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General Description
Shielded metal arc welding oins metals !" heating them with an electric arc !etween a co#ered metal electrode and the wor$% The melted electrode metal is trans&erred across the arc into the molten pool o& !ase metals' !ecoming the deposited weld metal% A slag &ormed &rom the electrode coating and the !ase metal imp(rities &loats to the s(r&ace and co#ers the deposit' protecting it &rom)atmospheric contamination and controlling the cooling rate% Shielding o& the weld comes &rom the !rea$down' or decomposition' o& the electrode co#ering% *(alit" welds re+(ire a protecti#e shield &rom the harm&(l gases in the s(rro(nding air% ,iller metal comes &rom the electrode core wire and co#ering' which is made (p o& iron powder and allo"ing elements% SMAW is sometimes re&erred to as -stic$- welding% It is the most widel" (sed o& all the processes we will tal$ a!o(t !eca(se o& the simplicit" o& the e+(ipment' high strength and +(alit"' and the low cost% It has &le.i!ilit" and welds most metals in a wide range o& thic$ness% Welding with this process can !e done almost an"where and (nder e.treme conditions% It can !e powered !" gasoline or diesel i& necessar"% SMAW is (sed e.tensi#el" in ind(strial &a!rications' str(ct(ral steel erections /!(ildings' !ridges' etc%0 !o. cars' tr(c$s' dams' and other commercial weldments%

Sheilded Metal Arc Welding

The SMAW process is (s(all" man(all" operated' !(t it can !e a(tomated with' machine or gra#it" ) stic$ &eeder% The !asic e+(ipment consists o& a power so(rce' ca!les' an electrode holder' a gro(nd clop' and the electrode% The power s(ppl" can (s either alternating c(rrent' direct c(rrent electrode negati#e /straight polarit"0' or direct c(rrent electrode positi#e /re#erse polarit"0' depending on the o! re+(irements% Direct c(rrent power s(pplies are o&ten pre&erred !eca(se the" are more #ersatile%

Shielded Metal Arc Welding E+(ipment

The electrode in the SMAW process ser#es se#eral important &(nctions% It esta!lishes the arc and s(pplies &iller metal &or the weld deposit% The co#ering on the electrode' $nown as the &l(.' also has special characteristics that "o( sho(ld !e aware o&% Here is a list o& some o& these characteristics1 (1) (2) (3) It provides a gas that shields the arc from' atmospheric contamination. It provides scavengers, deoxidizers, and fluxing agents to clean the weld and prevent excessive grain growth. It esta lishes the electrical characteristics of the electrode, meaning that the electrode covering determines if ac or dc power supplies are to e used. It provides a lan"et of slag that protects the metal while it is cooling, and controls the cooling rate. It provides a wa$ to add allo$ing elements to strengthen the weld.

(!) (#)

Co#ered electrodes are classi&ied according to speci&ications iss(ed !" the American Welding Societ"% Commercial speci&ications &or co#ered electrodes can !e &o(nd in the AWS A2 speci&ications series%

Welding Characteristics3Applications
It is important &or a welding inspector to remem!er that the SMAW process ma" ha#e man" #aria!les to consider% ,or instance' it can !e (sed on a wide #ariet" o& oint con&ig(rations )) nearl" e#er" standard oint &o(nd in the welding ind(str" 4 and there is a wide #ariet" o& possi!le !ase metal and &iller metal com!inations% 5ccasionall"' se#eral t"pes o& electrodes are (sed &or a partic(lar weld% 6o( as a welding inspector' m(st !e $nowledgea!le a!o(t the speci&ication (sed &or the o! so "o( will $now how these #aria!les a&&ect weld +(alit"%

The SMAW process has all)position capa!ilities% I t can !e (sed &or welding most steels and some o& the non&erro(s metals' as well as &or s(r&acing% 7ase metal thic$ness weld capa!ilit" ranges &rom

appro.imatel" 839: in% minimall" to o#er ; in%' depending on heat or distortion control re+(irements and techni+(es% Heat inp(t control d(ring welding is a ma or &actor with some materials' s(ch as +(ench)and)tempered steels' precipitation hardened and other stainless steels' and low allo" steels containing mol"!den(m% Improper control o& heat inp(t d(ring welding' when re+(ired' can easil" ca(se crac$ing or' as in the case o& corrosion resistant stainless steels' a loss o& !ase metal prime properties /e%g%' corrosion resistance0% Electrode melting rate is one o& the &actors that determines the process selection !" the welding engineer% It res(lts in a meas(rement called -deposition rate'- which ranges &rom :)83: to 8: l!3hr &or SMAW' depending on electrode selection%

