(k the (an down the road again, asking for another update from the High Commissioner for Human Rights 1 who soon won't be Navi Pillay anymore& Cli(k here for draft as provided to +nner City Press& After a four year stint from !eptember 2, )334, Pillay won a two year e%tension of servi(e whi(h e%pires on August 52& 6irstly, !amantha Power did not leave New 7ork for "eneva in view of the developing e%plosive situation in kraine where Russian troops were feared set to move into the Crimean peninsula& !e(ondly, the formal ! resolution has not yet been handed over though some of the speakers had made referen(e to !ri #anka& 8nly the draft is being (ir(ulated& 'hese two aspe(ts notwithstanding, the operative eighth paragraph in the draft resolution, #ee (laims, though not (orre(tly, -appeared to ki(k the (an down the road- or simply told -watered down&- 7et, #ee's report e%(lusively with the draft resolution in(luded, spread like wild fire in a

drought stri(ken forest& 'he ,ritish1based ,ritish 'amil 6orum /,'60 s(reamed last 'uesday that -'he insubstantial draft resolution &&&&&&&&&&&& has greatly disappointed and sho(ked the 'amil people, who are the primary vi(tims of the ongoing (onfli(t &&&&&&& 'he resolution te%t effe(tively (alls for more of the same9 it re:uests another update by the Human Rights Commissioner in a year's time and makes another (all on !ri #anka to laun(h a (redible domesti( in:uiry 1 despite the Human Rights Commissioner herself de(laring that !ri #anka has no politi(al will to investigate itself &&&& -+ts one1time ally, the "lobal 'amil 6orum /"'60 (on(urred& 'he 'amil National Allian(e /'NA0 hard1line Provin(ial Coun(illor Ananthi !hasheetharan told the 'amilnet website that -the international (ommunity has de(eived the geno(ide affe(ted 'amils in delivering international investigations&- !he -also blamed 'NA national list parliamentarian MA !umanthiran for having instru(ted her to be silent at a (ru(ial meeting with the representatives of 24 (ountries during her re(ent visit to "eneva, -the report said& !umanthiran said in Colombo that he made the re:uest sin(e her husband late $lilan was a 'iger guerrilla (adre& He wanted to avoid any (ontroversial remarks being made& 'he pro1 $elam website said :uoting unnamed 'a(tivists' that -the diaspora 'amils and 'amils of 'amil Nadu should not be (arried away by the 'media dis(ourse' in Colombo following the latest re(ommendations of the N Human Rights High Commissioner Navanetham Pillay &&&&&& 'he latest phrase 'international in:uiry me(hanism' (ould also imply a pro(ess of :uestioning or fa(t1finding mission by N !pe(ial Rapporteurs under the human rights regime of the NHRC, whi(h would only end up adding ;ust another report to the e%isting piles of N reports& 'amil lobbyists abroad should not de(eive the masses by their misinterpretations of the terminology, the a(tivists said& 'NA leader Ra;avarothayam !ampanthan ;oined Ar(hbishop <esmond 'utu of !outh Afri(a, 7asmin !ooka /a member of the N !e(retary "eneral's Panel of $%perts that probed !ri #anka0 and a group of others on 6riday to urge in a statement that the NHRC should -pass a resolution that will in(lude a (ommitment to an independent international investigation in the form of a (ommission of in:uiry in !ri #anka& -'hose remarks refle(ted the mood of the 'amil <iaspora and the 'NA, the main politi(al party representing 'amil interests in !ri #anka& 'heir anger, as is (lear, seemed to range over different reasons& 6or some, it was over the resolution allowing a domesti( in:uiry thus (on(eding more time to the "overnment, for others over fears that a probe may be(ome -fa(t finding- and yet others like the 'NA, over the need for a Commission of +n:uiry&

