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M|nutes of the meet|ng he|d on Wednesday 6

Iebruary 2014 at 7pm |n the Commun|ty Centre
resent: SLan Amey (Chalrman), 8arbara !appy, (1reasurer), enny kane (SecreLary), Malcolm
8romley, Alllson Cowle, Cerry Wood, aul ParrlngLon.
Counclllor uelrdre Mackay
Guest speaker: CaLrlona Crlgg
1. Apo|og|es: Ldward Mackay, (vlce Chalrman),
2. o||ce report: ln Lhe lasL monLh Lhere have been 22 calls on pollce:
Advlce calls: 2
Alarm calls: 1
Mlnor road Lrafflc offences: 2
Speedlng offences: 4 (Lhe penalLy for speedlng ls now 100.00 plus 3 penalLy polnLs)
CourL procedure: 1
Llcenslng enqulrles: 7
WeaLher/phone llne faulLs: 2
ALLempLed fraud: 2 (1xA1M machlne and one Lrylng Lo geL probably forged noLes changed aL Lhe
1hefL of moLor vehlcle: 1
1here was dlscusslon abouL Lhe use of fog llghLs whlch are lllegal Lo use unless Lhere ls fog. 1here ls
also a new law on Lall-gaLlng
3. Catr|ona Gr|gg spoke abouL research belng done on |ntra-Chr|st|an sectar|an|sm. 1hls ls
governmenL funded and managed by vAl. 1here are ln LoLal 44 pro[ecLs: 41 CenLral 8elL, 1
Plghlands, 1 8orders,1 uumfrles and Calloway. 1hls pro[ecL ls run by Plghllfe Plghland Lhrough
8rora CommunlLy Learnlng CenLre.
ro[ect a|ms:
1o lmprove Lhe evldence base on Lhe naLure and exLenL of lnLra-ChrlsLlan secLarlanlsm and
how lL ls undersLood ln and lmpacLs on communlLles across Lhe counLry
1o galn a greaLer undersLandlng of Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lackllng secLarlanlsm ls a prlorlLy for
communlLles and Lhe level Lo whlch Lhey are prepared Lo have open and frank dlscusslon
1o lmprove undersLandlng of Lhe effecLlveness of dlfferenL lnLervenLlons and whaL can be
learned from Lhose whlch fall Lo have Lhe lnLended effecL
1hls ls belng done by Lalklng Lo clergy, CommunlLy Counclls, communlLy groups and book clubs.
1he \CovernmenL Advlsory Croup's reporL ls avallable aL:
1here was general dlscusslon abouL lnLra-ChrlsLlan secLarlanlsm ln Lhls area and lL was agreed
LhaL Lhls was noL someLhlng whlch we were famlllar wlLh ln Lhls parL of Lhe Plghlands. CaLrlona
can be conLacLed aL caLrlonagrlgg[

