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- This Act shall be known and cited as the "Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines." Section 2. Applicability. - This Code shall gove n all election of public office s and! to the e"tent app op iate! all efe enda and plebiscites. Section 3. Election and campaign pe iods. - #nless othe wise fi"ed in special cases by the Commission on Elections! which he einafte shall be efe ed to as the Commission! the election pe iod shall commence ninety days befo e the day of the election and shall end thi ty days the eafte . The pe iod of campaign shall be as follows$ %. P esidential and &ice-P esidential Election - '( days) *. Election of +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa and -ocal Election - ./ days) and 0. ,a angay Election - %/ days. The campaign pe iods shall not include the day befo e and the day of the election. 1oweve ! in case of special elections unde A ticle &222! 3ection /! 3ubsection 4*5 of the Constitution! the campaign pe iod shall be fo tyfive days. Section Obligation to egiste and vote. - 2t shall be the obligation of eve y citi6en 7ualified to vote to egiste and cast his vote. Section ! Postponement of election. - 8hen fo any se ious cause such as violence! te o ism! loss o dest uction of election pa aphe nalia o eco ds! fo ce ma9eu e! and othe analogous causes of such a natu e that the holding of a f ee! o de ly and honest

election should become impossible in any political subdivision! the Commission! motu p op io o upon a ve ified petition by any inte ested pa ty! and afte due notice and hea ing! whe eby all inte ested pa ties a e affo ded e7ual oppo tunity to be hea d! shall postpone the election the ein to a date which should be easonably close to the date of the election not held! suspended o which esulted in a failu e to elect but not late than thi ty days afte the cessation of the cause fo such postponement o suspension of the election o failu e to elect. Section " :ailu e of election. - 2f! on account of fo ce ma9eu e! violence! te o ism! f aud! o othe analogous causes the election in any polling place has not been held on the date fi"ed! o had been suspended befo e the hou fi"ed by law fo the closing of the voting! o afte the voting and du ing the p epa ation and the t ansmission of the election etu ns o in the custody o canvass the eof! such election esults in a failu e to elect! and in any of such cases the failu e o suspension of election would affect the esult of the election! the Commission shall! on the basis of a ve ified petition by any inte ested pa ty and afte due notice and hea ing! call fo the holding o continuation of the election not held! suspended o which esulted in a failu e to elect on a date easonably close to the date of the election not held! suspended o which esulted in a failu e to elect but not late than thi ty days afte the cessation of the cause of such postponement o suspension of the election o failu e to elect. Section # Call of special election. 4%5 2n case a vacancy a ises in the ,atasang Pambansa eighteen months o mo e befo e a egula election! the Commission shall call a special election to be held within si"ty days afte the vacancy occu s to elect the +embe to se ve the une"pi ed te m. 4*5 2n case of the dissolution of the ,atasang Pambansa! the P esident shall call an election which shall not be held ea lie than

fo ty-five no dissolution.


than si"ty days f om the date of such

The Commission shall send sufficient copies of its esolution fo the holding of the election to its p ovincial election supe viso s and election egist a s fo dissemination! who shall post copies the eof in at least th ee conspicuous places p efe ably whe e public meetings a e held in each city o municipality affected. Section 8 Election Code to be available in polling places. - A p inted copy of this Code in English o in the national language shall be p ovided and be made available by the Commission in eve y polling place! in o de that it may be eadily consulted by any pe son in need the eof on the egist ation! evision and election days. Section $ Official mail and teleg am elative to elections. - Pape s connected with the election and e7ui ed by this Code to be sent by public office s in the pe fo mance of thei election duties shall be f ee of postage and sent by egiste ed special delive y mail. Teleg ams of the same natu e shall likewise be t ansmitted f ee of cha ge by gove nment telecommunications and simila facilities. 2t shall be the duty of the Postmaste ;ene al! the <i ecto of the ,u eau of Telecommunications! and the manage s of p ivate telecommunication companies to t ansmit immediately and in p efe ence to all othe communications o teleg ams messages epo ting election esults and such othe messages o communications which the Commission may e7ui e o may be necessa y to ensu e f ee! honest and o de ly elections. Section 1% Election e"penses. - E"cept in ba angay elections! such e"penses as may be necessa y and easonable in connection with the elections! efe enda! plebiscites and othe simila e"e cises shall be paid by the Commission. The Commission may di ect that in the p ovinces! cities! o municipalities! the election e"penses cha geable to the Commission be advanced by the p ovince! city o municipality

conce ned sub9ect to eimbu sement by the Commission upon p esentation of the p ope bill. :unds needed by the Commission to def ay the e"penses fo the holding of egula and special elections! efe enda and plebiscites shall be p ovided in the egula app op iations of the Commission which! upon e7uest! shall immediately be eleased to the Commission. 2n case of deficiency! the amount so p ovided shall be augmented f om the special activities funds in the gene al app op iations act and f om those specifically app op iated fo the pu pose in special laws. Section 11 :ailu e to assume office. - The office of any official elected who fails o efuses to take his oath of office within si" months f om his p oclamation shall be conside ed vacant! unless said failu e is fo a cause o causes beyond his cont ol. Section 12 <is7ualifications. - Any pe son who has been decla ed by competent autho ity insane o incompetent! o has been sentenced by final 9udgment fo subve sion! insu ection! ebellion o fo any offense fo which he has been sentenced to a penalty of mo e than eighteen months o fo a c ime involving mo al tu pitude! shall be dis7ualified to be a candidate and to hold any office! unless he has been given plena y pa don o g anted amnesty. This dis7ualifications to be a candidate he ein p ovided shall be deemed emoved upon the decla ation by competent autho ity that said insanity o incompetence had been emoved o afte the e"pi ation of a pe iod of five yea s f om his se vice of sentence! unless within the same pe iod he again becomes dis7ualified. ARTICLE II ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE&PRESIDENT Section 13. =egula election fo P esident and &ice-P esident. - The egula election fo P esident and &ice-P esident of the Philippines shall be held on the fi st +onday of +ay >ineteen hund ed eighty seven 4%'?@5 and on the same day eve y si" yea s the eafte . The

P esident-elect and the &ice-P esident-elect shall assume office at twelve oAclock noon on the thi tieth day of Bune ne"t following the election and shall end at noon of the same date! si" yea s the eafte when the te m of his successo shall begin. Section 1 3pecial election fo P esident and &ice-P esident. - 2n case a vacancy occu s fo the Office of the P esident and &iceP esident! the ,atasang Pambansa shall! at ten oAclock in the mo ning of the thi d day afte the vacancy occu s! convene in acco dance with its ules without need of a call and within seven days enact a law calling fo a special election to elect a P esident and a &ice-P esident to be held not ea lie than fo ty-five days no late than si"ty days f om the time of such call. The bill calling such special election shall be deemed ce tified unde pa ag aph 4*5! 3ection %'! A ticle &222 of the Constitution and shall become law upon its app oval on thi d eading by the ,atasang Pambansa. App op iations fo the special election shall be cha ged against any cu ent app op iations and shall be e"empt f om the e7ui ements of pa ag aph 4.5! 3ection %C of A ticle &222 of the Constitution. The convening of the ,atasang Pambansa cannot be suspended no the special election postponed. >o special election shall be called if the vacancy occu s within seventy days befo e the date of the p esidential election of %'?@. Section 1! Canvass of votes fo P esident and &ice-P esident by the p ovincial o city boa d of canvasse s. - The p ovincial! city! o dist ict boa ds of canvasse s in +et opolitan +anila! as the case may be! shall meet not late than si" oAclock in the evening on election day to canvass the election etu ns that may have al eady been eceived by them! espectively. 2t shall meet continuously f om day to day until the canvass is completed! but may ad9ou n only fo the pu pose of awaiting the othe election etu ns. Each time the boa d ad9ou ns! it shall make a total of all the votes cast fo each candidate fo P esident and fo &ice-P esident! duly authenticated by the signatu es and thumbma ks of all the membe s of the p ovincial! city o dist ict boa d of canvasse s! fu nishing the Commission in +anila by the

fastest means of communication a copy the eof! and making available the data contained the ein to mass media and othe inte ested pa ties. #pon the completion of the canvass! the boa d shall p epa e a ce tificate of canvass showing the votes eceived by each candidate fo the office of the P esident and fo &ice-P esident! duly authenticated by the signatu es and thumbma ks of all the membe s of the p ovincial! city o dist ict boa d of canvasse s. #pon the completion of the ce tificate of canvass! the boa d shall ce tify and t ansmit the said ce tificate of canvass to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa. The p ovincial! city and dist ict boa ds of canvasse s shall p epa e the ce tificate of canvass fo the election of P esident and &ice-P esident! suppo ted by a statement of votes by polling place! in 7uintuplicate by the use of ca bon pape s o such othe means as the Commission shall p esc ibe to the end that all five copies shall be legibly p oduced in one handw iting. The five copies of the ce tificate of canvass must bea the signatu es and thumbma ks of all the membe s of the boa d. #pon the completion of these ce tificates and statements! they shall be enclosed in envelopes fu nished by the Commission and sealed! and immediately dist ibuted as follows$ the o iginal copy shall be enclosed and sealed in the envelope di ected to the 3peake and delive ed to him at the ,atasang Pambansa by the fastest possible means) the second copy shall likewise be enclosed and sealed in the envelope di ected to the Commission) the thi d copy shall be etained by the p ovincial election supe viso ! in the case of the p ovincial boa d of canvasse s! and by the city election egist a ! in the case of the city boa d of canvasse s) and one copy each to the autho i6ed ep esentatives of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition political pa ty. :ailu e to comply with the e7ui ements of this section shall constitute an election offense. Section 1" Counting of votes fo P esident and &ice-P esident by the ,atasang Pambansa. - The ce tificates of canvass! duly ce tified by the boa d of canvasse s of each p ovince! city o dist ict in

+et opolitan +anila shall be t ansmitted to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa! who shall! not late than thi ty days afte the day of the election! convene the ,atasang Pambansa in session and in its p esence open all the ce tificates of canvass! and the votes shall then be counted. Section 1# Co ection of e o s in ce tificate and suppo ting statement al eady t ansmitted to the 3peake . - >o co ection of e o s allegedly committed in the ce tificate of canvass and suppo ting statement al eady t ansmitted to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa shall be allowed! sub9ect to the p ovisions of the succeeding section. Section 18 P ese vation of ballot bo"es! thei keys! and disposition of thei contents. - #ntil afte the completion by the ,atasang Pambansa of the canvassing of the votes and until an uncontested p oclamation of the P esident-elect and &ice-P esident-elect shall have been obtained! the p ovincial! city o dist ict boa d of canvasse s unde the 9oint esponsibility with the p ovincial! city o municipal t easu e s shall p ovide fo the safekeeping and sto age of the ballot bo"es in a safe and closed chambe secu ed by fou padlocks$ one to be p ovided by the co esponding boa d chai man) one by the p ovincial o city t easu e conce ned) and one each by the uling pa ty and the acc edited dominant opposition political pa ty. Section 1$ 8hen ce tificate of canvass is incomplete o bea s e asu es o alte ations. - 8hen the ce tificate of canvass! duly ce tified by the boa d of canvasse s of each p ovince! city o dist ict in +et opolitan +anila and t ansmitted to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa! as p ovided in the Constitution! appea s to be incomplete! the 3peake shall e7ui e the boa d of canvasse s conce ned to t ansmit to his office! by pe sonal delive y! the election etu ns f om polling places that we e not included in the ce tificate of canvass and suppo ting statements. 3aid election etu ns shall be submitted by pe sonal delive y to the 3peake within two days f om eceipt of notice. 8hen it appea s that any ce tificate of canvass o suppo ting

statement of votes by polling place bea s e asu es o alte ations which may cast doubt as to the ve acity of the numbe of votes stated the ein and may affect the esult of the election! the ,atasang Pambansa upon e7uest of the P esidential o &ice-P esidential candidate conce ned o his pa ty shall! fo the sole pu pose of ve ifying the actual numbe of votes cast fo P esident o &iceP esident! count the votes as they appea in the copies of the election etu ns fo the Commission. :o this pu pose! the 3peake shall e7ui e the Commission to delive its copies of the election etu ns to the ,atasang Pambansa. Section 2% P oclamation of the P esident-elect and &ice-P esidentelect. - #pon the completion of the canvass of the votes by the ,atasang Pambansa! the pe sons obtaining the highest numbe of votes fo P esident and fo &ice-P esident shall be decla ed elected) but in case two o mo e shall have an e7ual and the highest numbe of votes! one of them shall be chosen P esident o &ice-P esident! as the case may be! by a ma9o ity vote of all the +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa in session assembled. 2n case the e a e ce tificates of canvass which have not been submitted to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa on account of missing election etu ns! a p oclamation may be made if the missing ce tificates will not affect the esults of the election. 2n case the ce tificates of canvass which we e not submitted on account of missing election etu ns will affect the esults of the election! no p oclamation shall be made. The 3peake shall immediately inst uct the boa ds of canvasse s conce ned to obtain the missing election etu ns f om the boa ds of election inspecto s o ! if the etu ns have been lost o dest oyed upon p io autho ity f om the Commission! to use any authentic copy of said election etu ns fo the pu pose of conducting the canvass! and the eafte issue the ce tificates of canvass. The ce tificates of canvass shall be immediately t ansmitted to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa.

P oclamation shall be made only upon submission of all ce tificates of canvass o when the missing ce tificates of canvass will not affect the esults of the election. ARTICLE III ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BATASANG PAMBANSA Section 21. =egula election of +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa. - The egula election of the +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa shall be held on the second +onday of +ay! >ineteen hund ed and ninety 4%''(5 and on the same day eve y si" yea s the eafte . Section 22 3pecial election fo +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa. - 2n case a vacancy a ises in the ,atasang Pambansa eighteen months o mo e befo e a egula election! the Commission shall call a special election to be held within si"ty days afte the vacancy occu s to elect the +embe to se ve the une"pi ed te m. The ,atasang Pambansa th ough a duly app oved esolution o an official communication of the 3peake when it is not in session shall ce tify to the Commission the e"istence of said vacancy. Section 23. Composition of the ,atasang Pambansa. - The ,atasang Pambansa shall be composed of not mo e than two hund ed +embe s elected f om the diffe ent p ovinces of the Philippines with thei component cities! highly u bani6ed cities and dist icts of +et opolitan +anila! those elected o selected f om va ious secto s as p ovided he ein! and those chosen by the P esident f om the membe s of the Cabinet. Section 2 . Appo tionment of ep esentatives. - #ntil a new appo tionment shall have been made! the +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa shall be appo tioned in acco dance with the O dinance appended to the Constitution! as follows$ >ational Capital =egion$ +anila! C) Due6on City! .)

Caloocan! *) Pasay! %) Pasig and +a ikina! *) -as PiEas and Pa aEa7ue! %) +akati! %) +alabon! >avotas and &alen6uela! *) 3an Buan and +andaluyong! %) Taguig! Pate os and +untinglupa! %. =egion 2$ Ab a! %) ,enguet! %) 2locos >o te with -aoag City! *) 2locos 3u ! *) -a #nion! *) +ountain P ovince! %) Pangasinan with the cities of <agupan and 3an Ca los! C) ,aguio City! %. =egion 22$ ,atanes! %) Cagayan! 0) 2fugao! %) 2sabela! 0) Falinga-Apayao! %) >ueva &i6caya! %) Dui ino! %. =egion 222$ ,ataan! %) ,ulacan! .) >ueva Eci9a with the cities of Cabanatuan! Palayan and 3an Bose! .) Pampanga with Angeles City! .) Ta lac! *)

Gambales! %) Olongapo City! %. =egion 2&$ Au o a! %) ,atangas with the cities of ,atangas and -ipa! .) Cavite with the cities of Cavite! Tagaytay and T ece +a ti es! 0) -aguna with 3an Pablo City! .) +a indu7ue! %) Occidental +indo o! %) O iental +indo o! *) Palawan with Pue to P incesa City! %) Due6on with -ucena City! .) =i6al! *) =omblon! %. =egion &$ Albay with -egaspi City! 0) Cama ines >o te! %) Cama ines 3u with the cities of 2 iga and >aga! .) Catanduanes! %) +asbate! *) 3o sogon! *. =egion &2$ Aklan! %) Anti7ue! %) Capi6 with =o"as City) 2loilo with 2loilo City! /) >eg os Occidental with the cities of ,acolod! ,ago! Cadi6! -a Ca lota! 3an Ca los and 3ilay! @. =egion &22$

,ohol with Tagbila an City! 0) Cebu with the cities of <anao! -apu--apu! +andaue and Toledo! C) >eg os O iental with the cities of ,ais! Canlaon and <umaguete! 0) 3i7ui9o ! %) Cebu City! *. =egion &222$ -eyte with the cities of O moc and Tacloban! /) 3outhe n -eyte! %) Easte n 3ama ! %) >o the n 3ama ! %) 3ama with Calbayog City! *. =egion 2H$ ,asilan! %) 3ulu! %) Tawi-Tawi! %) Gamboanga del >o te with the cities of <apitan and <ipolog! *) Gamboanga del 3u with Pagadian City! 0) Gamboanga City! %. =egion H$ Agusan del >o te with ,utuan City! %) Agusan del 3u ! %) ,ukidnon! *) Camiguin! %) +isamis Occidental with the cities of O o7uieta! O6amis and Tangub! %) +isamis O iental with ;ingoog City! *) 3u igao del >o te with 3u igao City! %) Cagayan de O o City! %. =egion H2$