Addressing the UNHRC's 25th sessions, !terna" A##airs Minister $% &eiris re'ects the Hu(an Rights High Co((issioner's re)ort and her ca""s #or an internationa" )ro*e on +ar cri(es, 'hose diverse rea(tions from 'amil :uarters (ame as ,ritain's 6oreign !e(retary =illiam Hague told the ,ritish House of Commons on 'uesday9 -'he N High Commissioner for Human Rights has reported that !ri #anka has failed to ensure independent and (redible investigations into past violations of international humanitarian and human rights law& !he re(ommends establishing an independent international in:uiry, and as the Minister of !tate, 6oreign and Commonwealth 8ffi(e, my right Hon& 6riend the Member for $ast <evon /Hugo !wire0 made (lear yesterday at the Human Rights Coun(il, the > fully supports that view& +n Colombo, some senior ministers in the Cabinet were over;oyed that the "overnment had pulled off a last1minute (ompromise& 8ne of them named a senior "overnment personality, who was then abroad, for this 'a(hievement&' 7et others pro(laimed there would now be no -international investigation&- 'his, no doubt, refle(ted a situation where even ministers were unaware of the e%a(t goings on& 'here were many ministers who were telephoning the media to find out& +n an unusually strong statement, the main opposition nited National Party said, -the international a(tion being (alled for today, is a (onse:uen(e of the Ra;apaksa "overnment's paralysis on grave (rimes (ommitted in this (ountry&- /!ee report elsewhere in this newspaper0& +n reality, there was no ! -ba(ktra(king- and no rabbits have been pulled off a hat by any P6A "overnment leaders& 'hat is notwithstanding apparent ambiguities in the draft whi(h appear to be e%pressly tailored to have moderates, parti(ularly +ndia on board& ,oth =ashington and New <elhi appear to have seen eye to eye on some key provisions in the draft& 'hey also want to provide !ri #anka what is being des(ribed in diplomati( (ir(les as a fragile if not unrealisti( -window of opportunity&- !u(h a move (ould even be a diplomati( entrapment& 7et, the draft fuelled widespread apprehensions that it is weak though it had suffi(ient teeth to bite hard on !ri #anka& 6irst to this operative (lause /paragraph eight0 in the draft9 -=el(omes the High Commissioner's re(ommendations and (on(lusions on the need for an independent and (redible international investigation in the absen(e of a (redible national pro(ess with tangible results, and re:uests the 8ffi(e of the High Commissioner to assess

progress toward a((ountability and re(on(iliation, to monitor relevant national pro(esses, and to investigate alleged violations and abuses of human rights and related (rimes by both parties in !ri #anka, with input from relevant spe(ial pro(edures mandate holders as appropriate, and to present an oral update to the Human Rights Coun(il at its twenty1seventh session , and a (omprehensive report followed by a dis(ussion on the implementation of the present resolution at its twenty1eighth session& 'his operative paragraph e%pressly (alls for an -international investigation- to be (ondu(ted by the 8ffi(e of the High Commissioner for Human Rights with /paragraph ?0 -relevant spe(ial pro(edures mandate holders to provide advi(e and te(hni(al assistan(e on implementing the above mentioned steps&- 'he !unday 'imes /Politi(al Commentary0 revealed last week that the ! resolution would wel(ome Human Rights High Commissioner Pillay's re(ommendations for an international investigation and e%plained that the me(hanism for the purpose was to be determined& +nstead of mi(ro managing the investigative pro(ess, the ! draft has left it in the hands of the Human Rights Commissioner the (hoi(e from three different me(hanisms that are in pra(ti(e 1 the appointment of a !pe(ial Rapporteur or Rapporteurs, a Commission of +n:uiry or a panel of independent e%perts& All three me(hanisms (ome under the purview of the 8HCHR& +n a((ordan(e with the operative (lause, the High Commissioner will be re:uired to give an oral briefing to the NHRC in !eptember )32. /)*th session0 and forward a -(omprehensive report- at the )4th session in Mar(h )32@& Another (lause in the preamble in the same ! draft also refers to an international investigation& +t says, -Re(alling the High Commissioner's (on(lusion that national me(hanisms have (onsistently failed to establish the truth and a(hieve ;usti(e and her re(ommendation that the Human Rights Coun(il establish an international in:uiry me(hanism to further investigate the alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and monitor any domesti( a((ountability pro(esses &&& 'here are of (ourse some matters in the draft whi(h are