The SMAW process is limited somewhat !eca(se all welding manip(lations are controlled !" the welder% There&ore' m(ch o& the s(ccess o& this process depends on the s$ill and techni+(e o& the welder% There are &o(r !asic areas that the welder m(st ha#e s$ill in controlling1 (1) (2) (3) (!) %ength of the arc &ngle of the electrode 'peed of travel &mperage setting

Remem!er that e#en tho(gh "o(' as a welding inspector' are not directl" in#ol#ed with the welding process' it is still important &or "o( to ta$e sa&et" preca(tions when watching the process% 6o( m(st (se &ilter lenses o& the proper densit" to watch the electric arc /see AWS A<%:0 and also' "o( m(st wear protecti#e clothing and a helmet% Sa&et" glasses with side shields are needed &or protection &rom slag !eing chipped o&& !" the welder% Don=t &orget that #entilation is necessar" &or man" sit(ations% Sa&et" &or all people near an" welding process in action cannot !e o#eremphasi>ed%

The shielded metal arc weldments can contain almost an" discontin(it"% 7elow is a)list o& some common discontin(ities that ma" !e &o(nd))when this process is (sed and an e.planation o& how each is ca(sed or how each can !e a#oided ma" !e &o(nd at the end o& this mod(le lesson% (1) (2) (3) (!) (#) (*) (-) (/) (0) (orosit$ )luster porosit$ (iping porosit$ Inclusions Incomplete fusion Inade+uate ,oint penetration .ndercut, underfill, overlap %amellar tearing )rac"ing

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

S?7MERGED ARC WELDING General Description

S(!merged arc welding' or SAW' oins metals !" heating them With an electric arc' or ar$s !etween a !are metal electrode /or electrodes0 and the !ase metal% The arc is s(!merged in and shielded !" a !lan$et o& gran(lar' &(si!le material on the wor$ $now as &l(.% In the SAW process' "o( cannot see the arc !etween the electrode and the wor$ piece' as it is hidden% The electrode is not in contact with the wor$ piece% The melted electrode metal is trans&erred across the arc into the molten pool o& !ase metals and &l(.' !ecoming the deposited weld metal% The &l(. that melts close to the arc with the molten metal' 'p(ri&"ing and &orti&"ing the metal )) m(ch the same as what happens in the SMAW process% A slag is &ormed here &rom the &l(. and imp(rities that also &loats on the s(r&ace and co#ers the deposit' protecting it%

S(!merged Arc Welding E+(ipment

An ad#antage o& s(!merged arc welding is its deep penetration% Also' the high deposition rates o& SAW red(ce the total heat inp(t into a oint% Welds that wo(ld re+(ire m(ltiple passes !" shielded metal arc welding can !e deposited in one pass !" s(!merged arc welding% The welder or welding operator does not ha#e to wear a helmet with this process' !(t' since he cannot see thro(gh the &l(.' he ma" ha#e a di&&ic(lt time directing the arc i& it gets o&& trac$% 7eca(se the arc is hidden &rom #iew and re+(ires a trac$ing s"stem' SAW has limited &le.i!ilit"% 7(t this is o&&set !" se#eral ma or ad#antages' s(ch as1 (1) (2) (3) (!) (#) 1igh weld metal +ualit$ and strength 2xtremel$ high deposition rate and travel speed 3o arc flash 44 minimizing protection re+uirements %ittle, if an$, smo"e 2asil$ automated, reducing manipulative s"ill needs.

SAW also welds a wide range o& thic$nesses' and most o& the steels' &errite and a(stenitic' are welded !" SMAW% A ma or (se o& the SAW process is in the &a!rication o& hea#" steel plate weldments' e%g%' press(re #essels and tan$s' large diameter pipes' maintenance and repair' and' in ship!(ilding' s(!assem!l" &a!rication%

S(!merged Arc Welding

Welding (nder a gran(lar &l(. is a semia(tomatic' machine' or a(tomatic process in which electrode &eed and arc length are controlled !" the wire &eeder and power s(ppl"% In a(tomatic welding' a tra#el mechanism mo#es either the torch or the wor$' and normall" a &l(. reco#er" s"stem recirc(lates the (n&(sed gran(lar &l(.% ,or machine and a(tomatic welding' arc tra#el is either prealigned or g(ided !" a spotlighter /or pointer0 directed onto the path% The machine method' in which a welding operator m(st monitor the operation' is the most pop(lar% The a(tomatic method' a p(sh!(tton operation' is second in pop(larit"% The least (sed is the semia(tomatic method in which the welder g(ides the g(n /welding head0 !" hand% In semia(tomatic welding' the g(n and its &l(. hopper are pressed against the &aces o& the wor$ to control the location o& the weld%

