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Government Study Guide

Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government
Chapter 2 - What were the differences between the Federalists and Anti-federalists? - Know the differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans. What was the co pro ise that settled the differences between the two? - What were the proble s with the Articles of Confederation? - Know the ethods to a ending the Constit!tion - What were the steps"doc! ents that led to the Constit!tion? - What were the Federalist Papers? - Know yo!r articles and a end ents# Chapter $ - What is federalis ? Know the difference between cooperati%e and d!al federalis and the eras of each. - Know the co!rt cases McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden, and Dred Scott v. Sandford. - What are the necessary and proper cla!se& f!ll faith and credit cla!se& pri%ileges and i !nities cla!se& and the s!pre acy cla!se? - What are the differences between en! erated& reser%ed& and conc!rrent powers? - What are categorical and bloc' grants? What are they !sed for?

Political Beliefs and Behaviors

Chapter (()*!blic +pinion and *olitical ,ociali-ation -What factors deter ine who will %ote %ers!s who will not %ote? What is the .( factor in deter ining if a person is going to %ote? - What is *!blic +pinion? - /ow does political sociali-ation and other factors infl!ence opinion for ation? What is the .( factor that will deter ine how a person for s their political opinion?

Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media

Chapter ($) Voting and 0lections -What were so e of the any changes in the foc!s of ca paigns 1after the (234 0lection5? -What are pri aries 6 ca!c!ses? /ow does this syste wor'? /ow are presidential candidates chosen"how is the field narrowed to one in each a7or party? -What is the Federal 0lection Co ission? What r!les ha%e they established and what do effect they ha%e on c!rrent elections? -/ow does the 0lectoral College choose o!r *resident? -What is hard oney and what is soft oney? 08plain how the !se of each has changed. - What is the role of oney in ca paigns? What ca paign finance refor s ha%e been adopted? What effects ha%e they had? - What are the positi%e and negati%e feat!res of *olitical Action Co ittees? /ow ight they affect politicians and policy a'ing? - /ow do ca paign i ages and iss!es conflict& or do they? What is the role of the edia in shaping both?

Chapter (9) No inations 6 Ca paigns -/ow is a candidate no inated for the presidency? What f!nctions do national party con%entions perfor ? What criticis s ha%e been raised abo!t the no ination process? :s it a representati%e process? -What is the role of oney in ca paigns? What ca paign finance refor s ha%e been adopted? What effects ha%e they had? -What are the positi%e and negati%e feat!res of *olitical Action Co ittees? /ow ight they affect politicians and policy a'ing? - What is soft and hard oney? - What infl!ence did uc!ley v. "aleo ha%e on personal contrib!tions? Chapter (3) :nterest ;ro!ps -What are :nterest ;ro!ps? /ow do they f!lfill their roles of representation, participation, education, progra# #onitoring and agenda building? -What is a *olitical Action Co ittee? What does a *AC do? -What is the free rider proble ? <e able to s!pply e8a ples. -What are the %ario!s tactics that lobbyists !se? Know that their ost i portant reso!rce is infor ation 1e%en ore than oney or the threats they ay hint at5. -What are iron triangles?

Institutions of ational Government

Chapter =>Congress -Where did o!r bicameral legislat!re for "get its start? -What is reapportionment and how does it affect the /o!se? What is the national trend of pop!lation growth? - What is gerrymandering and who does it benefit? /ow has race beco e an i portant factor and what has the ,!pre e Co!rt r!led abo!t gerry andering? -What are the %ario!s aspects of the :nc! bency 0ffect? <e s!re to 'now the concepts as well as the %ocab!lary 1incumbent& casework& the franking privilege5? -/ow does a bill beco e a law? ,t!dy the ?@-chartA 1which is si ilar to whatBs on page $945 and fa iliari-e yo!rself with co ittees 1leadership and e bership in& types of and wor' that they do5. - +nce legislation goes to the president& what are his"her options with a bill? :f the president signs a bill& what does Congress do once it has beco e law? -What are the leadership positions in each ho!se? What role do they play in the process? -What are the differences between r!les of debate in the /o!se 6 ,enate? What is a filibuster and how is this !sed? /ow does cloture play a role in this special power? -What are the %ario!s roles e bers of Congress play to represent their constituents. - What does por! "arrel refer to?

