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Ministro de Estado Embaixador Celso Amorim Secretrio-Geral Embaixador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota



Embaixador Jeronimo Moscardo

A Fundao Alexandre de Gusmo, instituda em 1971, uma fundao pblica vinculada ao Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores e tem a finalidade de levar sociedade civil informaes sobre a realidade internacional e sobre aspectos da pauta diplomtica brasileira. Sua misso promover a sensibilizao da opinio pblica nacional para os temas de relaes internacionais e para a poltica externa brasileira. Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores Esplanada dos Ministrios, Bloco H Anexo II, Trreo 70170-900 Braslia, DF Telefones: (61) 3411-6033 / 3411-6034 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site:


Outubro de 2009
October 2009

Braslia, 2010

Direitos de publicao reservados Fundao Alexandre de Gusmo Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores Esplanada dos Ministrios, Bloco H Anexo II, Trreo 70170-900 Braslia DF Telefones: (61) 3411 6033/6034 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site: E-mail: COmPILAO Secretaria-Geral do Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores

EQUIPe TCNICA Maria Marta Cezar Lopes Cintia Rejane Souza Arajo Gonalves Erika Silva Nascimento Fernanda Leal Wanderley Henrique da Silveira Sardinha Pinto Filho Jlia Lima Tomaz de Godoy Juliana Corra de Freitas PROJeTO GRfICO e DIAgRAmAO: Paulo Pedersolli e Raimundo Arago

Impresso no Brasil 2010 Estatsticas = Statistics. Braslia : FUNAG, 2009. 148 p. : il. Texto em duas lnguas. ISBN: 978-85-7631-228-4 1. Estatstica. I. Ttulo: Statistics. CDU: 31(100)

ndice / Index

Territrio / Surface area, 9 Litoral / Coast, 10 Nmero de Pases Limtrofes / Number of Neighbouring countries, 11 Fronteiras Terrestres / Land frontiers, 12 reas Florestais / Forest areas , 13 Uso da Terra / Land use, 14 Reservas Renovveis de gua Doce / Renewable freshwater supply, 15 Reservas Comprovadas de Petrleo / Proved reserves of oil, 16 Reservas Comprovadas de Gs Natural / Proved reserves of natural gas, 17 Reservas Comprovadas de Carvo / Proved reserves of coal, 18 Reservas Comprovadas de Urnio / Proved reserves of uranium, 19 Desmatamento / Deforestation, 20 Emisses de Dixido de Carbono / CO2 emissions, 21 Emisses per capita de Dixido de Carbono / CO2 per capita emissions, 22 Consumo de Clorofluorcarbonos (CFC) / CFC Consumption, 23 Projetos Registrados no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (Quioto) / Projects registered in the Clean Development Mechanism (Kyoto), 24 Populao Total / Total Population, 25 Crescimento Demogrfico / Demographic growth, 26 Densidade Demogrfica / Demographic density, 27 Populao abaixo dos 15 anos / Population under 15, 28 Populao acima dos 65 anos / Population over 65, 29 Populao Urbana / Urban population, 30 Populao Vivendo na maior aglomerao Urbana Nacional / Population living in the National largest urban agglomeration, 31 Fertilidade / Fertility, 32 Migrao Lquida / Liquid migration, 33 Estoque Migratrio / Migrant Stock, 34 Participao da Agricultura no PIB / Participation of agriculture in the GDP, 35 Produo de Cereais / Production of cereals, 36 Produo de Acar / Sugar production, 37 Produo de Soja / Soybean Production, 38 Produo de Frutas / Production of fruits, 39 Produo Agrcola de Caf / Agricultural production of coffee, 40 Produo de Algodo / Cotton production, 41 Produo de Fertilizantes / Production of fertilizers, 42 Produo de Carne / Production of meat, 43 Rebanho Bovino / Cattle, 44

Rebanho Ovino e Caprino / Sheep and goats, 45 Rebanho Suno / Pig livestock, 46 Frango / Chickens, 47 Produo Pesqueira e Aquicultura / Fisheries and Acquaculture, 48 Participao da Indstria no PIB / Participation of industry in the GDP, 49 Produo de Ao Bruto / Production of crude steel, 50 Produo de Cimento / Production of cement, 51 Produo de Alumnio / Production of aluminium, 52 Produo de Papel / Production of paper , 53 Refino de Petrleo / Oil refinery capacities, 54 Produo de Veculos Automotores / Production of motor vehicles, 55 Frota de Veculos Automotores / Fleet of motor vehicles, 56 Frota per capita de Veculos Automotores / Per capita fleet of motor vehicles, 57 Consumo de Energia Primria / Consumption of primary energy, 58 Produo de Eletricidade / Production of Electricity, 59 Consumo per capita de Energia Eltrica / Consumption of electric power per capita, 60 Consumo de Hidreletricidade / Consumption of hydroelectricity, 61 Consumo de Energia Nuclear / Consumption of nuclear energy, 62 Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao da Hidreletricidade / Sources of electricity: participation of hydroelectricity, 63 Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao do Gs / Sources of electricity: participation of gas, 64 Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao da Energia Nuclear / Sources of electricity: participation of nuclear energy, 65 Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao do Carvo / Sources of electricity: participation of coal, 66 Malha Rodoviria / Roads network, 67 Malha Ferroviria / Railways network, 68 Transporte Areo / Air Transportation, 69 Frota Mercante / Merchant fleet, 70 Turismo Internacional / International tourism, 71 Telefonia Fixa / Fixed telephony, 72 Telefonia Celular / Mobile telephony, 73 Usurios de Internet / Internet users, 74 Despesas em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento / Expenditures in R&D, 75 Patentes (I) / Patents (I), 76 Patentes (II) / Patents (II), 77 Intercmbio comercial / Foreign trade, 78 Exportaes / Exports, 79 Exportaes de Bens Primrios - Participao nas Exportaes Totais / Exports of primary goods: participation in total exports, 80 Exportaes de Bens Manufaturados - Participao nas Exportaes Totais / Exports of manufactured goods: participation in total exports, 81 Exportaes Agrcolas / Agricultural exports, 82 Importaes / Imports, 83 Importaes Agrcolas / Agricultural imports, 84 Saldo Comercial / Trade surplus, 85 Reservas Internacionais / International reserves, 86

Investimentos Externos Diretos / Foreign Direct Investments, 87 Ajuda Oficial ao Desenvolvimento Recebida / Official Development Assistance - Inflows, 88 Utilizao de Crditos do FMI / Use of IMF credits, 89 Remessas de Migrantes / Migrant remittances inf lows, 90 Dvida Externa / External debt, 91 Inflao / Inflation, 92 Depsitos Bancrios em Contas Correntes / Bank deposit accounts, 93 Agncias Bancrias / Bank branches, 94 Micro, Pequenas e Mdias Empresas / Micro, small and medium-size enterprises, 95 Crescimento do PIB / GDP growth, 96 Produto Interno Bruto (a preos correntes) / Gross Domestic Product (in current prices), 97 Produto Interno Bruto (por paridade de poder de compra) / Gross Domestic Product (in purchasing-power parity), 98 Produto Interno Bruto per capita (a preos correntes) / Gross Domestic Product per capita (in current prices), 99 Gastos com Defesa (I) / Defense expenditures (I), 100 Gastos com Defesa (II) / Defense expenditures (II), 101 Gastos com Defesa (III) / Defense expenditures (III), 102 Contingente das Foras Armadas / Contingent of the Armed Forces, 103 Participao dos 10% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional / Participation of 10% poorest in the national income, 104 Participao dos 10% mais Ricos na Renda Nacional / Participation of 10% richest in the national income, 105 Participao dos 20% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional / Participation of 20% poorest in the national income, 106 Participao dos 20% mais Ricos na Renda Nacional / Participation of 20% poorest in the national income, 107 Coeficiente de Gini / Gini index, 108 ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano - IDH / Human Development Index - HDI, 109 Expectativa de Vida / Life expectancy, 110 Mortalidade Infantil (I) / Child mortality (I), 111 Mortalidade Infantil (II) / Child mortality (II), 112 Populao Alfabetizada / Adult literacy, 113 Gastos Pblicos com Educao / Public expenditures on education, 114 Ensino Superior / Tertiary education, 115 Razo Alunos-Professores / Ratio pupil-teacher, 116 Produo de Livros / Production of Books, 117 Gastos Pblicos com Sade / Public expenditures on health, 118 Gastos Privados com Sade / Private expenditures on health, 119 Gastos Per Capita com Sade / Health expenditures - per capita, 120 Incidncia de HIV / HIV incidence, 121 Incidncia de Tuberculose / Tuberculosis incidence, 122 Disponibilidade de Mdicos / Availabity of physicians, 123 Acesso Sustentvel a Fonte de gua Melhorada / Population with access to improved water source, 124 Acesso Sustentvel a Saneamento Melhorado / Population with access to improved sanitation, 125 Populao Subnutrida / Undernourished population, 126

Populao vivendo com menos de US$ 1 por dia / Population living with less than US$ 1 per day, 127 Populao vivendo com menos de US$ 2 por dia / Population living with less than US$ 2 per day, 128 ndice Remissivo, 129 Index of Indicators, 137

Territrio / Surface area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rssia / Russia Canad / Canada Estados Unidos / United States China / China Brasil / Brazil Austrlia / Australia ndia / India Argentina / Argentina Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan Sudo / Sudan Mundo / World *
Superfcie territorial em milhares de km / Surface area in thousand km. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

17.098 9.985 9.632 9.598 8.515 7.741 3.287 2.791 2.725 2.506 133.946

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname

8.515 2.791 1.285 1.139 1.099 912 757 407 284 215 176 163

Superfcie territorial em milhares de km / Surface area in thousand km. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.
* Soma da superfcie de todos os pases / Sum of surface area of all countries in the world.


Litoral / Coast

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Canad / Canada Indonsia / Indonesia Dinamarca / Denmark Rssia / Russia Filipinas / Philippines Japo / Japan Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia Estados Unidos / United States Nova Zelndia / New Zealand

202.080 54.716 51.401 37.653 36.289 29.751 25.925 25.760 19.924 15.134

Extenso em km / Extension in km. Fonte/Source: QUID 2007.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

7.491 6.435 4.989 3.208 2.816 2.414 2.237 660 459 386

Extenso em km / Extension in km. Fonte/Source: QUID 2007.


neighbouring countries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nmero de pases limtrofes / Number of

China / China Rssia / Russia Brasil / Brazil Alemanha / Germany Congo, Rep. Dem. / Dem. Rep. Congo Sudo / Sudan ustria / Austria Zmbia / Zambia Hungria / Hungary Mali / Mali

14 14 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7

Nmero de pases limtrofes / Number of neighbouring countries.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay

10 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2

Nmero de pases limtrofes / Number of neighbouring countries.


Fronteiras Terrestres / Land frontiers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Rssia / Russia Brasil / Brazil ndia / India Estados Unidos / United States Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan Congo, Rep. Dem. / Dem. Rep. Congo Argentina / Argentina Canad / Canada Monglia / Mongolia

22.117 20.017 15.719 14.107 12.034 12.012 10.757 9.665 8.893 8.220

Extenso em Km / Extension in Km. Fonte/Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE); QUID 2007 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics; QUID 2007.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Equador / Ecuador Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

15.719 9.665 6.743 6.171 6.004 5.536 4.993 3.920 2.462 2.010 1.707 1.564

Extenso em Km / Extension in Km. Fonte/Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE); QUID 2007 / Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics; QUID 2007.


reas Florestais / Forest areas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gabo / Gabon Finlndia / Finland Guin-Bissau / Guinea-Bissau Laos / Laos Japo / Japan Sucia / Sweden Repblica do Congo / Republic of Congo Papua Nova Guin / Papua New Guinea Malsia / Malaysia Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea

84,5 73,9 73,7 69,9 68,2 67,1 65,8 65,0 63,6 63,5

Em % da superfcie terrestre, em 2005 / % of land area, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

56,5 54,7 54,2 54,1 53,7 46,5 39,2 21,5 12,1 8,6 Nd Nd

Em % da superfcie terrestre, em 2005 / % of land area, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Uso da Terra / Land use

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Moldova / Moldova Bangladesh / Bangladesh Ruanda / Rwanda Ucrnia / Ukraine ndia / India Hungria / Hungary Dinamarca / Denmark Burundi / Burundi Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic Polnia / Poland

65,3 64,6 59,7 57,6 57,1 53,6 52,9 52,0 42,5 40,8

Em % da superfcie terrestre sendo utilizada com culturas permanentes, culturas temporrias, pastagens temporrias, hortas e reas temporariamente em repouso, em 2005 / % of land area occupied with permanent pastures, temporary crops, temporary meadows for mowing or for pasture, land under market or kitchen gardens, and land temporarily fallow, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

10,8 10,8 9,3 9,0 7,9 3,9 3,4 3,3 3,1 3,0 Nd Nd

Em % da superfcie terrestre sendo utilizada com culturas permanentes, culturas temporrias, pastagens temporrias, hortas e reas temporariamente em repouso, em 2005 / % of total area occupied with permanent pastures, temporary crops, temporary meadows for mowing or for pasture, land under market or kitchen gardens, and land temporarily fallow, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.