4. Approva| of M|nutes of December meet|ng: roposed by Allson, seconded by Malcolm
Approva| of m|nutes of LGM of 27
Ianuary: 1hls was agreed Lo be consldered as a Lrue record as
only 2 counclllors aLLended Lhe meeLlng
S. Matters Ar|s|ng:
Loos: uelrdre has conLacLed Campbell SLuarL re new loo seaLs and beLLer clsLerns. new loo
seaLs wlll be flLLed, Lhe clsLerns assessed and new round loo roll dlspensers supplled Lo replace
Lhe exlsLlng Llssues as Lhese come ouL ln clumps and block Lhe loos.
War Memor|a|. uelrdre reporLed LhaL Lwo assessmenLs have been done, Lhe lnlLlal survey and
an ln-depLh one. 1he ScoLLlsh CovernmenL has made 1,000,000 avallable buL lL ls Lo be
accessed over Lhe course of 2014 - 18 and shared among many memorlals. 1he Plghland
Councll wlll bld lnLo Lhls fund buL Lhe money we geL wlll be unllkely Lo cover all Lhe works
requlred so Plghland Councll may asslsL wlLh more mlnor works such as leLLerlng. Any shorLfall
could be meL ouL of CaplLal ulscreLlonary lund. A new offlcer responslble for War memorlals
aL Lhe Plghland Councll has [usL Laken up posL and ls famlllarlslng hlmself wlLh Lhe area. Pe wlll
carry ouL scope of work and cosLs. Pelmsdale's Memorlal, llke 8rora's, ls qulLe unlque as lL has
an lnLerlor. PC Cfflcers wlll llalse wlLh PCC and P8L.
I|ags]I|agpo|es: enny Lo flnd ouL lf Lhe Plghland Cames CommlLLee are a) puLLlng ln a requesL
for wlnd farm money Lo buy new flags and lf Lhe repalrs on Lhe flagpoles has been compleLed
St Iohn's We||: 1he assessmenLs needed are a) of Lhe Well lLself and b) of Lhe surroundlng area
lncludlng Lhe rough paLh. 1PC Archeology uepL carrled ouL a survey ln 2003 lL was felL LhaL Lhls
should be updaLed. 1he cosLs would llkely be ln Lhe reglon of 1,000. uelrdre suggesLed LhaL an
appllcaLlon could be made Lo Lhe Ward 8udgeL.
I|ag ka|s|ng Ceremony: enny read ouL a leLLer from ur Maln, Lord LleuLenanL, asklng for a
donaLlon Lo help pay for a recepLlon for veLerans of Lhe armed servlces followlng Lhe llag
8alslng Ceremony Lo be held on 23
!une 2014. 1he Councll unanlmously agreed a donaLlon of
Shower 8|ock Couper ark: enny read ouL a response from Lhe SecreLary of Lhe 8unlllldh
SporLs Club regardlng Lhe shower block. 1he block ls sLlll ln use for equlpmenL sLorage. AL Lhe
momenL Lhe club ls geLLlng quoLes for bulldlng repalr. 1hey have applled for a mlcro-granL of
300 Lo help pay for Lhe cosL of a sklp. Councll agreed unanlmously Lo pay ln full
1|mespan: As agreed aL Lhe lasL meeLlng, a leLLer of supporL was senL Lo 1lmespan ln Lhelr
efforLs Lo wln Lhe CreaLlve lace Awards, ln whlch very happlly Lhey won flrsL place lasL
week.k Lo wrlLe Lo 1lmespan Lo Lhank Lhem for all Lhelr hard work ln galnlng Lhe award whlch
wlll help Lourlsm, [ob creaLlon and genealogy
6. Counc|||or's keport:
lloodlng from Lhe sLorm surge and overLopplng had shlfLed Lhe recycllng blns. 1hls has
been reporLed Lo 1LCS.
A leLLer was read Lo Councll regardlng eroslon of Lhe fooLpaLh leadlng from Lhe new"
brldge round Lhe headland Lo Lhe Lrack opposlLe whaL was Lhe Wee Cafe. 1he paLh was
severely damaged by Lhe sLorms lasL year, blg supporLlng boulders have been washed away
and Lhe paLh ls conLlnulng Lo deLerloraLe rapldly. 1he renovaLlon work aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe
Lrack has been badly damaged. All damage reporLs have been senL Lo Lhe Plghland Councll
and are ln Lhe process of belng prlorlLlsed. lL wlll depend on who owns Lhe land on varlous
parLs of Lhe paLh (e.g. may be SuLherland LsLaLes of 1ransporL ScoLland).Land noL ln publlc
ownershlp wlll noL be repalred by Lhe Plghland Councll
ulsLrlcL arLnershlp: uelrdre reporLed on Lhe work of SuLherland ulsLrlcL PealLh and Soclal
Care arLnershlp. 1he recenL agenda lncluded, among oLher Lhlngs, a presenLaLlon by
1ransporL for 1ongue, a local lnlLlaLlve respondlng creaLlvely Lo local LransporL lssues and as
a resulL lmprovlng servlces ln Lhelr locallLy.

