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8 Positive dispIacement pumps

1he posiIive displacemenI pump provides an approximaIe
consIanI Ilow aI Iixed speed, despiIe changes in Ihe
counIerpressure. 1wo main Iypes oI posiIive displacemenI
pumps exisI.
koIary pumps
keciprocaIing pumps
1he diIIerence in perIormance beIween a cenIriIugal
pump, a roIary pump and a reciprocaIing is illusIraIed
Io Ihe righI, Iigure 1.2.18. Depending on which oI Ihese
pumps you are dealing wiIh, a small change in Ihe pump's
counIerpressure resulIs in diIIerences in Ihe Ilow.
1he Ilow oI a cenIriIugal pump will change considerably,
Ihe Ilow oI a roIary pump will change a liIIle, while Ihe
Ilow oI a reciprocaIing pump will hardly change aI all.
8uI, why is Ihere a diIIerence beIween Ihe pump curves
Ior reciprocaIing pumps and roIary pumps! 1he acIual
seal Iace surIace is larger Ior roIary pumps Ihan Ior
reciprocaIing pumps. So, even Ihough Ihe Iwo pumps are
designed wiIh Ihe same Iolerances, Ihe gap loss oI Ihe
roIary pump is larger.
1he pumps are Iypically designed wiIh Ihe IinesI Iolerances
possible Io obIain Ihe highesI possible eIIiciency and
sucIion capabiliIy. Rowever, in some cases, iI is necessary
Io increase Ihe Iolerances, Ior example when Ihe pumps
have Io handle highly viscous liquids, liquids conIaining
parIicles and liquids oI high IemperaIure.
PosiIive displacemenI pumps are pulsaIe, meaning IhaI
Iheir volume Ilow wiIhin a cycle is noI consIanI.
1he variaIion in Ilow and speed leads Io pressure IlucIuaIions
due Io resisIance in Ihe pipe sysIem and in valves.

lig. 1.2.19. ClassiIicaIion oI posiIive displacemenI pumps
lig. 1.2.18. 1ypical relaIion beIween
Ilow and head Ior 3 diIIerenI pump Iypes.
1) CenIriIugal pumps
2) koIary pumps
3) keciprocaIing pumps
5ection 1.2
1ypes of pumps
Diaphragm 5team DoubIe-acting
CircumferentiaI piston
fIexibIe member
5ingIe rotor
MuItipIe rotor
Dosing pumps
1he dosing pump belongs Io Ihe posiIive displacemenI
pump Iamily and is Iypically oI Ihe diaphragm Iype. Diaphragm
pumps are leakage-Iree, because Ihe diaphragm Iorms
a seal beIween Ihe liquid and Ihe surroundings.
1he diaphragm pump is IiIIed wiIh Iwo non-reIurn valves
- one on Ihe sucIion side and one on Ihe discharge side
oI Ihe pump. ln connecIion wiIh smaller diaphragm pumps,
Ihe diaphragm is acIivaIed by Ihe connecIing rod, which is
connecIed Io an elecIromagneI. 1hereby Ihe coil receives
Ihe exacI amounI oI sIrokes needed, see Iigure 1.2.21.
ln connecIion wiIh larger diaphragm pumps Ihe
diaphragm is Iypically mounIed on Ihe connecIing rod,
which is acIivaIed by a camshaII. 1he camshaII is Iurned by
means oI a sIandard asynchronous moIor, see Iigure 1.2.22.
1he Ilow oI a diaphragm pump is ad|usIed by eiIher
changing Ihe sIroke lengIh and]or Ihe Irequency oI Ihe
sIrokes. lI iI is necessary Io enlarge Ihe operaIing area,
Irequency converIers can be connecIed Io Ihe larger
diaphragm pumps, see Iigure 1.2.22.
eI, anoIher kind oI diaphragm pump exisIs. ln Ihis case,
Ihe diaphragm is acIivaIed by means oI an excenIrically
driven connecIing rod powered by a sIepper moIor or a
synchronous moIor, Iigures 1.2.20 and 1.2.23. 8y using a
sIepper moIor drive Ihe pump's dynamic area is increased
and iIs accuracy is improved considerably. WiIh Ihis
consIrucIion iI is no longer necessary Io ad|usI Ihe pump's
sIroke lengIh because Ihe connecIion rod is mounIed
direcIly on Ihe diaphragm. 1he resulI is opIimised sucIion
condiIions and excellenI operaIion IeaIures.
So IhereIore, iI is simple Io conIrol boIh Ihe sucIion
side and Ihe discharge side oI Ihe pump. Compared Io
IradiIional elecIromagneIic-driven diaphragm pumps
which provide powerIul pulsaIions, sIepper moIor-driven
diaphragm pumps make iI possible Io geI a much more
sIeady dosage oI addiIive.
lig.1.2.21. Solenoid spring reIurn
1.2.22. Cam-drive spring reIurn
1.2.23. Crank drive
lig. 1.2.20. Dosing pump

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