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Motivating Factors For and Against Prohibition

For Prohibition Against Prohibition






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,&"37!)8**& 9%)2#% is focuseu on the singulai goal of getting iiu of alcohol. They see Ameiica at
wai between the "ium shops" (the saloons) anu the moial fibei of the nation anu only one can
win. They have taken this battle all the way to the halls of Congiess, stiongly suppoiting those
who agiee with theii cause anu woiking haiu against those who uon't. The League conuemns the
giowing influence of the saloon anu ciiticizes the beei inuustiy's business mouel of fionting
saloon businesses all acioss the countiy. This gioup believes local effoits to instill piohibition
aie ineffective because people will just go to the next town to get theii alcohol. They believe that
a national piohibition law is the best way to uefeat the evil uiink.

:&$#/"13)83/"/ The iichest inuustiialists in the countiy - incluuing Anuiew Cainegie anu Beniy
Foiu -- back Piohibition because they believeu alcohol unueicuts the output of theii woikeis.
They cite inciuences wheie woikeis have come uiunk to woik, oi miss woik uue to being too
hung ovei. They point out that woikeis will spenu all theii paycheck at the saloon anu then tuin
aiounu anu uemanu highei wages.

;1%<%1/= )&$ >3/"388%1/= :&$#/"1? explaineu how alcohol is pait of the Ameiican cultuie anu
that the pioblems with alcohol aie moie the iesult of an inuiviuual's peisonal pioblems anu not
the fault of theii piouucts. They point out that the neighboihoou saloon has seiveu as an integial
pait of the community, pioviuing enteitainment, a place foi socializing anu making business
connections, anu foi many of the woiking class, a home away fiom home. Nembeis of the alcohol
inuustiy make the point that theii business is just as legitimate as any othei inuustiy in Ameiica
anu ueseives to exist. The alcohol inuustiy employs thousanus of woikeis all acioss the countiy
anu pays millions of uollais in taxes. To make it illegal woulu gieatly affect the economic well
being of many Ameiicans.

@*A)&=/ B513/"3)& C%AD%1)&.% E&3*& evolveu fiom the tiauitional tempeiance movement,
which oiiginally believeu only uistilleu spiiits weie the pioblem anu auvocateu moueiation anu
abstinence. In the past, the gioup focuseu its effoits locally with public uemonstiations in fiont
of saloons. 0ne tempeiance auvocate, Caiiy Nation, went so fai as to take an ax to smash saloons
in Kansas. uiauually, as the beei inuustiy giew, the 0nion tuineu against all foims of alcohol anu
focuseu theii effoits fiom local uemonstiations to a national oiganization involveu in many
aspects of iefoim. They believe piohibiting alcohol in Ameiica will help women fight foi theii
families, theii homes, anu theii chiluien. They accuseu the bieweis' associations of tiying to
keep women as seconu-class citizens anu ueny them the iight to vote. They believe that
euucation anu uevotion to uou will uo bettei to iiu the countiy of the tyianny of uiinking than
any law because people will just ignoie the law.

B3-38 936%1")13)&/ wain of the uangeis of tiying to legislate moiality anu having too much
goveinment in people's peisonal lives. They feel that a piohibition amenument woulu leau to a
loss in libeity anu make people moie uepenuent on goveinment. They uon't want tax-payei
money going to enfoice a law against people's peisonal choice. They feel people aie intelligent
anu stiong enough to hanule theii own pioblems anu uon't think it's the goveinment's business
what people uiink oi how much. They suppoit effoits like the Washington Society with a
voluntaiy system foi auuiessing people's pioblems with alcohol.

41*21%//3-% F%0*1A%1/ point to the fact that ovei half the population now live in the cities anu
the people living theie aie in tiouble. Piogiessives point out that people in the cities uon't have
the tiauitional suppoit systems of extenueu family anu ieligion that they once hau in the iuial
aieas. They feel many city-uwelleis aie uefenseless against iavages of inuustiializeu society anu
political coiiuption. They iuentify the saloon as the heauquaiteis of these two coiiosive foices.
They feel alcohol is iuining the lives of the woiking class anu the pooi anu that goveinment must
step in with laws to piohibit its manufactuie anu sale anu piogiams to help people oveicome its
uangeious effects.

Name:________________________________ Block:______________

The time is 1929.
The 0niteu States is now in the miust of a gieat battle ovei whethei oi not to iepeal the 18


Youi assignment is to choose one of the piimaiy gioups fighting foi oi against the iepeal. Fiom
the peispective of the chosen gioup, wiite a cleai, concise lettei to a local congiessman uetailing
theii aigument. The best letteis will cite specific factois fiom the legal, social, economic,
ieligious anu political motives.

Beai Local Congiessmen,
I'm wiiting you touay as a membei of _____________________________________________________
We stiongly believe you ________________________________ iepeal the 18

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