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VOZ ACTIVA Y VOZ PASIVA Estas estructuras tienen una correspondencia similar con el espaol, aunque ciertas variaciones

se presentan en algunos casos. En la siguiente ilustracin se establecen las definiciones de las mismas:

Es cuando una persona realiza una accin directamente, o cuando la accin cae directamente sobre tal persona.

Es cuando una persona recibe la accin o la accin recae indirectamente en la persona

"u estructura es "u#eto$verbo$predicado o complemento.

"u estructura es "u#eto$verbo to be$participio pasado del verbo principal$predicado o complemento.

He visits the park every day. e sing a song.

the park is visited by him every day. ! song is sung by us

%el concepto anterior, se entiende, entonces, que como en espaol, la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo &to be& 'ser( y el participio pasado, tal como se observa en el e#emplo dado: )hey made this car in *+,-. 'active( 'passive( Es importante destacar que en la estructura el su#eto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al ob#eto de un verbo en activa.
Objeto ;enezuelans speak "panish Sujeto "panish is spoken by venezuelans Pasi!a Acti!a

)his car

.as made in *+,-.

/onocido esto, es importante estudiar la siguiente lista de las formas del verbo en pasiva. 'pp 0 participio pasado(.

Tiempo Verbal 12E"E3) /73)43878" 98)82E ' 466(


Ejemplo Spanish is spoken here.

12E"E3) "4516E am/are/is + pp

am/are/is being + Your questions are being answered. pp will be + pp Itll be painted by next week.

98)82E ':743: am/are/is going to Terry is going to be made redundant next )7( be + pp year. 1!") "4516E 1!") /73)43878" 12E"E3) 1E29E/) 1!") 1E29E/) was/were + pp We were invited to the party, but we didnt go.

was/were being + The hotel room was being cleaned when pp we got back rom shopping. a!e/ as been + pp a" been + pp The !resident o "merica has been shot. When he got home he ound that all o his money had been stolen.

98)82E 1E29E/)

will a!e been + pp

#ur baby will have been born be ore $hristmas.

Es importante acotar que, en las formas del <future progressive= '.ill be being $ pp( y <perfect progressive= 'has been being $ pp( no es muy com>n su uso. %el mismo modo, con los verbos modales tambi?n es posible emplear la voz pasiva, tal y como se observa en el cuadro:
Verbo mo"al H!;E )7 "H786% 58") /!3 5!@ /786% 54:H)



#as to be + %nglish has to be studied. pp S oul" be + The book should be read pp must be + pp The Wall must be painted by next week.

Can be + pp Terry can be made redundant. $a% be + pp We may be invited to the party Coul" be + pp $ig t be + pp The hotel room could be cleaned when we got back rom shopping. The !resident o "merica might be shot.

En este orden de ideas, para decir qui?n hacAa la accin o qu? la causaba, se usa &by&. E#emplos )his house .as built by my mother Esta casa fue construida por mi madre. ashington .as bombed by 1akistan 1akistBn. En lAneas generales, la voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar qui?n o qu? hace la accin. Es mBs normal encontrar en espaol formas con <se=, por e#emplo: <se habla=, <se alquila= o verbos en plural como <venden=, <compran=. :erman is spoken here !quA se habla alemBn ashington fue bombardeado por