3u igao del 3u ! %) <avao del >o te! 0) <avao O iental! %) <avao del 3u ! *) 3outh Cotabato with ;ene al 3antos City! 0) <avao City! *. =egion H22$ -anao del >o te! %) -anao del 3u with +a awi City! *) +aguindanao with Cotabato City! *) >o th Cotabato! *) 3ultan Fuda at! %) 2ligan City! %. Any p ovince that may he eafte be c eated o any component city that may he eafte be decla ed by o pu suant to law as a highly u bani6ed city shall be entitled in the immediately following election to at least one +embe o such numbe of +embe s as it may be entitled to on the basis of the numbe of the inhabitants and on the same unifo m and p og essive atio used in the last p eceding appo tionment. The numbe of +embe s appo tioned to the p ovince out of which the new p ovince was c eated o whe e the new highly u bani6ed city is geog aphically located shall be co espondingly ad9usted by the Commission! but such ad9ustment shall not be made within one hund ed twenty days befo e the election. Section 2!. &oting by p ovince and its component cities! by highly u bani6ed city o by dist ict in +et opolitan +anila. - All candidates shall be voted at la ge by the egiste ed vote s of thei espective constituencies. The candidates co esponding to the numbe of +embe o +embe s to be elected in a constituency who eceive the highest numbe of votes shall be decla ed elected. Section 2". 3ecto al ep esentatives. - The e shall be th ee secto s to be ep esented in the ,atasang Pambansa! namely$ 4%5 youth) 4*5

ag icultu al labo ) 405 indust ial labo whose ep esentatives shall be elected in the manne he ein p ovided. Each secto shall be entitled to fou ep esentatives! two of whom shall come f om -u6on! one f om &isayas! and one f om +indanao$ P ovided! That the youth secto shall be entitled to two additional secto al ep esentatives who shall be elected f om any pa t of the count y. Section 2#. 3cope of the secto s. - The ag icultu al labo secto cove s all pe sons who pe sonally and physically till the land as thei p incipal occupation. 2t includes ag icultu al tenants and lessees! u al wo ke s and fa m employees! owne -cultivato s! settle s and small fishe men. The indust ial labo secto includes all non-ag icultu al wo ke s and employees. The youth secto emb aces pe sons not mo e than twenty-five yea s of age. Section 28. 3election of secto al ep esentatives. - >ot late than twenty days afte the election of p ovincial! city o dist ict ep esentatives! the most ep esentative and gene ally ecogni6ed o gani6ations o agg oupments of membe s of the ag icultu al labo ! indust ial labo ! and youth secto s! as attested to by the +iniste s of Ag a ian =efo m and of Ag icultu e and :ood! the +iniste s of -abo and Employment! and the +iniste s of -ocal ;ove nment and of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts! espectively! shall! in acco dance with the p ocedu es of said o gani6ations o agg oupments of membe s of the secto ! submit to the P esident thei espective nominees fo each slot allotted fo each secto . The P esident shall appoint f om among the nominees submitted by the afo ementioned o gani6ations o agg oupments the ep esentatives of each secto . 2n ecogni6ing the most ep esentative and gene ally ecogni6ed o gani6ations o agg oupments! the +iniste s of Ag a ian =efo m and of Ag icultu e and :ood! the +iniste of -abo and Employment! and

the +iniste s of -ocal ;ove nment and Education! Cultu e and 3po ts shall conside $ 4a5 The e"tent of membe ship and activity of the o gani6ation o agg oupment which should be national) 4b5 The esponsiveness of the o gani6ation o agg oupment to the legitimate aspi ations of its secto ) 4c5 The militancy and consistency of the o gani6ation o agg oupment in espousing the cause and p omoting the welfa e of the secto consistent with that of the whole count y) 4d5 The obse vance by such o gani6ation o agg oupment of the ule of law) and 4e5 Othe analogous facto s. The P esident of the Philippines shall! in w iting! notify the 3ec eta y;ene al of the ,atasang Pambansa of the appointment made by him of any secto al ep esentative. E"cept as he ein othe wise p ovided! secto al ep esentatives shall have the same functions! esponsibilities! ights! p ivileges! 7ualifications and dis7ualifications as the ep esentatives f om the p ovinces and thei component cities! highly u bani6ed cities o dist icts of +et opolitan +anila. ARTICLE IV ELECTION OF LOCAL OFFICIALS Section 2$. =egula elections of local officials. - The election of p ovincial! city and municipal officials whose positions a e p ovided fo by the -ocal ;ove nment Code shall be held th oughout the Philippines in the manne he ein p esc ibed on the fi st +onday of +ay! >ineteen hund ed and eighty-si" and on the same day eve y si" yea s the eafte . The officials elected shall assume office on the thi tieth day of Bune ne"t following the election and shall hold office fo si" yea s and until thei successo s shall have been elected and 7ualified.

All local incumbent officials whose tenu e of office shall e"pi e on +a ch *0! %'?C shall hold office until Bune 0(! %'?C o until thei successo s shall have been elected and 7ualified$ P ovided! That they cannot be suspended o emoved without 9ust cause. Section 3%. Component and highly u bani6ed cities. - #nless thei espective cha te s p ovide othe wise! the electo ate of component cities shall be entitled to vote in the election fo p ovincial officials of the p ovince of which it is a pa t. The electo ate of highly u bani6ed cities shall not vote in the election fo p ovincial officials of the p ovince in which it is located$ P ovided! howeve ! That no component city shall be decla ed o be entitled to a highly u bani6ed city status within ninety days p io to any election. ARTICLE V ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE REGIONAL ASSEMBL' OF THE AUTONOMOUS REGIONS. Section 31. The 3angguniang Pampook of the autonomous egions. - =egion 2H and =egion H22 in southe n Philippines shall each have a 3angguniang Pampook to be composed of twenty-seven membe s and shall include seventeen ep esentatives elected f om the diffe ent p ovinces and cities of each egion! and a secto al ep esentative each f om among the youth! ag icultu al wo ke s! and nonag icultu al wo ke s 4indust ial labo 5 of each egion to be selected in the manne he ein p ovided whose 7ualifications and dis7ualifications a e the same as +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa. The P esident shall appoint an additional seven ep esentatives in each egion wheneve in his 9udgment any othe secto is not p ope ly ep esented in the 3angguniang Pampook as a esult of the elections. Section 32. Appo tionment of membe s of the 3angguniang Pampook. - The +embe s of the 3angguniang Pampook of =egion 2H and of =egion H22 shall be appo tioned as follows$

=egion 2H$ ,asilan! one 4%5) 3ulu! th ee 405) Tawi-Tawi! one 4%5) Gamboanga del >o te including the cities of <ipolog and <apitan! fou ! 4.5) and Gamboanga del 3u ! including the City of Pagadian! si" 4C5) and Gamboanga City! two 4*5) =egion H22$ -anao del >o te! two 4*5) 2ligan City! one 4%5) -anao del 3u including the City of +a awi! fou 4.5) +aguindanao including the City of Cotabato! fou 4.5) >o th Cotabato! fou 4.5) and 3ultan Fuda at! two 4*5. Section 33. Election of membe s of 3angguniang Pampook. - The candidates fo the position of seventeen ep esentatives to the 3angguniang Pampook of =egion 2H and of =egion H22 shall be voted at la ge by the egiste ed vote s of each p ovince including the cities conce ned. The candidates co esponding to the numbe of membe o membe s to be elected in a constituency who eceive the highest numbe of votes shall be decla ed elected. Section 3 . 3election of secto al ep esentatives. - The P esident shall! within thi ty days f om the convening of each 3angguniang Pampook! appoint the secto al ep esentatives on ecommendation of the 3angguniang Pampook and afte due consultation with the ep esentative and gene ally ecogni6ed o gani6ations o agg upations of membe s of the youth! ag icultu al wo ke s and non-ag icultu al wo ke s as attested by the +iniste s of -ocal ;ove nment and of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts 4youth5! +iniste s of Ag a ian =efo m

and of Ag icultu e and :ood 4ag icultu al wo ke s5! and +iniste s of -abo and Employment 4non-ag icultu al o indust ial labo 5. The P esident of the Philippines shall in w iting notify the 3peake of the 3angguniang Pampook of each egion of the appointment made by him of any secto al ep esentative. The secto al ep esentatives shall have the same functions! esponsibilities! ights! p ivileges! 7ualifications and dis7ualifications as the elective p ovincial ep esentatives to the 3angguniang Pampook$ P ovided! howeve ! That no defeated candidate fo membe of the 3angguniang Pampook in the immediately p eceding election shall be appointed as secto al ep esentative. Section 3!. :illing of vacancy. - Pending an election to fill a vacancy a ising f om any cause in the 3angguniang Pampook! the vacancy shall be filled by the P esident! upon ecommendation of the 3angguniang Pampook$ P ovided! That the appointee shall come f om the same p ovince o secto of the membe being eplaced. Section 3". Te m of office. - The p esent membe s of the 3angguniang Pampook of each of =egion 2H and =egion H22 shall continue in office until Bune 0(! %'?C o until thei successo s shall have been elected and 7ualified o appointed and 7ualified in the case of secto al membe s. They may not be emoved o eplaced e"cept in acco dance with the inte nal ules of said assembly o p ovisions of pe tinent laws. The election of membe s of the 3angguniang Pampook of the two egions shall be held simultaneously with the local elections of %'?C. Those elected in said elections shall have a te m of fou yea s sta ting Bune 0(! %'?C. Those elected in the election of %''( to be held simultaneously with the elections of +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa shall have a te m of si" yea s. ARTICLE VI ELECTION OF BARANGA' OFFICIALS

Section 3#. =egula election of ba angay officials. - The election fo ba angay officials shall be held th oughout the Philippines in the manne p esc ibed on the second +onday of +ay >ineteen hund ed and eighty-eight and on the same day eve y si" yea s the eafte . The officials elected shall assume office on the thi tieth day of Bune ne"t following the election and shall hold office fo si" yea s and until thei successo s shall have been elected and 7ualified. Section 38. Conduct of elections. - The ba angay election shall be non-pa tisan and shall be conducted in an e"peditious and ine"pensive manne . >o pe son who files a ce tificate of candidacy shall ep esent o allow himself to be ep esented as a candidate of any political pa ty o any othe o gani6ation) and no political pa ty! political g oup! political committee! civic! eligious! p ofessional! o othe o gani6ation o o gani6ed g oup of whateve natu e shall inte vene in his nomination o in the filing of his ce tificate of candidacy o give aid o suppo t! di ectly o indi ectly! mate ial o othe wise favo able to o against his campaign fo election$ P ovided! That this p ovision shall not apply to the membe s of the family of a candidate within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity no to the pe sonal campaign staff of the candidate which shall not be mo e than one fo eve y one hund ed egiste ed vote s in his ba angay$ P ovided! howeve ! That without p e9udice to any liability that may be incu ed! no pe mit to hold a public meeting shall be denied on the g ound that the p ovisions of this pa ag aph may o will be violated. >othing in this section! howeve ! shall be const ued as in any manne affecting o constituting an impai ment of the f eedom of individuals to suppo t o oppose any candidate fo any ba angay office. Section 3$. Ce tificate of Candidacy. - >o pe son shall be elected punong ba angay o kagawad ng sangguniang ba angay unless he files a swo n ce tificate of candidacy in t iplicate on any day f om the commencement of the election pe iod but not late than the day

befo e the beginning of the campaign pe iod in a fo m to be p esc ibed by the Commission. The candidate shall state the ba angay office fo which he is a candidate. The ce tificate of candidacy shall be filed with the sec eta y of the sangguniang ba angay who shall have the ministe ial duty to eceive said ce tificate of candidacy and to immediately acknowledge eceipt the eof. 2n case the sec eta y efuses to eceive the same! o in the case of his absence o non-availability! a candidate may file his ce tificate with the election egist a of the city o municipality conce ned. The sec eta y of the sangguniang ba angay o the election egist a ! as the case may be! shall p epa e a consolidated list all the candidates and shall post said list in the ba angay hall and in othe conspicuous places in the ba angay at least ten days befo e the election. Any elective o appointive municipal! city! p ovincial o national official o employee! o those in the civil o milita y se vice! including those in gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! shall be conside ed automatically esigned upon the filing of ce tificate of candidacy fo a ba angay office. Section %. ,oa d of Election Telle s. 4%5 The Commission shall constitute not late than ten days befo e the election a boa d of election telle s in eve y ba angay polling place! to be composed of a public elementa y school teache as chai man! and two membe s who a e egiste ed vote s of the polling place conce ned! but who a e not incumbent ba angay officials no elated to any candidate fo any position in that ba angay within the fou th civil deg ee of affinity o consanguinity. 2n case no public elementa y school teache s a e available! the Commission shall designate any egiste ed vote in the polling place who is not an incumbent ba angay official no elated to

any candidate fo any position in that ba angay within the fou th civil deg ee of affinity o consanguinity. 4*5 The boa d of election telle s shall supe vise and conduct the election in thei espective polling places! count the votes and the eafte p epa e a epo t in t iplicate on a fo m p esc ibed by the Commission. The o iginal of this epo t shall be delive ed immediately to the ba angay boa d of canvasse s. The second copy shall be delive ed to the election egist a and the thi d copy shall be delive ed to the sec eta y of the sangguniang ba angay who shall keep the same on file. Section 1. =egist ation of vote s and list of vote s. - >ot late than seven days befo e the election! the boa d of election telle s shall meet in eve y ba angay polling place to conduct the egist ation of ba angay vote s and to p epa e the list of vote s. Any vote may challenge the 7ualification of any pe son seeking to egiste and said challenge shall be hea d and decided on the same day by the boa d of election telle s. The final list of vote s shall be posted in the polling places at least two days befo e election day. The egist ation of any vote shall not be t ansfe ed without w itten notice at least two days befo e the date of election. >ot late than the day following the ba angay election! the boa d of election telle s shall delive the list of vote s to the election egist a fo custody and safekeeping. Section 2. Polling places. - 4%5 The chai man of the boa d of election telle s shall designate the public school o any othe public building within the ba angay to be used as polling place in case the ba angay has one election p ecinct. 4*5 :o ba angays with two o mo e election p ecincts the chai man of the boa d of canvasse s shall designate the public school o any othe public building to be used as polling place. 2n case the e is no public school o othe public building that can be used as polling places! othe app op iate p ivate buildings may be

designated$ P ovided! That such buildings a e not owned o occupied o possessed by any incumbent elective public official o candidate! o his elative within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity. The polling place shall be cent ally located as possible! always taking into conside ation the convenience and safety of the vote s. Section 3. Official ba angay ballots. - The official ba angay ballots shall be p ovided by the city o municipality conce ned of a si6e and colo to be p esc ibed by the Commission. 3uch official ballots shall! befo e they a e handed to the vote at the polling place! be authenticated in the p esence of the vote ! by the autho i6ed ep esentatives of the candidates and the chai man and membe s of the boa d of election telle s who shall affi" thei signatu es at the back the eof. Any ballot which is not authenticated shall be deemed spu ious. Section . ,allot bo"es. - The Commission shall p ovide the ballot bo"es fo each ba angay polling place! but each candidate may be pe mitted to p ovide a padlock fo said ballot bo". Section !. Postponement o failu e of election. - 8hen fo any se ious cause such as violence! te o ism! loss o dest uction of election pa aphe nalia o eco ds! fo ce ma9eu e! and othe analogous causes of such natu e that the holding of a f ee! o de ly and honest election should become impossible in any ba angay! the Commission! upon a ve ified petition of an inte ested pa ty and afte due notice and hea ing at which the inte ested pa ties a e given e7ual oppo tunity to be hea d! shall postpone the election the ein fo such time as it may deem necessa y. 2f! on account of fo ce ma9eu e! violence! te o ism! f aud o othe analogous causes! the election in any ba angay has not been held on the date he ein fi"ed o has been suspended befo e the hou fi"ed by law fo the closing of the voting the ein and such failu e o suspension of election would affect the esult of the election! the Commission! on the basis of a ve ified petition of an inte ested pa ty!

and afte due notice and hea ing! at which the inte ested pa ties a e given e7ual oppo tunity to be hea d shall call fo the holding o continuation of the election within thi ty days afte it shall have ve ified and found that the cause o causes fo which the election has been postponed o suspended have ceased to e"ist o upon petition of at least thi ty pe cent of the egiste ed vote s in the ba angay conce ned. 8hen the conditions in these a eas wa ant! upon ve ification by the Commission! o upon petition of at least thi ty pe cent of the egiste ed vote s in the ba angay conce ned! it shall o de the holding of the ba angay election which was postponed o suspended. Section ". ,a angay boa d of canvasse s. 4%5 The Commission shall constitute a boa d of canvasse s at least seven days befo e the election in each ba angay! to be composed of the senio public elementa y school teache in the ba angay as chai man! and two othe public elementa y school teache s! as membe s. 2n case the numbe of public elementa y school teache s is inade7uate! the Commission shall designate the chai man and membe s of the ba angay boa d of canvasse s f om among the boa d of election telle s. 4*5 The ba angay boa d of canvasse s shall meet immediately in a building whe e a polling place is found and which is most cent ally located in the ba angay and afte canvassing the esults f om the va ious polling places within the ba angay! p oclaim the winne s. The boa d of canvasse s shall accomplish the ce tificate of p oclamation in t iplicate on a fo m to be p esc ibed by the Commission. The o iginal of the ce tificate shall be sent to the election egist a conce ned! the second copy shall be delive ed to the sec eta y of the sangguniang bayan o sangguniang panglunsod! as the case may be! and the thi d copy shall be kept on file by the sec eta y of the sangguniang ba angay.

405 2n a ba angay whe e the e is only one polling place! the ba angay boa d of election telle s shall also be the ba angay boa d of canvasse s. Section #. Activities du ing the campaign pe iod. - <u ing the campaign pe iod! the punong ba angay if he is not a candidate! o any esident of the ba angay designated by the Commission! shall convene the ba angay assembly at least once fo the pu pose of allowing the candidates to appea at a 9oint meeting duly called! upon p ope and with at least two days notice! to e"plain to the ba angay vote s thei espective p og am of administ ation! thei 7ualifications! and othe info mation that may help enlighten vote s in casting thei votes. The membe s of the ba angay assembly may take up and discuss othe matte s elative to the election of ba angay officials. Section 8. 8atche s. - Candidates may appoint two watche s each! to se ve alte nately! in eve y polling place within the ba angay! who shall be fu nished with a signed copy of the esults of the election! in such fo m as the Commission may p esc ibe! immediately afte the completion of the canvass. Section $. 2nclusion and e"clusion cases. - 2nclusion and e"clusion cases which shall be decided not late than seven befo e the date of the election shall be within the e"clusive o iginal 9u isdiction of the municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t. The notice of such decision shall be se ved to all pa ties within twenty-fou hou s following its p omulgation and any pa ty adve sely affected may appeal the ef om within twenty-fou hou s to the egional t ial cou t which shall finally decide the same not late than two days befo e the date of the election. Section !%. :unding. - -ocal gove nments shall app op iate such funds to def ay such necessa y and easonable e"penses of the membe s of the boa d of election telle s! boa d of canvasse s and the

p inting of election fo ms and p ocu ement of othe pa aphe nalia! and the installation of polling booths.