un(lear, another fa(tor that fuelled spe(ulation over it being weakened& 8ne su(h (ase is the s(ope of the investigation& +t is still not (lear whether this and any possible time line would be determined by the Coun(il before a resolution is adopted& Another tri(ky issue is how the investigations (ould get under way in the absen(e in !ri #anka of an 8ffi(e of the High Commissioner for Human Rights /8HCHR0& +n the light of !ri #anka's re;e(tion of the latest resolution, the "overnment will not allow !ri #ankan soil to be used& 'hus, any international investigation would have to be outside the (ountry and with no (on(urren(e or support from it& +t would be the Human Rights Commissioner's offi(e whi(h would oversee the in:uiry and keep Coun(il members briefed in !eptember this year and Mar(h ne%t year& 'hus, a(tion, if any after the (on(lusion of an investigation, has to be determined by member (ountries in line with the Coun(il's mandate& 'hat would turn out to be a long drawn but yet damaging pro(ess& +n her re(ommendations in the report to the (urrent sessions 1 revealed e%(lusively in the !unday 'imes /Politi(al Commentary0 of 6ebruary 2A 1 Pillay (alled upon the Human Rights Coun(il to -establish an international in:uiry me(hanism to further investigate the alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and monitor any domesti( a((ountability pro(ess& -'he 8HCHR, she said, stands ready to assist su(h a pro(ess& Pillay

noted, -this (an no longer be e%plained as a fun(tion of time or te(hni(al (apa(ity, but that it is fundamentally a :uestion of politi(al will&'he 'window of opportunity' for !ri #anka, well informed diplomats in "eneva say, (omes in the form of the resolution re:uiring the Human Rights Commissioner to -monitor any domesti( a((ountability pro(ess- and the (all to assess progress towards -re(on(iliation&- +n doing so, and reporting to the Human Rights Coun(il, the 8HCHR would be empowered to inform the Coun(il if and when "overnment of !ri #anka does address issues in a((ordan(e with the different ! resolutions& !u(h a (arrot and sti(k move, they say, (ould enable the Human Rights Commissioner, if their offi(e is satisfied, to e%press the need to halt or (all off an international in:uiry& A sour(e added that -it all rests in the hands of the "overnment of !ri #anka&- He said that su(h measures would not only relate to a((ountability issues but also more importantly to the "overnment's re(on(iliation efforts that (ould re(tify what are being des(ribed as -past mistakes& -7et its pra(ti(ality remains a (riti(al :uestion& 'hat would mean that the "overnment would have to take a 5A3 degree turn, one whi(h is unimaginable& +nevitably all these matters would now (ome under Human Rights Coun(il s(rutiny when the resolution is adopted& $%ternal Affairs Minister Peiris who delivered the (ountry's national statement at the Coun(il on =ednesday made (lear the "overnment's offi(ial position& He de(lared that the "overnment had re;e(ted the impending resolution and the High Commissioner's Report in its entirety& 'hus, the :uestion of a 'window of opportunity' does not arise where the "overnment is (on(erned& Pointing out that they are -fundamentally flawed,- he added9 -'hese initiatives disregard the substantial progress made by the "overnment during the five years whi(h have elapsed sin(e the end of the thirty year war against terrorism& 'hey also pay s(ant regard to the (omple%ities and lo(al nuan(es of a sensitive re(on(iliation pro(ess, while eroding (onfiden(e of the people of !ri #anka by the (onstant (hanging of un;ustifiable demands& Moreover, they persist in an attitude whi(h is (learly disproportionate to the (ir(umstan(es and in(onsistent with the treatment of (omparable situations& +t is mu(h to be regretted that the High Commissioner's Report and those who e%alt its virtues only seek to infli(t harm on the re(on(iliation pro(ess by bringing about a polariBation of the !ri #ankan so(iety Peiris' response to the (all for investigations into alleged war (rimes said9 -'he 6irst Part of the Army Court of +n:uiry /C8+0, investigating allegations on (ivilian (asualties (on(luded in 6ebruary )325& 'he in:uiry (on(luded that instan(es of