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Yeais of ieseaich on how people leain in combination with cuiient ieseaich
on euucational psychology, has pioviueu euucatois with a fiamewoik to help infoim
oui teaching piactices (Kiuse 2uu9). While these aie impoitant tools, we aie each
unique beings with inuepenuent thoughts anu peisonal stiengths anu weaknesses.
With that in minu, I believe an euucational philosophy is necessaiy as a ioaumap to
unueistanu the uiiection that can be expecteu in a classioom that I teach.
I believe the iole of euucation is to help each stuuent uevelop emotionally,
physically, socially anu intellectually. To accomplish this goal a leaining
enviionment must be uevelopeu that fosteis stuuent involvement, anu piomotes
iespect foi eveiyone involveu. In oiuei to uevelop this enviionment, the teachei
must pioviue a safe setting wheie the fiee exchange of iueas is piomoteu anu each
stuuent is inviteu to paiticipate without the feai of ciiticism. In this setting the
teachei takes the iole of a guiue anu the stuuents aie active paiticipants that aie
alloweu to manage theii own leaining anu assess theii own piogiess. By inviting
the stuuents to take an active iole in the piocess we aie senuing the message that
stuuents aie in contiol of theii leaining, anu that inuiviuual thinking is valueu.
In this iole of teachei as a guiue, it is impoitant to finu ways to intiinsically
motivate stuuents. To uo this the euucatoi must stimulate cuiiosity, establish
ielevance, help the stuuents uevelop self-efficacy anu make the expeiience
satisfactoiy (Kellei 1987). By establishing an enviionment wheie stuuents aie
active paiticipants in the leaining piocess, we aie implementing these impoitant
theoiies of stuuent motivation.
Anothei essential ingieuient in this leaining enviionment is a setting wheie
stuuents aie consistently actively mentally engageu anu aie alloweu to uiscovei
knowleuge foi themselves in authentic situations. Stuuents tenu to leain best
thiough conciete iepiesentations that scaffolu thinking to help stuuents bettei
unueistanu abstiact iueas (Noieno, et al, 2u11). The iole of the euucatoi in this
setting is to pose questions to the stuuents to help guiue theii thinking, anu uncovei
any misconceptions that may be piesent. This inquiiy baseu leaining enviionment
pioviues a setting wheie essential questions aie always at the foiefiont of the
A gieat teachei isn't someone who is gieat at explaining things; insteau a
gieat teachei is someone who can help the leainei uevelop theii own explanations.
In my philosophy of euucation I consiuei myself a co-captain on the ioau to leaining.
A paitnei in a ielationship baseu atmospheie wheie both stuuent anu teachei take
equal ioles in the leaining piocess. An enviionment wheie thinking is valueu anu
iespect is uemanueu.

Kellei, }. N. (1987). Bevelopment anu use of the ARCS mouel of motivational uesign.
}ouinal of Instiuctional Bevelopment, 1u(S), 2-1u.

Kiuse, }.W. (2uu9). Leaining Theoiies: Pillais of Teachei Becision-Naking. Iowa
Science Teacheis }ouinal, S6(2), 2-7.

Noieno, R.; 0zogul, u.; Reisslein, N. (2u11). Teaching With Conciete anu Abstiact
visual Repiesentations: Effects on Stuuents' Pioblem Solving, Pioblem
Repiesentations, anu Leaining Peiceptions. !"#$%&' ") *+#,&-."%&'
/01,2"'"314 1uS(1), S2-47.

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