Section !1. Penalties. - &iolations of any p ovisions of this A ticle shall constitute p ohibited acts and shall be p osecuted and penali6ed in acco dance with the p ovisions of this Code. ARTICLE VII THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Section !2. Powe s and functions of the Commission on Elections. - 2n addition to the powe s and functions confe ed upon it by the Constitution! the Commission shall have e"clusive cha ge of the enfo cement and administ ation of all laws elative to the conduct of elections fo the pu pose of ensu ing f ee! o de ly and honest elections! and shall$ 4a5 E"e cise di ect and immediate supe vision and cont ol ove national and local officials o employees! including membe s of any national o local law enfo cement agency and inst umentality of the gove nment e7ui ed by law to pe fo m duties elative to the conduct of elections. 2n addition! it may autho i6e C+T cadets eighteen yea s of age and above to act as its deputies fo the pu pose of enfo cing its o de s. The Commission may elieve any office o employee efe ed to in the p eceding pa ag aph f om the pe fo mance of his duties elating to electo al p ocesses who violates the election law o fails to comply with its inst uctions! o de s! decisions o ulings! and appoint his substitute. #pon ecommendation of the Commission! the co esponding p ope autho ity shall suspend o emove f om office any o all of such office s o employees who may! afte due p ocess! be found guilty of such violation o failu e. 4b5 <u ing the pe iod of the campaign and ending thi ty days the eafte ! when in any a ea of the count y the e a e pe sons committing acts of te o ism to influence people to vote fo o

against any candidate o political pa ty! the Commission shall have the powe to autho i6e any membe o membe s of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! the >ational ,u eau of 2nvestigation! the 2nteg ated >ational Police o any simila agency o inst umentality of the gove nment! e"cept civilian home defense fo ces! to act as deputies fo the pu pose of ensu ing the holding of f ee! o de ly and honest elections. 4c5 P omulgate ules and egulations implementing the p ovisions of this Code o othe laws which the Commission is e7ui ed to enfo ce and administe ! and e7ui e the payment of legal fees and collect the same in payment of any business done in the Commission! at ates that it may p ovide and fi" in its ules and egulations. =ules and egulations p omulgated by the Commission to implement the p ovisions of this Code shall take effect on the si"teenth day afte publication in the Official ;a6ette o in at least daily newspape s of gene al ci culation. O de s and di ectives issued by the Commission pu suant to said ules and egulations shall be fu nished by pe sonal delive y to acc edited political pa ties within fo ty-eight hou s of issuance and shall take effect immediately upon eceipt. 2n case of conflict between ules! egulations! o de s o di ectives of the Commission in the e"e cise of its constitutional powe s and those issued by any othe administ ative office o agency of the gove nment conce ning the same matte elative to elections! the fo me shall p evail. 4d5 3ummon the pa ties to a cont ove sy pending befo e it! issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum! and take testimony in any investigation o hea ing befo e it! and delegate such powe to any office of the Commission who shall be a membe of the Philippine ,a . 2n case of failu e of a witness to attend! the Commission! upon p oof of se vice of the subpoena to said

witnesses! may issue a wa ant to a est witness and b ing him befo e the Commission o the office befo e whom his attendance is e7ui ed. Any cont ove sy submitted to the Commission shall! afte compliance with the e7ui ements of due p ocess! be immediately hea d and decided by it within si"ty days f om submission the eof. >o decision o esolution shall be ende ed by the Commission eithe en banc o by division unless taken up in a fo mal session p ope ly convened fo the pu pose. The Commission may! when necessa y! avail of the assistance of any national o local law enfo cement agency andIo inst umentality of the gove nment to e"ecute unde its di ect and immediate supe vision any of its final decisions! o de s! inst uctions o ulings. 4e5 Punish contempts p ovided fo in the =ules of Cou t in the same p ocedu e and with the same penalties p ovided the ein. Any violation of any final and e"ecuto y decision! o de o uling of the Commission shall constitute contempt the eof. 4f5 Enfo ce and e"ecute its decisions! di ectives! o de s and inst uctions which shall have p ecedence ove those emanating f om any othe autho ity! e"cept the 3up eme Cou t and those issued in habeas co pus p oceedings. 4g5 P esc ibe the fo ms to be used in the election! plebiscite o efe endum. 4h5 P ocu e any supplies! e7uipment! mate ials o se vices needed fo the holding of the election by public bidding$ P ovided! That! if it finds the e7ui ements of public bidding imp actical to obse ve! then by negotiations o sealed bids! and in both cases! the acc edited pa ties shall be duly notified. 4i5 P esc ibe the use o adoption of the latest technological and elect onic devices! taking into account the situation p evailing in the a ea and the funds available fo the pu pose$ P ovided! That

the Commission shall notify the autho i6ed ep esentatives of acc edited political pa ties and candidates in a eas affected by the use o adoption of technological and elect onic devices not less than thi ty days p io to the effectivity of the use of such devices. 495 Ca y out a continuing and systematic campaign th ough newspape s of gene al ci culation! adios and othe media fo ms to educate the public and fully info m the electo ate about election laws! p ocedu es! decisions! and othe matte s elative to the wo k and duties of the Commission and the necessity of clean! f ee! o de ly and honest electo al p ocesses. 4k5 Enlist non-pa tisan g oup o o gani6ations of citi6ens f om the civic! youth! p ofessional! educational! business o labo secto s known fo thei p obity! impa tiality and integ ity with the membe ship and capability to unde take a coo dinated ope ation and activity to assist it in the implementation of the p ovisions of this Code and the esolutions! o de s and inst uctions of the Commission fo the pu pose of ensu ing f ee! o de ly and honest elections in any constituency. 3uch g oups o o gani6ations shall function unde the di ect and immediate cont ol and supe vision of the Commission and shall pe fo m the following specific functions and duties$ A. ,efo e Election <ay$ %. #nde take an info mation campaign on salient featu es of this Code and help in the dissemination of the o de s! decisions and esolutions of the Commission elative to the fo thcoming election. *. 8age a egist ation d ive in thei espective a eas so that all citi6ens of voting age! not othe wise dis7ualified by law may be egiste ed.

0. 1elp cleanse the list of vote s of illegal egist ants! conduct house-to-house canvass if necessa y! and take the app op iate legal steps towa ds this end. .. =epo t to the Commission violations of the p ovisions of this Code on the conduct of the political campaign! election p opaganda and electo al e"penditu es. ,. On Election <ay$ %. E"ho t all egiste ed vote s in thei espective a eas to go to thei polling places and cast thei votes. *. >ominate one watche fo acc editation in each polling place and each place of canvass who shall have the same duties! functions and ights as the othe watche s of political pa ties and candidates. +embe s o units of any citi6en g oup o o gani6ation so designated by the Commission e"cept its lone duly acc edited watche ! shall not be allowed to ente any polling place e"cept to vote! and shall! if they so desi e! stay in an a ea at least fifty mete s away f om the polling place. 0. =epo t to the peace autho ities and othe app op iate agencies all instances of te o ism! intimidation of vote s! and othe simila attempts to f ust ate the f ee and o de ly casting of votes. .. Pe fo m such othe functions as may be ent usted to such g oup o o gani6ation by the Commission. The designation of any g oup o o gani6ation made in acco dance he ewith may be evoked by the Commission upon notice and hea ing wheneve by its actuations such g oup o o gani6ation has shown pa tiality to any political pa ty o candidate! o has pe fo med acts in e"cess o in cont avention of the functions and duties he ein p ovided and such othe s which may be g anted by the Commission.

4l5 Conduct hea ings on cont ove sies pending befo e it in the cities o p ovinces upon p ope motion of any pa ty! taking into conside ation the mate iality and numbe of witnesses to be p esented! the situation p evailing in the a ea and the fund available fo the pu pose. 4m5 :i" othe easonable pe iods fo ce tain p e-election e7ui ements in o de that vote s shall not be dep ived of thei ight of suff age and ce tain g oups of ights g anted them in this Code. #nless indicated in this Code! the Commission is he eby autho i6ed fo fi" the app op iate pe iod fo the va ious p ohibited acts enume ated he ein! consistent with the e7ui ements of f ee! o de ly! and honest elections. Section !3. :ield offices of the Commission. - The Commission shall have the following field offices$ 4%5 =egional Election Office! headed by the =egional Election <i ecto and assisted by the Assistant =egional <i ecto and such othe subo dinate office s o employees as the Commission may appoint. 4*5 P ovincial Election Office! headed by the P ovincial Election 3upe viso and assisted by such othe subo dinate office s o employees as the Commission may appoint. 405 CityI+unicipal Election Office! headed by the CityI+unicipal =egist a who shall be assisted by an election cle k and such othe employees as the Commission may appoint. The Commission may delegate its powe s and functions o o de the implementation o enfo cement of its o de s! ulings! o decisions th ough the heads of its field offices. Section ! . Dualifications. - Only membe s of the Philippines ,a shall be eligible fo appointment to the position of egional di ecto ! assistant egional di ecto ! p ovincial election supe viso and election

egist a $ P ovided! howeve ! That if the e a e no membe s of the Philippine ,a available fo appointment as election egist a ! e"cept in cities and capital towns! g aduates of duly ecogni6ed schools of law! libe al a ts! education o business administ ation who possess the app op iate civil se vice eligibility may be appointed to said position. Section !!. Office space. - The local gove nment conce ned shall p ovide a suitable place fo the office of the p ovincial election supe viso and his staff and the election egist a and his staff$ P ovided! That in case of failu e of the local gove nment conce ned to p ovide such suitable place! the p ovincial election supe viso o the election egist a ! as the case may be! upon p io autho ity of the Commission and notice to the local gove nment conce ned! may lease anothe place fo office and the entals the eof shall be cha geable to the funds of the local gove nment conce ned. Section !". Changes in the composition! dist ibution o assignment of field offices. - The Commission may make changes in the composition! dist ibution and assignment of field offices! as well as its pe sonnel! wheneve the e"igencies of the se vice and the inte est of f ee! o de ly! and honest election so e7ui e$ P ovided! That such changes shall be effective and enfo ceable only fo the du ation of the election pe iod conce ned and shall not affect the tenu e of office of the incumbents of positions affected and shall not constitute a demotion! eithe in ank o sala y! no esult in change of status$ and P ovided! fu the ! That the e shall be no changes in the composition! dist ibution o assignment within thi ty days befo e election! e"cept fo cause and afte due notice and hea ing! and that in no case shall a egional o assistant egional di ecto be assigned to a egion) a p ovincial election supe viso to a p ovince) o a city o municipal election egist a to a city o municipality! whe e he andIo his spouse a e elated to any candidate within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity as the case may be. Section !#. +easu es to ensu e enfo cement. - :o the effective enfo cement of the p ovisions of this Code! the Commission is fu the

vested and cha ged esponsibilities$


the following

powe s!



%. To issue sea ch wa ants afte e"amination unde oath o affi mation of the complainant and the witnesses *. To stop any illegal election activity! o confiscate! tea down! and stop any unlawful! libelous! misleading o false election p opaganda! afte due notice and hea ing. 0. To in7ui e into the financial eco ds of candidates and any o gani6ation o g oup of pe sons! motu p op io o upon w itten ep esentation fo p obable cause by any candidate o g oup of pe sons o 7ualified vote ! afte due notice and hea ing. :o pu poses of this section! the Commission may avail itself of the assistance of the Commission on Audit! the Cent al ,ank! the >ational ,u eau of 2nvestigation! the ,u eau of 2nte nal =evenue! the A med :o ces of the Philippines! the 2nteg ated >ational Police of the Philippines! ba angay officials! and othe agencies of the gove nment. Section !8. <is7ualifications of membe s of the Commission. - The chai man and membe s of the Commission shall be sub9ect to the canons of 9udicial ethics in the discha ge of thei functions. >o chai man o commissione shall sit in any case in which he has manifested bias o p e9udice fo o against o antagonism against any pa ty the eto and in connection the ewith! o in any case in which he would be dis7ualified unde the =ules of Cou t. 2f it be claimed that the chai man o a commissione is dis7ualified as above p ovided! the pa ty ob9ecting to his competency may file his ob9ection in w iting with the Commission stating the g ound the efo . The official conce ned shall continue to pa ticipate in the hea ing o withd awn the ef om in acco dance with his dete mination of the 7uestion of his dis7ualification. The decision shall fo thwith be made in w iting and filed with the othe pape s of the case in acco dance with the =ules of Cou t. 2f a dis7ualification should esult in a lack of 7uo um in the Commission sitting en banc! the P esiding Bustice of the 2nte mediate

Appellate Cou t shall designate a 9ustice of said cou t to sit in said case fo the pu pose of hea ing and eaching a decision the eon. Section !$. Publication of official ballots and election etu ns and p inting the eof. - The Commission shall publish at least ten days befo e an election in a newspape of gene al ci culation ce tified data on the numbe of official ballots and election etu ns and the names and add esses of the p inte s and the numbe p inted by each. ARTICLE VIII POLITICAL PARTIES Section "%. Political pa ty. - "Political pa ty" o "pa ty"! when used in this Act! means an o gani6ed g oup of pe sons pu suing the same ideology! political ideas o platfo ms of gove nment and includes its b anches and divisions. To ac7ui e 9u idical pe sonality! 7uality it fo subse7uent acc editation! and to entitle it to the ights and p ivileges he ein g anted to political pa ties! a political pa ty shall fi st be duly egiste ed with the Commission. Any egiste ed political pa ty that! singly o in coalition with othe s! fails to obtain at least ten pe cent of the votes cast in the constituency in which it nominated and suppo ted a candidate o candidates in the election ne"t following its egist ation shall! afte notice and hea ing be deemed to have fo feited such status as a egiste ed political pa ty in such constituency. Section "1. =egist ation. - Any o gani6ed g oup of pe sons seeking egist ation as a national o egional political pa ty may file with the Commission a ve ified petition attaching the eto its constitution and by-laws! platfo m o p og am of gove nment and such othe elevant info mation as may be e7ui ed by the Commission. The Commission shall! afte due notice and hea ing! esolve the petition within ten days f om the date it is submitted fo decision.

>o eligious sect shall be egiste ed as a political pa ty and no political pa ty which seeks to achieve its goal th ough violence shall be entitled to acc editation. Section "2. Publication of petition fo egist ation o acc editation. - The Commission shall e7ui e publication of the petition fo egist ation o acc editation in at least th ee newspape s of gene al ci culation and shall! afte due notice and hea ing! esolve the petition within fifteen days f om the date it is submitted fo decision. ARTICLE I( ELIGIBILIT' OF CANDIDATES AND CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDAC' Section "3. Dualifications fo P esident and &ice-P esident of the Philippines. - >o pe son may be elected P esident unless he is a natu al-bo n citi6en of the Philippines! a egiste ed vote ! able to ead and w ite! at least fo ty yea s of age on the day of election! and a esident of the Philippines fo at least ten yea s immediately p eceding such election. Section " . Dualifications fo +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa. - >o pe son shall be elected +embe of the ,atasang Pambansa as p ovincial! city o dist ict ep esentative unless he is a natu al-bo n citi6en of the Philippines and! on the day of the election! is at least twenty-five yea s of age! able to ead and w ite! a egiste ed vote in the constituency in which he shall be elected! and a esident the eof fo a pe iod of not less than si" months immediately p eceding the day of the election. A secto al ep esentative shall be a natu al-bo n citi6en of the Philippines! able to ead and w ite! a esident of the Philippines! able to ead and w ite! a esident of the Philippines fo a pe iod of not less than one yea immediately p eceding the day of the election! a bona fide membe of the secto he seeks to ep esent! and in the case of a ep esentative of the ag icultu al o indust ial labo secto ! shall be a

egiste ed vote ! and on the day of the election is at least twenty-five yea s of age. The youth secto al ep esentative should at least be eighteen and not be mo e than twenty-five yea s of age on the day of the election$ P ovided! howeve ! That any youth secto al ep esentative who attains the age of twenty-five yea s du ing his te m shall be entitled to continue in office until the e"pi ation of his te m. Section "!. Dualifications of elective local officials. - The 7ualifications fo elective p ovincial! city! municipal and ba angay officials shall be those p ovided fo in the -ocal ;ove nment Code. Section "". Candidates holding appointive office o positions. - Any pe son holding a public appointive office o position! including active membe s of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! and office s and employees in gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! shall be conside ed ipso facto esigned f om his office upon the filing of his ce tificate of candidacy. Section "#. Candidates holding elective office. - Any elective official! whethe national o local! unning fo any office othe than the one which he is holding in a pe manent capacity! e"cept fo P esident and &ice-P esident! shall be conside ed ipso facto esigned f om his office upon the filing of his ce tificate of candidacy. Section "8. <is7ualifications. - Any candidate who! in an action o p otest in which he is a pa ty is decla ed by final decision of a competent cou t guilty of! o found by the Commission of having 4a5 given money o othe mate ial conside ation to influence! induce o co upt the vote s o public officials pe fo ming electo al functions) 4b5 committed acts of te o ism to enhance his candidacy) 4c5 spent in his election campaign an amount in e"cess of that allowed by this Code) 4d5 solicited! eceived o made any cont ibution p ohibited unde 3ections ?'! '/! 'C! '@ and %(.) o 4e5 violated any of 3ections ?(! ?0! ?/! ?C and *C%! pa ag aphs d! e! k! v! and cc! subpa ag aph C! shall be dis7ualified f om continuing as a candidate! o if he has

been elected! f om holding the office. Any pe son who is a pe manent esident of o an immig ant to a fo eign count y shall not be 7ualified to un fo any elective office unde this Code! unless said pe son has waived his status as pe manent esident o immig ant of a fo eign count y in acco dance with the esidence e7ui ement p ovided fo in the election laws. Section "$. >uisance candidates. - The Commission may motu p op io o upon a ve ified petition of an inte ested pa ty! efuse to give due cou se to o cancel a ce tificate of candidacy if it is shown that said ce tificate has been filed to put the election p ocess in mocke y o dis epute o to cause confusion among the vote s by the simila ity of the names of the egiste ed candidates o by othe ci cumstances o acts which clea ly demonst ate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to un fo the office fo which the ce tificate of candidacy has been filed and thus p event a faithful dete mination of the t ue will of the electo ate. Section #%. ;uest candidacy. - A political pa ty may nominate andIo suppo t candidates not belonging to it. Section #2. Effects of dis7ualification cases and p io ity. - The Commission and the cou ts shall give p io ity to cases of dis7ualification by eason of violation of this Act to the end that a final decision shall be ende ed not late than seven days befo e the election in which the dis7ualification is sought. Any candidate who has been decla ed by final 9udgment to be dis7ualified shall not be voted fo ! and the votes cast fo him shall not be counted. >eve theless! if fo any eason! a candidate is not decla ed by final 9udgment befo e an election to be dis7ualified and he is voted fo and eceives the winning numbe of votes in such election! his violation of the p ovisions of the p eceding sections shall not p event his p oclamation and assumption to office.