Reservas Renovveis de gua Doce /

Renewable Freshwater Supply
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Brasil / Brazil (2000) Rssia / Russia (1997) Canad / Canada (1985) Estados Unidos / United States (1985) Indonsia / Indonesia (1999) China / China (1999) Colmbia / Colombia (2000) Peru / Peru (2000) ndia / India (1999) Rep. Dem. do Congo / Dem. Rep. Congo (2001) Mundo / World

8.233,0 4.498,0 3.300,0 3.069,0 2.838,0 2.829,6 2.132,0 1.913,0 1.907,8 1.283,0 55.375,14

Em km/ ano, ano de referncia entre parntesis / In km/year, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: The Worlds Water - Pacific Institute.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil (2000) Colmbia / Colombia (2000) Peru / Peru (2000) Venezuela / Venezuela (2000) Chile / Chile (2000) Argentina / Argentina (2000) Bolvia / Bolivia (2000) Equador / Ecuador (2000) Paraguai / Paraguay (2000) Guiana / Guyana (2000) Uruguai / Uruguay (2000) Suriname / Suriname (2003)

8.233,0 2.132,0 1.913,0 1.233,2 922,0 814,0 622,5 432,0 336,0 241,0 139.0 122.0

Em km/ano, ano de referncia entre parntesis / In km/year, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: The Worlds Water - Pacific Institute.


Reservas Comprovadas de Petrleo / Proved

reserves of oil
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Ir / Iran Iraque / Iraq Kuaite / Kuwait Venezuela / Venezuela Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Rssia / Russia Lbia/ Libya Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan Nigria / Nigeria Mundo / World

264,1 137,6 115,0 101,5 99,4 97,8 79,0 43,7 39,8 36,2 1.258,0

Em bilhes de barris, ao final de 2008 / In thousand million barrels, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru

99,4 12,6 3,8 2,6 1,4 1,1

Em bilhes de barris, ao final de 2008 / In thousand million barrels, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


Reservas Comprovadas de Gs Natural /

Proved reserves of natural gas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rssia / Russia Ir / Iran Catar / Qatar Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Estados Unidos / United States Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Nigria / Nigeria Venezuela / Venezuela Arglia / Algeria Iraque / Iraq Mundo / World

43,30 29,61 25,46 7,57 6,73 6,43 5,22 4,84 4,50 3,17 185,02

Em trilhes de metros cbicos, ao final de 2008 / In trillion cubic meters, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia

4,84 0,71 0,44 0,33 0,33 0,11

Em trilhes de metros cbicos, ao final de 2008 / In trillion cubic meters, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


reserves of coal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reservas Comprovadas de Carvo / Proved

Estados Unidos / United States Rssia / Russia China / China Austrlia / Australia ndia / India Ucrnia / Ukraine Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan frica do Sul / South frica Polnia / Poland Brasil / Brazil Mundo / World

238.308 157.010 114.500 76.200 58.600 33.873 31.300 30.408 7.502 7.059 826.001

Em milhes de toneladas, ao final de 2008 / In millions of tons, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela

7.059 6.814 479

Em trilhes de metros cbicos, ao final de 2008 / In trillion cubic meters, at end of 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


reserves of uranium
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reservas Comprovadas de Urnio / Proved

Austrlia / Australia Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan Canad / Canada frica do Sul / South Africa Brasil / Brazil Nambia / Namibia Rssia / Russia Estados Unidos / United States Nger / Niger Uzbequisto / Uzbekistan Mundo / World *

1.143.000 816.000 444.000 342.000 341.000 282.000 279.000 225.000 172.000 116.000 5.499.000

Em t U, em 2005 / In t U, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Agncia Internacional de Energia Atmica AIEA / International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA.

1 2

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina

341.000 15.640

Em t U, em 2005 / In t U, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Agncia Internacional de Energia Atmica AIEA / International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA.

* Fonte / Source: world Nuclear Association.


Desmatamento / Deforestation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Burundi / Burundi Togo / Togo Mauritnia / Mauritania Nigria / Nigeria Afeganisto / Afghanistan Honduras / Honduras Benin / Benin Uganda / Uganda Paquisto / Pakistan Filipinas / Philippines

5,2 4,5 3,4 3,3 3,1 3,1 2,5 2,2 2,1 2,1

Em % das reas florestais, mdia anual no perodo 2000-2005 / % of forest land, annual average in 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

1,7 0,9 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,1 0,1 -0,4 -1,3 Nd Nd

Em % das reas florestais, mdia anual no perodo 2000-2005 / % of forest land, annual average in 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Emisses de Dixido de Carbono* / Carbon

Dioxide Emissions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Rssia / Russia ndia / India Japo / Japan Alemanha / Germany Canad / Canada Reino Unido / United Kingdom Itlia / Italy Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea

20,9 17,3 5,3 4,6 4,3 2,8 2,2 2,0 1,6 1,6

Em % do total mundial, em 2004 / % of world total, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

1,1 0,6 0,5 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0 0 0 0 0

Em % do total mundial, em 2004 / % of world total, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

* Refere-se s emisses derivadas do consumo de combustveis fsseis/ Refers to emissions from consumption of fossile combustibles.


Emisses per capita de Dixido de Carbono*/

Carbon Dioxide per capita Emissions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Catar / Qatar Kuaite / Kuwait Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Luxemburgo / Luxembourg Trinidad e Tobago / Trinidad and Tobago Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Darussalam Estados Unidos / United States Canad / Canada Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia

79.3 37.1 34.1 25.0 24.9 24.0 20.6 20.0 19.1 16.2

Em tCO2, em 2004 / In tCO2,em 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay

6.6 5.2 3.9 3.7 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.7

Em tCO2, em 2004 / In tCO2,in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.
* Refere-se s emisses derivadas do consumo de combustveis fsseis/ Refers to emissions from consumption of fossile combustibles.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Consumo de Clorofluorcarbonos (CFC) / CFC

China / China Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Indonsia / Indonesia Ir / Iran ndia / India Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Mxico / Mexico Estados Unidos / United States Tailndia / Thailand

13.123,8 2.730,0 2.385,3 2.221,0 1.957,8 1.841,8 1.675,5 1.604,0 1.496,6 1.259,9

Em toneladas mtricas de potencial de destruio do oznio (Ozone-depleting Potential ODP), em 2005 / In t3 of ODP (Ozone-depleting Potential ODP), in 2005. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations, Statistical Yearbook 50th Edition.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

1.841,8 1.675,5 967,2 556,9 250,7 221,5 132,5 127,7 97,6 26,7 23,5 7,5

Em toneladas mtricas de potencial de destruio do oznio (Ozone-depleting Potential ODP), em 2005 / In t3 of ODP (Ozone-depleting Potential ODP), in 2005. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations, Statistical Yearbook 50th Edition.


Projetos Registrados no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (Quioto) / Projects

registered in the Clean Development Mechanism (Kyoto)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 China / China ndia / India Brasil / Brazil Mxico / Mexico Malsia / Malaysia Filipinas / Philippines Chile / Chile Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Indonsia / Indonesia Tailndia / Thailand Total Mundial / Total World 642 460 164 118 65 40 35 33 32 24 1.850

Em nmero de projetos, em agosto de 2009 / In number of projects, in August 2009. Fonte/Source: ONU, Conveno-Quadro das Naes Unidas para Mudana do Clima / UN, UNFCCC.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay

164 35 19 17 16 13 3 3 1 1

Em nmero de projetos, em agosto de 2009 / In number of projects, in August 2009. Fonte/Source: ONU, Conveno-Quadro das Naes Unidas para Mudana do Clima / UN, UNFCCC.


Populao Total / Total population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China ndia / India Estados Unidos / United States Indonsia / Indonesia Brasil / Brazil Paquisto / Pakistan Bangladesh / Bangladesh Nigria / Nigeria Rssia / Russia Japo / Japan Mundo / World

1.328.630 1.169.016 305.836 231.627 191.791 163.902 158.665 148.093 142.499 127.927 6.610.000

Em milhares de habitantes, em 2007 / In thousands of people, in 2007. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

191.791 46.156 39.531 27.903 27.657 16.635 13.341 9.525 6.127 3.340 738 458

Em milhares de habitantes, em 2007 / In thousands of people, in 2007. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations.


Crescimento Demogrfico / Demographic Growth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Catar / Qatar Djibuti / Djibouti Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Palestina / Palestine Imen / Yemen Jordnia / Jordan Gmbia / Gambia Costa do Marfim / Cte dIvoire Om / Oman

6,8 5,1 4,3 3,9 3,7 3,6 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,4

Em %, taxa anual mdia referente ao perodo 1975-2005 / In %, average annual rate for the period 1975-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Paraguai / Paraguay Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana

2,5 2,5 2,2 2,1 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,5 1,3 0,7 0,5 Nd

Em %, taxa mdia anual referente ao perodo 1975-2005 / In %, average annual rate for the period 1975-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Densidade Demogrfica / Demographic density

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mnaco / Monaco Cingapura / Singapore Ter. Palestinos Ocupados / Occupied Palestine Ter. Bangladesh / Bangladesh Bahrain / Bahrain Maurcio / Mauritius So Marino / San Marino Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Pases Baixos / Netherlands Lbano / Lebanon

16.355 6.343 4.018 1.102 1.015 619 507 490 485 394

Habitantes por km2, em 2007 / Inhabitants per sq. km, in 2007. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

47 41 30 23 22 22 19 15 14 9 3 3

Habitantes por km2, em 2007 / Inhabitants per sq. km, in 2007. Fonte/Source: ONU / United Nations.


under 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Populao Abaixo dos 15 Anos / Population

Uganda / Uganda Nger / Niger Mali / Mali Guin Bissau / Guinea Bissau Congo, Rep. Dem. / Dem. Rep. Congo Malau / Malawi Angola / Angola Chade / Chad Burquina Faso / Burkina Faso Imen / Yemen

49,4 48,0 47,7 47,4 47,2 47,1 46,4 46,2 46,2 45,9

Em % da populao total, em 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Guiana / Guyana Colmbia / Colombia Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay

38,1 35,8 32,6 31,8 31,3 31,1 30,3 29,8 27,8 26,4 24,9 23,8

Em % da populao total, em 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Populao Acima dos 65 Anos / Population over 65

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Japo / Japan Itlia / Italy Alemanha / Germany Grcia / Greece Blgica / Belgium Crocia / Croatia Bulgria / Bulgaria Portugal / Portugal Espanha / Spain Estnia / Estonia Letnia / Latvia

19,7 19,7 18,8 18,3 17,3 17,2 17,2 16,9 16,8 16,6 16,6

Em % da populao total, dados referentes a 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia

13,5 10,2 8,1 6,3 6,1 5,9 5,7 5,6 5,1 5,0 4,8 4,5

Em % da populao total, dados referentes a 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Populao Urbana / Urban Population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cingapura / Singapore Kuaite / Kuwait Blgica / Belgium Bahrain / Bahrain Catar / Qatar Malta / Malta Venezuela / Venezuela Islndia / Iceland Uruguai / Uruguay Israel / Israel

100,0 98,3 97,2 96,5 95,4 95,3 93,4 92,8 92,0 91,6

Em % da populao total, em 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Brasil / Brazil Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana

93,4 92,0 90,1 87,6 84,2 73,9 72,7 72,6 64,2 62,8 58,5 28,2

Em % da populao total, em 2005 / % of total population, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


largest urban agglomeration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Populao vivendo na maior Aglomerao Urbana Nacional / Population living in the national
Cingapura / Singapore Kuaite / Kuwait Monglia / Mongolia Repblica do Congo / Republic of Congo Armnia / Armenia Panam / Panama Timor Leste / Timor-Leste Togo / Togo Paraguai / Paraguay Senegal / Senegal 100 74 60 59 57 53 53 53 51 50

Em % da populao urbana, em 2007 / % of urban population, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

51 49 40 39 35 29 26 23 12 12 Nd Nd

Em % da populao urbana, em 2007 / % of urban population, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Fertilidade / Fertility

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nger / Niger Guin-Bissau / Guinea-Bissau Timor-Leste / Timor-Leste Angola / Angola Burundi / Burundi Mali / Mali Uganda / Uganda Rep. Dem. do Congo / Dem. Rep. Congo Chade / Chad Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone

7,4 7,1 7,0 6,8 6,8 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,5 6,5

Nascimentos por mulher, estimativas para o perodo 2000-2005 / Births per woman, estimates for 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Guiana / Guyana Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile

4,0 3,5 2,8 2,7 2,7 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,0

Nascimentos por mulher, estimativas para o perodo 2000-2005 / Births per woman, estimates for 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Migrao Lquida / Liquid migration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Espanha / Spain Itlia / Italy Afeganisto / Afghanistan Canad / Canada Alemanha / Germany Reino Unido / United Kingdom Rssia / Russia Frana / France Austrlia / Australia

6.493 2.846 1.125 1.112 1.041 1.000 948 917 722 593

Em milhares de pessoas, dados referentes ao perodo 2000-2005 / In thousands of people, data refer to the period 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

40 30 -45 -100 -100 -104 -120 -229 -400 -510 -Nd -Nd

Em milhares de pessoas, dados referentes ao perodo 2000-2005 / In thousands of people, data refer to the period 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Estoque Migratrio / Migrant Stock

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Rssia / Russia Alemanha / Germany Frana / France Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Canad / Canada ndia / India Reino Unido / United Kingdom Ucrnia / Ukraine Espanha / Spain Mundo / World

39.267 12.080 10.598 6.479 6.337 6.304 5.887 5.838 5.391 4.608 195.245

Em milhares de pessoas, em 2005 / In thousands of people, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD / UNDP Human Development Report 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

1.494 1.011 686 232 168 114 110 84 79 42 34 10

Em milhares de pessoas, em 2005 / In thousands of people, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD / UNDP Human Development Report 2009.