S(!merged Arc Welding

The power s(ppl" &or SAW ma" !e one o& the &ollowing1 (1) & varia le voltage dc generator or rectifier (2) & constant voltage dc generator or rectifier (3 )&n ac transformer These power so(rces sho(ld pro#ide the high c(rrents at the d(t" c"cle re+(ired% Most welding is done in a range &rom @AA to 82AA amperes% The SAW process can !e (sed with ac or dc power so(rces' and each o& these has certain ad#antages4 there&ore' it is important to select the one proper &or the o!% Welding with dc power pro#ides !etter control o& the weld !ead shape' depth o& penetration' and welding speed% Direct c(rrent re#erse polarit" /DCRB0 pro#ides !etter arc sta!ilit"' and the res(lt is !etter control o& the !ead shape% Highest deposition rates are gained with dc straight polarit" /DCSB0' !(t penetration is low% Alternating c(rrent prod(ces penetration somewhere !etween DCRB and DCSB' and has the ad#antage o& lessening arc !low% S(!merged arc electrodes are s(pplied as !are solid wires or as composite electrodes' (s(all" #er" similar in chemistr" to that o& the !ase metals /Re&% AWS A2%8C0% SAW &l(.es also change the chemical composition o& the weld metal and in&l(ence its mechanical properties% ,l(. characteristics are similar to those o& the &l(. in SMAW% The di&&erent t"pes o& &l(.es are listed as &ollows1 (1) 5used (2) 6onded (3) &gglomerated (!) 7echanicall$ mixed The composition o& the weld is altered !" s(ch &actors as the melted !ase metal chemical reactions !etween the elements in the electrode and &l(.' and allo"s added thro(gh the &l(.% ?se o& a &l(. and &iller wire gi#es the process great &le.i!ilit" in reaching the desired weld properties%

As a welding inspector' it will !e "o(r responsi!ilit" to #eri&" that the proper wire and &l(. com!ination is (sed to o!tain the speci&ied weld composition%

Welding Characteristics3Applications
S(!merged arc welding can !e (sed &or man" ind(strial applications% That incl(des ship!(ilding' railroad car &a!rication' or steel str(ct(ral mem!ers% The process can !e (sed to weld thin as well as thic$ sections /838< in% to o#er ; in%0% SAW is (sed mostl" on car!on and low allo" steels and stainless steel% It is not s(ita!le &or all metals and allo"s% D(e to the nat(re o& the SAW process' most o& the welding is done in the &lat position% Welds made with the SAW process (s(all" ha#e good d(ctilit"' high impact strength' (ni&orm densit"' low nitrogen content' and high corrosion resistance% Broperties that are at least e+(al to those o& the !ase metal are o!tained% It is partic(larl" important with s(!merged arc welding that all wor$ s(r&aces !e clean% The aligning o& the machine tra#el with the oint is also critical% The welding operator m(st ha#e good training in controlling all the #aria!les that are possi!le with this process% S(!merged arc welding is (sed &or ma$ing groo#e' &illet' and pl(g welds' and &or s(r&acing% When open)root !(tt oints are welded' a !ac$ing is (sed to s(pport the molten metal%


SAW is (sed &or oining man" &erro(s and non&erro(s metals and allo"s% It is also (sed to appl" cladding to !ase metals to pro#ide the desired properties o& the s(r&ace materials% The general classes o& !ase metals that are welded are as &ollows1 (1) (2) (3) (!) (#) (*) )ar on steels up to 8.20 percent car on 1eat4treated car on steels (normalized or +uenched and4tempered) %ow allo$ steels, +uenched4and4tempered up to 188,888 psi $ield strength )hromium4mol$ denum steels (192 percent to 0 percent chromium, and 192 percent to 1 percent mol$ denum) &ustenite chromium4nic"el stainless steels 3ic"el and nic"el allo$s (solid solution t$pes)

Electrode deposition rates &or SAW range &rom minim(m o& 83: l!3hr /semia(tomatic0 to a o& appro.imatel" 8DA l!3hr (sing tandem arcs /a(tomated0% Remem!er that sa&et" preca(tions are still important with the SAW process e#en tho(gh the arc cannot !e seen% Goggles m(st !e worn in the shop' !(t it is not necessar" to (se &ilter plates% Welds ma" e.hi!it all o& the common discontin(ities% A list o& SAW)related discontin(ities &ollows1 (1) )rac"s (crater, root, throat, toe) (2) Incomplete fusion (3) Incomplete penetration (!) %amellar tearing (#) %aps (*) (orosit$ (-) 'lag inclusions (/) .ndercut