Change lund: uelrdre reporLed LhaL Lhere ls now a clearer undersLandlng of how Lhls wlll
operaLe. A CommunlLy uevelopmenL lan ls also belng progressed ln order LhaL besL use
wlll be made of Lhe resources avallable and LhaL dupllcaLlon wlll be avolded and gaps ln
servlce ldenLlfled.
CalLhness and SuLherland Area CommlLLee: 1he key lLem on Lhe agenda ls a debaLe on Land
8eform aL urummule, on 11
lebruary aL 10.30am. Speakers uavld Cameron and eLer
eacock of CommunlLy Land ScoLland.
1here was much dlscusslon abouL Lhe harbour dredglng. 1he mess belng made ln Lhe area,
on land, cars, boaLs eLc ls very bad and Lhe smell ls aL Llmes qulLe dlsgusLlng. 1here does
noL appear Lo be anyone monlLorlng Lhe work and Lhe dredglng depLh ls sLlll unknown.
uelrdre wlll lnvesLlgaLe
7. 1reasurer's report: 2178.03 ln bank of whlch 1030 ls Cordonbush beneflL money, leavlng
1128.03. 1he amounL of money from wlnd farm beneflL has been lncreased Lo 3,000 p.a. and
maxlmum donaLlon ralsed Lo 300. 1hls money has as yeL noL been recelved. 1hree requesL
recelved Lhls monLh.
a. as above from 8unlllldh SporLs Club for 300
b. Pelmsdale arenL Carer re-school Croup for waLer awareness. 1wo Lrlps Lo Lhe swlmmlng
pool for chlldren and carers Lo lnclude LransporL cosLs Lhe cosL ls 280.00 requesL for 230
agreed unanlmously
8. ALLlLude Cheer Leaders. 1hls ls a group lncludlng chlldren from Pelmsdale. 1ralnlng ls free of
charge, Lhe sLudenLs need new unlforms. k Lo wrlLe and enqulre how many Pelmsdale chlldren
lnvolved, wheLher money had been requesLed from elsewhere and also enclose Lhe correcL forms.
lor revlew once lnfo gaLhered.
9. Deve|opment Cff|cer's keport:
nCW 100 funded
AwalLlng Lhe conflrmaLlon of Lhe SecLlon 66 Lo be released by Plghland Councll
Addresslng several LLCAL elemenLs of Lhe pro[ecL
We wlll be appolnLlng Lhe conLracLors ln Lhe nexL several weeks or sooner, and expecL a sLarL daLe
of around mld Lo laLe March
new AppllcaLlon submlLLed, awalLlng ouLcome
8ecenL round of appllcaLlons has now closed, wlLh a declslons made on 19
March 2014
ApprenLlceshlps - on agenda
Conflrmed LhaL Lhe LuC posL ls now funded unLll !une 2013.
Puu1 ACM wlll Lake place ln CommunlLy CenLre on 1hu 20
March 2014 7pm
10. Apprent|cesh|p scheme: aul gave lnformaLlon on Lhe !olnL SuLherland ApprenLlceshlp lund. A
slmllar scheme has been operaLlng elsewhere. lease see separaLe sheeL for full deLalls. 1he
Councll agreed LhaL we should supporL a slmllar scheme locally Lo provlde Lralnlng opporLunlLles
for local youngsLers. P Lo move forward
11. A.C.8.:
SLan asked secreLary Lo leave Lhe room and asked Lhe Councll Lo agree a pay rlse for Lhe
secreLary from 300 pa Lo 600pa. 1hls was agreed and enny Lhanked Lhe councll for
agreelng Lhls
SLan announced LhaL he would be sLandlng down as Chalr aL Lhe ACM ln !une glvlng oLher
members a chance Lo conslder sLandlng ln hls place.