Participao da Agricultura no PIB / Participation

of agriculture in the GDP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Guin Bissau / Guinea Bissau Libria / Liberia Rep. Centro-Africana / Central African Rep. Etipia / Ethiopia Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone Tanznia / Tanzania Togo / Togo Rep. Dem. do Congo. / Dem. Rep. Congo Laos / Laos Papua Nova Guin / Papua New Guinea

64 54 54 46 45 45 44 42 42 40

% do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brasil Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile

31 22 13 10 9 9 7 7 6 6 4 4

% do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Produo de Cereais / Production of cereals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States ndia / India Rssia / Russia Indonsia / Indonesia Frana / Frana Brasil / Brazil Canad / Canada Bangladesh / Bangladesh Alemanha / Germany Mundo / World

444.065 338.513 242.887 76.866 66.066 61.813 59.149 48.577 44.790 43.475 2.228.041

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

59.149 34.107 4.163 4.044 3.786 3.566 2.485 2.379 1.872 1.871 472 195

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Produo de Acar / Sugar production

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Brasil / Brazil ndia / India China / China Estados Unidos / United States Mxico / Mexico Tailndia / Thailand Paquisto / Pakistan Colmbia / Colombia Austrlia / Australia Rssia / Russia Mundo / World

457.246 281.172 110.971 57.664 50.676 47.658 44.759 39.000 38.169 30.861 1.642.830

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname

457.246 39.000 19.000 9.346 7.246 6.999 6.201 3.200 3.100 2.200 175 120

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Produo de Soja / Soybean Production

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina China / China ndia / India Paraguai / Paraguay Canad / Canada Bolvia / Bolivia Indonsia / Indonesia Rssia / Russia Mundo / World

85.013 49.793 31.500 17.600 7.500 3.584 3.048 1.670 723 555 206.408

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousand tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2005-2006.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

49.793 31.500 3.584 1.670 377 107 68 3 3 Nd Nd Nd

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousand tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2005-2006.


Produo de Frutas / Production of fruits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China ndia / India Brasil / Brazil Estados Unidos / United States Itlia / Italy Espanha / Spain Mxico / Mexico Ir / Iran Turquia / Turkey Indonsia / Indonesia Mundo / World

90.100 48.045 37.725 25.445 17.841 16.120 14.979 12.102 12.035 11.536 496.351

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

37.725 8.008 7.179 7.155 5.196 3.716 2.071 1.037 514 433 74 64

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


of coffee
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Produo Agrcola de Caf / Agricultural production

Brasil / Brazil Vietn / Viet Nam Colmbia / Colombia Indonsia / Indonesia Mxico / Mexico ndia / India Peru / Peru Etipia / Ethiopia Guatemala / Guatemala Honduras / Honduras Mundo / World

2.573.368 853.500 696.000 652.668 310.000 274.000 258.314 241.482 216.600 192.000 7.751.270

Em toneladas, em 2006 / In tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

2.573.368 696.000 258.314 74.332 31.461 27.488 3.040 150 4

Em toneladas, em 2006 / In tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Produo de Algodo / Cotton production

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China ndia / India Estados Unidos / United States Paquisto / Pakistan Brasil / Brazil Uzbequisto / Uzbekistan Turquia / Turkey Turcomenisto / Turkmenistan Sria / Syria Egito / Egypt Mundo / World

8.025.000 4.930.000 2.790.000 1.960.000 1.193.000 1.000.000 440.000 297.000 265.000 105.000 23.400.000

Em toneladas, estimativas para 2008-2009 / In metric tons, estimates for 2008-2009. Fonte/Source: International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador

1.193.000 117.000 36.000 30.000 17.000 5.000 2.000 1.000

Em toneladas, estimativas para 2008-2009 / In metric tons, estimates for 2008-2009. Fonte/Source: International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC).


Produo de Fertilizantes / Production of fertilizers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States ndia / India Rssia / Russia Canad / Canada Belarus / Belarus Alemanha / Germany Brasil / Brazil Indonsia / Indonesia Paquisto / Pakistan Mundo / World

49.963.319 18.098.644 13.131.804 12.976.995 10.561.800 5.425.072 4.847.496 3.282.982 2.986.554 2.788.277 164.903.934

Em toneladas, em 2006 / In tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru

3.282.982 843.800 717.000 571.600 13.500 22.389 313

Em toneladas, em 2006 / In tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Produo de Carne / Production of meat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Brasil / Brazil China / China Argentina / Argentina Austrlia / Australia Rssia / Russia Mxico / Mexico Frana / France ndia / India Alemanha / Germany Mundo / World

11.910 7.800 7.172 2.800 2.077 1.705 1.613 1.473 1.289 1.193 61.031

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

7.800 2.800 790 560 490 238 215 207 170 162 2 2

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Rebanho Bovino / Cattle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ndia / India Brasil / Brazil China / China Estados Unidos / United States Paquisto / Pakistan Argentina / Argentina Etipia / Ethiopia Sudo / Sudan Mxico / Mexico Austrlia / Australia Mundo / World

277.508 207.043 141.719 96.702 53.900 50.700 43.125 39.300 28.649 28.900 1.558.379

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

207.043 50.700 25.500 16.700 11.709 9.983 7.517 5.300 5.035 4.300 137 110

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Rebanho Ovino e Caprino / Sheep and goats

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China ndia / India Austrlia / Australia Sudo / Sudan Paquisto / Pakistan Ir / Iran Nigria / Nigeria Bangladesh / Bangladesh Etipia / Ethiopia Nova Zelndia / New Zealand Mundo / World

372.924 188.739 100.555 90.500 87.300 78.049 51.800 50.380 42.193 40.253 1.955.407

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Peru / Peru Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

26.421 16.779 16.600 10.914 9.067 7.400 4.135 1.898 1.130 655 540 15

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Rebanho Suno / Pig Livestock

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States Brasil / Brazil Vietn / Vietnam Alemanha / Germany Espanha / Spain Polnia / Poland Mxico / Mexico Frana / France ndia / India Mundo / World

510.625 61.449 35.174 26.855 26.521 26.219 18.881 15.370 14.480 14.000 992.559

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

35.174 3.470 3.303 3.005 2.488 2.260 1.700 1.600 1.285 240 25 13

Em milhares de cabeas, em 2006 / In thousand heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Frango / Chikens

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States Indonsia / Indonesia Brasil / Brazil ndia / India Ir / Iran Rssia / Russia Mxico / Mexico Japo / Japan Tailndia / Thailand Mundo / World

4.427 2.050 1.189 1.013 490 400 343 290 281 203 16.858

Em milhes de cabeas, em 2006 / In million heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

1.013 145 110 105 100 97 95 81 17 14 13 4

Em milhes de cabeas, em 2006 / In million heads, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Produo Pesqueira e Aquicultura / Fisheries

and acquaculture
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Peru / Peru ndia / India Indonsia / Indonesia Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan Chile / Chile Tailndia / Thailand Vietn / Vietnam Noruega / Norway Mundo / World

45.926 7.045 6.415 6.096 5.371 5.079 4.962 4.017 3.628 2.970 137.184

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia

7.045 4.962 1.185 1.051 618 484 310 133 54 31 22 7

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2006 / In thousand tons, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da FAO 2007-2008 / FAO Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Participao da Indstria no PIB / Participation

of industry in the GDP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Guin Equatorial / Equatorial Guinea Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Darussalam Angola / Angola Azerbaijo / Azerbaijan Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Gabo / Gabon Repblica do Congo / Republic of Congo Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Trinidad e Tobago / Trinidad and Tobago Venezuela / Venezuela

94 73 70 73 65 60 60 59 59 58

Em % do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana

58 47 37 37 36 36 35 34 32 29 20 Nd

Em % do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Produo de Ao Bruto / Production of crude steel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Japo / Japan Estados Unidos / United States Rssia / Russia ndia / India Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Alemanha / Germany Ucrnia / Ukraine Brasil / Brazil Itlia / Italy Mundo / World

500,5 118,7 91,4 68,5 55,1 53,3 45,8 37,1 33,7 30,6 1.326,1

Em milhes de toneladas, em 2008 / In million tons, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia - IBS, Anurio Estatstico 2009 / IBS, Statistical Yearbook 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay

33,71 5,54 4,22 1,52 1,11 1,05 0,12 0,08 0,08

Em milhes de toneladas, em 2008 / In million tons, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Instituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia - IBS, Anurio Estatstico 2009 / IBS, Statistical Yearbook 2009.


Produo de Cimento / Production of cement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China ndia / India Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Rssia / Russia Turquia / Turkey Brasil / Brazil Itlia / Italy Tailndia / Thailand

966.820 125.000 97.434 76.550 56.955 45.615 38.594 38.000 37.843 35.626

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousands of metric tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

38.000 9.000 8.000 6.254 4.602 3.798 3.100 1.276 660 658 65 Nd

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousands of metric tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.


Produo de alumnio* / Production of aluminium

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Rssia / Russia Canad / Canada Estados Unidos / United States Austrlia / Australia4 Brasil / Brazil Japo / Japan5 frica do Sul / South Africa ndia / India Venezuela / Venezuela

6.690 3.593 2.592 2.516 1.686 1.457 1.171 863 862 624

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousands of metrics tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.

1 2 3 4

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Suriname / Suriname6

1.457 624 272 2

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2004 / In thousands of metric tons, in 2004. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.

Alunnio no trabalhado / Aluminium unwrought. Dados referentes a 1999 / Data refers to 1999. Dados referentes a 2001 / Data refers to 2001. 6 Dados referentes a 2002 / Data refers to 2002.
* 4 5


Produo de Papel / Production of paper

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Japo / Japan Alemanha / Germany Canad / Canada Finlndia / Finland Sucia / Sweden Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Frana / France Itlia / Italy

81.437 48.934 29.295 21.679 19.673 12.391 11.736 10.549 10.332 9.999

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2005 / In thousands of metric tons, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

8.221 1.656 1.210 919 680 100 98 91 13 -0 Nd Nd

Em milhares de toneladas, em 2005 / In thousands of metric tons, in 2005. Fonte/Source: Anurio Estatstico da ONU, 51a Ed. / UN Statistical Yearbook 51th Ed.


Refino de Petrleo / Oil refinery capacities

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Rssia / Russia Japo / Japan ndia / India Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Itlia / Italy Alemanha / Germany Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Frana / France Mundo / World

17.621 7.732 5.547 4.650 2.992 2.712 2.486 2.366 2.100 1.962 88.627

Em milhares de barris/dia, em 2008/ In thousand barrels/day, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina

1.942 1.311 625

Em milhares de barris/dia, em 2008 / In thousand barrels/day, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


of motor vehicles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Produo de Veculos Automotores* / Production

Japo / Japan Estados Unidos/ United States China / China Alemanha / Germany Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Frana / France Brasil / Brazil Espanha / Spain Canad / Canada ndia / India Mundo / World

11.596 10.781 8.883 6.213 4.086 3.016 2.980 2.890 2.579 2.254 73.139

Em mil unidades, em 2007 / In thousand units, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile

2.970.818 544.647 172.418 73.667 26.338 10.804

Em mil unidades, em 2007 / In thousand units, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

* Inclui veculos de passeio e comerciais / Include cars and commercial vehicles.