Gas metal arc welding' or GMAW' (ses the heat o& an electric arc !etween a contin(o(sl")&ed' !are &iller metal electrode and the

!ase metal% The heat melts the electrode end and the !ase metal s(r&ace to &orm the deposited weld metal% Shielding o& the arc and the molten weld pool comes entirel" &rom an e.ternall" s(pplied gas' which ma" !e inert' acti#e' or a mi.t(re% This process is sometimes re&erred to as -MIG- welding% Slag &ormed d(ring SAW and SMAW processes does not &orm with GMAW' as there is no &l(. (sed% Howe#er' a glass)li$e &ilm o& silica &orms &rom high silicon electrodes' which m(st !e treated li$e slag%

Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW is +(ite a #ersatile process% Ma or ad#antages incl(de1 higher deposition rates than SMAW4 red(ction o& smo$e and &(mes4 high #ersatilit"4 !road application a!ilit"4 welds a wide range o& thic$ness and metals% It can !e !" a semia(tomatic' machine' or a(tomatic method% In the semia(tomatic method' the electrode is &ed a(tomaticall" thro(gh a hand)held g(n% The welder controls the inclination and distance o& the g(n &rom the wor$ as well as the tra#el speed and manip(lation o& the arc% In the machine method' a welding operator monitors a mechani>ed tra#el operation &or necessar" ad (stments% In the a(tomatic method' the entire operation is &(ll" machine controlled% GMAW can also !e (sed &or s(r&acing applications%


Gas metal arc welding e+(ipment consists o& a welding g(n' a power s(ppl"' a shielding gas s(ppl"' and a wire)dri#e s"stem%

Gas Metal Arc Welding E+(ipment The g(n contains a contact t(!e to transmit the welding c(rrent to the electrode and a gas no>>le to direct the shielding gas% The wire &eed is made (p o& small motors and dri#e wheels% The shielding gas &low is reg(lated !" &low meters and press(re)red(cing reg(lators% This pro#ides a constant deli#er" o& gas to the g(n no>>le% Most GMAW applications re+(ire direct c(rrent re#erse polarit" /DCRB0 power% DCRB has a more sta!le arc' smooth trans&er' low spatter' and good !ead characteristics% Direct c(rrent straight polarit" /DCSB0 is not o&ten (sed' and alternating c(rrent is not considered at all &or this process%

Welding G(n Control There are &o(r wa"s /-modes-0 in which the gas metal arc welding process can deposit weld metal in a oint4

The &irst is !" glo!(lar trans&er' which occ(rs with low c(rrent in relation to the si>e o& the electrode% Metal trans&ers &rom electrode to wor$ piece as glo!(les' each larger in diameter than the electrode% The glo!(les trans&er to the pool witho(t m(ch direction and spatter is +(ite e#ident% Spra" trans&er occ(rs with a high c(rrent% The molten &iller metal trans&ers across the arc as &ine droplets% Short circ(iting trans&er ma" re+(ire a special power so(rce% As the electrode melts' each drop shorts o(t the arc d(ring its trans&er to the pool% This is a relati#el" cold process that can !e (sed in all positions to p(t weld metal where#er the welder wants it% /Low heat inp(t restricts the thic$ness o& the weld &or good penetration%0 B(lsed arc welding holds a low c(rrent arc as the !ac$gro(nd condition and in ects high c(rrent p(lses (pon that c(rrent% Trans&er o& &iller metal is !" spra" o& droplets d(ring each p(lse% This lowers the a#erage heat inp(t &rom the c(rrent' ma$ing #ertical welding possi!le !" (sing larger electrode wires% Most spra" t"pe GMAW is done in the &lat position% B(lsed and short circ(iting GMAW are s(ita!le &or all)position welding% When welding is done in the o#erhead position' small diameter electrodes are (sed with the short)circ(iting method% Spra" trans&er ma" !e (sed with p(lsed direct c(rrent% The primar" p(rpose o& the shielding gas in GMAW is to protect the molten weld &rom atmospheric contamination% The gas shield also a&&ects the t"pe o& trans&er' depth o& penetration' and !ead shape% Argon and heli(m are shielding gases (sed &or welding most non&erro(s metals% Car!on dio.ide is widel" (sed &or the welding o& mild steels% When selecting a shielding gas' the most important &actor to $eep in mind is the -hea#ier- a gas' the more e&&ecti#e it is as an arc shield%


The electrodes &or gas metal arc welding are similar or identical in composition to those o& other !are &iller metal welding processes% As a r(le' the composition o& the electrode and the !ase metal are as ali$e as possi!le% (:ef. &;' &#.0, &#.18, and &#.1/.)