Chapter 4) Che *residency

#What are inherent and constit!tional powers of the president? - What chec's and balances does the president ha%e o%er Congress and the ,!pre e Co!rt? - Which article established the 08ec!ti%e <ranch? - What is the line of s!ccession after the *resident of the Dnited ,tates? - Which a end ent established the ter li its for the president?

Chapter 2) Che Federal <!rea!cracy - /ow does one beco e a b!rea!crat? What yths s!rro!nd the b!rea!cracy in the D.,.? - /ow is the Dnited ,tates b!rea!cracy organi-ed? What policy a'ing roles do the different federal agencies play? -What is policy i ple entation and what are its ain feat!res? What factors facilitate and what factors hinder s!ccessf!l i ple entation of a p!blic policy? Dse specific e8a ples of i ple entation to ill!strate yo!r points. - What is needed for an agency to perfor its reg!latory role? What are the pros and cons of dereg!lation? - What is a coalition? Coalition b!ilding?

Chapter (E) Che J!diciary -08plain the str!ct!re of the A erican 7!dicial syste . What are the differences between the federal district co!rts& co!rts of appeal& and the ,!pre e Co!rt? -What is the process by which e bers of the ,!pre e Co!rt are chosen? /ow does the appoint ent process for other federal co!rts differ? - What is 7!dicial re%iew and in which co!rt case was it gi%en to the ,!pre e Co!rt? - /ow do co!rts shape p!blic policy in their decisions and in the opinions by 7!dges !sed to 7!stify decisions? What effect ha%e the co!rts had on the policy agenda? -/ow do co!rt decisions beco e p!blic policy? What is in%ol%ed in 7!dicial i ple entation? -What has the ,!pre e Co!rt r!led on the iss!e of capital p!nish ent? Abortion? Pu"lic Policy Chapter (=) ,ocial Welfare *olicy a'ing - What are the different types of social welfare progra s in the D.,. and how do they co pare to social welfare progra s in other co!ntries? - What are the a7or proble s facing social welfare progra s today? - Fescribe the debate concerning the ca!ses of po%erty and whether social welfare policies really wor'. Civil $ights and Civil %i"erties Chapter G) Ci%il Hiberties
-What is the relationship between the national go%ern ent and the states in the protection of ci%il liberties? /ow was the iss!e of protecting ci%il liberties at the state le%el resol%ed? -/ow has religio!s freedo been interpreted by the ,!pre e Co!rt? <e s!re to incl!de a disc!ssion of the establish ent cla!se and the free e8ercise cla!se. -:dentify the %ario!s types of speech. Categori-e the different types of speech according to the e8tent to which they are protected by the Constit!tion. ;i%e e8a ples of co!rt cases that ha%e helped to establish these protections. -What are the constit!tional protections of persons acc!sed of cri es& and where are they fo!nd? /ow has the ,!pre e Co!rt interpreted and shaped these protections? - Know the cases) Plessey v. Ferguson and ro$n v. oard of %ducation.

Chapter 3) Ci%il Iights -What does the D.,. Constit!tion say abo!t eJ!ality? -What ha%e been the different eras in the str!ggle for racial eJ!ality? What p!blic policy achie%e ents were ade in each era? -08plain how the right to %ote has been e8tended in the Dnited ,tates to incl!de both African A ericans and wo en. /ow was the str!ggle for s!ffrage a ong these two gro!ps si ilar and different? -What policies ha%e res!lted fro the str!ggle for eJ!al rights for wo en? 08plain the contro%ersy o%er the iss!e of co parable worth. -What is eant by affir ati%e action? What are the pros and cons of affir ati%e action? /ow has the ,!pre e Co!rt dealt with the iss!e of affir ati%e action?

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