Section #3. Ce tificate of candidacy. - >o pe son shall be eligible fo any elective public office unless he files a swo n ce tificate of candidacy within the pe iod fi"ed he ein. A pe son who has filed a ce tificate of candidacy may! p io to the election! withd aw the same by submitting to the office conce ned a w itten decla ation unde oath. >o pe son shall be eligible fo mo e than one office to be filled in the same election! and if he files his ce tificate of candidacy fo mo e than one office! he shall not be eligible fo any of them. 1oweve ! befo e the e"pi ation of the pe iod fo the filing of ce tificates of candidacy! the pe son who was filed mo e than one ce tificate of candidacy may decla e unde oath the office fo which he desi es to be eligible and cancel the ce tificate of candidacy fo the othe office o offices. The filing o withd awal of a ce tificate of candidacy shall not affect whateve civil! c iminal o administ ative liabilities which a candidate may have incu ed. Section # . Contents of ce tificate of candidacy. - The ce tificate of candidacy shall state that the pe son filing it is announcing his candidacy fo the office stated the ein and that he is eligible fo said office) if fo +embe of the ,atasang Pambansa! the p ovince! including its component cities! highly u bani6ed city o dist ict o secto which he seeks to ep esent) the political pa ty to which he belongs) civil status) his date of bi th) esidence) his post office add ess fo all election pu poses) his p ofession o occupation) that he will suppo t and defend the Constitution of the Philippines and will maintain t ue faith and allegiance the eto) that he will obey the laws! legal o de s! and dec ees p omulgated by the duly constituted autho ities) that he is not a pe manent esident o immig ant to a fo eign count y) that the obligation imposed by his oath is assumed volunta ily! without mental ese vation o pu pose of evasion) and

that the facts stated in the ce tificate of candidacy a e t ue to the best of his knowledge. #nless a candidate has officially changed his name th ough a cou t app oved p oceeding! a ce tificate shall use in a ce tificate of candidacy the name by which he has been bapti6ed! o if has not been bapti6ed in any chu ch o eligion! the name egiste ed in the office of the local civil egist a o any othe name allowed unde the p ovisions of e"isting law o ! in the case of a +uslim! his 1ad9i name afte pe fo ming the p esc ibed eligious pilg image$ P ovided! That when the e a e two o mo e candidates fo an office with the same name and su name! each candidate! upon being made awa e o such fact! shall state his pate nal and mate nal su name! e"cept the incumbent who may continue to use the name and su name stated in his ce tificate of candidacy when he was elected. 1e may also include one nickname o stage name by which he is gene ally o popula ly known in the locality. The pe son filing a ce tificate of candidacy shall also affi" his latest photog aph! passpo t si6e) a statement in duplicate containing his bio-data and p og am of gove nment not e"ceeding one hund ed wo ds! if he so desi es. Section #!. :iling and dist ibution of ce tificate of candidacy. - The ce tificate of candidacy shall be filed on any day f om the commencement of the election pe iod but not late than the day befo e the beginning of the campaign pe iod$ P ovided! That in cases of postponement o failu e of election unde 3ections / and C he eof! no additional ce tificate of candidacy shall be accepted e"cept in cases of substitution of candidates as p ovided unde 3ection @@ he eof. The ce tificates of candidacy fo P esident and &ice-P esident of the Philippines shall be filed in ten legible copies with the Commission which shall o de the p inting of copies the eof fo dist ibution to all polling places. The ce tificates of candidacy fo the othe offices shall

be filed in duplicate with the offices he ein below mentioned! togethe with a numbe of clea ly legible copies e7ual to twice the numbe of polling places in the p ovince! city! dist ict! municipality o ba angay! as the case may be$ 4a5 :o ep esentative in the ,atasang Pambansa! with the Commission! the p ovincial election supe viso ! city election egist a in case of highly u bani6ed cities! o an office designated by the Commission having 9u isdiction ove the p ovince! city o ep esentative dist ict who shall send copies the eof to all polling places in the p ovince! city o dist ict) 4b5 :o p ovincial offices! with the p ovincial election supe viso of the p ovince conce ned who shall send copies the eof to all polling places in the p ovince) 4c5 :o city and municipal offices! with the city o municipal election egist a who shall send copies the eof to all polling places in the city o municipality) and 4d5 :o punong ba angay o kagawad ng sangguniang ba angay! the ce tificates of candidacy shall be filed in acco dance with the p ovisions of 3ection 0' of A ticle &2 of this Code. The duly autho i6ed eceiving office shall immediately send the o iginal copy of all ce tificates of candidacy eceived by him to the Commission. Section #". +iniste ial duty of eceiving and acknowledging eceipt. - The Commission! p ovincial election supe viso ! election egist a o office designated by the Commission o the boa d of election inspecto s unde the succeeding section shall have the ministe ial duty to eceive and acknowledge eceipt of the ce tificate of candidacy. Section ##. Candidates in case of death! dis7ualification o withd awal of anothe . - 2f afte the last day fo the filing of ce tificates of candidacy! an official candidate of a egiste ed o acc edited political pa ty dies! withd aws o is dis7ualified fo any

cause! only a pe son belonging to! and ce tified by! the same political pa ty may file a ce tificate of candidacy to eplace the candidate who died! withd ew o was dis7ualified. The substitute candidate nominated by the political pa ty conce ned may file his ce tificate of candidacy fo the office affected in acco dance with the p eceding sections not late than mid-day of the day of the election. 2f the death! withd awal o dis7ualification should occu between the day befo e the election and mid-day of election day! said ce tificate may be filed with any boa d of election inspecto s in the political subdivision whe e he is a candidate! o ! in the case of candidates to be voted fo by the enti e electo ate of the count y! with the Commission. Section #8. Petition to deny due cou se to o cancel a ce tificate of candidacy. - A ve ified petition seeking to deny due cou se o to cancel a ce tificate of candidacy may be filed by the pe son e"clusively on the g ound that any mate ial ep esentation contained the ein as e7ui ed unde 3ection @. he eof is false. The petition may be filed at any time not late than twenty-five days f om the time of the filing of the ce tificate of candidacy and shall be decided! afte due notice and hea ing! not late than fifteen days befo e the election. ARTICLE ( CAMPAIGN AND ELECTION PROPAGANDA Section #$. <efinitions. - As used in this Code$ 4a5 The te m "candidate" efe s to any pe son aspi ing fo o seeking an elective public office! who has filed a ce tificate of candidacy by himself o th ough an acc edited political pa ty! agg oupment! o coalition of pa ties) 4b5 The te m "election campaign" o "pa tisan political activity" efe s to an act designed to p omote the election o defeat of a pa ticula candidate o candidates to a public office which shall include$

4%5 :o ming o gani6ations! associations! clubs! committees o othe g oups of pe sons fo the pu pose of soliciting votes andIo unde taking any campaign fo o against a candidate) 4*5 1olding political caucuses! confe ences! meetings! allies! pa ades! o othe simila assemblies! fo the pu pose of soliciting votes andIo unde taking any campaign o p opaganda fo o against a candidate) 405 +aking speeches! announcements o commenta ies! o holding inte views fo o against the election of any candidate fo public office) 4.5 Publishing o dist ibuting campaign lite atu e o mate ials designed to suppo t o oppose the election of any candidate) o 4/5 <i ectly o indi ectly soliciting votes! pledges o suppo t fo o against a candidate. The fo egoing enume ated acts if pe fo med fo the pu pose of enhancing the chances of aspi ants fo nomination fo candidacy to a public office by a political pa ty! agg oupment! o coalition of pa ties shall not be conside ed as election campaign o pa tisan election activity. Public e"p essions o opinions o discussions of p obable issues in a fo thcoming election o on att ibutes of o c iticisms against p obable candidates p oposed to be nominated in a fo thcoming political pa ty convention shall not be const ued as pa t of any election campaign o pa tisan political activity contemplated unde this A ticle. Section 8%. Election campaign o pa tisan political activity outside campaign pe iod. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son! whethe o not a vote o candidate! o fo any pa ty! o association of pe sons! to engage in an election campaign o pa tisan political activity e"cept du ing the campaign pe iod$ P ovided! That political pa ties may hold political conventions o meetings to nominate thei official candidates within thi ty days befo e the commencement of the campaign pe iod and fo ty-five days fo P esidential and &ice-P esidential election.

Section 81. 2nte vention of fo eigne s. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any fo eigne ! whethe 9udicial o natu al pe son! to aid any candidate o political pa ty! di ectly o indi ectly! o take pa t in o influence in any manne any election! o to cont ibute o make any e"penditu e in connection with any election campaign o pa tisan political activity. Section 82. -awful election p opaganda shall include$

p opaganda.

- -awful


4a5 Pamphlets! leaflets! ca ds! decals! sticke s o othe w itten o p inted mate ials of a si6e not mo e than eight and one-half inches in width and fou teen inches in length) 4b5 1andw itten o p inted lette s u ging vote s to vote fo o against any pa ticula candidate) 4c5 Cloth! pape o ca dboa d poste s! whethe f amed o posted! with an a ea e"ceeding two feet by th ee feet! e"cept that! at the site and on the occasion of a public meeting o ally! o in announcing the holding of said meeting o ally! st eame s not e"ceeding th ee feet by eight feet in si6e! shall be allowed$ P ovided! That said st eame s may not be displayed e"cept one week befo e the date of the meeting o ally and that it shall be emoved within seventy-two hou s afte said meeting o ally) o 4d5 All othe fo ms of election p opaganda not p ohibited by this Code as the Commission may autho i6e afte due notice to all inte ested pa ties and hea ing whe e all the inte ested pa ties we e given an e7ual oppo tunity to be hea d$ P ovided! That the CommissionAs autho i6ation shall be published in two newspape s of gene al ci culation th oughout the nation fo at least twice within one week afte the autho i6ation has been g anted. Section 83. =emoval! dest uction o defacement of lawful election p opaganda p ohibited. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son du ing the campaign pe iod to emove! dest oy! oblite ate! o in any manne deface o tampe with! o p event the dist ibution of lawful election p opaganda.

Section 8 . =e7ui ements fo published o p inted election p opaganda. - Any newspape ! newslette ! newsweekly! ga6ette o maga6ine adve tising! poste s! pamphlets! ci cula s! handbills! bumpe sticke s! st eame s! simple list of candidates o any published o p inted political matte fo o against a candidate o g oup of candidates to any public office shall bea and be identified by the wo ds "paid fo by" followed by the t ue and co ect name and add ess of the payo and by the wo ds "p inted by" followed by the t ue and co ect name and add ess of the p inte . Section 8!. P ohibited fo ms of election p opaganda. - 2t shall be unlawful$ 4a5 To p int! publish! post o dist ibute any poste ! pamphlet! ci cula ! handbill! o p inted matte u ging vote s to vote fo o against any candidate unless they bea the names and add esses of the p inte and payo as e7ui ed in 3ection ?. he eof) 4b5 To e ect! put up! make use of! attach! float o display any billboa d! tinplate-poste ! balloons and the like! of whateve si6e! shape! fo m o kind! adve tising fo o against any candidate o political pa ty) 4c5 To pu chase! manufactu e! e7uest! dist ibute o accept electo al p opaganda gadgets! such as pens! lighte s! fans of whateve natu e! flashlights! athletic goods o mate ials! wallets! shi ts! hats! bandanas! matches! ciga ettes and the like! e"cept that campaign suppo te s accompanying a candidate shall be allowed to wea hats andIo shi ts o T-shi ts adve tising a candidate) 4d5 To show o display publicly any adve tisement o p opaganda fo o against any candidate by means of cinematog aphy! audiovisual units o othe sc een p o9ections e"cept telecasts which may be allowed as he einafte p ovided) and 4e5 :o any adio b oadcasting o television station to sell o give f ee of cha ge ai time fo campaign and othe political pu poses

e"cept as autho i6ed in this Code unde the ules and egulations p omulgated by the Commission pu suant the eto. Any p ohibited election p opaganda gadget o adve tisement shall be stopped! confiscated o to n down by the ep esentative of the Commission upon specific autho ity of the Commission. Section 8". =egulation of election p opaganda th ough mass media. 4a5 The Commission shall p omulgate ules and egulations ega ding the sale of ai time fo pa tisan political pu poses du ing the campaign pe iod to insu e the e7ual time as to du ation and 7uality in available to all candidates fo the same office o political pa ties at the same ates o given f ee of cha ge) that such ates a e easonable and not highe than those cha ged othe buye s o use s of ai time fo non-political pu poses) that the p ovisions of this Code ega ding the limitation of e"penditu es by candidates and political pa ties and cont ibutions by p ivate pe sons! entities and institutions a e effectively enfo ced) and to ensu e that said adio b oadcasting and television stations shall not unduly allow the scheduling of any p og am o pe mit any sponso to manifestly favo o oppose any candidate o political pa ty by unduly o epeatedly efe ing to o including said candidate andIo political pa ty in such p og am especting! howeve ! in all instances the ight of said stations to b oadcast accounts of significant o newswo thy events and views on matte s of public inte est. 4b5 All cont acts fo adve tising in any newspape ! maga6ine! pe iodical o any fo m of publication p omoting o opposing the candidacy of any pe son fo public office shall! befo e its implementation! be egiste ed by said newspape ! maga6ine! pe iodical o publication with the Commission. 2n eve y case! it shall be signed by the candidate conce ned o by the duly autho i6ed ep esentative of the political pa ty.

4c5 >o f anchise o pe mit to ope ate a adio o television station shall be g anted o issued! suspended o cancelled du ing the election pe iod. Any adio o television stations! including that owned o cont olled by the ;ove nment! shall give f ee of cha ge e7ual time and p ominence to an acc edited political pa ty o its candidates if it gives f ee of cha ge ai time to an acc edited political pa ty o its candidates fo political pu poses. 2n all instances! the Commission shall supe vise the use and employment of p ess! adio and television facilities so as to give candidates e7ual oppo tunities unde e7ual ci cumstances to make known thei 7ualifications and thei stand on public issues within the limits set fo th in this Code on election spending. =ules and egulations p omulgated by the Commission unde and by autho ity of this section shall take effect on the seventh day afte thei publication in at least two daily newspape s of gene al ci culation. P io to the effectivity of said ules and egulations! no political adve tisement o p opaganda fo o against any candidate o political pa ty shall be published o b oadcast th ough the mass media. &iolation of the ules and egulations of the Commission issued to implement this section shall be an election offense punishable unde 3ection *C. he eof. Section 8#. =allies! meetings and othe political activities. - 3ub9ect to the e7ui ements of local o dinances on the issuance of pe mits! any political pa ty suppo ting official candidates o any candidate individually o 9ointly with othe aspi ants may hold peaceful political allies! meetings! and othe simila activities du ing the campaign pe iod$ P ovided! That all applications fo pe mits to hold meetings! allies and othe simila political activities! eceipt of which must be acknowledged in w iting and which application shall be immediately posted in a conspicuous place in the city o municipal building! shall

be acted upon in w iting by local autho ities conce ned within th ee days afte the filing the eof and any application not acted upon within said pe iod shall be deemed app oved$ and P ovided! fu the ! That denial of any application fo said pe mit shall be appealable to the p ovincial election supe viso o to the Commission whose decision shall be made within fo ty-eight hou s and which shall be final and e"ecuto y$ P ovided! finally! That one only 9ustifiable g ound fo denial is a p io w itten application by any candidate o political pa ty fo the same pu pose has been app oved. Section 88. Public ally. - Any political pa ty o candidate shall notify the election egist a conce ned of any public ally said political pa ty o candidate intends to o gani6e and hold in the city o municipality! and within seven wo king days the eafte submit to the election egist a a statement of e"penses incu ed in connection the ewith. Section 8$. T anspo tation! food and d inks. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any candidate! political pa ty! o gani6ation! o any pe son to give o accept! f ee of cha ge! di ectly o indi ectly! t anspo tation! food o d inks o things of value du ing the five hou s befo e and afte a public meeting! on the day p eceding the election! and on the day of the election) o to give o cont ibute! di ectly o indi ectly! money o things of value fo such pu pose. Section $%. Comelec space. - The Commission shall p ocu e space in at least one newspape of gene al ci culation in eve y p ovince o city$ P ovided! howeve ! That in the absence of said newspape ! publication shall be done in any othe maga6ine o pe iodical in said p ovince o city! which shall be known as "Comelec 3pace" whe ein candidates can announce thei candidacy. 3aid space shall be allocated! f ee of cha ge! e7ually and impa tially by the Commission among all candidates within the a ea in which the newspape is ci culated. Section $1. Comelec poste a ea. - 8heneve p acticable! the Commission shall also designate and p ovide fo a common poste a e in st ategic places in each town whe ein candidates can announce

and fu the thei candidacy th ough poste s! said space to be likewise allocated f ee of cha ge! e7ually and impa tially by the Commission among all the candidates conce ned. Section $2. Comelec time. - The Commission shall p ocu e adio and television time to be known as "Comelec Time" which shall be allocated e7ually and impa tially among the candidates within the a ea of cove age of all adio and television stations. :o this pu pose! the f anchise of all adio b oadcasting and television station a e he eby amended so as to p ovide adio television time! f ee of cha ge! du ing the pe iod of the campaign. Section $3. Comelec info mation bulletin. - The Commission shall cause the p inting! and supe vise the dissemination of bulletins to be known as "Comelec ,ulletin" which shall be of such si6e as to ade7uately contain the pictu e! bio-data and p og am of gove nment of eve y candidate. 3aid bulletin shall be disseminated to the vote s o displayed in such places as to give due p ominence the eto. Any candidate may ep int at his e"pense! any "Comelec ,ulletin" upon p io autho ity of the Commission$ P ovided! That the p inting of the names of the diffe ent candidates with thei bio-data must be in alphabetical o de i espective of pa ty affiliation. ARTICLE (I ELECTORAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND E(PENDITURES Section $ . <efinitions. - As used in this A ticle$ 4a5 The te m "cont ibution" includes a gift! donation! subsc iption! loan! advance o deposit of money o anything of value! o a cont act! p omise o ag eement to cont ibute! whethe o not legally enfo ceable! made fo the pu pose of influencing the esults of the elections but shall not include se vices ende ed without compensation by individuals voluntee ing a po tion o all of thei time in behalf of a candidate o political pa ty. 2t shall also include the use of facilities

volunta ily donated by othe pe sons! the money value of which can be assessed based on the ates p evailing in the a ea. 4b5 The te m "e"penditu e" includes the payment o delive y of money of anything of value! o a cont act! p omise o ag eement to make an e"penditu e! fo the pu pose of influencing the esults of the election. 2t shall also include the use of facilities pe sonally owned by the candidate! the money value of the use of which can be assessed based on the ates p evailing in the a ea. 4c5 The te m "pe son" includes an individual! pa tne ship! committee! association! co po ation! and any othe o gani6ation o g oup of pe sons. Section $!. P ohibited cont ibutions. - >o cont ibution fo pu poses of pa tisan political activity shall be made di ectly o indi ectly by any of the following$ 4a5 Public o p ivate financial institutions$ P ovided! howeve ! That nothing he ein shall p event the making of any loan to a candidate o political pa ty by any such public o p ivate financial institutions legally in the business of lending money! and that the loan is made in acco dance with laws and egulations and in the o dina y cou se of business) 4b5 >atu al and 9u idical pe sons ope ating a public utility o in possession of o e"ploiting any natu al esou ces of the nation) 4c5 >atu al and 9u idical pe sons who hold cont acts o subcont acts to supply the gove nment o any of its divisions! subdivisions o inst umentalities! with goods o se vices o to pe fo m const uction o othe wo ks) 4d5 >atu al and 9u idical pe sons who have been g anted f anchises! incentives! e"emptions! allocations o simila p ivileges o concessions by the gove nment o any of its divisions! subdivisions o inst umentalities! including gove nmentowned o cont olled co po ations)