shelling referred to in the ##RC Report were not (aused by the !ri #anka Army and that (ivilian (asualties may have o((urred due to unlawful a(ts by the #''$& 'hese a(ts in(lude targeting (ivilians fleeing to the safety of Army1 held areas and likely routes of es(ape, dropping of artillery rounds fired by ill1trained #''$ gunners on to (ivilian (on(entrations& 'he C8+ has indi(ated that further eviden(e, if presented, will be e%amined& 'he Court of +n:uiry appointed by the Army is now addressing the se(ond part of their mandate, (omprising the Channel . allegations, whi(h (ommen(ed in Mar(h )325& Currently in Progress is the identifi(ation of Potential =itnesses and, on(e identified, they would be formally Called As =itnesses& +t is noteworthy that the &!& draft resolution (ontains referen(es to 'wo signifi(ant matters whi(h have been raised repeatedly by the !ri #anka "overnment with New <elhi & Here are the two9 /20 -Calling upon the "overnment of !ri #anka to fulfil its publi( (ommitments, in(luding

on the devolution of politi(al authority whi(h is integral to re(on(iliation and the full en;oyment of human rights by all members of its population&- / )0 -$n(ourages the "overnment of !ri #anka to provide the Northern Provin(ial Coun(il and its Chief Minister with the resour(es and authority ne(essary to govern, as re:uired by the 25th Amendment of !ri #anka's Constitution&An authoritative sour(e said, -'his way +ndia is ensuring in a :uid pro :uo with the ! that the (ommitments given to New <elhi by Colombo with regard to 'amil issues are enshrined in the resolution in e%(hange for its support&- 'hat way +ndia e%pe(ts to keep the issues in international fo(us thus preserving its (lout to raise issue at a later o((asion& 'hat is parti(ularly in the event of a "overnment move to veer away from what New <elhi per(eives are assuran(es already given to it& 'his is parti(ularly with regard to the implementation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and related issues as well as the (all to the "overnment to -fulfil its publi( (ommitments, in(luding on the devolution of politi(al authority &&&&&- As a (onse:uen(e of this, the P6A "overnment's previously de(lared positions 8n devolution of powers of power in(luding the implementation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution would Come under an (entraliBed repository Human Rights Coun(il purview& 'he Provision in the draft to -monitor the relevent National pro(esses- both holds and binds !ri #anka "overnment to an indefinite pro(edural involvement by the N High Commissioner for Human Rights, when the resolution is adopted& 'his is more so, when it (omes to some bilateral issues with +ndia where the "overnment thinking is now at varian(e with that of New <elhi& 'he 8ffi(e of the Human Rights Commissioner (ould ask that the "overnment of !ri #anka use the offi(es of -relevant spe(ial pro(edure mandate holders- or (omplain thereafter to the Coun(il that its re:uests were not heeded& +n the light of this, it is not surprising that +ndian Prime Minister Manmohan !ingh during talks with President Ra;apaksa on the sidelines of the ,+M!'$C summit in Naypyidav, Myanmar, raised issue over the working of the Northern Provin(ial Coun(il& 'hese (oun(ils are the out(ome of the 25th Amendment whi(h +ndia brokered ba(k in 2?4*& Premier !ingh sought to know the relations between the Central "overnment and the NPC& 'he move (ame in the ba(kdrop of the 'NA, whi(h holds the ma;ority in the Coun(il, resolving to remove the Northern Provin(e "overnor as well as to demand the transfer of the NPC Chief !e(retary& 'he 'NA has a((used the "overnment of not heeding its re:uests and protested that it does not re(eive the resour(es to fun(tion& A "overnment sour(e said Northern Provin(e "overnor retired Ma;or "eneral "A Chandrasiri would not have his term e%tended when it e%pires ne%t month& +nstead, the sour(e said, Ra;apaksa would (onsult the 'NA before naming a su((essor& He is also (onsidering other (hanges, the sour(e added& 'he two leaders also dis(ussed the ve%ed issue of 'amil Nadu fishermen poa(hing in !ri #ankan waters& $arlier, Ra;apaksa had briefed Premier !ingh on the National Plan of A(tion based on the re(ommendations of the #essons #earnt and Re(on(iliation Commission /##RC0& 'he Prime Minister of +ndia did not provide assuran(es to President Ra;apaksa on how +ndia would vote on the up(oming NHRC resolution& -'here was no substantive dis(ussion on the draft resolution& "iven that it has important impli(ations for both !ri #anka and +ndia, it was felt that the two sides should remain in tou(h on the issue, -+ndia's $%ternal Affairs Ministry spokesperson !yed Akbaruddin told reporters after the talks& $%ternal Affairs Minister !alman