rocess of consulLaLlon for Lhe ScoLLlsh llre and 8escue Servlce lans 2014 closes on 14

leb. k Lo puL posLers up ln CommunlLy CenLre
Councll agreed Lo lnclude Lhe LoLh resldenLs response Lo Lhe scoplng reporL ln Lhe Councll
response. P, SA and k Lo sLay afLer meeLlng Lo dlscuss and Lo meeL on Monday aL
11.30am Lo flnallse
AL Lhe requesL of a vlllager, Allson broughL up Lhe facL LhaL uavld 8ooLh had been a flrsL
responder for 10 years before hls reLlremenL lasL year. lL was agreed LhaL he had done an
exLremely valuable [ob. k Lo wrlLe and acknowledge Lhls and Lo Lhank uavld
k read ouL a leLLer from a fan of Pelmsdale wrlLlng from Amerlca. k Lo reply and sorL ouL
some llLeraLure for hlm
12. Contr|but|ons from the pub||c:
!ean SargenL Lhanked Lhe Councll for wrlLlng ln supporL of 1lmespan and Lhe CreaLlve
laces Awards. 1he award recognlses creaLlvlLy and vlbrancy ln Lhe communlLy. 1he
ceremony, ln kllmarnock, was packed. 1o celebraLe Lhe wln and Lo Lhank all Lhose lnvolved
1lmespan are havlng a parLy on 26
lebruary aL 7.30pm all welcome. k Lo wrlLe Lo Lhe
8oard Lo say Lhe CommunlLy Councll ls ln full supporL of Lhelr acLlvlLles

Meet|ng c|osed at 8. S0pm
Date and t|me of next meet|ng: 1hursday 6
March 2014 aL 7pm
lf glvlng apologles please conLacL enny so LhaL we wlll know ln advance lf we have a quorum


"Io|nt Suther|and Apprent|cesh|p Iund"
kyle of SuLherland ApprenLlceshlp Scheme (koSAS) was seL up by Lhe Achany anel uslng money from Lhe Lnergy
Lfflclency lund provlded for Lhe area. 1hls was a slngle paymenL amounLlng Lo 114,000, Lhe panel declded LhaL
Lhey wanLed Lo creaLe a legacy wlLhln Lhe area. 8y enabllng buslnesses Lo Lhrlve and grow and provlde young
people wlLh Lhe opporLunlLles Lo galn Lralnlng and experlence wlLhln Lhelr own communlLy seemed Lo be Lhe
poslLlve ouLcome whlch Lhey looked Lo achleve.
1he koSAS was seL up 4 years ago and has Lo daLe 7 apprenLlces Lralned or under Lralnlng. 1hey have had Lwo
occaslons when Lhe apprenLlce has lefL Lralnlng, and one when Lhe newly quallfled apprenLlce lefL Lo go Lo AusLralla.
A porLlon of Lhe funds has been used Lo employ a co-ordlnaLor for Lhe scheme, who would carry ouL a number of
duLles, lnvolvlng maLchlng Lhe apprenLlce Lo a buslness, worklng wlLh Lhe buslness Lo explaln whaL ls lnvolved and
Lhe real cosL Lo Lhe buslness, assessmenL of Lhe appllcaLlons and publlclslng of Lhe scheme. 1here ls also a supporL
mechanlsm, where Lhe co-ordlnaLor ls Lo gaLher 6 monLhly reporLs from each buslness and Lhe lndlvldual
apprenLlce. 1he panel feel LhaL, Lhey have perhaps noL recelved value for money from Lhls posL, alLhough Lhey
recognlse LhaL perhaps Lhe remlL Lhey supplled was greaLer Lhan Lhey needed, and Lhe processes noL as well
managed as lL mlghL have been.
CurrenLly koSAS have approxlmaLely 7,000 remalnlng ln Lhe fund, whlch ls noL enough Lo fund anoLher
apprenLlceshlp (currenLly averaglng abouL 11,000). 1he panel also felL LhaL Lhelr orlglnal crlLerla of boLh appllcanL
and buslness should be wlLhln Lhe Achany fund area mlghL requlre Lo be revlslLed Lo provlde a greaLer range of
buslnesses whlch mlghL border Lhelr area.
WlLh all of Lhese conslderaLlons, koSAS were keen Lo explore Lhe opporLunlLles whlch mlghL be avallable Lo supporL
Lhelr Scheme Lhrough SSL SusLalnable uevelopmenL lund. 1hls 1,000,000 fund whlch ls avallable Lo consLlLuLed
groups wlLhln Lhe Plghland Area" and has [ob creaLlon and Lralnlng as one of lL's maln Lhemes.
SSL's CommunlLy lnvesLmenL Advlsor who manages Lhe Cordonbush fund was aware LhaL Lhe Cordonbush anel
were keen Lo explore Lhe opporLunlLy Lo esLabllsh an apprenLlceshlp scheme as a legacy wlLhln Lhe Cordonbush
fund area. Pavlng hlghllghLed Lhe opporLunlLy of Lhe susLalnable fund, Lo Lhe Cordonbush anel, Lhe poLenLlal for a
[olnL bld was dlscussed, Lhe poslLlves Lo Lhls would be,
1he opporLunlLy Lo share pracLlce and knowledge
1he slngle appllcaLlon demonsLraLlng [olnL parLnershlp worklng
1he addlLlonal conslderaLlon glven Lo pro[ecLs from exlsLlng renewable areas, Lwo ln a slngle bld
Chance Lo aLLracL fundlng Lo help esLabllsh Lhe scheme, aL mlnlmal cosL Lo Lhe fund