4e5 >atu al and 9u idical pe sons who! within one yea p io to the date of the election! have been g anted loans o othe accommodations in e"cess of P%((!((( by the gove nment o any of its divisions! subdivisions o inst umentalities including gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations) 4f5 Educational institutions which have eceived g ants of public funds amounting to no less than P%((!(((.(() 4g5 Officials o employees in the Civil 3e vice! o membe s of the A med :o ces of the Philippines) and 4h5 :o eigne s and fo eign co po ations. 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son to solicit o eceive any cont ibution f om any of the pe sons o entities enume ated he ein. Section $". 3oliciting o eceiving cont ibutions f om fo eign sou ces. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son! including a political pa ty o public o p ivate entity to solicit o eceive! di ectly o indi ectly! any aid o cont ibution of whateve fo m o natu e f om any fo eign national! gove nment o entity fo the pu poses of influencing the esults of the election. Section $#. P ohibited aising of funds. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son to hold dances! lotte ies! cockfights! games! bo"ing bouts! bingo! beauty contests! ente tainments! o cinematog aphic! theat ical o othe pe fo mances fo the pu pose of aising funds fo an election campaign o fo the suppo t of any candidate f om the commencement of the election pe iod up to and including election day) o fo any pe son o o gani6ation! whethe civic o eligious! di ectly o indi ectly! to solicit andIo accept f om any candidate fo public office! o f om his campaign manage ! agent o ep esentative! o any pe son acting in thei behalf! any gift! food! t anspo tation! cont ibution o donation in cash o in kind f om the commencement of the election pe iod up to and including election day) P ovided! That no mal and customa y eligious stipends! tithes! o collections on

3undays andIo othe designated collection days! a e e"cluded f om this p ohibition. Section $8. T ue name of cont ibuto e7ui ed. - >o pe son shall make any cont ibution in any name e"cept his own no shall any candidate o t easu e of a political pa ty eceive a cont ibution o ente o eco d the same in any name othe than that of the pe son by whom it was actually made. Section $$. =epo t of cont ibutions. - Eve y pe son giving cont ibutions to any candidate! t easu e of the pa ty! o autho i6ed ep esentative of such candidate o t easu e shall! not late than thi ty days afte the day of the election! file with the Commission a epo t unde oath stating the amount of each cont ibution! the name of the candidate! agent of the candidate o political pa ty eceiving the cont ibution! and the date of the cont ibution. Section 1%%. -imitations upon e"penses of candidates. - >o candidate shall spend fo his election campaign an agg egate amount e"ceeding one peso and fifty centavos fo eve y vote cu ently egiste ed in the constituency whe e he filed his candidacy$ P ovided! That the e"penses he ein efe ed to shall include those incu ed o caused to be incu ed by the candidate! whethe in cash o in kind! including the use! ental o hi e of land! wate o ai c aft! e7uipment! facilities! appa atus and pa aphe nalia used in the campaign$ P ovided! fu the ! That whe e the land! wate o ai c aft! e7uipment! facilities! appa atus and pa aphe nalia used is owned by the candidate! his cont ibuto o suppo te ! the Commission is he eby empowe ed to assess the amount commensu ate with the e"penses fo the use the eof! based on the p evailing ates in the locality and shall be included in the total e"penses incu ed by the candidate. Section 1%1. -imitations upon e"penses of political pa ties. - A duly acc edited political pa ty may spend fo the election of its candidates in the constituency o constituencies whe e it has official candidates an agg egate amount not e"ceeding the e7uivalent of one peso and

fifty centavos fo eve y vote cu ently egiste ed the ein. E"penses incu ed by b anches! chapte s! o committees of such political pa ty shall be included in the computation of the total e"penditu es of the political pa ty. E"penses incu ed by othe political pa ties shall be conside ed as e"penses of thei espective individual candidates and sub9ect to limitation unde 3ection %(( of this Code. Section 1%2. -awful e"penditu es. - To ca y out the ob9ectives of the p eceding sections! no candidate o t easu e of a political pa ty shall! di ectly o indi ectly! make any e"penditu e e"cept fo the following pu poses$ 4a5 :o t avelling e"penses of the candidates and campaign pe sonnel in the cou se of the campaign and fo pe sonal e"penses incident the eto) 4b5 :o compensation of campaigne s! cle ks! stenog aphe s! messenge s! and othe pe sons actually employed in the campaign) 4c5 :o teleg aph and telephone tolls! postage! f eight and e"p ess delive y cha ges) 4d5 :o statione y! p inting and dist ibution of p inted matte s elative to candidacy) 4e5 :o employment of watche s at the polls) 4f5 :o ent! maintenance and fu nishing head7ua te s! office o place of meetings) of campaign

4g5 :o political meetings and allies and the use of sound systems! lights and deco ations du ing said meetings and allies) 4h5 :o newspape ! adve tisements) adio! television and othe public

4i5 :o employment of counsel! the cost of which shall not be taken into account in dete mining the amount of e"penses which

a candidate o political pa ty may have incu ed unde 3ection %(( and %(% he eof) 495 :o copying and classifying list of vote s! investigating and challenging the ight to vote of pe sons egiste ed in the lists the costs of which shall not be taken into account in dete mining the amount of e"penses which a candidate o political pa ty may have incu ed unde 3ections %(( and %(% he eof) o 4k5 :o p inting sample ballots in such colo ! si6e and ma"imum numbe as may be autho i6ed by the Commission and the cost of such p inting shall not be taken into account in dete mining the amount of e"penses which a candidate o political pa ty may have incu ed unde 3ections %(( and %(% he eof. Section 1%3. Pe sons autho i6ed to incu election e"penditu es. - >o pe son! e"cept the candidate! the t easu e of a political pa ty o any pe son autho i6ed by such candidate o t easu e ! shall make any e"penditu e in suppo t of o in opposition to any candidate o political pa ty. E"penditu es duly autho i6ed by the candidate o the t easu e of the pa ty shall be conside ed as e"penditu es of such candidate o political pa ty. The autho ity to incu e"penditu es shall be in w iting! copy of which shall be fu nished the Commission signed by the candidate o the t easu e of the pa ty and showing the e"penditu es so autho i6ed! and shall state the full name and e"act add ess of the pe son so designated. Section 1% . P ohibited donations by candidates! t easu e s of pa ties o thei agents. - >o candidate! his o he spouse o any elative within the second civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity! o his campaign manage ! agent o ep esentative shall du ing the campaign pe iod! on the day befo e and on the day of the election! di ectly o indi ectly! make any donation! cont ibution o gift in cash o in kind! o unde take o cont ibute to the const uction o epai of oads! b idges! school buses! pue icultu e cente s! medical clinics and

hospitals! chu ches o chapels cement pavements! o any st uctu e fo public use o fo the use of any eligious o civic o gani6ation$ P ovided! That no mal and customa y eligious dues o cont ibutions! such as eligious stipends! tithes o collections on 3undays o othe designated collection days! as well as pe iodic payments fo legitimate schola ships established and school cont ibutions habitually made befo e the p ohibited pe iod! a e e"cluded f om the p ohibition. The same p ohibition applies to t easu e s! agents o of any political pa ty. ep esentatives

Section 1%!. Accounting by agents of candidate o t easu e . - Eve y pe son eceiving cont ibutions o incu ing e"penditu es by autho ity of the candidate o t easu e of the pa ty shall! on demand by the candidate o t easu e of the pa ty and in any event within five days afte eceiving such cont ibution o incu ing such e"penditu e! ende to the candidate o the t easu e of the pa ty conce ned! a detailed account the eof with p ope vouche s o official eceipts. Section 1%". =eco ds of cont ibutions and e"penditu es. 4a5 2t shall be the duty of eve y candidate! t easu e of the political pa ty and pe son acting unde the autho ity of such candidate o t easu e to issue a eceipt fo eve y cont ibution eceived and to obtain and keep a eceipt stating the pa ticula s of eve y e"penditu e made. 4b5 Eve y candidate and t easu e of the pa ty shall keep detailed! full! and accu ate eco ds of all cont ibutions eceived and e"penditu es incu ed by him and by those acting unde his autho ity! setting fo th the ein all info mation e7ui ed to be epo ted. 4c5 Eve y candidate and t easu e of the pa ty shall be esponsible fo the p ese vation of the eco ds of cont ibutions and e"penditu es! togethe with all pe tinent documents! fo at least th ee yea s afte the holding of the election to which they pe tain and fo thei p oduction fo inspection by the Commission

o its duly autho i6ed ep esentative! o upon p esentation of a subpoena duces tecum duly issued by the Commission. :ailu e of the candidate o t easu e to p ese ve such eco ds o documents shall be deemed p ima facie evidence of violation of the p ovisions of this A ticle. Section 1%#. 3tatement of cont ibutions and e"penditu es. - Eve y candidate and t easu e of the political pa ty shall! not late than seven days! o ea lie than ten days befo e the day of the election! file in duplicate with the office indicated in the following section! full! t ue and itemi6ed! statement of all cont ibutions and e"penditu es in connection with the election. 8ithin thi ty days afte the day of the election! said candidate and t easu e shall also file in duplicate a supplemental statement of all cont ibution and e"penditu es not included in the statement filed p io to the day of the election. Section 1%8. Place fo filing statements. - The statements of cont ibutions and e"penditu es shall be filed as follows$ 4a5 Those of candidates fo P esident and &ice-P esident! with the Commission. 4b5 Those of candidates fo +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa! with the p ovincial election supe viso conce ned! e"cept those of candidates in the >ational Capital =egion which shall be filed with the egional election di ecto of said egion. 4c5 Those of candidates fo p ovincial offices! with the p ovincial election supe viso conce ned. 4d5 Those of candidates fo city! municipal and ba angay offices! with the election egist a conce ned. 2f the statement is sent by mail! it shall be by egiste ed mail! and the date on which it was egiste ed with the post office may be conside ed as the filing date the eof if confi med on the same date by

teleg am o adiog am add essed to the office o official with whom the statement should be filed. The p ovincial election supe viso s and election egist a s conce ned shall! within fifteen days afte the last day fo the filing of the statements! send to the Commission duplicate copies of all statements filed with them. Section 1%$. :o m and contents of statement. - The statement shall be in w iting! subsc ibed and swo n to by the candidate o by the t easu e of the pa ty! shall be complete as of the date ne"t p eceding the date of filing and shall set fo th in detail 4a5 the amount of cont ibution! the date of eceipt! and the full name and e"act add ess of the pe son f om whom the cont ibution was eceived) 4b5 the amount of eve y e"penditu e! the date the eof! the full name and e"act add ess of the pe son to whom payment was made! and the pu pose of the e"penditu e) 4c5 any unpaid obligation! its natu e and amount! and to whom said obligation is owing) and 4d5 such othe pa ticula s which the Commission may e7ui e. 2f the candidate o t easu e of the pa ty has eceived no cont ibution! made no e"penditu e! o has no pending obligation! the statement shall eflect such fact. Section 11%. P ese vation and inspection of statements. - All statements of cont ibutions and e"penditu es shall be kept and p ese ved at the office whe e they a e filed and shall constitute pa t of the public eco ds the eof fo th ee yea s afte the election to which they pe tain. They shall not be emoved the ef om e"cept upon o de of the Commission o of a competent cou t and shall! du ing egula office hou s! be sub9ect and open to inspection by the public. The office in-cha ge the eof! shall! on demand! fu nish ce tified copies of any statement upon payment of the fee p esc ibed unde 3ection *@( he eof.

2t shall be the duty of the Commission to e"amine all statements of cont ibutions and e"penditu es of candidates and political pa ties to dete mine compliance with the p ovisions of this A ticle. Section 111. Effect of failu e to file statement. - 2n addition to othe sanctions p ovided in this Code! no pe son elected to any public office shall ente upon the duties of his office until he has filed the statement of cont ibutions and e"penditu es he ein e7ui ed. The same p ohibition shall apply if the political pa ty which nominated the winning candidate fails to file the statements e7ui ed he ein within the pe iod p esc ibed by this Code. Section 112. =epo t of cont acto and business fi ms. - Eve y pe son o fi m to whom any electo al e"penditu e is made shall! within thi ty days afte the day of the election! file with the Commission a epo t setting fo th the full names and e"act add esses of the candidates! t easu e s of political pa ties! and othe pe sons incu ing such e"penditu es! the natu e o pu pose of each e"penditu e! the date and costs the eof! and such othe pa ticula s as the Commission may e7ui e. The epo t shall be signed and swo n to by the supplie o cont acto ! o in case of a business fi m o association! by its p esident o gene al manage . 2t shall be the duty of such pe son o fi m to whom an electo al e"penditu e is made to e7ui e eve y agent of a candidate o of the t easu e of a political pa ty to p esent w itten autho ity to incu electo al e"penditu es in behalf of such candidate o t easu e ! and to keep and p ese ve at its place of business! sub9ect to inspection by the Commission o its autho i6ed ep esentatives! copies of such w itten autho ity! cont acts! vouche s! invoices and othe eco ds and documents elative to said e"penditu es fo a pe iod of th ee yea s afte the date of the election to which they pe tain. 2t shall be unlawful fo any supplie ! cont acto o business fi m to ente into cont act involving election e"penditu es with

ep esentatives of candidates o political pa ties without such w itten autho ity. ARTICLE (II REGISTRATION OF VOTERS Section 113. Pe manent -ist of &ote s. - Any p ovision of P esidential <ec ee >o. %?'C to the cont a y notwithstanding! the list of vote s p epa ed and used in the election of +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa on +ay %.! %'?.! with such additions! cancellations and co ections as may he eafte be made in acco dance with the p ovisions of this Code! shall constitute the pe manent list of vote s in each city o municipality! as the case may be! until %''C. :o pu poses of the ne"t following election! the Commission! th ough the election egist a s! shall assign the p ope p ecincts and polling places to the egiste ed vote s in said list. 8 itten notice of any such change shall be made to the affected vote s within two weeks the ef om. Section 11 . =enewal of the Pe manent -ist. - The list of vote s p epa ed in acco dance with the p eceding section shall be enewed in nineteen hund ed and ninety-si" and eve y twelve yea s the eafte . Section 11!. >ecessity of =egist ation. - 2n o de that a 7ualified electo may vote in any election! plebiscite o efe endum! he must be egiste ed in the pe manent list of vote s fo the city o municipality in which he esides. Section 11". 8ho may be egiste ed in the list. - All pe sons having complied with the e7uisites he ein p esc ibed fo the egist ation of vote s shall be egiste ed in the list! p ovided they possess all the 7ualifications and none of the dis7ualifications of a vote . Those who failed to egiste in the election of %'?.! fo any eason whatsoeve ! may egiste in acco dance with the p ovisions of this Code. Any pe son who may not have on the date of egist ation the age o pe iod of esidence e7ui ed may also be egiste ed upon p oof that

on the date of the election! plebiscite o such 7ualifications.

efe endum he shall have

Section 11#. Dualifications of a vote . - Eve y citi6en of the Philippines! not othe wise dis7ualified by law! eighteen yea s of age o ove ! who shall have esided in the Philippines fo one yea and in the city o municipality whe ein he p oposes to vote fo at least si" months immediately p eceding the election! may be egiste ed as a vote . Any pe son who t ansfe s esidence to anothe city! municipality o count y solely by eason of his occupation) p ofession) employment in p ivate o public se vice) educational activities) wo k in milita y o naval ese vations) se vice in the a my! navy o ai fo ce) the constabula y o national police fo ce) o confinement o detention in gove nment institutions in acco dance with law! shall be deemed not to have lost his o iginal esidence. Section 118. <is7ualifications. - The following shall be dis7ualified f om voting$ 4a5 Any pe son who has been sentenced by final 9udgment to suffe imp isonment fo not less than one yea ! such disability not having been emoved by plena y pa don o g anted amnesty$ P ovided! howeve ! That any pe son dis7ualified to vote unde this pa ag aph shall automatically eac7ui e the ight to vote upon e"pi ation of five yea s afte se vice of sentence. 4b5 Any pe son who has been ad9udged by final 9udgment by competent cou t o t ibunal of having committed any c ime involving disloyalty to the duly constituted gove nment such as ebellion! sedition! violation of the anti-subve sion and fi ea ms laws! o any c ime against national secu ity! unless esto ed to his full civil and political ights in acco dance with law$ P ovided! That he shall egain his ight to vote automatically upon e"pi ation of five yea s afte se vice of sentence.