>hurshid, was :uoted in +ndian media reports as telling ;ournalists on board the Prime Minister's flight ba(k to New <elhi, that President Ra;apaksa had been -(ourteous, sensitive and forth(oming&- Minister >hurshid was to later reveal in New <elhi that President Ra;apaksa raised the issue of Mauritius, a (lose ally of +ndia, (o1sponsoring the ! resolution& ,esides those issues of (onsiderable (on(ern to +ndia, it is (lear that the draft ! resolution has been built on the two previous ones in )32) and )325& 'hree new and signifi(ant elements have been added this time to the preamble& 'hey are9 -Reaffirming also that !tates must ensure that any measure taken to (ombat terrorism (omplies with their obligations under international law, in parti(ular international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as appli(able,-=el(omes the oral update of )@ !eptember )325 and the report of ). 6ebruary )32. of the 8ffi(e of the nited Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on promoting re(on(iliation and a((ountability in !ri #anka and the re(ommendations and (on(lusions (ontained therein, in(luding on the establishment of a truth1seeking me(hanism and national reparations poli(y as an integral part of a more (omprehensive and in(lusive approa(h to transitional ;usti(e& - rges the "overnment of !ri #anka to investigate all atta(ks, by individual and groups, on temples, mos:ues, and (hur(hes and to take steps to prevent future atta(ksC and (alls on the "overnment of !ri #anka to investigate and hold a((ountable perpetrators of atta(ks on pla(es of worship, ;ournalists, human rights defenders, members of religious minority groups, and other members of (ivil so(iety& Reported atta(ks on pla(es of worship, parti(ularly those used by Muslims as well as their business establishments, formed the sub;e(t of a heated dis(ussion when ministers met for their weekly meeting on 6ebruary )4& An angry President Ra;apaksa was to (all upon Dusti(e Minister Rauff Hakeem, leader of the !ri #anka Muslim Congress to -get out- if he (ould not stay in the "overnment& Ra;apaksa a((used Hakeem of -betraying the (ountry- after Minister Champika Ranawaka raised issue& He (omplained that the !ri #anka Muslim Congress /!#MC0 had handed over a detailed report addressed to Human Rights Commissioner Pillay& Hakeem denied he personally did so sin(e he was a Minister in the Cabinet& However, the !#MC, it has now transpired, did forward a report& Ahead of her arrival in !ri #anka in !eptember last year, its "eneral !e(retary Hassen Ali had (onta(ted the N 8ffi(e in Colombo and sought an appointment for a party delegation to meet Pillay& =hen the re:uest did not materialise, the party's report listing out a number of issues affe(ting the Muslim (ommunity was handed over to the N offi(e to be forwarded to Pillay& Minister Ranawaka produ(ed the (opy of this report before ministers and (harged that it was improper for a (onstituent partner of the P6A to do so& 'he report forwarded by the !#MC had been formulated by the Muslim Pea(e !e(retariat, one that was set up during the Norwegian brokered (easefire between then NP "overnment and the #iberation 'igers of 'amil $elam /#''$0& 8n +' had (ontained a((ounts of atta(ks Muslims, 'heir business establishments and a number of allegations 8'H$R&

