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Nareg Haladjian Mrs. Markaryan 9th Grade English Literature April 8, 201 Rough Draft 4 !

"#e pe"ple #ay gr"$ physi%ally, &ut they #ay still a%t as i##ature as a '"ur year("ld. )n the play, A Raisin in the Sun, &y L"rraine Hans&erry, *alter is underg"ing arrested de+el"p#ent. He is physi%ally a gr"$n #an, &ut he thinks like a teenager, "r e+en a y"ung %hild. ,he three #ain reas"ns $hy *alter is in a state "' arrested de+el"p#ent is &e%ause Ma#a still treats hi# like a %hild, his drea#s are unrealisti%, and he 'eels as i' he %"uld g" #u%h 'urther $ith"ut his $i'e. M"thers usually d"n-t $ant their %hildren t" gr"$ up, &ut Ma#a takes it a little t"" 'ar. Ma#a $ill n"t let *alter &e the head "' the 'a#ily, $hi%h #akes *alter see# like the s#aller pers"n. *alter d"esn-t like &eing treated like the s#aller pers"n in 'r"nt "' his s"n and $i'e. .MAMA/ 0N"$(y"u say a'ter #e, in #y #"ther-s h"use there is still G"d.12Hans&erry, 93. Ma#a is n"t saying this t" *alter. )nstead, she is s%"lding 4eneatha $hen 4eneatha said she didn-t &elie+e in g"d. *e see h"$ Ma#a likes t" &e the &igger pers"n. !"#e pe"ple like t" drea#, &ut i' drea#s #ake y"ur e5pe%tati"ns t"" high, then the "ut%"#e #ay &e disapp"inting. *alter-s drea# is t" &e e5tre#ely ri%h in the n"+el, &ut the desire t" &e ri%h takes hi# a little t"" 'ar. .*AL,E6/ 07eah. 7"u see, this little li8u"r st"re %"st 9:;,000 and $e 'igured the initial in+est#ent "n the pla%e &e 0&"ut 9 0,000, see. ,en th"usand ea%h<-1 2Hans&erry, 213. 4a%k in the 19;0-s, 910,000 $as a l"t "' #"ney. =e"ple &"ught h"#es '"r 910,000. *alter and his 'a#ily d" n"t ha+e that

kind "' #"ney. *alter stresses t"" #u%h "+er this in+est#ent and &egins t" &e disapp"inted and 'rustrated $hen he reali>es he $"n-t &e a&le t" rea%h this g"al. M"st pe"ple like t" get supp"rt 'r"# their $i'e, &ut *alter &elie+es his $i'e isn-t supp"rting hi# en"ugh. *alter treats his $i'e, 6uth, as i' she d"es n"thing g""d '"r hi# "r the 'a#ily. 6uth is a +ery hard $"rking $"#an $h" takes %are "' her s"n and als" the h"#e. !he als" l"+es *alter a l"t. .*AL,E6/ 0*e "ne gr"up "' #en tied t" a ra%e "' $"#en $ith s#all #inds.-12Hans&erry, 2 3. *alter $as arguing $ith 6uth &e'"re he said that %"##ent. )n a $ay, *alter is saying that the #en are s#arter than the $"#en and they %an-t get any$here &e%ause the $"#en h"ld the# &a%k. ,his arr"gan%e $ill %ause *alter t" a%t +ery i##aturely $ith 6uth. )n #y "pini"n, *alter is pre+enting hi#sel' 'r"# #aturing. *e reali>e that Ma#a $"n-t gi+e hi# the superi"rity he $ants, &ut his drea#s are "ut "' his rea%h and it is n"t 6uth-s 'ault '"r h"lding hi# &a%k. *alter %an get rid "' his i##aturity &y hi#sel' i' he just &e%"#es less arr"gant. ) %ann"t #ake t"" #u%h "' a pers"nal %"nne%ti"n t" *alter &e%ause "' the di''erent pri"rities $e ha+e. He is a 'ather and has a 'a#ily t" supp"rt, $hile ) a# just a %hild and need t" &e supp"rted. ) 'eel that parents %an relate #"re t" this play.

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