4c5 2nsane o incompetent pe sons as decla ed by competent autho ity. Section 11$. P epa ation of the pe manent list of vote s. - :o the p epa ation of the pe manent list of vote s in nineteen hund ed and ninety-si" and eve y twelve yea s the eafte ! the boa d of election inspecto s efe ed to in A ticle H2& he eof of each election p ecinct shall hold fou meetings on the seventh 3atu day! seventh 3unday! si"th 3atu day and si"th 3unday p eceding the date of the egula election to be held. At these meetings the boa d shall p epa e eight copies of the list of vote s of the p ecinct whe ein it shall egiste the electo s applying fo egist ation. Section 12%. P epa ation of the list befo e othe egula elections. - :o the p epa ation of the list befo e othe egula elections! the boa d of election inspecto s of each election p ecinct shall meet in the polling place on the seventh and si"th 3atu days befo e the day of the election. At these meetings! the boa d shall p epa e and ce tify eight copies of the list of vote s of the co esponding p ecinct t ansfe ing the eto the names of the vote s appea ing in the list used in the p eceding election and including the ein such new 7ualified vote s as may apply fo egist ation! as p ovided in 3ection %*C he eof. Section 121. P epa ation of the list befo e any special election! plebiscite o efe endum. - :o the p epa ation of the list of vote s befo e a special election! plebiscite o efe endum! the boa d of elections inspecto s of each election p ecinct shall hold a meeting in the polling place on the second 3atu day following the day of the p oclamation calling such election. At this meeting the boa d shall t ansfe the names of the vote s appea ing in the list used in the p eceding election and ente those of the newly egiste ed vote s. Section 122. T ansfe of names of vote s f om the pe manent list to the cu ent one. - The t ansfe of the names of the vote s of the p ecinct al eady egiste ed in the list used in the p eceding election to the list to be made as p ovided fo in the two p eceding sections is a

ministe ial duty of the boa d! and any omission o e o in copying shall be co ected motu p op io! o upon petition of the inte ested pa ty! without delay and in no case beyond th ee days f om the time such e o is noticed) and if the boa d should efuse! the inte ested pa ty may apply fo such co ection to the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t which shall decide the case without delay and in no case beyond th ee days f om the date the petition is filed. The decision of the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t shall be final and unappealable in whateve fo m o manne . To facilitate the t ansfe of names of vote s! the election egist a shall delive the book of vote s to the boa d of election inspecto s on the day befo e the egist ation of vote s! to be etu ned afte the last day of egist ation. Section 123. Cancellation and e"clusion in the t ansfe of names. - 2n t ansfe ing the names of the vote s of the p ecinct f om the list used in the p eceding election to the cu ent list! the boa d shall e"clude those who have applied fo the cancellation of thei egist ation! those who have died! those who did not vote in the immediately p eceding two successive egula elections! those who have been e"cluded by cou t o de s issued in acco dance with the p ovisions of this Code! and those who have been dis7ualified! upon motion of any membe of the boa d o of any electo o watche ! upon satisfacto y p oof to the boa d and upon summons to the vote in cases of dis7ualification. The motion shall be decided by the boa d without delay and in no case beyond th ee days f om its filing. 3hould the boa d deny the motion! o fail to act the eon within the pe iod he ein fi"ed! the inte ested pa ty may apply fo such e"clusion to the municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t which shall decide the petition without delay and in no case beyond th ee days f om the date the petition is filed. The decision of the cou t shall be final. The poll cle k shall keep a eco d of these e"clusions and shall fu nish th ee copies the eof to the election egist a who shall! in tu n keep one copy and send the two othe copies the eof to the p ovincial election supe viso

and the Commission! to be attached by them to the pe manent list unde thei custody. Section 12 . +eeting to close the list of vote s. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall also meet on the second 3atu day immediately p eceding the day of the egula election! o on the second day immediately p eceding the day of the special election! plebiscite o efe endum whethe it be 3unday o a legal holiday! fo the pu pose of making such inclusions! e"clusions! and co ections as may be o may have been o de ed by the cou ts! stating opposite eve y name so co ected! added! o cancelled! the date of the o de and the cou t which issued the same) and fo the consecutive numbe ing of the vote s of the election p ecinct. 3hould the boa d fail to include in the list of vote s any pe son o de ed by competent cou t to be so included! said pe son shall! upon p esentation of a ce tified copy of the o de of inclusion and upon p ope identification! be allowed by the boa d to vote. 3hould the boa d fail to e"clude f om the list of vote s any pe son o de ed by the cou t to be so e"cluded! the boa d shall not pe mit said pe son to vote upon p esentation to it by any inte ested pa ty of a ce tified copy of the o de of e"clusion. Section 12!. =e- egist ation. - A vote who is egiste ed in the pe manent list of vote s need not egiste anew fo subse7uent elections unless he t ansfe esidence to anothe city o municipality! o his egist ation has been cancelled on the g ound of dis7ualification and such dis7ualification has been lifted o emoved. -ikewise a vote whose egist ation has been cancelled due to failu e to vote in the p eceding egula election may egiste anew in the city o municipality whe e he is 7ualified to vote. Section 12". =egist ation of vote s. - On the seventh and si"th 3atu days befo e a egula election o on the second 3atu day following the day of the p oclamation calling fo a new special election! plebiscite o efe endum! any pe son desi ing to be

egiste ed as a vote shall accomplish in t iplicate befo e the boa d of election inspecto s a vote As affidavit in which shall be stated the following data$ 4a5 >ame! su name! middle name! mate nal su name) 4b5 <ate and place of bi th) 4c5 Citi6enship) 4d5 Pe iods of esidence in the Philippines and in the place of egist ation) 4e5 E"act add ess with the name of the st eet and house numbe o in case the e is none! a b ief desc iption of the locality and the place) 4f5 A statement that the applicant has not been p eviously egiste ed! othe wise he shall be e7ui ed to attach a swo n application fo cancellation of his p evious egist ation) and 4g5 3uch othe info mation o data which may be e7ui ed by the Commission. The vote As affidavit shall also contain th ee specimens of the applicantAs signatu e and clea and legible p ints of his left and ight hand thumbma ks and shall be swo n to and filed togethe with fou copies of the latest identification photog aph to be supplied by the applicant. The oath of the applicant shall include a statement that he does not have any of the dis7ualifications of a vote and that he has not been p eviously egiste ed in the p ecinct o in any othe p ecinct. ,efo e the applicant accomplishes his vote As affidavit! the boa d of election inspecto s shall app aise the applicant of the 7ualifications and dis7ualifications p esc ibed by law fo a vote . 2t shall also see to it that the accomplished vote As affidavit contain all the data the ein e7ui ed and that the applicantAs specimen signatu es! the p ints of

his left and ight hand thumbma ks and his photog aph a e p ope ly affi"ed in each of the vote As affidavit. Section 12#. 2llite ate o disabled applicants. - The vote As affidavit of an illite ate o physically disabled pe son may be p epa ed by any elative within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity of affinity o by any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s who shall p epa e the affidavit in acco dance with the data supplied by the applicant. Section 128. &ote As identification. - The identification ca d issued to the vote shall se ve and be conside ed as a document fo the identification of each egiste ed vote $ P ovided! howeve ! That if the vote As identity is challenged on election day and he cannot p esent his vote identification ca d! his identity may be established by the specimen signatu es! the photog aph o the finge p ints in his vote As affidavit in the book of vote s. >o e"t a o duplicate copy of the vote identification ca d shall be p epa ed and issued e"cept upon autho ity of the Commission. Each identification ca d shall bea the name and the add ess of the vote ! his date of bi th! se"! civil status! occupation! his photog aph! thumbma k! the city o municipality and numbe of the polling place whe e he is egiste ed! his signatu e! his vote se ial numbe and the signatu e of the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s. Any vote p eviously egiste ed unde the p ovisions of P esidential <ec ee >umbe ed %?'C who desi es to secu e a vote identification ca d shall! on any egist ation day! p ovide fou copies of his latest identification photog aph to the boa d of election inspecto s which upon eceipt the eof shall affi" one copy the eof to the vote As affidavit in the book of vote s! one copy to the vote identification ca d to be issued to the vote and t ansmit th ough the election egist a ! one copy each to the p ovincial election supe viso and the Commission to be espectively attached to the vote As affidavit in thei espective custody.

Section 12$. Action by the boa d of election inspecto s. - #pon eceipt of the vote As affidavit! the boa d of election inspecto s shall e"amine the data the ein. 2f it finds that the applicant possesses all the 7ualifications and none of the dis7ualifications of a vote ! he shall be egiste ed. Othe wise! he shall not be egiste ed. The name and add ess of each egiste ed vote shall! immediately upon his egist ation! be ente ed in the p ope alphabetical g oup in the list afte which the vote identification ca d shall be issued to the vote . Section 13%. P ovincial cent al file of egiste ed vote s. - The e shall be a p ovincial cent al file of egiste ed vote s containing the duplicate copies of all app oved vote As affidavits in each city and municipality in the p ovince which shall be unde the custody and supe vision of the p ovincial election supe viso . The applications shall be compiled alphabetically by p ecincts so as to make the file an e"act eplica of the book of vote s in the possession of the election egist a . 3hould the book of vote s in the custody of the election egist a be lost o dest oyed at a time so close to the election day that the e is no time to econstitute the same! the co esponding book of vote s in the p ovincial file shall be used du ing the voting. Section 131. >ational cent al file of egiste ed vote s. - The e shall also be a national cent al file o egiste ed vote s consisting of the t iplicate copies of all app oved vote sA affidavits in all cities and municipalities which shall be p epa ed and kept in the cent al office of the Commission. The applications in the national cent al file shall be compiled alphabetically acco ding to the su names of the egiste ed vote s ega dless of the place of egist ation. Section 132. P ese vation of vote As affidavits. - A copy of the affidavit of each vote shall be kept by the boa d of election inspecto s until afte the election when it shall delive the same to the election egist a togethe with the copies of the list of vote s and

othe election pape s fo use in the ne"t election. The election egist a shall compile the vote As affidavits by p ecinct alphabetically in a book of vote s. The othe two copies shall be sent by the boa d of election inspecto s on the day following the date of the affidavit to the office of the p ovincial election supe viso and the Commission in +anila. The p ovincial election supe viso and the Commission shall espectively file and p ese ve the vote As affidavits by city and municipality and in alphabetical o de of thei su names. The fou th copy shall be given to the vote as evidence of his egist ation. Section 133. Columns in the list of vote s. - The list of vote s shall be a anged in columns as follows$ 2n the fi st column the e shall be ente ed! at the time of closing of the list befo e the election! a numbe opposite the name of each vote egiste ed! beginning with numbe one and continuing in consecutive o de until the end of the list. 2n the second column! the su names of the egiste ed vote s shall be w itten in alphabetical o de followed by thei espective fi st names! without abb eviations of any kind. 2n the thi d column! the espective esidences of such pe sons with the name of the st eet and numbe ! o ! in case the e be none! a b ief desc iption of the locality o place. 2n the fou th column! shall be ente ed the pe iods of esidence in the Philippines and in the city o municipality. 2n the fifth column! the e shall be ente ed on the day of the election the numbe s of the ballots which we e given successively to each vote . 2n the si"th column! the vote shall stamp on the day of the election the ma k of the thumb of his ight hand and unde said ma k his signatu e. And in the seventh column! the signatu e of the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s who has handed the ballot to the vote . 2t will be sufficient that the fifth! si"th! and seventh columns shall be filled in the copy of the list unde the custody of the boa d of election inspecto s which shall see to it that the thumbma k is stamped plainly. Section 13 . Ce tificate of the boa d of election inspecto s in the list of vote s. - #pon the ad9ou nment of each meeting fo the

egist ation of vote s! the boa d of election inspecto s shall close each alphabetical g oup of su names of vote s by w iting the dates on the ne"t line in blank! which shall be fo thwith signed by each membe ! and! befo e adding a new name on the same page at the ne"t meeting! it shall w ite the following$ "Added at the J J J meeting" specifying if it is the second thi d o fou th meeting of the boa d! as the case may be. 2f the meeting ad9ou ned is the last one fo the egist ation of vote s! the boa d shall! besides closing each alphabetical g oup of vote s as above p ovided! add at the end of the list a ce tificate 4a5 of the co ections and cancellations made in the pe manent list! specifying them! o that the e has been none! and 4b5 of the total numbe of vote s egiste ed in the p ecinct. Section 13!. Publication of the list. - At the fi st hou of the wo king day following the last day of egist ation of vote s! the poll cle k shall delive to the election egist a a copy of the list ce tified to by the boa d of election inspecto s as p ovided in the p eceding section) anothe copy! also ce tified! shall be sent to the p ovincial election supe viso of the p ovince! and anothe ! likewise ce tified! shall be sent to the Commission! in whose offices said copies shall be open to public inspection du ing egula office hou s. On the same day and hou ! the poll cle k shall also post a copy of the list in the polling place in a secu e place on the doo o nea the same at a height of a mete and a half! whe e it may be conveniently consulted by the inte ested pa ties. The chai man! poll cle k and the two membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s shall each keep a copy of the list which may be inspected by the public in thei esidence o office du ing egula office hou s. 2mmediately afte the meeting fo the closing of the list! the poll cle k shall also send a notice to the election egist a ! p ovincial election supe viso and the Commission ega ding the changes and the numbe ing above efe ed to! to be attached to the copy of the list unde thei custody. Section 13". Challenge of ight to egiste . - Any pe son applying fo egist ation may be challenged befo e the boa d of election inspecto s

on any egist ation day be any membe ! vote ! candidate! o watche . The boa d shall then e"amine the challenged pe son and shall eceive such othe evidence as it may deem pe tinent! afte which it shall decide whethe the electo shall be included in o e"cluded f om the list as may be p ope . All challenges shall be hea d and decided without delay! and in no case beyond th ee days f om the date the challenge was made. Afte the 7uestion has been decided! the boa d of election inspecto s shall give to each pa ty a b ief ce tified statement setting fo th the challenge and the decision the eon. Section 13#. Powe of the boa d of election inspecto s to administe oaths and issue summons. - :o the pu pose of dete mining the ight of applicants to be egiste ed as vote s in the list! the boa d of election inspecto s shall have the same powe to administe oaths! to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum and to compel witnesses to appea and testify! but the latte As fees and e"penses incident to the p ocess shall be paid in advance by the pa ty in whose behalf the summons is issued. Section 138. Bu isdiction in inclusion and e"clusion cases. - The municipal and met opolitan t ial cou ts shall have o iginal and e"clusive 9u isdiction ove all matte s of inclusion and e"clusion of vote s f om the list in thei espective municipalities o cities. <ecisions of the municipal o met opolitan t ial cou ts may be appealed di ectly by the agg ieved pa ty to the p ope egional t ial cou t within five days f om eceipt of notice the eof! othe wise said decision of the municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t shall become final and e"ecuto y afte said pe iod. The egional t ial cou t shall decide the appeal within ten days f om the time the appeal was eceived and its decision shall be immediately final and e"ecuto y. >o motion fo econside ation shall be ente tained by the cou ts. Section 13$. Petition fo inclusion of vote s in the list. - Any pe son whose application fo egist ation has been disapp oved by the boa d

of election inspecto s o whose name has been st icken out f om the list may apply! within twenty days afte the last egist ation day! to the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t! fo an o de di ecting the boa d of election inspecto s to include o einstate his name in the list! togethe with the ce tificate of the boa d of election inspecto s ega ding his case and p oof of se vice of notice of his petition upon a membe of the boa d of election inspecto s with indication of the time! place! and cou t befo e which the petition is to be hea d. Section 1 %. &ote s e"cluded th ough inadve tence o egiste ed with an e oneous o misspelled name. - Any vote egiste ed in the pe manent list who has not been included in the list p epa ed fo the election o who has been included the ein with a w ong o misspelled name shall have the ight to file an application on any date with the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t! fo an o de di ecting that his name be einstated in the list o that he be egiste ed with his co ect name. 1e shall attach to such application a ce tified copy of the ent y of his name in the list of the p eceding election! togethe with p oof that he has applied without success to the boa d of election inspecto s and that he has se ved notice the eof upon a membe of the boa d. Section 1 1. Change of name of egiste ed vote . - Any p eviously egiste ed vote whose name has been changed by eason of ma iage o by vi tue of a cou t o de may e7uest the boa d of election inspecto s du ing any of its meetings held unde this A ticle that his egist ation in the list be eco ded unde his o he new name. Section 1 2. Petition fo e"clusion of vote s f om the list. - Any egiste ed vote in a city o municipality may apply at any time e"cept du ing the pe iod beginning with the twenty-fi st day afte the last egist ation day of any election up to and including election day with the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t! fo the e"clusion of a vote f om the list! giving the name and esidence of the latte ! the p ecinct in which he is egiste ed! and the g ounds fo the challenge.

The petition shall be swo n to and accompanied by p oof of notice to the boa d of election inspecto s conce ned! if the same is duly constituted! and to the challenged vote s. Section 1 3. Common ules gove ning 9udicial p oceedings in the matte of inclusion! e"clusion! and co ection of names of vote s. 4a5 Outside of egula office hou s no petition fo inclusion! e"clusion! o co ection of names of vote s shall be eceived. 4b5 >otices to the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and to challenged vote s shall state the place! day and hou in which such petition shall be hea d! and such notice may be made by sending a copy the eof by egiste ed mail o by pe sonal delive y o by leaving it in the possession of a pe son of sufficient disc etion in the esidence of the said pe son o ! in the event that the fo egoing p ocedu e is not p acticable! by posting a copy in a conspicuous place in the city hall o municipal building and in two othe conspicuous places within the city o municipality! at least ten days p io to the day set fo the hea ing. 2n the inte est of 9ustice and to affo d the challenged vote eve y oppo tunity to contest the petition fo e"clusion! the cou t conce ned may! when the challenged vote fails to appea in the fi st day set fo the hea ing! o de that notice be effected in such manne and within such pe iod of time as it may decide! which time shall in no case be mo e than ten days f om the day the espondent is fi st found in default. 4c5 Each petition shall efe to only one p ecinct. 4d5 >o costs shall be assessed in these p oceedings. 1oweve ! if the cou t should be satisfied that the application has been filed fo the sole pu pose of molesting the adve se pa ty and causing him to incu e"penses! it may condemn the culpable pa ty to pay the costs and incidental e"penses. 4e5 Any candidate who may be affected by the p oceedings may inte vene and p esent his evidence.

4f5 The decision shall be based on the evidence p esented. 2f the 7uestion is whethe o not the vote is eal o fictitious! his nonappea ance on the day set fo hea ing shall be p ima facie evidence that the egiste ed vote is fictitious. 2n no case shall a decision be ende ed upon a stipulation of facts. 4g5 These applications shall be hea d and decided without delay. The decision shall be ende ed within si" hou s afte the hea ing and within ten days f om the date of its filing in cou t. Cases appealed to the egional t ial cou t shall be decided within ten days f om eceipt of the appeal in the office of the cle k of cou t. 2n any case! the cou t shall decide these petitions not late than the day befo e the election and the decision ende ed the eon shall be immediately final and e"ecuto y! notwithstanding the p ovisions of 3ection %0? on the finality of decisions. Section 1 . Canvass to check egist ation. - The election egist a shall! once eve y two yea s o mo e often should the Commission deem it necessa y in o de to p ese ve the integ ity of the pe manent lists of vote s! conduct ve ification by mail o house-to-house canvass! o both! of the egiste ed vote s of any ba angay fo pu poses of e"clusion p oceedings. Section 1 !. Annulment of pe manent lists of vote s. - Any book of vote s not p epa ed in acco dance with the p ovisions of this Code o the p epa ation of which has been effected with f aud! b ibe y! fo ge y! impe sonation! intimidation! fo ce! o any othe simila i egula ity o which list is statistically imp obable may! upon ve ified petition of any vote o election egist a ! o duly egiste ed political pa ty! and afte notice and hea ing! be annulled by the Commission$ P ovided! That no o de ! uling o decision annulling a book of vote s shall be e"ecuted within si"ty days befo e an election. Section 1 ". =econstitution of lost o dest oyed egist ation eco ds. - The Commission shall econstitute all egist ation eco ds which have been lost o dest oyed. :o this pu pose! it shall be the duty of

the election egist a to immediately epo t to the Commission any case of loss o dest uction of app oved applications fo egist ation in thei custody. 3uch econstitution shall be made with the use of the co esponding copies in the national o p ovincial cent al files of egiste ed vote s$ P ovided! That if this is not feasible! the egiste ed vote conce ned may be summoned by the election egist a to effect such econstitution by accomplishing a new application. =econstituted fo ms shall be clea ly ma ked with the wo d " econstituted". The econstitution of any lost o dest oyed application fo egist ation shall not affect the c iminal liability of any pe son o pe sons who may be esponsible fo such loss o dest uction. Section 1 #. E"amination of egist ation eco ds. - All egist ation eco ds in the possession of the city o municipal election egist a ! the p ovincial election supe viso ! and the Commission shall! du ing egula office hou s! be open to e"amination by the public with legitimate in7ui ies fo pu poses of election. -aw enfo cement agencies shall! upon p io autho i6ation by the Commission! have access to said egist ation eco ds should the same be necessa y to! o in aid of! thei investigative functions and duties! sub9ect to egulations p omulgated by the Commission. Section 1 8. -ist of vote s. - :ifteen days befo e the date of the egula election o special election! efe endum o plebiscite! the boa d of election inspecto s must post the final list of vote s in each p ecinct with each and eve y page the eof duly signed o subsc ibed and swo n to by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and that failu e to comply with this p ovision will constitute an election offense. Any candidate o autho i6ed ep esentative of an acc edited political pa ty! upon fo mal e7uest made to an election egist a ! shall be entitled to a ce tified copy of the most ecent list of vote s in any p ecinct! municipality! city o p ovince! upon payment of a easonable fee as may be p esc ibed by the Commission.