now w||| |t work?
lL ls proposed LhaL vCLS would as a consLlLuLed group, who cover Lhe compleLe comblned area, submlL Lhe
appllcaLlon Lo Lhe susLalnable fund.
1he opLlon Lo seL up a new consLlLuLed group Lo submlL Lhe appllcaLlon was noL a posslblllLy wlLhln Lhe Llme frame
avallable (appllcaLlons musL be submlLLed by Lhe 13 lebruary)
rocesses and procedures would have Lo be esLabllshed and a framework seL up Lo manage Lhe scheme. Sub group
comprlslng of 4 members from each panel could carry ouL Lhls plece of work over 2-3 meeLlngs. 1hls group would
Lhen reduce Lo perhaps 4 members (across boLh panels) who would provlde Lhe llnk beLween vCLS and Lhe maln
panel who would Lake declslons on Lhe allocaLlon of apprenLlces.
1here would sLlll need Lo be an elemenL of co-ordlnaLlon and aL cosL whlch needs Lo be added Lo Lhe LoLal cosL of
Lhe appllcaLlon Lo Lhe susLalnable fund, so as noL Lo deLracL from Lhe funds whlch each panel are puLLlng forward
for apprenLlces.

now much w||| |t cost?
CurrenLly Lhe apprenLlceshlps whlch koSAS have funded have ranged beLween 3,300 and 13,200 Lhls reflecLs Lhe
Lype of apprenLlceshlp, Lhe quallflcaLlons galned and Lhe maLch fundlng whlch can be aLLracLed from Lhe Cl18 eLc.
1aklng 11,000 as an average cosL per apprenLlce, Lhen suggesLlons LhaL Lhe Cordonbush anel mlghL wanL Lo
supporL 4, one for each area glves a cosL of 44,000. Achany have suggesLed 2, aL 22,000 Lhls glves a LoLal of
66,000 for 6 apprenLlces.
AppllcaLlon Lo SusLalnablllLy lund would conslsL of,
1. MaLch fundlng (year 1) 66,000 = 6 apprenLlces
2. AppllcaLlon (year 2) 66,000 = 6 apprenLlces
3. AppllcaLlon (year 3) 66,000 = 6 apprenLlces
4. Co-ordlnaLors fee
3. 1oLal pro[ecL cosL 198,000 plus co-ordlnaLor cosLs.
6. AmounL requesLed 132,000 plus co-ordlnaLor cosLs
CuLcome 18 young local people galn Lralnlng, experlence and quallflcaLlons wlLh local buslnesses.

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