Welding Characteristics3Applications
The gas metal arc welding process prod(ces high +(alit" welds with proper welding proced(res% 7eca(se there is no &l(. co#ering on the electrode' the possi!ilit" o& slag incl(sions is lessened% H"drogen in the weld is practicall" eliminated% GMAW is an all)position welding process' depending (pon the electrode and gas/es0 (sed% It can !e (sed to weld most metals' incl(ding s(r&acing and metal !(ild(p% Metal thic$ness weld capa!ilit" ranges generall" &rom :@ gage /A%A:2 in%0 with short circ(iting trans&er' and (pward% Metal deposition rate ranges normall" &rom 93@ l!3hr to 9A l!3hr' depending (pon selection o& electrode' arc mode o& trans&er' and gas (sed% Gas metal arc weldments ma" contain an" o& the &ollowing common discontin(ities1 (1) (2) (3) (!) (#) (*) (-) (/) (0) )rac"s (crater, root, toe, under ead) Incomplete fusion Incomplete penetration %amellar tearing %aps (orosit$ inclusions (silica) .ndercut .nderfill



,l(. cored arc welding /,CAW0 oins metals (tili>ing the heat o& an electric arc !etween a contin(o(sl" &ed' internall" &l(.ed &iller metal electrode and the !ase metal% Heating and melting are similar to gas metal arc welding' !(t the di&&erence lies in how the weld is shielded% Shielding comes &rom a &l(. contained with the electrode% ,l(. cored electrodes are sel&)shielding or s(pplementall" shielded !" an e.ternall" s(pplied gas% S(pplemental shielding ma" !e o!tained &rom an e.ternal gas s(pplied to control depth o& penetration as well as to help protect the molten pool% Ingredients within the electrode pro#ide deo.idi>ers' ioni>ers' p(ri&"ing agents' and allo"ing elements% This res(lts in a thin slag co#ering to protect the solidi&"ing weld metal' m(ch as what happens in the SMAW process%


,le.i!ilit" o& the ,CAW process is e.tremel" good% Some o& its man" ma or ad#antages incl(de high +(alit" weld metal at relati#el" high tra#el speeds and lower cost than with the SMAW process% ,CAW is more &orgi#ing than GMAW and is' o& co(rse' more &le.i!le than the SAW process% This process also prod(ces e.cellent weld !eads in (ni&ormit"' smoothness' and general appearance% It is adapta!le to a wide #ariet" o& car!on' allo"' stainless' and other steels and is an all)position weld process%

,CAW is (s(all" applied as semia(tomatic welding% The g(n is hand)held and directed !" the welder% The process is also (sed in machine welding where the operator monitors the operation contin(o(sl" d(ring mechani>ed tra#el% The !asic e+(ipment &or sel&)shielded and gas shielded ,CAW is similar% The onl" di&&erence !etween the two is a s"stem to pro#ide the e.ternal gas &or shielding% The recommended power so(rce is the direct c(rrent' constant #oltage t"pe which is similar to those &or GMAW% The power s(ppl" sho(ld !e capa!le o& operating at the highest c(rrent needed &or the speci&ic application% Most semia(tomatic set(ps operate at less than <2A A% The rate that the electrode is &ed into the arc determines the welding amperage that a constant #oltage power so(rce m(st s(ppl"%

E+(ipment &or ,l(. Cored Arc Welding


Most steels that are welded !" the SMAW' GMAW' or SAW processes can !e welded with ,CAW% ,CAW is #ersatile !eca(se so man" ingredients can !e incl(ded in the core o& the ro(nd electrodes% Broper selection o& the ingredients in the core can ha#e a n(m!er o& important res(lts1 Brod(ce welding characteristics ranging &rom high deposition rates in the &lat position to proper &(sion and !ead shape in the o#erhead posit Brod(ce electrodes &or #ario(s gas shielding mi.t(res and &or sel&)shielding% Far" the allo" content o& the weld metal &rom mild steel &or certain electrodes to high allo" stainless steel &or others% The primar" &(nctions o& the &l(.)cored ingredients are to1 Bro#ide the mechanical' metall(rgical' and corrosion resistant properties o& the weld metal !" ad (sting the chemical composition% Bromote weld metal so(ndness !" shielding the molten metal &rom o."gen and nitrogen in the air% Sca#enge imp(rities &rom the' molten metal !" (se o& &l(.ing reactions% Brod(ce slag co#er to protect the solidi&"ing weld metal &rom the air' and to control the shape and appearance o& the !ead in the di&&erent welding positions &or which the electrode is s(ited% Sta!ili>e the arc !" pro#iding a smooth electrical path to red(ce spatter and aid the deposition o& (ni&orml" smooth' properl" si>ed !eads%