ARTICLE (III PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES Section 1 $. P ecincts and thei establishment. - The unit of te ito y fo the pu pose of voting is the election p ecinct! and eve y ba angay as of the app oval of this Act shall have at least one such p ecinct. The Commission shall establish all election p ecincts. The p ecincts actually established in the p eceding egula election shall be maintained! but the Commission may int oduce such ad9ustments! changes o new divisions o abolish them! if necessa y$ P ovided! howeve ! That the te ito y comp ising an election p ecinct shall not be alte ed o a new p ecinct established within fo ty-five days befo e a egula election and thi ty days befo e a special election o a efe endum o plebiscite. Section 1!%. A angements of election p ecincts. 4a5 Each election p ecinct shall have! as fa as possible not mo e than th ee hund ed vote s and shall comp ise! as fa as p acticable! contiguous and compact te ito y. 4b5 8hen it appea s that an election p ecinct contains mo e than th ee hund ed vote s! the Commission shall! in the inte est of o de ly election! and in o de to facilitate the casting of votes! be autho i6ed to divide a p ecinct not late than one week afte the last day of egist ation of vote s. ,ut the polling place of all the p ecincts c eated the eby shall be located in the same building o compound whe e the polling place of the o iginal p ecinct is located! and if this be not feasible! in a place as close as possible to the polling place of the o iginal p ecinct$ P ovided! howeve ! That the polling place of the new p ecinct may be located elsewhe e upon w itten petition of the ma9o ity of the vote s of the new p ecinct$ P ovided! fu the ! That when a p ecinct is divided into two o mo e p ecincts! the egiste ed vote s shall be included in the p ecinct whe ein they eside. Eve y case of

alte ation of a p ecinct shall be duly published by posting a notice of any change in conspicuous location in the p ecinct! and in the municipal building o city hall! as the case may be. 4c5 A municipality which has been me ged with anothe municipality shall constitute at least one election p ecinct! if the distance between the emotest ba angay of the me ged municipality and the nea est polling place in the municipality to which it has been me ged shall! by the sho test oad! e"ceed five kilomete s. 4d5 An island o g oup of islands having one hund ed and fifty o mo e vote s shall constitute a p ecinct. 4e5 Any alte ation of the election p ecincts o the establishment of new ones shall be communicated to the p ovincial election supe viso ! the p ovincial supe intendent of schools! etc. togethe with the co esponding maps! which shall be published as p esc ibed in the ne"t succeeding sections. Section 1!1. Publication of maps o p ecincts. - At least five days befo e the fi st egist ation day p eceding a egula election o special election o a efe endum o a plebiscite! the Commission shall! th ough its duly autho i6ed ep esentative! post in the city hall o municipal building and in th ee othe conspicuous places in the city o municipality and on the doo of each polling place! a map of the city o municipality showing its division into p ecincts with thei espective bounda ies and indicating the ein all st eets and alleys in populous a eas and the location of each polling place. These maps shall be kept posted until afte the election! efe endum o plebiscite. Section 1!2. Polling place. - A polling place is the building o place whe e the boa d of election inspecto s conducts its p oceedings and whe e the vote s shall cast thei votes. Section 1!3. <esignation of polling places. - The location of polling places designated in the p eceding egula election shall continue with

such changes as the Commission may find necessa y! afte notice to egiste ed political pa ties and candidates in the political unit affected! if any! and hea ing$ P ovided! That no location shall be changed within fo ty-five days befo e a egula election and thi ty days befo e a special election o a efe endum o plebiscite! e"cept in case it is dest oyed o it cannot be used. Section 1! . =e7ui ements fo polling places. - Each polling place shall be! as fa as p acticable! a g ound floo and shall be of sufficient si6e to admit and comfo tably accommodate fo ty vote s at one time outside the gua d ail fo the boa d of election inspecto s. The polling place shall be located within the te ito y of the p ecinct as cent ally as possible with espect to the esidence of the vote s the ein and wheneve possible! such location shall be along a public oad. >o designation of polling places shall be changed e"cept upon w itten petition of the ma9o ity of the vote s of the p ecinct o ag eement of all the political pa ties o by esolution of the Commission upon p io notice and hea ing. A public building having the e7ui ements p esc ibed in the p eceding pa ag aph shall be p efe ed as polling place. Section 1!!. ,uilding that shall not be used as polling places. - >o polling place shall be located in a public o p ivate building owned! leased! o occupied by any candidate o of any pe son who is elated to any candidate within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity! o any office of the gove nment o leade of any political pa ty! g oup o faction! no in any building o su ounding p emises unde the actual cont ol of a p ivate entity! political pa ty o eligious o gani6ation. 2n places whe e no suitable public building is available! p ivate school buildings may be used as polling places. >o polling place shall be located within the pe imete of o inside a milita y o police camp o ese vation o within a p ison compound. Any egiste ed vote ! candidate o political pa ty may petition the Commission not late than thi ty days befo e the fi st egist ation day

fo the t ansfe of the polling place f om the p ohibited buildings p ovided he ein. 3uch petition shall be hea d and decided by the Commission within twenty days f om the filing of the petition. :ailu e to effect the t ansfe of the polling place afte the Commission found it to be located in violation of this section within the pe iod p esc ibed he ein shall be a g ound fo the postponement of the election in the polling place conce ned. Section 1!". 3igns and flags of polling places. - On the day of the voting as well as on any day that the boa d of election inspecto s might meet! eve y polling place shall have in f ont a sign showing the numbe of the p ecinct to which it belongs and the Philippine flag shall be hoisted at the p ope height. Section 1!#. A angement and contents of polling places. - Each polling place shall confo m as much as possible to the sketch on the following page. Section 1!8. &oting booth. - <u ing the voting! the e shall be in each polling place a booth fo eve y twenty vote s egiste ed in the p ecinct. Each booth shall be open on the side f onting the table fo the boa d of election inspecto s and its th ee sides shall be closed with walls at least seventy centimete s wide and two mete s high. The uppe pa t shall be cove ed! if necessa y! to p ese ve the sec ecy of the ballot. Each booth shall have in the backg ound a shelf so placed that vote s can w ite the ein while standing and shall be kept clea ly lighted! by a tificial lights! if necessa y! du ing the voting. The Commission shall post inside each voting booth and elsewhe e in the polling place on the day befo e the election! efe endum and plebiscite a list containing the names of all the candidates o the issues o 7uestions to be voted fo ! and shall at all times du ing the voting pe iod keep such list posted in said places. Section 1!$. ;ua d ails. 4a5 2n eve y polling place the e shall be a gua d ail between the voting booths and the table fo the boa d of election inspecto s

which shall have sepa ate ent ance and e"it. The booths shall be so a anged that they can be accessible only by passing th ough the gua d ail and by ente ing th ough its open side facing the table of the boa d of election inspecto s. 4b5 The e shall also be a gua d ail fo the watche s between the place ese ved fo them and the table fo the boa d of election inspecto s and at a distance of not mo e than fifty centimete s f om the latte so that the watche s may see and ead clea ly du ing the counting of the contents of the ballots and see and count the votes eco ded by the boa d of election inspecto s membe on the co esponding tally sheets. 4c5 The table of fo thei them o voting. e shall also be! if possible! gua d ails sepa ating the the boa d of election inspecto s f om the vote s waiting tu n to cast thei votes! with ent ance and e"it to give de ly access to the table and the booths du ing the

4d5 The polling place shall be so a anged that the booths! the table! the ballot bo"es and the whole polling place! e"cept what is being w itten within the booths! shall be in plain view of the boa d of election inspecto s! the watche s and othe pe sons who may be within the polling place. Section 1"%. ,allot bo"es. 4a5 The e shall be in each polling place on the day of the voting a ballot bo" one side of which shall be t anspa ent which shall be set in a manne visible to the voting public containing two compa tments! namely! the compa tment fo valid ballots which is indicated by an inte io cove painted white and the compa tment fo spoiled ballots which is indicated by an inte io cove painted ed. The bo"es shall be unifo m th oughout the Philippines and shall be solidly const ucted and shall be closed with th ee diffe ent locks as well as th ee numbe ed secu ity locks and such othe safety devices as the Commission may

p esc ibe in such a way that they can not be opened e"cept by means of th ee distinct keys and by dest oying such safety devices. 4b5 2n case of the dest uction o disappea ance of any ballot bo" on election day! the boa d of election inspecto s shall immediately epo t it to the city o municipal t easu e who shall fu nish anothe bo" o eceptacle as e7ually ade7uate as possible. The election egist a shall epo t the incident and the delive y of a new ballot bo" by the fastest means of communication on the same day to the Commission and to the p ovincial election supe viso . Section 1"1. Tally boa ds. - At the beginning of the counting! the e shall be placed within the plain view of the boa d of election inspecto s! watche s and the public! a tally boa d whe e the names of all the egiste ed candidates o the issues o 7uestions to be voted upon shall be w itten! and the poll cle k shall eco d the eon the votes eceived by each of them as the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s eads the ballot. Section 1"2. :u nishing of ballot bo"es! fo ms! statione ies and mate ials fo election. - The Commission shall p epa e and fu nish the ballot bo"es! fo ms! statione ies and mate ials necessa y fo the egist ation of vote s and the holding of the election. The p ovincial! city and municipal t easu e shall have custody of such election pa aphe nalia! supplies and mate ials as a e ent usted to him unde the law o ules of the Commission and shall be esponsible fo thei p ese vation and sto age! and fo any loss! dest uction! impai ment o damage of any election e7uipment! mate ial o document in thei possession fu nished unde this Code. Section 1"3. 2nspection of polling places. - ,efo e the day of the election! efe endum o plebiscite! the Chai man of the Commission shall! th ough its autho i6ed ep esentatives! see to it that all polling places a e inspected and such omissions and defects as may be found

co ected. The Commission shall keep the inspections.

epo ts on these

ARTICLE (IV BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS Section 1" . Composition and appointment of boa d of election inspecto s. - At least thi ty days befo e the date when the vote s list is to be p epa e in acco dance with this Code! in the case of a egula election o fifteen days befo e a special election! the Commission shall! di ectly o th ough its duly autho i6ed ep esentatives! constitute a boa d of election inspecto s fo each p ecinct to be composed of a chai man and a poll cle k who must be public school teache s! p io ity to be given to civil se vice eligibles! and two membe s! each ep esenting the two acc edited political pa ties. The appointment shall state the p ecinct to which they a e assigned and the date of the appointment. Section 1"!. Oath of the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. - The membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! whethe pe manent! substitute o tempo a y! shall befo e assuming thei office! take and sign an oath upon fo ms p epa ed by the Commission! befo e an office autho i6ed to administe oaths o ! in his absence! befo e any othe membe of the boa d of election inspecto s p esent! o in case no one is p esent! they shall take it befo e any vote . The oaths shall be sent immediately to the city o municipal t easu e . Section 1"". Dualification of membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. - >o pe son shall be appointed chai man! membe o substitute membe of the boa d of election inspecto s unless he is of good mo al cha acte and i ep oachable eputation! a egiste ed vote of the city o municipality! has neve been convicted of any election offense o of any othe c ime punishable by mo e than si" months of imp isonment! o if he has pending against him an

info mation fo any election offense. 1e must be able to speak and w ite English o the local dialect. Section 1"#. <is7ualification. - >o pe son shall se ve as chai man o membe of the boa d of election inspecto s if he is elated within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity to any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s o to any candidate to be voted fo in the polling place o his spouse. Section 1"8. Powe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall have the following powe s and functions$ a. Conduct the voting and counting of votes in thei polling places) espective

b. Act as deputies of the Commission in the supe vision and cont ol of the election in the polling places whe ein they a e assigned! to assu e the holding of the same in a f ee! o de ly and honest manne ) and c. Pe fo m such othe functions p esc ibed by this Code o by the ules and egulations p omulgated by the Commission. Section 1"$. &oting p ivilege of membe s of boa d of election inspecto s. - +embe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and thei substitutes may vote in the polling place whe e they a e assigned on election day$ P ovided! That they a e egiste ed vote s within the p ovince! city o municipality whe e they a e assigned$ and P ovided! finally! That thei voting in the polling places whe e they a e not egiste ed vote s be noted in the minutes of the boa d of election inspecto s. Section 1#%. =elief and substitution of membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. - Public school teache s who a e membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s shall not be elieved no dis7ualified f om acting as such membe s! e"cept fo cause and afte due hea ing. Any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s! nominated by a political pa ty! as well as his substitute may at any time be elieved

f om office and substituted with anothe having the legal 7ualifications upon petition of the autho i6ed ep esentative of the pa ty upon whose nomination the appointment was made! and it shall be unlawful to p event said pe son f om! o distu b him in! the pe fo mance of the duties of the said office. A eco d of each case of substitution shall be made! setting fo th the ein the hou in which the eplaced membe has ceased in the office and the status of the wo k of the boa d of election inspecto s. 3aid eco d shall be signed by each membe of the boa d of election inspecto s including the incoming and outgoing office s. Section 1#1. &acancy in the boa d of election inspecto s. - Eve y vacancy in the boa d of election inspecto s shall be filled fo the emaining pe iod in the manne he einbefo e p esc ibed. Section 1#2. P oceedings of the boa d of election inspecto s. - The meetings of the boa d of election inspecto s shall be public and shall be held only in the polling place autho i6ed by the Commission. The boa d of election inspecto s shall have full autho ity to maintain o de within the polling place and its p emises! to keep access the eto open and unobst ucted! and to enfo ce obedience to its lawful o de s. 2f any pe son shall efuse to obey lawful o de s of the boa d of election inspecto s! o shall conduct himself in a diso de ly manne in its p esence o within its hea ing and the eby inte upt o distu b its p oceedings! the boa d of election inspecto s may issue an o de in w iting di ecting any peace office to take such pe son into custody until the ad9ou nment of the meeting! but such o de shall not be e"ecuted as to p event any pe son so taken into custody f om e"e cising his ight to vote. 3uch o de shall be e"ecuted by any peace office to whom it may be delive ed! but if none be p esent! by any othe pe son deputi6ed by the boa d of election inspecto s in w iting. Section 1#3. P ohibition of political activity. - >o membe of the boa d of election inspecto s shall engage in any pa tisan political

activity o take pa t in the election e"cept to discha ge his duties as such and to vote. Section 1# . :unctioning of the boa d of election inspecto s. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall act th ough its chai man! and shall decide without delay by ma9o ity vote all 7uestions which may a ise in the pe fo mance of its duties. Section 1#!. Tempo a y vacancies. - 2f! at the time of the meeting of the boa d of election inspecto s! any membe is absent! o the office is still vacant! the membe s p esent shall call upon the substitute o the absent membe s to pe fo m the duties of the latte ) and! in case such substitute cannot be found! the membe s p esent shall appoint any non-pa tisan egiste ed vote of the polling place to tempo a ily fill said vacancy until the absent membe appea s o the vacancy is filled. 2n case the e a e two o mo e membe s p esent! they shall act 9ointly$ P ovided! That if the absent membe is one who has been p oposed by an acc edited political pa ty! the ep esentative of said political pa ty o in his absence the watche s belonging to said pa ty shall designate a egiste ed vote of the polling place to tempo a ily fill said vacancy$ P ovided! fu the ! That in the event o efusal o failu e of eithe ep esentative o watche s of said political pa ty to make the designation! the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s p esent shall choose a non-pa tisan egiste ed vote of the polling place to fill the vacancy. Section 1#". Tempo a y designation of membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s by watche s. - 2f at the time the boa d of election inspecto s must meet! all the positions in the boa d of election inspecto s a e vacant! o if not one of the appointed membe s shall appea ! the watche s p esent may designate vote s of the polling place to act in the place of said membe s until the absentees shall appea o the vacancies a e filled. Section 1##. A est of absent membe s. - The membe o membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s p esent may o de the a est of

any othe membe o substitute the eof! who in thei 9udgment! has absented himself with intention of obst ucting the pe fo mance of duties of the boa d of election inspecto s. ARTICLE (V )ATCHERS Section 1#8. Official watche s of candidates. - Eve y egiste ed political pa ty! coalition of political pa ties and eve y independent candidate shall each be entitled to one watche in eve y polling place. >o pe son shall be appointed watche unless he is a 7ualified vote of the city o municipality! of good eputation and shall not have been convicted by final 9udgment of any election offense o of any othe c ime! must know how to ead and w ite Pilipino! English! 3panish o any of the p evailing local dialects! and not elated within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity to the chai man o any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s in the polling place whe e he seeks appointment as a watche . Each candidate! political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties shall designate in eve y p ovince! highly u bani6ed city o dist ict in the +et opolitan +anila a ea! a ep esentative autho i6ed to appoint watche s! fu nishing the p ovincial election supe viso o the city election egist a ! as the case may be! the names of such ep esentatives. The p ovincial election supe viso s shall fu nish the municipal election egist a s and election egist a s of component cities with the list of such ep esentatives. 2n the case of +et opolitan +anila! the designation of the pe sons autho i6ed to appoint watche s shall be filed with the Commission! which shall fu nish the list of such ep esentatives to the espective city and municipal election egist a s. Section 1#$. =ights and duties of watche s. - #pon ente ing the polling place! the watche s shall p esent and delive to the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s his appointment! and fo thwith! his name shall be eco ded in the minutes with a notation unde his

signatu e that he is not dis7ualified unde the second pa ag aph of 3ection %@?. The appointments of the watche s shall bea the pe sonal signatu e o the facsimile signatu e of the candidate o the duly autho i6ed ep esentatives of the political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties who appointed him o of o gani6ations autho i6ed by the Commission unde 3ection %?(. The watche s shall have the ight to stay in the space ese ved fo them inside the polling place. They shall have the ight to witness and info m themselves of the p oceedings of the boa d of election inspecto s! including its p oceedings du ing the egist ation of vote s! to take notes of what they may see o hea ! to take photog aphs of the p oceedings and incidents! if any! du ing the counting of votes! as well as of election etu ns! tally boa ds and ballot bo"es! to file a p otest against any i egula ity o violation of law which they believe may have been committed by the boa d of election inspecto s o by any of its membe s o by any pe sons! to obtain f om the boa d of election inspecto s a ce tificate as to the filing of such p otest andIo of the esolution the eon! to ead the ballots afte they shall have been ead by the chai man! as well as the election etu ns afte they shall have been completed and signed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s without touching them! but they shall not speak to any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s! o to any vote ! o among themselves! in such a manne as would dist act the p oceedings! and to be fu nished with a ce tificate of the numbe of votes in wo ds and figu es cast fo each candidate! duly signed and thumbma ked by the chai man and all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. =efusal of the chai man and the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s to sign and fu nish such ce tificate shall constitute an election offense and shall be penali6ed unde this Code. Section 18%. Othe watche s. - The duly acc edited citi6ens a m of the Commission shall be entitled to appoint a watche in eve y polling place. Othe civic! eligious! p ofessional! business! se vice! youth and any othe simila o gani6ations! with p io autho ity of the

Commission! shall be entitled collectively to appoint one watche in eve y polling place. ARTICLE (VI OFFICIAL BALLOTS AND ELECTION RETURNS Section 181. Official ballots. - ,allots fo national and local offices shall be of unifo m si6e and colo and shall be p ovided at public e"pense. They shall be p inted on pape with wate ma ks o othe ma ks that will eadily distinguish the ballot pape f om o dina y pape . Each ballot shall be in the shape of a st ip with stub and detachable coupon containing the se ial numbe of the ballot! and a space fo the thumbma k of the vote on the detachable coupon. 2t shall bea at the top on the middle po tion the eof the coat of a ms of the =epublic of the Philippines! the wo ds "Official ,allot"! the name of the city o the municipality and p ovince in which the election is held! the date of the election! and the following notice$ ":ill out this ballot sec etly inside the voting booth. <o not put any distinctive ma k on any pa t of this ballot." The ballot shall also contain the names of all the offices to be voted fo in the election! allowing opposite the name of each office! sufficient space o spaces with ho i6ontal lines whe e the vote may w ite the name o names of the individual candidates voted fo by him. The e shall not be anything on the eve se side of the ballot. ,allots in cities and municipalities whe e A abic is of gene al use shall have each of the titles of offices to be voted p inted in A abic in addition to and immediately below the English title. >otwithstanding the p eceding p ovisions of this section! the Commission is he eby empowe ed to p esc ibe a diffe ent fo m of ballot to facilitate voting by illite ate vote s and to use o adopt the latest technological and elect onic devices as autho i6ed unde pa ag aph 4i5 of 3ection /* he eof.