After the furore at the ministerial Meeting, the !#MC 'high Command' +ts >ompannaveediya at Met 8ffi(e 1 <arus !alaam 1 8n 'hursday night& Hakeem giving a lengthy e%planation, said it was not un(ommon for him to have arguments with President Ra;apaksa at ministerial meetings& +n fa(t he had telephoned him on !aturday /Mar(h 20 morning but (ould not rea(h sin(e the President was away in Anuradhapura& =hen he had (alled ba(k, Hakeem said, he was in the shower& Hen(e, he had not been able to speak& President Ra;apaksa, however, made up for it on 'hursday night& At the state ban:uet to visiting Afghanistan President Hamid >arBai at ''emple 'rees', he saw Hakeem had turned up& He (alled him, patted him on the shoulder and introdu(ed him to >arBai as -this is my Dusti(e Minister&- +n view of President >arBai's visit, 'hursday's ministerial meeting was put off for 6riday& +t began after a (eremony where a (ake was (ut to mark the .)nd birthday of Minister =imal =eerawansa& 8n !aturday morning /the day after the ministerial meeting the week before0, Hakeem told the 'high (ommand' meeting that Minister ,asil Ra;apaksa had telephoned him to advise that he should not be overly (on(erned& +t was followed by Minister <ullas Allahapperuma who rang from Matara with a similar message& $ven businessman 'iru Nadesan, who was in !ingapore, had (alled asking him not to take any pre(ipitate a(tion& He had said that President Ra;apaksa was (on(erned& Also (alling to e%press President Ra;apaksa's (on(ern, he said, was P6A national list parliamentarian AHM ABwer& Hakeem told the 'high (ommand' he had planned no su(h a(tion after the spat and added that as Minister he had defended the "overnment over the war (rimes issue& As a party representing Muslim interests, he argued, that "eneral !e(retary Hassen Ali and others had to take up issue& Hakeem's (omments (ame as the National !hoora Coun(il, All Ceylon Damiathul lema and the Muslim Coun(il of !ri #anka forwarded a memorandum to $%ternal Affairs Minister Peiris& +t was a follow up of a meeting with members of the Coun(il, a (onsultative body of different organisations, held at Peiris' residen(e after it was arranged by Colonel !uresh !ally, <ire(tor "eneral of Military +ntelligen(e /<"M+0& 'aking note of Peiris' remarks that their views on Muslim (on(erns should not be used by others in their (ampaign against !ri #anka in "eneva or elsewhere, the memorandum listed a number of issues& 'he !ri #anka delegation to the NHRC in "eneva, interesting enough, was not announ(ed by the Ministry of $%ternal Affairs but by !ri #anka's Permanent Mission in "eneva& <elegation members, a((ording a news release from it, are "# Peiris /leader0, !a;in de Eass "unawardena /Monitoring MP, Ministry of $%ternal Affairs0, Ambassador Ravinatha Ariyasinha, Chandima =i(kremesinghe, !enior Assistant !e(retary to the President, 6athuma Mafusa, Assistant <ire(tor F =est <ivision and Counter 'errorism nit of the M$A, Additional !oli(itors "eneral Dayantha Dayasuriya and =D !havindra 6ernando, <eputy !oli(itors "eneral AHM< NawaB and A& Nerin R& Pulle, Minister in the !ri #anka Mission in Gatar, !ithara ABard >han and !hashikala Premawardhane, !enior Assistant !e(retary to the Ministry of <efen(e& 'he news release adds9 -#eader of the House and Minister of +rrigation and =ater Resour(es Management Nimal !iripala de !ilva, and Minister of Plantation +ndustries Mahinda !amarasinghe, who will be in "eneva to parti(ipate in the 253th +nter Parliamentary nion /+P 0 Assembly and related meetings, will ;oin the !ri #anka delegation from 2@1)2 and ? 1)2 Mar(h, respe(tively, in briefing regional groups of member (ountries to the N in "eneva on

developments relating to !ri #anka& ,esides the !ri #anka delegation, staff at the "overnment Press is working overtime on another operation& <ifferent books on Human Rights, Rehabilitation, arti(les written by a(ademi(s on demo(ra(y in !ri #anka, the implementation of various programmes listed in Mahinda Chinthana /'houghts of Mahinda0 are now in print& 'hey will be air lifted to "eneva for distribution among the delegates& =hether these will help ward off a third ! resolution, when the (ondu(t of !ri #anka's foreign poli(y has failed miserably in the past years, remains a (riti(al :uestion& 'hat will not be of (on(ern e%(ept among dis(erning !ri #ankans in their (ountry and abroad& Peiris, who has (harted the (ontroversial (ourse on foreign poli(y matters, (ould always say that they are a -disproportionate- lot&

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