Car!on dio.ide GA:0 is the most widel" (sed shielding gas &or the &l(. cored arc welding process% It is ine.pensi#e and prod(ces deep weld penetration% It gi#es a glo!(lar t"pe o& metal trans&er% Gas mi.t(res are also (sed with ,CAW% The higher the percentage o& inert gas in mi.t(res with car!on dio.ide or o."gen' the higher will !e the trans&er e&&iciencies o& the deo.idi>ers contained in the core% Strong deo.idi>ers m(st !e present in the electrode to prod(ce a so(nd weld% Argon is capa!le o& protecting the molten weld pool at all welding temperat(res%

Welding Characteristics3Applications
,CAW can (se the same oint designs (sed !" SMAW and GMAW' with slight #ariations in &it)(p details /i& an"0' depending on the t"pe and si>e o& electrode (sed% Also' electrode t"pe' si>e' shielding method /sel& shielding alone' or with e.ternal shielding o& CA: or other gases0 determines the welding positions' penetration depth' and metal thic$ness ranges that can !e welded% Bosition o& welding depends mostl" on electrode si>e% Low)to)medi(m car!on steels' low allo" high)strength and +(ench)and)tempered steels' some stainless steels' and cast iron are among the most common metals welded !" ,CAW' incl(ding s(r&acing and metal !(ild(p% Generall"' metal thic$ness capa!ilit" !" the ,CAW process ranges &rom 838< in% (pward% This process does prod(ce more smo$e than Sr@AW' re+(iring proper attention !" the welder to techni+(es that red(ce the smo$e +(antit" reaching the !reathing >one% E.ternal shielding with CA: prod(ces the greater penetration and the greater +(antit" o& smo$e% An important element o& the ,CAW process' o&ten ignored or o#erloo$ed' is the need &or control o& -electrical stic$o(t- )the length o& electrode wire !etween the point o& electrical contact in the g(n' or welding head' and the arc% Electrical stic$o(t pro#ides resistance heating o& the electrode which preheats the electrode wire' ma$ing it operate more e&&icientl"% 7esides a&&ecting heat inp(t' changes in c(rrent res(lt in the &ollowing1

Increasing the c(rrent increases the electrode deposition rate% Decreasing the c(rrent increases penetration% E.cessi#e c(rrent prod(ces con#e. weld !eads with poor appearance% Ins(&&icient c(rrent prod(ces large droplets' trans&er' and e.cessi#e spatter% Ins(&&icient c(rrent can res(lt in pic$(p o& large amo(nts o& nitrogen and also porosit" in the weld metal when welding with sel&)shielded &l(. cored electrodes% The t"pe o& c(rrent (sed with ,CAW is (s(all" direct c(rrent re#erse polarit" /DCRB0% Metal deposition rate ranges normall" &rom : l!3hr to @A l!3hr' depending (pon selection o& electrode% /Remem!er' normal sa&et" preca(tions m(st !e &ollowed when welding or o!ser#ing the ,CAW process%0 Discontin(ities that ma" !e &o(nd in weldments when (sing the ,CAW process incl(de the &ollowing ones also associated with GMAW' e.cept that incl(sions wo(ld !e slag rather than silica1 (1) (2) (3) (!) (#) (*) (-) (/) (0) )rac"s (crater, root, toe, (under ead) Incomplete fusion Incomplete penetration %amellar tearing %aps (orosit$ 'lag inclusions .ndercut .nderfill

It sho(ld !e noted here that some discontin(ities &o(nd in ,CAW ma" ha#e !een ca(sed !" a #oid in the &l(.ed core' or a missing' ins(&&icient ingredient in the &l(.% A good reason to periodicall" chec$ new &iller metals when recei#ed%

Gas T(ngsten Arc Welding

Gas t(ngsten arc welding /GTAW0' sometimes re&erred to as -TIGwelding' oins metals !" heating them will) an arc !etween a no cons(ma!le t(ngsten electrode and an' wor$% Shielding is o!tained