hen .as this house builtC D/uBndo se construy 'fue construida( ?sta casaC ! lot of songs have been .ritten about love "e han escrito muchas canciones sobre el amor ! manera de e#ercicio, seguidamente se seala un teEto para eEtraer diez oraciones que evidencien la estructura de la voz pasiva en ingl?s: Valentine&s 'a% "aint ;alentine&s %ay, commonly shortened to ;alentine&s %ay, is an annual commemoration held on 9ebruary *F celebrating love and affection bet.een intimate companions. )he day is named after one or more early /hristian martyrs named ;alentine and .as established by 1ope :elasius 4 in GHH !%. 4t .as deleted from the 2oman calendar of saints in *+,+ by 1ope 1aul ;4, but its religious observance is still permitted. 4t is traditionally a day on .hich lovers eEpress their love for each other by presenting flo.ers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards 'kno.n as IvalentinesI(. )he day first became associated .ith romantic love in the circle of :eoffrey /haucer in the High 5iddle !ges, .hen the tradition of courtly love flourished. 5odern ;alentine&s %ay symbols include the heartJshaped outline, doves, and the figure of the .inged /upid. "ince the *+th century, hand.ritten valentines have given .ay to massJproduced greeting cards. 4n the second half of the KHth century, the practice of eEchanging cards .as eEtended to all manner of gifts in the 8nited "tates. "uch gifts typically include roses and chocolates packed in a red satin, heartJshaped boE. 4n the *+LHs, the diamond industry began to promote ;alentine&s %ay as an occasion for giving #e.elry. )he 8.". :reeting /ard !ssociation estimates that approEimately *+H million valentines are sent each year in the 8". Half of those valentines are given to family members other than husband or .ife, usually to children.

hen you include the valentineJeEchange cards made in school activities the figure goes up to * billion, and teachers become the people receiving the most valentines. 4n some 3orth !merican elementary schools, children decorate classrooms, eEchange cards, and are given s.eets. )he greeting cards of these students sometimes mention .hat they appreciate about each other. )he rise of 4nternet popularity at the turn of the millennium is creating ne. traditions. 5illions of people use, every year, digital means of creating and sending ;alentine&s %ay greeting messages such as eJcards, love coupons or printable greeting cards. !n estimated *G million eJvalentines .ere sent in KH*H. hile sending cards, flo.ers, chocolates and other gifts is traditional in the 8M, ;alentine&s %ay has various regional customs. 4n 3orfolk, a character called &Nack& ;alentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving s.eets and presents for children. !lthough he .as leaving treats, many children .ere scared of this mystical person. 4n ;alentine&s %ay. Oraciones en voz pasiva extradas del texto *. )he day is named after one or more early /hristian martyrs named ;alentine K. !nd .as established by 1ope :elasius 4 in GHH !%. -. 4t .as deleted from the 2oman calendar of saints in *+,+ by 1ope 1aul ;4, F. Out its religious observance is still permitted. G. )he practice of eEchanging cards .as eEtended to all manner of gifts in the 8nited "tates. ,. *+H million valentines are sent each year in the 8". P. Half of those valentines are given to family members. ales, many people celebrate %ydd "antes %.yn.en '"t %.yn.en&s %ay( on Nanuary KG instead of 'or as .ell as(

L. /hildren decorate classrooms, eEchange cards, and are given s.eets. +. !lthough he .as leaving treats, *H. 5any children .ere scared of this mystical person. En las oraciones anteriores se puede distinguir la estructura de la voz pasiva de la manera siguiente: () * K F G , P L + * H Sujeto )he day )Bcito it religious observance the practice of eEchanging cards *+H million valentines Half of those valentines /hildren !lthough he 5any children Verbo to be is .as .as is .as are are are .as .ere Participio pasa"o named established deleted 'still( permitted eEtended sent given given leaving scared Pre"ica"o *Complemento+ after one or more early /hristian martyrs named ;alentine by 1ope :elasius 4 in GHH !%. from the 2oman calendar of saints in *+,+ by 1ope 1aul ;4. 3o contiene to all manner of gifts in the 8nited "tates. each year in the 8". to family members. s.eets treats of this mystical person.

,E-E,E(CIAS Escuela 7ficial de 4diomas 'KH*K(. Ingl&s ni'el intermedio. 5?Eico: )rillas. "eligson, 1. Q 7Eenden, /. 'KHH,(. (ew %nglish )ile* Intermediate students book. 7Eford: 7Eford 8niversity press. ikipedia. 'KH*F(. +alentine,s -ay. R1Bgina en lAneaS. %isponible en: http:TTen..ikipedia.orgT.ikiT;alentine&sU%ay. R/onsulta, KH*F, enero, **S.

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