Frota de Veculos Automotores* / Fleet of motor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan Alemanha / Germany Itlia / Italy China / China Frana / France Reino Unido / United Kingdom Espanha / Spain Mxico / Mexico Brasil / Brazil Mundo / World

244.166 75.859 49.742 39.877 36.974 36.661 34.935 26.227 24.099 24.069 953.927

Em milhares de unidades, em 2006 / In thousand units, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana Bolvia / Bolivia

24.069 7.005 2.561 2.455 2.453 1.481 1.127 598 532 109 41 34

Em milhares de unidades, em 2006 / In thousand units, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

* Inclui veculos de passeio e comerciais / Include cars and commercial vehicles.


Frota per capita de Veculos Automotores* /

Per capita fleet of motor vehicles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Estados Unidos / United States Itlia / Italy Austrlia / Australia Espanha / Spain Canad / Canada Japo / Japan Frana / France Reino Unido / United Kingdom ustria / Austria Reino Unido / United Kingdom

1,2 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,8

Habitantes por veculo, em 2006 / Inhabitants per vehicle, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Suriname / Suriname Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Bolvia / Bolivia

4,3 5,8 5,8 6,6 7,9 10,6 12,2 12,5 17,3 19,4 20,8 266,2

Habitantes por veculo, em 2006 / Person per vehicle, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Anurio da Indstria Automobilstica Brasileira 2009 / Brazilian Automotive Industry Yearbook 2009.

* Inclui veculos de passeio e comerciais / Include cars and commercial vehicles.


Consumo de Energia Primria / Consumption of

primary energy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United Staes China / China Rssia / Russia Japo / Japan ndia / India Canad / Canada Alemanha / Germany Frana / France Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Brasil / Brazil Mundo / World

2.229,0 2.002,5 684,6 507,5 433,3 329,8 311,1 257,9 240,1 228,1 11.294,9

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

228,1 81,4 74,7 30,2 27,8 15,9 12,3 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy.


Produo de Eletricidade / Production of electricity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Japo / Japan Rssia / Russia ndia / India Alemanha / Germany Frana / France Brasil / Brazil Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Reino Unido / United Kingdom Mundo / World

4.274,3 2.864,2 1.090,5 993,9 744,1 629,4 569,2 419,3 402,3 394,5 18.977,0

Em bilhes de kilowatt/hora, em 2006 / In billion kilowatt hours, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

419,3 115,0 110,4 57,6 54,3 53,8 27,4 15,4 7,7 5,6 Nd Nd

Em bilhes de kilowatt/hora, em 2006 / In billion kilowatt hours, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Consumo per capita de Energia Eltrica /

Consumption of electric power per capita
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Noruega / Norway Finlndia / Finland Canad / Canada Kuaite / Kuwait Sucia / Sweden Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Estados Unidos / United States Austrlia / Australia Nova Zelndia / New Zealand Blgica / Belgium

24.296 17.177 16.753 16.311 15.231 14.567 13.564 11.332 9.646 8.684

Em kwh, em 2006 / In kwh, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

3.207 3.174 2.620 2.060 2.042 968 900 899 759 485 Nd Nd

Em kwh, em 2006 / In kwh, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Consumo de Hidreletricidade / Consumption of

China / China Canad / Canada Brasil / Brazil Estados Unidos / United States Rssia / Russia Noruega / Norway ndia / India Venezuela / Venezuela Japo / Japan Sucia / Sweden Mundo / World

132,4 83,6 82,3 56,7 37,8 31,8 26,2 19,6 15,7 14,8 717,5

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

82,3 19,0 10,1 8,5 5,4 4,4 2,2 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


nuclear energy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Consumo de Energia Nuclear / Consumption of

Estados Unidos / United States Frana / France Japo / Japan Rssia / Russia Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Alemanha / Germany Canad / Canada Ucrnia / Ukraine China / China Sucia / Sweden Mundo / World

192,1 99,6 57,0 36,9 34,2 33,7 21,1 20,3 15,5 14,5 619,7

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.

1 2

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina

3,1 1,6

Em milhes de toneladas de leo equivalente, em 2008 / In million tonnes oil equivalent, in 2008. Fonte/Source: BP Global, Statistical Review of World Energy 2009.


Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao da Hidreletricidade / Sources of electricity:

participation of hydrolectricity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Paraguai / Paraguay Moambique / Mozambique Rep. Dem. do Congo / Dem. Rep. Congo Etipia / Ethyopia Nepal / Nepal Zmbia / Zambia Noruega / Norway Albnia / Albania Tajiquisto / Tadjikistan Camares / Cameroun 100,0 99,9 99,7 99,7 99,6 99,4 98,5 98,2 97,7 94,1

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Paraguai / Paraguay Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Argentina / Argentina Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

100,0 83,2 78,7 78,5 72,0 64,0 59,5 43,9 35,1 33,0 Nd Nd

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2009 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao do Gs/

Sources of electricity: participation of gas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Turcomenisto / Turkmenistan Trinidad e Tobago / Trinidad and Tobago Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Moldova / Moldova Arglia / Algeria Belarus / Belarus Bangladesh / Bangladesh Tunsia / Tunisia Om / Oman Cingapura / Singapore

100,0 99,4 98,0 97,5 97,2 95,0 87,6 84,9 82,0 78,0

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

50,2 39,3 19,9 13,4 12,4 9,6 9,5 4,4 0,0 0,1 Nd Nd

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


nuclear energy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao da Energia Nuclear / Sources of electricity: participation of

Frana / France Litunia / Lithuania Eslovquia / Slovakia Blgica / Belgium Ucrnia / Ukraine Sucia / Sweden Sua / Switzerland Armnia / Armenia Bulgria / Bulgary Hungria / Hungary 79,1 71,6 57,6 55,3 46,7 46,7 44,8 44,4 42,8 37,5

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2

Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil

6,7 3,3

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Fontes de Eletricidade: Participao do Carvo /

Share of electricity: participation of coal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Botsuana / Botswana Monglia / Mongolia Polnia / Poland frica do Sul / South Africa Estnia / Estonia China / China Austrlia / Australia Macednia / Macedonia Cazaquisto / Kazakhstan Israel / Israel

99,4 96,9 93,6 93,5 90,2 80,4 79,2 72,9 70,3 69,3

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

17,1 7,5 3,0 2,4 1,8 0 0 0 0 0 Nd Nd

Em % do total da eletricidade gerada, em 2006 / % of total generated electricity, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Malha Rodoviria / Roads network*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China ndia / India Brasil / Brazil Canad / Canada Japo / Japan Frana / France Rssia / Russia Austrlia / Australia Espanha / Spain

(65%) (70%) (47%) (6%) (40%) (80%) (100%) (80%) (nd) (99%)

6.544.257 3.456.999 3.316.452 1.751.868 1.408.900 1.196.999 951.500 933.000 812.972 666.292

Extenso total em km, dados referem-se ao ltimo ano disponvel no perodo 2000-2006 / Total network in km, data are for the latest year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

(6%) (30%) (nd) (34%) (20%) (14%) (10%) (7%) (15%) (50%) (nd) (nd)

1.751.868 231.374 164.278 96.155 79.604 78.986 77.732 62.479 43.670 29.500 Nd Nd

Extenso total em km, dados referem-se ao ltimo ano disponvel no perodo 2000-2006 / Total network in km, data are for the latest year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.
* Entre parntesis, percentual pavimentado / Between parethesis, % paved.


Malha Ferroviria / Railways network

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Rssia / Russia Canad / Canada ndia / India China / China Argentina / Argentina Alemanha / Germany Brasil / Brazil Frana / France Ucrnia / Ukraine

153.787 85.245 67.346 63.465 62.200 35.753 34.218 30.403 29.286 22.001

Extenso total em km, dados referem-se ao ltimo ano disponvel no perodo 2000-2006 / Total network in km, data are for the latest year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina/ Argentina Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname

35.753 29.487 6.008 3.003 2.137 336 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd

Extenso total em km, dados referem-se ao ltimo ano disponvel no perodo 2000-2006 / Total network in km, data are for the latest year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Transporte Areo / Air transportation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Alemanha / Germany Reino Unido / United Kingdom Japo / Japan Frana / France Canad / Canada Irlanda / Ireland ndia / India Austrlia / Australia Mundo / World

744.302 183.613 106.102 101.623 99.842 61.551 52.104 50.758 51.897 48.729 2.058.936

Em milhares de passageiros transportados, em 2007 / Thousand passengers carried, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

45.287 11.631 7.194 7.191 7.037 5.829 5.273 1.745 569 459 Nd Nd

Em milhares de passageiros transportados, em 2007 / Thousands passengers carried, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Frota Mercante / Merchant fleet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Panam / Panama Libria / Liberia Grcia / Greece Bahamas / Bahamas Estados Unidos / United States Cingapura / Singapore Malta / Malta Chipre / Cyprus China / China Noruega / Norway

195.286 83.592 54.642 48.037 47.728 40.935 36.101 34.180 29.793 24.243

Em milhares de dwt, em 2004 / In thousands of dwt, in 2004. Fonte/Source: UNCTAD, Handbook of Statistics 2005.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

4.021 1.542 1.143 491 484 349 148 100 50 47 33 6

Em milhares de dwt, em 2004 / In thousands of dwt, in 2004. Fonte/Source: UNCTAD, Handbook of Statistics 2005.


Turismo Internacional / International tourism

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Frana / France Espanha / Spain Estados Unidos / United States China / China Itlia / Italy Reino Unido / United Kingdom Alemanha / Germany Rssia / Russia* Turquia / Turkey Mxico / Mexico Mundo / World

81.940 58.973 55.986 54.720 43.654 30.870 24.421 22.909 22.248 21.424 911.470

Ingresso de turistas em milhares, em 2007 / Thousand tourists inbound, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

5.026 4.562 2.507 1.812 1.752 1.195 937 771 556 416 Nd Nd

Ingresso de turistas em milhares, em 2007 / Thousand tourists inbound, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

* Ingresso de no residentes nas fronteiras / Arrival of non-resident visitors at national borders.


Telefonia Fixa / Fixed telephony

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bermudas / Bermuda Sua / Switzerland Alemanha / Germany Hungria / Hungary Sucia / Sweden Montenegro / Montenegro Malta / Malta Frana / France Canad / Canada Reino Unido / United Kingdom

89,5 65,8 64,6 62,0 60,4 58,9 56,6 56,4 55,5 55,4

Linhas por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Lines per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay

28,9 24,0 20,7 20,5 18,8 18,3 17,2 14,7 13,7 9,6 7,1 6,4

Linhas por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Lines per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.


Telefonia Celular / Mobile Telephony

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Malsia / Malaysia Itlia / Italy Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Estnia / Estonia Bahrain / Bahrain Luxemburgo / Luxemburg Litunia / Lithuania Bahamas / Bahamas Antgua e Barbuda / Antigua & Barbuda

176.5 165.1 152,5 150,4 148,4 148,3 146,7 145,2 140,4 135,4

Assinantes por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Subscribers per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Suriname / Suriname Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Bolvia / Bolivia

113,2 102,2 90,0 86,1 76,6 76,6 74,5 73,5 63,0 55,3 37,5 34,2

Assinantes por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Subscribers per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.


Usurios de Internet* / Internet users

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Noruega / Norway Pases Baixos / Netherlands Dinamarca / Denmark Sucia / Sweden Finlndia / Finland Luxemburgo / Luxemburg Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Canad / Canada Sua / Switzerland Estados Unidos / United States

85,0 84,0 81,0 80,0 79,0 78,0 76,3 73,0 72,6 72,5

Usurios por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Users per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay

35,2 31,0 29,0 27,4 26,2 25,7 25,2 20,7 10,5 9,6 8,6 8,6

Usurios por 100 habitantes, em 2007 / Users per 100 inhabitants, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Unio Internacional de Telecomunicaes- UIT / International Telecommunication Union - ITU.

* Pessoas com acesso rede mundial / People with acess to the worldwide network.


Despesas em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento /

Expenditures in research and development
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Israel / Israel Sucia / Sweden Finlndia / Finland Japo / Japan Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Sua / Switzerland Estados Unidos / United States Alemanha / Germany Dinamarca / Denmark Cingapura / Singapore

4.53 3.82 3.43 3.40 3.23 2.93 2.61 2.52 2.44 2.39

Em % do PIB, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2000-2006 / % of GDP, data are for the most recent year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

0.82 0.67 0.49 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.15 0.09 0.06 Nd Nd

Em % do PIB, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2000-2006 / % of GDP, data are for the most recent year available in the period 2000-2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Patentes (I)* / Patents (I)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan China / China Rep. da Coria / Rep. of Korea Alemanha / Germany Canad / Canada Rssia / Russia Austrlia / Australia Reino Unido / United Kingdom ndia / India

(52.0%) (84.9%) (58.1%) (75.5%) (79.2%) (13.1%) (74.0%) (10.9%) (67.9%) (18.4%)

425.966 408.674 210.501 166.189 60.585 42.038 37.691 26.003 25.745 24.505

Nmero de solicitaes de registro encaminhadas ao escritrio nacional de patentes, em 2006 / Number of filings addressed to the national patent office, in 2006. Fonte/Source: OMPI, Relatrio Mundial de Patentes 2008 / OMPI, World Patent Report 2008.