&rom an inert gas or inert gas mi.t(re% ,iller metal ma" !e added4 it is not trans&erred across the arc' !(t is melted !" the arc% The electrode that carries the c(rrent is a p(ts t(ngsten or t(ngsten allo" rod%

Gas T(ngsten Arc Welding The arc area is protected &rom atmospheric contamination !" the gas shielding' which &lows &rom the no>>le o& the torch% The gas displaces the air' eliminating nitrogen' o."gen' and h"drogen &rom contact with either the rotten metal or the not t(ngsten electrode% There is little or no spatter and little or no smo$e% The as welded !ead is smooth and (ni&orm' re+(iring little &inishing' i& an" The GTAW process can on (sed to ma$e high +(alit" welds in most all metals and allo"s (sed in all positions% It also is the slowest o& the non)mechani>ed processes%

Welding with a Non cons(ma!le t(ngsten electrode shielded with an inert gas to generall" a man(al process' !(t ma" !e mechani>ed or e#en a(tomated% The e+(ipment needed incl(des1 (1)

&n electrode older with gas passages and a nozzle to direct too shielding gas around the

(2) (3) (!) (#)

arc and a gripping mechanism to energize and hold a tungsten electrode. & suppl$ of shielding gas. & flowmeter and gas pressure4reducing regulator & power 'ource. & suppl$ of cooling water if the electrode holder is water4cooled.

The power so(rce &or AC and DC gas t(ngsten arc welding is (s(all" a drooping #oltage t"pe% In this t"pe o& power s(ppl"' the shape o& the #olt)ampere c(r#e is steep so that a change in arc Length will not create a ma or change in c(rrent%

E+(ipment &or GTAW


The #aria!les that ha#e the most e&&ect on this process are the electrical #aria!les o& c(rrent' #oltage' and power so(rce characteristics% The" a&&ect the amo(nt' distri!(tion' and control o& arc)prod(ced heat and also pla" a role in arc sta!ilit" and in the remo#al o& re&ractor" o.ide &rom the s(r&aces o& certain metals% The electric arc is prod(ced !" the c(rrent passing thro(gh the ioni>ed inert shielding gas% The ioni>ed atoms lose electrodes and are le&t with a positi#e charge% The positi#e gas ions &low &rom the positi#e to the negati#e pole o& the arc% The electrons tra#el &rom the negati#e to the positi#e pole% The power e.pended in the arc' e.pressed in electrical (nits' is the prod(ct o& the c(rrent passing thro(gh the arc and the #oltage drop across the arc% Electrodes (sed &or gas t(ngsten arc welding are o& se#eral classi&ications1 (1) (2) (3) (!) (ure tungsten (2;() <ungsten with 1.8 or 2.8 percent thoria (2;<h41, 2;<h42) <ungsten with 8.1# to 8.! percent zirconia (2;=r) <ungsten electrode with an integral longitudinal strip of 2 percent thoriated tungsten throughout its length (2;<h43).

The thori(m and >irconi(m additions allow the t(ngsten to emit electrons more easil" when hot% The colored end o& the electrodes is &or identi&ication and m(st not !e destro"ed !" the arc4 hence' the color tip is installed toward the !ac$ end o& the torch% The electrodes come in a #ariet" o& diameters and lengths% The" come with either a clean or gro(nd &inish% Clean &inish means that the electrode was chemicall" cleaned to remo#e s(r&ace imp(rities a&ter the drawing or swaging operation% Gro(nd &inish means that s(r&ace imp(rities are remo#ed !" grinding% Re+(irements &or t(ngsten arc welding electrodes are gi#en in AWS A2%8:' Speci&ication &or T(ngsten Arc Welding Electrodes%

Another consideration to $eep in mind is the degree o& taper on the electrode% The taper a&&ects weld penetration% I& the angle o& the electrode taper is decreased /more pointed tip0' the width o& the

!ead tends to !e red(ced and penetration increases% Howe#er' i& it !ecomes too pointed and remains that wa" too long' c(rrent densit" !(ilds (p at the tip' e#ent(all" raising the temperat(re a!o#e the electrode melting point' and the tip drops o&& into the weld pool /t(ngsten incl(sion0% Then the tip re&orms into an hemispherical shape%