1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela

(15.8%) (9.1%) (3.1%)

24.074 3.215 1.271 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd

Nmero de solicitaes de registro encaminhadas ao escritrio nacional de patentes, em 2006 / Number of filings addressed to the national patent office, in 2006. Fonte/Source: OMPI, Relatrio Mundial de Patentes 2008 / OMPI, World Patent Report 2008.
* Entre parntesis, participao das solicitaes apresentadas por nacionais / Between parenthesis, participation of filings addressed by nationals residents.


Patentes (II) / Patents (II)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Japo / Japan Estados Unidos / United States Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Alemanha / Germany China / China* Frana / France Reino Unido / United Kingdom Rssia / Russia Pases Baixos / Netherlands Sua / Switzerland Mundo / World

514.047 390.815 172.709 130.805 128.850 44.677 41.085 29.059 27.389 24.861 1.726.938

Nmero de solicitaes de registro por pases de origem, em 2006 / Number of patent filings by countries of origin, in 2006. Fonte/Source: OMPI, Relatrio Mundial de Patentes 2008 / OMPI, World Patent Report 2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname

4.747 428 265 42 42 30 16 12 5 Nd Nd Nd

Nmero de solicitaes de registro por pases de origem, em 2006 / Number of patent filings by countries of origin, in 2006. Fonte/Source: OMPI, Relatrio Mundial de Patentes 2008 / OMPI, World Patent Report 2008.

* Dados referentes a 2005 / Data refers to 2005 instead of 2006.


Intercmbio Comercial / Foreign trade

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Alemanha / Germany Japo / Japan Frana / France Pases Baixos / Netherlands Itlia / Italy Reino Unido / United Kingdom Blgica / Belgium Canad / Canada Mundo / World

3.466.210 2.683.980 2.669.950 1.544.952 1.313.293 1.207.600 1.096.261 1.094.493 948.147 905.562 32.746.300

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

380.350 172.867 128.400 127.362 80.448 57.262 36.442 16.320 12.308 9.696 3.034 2.318

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.


Exportaes / Exports

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Alemanha / Germany Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan Pases Baixos / Netherlands Frana / France Itlia / Italy Blgica / Belgium Rssia / Russia Reino Unido / United Kingdom Mundo / World

1.468.720 1.465.200 1.300.190 783.149 633.842 606.623 539.933 477.605 464.005 460.244 16.009.600

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

197.972 116.020 74.316 71.402 39.165 29.543 19.790 6.859 5.763 4.585 1.582 977

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.


Exportaes de Bens Primrios Participao nas Exportaes Totais/ Exports of primary goods participation in total exports
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sudo / Sudan Nigria / Nigeria Arglia / Argelia Imen / Yemen Papua Nova Guin / Papua New Guinea Burundi / Burundi Barm / Bahrain Gabo / Gabon Kuaite / Kuwait Seichelles / Seychelles 99 98 98 96 94 94 93 93 93 93

Em % das exportaes totais, em 2005 / % of total exports, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Suriname / Suriname

91 91 89 87 84 83 78 68 68 64 46 20

Em % das exportaes totais, em 2005 / % of total exports, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.


Exportaes de Bens Manufaturados Participao nas Exportaes Totais / Exports of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Camboja / Cambodia So Cristvo e Nevis / Saint Kitts and Nevis Malta / Malta Sua / Switzerland Japo / Japan China / China Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Cabo Verde / Cape Verde Bangladesh / Bangladesh Filipinas / Philippines 97 96 95 93 92 92 91 90 90 89

manufactured goods participation in total exports

Em % das exportaes totais, em 2005 / % of total exports, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Guiana / Guyana Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador

80 54 36 32 31 20 17 14 13 11 9 9

Em % das exportaes totais, em 2005 / % of total exports, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.


Exportaes Agrcolas / Agricultural exports

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Pases Baixos / Netherlands Frana / France Alemanha / Germany Brasil / Brazil Blgica / Belgium Itlia / Italy Espanha / Spain China / China Canad / Canada Mundo / World

71.379 54.943 50.380 47.370 34.682 29.369 27.827 26.742 26.190 24.745 721.726

Em milhes de US$, em 2006 / In US$ millions, in 2006. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname

34.682 19.636 5.305 4.728 2.550 2.246 1.808 1.479 610 225 184 28

Em milhes de US$, em 2006 / In US$ millions, in 2006. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Importaes / Imports

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States China / China Alemanha / Germany Japo / Japan Frana / France Reino Unido / United Kingdom Pases Baixos / Netherlands Itlia / Italy Blgica / Belgium Canad / Canad Mundo / World

2.166.020 1.215.260 1.204.750 761.803 706.670 634.249 573.758 556.328 470.542 449.077 16.736.700

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

182.408 56.847 55.960 54.084 41.283 27.718 16.653 9.461 7.723 3.932 1.452 1.341

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.


Importaes Agrcolas / Agricultural imports

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Alemanha / Germany China / China Reino Unido / United Kingdom Japo / Japan Frana / France Itlia / Italy Pases Baixos / Netherlands Blgica / Belgium Espanha / Spain Mundo / World

60.282 57.721 47.486 45.790 42.325 37.271 35.146 31.997 25.493 21.790 746.277

Em milhes de US$, em 2006 / In US$ millions, in 2006. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

4.961 3.109 2.328 2.321 1.640 1.069 903 434 365 275 139 114

Em milhes de US$, em 2006 / In US$ millions, in 2006. Fonte/Source: FAO, Statistical Yearbook 2007-2008.


Saldo Comercial / Trade surplus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Alemanha / Germany China / China Rssia / Russia Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Noruega / Norway Pases Baixos / Netherlands Venezuela / Venezuela Angola / Angola Irlanda / Ireland Lbia / Libya

260.450 253.460 187.983 168.828 78.898 60.084 59.173 47.548 40.667 40.627

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay

59.173 20.233 15.534 15.441 3.137 1.831 1.825 130 313 -2.118 -2.602 -3.138

Em US$ milhes, 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.


Reservas Internacionais / International Reserves

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Japo / Japan Rssia / Russia ndia / India Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Brasil / Brazil Hong Kong / Hong Kong Cingapura / Singapore Arglia / Algeria Malsia / Malaysia Mundo / World

1.954,8 1.009,4 412,5 247,4 201,1 192,8 182,5 174,2 143,2 108,7 6.780,0

Em US$ bilhes, 2008 / In US$ billions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

192,8 44,9 33,1 30,3 23,7 23,1 6,9 6,4 3,7 2,8 0,4 0,4

Em US$ bilhes, 2008 / In US$ billions, 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do FMI-DOTS de julho-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on IMF-DOTS-July 2009 data.


Investimentos Externos Diretos / Foreign Direct

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Reino Unido / United Kingdom Frana / France Canad / Canada Pases Baixos / Netherlands China / China Hong Kong / Hong Kong Espanha / Spain Rssia / Russia Alemanha / Germany Mundo / World

232.839 223.966 157.970 108.655 99.438 83.521 59.899 53.385 52.475 50.925 1.833.324

Em US$ milhes, in 2009 / In US$ millions, in 2009. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do WIR/UN-2008 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on WIR/UN-2008 data.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana

34.585 14.457 9.028 5.720 5.343 879 - 646 316 204 190 178 152

Em US$ milhes, in 2009 / In US$ millions, in 2009. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do WIR/UN-2008 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on WIR/UN-2008 data.


Ajuda Oficial ao Desenvolvimento Recebida /

Official Development Assistance - inflows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nigria / Nigeria Indonsia / Indonesia Etipia / Ethiopia Vietn / Vietnam Rep. Dem. do Congo / Congo, Dem. Rep. Sudo / Sudan China / China ndia / India Paquisto / Pakistan Tanznia / Tanzania Mundo / World

6.437,3 2.523,5 1.937,3 1.904,9 1.827,6 1.828,6 1.756,9 1.724,1 1.666,5 1.505,1 106.372,9

Em US$ milhes, em 2005 / In US$ millions, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio do Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Venezuela / Venezuela Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

582,9 511,1 397,8 209,5 191,9 151,7 136,8 99,7 51,1 48,7 44,0 14,6

Em US$ milhes, em 2005 / In US$ millions, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio do Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007-2008.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Utilizao de Crditos do FMI / Use of IMF

Turquia / Turkey Paquisto / Pakistan Rep. Dem. do Congo / Dem. Rep. of Congo Repblica Dominicana / Dominican Republic Bangladesh / Bangladesh Sudo / Sudan Ucrnia / Ukraine Libria / Liberia Qunia / Kenya Gergia / Georgia

7.158 1.381 808 548 501 482 431 352 269 252

Em US$ milhes, em 2007 / In US$ millions, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Argentina / Argentina Brasil / Brazil Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Em US$ milhes, em 2007 / In US$ millions, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Remessa de Migrantes - Ingresso / Migrant

remittances - inflows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ndia / India China / China Mxico / Mexico Filipinas / Philippines Frana / France Espanha / Spain Alemanha / Germany Polnia / Poland Nigria / Nigeria Egito / Egypt

51.974 40.641 26.304 18.643 15.133 11.772 11.064 10.727 9.980 9.476

Em US$ milhes, estimativa para 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008 estimates. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolvia Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile

5.089 4.884 3.200 2.200 927 691 503 278 140 130 104 3

Em US$ milhes, estimativa para 2008 / In US$ millions, 2008 estimates. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.


Dvida Externa / External Debt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Rssia / Russia Turquia / Turkey Brasil / Brazil Polnia / Poland Mxico / Mexico ndia / India Hungria / Hungary Indonsia / Indonesia Argentina / Argentina

379.000 402.459 276.838 231.638 211.216 185.589 166.798 164.350 140.706 129.672

Em milhes de US$, em 2008 / In US$ millions, in 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do Banco Mundial e EIU-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on World Bank Database EIU- The Economist Inteligence Unit 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

231.638 129.672 66.953 47.345 40.095 36.005 16.589 10.969 4.814 3.705 195 Nd

Em milhes de US$, em 2008 / In US$ millions, in 2008. Fonte/Source: MRE/DIC, com base em dados do Banco Mundial e EIU-2009 / Ministry of Foreign Relations (Brazil), based on World Bank Database EIU- The Economist Inteligence Unit 2009.


Inflao / Inflation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Zimbbue / Zimbabwe Myanmar / Myanmar Venezuela / Venezuela Eritria / Eritrea Guin / Guinea Imen / Yemen Azerbaijo / Azerbaijan Ir / Iran Belarus / Belarus Etipia / Ethiopia

6.470,8 35,0 25,7 25,2 25,0 17,5 17,0 15,8 13,7 12,9

Variao percentual anual, estimativas referentes a 2008 / Annual percent change, 2008 estimates Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Peru / Peru

25,7 12,7 6,0 5,0 4,3 4,1 4,0 3,7 3,2 3,0 3,0 2,0

Variao percentual anual, estimativas referentes a 2008 / Annual percent change, 2008 estimates Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF.


Depsitos Bancrios em Contas Correntes /

Bank deposit accounts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ustria / Austria Blgica / Belgium Dinamarca / Denmark Grcia / Greece Ir / Iran Espanha / Spain Sua / Switzerland Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic Rssia / Russia Frana / France

3.120 3.080 2.706 2.418 2.249 2.076 1.986 1.923 1.892 1.801

Nmero de contas correntes por 1.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2001-2004 / Number of current deposits per 1.000 people, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2001-2004. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay

1.045 631 612 487 420 369 316 302 41 Nd Nd Nd

Nmero de contas correntes por 1.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2001-2004 / Number of current deposits per 1.000 people, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2001-2004. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006.


Agncias Bancrias / Bank branches

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Espanha / Spain ustria / Austria Blgica / Belgium Itlia / Italy Portugal / Portugal Alemanha / Germany Canad / Canada Frana / France Sua / Switzerland Dinamarca / Denmark

95.9 53.9 53.2 52.1 51.6 49.4 45.6 43.2 38.0 37.6

Nmero de agncias por 100.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2001-2004 / Number of agencies per 100.000 people, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2001-2004. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Bolvia/ Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname

14.6 10.0 9.4 9.3 8.7 6.4 4.4 4.2 1.5 Nd Nd Nd

Nmero de agncias por 100.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano disponvel mais recente no perodo 2001-2004 / Number of agencies per 100.000 people, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2001-2004. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006.


Micro, Pequenas e Mdias Empresas / Micro,

small, and medium-size enterprises
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Indonsia / Indonesia China / China Rssia / Russia Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan Brasil / Brazil Itlia / Italy Reino Unido / United Kingdom Espanha / Spain Alemanha / Germany

41.362.315 8.000.000 6.891.300 5.868.737 5.712.191 4.903.268 4.486.000 4.415.260 3.168.735 3.162.111

Nmero de empresas, dados referentes ao ano mais recente do perodo 2000-2005 / Number of enterprises, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

4.903.268 1.043.440 700.000 664.000 658.837 548.000 125.000 11.314 nd nd nd nd

Nmero de empresas, dados referentes ao ano mais recente do perodo 2000-2005 / Number of enterprises, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 2000-2005. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.


Crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto / GDP

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Azerbaijo / Azerbaijan Angola / Angola Libria / Liberia Catar / Qatar Afeganisto / Afghanistan Sudo / Sudan Turcomenisto / Turkmenistan China / China Guin Equatorial / Equatorial Guinea Buto / Bhutan

23,1 16,0 13,5 11,8 10,8 10,2 10,0 9,5 9,0 8,6

Em %, estimativa para 2008 / In %, 2008 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Brasil / Brazil Suriname / Suriname Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela

5,5 5,5 5,3 5,1 4,7 4,5 4,5 4,2 4,0 3,5 2,9 2,0

Em %, estimativa para 2008 / In %, 2008 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF.


Produto Interno Bruto (a preos correntes) /

Gross Domestic Product (in current prices)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Estados Unidos / United States Japo / Japan China / China Alemanha / Germany Frana / France Reino Unido / United Kingdom Itlia / Italy Rssia / Russia Espanha / Spain Brasil / Brazil Mundo / World

14.266 5.049 4.757 3.325 2.635 2.198 2.089 1.482 1.438 1.319 60.539

Em US$ bilhes, estimativa para 2009 / In US$ billions, 2009 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI/IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

1.575 329 320 245 170 128 55 32 17 17 3 1

Em US$ billions, estimativa para 2009 / In US$ billions, 2009 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI/IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.


power parity)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Produto Interno Bruto (por paridade de poder de compra) / Gross Domestic Product (in purchasingEstados Unidos / United States China / China Japo / Japan ndia / India Alemanha / Germany Reino Unido / United Kingdom Rssia / Russia Frana / France Brasil / Brazil Itlia / Italy Mundo / World 14.266 8.735 4.187 3.529 2.807 2.164 2.126 2.112 2.002 1.750 68.989

Em US$ billions, estimativa para 2009 / In US$ billions, 2009 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI/IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

1.981 571 396 246 243 240 108 44 42 29 4 2

Em US$ billions, estimativa para 2009 / In US$ billions, 2009 estimates. Fonte/Source: FMI/IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.


Produto Interno Bruto Per Capita (a preos correntes) / Gross Domestic Product per capita (in
current prices)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Luxemburgo / Luxemburg Noruega / Norway Catar / Qatar Sua / Switzerland Dinamarca / Denmark Paises Baixos / Netherlands Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirades Estados Unidos / United States Finlndia / Finland ustria / Austria 94.418 76.692 75.956 66.127 55.942 47.042 46.584 46.443 45.876 45.090

Em US$, estimativas referentes a 2009 / In US$, estimates for 2009. Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana

12.354 9.449 8.853 7.737 7.508 5.819 4.661 4.377 3.939 2.169 1.716 1.558

Em US$, estimativas referentes a 2009 / In US, estimates for 2009. Fonte/Source: FMI / IMF, World Economic Outlook Database.


Gastos com Defesa (I) / Defense Expenditures (I)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Reino Unido / United Kingdom Frana / France China / China Alemanha / Germany Japo / Japan Itlia / Italy Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea ndia / India Mundo / World

552.568 63.258 60.662 46.174 42.108 41.039 37.770 35.446 26.588 26.513 1.279.647

Em US$ milhes, em 2007 / In US$ millions, in 2007. Fonte/Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Military Balance 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

20.559 6.806 5.238 2.795 2.093 1.226 773 304 162 100 22 Nd

Em US$ milhes, em 2007 / In US$ millions, in 2007. Fonte/Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Military Balance 2009.


Gastos com Defesa (II) / Defense Expenditures (II)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Myanmar / Myanmar Jordnia / Jordan Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Om / Oman Israel / Israel Maldivas / Maldives Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Vietn / Viet Nam El Salvador / El Salvador Angola / Angola

33,38 10,28 9,40 8,09 7,17 6,11 5,47 5,24 4,80 4,79

% do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), The Military Balance 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Colmbia / Colombia Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Paraguai / Paraguay Argentina / Argentina Guiana / Guyana

3,96 3,19 1,80 1,56 1,29 1,24 1,23 1,12 1,04 0,83 0,80 Nd

% do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), The Military Balance 2009.


Gastos com Defesa (III) / Defense Expenditures (III)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Emirados rabes Unidos / United Arab Emirates Israel / Israel Cingapura / Singapore Kuaite / Kwait Arbia Saudita / Saudi Arabia Catar / Qatar Noruega / Norway Reino Unido / United Kingdom Om / Oman Austrlia / Australia

3.815 1.806 1.539 1.500 1.284 1.211 1.198 1.041 1.010 989

Gastos per capita em US$, em 2007 / Expenditures per capita in US$, in 2007. Fonte/Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), The Military Balance 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Venezuela / Venezuela Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Argentina / Argentina Suriname / Suriname Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana

322 154 108 107 88 56 52 47 43 18 15 Nd

Gastos per capita em US$, em 2007 / Expenditures per capita in US$, in 2007. Fonte/Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), The Military Balance 2009.


Contingente das Foras Armadas / Number in

Armed Forces
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States ndia / India Rep. Pop. Dem. da Coria / Dem. Peoples Rep. of Korea Rssia / Rssia Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea Paquisto / Pakistan Iraque / Irak Ir / Iran Turquia / Turkey Mundo / World

2.185.000 1.540.000 1.281.000 1.106.000 1.027.000 687.000 617.000 577.000 523.000 511.000 20.488.000

Total de efetivos (ativa), em 2009 / Total number in armed forces (active), in 2009. Fonte/Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Military Balance 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana

326.435 267.231 115.000 114.000 60.560 76.000 57.983 46.100 25.382 10.650 1.840 1.100

Total de efetivos (ativa), em 2009 / Total number in Armed Forces (active), in 2009. Fonte/Source: International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Military Balance 2009.


Participao dos 10% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional / Participation of 10% poorest in the
national income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Japo / Japan (1993) Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic (1996) Vietn / Vietnam (2004) Paquisto / Pakistan (2002) Finlndia / Finland (2000) Hungria / Hungary (2002) Noruega / Norway (2000) Bsnia e Herzegvina / Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001) Ucrnia / Ukraine (2003) Etipia / Ethiopia (1999-2000) 4,8 4,3 4,2 4,0 4,0 4,0 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay (2003) Chile / Chile (2003) Peru / Peru (2003) Argentina / Argentina (2004) Equador / Ecuador (1998) Brasil / Brazil (2004) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) Venezuela / Venezuela (2003) Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

1,9 1,4 1,3 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,3 Nd Nd

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Participao dos 10% mais Ricos na Renda Nacional / Participation of 10% richest in the
national income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nambia / Namibia (1993) Botsuana / Botswana (1993) Lesoto / Lesotho (1995) Haiti / Haiti (2001) Rep. Centro-fricana / Central African Rep. (1993) Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) Chile / Chile (2003) Brasil / Brazil (2004) 64,5 51,0 48,3 47,7 47,7 47,2 46,9 46,1 45,0 44,8

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007- 2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) Chile / Chile (2003) Brasil / Brazil (2004) Equador / Ecuador (1998) Peru / Peru (2003) Argentina / Argentina (2004) Venezuela / Venezuela (2003) Uruguai / Uruguay (2003) Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

47,2 46,9 46,1 45,0 44,8 41,6 40,9 38,2 35,2 34,0 Nd Nd

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007 - 2008.


national income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Participao dos 20% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional / Participation of 20% poorest in the
Japo / Japan (1993) Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic (1996) Noruega / Norway (2000) Finlndia / Finland (2000) Hungria / Hungary (2002) Bsnia e Herzegvina / Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001) Paquisto / Pakistan (2002) Ucrnia / Ukraine (2003) Eslovnia / Slovenia (1998) Sucia / Sweden (2000) Etipia / Ethiopia (1999-2000) 10,6 10,3 9,6 9,6 9,5 9,5 9,3 9,2 9,1 9,1 9,1

Em %, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay (2003) Chile / Chile (2003) Peru / Peru (2003) Venezuela / Venezuela (2003) Equador / Ecuador (1998) Argentina / Argentina (2004) Brasil / Brazil (2004) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

5,0 3,8 3,7 3,3 3,3 3,1 2,8 2,5 2,4 1,5 Nd Nd

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

Participao dos 20% mais Ricos na Renda Nacional / Participation of 20% richest in the
national income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nambia / Namibia (1993) Lesoto / Lesotho (1995) Botsuana / Botswana (1993) Rep. Centro-fricana / Central African Rep. (1993) Haiti / Haiti (2001) Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone (1989) Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) frica do Sul / South Africa (2000) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) 78,7 66,2 65,1 65,0 63,4 63,4 63,0 62,7 62,2 61,9

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia (2002) Colmbia / Colombia (2003) Paraguai / Paraguay (2003) Brasil / Brazil (2004) Chile / Chile (2003) Equador / Ecuador (1998) Peru / Peru (2003) Argentina / Argentina (2004) Venezuela / Venezuela (2003) Uruguai / Uruguay (2003) Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

63,0 62,7 61,9 61,1 60,0 58,0 56,7 55,4 52,1 50,5 Nd Nd

%, ano de referncia entre parnteses / %, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Coeficiente de GINI / Gini index

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Azerbaijo / Azerbaijan (2005) Dinamarca / Denmark (1997) Japo / Japan (1993) Eslovquia / Slovak Republic (1996) Noruega / Norway (2000) Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic (1996) Finlndia / Finland (2000) Belarus / Belarus (2005) Alemanha / Germany (2000) Ucrnia / Ukraine (2005)

16.8 24.7 24.9 25.8 25.8 25.8 26.9 27.9 28.3 28.2

Ano de referncia entre parnteses / Year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Venezuela / Venezuela (2006) Uruguai / Uruguay (2006) Peru /Peru (2006) Argentina / Argentina (2005) Chile / Chile (2006) Paraguai / Paraguay (2007) Equador / Ecuador (2007) Brasil / Brazil (2007) Bolvia / Bolivia (2005) Colmbia / Colombia (2006) Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

43.4 46.2 49.6 50.0 52.0 53.2 54.4 55.0 58.2 58.5 Nd Nd

Ano de referncia entre parnteses / Year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano - IDH /

Human Development Index HDI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia Islndia / Iceland Canad / Canada Irlanda / Ireland Pases Baixos / Netherlands Sucia / Sweden Frana / France Sua / Switzerland Japo / Japan

0,971 0,970 0,969 0,966 0,965 0,964 0,963 0,961 0,960 0,960

Ano de referncia: 2007 / Yera of reference: 2007. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2009 / UNDP Human Development Report 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Suriname / Suriname Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana

0,878 0,866 0,865 0,844 0,813 0,807 0,806 0,806 0,769 0,761 0,729 0,729

Ano de referncia: 2007/ Year of reference: 2007. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2009 / UNDP Human Development Report 2009.


Expectativa de Vida / Life expectancy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Japo / Japan Sua / Switzerland Austrlia / Australia Canad / Canada Espanha / Spain Frana / France Islndia / Iceland Israel / Israel Itlia / Italy Sucia / Sweden

83 82 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81

Em anos de vida, em 2007 / In years, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana Bolvia / Bolivia

78 76 75 75 74 73 72 72 71 70 66 65

Em anos de vida, em 2007 / In years, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial, World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


Mortalidade Infantil (I) / Child Mortality (I)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Islndia / Iceland Luxemburgo / Luxemburg Cingapura / Singapore Sucia / Sweden Japo / Japan Finlndia / Finland Eslovnia / Slovenia Noruega / Norway Portugal / Portugal Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic

1,90 1,90 2,30 2,30 2,50 2,70 2,90 2,90 2,90 3,10

Nmero de mortes a cada 1000 natos-vivos, dados referentes a 2008 / Number of deaths per 1000 live births, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana

7,2 12,0 15,0 16,0 16,0 18,0 21 22 24 25 46 47

Nmero de mortes a cada 1000 natos-vivos, dados referentes a 2008 / Number of deaths per 1000 live births, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.