Non)Cons(ma!le Electrode

The GTAW process can weld almost all metals or allo"s that can !e &(sed !" an electric arc' that do not #apori>e rapidl" &rom the high heat o& an arc' and that can !e welded witho(t crac$ing% ,iller metals &or oining a wide #ariet" o& metals and allo"s are a#aila!le &or (se with GTAW% I& &iller metals are (sed' the" are (s(all" similar to the metal !eing oined%

The shielding gases commonl" (sed &or GTAW are argon' heli(m' and mi.t(res o& the two% Argon is sometimes pre&erred o#er heli(m !eca(se it has se#eral ad#antages1 (1)

'moother, +uieter arc action

(2) (3) (!) (#) (*) (-)

%ower arc voltage at an$ given current value and arc length >reater cleaning action in the welding of materials li"e aluminum and magnesium with &) %ower cost and greater availa ilit$ %ower flow rates for good shielding 6etter cross4draft resistance 2asier arc starting

Heli(m (sed as shielding gas' on the other hand' res(lts in higher arc #oltage &or a gi#en arc length and c(rrent than with argon' prod(cing more heat' and so is more e&&ecti#e &or welding thic$ materials /partic(larl" high)cond(cti#it" metals s(ch as al(min(m0% Howe#er' since heli(m densit" is m(ch lighter than that o& argon' higher gas &low rates are (s(all" necessar" with heli(m &or good arc and molten weld pool shielding%

Welding Characteristics3Applications
Gas t(ngsten arc welding is (sed to weld longit(dinal seams o& thin)wall stainless steel and allo" press(re pipe and t(!ing on contin(o(s strip mills' which do not generall" need &iller metal% GTAW can also oin hea#ier wall steel and allo" pipe as well as t(!ing &or the power generating' chemical' and petrole(m ind(stries% All welding positions can !e (sed with this process% Aerospace ind(stries (se this process e.tensi#el" &or oining relati#el" thin components and on a selecti#e !asis &or thic$ components made &rom metals that m(st meet critical strength weight standards% Het engine casings and roc$et casings and the tho(sands o& &eet o& t(!ing in#ol#ed are e.amples% The GTAW process permits the)rapid and satis&actor" welding o& tin" or light)walled o! ects li$e transistor cases' instr(ment diaphragms' and delicate e.pansion !ellows%


This process is also (sed to weld &erro(s and non&erro(s pipe% The root passes o& s(!stantial +(antities o& car!on and stainless steel piping' especiall" &or critical applications' =are o&ten welded with the GTAW process% Altho(gh GTAW has a high initial cost and low prod(cti#it" /prod(ction speed0' these are o&ten o&&set !" the a!ilit" to weld so man" t"pes o& metals in thic$ness and positions not possi!le !" other processes' as well as the high +(alit" and high strength o!tained with GTAW% GTAW readil" lends itsel& to oining al(min(m' magnesi(m' titani(m' copper' and stainless steels' as well as the &erro(s car!on steels and man" di&&ic(lt)to)weld metals% Some metals can !e welded in all positions' depending on the welding c(rrent and welder s$ill% C(rrent (sed with GTAW ma" !e ac or dc% Either straight or re#erse polarit" ma" !e (sed with dc c(rrent% Howe#er' since DCSB /straight polarit"0 prod(ces minim(m heat in the electrode and heat in the !ase metal' smaller electrodes ma" !e (sed while o!taining deeper penetration in the !ase metal than with DCRB /re#erse polarit"0 or ac c(rrent% The opposite is tr(e when shallow penetration is desired' s(ch as in thin)gage al(min(m% Non&erro(s metals re+(ire e.tremel" clean s(r&aces to weld' and the DCRB and ac c(rrents pro#ide an additional cleaning action especiall" necessar" &or al(min(m' magnesi(m' and copper% The thic$ness range &or which GTAW is Applica!le /depending on c(rrent t"pe' electrode si>e' &iller diameter' !ase metal' and gas selection0 r(ns &rom a!o(t A%AA2 in% minim(m to a!o(t : in% When thic$ness e.ceeds 83@ in%' preca(tions m(st !e ta$en to control heat !(ild(p in m(ltipass welds% Depending on the same &actors as listed &or thic$ness' the deposition rate o& GTAW process ranges &rom 83: l!3hr to almost 9l!3hr%


Weldments !" the GTAW process ma" contain one discontin(it" that is pec(liar to the GTAW process )) t(ngsten incl(sions' a res(lt o& pieces o& t(ngsten electrode dropping into the weld pool% 5ther than slag incl(sion' most o& the discontin(ities listed &or the other arc welding process ma" !e &o(nd in GTAW weldments%

Gas T(ngsten Arc Welding


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