Mortalidade Infantil (II) / Child mortality (II)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Luxemburgo / Luxenburg Cingapura / Singapore Noruega / Norway Sucia / Sweden Finlndia / Finland Japo / Japan Noruega / Norway Itlia / Italy Portugal / Portugal Repblica Tcheca / Czech Republic

2,60 2,70 2,80 3,00 3,40 3,50 3,50 3,60 3,60 3,80

Nmero de mortes para cada 1000 crianas menores de 5 anos de idade, dados referentes a 2008 / Number of deaths per 1000 under-five-year-old children, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Brasil / Brazil Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Suriname / Suriname Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolivia Guiana / Guyana

8,70 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 22,0 24,0 25,0 27,0 28,0 54,0 61,0

Nmero de mortes a cada 1000 crianas menores de 5 anos de idade, dados referentes a 2008 / Number of deaths per 1000 under-five-year-old children, in 2008. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank.


Populao Alfabetizada / Adult Literacy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia Islndia / Iceland Canad / Canada Irlanda / Ireland Pases Baixos / Netherlands Sucia / Sweden Frana / France Sua / Switzerland Japo / Japan

99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9 99,9

% da populao acima dos 15 anos, estimativas nacionais realizadas no perodo 1999-2007 / % of population over 15 years old, national estimates carried out in the period 1999-2007. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2009 / UNDP Human Development Report 2009. Obs. Os Pases esto ordenados em ordem decrescente de IDH 2007 / Countries ordered in decreasing 2007 IDH index.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Venezuela / Venezuela Paraguai / Paraguay Colmbia / Colombia Equador / Ecuador Suriname / Suriname Bolvia / Bolivia Brasil / Brazil Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana

97,9 97,6 96,5 95,2 94,6 92,7 91,0 90,4 90,7 90,0 89,6 Nd

% da populao acima dos 15 anos, estimativas nacionais realizadas no perodo 1999-2007 / % of population over 15 years old, national estimates carried out in the period 1999-2007. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2009 / UNDP Human Development Report 2009.


expenditures on education
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gastos Pblicos com Educao


Cuba / Cuba Lesoto / Lesotho So Crsitvo e Neves / St. Kitts ans Nevis Moldvia / Moldova Maldivas / Maldives Islndia / Iceland Tunsia / Tunisia Buto / Bhutan Qunia / Kenya S. Vicente e Granadinas / St. Vicent and the Granadines

13,3 10,2 9,7 8,3 7,9 7,3 7,2 7,0 7,0 7,0

Em % do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Compndio Mundial da Educao da UNESCO 2009 / UNESCO Global Education Digest 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Guiana / Guyana Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname

6,2 4,9 4,9 4,5 3,6 3,1 2,9 2,4 Nd Nd Nd Nd

Em % do PIB, em 2007 / % of GDP, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Compndio Mundial da Educao da UNESCO 2009 / UNESCO Global Education Digest 2009.


Ensino Superior / Tertiary education

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

China / China Estados Unidos / United States ndia / India Rssia / Russia Brasil / Brazil Japo / Japan Indonsia / Indonesia Ir / Iran Ucrnia / Ukraine Egito / Egypt Mundo / World

25.346 17.759 12.853 9.370 5.273 4.033 3.755 2.829 2.819 2.594 150.656

Nmero total de matrculas em milhares, em 2007 / Total enrollment in thousands, in 2007. Fonte/Source:Compndio Mundial da Educao da UNESCO 2009 / UNESCO Global Education Digest 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Bolvia / Bolivia Suriname / Suriname

5.273 2.202 1.381 1.373 952 753 444 159 156 8 Nd Nd

Nmero total de matrculas em milhares, em 2007 /Total enrollment in thousands, in 2007. Fonte/Source: Compndio Mundial da Educao da UNESCO 2009 / UNESCO Global Education Digest 2009.


Razo Alunos - Professores* / Pupil-teacher ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cuba / Cuba Hungria / Hungary Itlia / Italy Kuaite / Kwait Sucia / Sweden Blgica / Belgium Grcia / Greece Noruega / Norway Portugal / Portugal Letnia / Latvia

10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12

Nmero de alunos por professor, em 2006 / Number of pupils per peacher, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Paraguai / Paraguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

17 17 21 21 23 23 24 26 28 28 Nd Nd

Nmero de alunos por professor, em 2006 / Number of pupils per peacher, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2008.

*Educao primria / Primary education.


Produo de Livros / Production of books

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Reino Unido / United Kingdom (1998) Alemanha / Germany (1998) Estados Unidos / United States (1996) Espanha / Spain (1999) Japo / Japan (1996) Frana / France (1999) Rssia / Russia (1996) Itlia / Italy (1998) Repblica da Coria / Republic of Korea (1996) Canad / Canada (1999)

110.965 78.042 68.175 59.174 56.221 39.083 36.237 32.365 30.487 22.941

Em nmero de ttulos classificados segundo a Classificao Decimal Universal, ano de referncia entre parntesis / In number of titles by the Universal Decimal Classification, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: ONU, UN Statistical Yearbook 48th Ed.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil (1998) Argentina / Argentina (1998) Colmbia / Colombia (1997) Venezuela / Venezuela(1997) Peru / Peru (1998) Chile / Chile (1999) Uruguai / Uruguay (1997) Equador / Ecuador (1999) Suriname / Suriname (1996) Guiana / Guyana (1997) Bolvia / Bolivia Paraguai / Paraguay

21.689 11.991 5.302 3.851 1.942 1.443 1.191 996 47 25 Nd Nd

Em nmero de ttulos classificados segundo a Classificao Decimal Universal, ano de referncia entre parntesis / In number of titles by the Universal Decimal Classification, year of reference between parenthesis. Fonte/Source: ONU, UN Statistical Yearbook 48th Ed.


on health
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gastos Pblicos com Sade / Public expenditures

Timor Leste / Timor Leste Estados Unidos / United States Malawi / Malawi Frana / France Ruanda / Rwanda Dinamarca / Denmark Sua / Switzerland Alemanha / Germany ustria / Austria Portugal / Portugal

17,7 15,3 12,9 11,0 10,9 10,8 10,8 10,6 10,2 10,2

Em % do PIB, em 2006 / % of GDP, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Bolvia / Bolivia Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

10,1 8,2 7,6 7,5 7,3 6,4 5,3 5,3 4,9 4,4 Nd Nd

Em % do PIB, em 2006 / % of GDP, in 2006. Fonte/Source: Banco Mundial / World Bank, World Development Indicators 2009.


on health
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gastos Privados com Sade / Private expenditures

Estados Unidos / United States Lbano / Lebanon Argentina / Argentina Territrio Palestino Ocupado / Occupied Palestinian Territ. Jordnia / Jordan Paraguai / Paraguay frica do Sul / South Africa Uganda / Uganda Camboja / Cambodia Gmbia / Gambia

8,5 8,4 5,3 5,2 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,0 5,0

% do PIB, em 2004 / % of GDP, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Argentina / Argentina Paraguai / Paraguay Uruguai / Uruguay Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana

5,3 5,1 4,6 4,2 4,0 3,3 3,2 2,7 2,7 2,2 1,1 0,9

% do PIB, em 2004 / % of GDP, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Gastos per capita com Sade / Health expenditures

per capita
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Estados Unidos / United States Luxemburgo / Luxembourg Noruega / Norway Sua / Switzerland ustria / Austria Islndia / Iceland Canad / Canada Alemanha / Germany Blgica / Belgium Austrlia / Australia

6.096 5.178 4.080 4.011 3.418 3.294 3.173 3.171 3.133 3.123

Em US$ ppp, em 2004 / In US$ ppp, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Brasil / Brazil Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Colmbia / Colombia Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Peru / Peru Bolvia / Bolivia

1.520 1.274 784 720 570 376 329 327 285 261 235 186

Em US$ ppp, em 2004 / In US$ ppp, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Incidncia de HIV / HIV incidence

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Suazilndia / Swaziland Botsuana / Botswana Lesoto / Lesotho Zimbbue / Zimbabwe Nambia / Namibia frica do Sul / South Africa Zmbia / Zambia Moambique / Mozambique Malau / Malawi Rep. Centro-Africana / Central African Rep.

33,4 24,1 23,2 20,1 19,6 18,8 17,0 16,1 14,1 10,7

% da populao entre 15-49 anos, em 2005 / % of population between 15-49 years-old. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Uruguai / Uruguay Paraguai / Paraguay Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Bolvia / Bolivia

2,4 1,9 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,1

% da populao entre 15-49 anos, em 2005 / % of population between 15-49 years-old. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Incidncia de Tuberculose / Tuberculosis incidence

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Suazilndia / Swaziland Djibuti / Djibouti Qunia / Kenya Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone Togo / Togo Timor-Leste / Timor-Leste Camboja / Cambodia Ruanda / Rwanda Cte dIvoire / Cte dIvoire Zimbbue / Zimbabwe

1.211 1 161 936 905 753 713 703 673 659 631

Nmero de casos a cada 100.000 pessoas, em 2005 / Number of cases per 100.000 people, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Peru / Peru Equador / Ecuador Guiana / Guyana Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Venezuela / Venezuela Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile

280 206 202 194 100 99 76 66 52 51 33 16

Nmero de casos para cada 100.000 pessoas, em 2005 / Number of cases per 100.000 people, in 2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Disponibilidade de Mdicos / Availabity of

Cuba / Cuba Santa Lcia / St. Lucia Belarus / Belarus Blgica / Belgium Estnia / Estonia Grcia / Greece Rssia / Russia Itlia / Italy Turcomenisto / Turkmenistan Gergia / Georgia

591 517 455 449 448 438 425 420 418 409

Nmero de mdicos para cada 100.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2004 / Number of physicians per 100.000 people, date refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Bolvia / Bolivia Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

365 301 194 148 135 122 117 115 111 109 48 45

Nmero de mdicos para cada 100.000 habitantes, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2004 /Number of physicians per 100.000 people, date refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

Acesso Sustentvel a Fonte de gua Melhorada /

Population with access to improved water source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Islndia / Iceland Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia Canad / Canada Sucia / Sweden Sua / Switzerland Japo / Japan Pases Baixos / Netherlands Frana / France Finlndia / Finland

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

% da populao total, em 2004 / % of total population, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008. Obs: Os pases esto ordenados por ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano 2005 / Countries are ordered according to their Human Developement Index 2005.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Equador / Ecuador Colmbia / Colombia Suriname / Suriname Brasil / Brazil Paraguai / Paraguay Bolvia / Bolvia Guiana / Guyana Peru / Peru Venezuela / Venezuela

100 96 95 94 93 92 90 86 85 83 83 83

% da populao total, em 2004 / % of total population, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Acesso Sustentvel a Saneamento Melhorado /

Population with access to improved sanitation*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Islndia / Iceland Noruega / Norway Austrlia / Australia Canad / Canada Sucia / Sweden Sua / Switzerland Japo / Japan Pases Baixos / Netherlands Frana / France Finlndia / Finland

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

% da populao total, em 2004 / % of total population, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008. Obs: Os pases esto ordenados por ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano 2005 / Countries are ordered according to their Human Developement Index 2005.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Suriname / Suriname Colmbia / Colombia Guiana / Guyana Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela

100 97,0 92,0 91,0 89,0 89,0 85,0 85,0 85,0 84,0 54,0 nd

% da populao total, em 2004 / % of total population, in 2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007-2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.
*Populao urbana / Urban population.


Populao Subnutrida / Undernourished population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Eritria / Eritrea Congo, Rep. Dem. / Dem. Rep. Congo Burundi / Burundi Comores / Comoros Tajiquisto / Tajikistan Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone Libria / Liberia Zimbbue / Zimbabwe Haiti / Haiti Etipia / Ethiopia

75 74 66 60 56 51 50 47 46 46

% da populao total, dados referentes ao perodo 2002-2004 / % of total population, data refer to the period 2002-2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Paraguai / Paraguay Colmbia / Colombia Peru / Peru Suriname / Suriname Guiana / Guyana Brasil / Brazil Equador / Ecuador Chile / Chile Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay

23 18 15 13 12 8 8 7 6 4 3 <2,5

% da populao total, dados referentes ao perodo 2002-2004 / % of total population, data refer to the period 2002-2004. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Populao Vivendo com Menos de US$ 1 por dia / Population living with less than US$ 1 per day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nigria / Nigeria Rep. Centro-Africana / Central African Rep. Zmbia / Zambia Madagascar / Madagascar Nger / Nigeria Ruanda / Rwanda Gmbia / Gambia Tanznia / Tanzania Serra Leoa / Sierra Leone Zimbbue / Zimbabwe 70,8 66,6 63,8 61,0 60,6 60,3 59,3 57,8 57,0 56,1

% da populao total, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2005 / % of total population, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Venezuela / Venezuela Equador / Ecuador Paraguai / Paraguay Peru / Peru Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Chile / Chile Uruguai / Uruguay Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

23,2 18,5 17,7 13,6 10,5 7,5 7,0 6,6 <2 <2 Nd Nd

% da populao total, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2005 / % of total population, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007/2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


Populao Vivendo com Menos de US$ 2 por dia / Population living with less than US$ 2 per day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nigria / Nigeria Tanznia / Tanzania Ruanda / Rwanda Burundi / Burundi Zmbia / Zambia Nger / Nigeria Madagascar / Madagascar Bangladesh / Bangladesh Rep. Centro-Africana / Central African Rep. Zimbbue / Zimbabwe 92,4 89,9 87,8 87,6 87,2 85,8 85,1 84,0 84,0 83,0

% da populao total, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2005 / % of total population, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bolvia / Bolivia Equador / Ecuador Venezuela / Venezuela Peru / Peru Paraguai / Paraguay Brasil / Brazil Colmbia / Colombia Argentina / Argentina Uruguai / Uruguay Chile / Chile Guiana / Guyana Suriname / Suriname

42,2 40,8 40,1 30,6 29,8 21,2 17,8 17,4 5,7 5,6 Nd Nd

% da populao total, dados referentes ao ano mais recente no perodo 1990-2005 / % of total population, data refer to the most recent year available in the period 1990-2005. Fonte/Source: PNUD, Relatrio de Desenvolvimento Humano 2007- 2008 / UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008.


ndice Remissivo Index of Indicators

ndice Remissivo

Ao Bruto, produo, 50 Acar, produo, 37 Ajuda Oficial ao Desenvolvimento Recebida, 88 Agncias Bancrias, 94 Agricultura Exportaes agrcolas, 82 Uso da terra, 14 Ver Acar, Algodo, Caf, Cereais, Fertilizantes, Soja gua Doce, reservas renovveis, 15 Acesso fonte de gua melhorada, 124 Algodo, produo, 41 Alumnio, produo, 52 Analfabetismo, 113 reas Florestais, 13 Aviao Civil Transporte areo, 69

Bancos Agncias Bancrias, 94 Depsitos Bancrios Corrente, 93

Carvo, reservas, 18 Ver Energia eltrica Cereais, produo, 36 Carne, produo, 43


Cidades Populao vivendo na maior aglomerao urbana, 31 Populao urbana, 30 Cincia e Tecnologia Ver Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (R&D), Patentes Cimento, produo, 51 Clorofluorcarbonos (CFC), consumo, 23 Coeficiente de Gini, 108 Comrcio Internacional Ver Exportaes, Importaes, Saldo Comercial

Defesa Gastos Militares, 100, 101, 102 Foras Armadas, 103 Demografia Crescimento Demogrfico, 26 Densidade Demogrfica, 27 Expectativa de Vida, 110 Fertilidade, 32 Populao com mais de 65 anos, 29 Populao com menos de 15 anos, 28 Populao Total, 25 Populao Urbana, 30 Populao vivendo na maior aglomerao urbana, 31 Ver Cidades, Migraes Depsitos Bancrios, 93 Desenvolvimento Humano, ndice, 109 Ver Educao, Pobreza, Saneamento, Sade Desmatamento, 20 Ver Florestas Dixido de Carbono, emisses, 21, 22 Distribuio da Renda Coeficiente de Gini, 108 Participao dos 10% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional, 104 Participao dos 20% mais Pobres na Renda Nacional, 106 Participao dos 10% mais Ricos na Renda Nacional, 105

Participao dos 20% mais Ricos na Renda nacional, 107 Dvida Externa, 91

Educao Analfabetismo, 113 Gastos Pblicos com Educao, 114 Livros, produo, 117 Razo Alunos/Professor, 116 Empresas Nmero de Micro, Pequenas e Mdias Empresas, 95 Energia Consumo, 58 Ver Energia Eltrica, Energia Nuclear, Hidreletricidade Energia Eltrica, produo, 59 Consumo per capita, 60 Energia nuclear, 62, 65 Fontes de eletricidade, 63, 64, 65, 66 Hidreletricidade, 61, 63 Expectativa de Vida, 110 Exportaes Exportaes agrcolas, 82 Exportaes de Bens, 79 Exportaes de Bens Manufaturados (% das importaes totais), 81 Exportaes de Bens Primrios (% das exportaes totais), 80

Ferrovias, 68 Fertilidade, 32 Fertilizantes, produo, 42 Florestas reas Florestais, 13 Desmatamento, 20 FMI, utilizao de crditos, 89 Foras Armadas, 103

Fronteiras Fronteiras terrestres, 12 Nmero de pases limtrofes, 11 Frota Mercante, 70

Governo Ver Defesa, Educao, Sade Gs, reservas, 17 Ver Energia eltrica Gini, coeficiente, 108

Hidreletricidade, 61, 63 Ver Energia eltrica HIV, incidncia, 121

Importaes, 83 Ver Comrcio Internacional Indstria Participao no PIB, 49 Ver Ao, Alumnio, Cimento, Papel, Refino de Petrleo, Veculos Automotores Internet, 74 Investimentos Diretos Estrangeiros, 87

Limites Nmero de Pases Limtrofes, 11 Ver Fronteiras Terrestres, 12 Litoral, 10 Livros, produo, 117

Macroeconomia Inflao, 92 Produto Interno Bruto (preos correntes), 97 Produto Interno Bruto (paridade de poder de compra), 98 Produto Interno Bruto, crescimento anual, 96 Produto Interno Bruto per capita, 99 Malha Ferroviria, 68 Malha Rodoviria, 67 Mdicos, disponibilidade, 123 Meio Ambiente Ver Clorofluorcarbonos, Dixido de Carbono, Florestas, Quioto (Protocolo) Migraes Migrao Lquida, 33 Estoque Migratrio, 34 Remessa de Emigrantes, 90 Mortalidade Infantil, 111, 112

Quioto (Protocolo) Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, nmero de projetos, 24

Papel, produo, 53 Pecuria Ver Carne, Rebanho Bovino, Rebanho Caprino, Rebanho Ovino, Rebanho Suno Patentes, 76, 77 Pesca Produo Pesqueira, 48 Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (R&D), 75 Ver Patentes Petrleo, reservas, 16 Refino, 53

Piscicultura Ver Pesca Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) Crescimento anual, 96 PIB (a preos correntes), 97 PIB (por paridade de poder de compra), 98 PIB per capita (a preos correntes), 99 Pobreza Populao vivendo com menos de US$ 1 por dia, 127 Populao vivendo com menos de US$ 2 por dia, 128 Ver Distribuio de Renda Poluio Ver Dixido de Carbono, Meio Ambiente Populao Populao Total, 25 Populao Urbana, 30 Ver Demografia

Rebanho Bovino, 44 Rebanho Caprino, 45 Rebanho Ovino, 45 Rebanho Suno, 46 Renda Nacional Ver Distribuio da Renda, Produto Interno Bruto Recursos Naturais Ver gua, Carvo, Gs, Florestas, Petrleo, Urnio Reservas Internacionais, 86 Rodovias, 67

Saldo Comercial, 85 Saneamento, acesso, 125 Sade Desnutrio, 126

Gastos Privados com sade, 119 Gastos Pblicos com sade, 118 Gastos per capita com sade, 120 HIV, incidncia, 121 Tuberculose, incidncia, 122 Mdicos, disponibilidade, 123 Mortalidade Infantil, 111, 112 Siderurgia Ao bruto, produo, 50 Soja, produo, 38

Telefonia Telefonia Celular, 73 Telefonia Fixa, 72 Terra, uso da, 14 Ver Agricultura Territrio, superfcie, 9 Ver Litoral, Fronteiras Terrestres, Florestas, Recursos Naturais Transportes Ver Aviao Civil, Ferrovias, Frota Mercante, Rodovias Tuberculose, 122 Turismo Internacional, 71

Urnio, reservas, 19


Index of Indicators

Agriculture Agricultural exports, 82 Land use, 14 Participation of agriculture in the GDP, 35 See Cereals, Coffee, Cotton, Fertilizers, Fruits, Soybean, Sugar Aluminium, production, 52 Assistance Official Development Assistance, 88 Aviation Air transport, 69

Bank Bank branches, 94 Deposit accounts, 93 Books, production, 117

Carbon Dioxide, emissions, 21, 22 Cattle raising, 44 See Caprine livestock, Cattle livestock, Meat, Ovine livestock, Pig livestock Chlorofluorocarbons, consumption, 23 Cement, production, 51 Cereals, production, 36 Cities Population living in the largest urban agglomeration, 31 Urban population, 30 See Demography

Communications Fixed telephony, 72 Internet, 74 Mobile telephony, 73 Coal, reserves, 18 Coast, extension, 10 Coffee, production, 40 Cotton, production, 41 Crude steel, production, 50

Debt Foreign debt, 91 Defense Armed Forces, 103 Military Expenditures, 100,101,102 Deforestation, 20 Demography Demographic density, 27 Demographic growth, 26 Fertility, 32 Life expectancy, 110 Population under 15, 28 Population over 65, 29 Urban population, 30 Total population, 25 See Migrations Development assistance Official development assistance, inflows, 88

Education Illiteracy, 113 Public expenditures, 114 Ratio pupil/teacher, 116 See Books

Electricity Consumption per capita, 60 Consumption of hydroelectricity, 61 Nuclear energy, 62 Sources of electricity, 63, 64, 65, 66 Energy See Electricity, Hydroelectricity, Nuclear energy Enterprises Number of micro, small and medium-size enterprises, 95 Environment See Carbon Dioxide, Forests, Electricity (sources of) Exports Total exports, 79 Agricultural exports, 82 Participation of manufactured goods in total exports, 81 Participation of primary goods in total exports, 80 See Foreign trade

Fertility, 32 Fertilizers, production, 42 Fish, production, 48 Foreign Trade Exports, 79, 80, 81, 82 Imports, 83 Trade surplus, 85 See Merchant fleet Foreign debt, 91 Foreign direct investments, 87 Forest Forest area, 13 Deforestation, 20 Freshwater, renewable reserves, 15 Frontiers Land frontiers, 12 Number of neighboring countries, 11


Gas, Reserves, 17 See electricity, sources of Gini index, 108 Government Education expenditures, 114 Health expenditures, 118 Military expenditures, 100, 101, 102 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross Domestic Product (in current prices), 97 Gross Domestic Product (in purchasing-power parity), 98 Gross Domestic Product (per capita), 99 Gross Domestic Product, annual growth, 96

Health HIV, incidence, 121 Life expectancy, 110 Child mortality, 111,112 Physicians availability, 123 Public expenditures, 118 Private expenditures, 119 Per capita expenditures, 120 Tuberculosis, incidence, 122 Undernutrition, 126 HIV, incidence, 121 Human Development, Index, 109 Hydroelectricity, 61, 63

IMF, use of credits, 89 Imports, 83 See Foreign trade Income distribution Gini index Share of 10% poorest in the national income, 104

Share of 20% poorest in the national income, 106 Share of 10% richest in the national income, 105 Share of 20% richest in the national income, 107 Illiteracy, 113 See Education Industry Participation in the GDP, 49 See Cement, Motor Vehicles, Paper, Oil Refinery Capacity, Steel International reserves, 86 Internet, 74 Investments Foreign direct investments, 87

Kioto (Protocol) Clean Development Mechanism, projects registered, 24

Land Land use, 14 See Agriculture Life expectancy, 110

Macroeconomics Gross Domestic Product (in current prices), 97 Gross Domestic Product (in purchasing-power parity), 98 Gross Domestic Product (per capita), 99 Gross Domestic Product, annual growth, 96 Inflation, 92 Merchant fleet, 70 Migrations Liquid migration, 33

Migrants Stock, 34 Migrant workers remittances, 90 Mortality Child mortality, 111, 112

Natural resources See Coal, Forests, Freshwater, Gas, Petroleum, Uranium

Official Development Assistance, inflows, 88

Paper, production, 53 Patents, 76, 77 Petroleum, reserves, 16 Refinery capacities, 54 Physicians, availability, 123 Population Total population, 25 Urban population, 30 Population living in the largest nation urban agglomeration, 31 See Demography Poverty Population living with less than US$ 1 per day, 127 Population living with less than US$ 2 per day, 128 See Income Distribution Product See Gross Domestic Product


Railways, network, 68 Refinery Oil refinery capacities, 54 Reserves International reserves, 86 Research and Development (R&D),75 See Patents Roads, network, 67

Sanitation, access, 125 Science and Technology See Research and Development (R&D), Patents Siderurgy Crude steel, production, 50 Soybean, production, 38 Steel Crude steel, production, 50 Sugar, production, 37 Surface area, 9

Telephony Fixed telephony, 72 Mobile telephony, 73 Territory, 9 Forests, 13 Tourism Inflow of international tourists, 71 Trade See Foreig trade, Exports, Imports


Transports Air transport, 69 Railways, network, 68 Roads, network, 67

Uranium, reserves, 19

Water Access to improved source, 124 See Freshwater (renewable reserves), 15


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