Section 182. Eme gency ballots. - >o ballots othe than the official ballots shall be used o counted! e"cept in the event of failu e to eceive the official ballots on time! o whe e the e a e no sufficient ballots fo all egiste ed vote s o whe e they a e dest oyed at such time as shall ende it impossible to p ovide othe official ballots! in which cases the city o municipal t easu e shall p ovide othe ballots which shall be as simila to the official ones as ci cumstances will pe mit and which shall be unifo m within each polling place. The t easu e shall immediately epo t such action to the Commission. The municipal t easu e shall not unde take the p epa ation of the eme gency ballots unless the political pa ties! candidates and the o gani6ations collectively autho i6ed by the Commission to designate watche s have been sufficiently notified to send thei ep esentatives and have ag eed in w iting to the p epa ation and use of eme gency ballots. Section 183. =e7uisition of official ballots and election etu ns. - Official ballots and election etu ns shall be p inted upon o de s of the Commission. =e7uisition of official ballots shall be fo each city and municipality! at the ate of one and one-fifth ballots fo eve y egiste ed vote in the ne"t p eceding election) and fo election etu ns! at one set the eof fo eve y polling place. Section 18 . P inting of official ballots and elections etu ns. - The official ballots and election etu ns shall be p inted by the ;ove nment P inting Office andIo the Cent al ,ank p inting facilities e"clusively! unde the e"clusive supe vision and cont ol of the Commission which shall dete mine and p ovide the necessa y secu ity measu es in the p inting! sto age and dist ibution the eof. Each ballot shall be 9oined by a pe fo ated line to a stub numbe ed consecutively! beginning with numbe "%" in each city and municipality. Each ballot shall also have at the bottom a detachable coupon bea ing the same numbe of the stub. Each pad of ballots shall bea on its cove the name of the city o municipality in which

the ballots a e to be used and the inclusive se ial numbe s of the ballots contained the ein. The official ballots shall be bound in sepa ate pads of fifty o one hund ed ballots each as may be e7ui ed. The election etu ns shall be p epa ed in sets of si" copies pe set and shall be numbe ed consecutively! beginning with numbe "%" in each city and municipality. Each set of the election etu ns shall be p inted in such a manne that will ensu e that the ent ies on the o iginal of the etu ns a e clea ly ep oduced on the othe copies the eof and shall bea the name of the city o municipality in which the etu ns a e to be used. :o this pu poses! the Commission shall ac7ui e! if necessa y! a special kind of ca bon pape o chemically t eated pape . Section 18!. 3ample official ballots. - The Commission shall p ovide the boa d of election inspecto s with sample official ballots at the ate of thi ty ballots pe polling place. The sample official ballots shall be p inted on colo ed pape ! in all espects like the official ballots but bea ing instead the wo ds "3ample Official ,allot"! to be shown to the public and used in demonst ating how to fill out and fold the official ballots p ope ly. >o name of any actual candidate shall be w itten on the spaces fo voting on the sample official ballots p ovided by the Commission! no shall they be used fo voting. Section 18". <ist ibution of official ballots and election etu ns. - The official ballots and the election etu ns shall be dist ibuted by the Commission to each city and municipality at the ate of one and one-fifth ballots fo eve y vote egiste ed in each polling place) and fo election etu ns! at the ate of one set each fo eve y polling place. The p ovincial! city o municipal t easu e shall espectively keep a eco d of the 7uantity and se ial numbe s of official ballots and election etu ns fu nished the va ious p ovinces! cities! municipalities and polling places! as the case may be! legible copies of which eco d shall be fu nished the duly autho i6ed p ovincial! city o municipal

ep esentatives of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition pa ty! and the Commission immediately afte the dist ibution is made of such official ballots and election etu ns. The Commission shall p esc ibe the use of official delive y eceipts to be signed by the election egist a and the chai man of the boa d of canvasse s upon eceipt of the election etu ns. >o official ballots o election etu ns shall be delive ed to the boa d of election inspecto s ea lie than the fi st hou of election day$ P ovided! howeve ! That the Commission! afte w itten notice to the egiste ed political pa ties and the candidates! may! fo 9ustifiable easons! autho i6e the delive y of said official ballots and election etu ns to the boa d of election inspecto s of any pa ticula polling place at an ea lie date. Section 18#. Committee on p inting! sto age! and dist ibution of official ballots and election etu ns. - The Commission shall appoint a committee of five membe s! two of whom shall be f om among its pe sonnel! the thi d to be designated by the Commission on Audit! and the last two to be designated by the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition pa ty to act as its ep esentatives in supe vising the p inting! sto age and dist ibution of official ballots and election etu ns. #pon the e7uest of any candidate! political pa ty o of civic! eligious! p ofessional! business! se vice! youth o any simila o gani6ations collectively designated by the Commission! the latte shall allow any pe son designated by any of the fo me as watche to obse ve the p oceedings of the committee on the p inting of official ballots and election etu ns! file ob9ections! if any! witness the p inting and dist ibution of the ballots and the etu ns and gua d the p emises of the p inte . Section 188. <uties of the committee on p inting of official ballots and election etu ns. - #nde such o de s o inst uctions as the Commission may issue! and in addition to gene al supe vision and

cont ol ove the p inting and shipment of official ballots and election etu ns! the committee on p inting of official ballots and election etu ns shall 4a5 take cha ge of the oom o ooms whe e the pape and pa aphe nalia used in the p inting of official ballots and election etu ns a e sto ed and whe e p inted official ballots and election etu ns a e packed and p epa ed fo shipment! 4b5 supe vise all aspects elating to the p inting! sto age and shipment of official ballots and election etu ns and epo t to the Commission any i egula ity which they believe may have been committed! and 4c5 pe fo m such othe elated functions as the Commission may di ect. Section 18$. =ep esentatives of the egiste ed political pa ties in the ve ification and dist ibution of official ballots and election etu ns. - The uling pa ty and the dominant opposition pa ty o thei espective duly autho i6ed ep esentatives in the diffe ent p ovinces! cities and municipalities! shall submit the names of thei espective watche s who! togethe with the ep esentatives of the Commission and the p ovincial! city and municipal t easu e shall ve ify the contents of the bo"es containing the shipment of official ballots! election etu ns and sample official ballots eceived by the said t easu e s. The p ovincial t easu e s shall keep a eco d of thei eceipt and dist ibution to each municipal t easu e ! while the city and municipal t easu e shall each keep a eco d of thei dist ibution to the boa d of election inspecto s. ARTICLE (VII CASTING OF VOTES Section 1$%. &oting hou s. - The casting of votes shall sta t at seven oAclock in the mo ning and shall end at th ee oAclock in the afte noon! e"cept when the e a e vote s p esent within thi ty mete s in f ont of the polling place who have not yet cast thei votes! in which case the voting shall continue but only to allow said vote s to cast thei votes without inte uption. The poll cle k shall! without delay! p epa e a complete list containing the names of said vote s consecutively numbe ed! and the vote s so listed shall be called to vote by

announcing each name epeatedly th ee times in the o de in which they a e listed. Any vote in the list who is not p esent when his name is called out shall not be pe mitted to vote. Section 1$1. P elimina ies to the voting. 4a5 The boa d of election inspecto s shall meet at the polling place at si"-thi ty oAclock in the mo ning of election day and shall have the book of vote s containing all the app oved applications of egist ation of vote s pe taining to the polling place! the ce tified list of vote s! the ce tified list of candidates! the ballot bo"! the official ballots! sufficient indelible pencils o ball pens fo the use of the vote s! the fo ms to be used! and all othe mate ials which may be necessa y. 4b5 2mmediately the eafte ! the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s shall open the ballot bo"! empty both of its compa tments! e"hibit them to all those p esent and being empty! lock its inte io cove s with th ee padlocks. 4c5 The chai man shall fo thwith show to the public and the watche s p esent the package of official ballots eceived f om the city! o municipal t easu e duly w apped and sealed and the numbe of pads! the se ial numbe s and the type fo ms of the ballots in each pad appea ing on the cove ! and the book of vote s duly sealed. The boa d of election inspecto s shall then b eak the seals of the package of official ballots and the book of vote s. The boa d of election inspecto s shall ente in the minutes the fact that the package of ballots! and the book of vote s we e shown to the public with thei w apping and co esponding seals intact andIo if they find that the w apping and seals a e b oken! such fact must be stated in the minutes as well as the numbe of pads and the se ial numbe s of ballots that they find in the package. ,allots with sepa ately p inted se ial numbe s shall be deemed spu ious and shall not be utili6ed by the boa d of election

inspecto s unless the Commission ep esentative shall o de thei use in w iting! stating the easons the efo . 4d5 The chai man and the two pa ty membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s shall etain in thei possession thei espective keys to the padlocks du ing the voting. 4e5 The bo" shall emain locked until the voting is finished and the counting begins. 1oweve ! if it should become necessa y to make oom fo mo e ballots! the boa d of election inspecto s may open the bo" in the p esence of the whole boa d of election inspecto s and the watche s! and the chai man shall p ess down with his hands the ballots contained the ein without emoving any of them! afte which the boa d of election inspecto s shall close the bo" and lock it with th ee padlocks as he einbefo e p ovided. Section 1$2. Pe sons allowed in and a ound the polling place. - <u ing the voting! no pe son shall be allowed inside the polling place! e"cept the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! the watche s! the ep esentatives of the Commission! the vote s casting thei votes! the vote s waiting fo thei tu n to get inside the booths whose numbe shall not e"ceed twice the numbe of booths and the vote s waiting fo thei tu n to cast thei votes whose numbe shall not e"ceed twenty at any one time. The watche s shall stay only in the space ese ved fo them! it being illegal fo them to ente places ese ved fo the vote s o fo the boa d of election inspecto s o to mingle and talk with the vote s within the polling place. 2t shall be unlawful fo any office o membe of the A med :o ces of the Philippines including the Philippine Constabula y o the 2nteg ated >ational Police o peace office o any a med pe son belonging to any e"t a-legal police agency! special fo ces! eaction fo ces! st ike fo ces! home defense units! ba angay tanod! o othe simila fo ces o pa amilita y fo ces! including special fo ces! secu ity gua ds! special policeman! and all othe kinds of a med o una med e"t a-legal police

office s! to ente any polling place! unless it is his polling place whe e he will vote but in such case he should immediately leave the polling place! no policeman o peace office shall be allowed to ente o stay inside the polling place e"cept when the e is an actual distu bance of the peace and o de the ein. 1oweve ! the boa d of election inspecto s upon ma9o ity vote! if it deems necessa y! may make a call in w iting! duly ente ed in the minutes! fo the detail of a policeman o any peace office fo thei p otection o fo the p otection of the election documents and pa aphe nalia! in which case! the said policeman o peace office shall stay outside the polling place within a adius of thi ty mete s nea enough to be easily called by the boa d of election inspecto s at any time! but neve at the doo ! and in no case shall the said policeman o peace office hold any conve sation with any vote o distu b o p event o in any manne obst uct the f ee access of the vote s to the polling place. 2t shall likewise be unlawful fo any ba angay official to ente and stay inside any polling place e"cept to vote o e"cept when se ving as a watche o membe of the boa d of election inspecto s! in which case! he shall leave the polling place immediately afte voting. Section 1$3. O de of voting. - The vote s shall vote in the o de of thei ent ance into the polling place. The vote s shall have the ight to f eely ente the polling place as soon as they a ive unless the e a e vote s waiting inside! in which case they shall fall in line in the o de of thei a ival and shall not c owd a ound the table of the boa d of election inspecto s. The vote s afte having cast thei votes shall immediately depa t. Section 1$ . +anne of obtaining ballots. - The vote shall app oach the chai man and shall give his name and add ess togethe with othe data conce ning his pe son. 2n case any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s doubts the identity of the vote ! the boa d of election inspecto s shall check his vote As identification ca d o ! if he does not have any! the boa d of election inspecto s shall efe to his photog aph and signatu e in the vote As application fo egist ation. 2f

the boa d of election inspecto s is satisfied with his identity! the chai man shall distinctly announce the vote As name in a tone loud enough to be plainly hea d th oughout the polling place. 2f such vote has not been challenged! o if having been challenged! the 7uestion has been decided in his favo ! the vote shall fo thwith affi" his signatu e in the p ope space in the voting eco d! and the chai man shall! afte fi st ente ing the numbe of the ballot in the co esponding space of the voting eco d! delive to the vote one ballot co ectly folded. >o pe son othe than the chai man shall delive official ballots no shall mo e than one ballot be delive ed at one time. Section 1$!. +anne of p epa ing the ballot. - The vote ! upon eceiving his folded ballot! shall fo thwith p oceed to one of the empty voting booths and shall the e fill his ballot by w iting in the p ope space fo each office the name of the individual candidate fo whom he desi es to vote. >o vote shall be allowed to ente a booth occupied by anothe ! no ente the same accompanied by somebody! e"cept as p ovided fo in the succeeding section he eof! no stay the ein fo a longe time than necessa y! no speak with anyone othe than as he ein p ovided while inside the polling place. 2t shall be unlawful to p epa e the ballot outside the voting booth! o to e"hibit its contents to any pe son! o to e ase any p inting f om the ballot! o to intentionally tea o deface the same o put the eon any distinguishing ma k. 2t shall likewise be unlawful to use ca bon pape ! pa affin pape ! o othe means fo making a copy of the contents of the ballot o make use of any othe means to identify the vote of the vote . Section 1$". P epa ation of ballots fo illite ate and disabled pe sons. - A vote who is illite ate o physically unable to p epa e the ballot by himself may be assisted in the p epa ation of his ballot by a elative! by affinity o consanguinity within the fou th civil deg ee o if he has none! by any pe son of his confidence who belong to the same household o any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s! e"cept

the two pa ty membe s$ P ovided! That no vote shall be allowed to vote as illite ate o physically disabled unless it is so indicated in his egist ation eco d$ P ovided! fu the ! That in no case shall an assisto assist mo e than th ee times e"cept the non-pa ty membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. The pe son thus chosen shall p epa e the ballot fo the illite ate o disabled vote inside the voting booth. The pe son assisting shall bind himself in a fo mal document unde oath to fill out the ballot st ictly in acco dance with the inst uctions of the vote and not to eveal the contents of the ballot p epa ed by him. &iolation of this p ovision shall constitute an election offense. Section 1$#. 3poiled ballots. - 2f a vote should accidentally spoil o deface a ballot in such a way that it cannot lawfully be used! he shall su ende if folded to the chai man who shall note in the co esponding space in the voting eco d that said ballot is spoiled. The vote shall then be entitled to anothe ballot which the chai man shall give him afte announcing the se ial numbe of the second ballot and eco ding said se ial numbe in the co esponding spaces in the voting eco d. 2f the second ballot is again spoiled o defaced in such a way that it cannot lawfully be used! the same shall be su ende ed to the chai man and eco ded in the same manne as the fi st spoiled o defaced ballot. 1oweve ! no vote shall change his ballot mo e than twice. The spoiled ballot shall! without being unfolded and without emoving the detachable coupon! be distinctly ma ked with the wo d "spoiled" and signed by the boa d of election inspecto s on the endo sement fold the eof and immediately placed in the compa tment fo spoiled ballots. Section 1$8. &oting. 4a5 Afte the vote has filled his ballot he shall fold it in the same manne as when he eceived it and etu n it to the chai man. 4b5 2n the p esence of all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! he shall affi" his thumbma k on the co esponding

space in the coupon! and delive chai man.

the folded ballot to the

4c5 The chai man! in the p esence and view of the vote and all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! without unfolding the ballot o seeing its contents! shall ve ify its numbe f om the voting eco d whe e it was p eviously ente ed. 4d5 The vote shall fo twith affi" his thumbma k by the side of his signatu e in the space intended fo that pu pose in the voting eco d and the chai man shall apply silve nit ate and commassie blue on the ight fo efinge nail o on any othe available finge nail! if the e be no fo efinge nail. 4e5 The chai man shall sign in the p ope thumbma k of the vote . space beside the

4f5 The chai man! afte finding eve ything to be in o de ! shall then detach the coupon in the p esence of the boa d of election inspecto s and of the vote and shall deposit the folded ballot in the compa tment fo valid ballots! and the detached coupon in the compa tment fo spoiled ballots. 4g5 The vote shall then depa t. Any ballot etu ned to the chai man whose detachable coupon has been emoved not in the p esence of the boa d of election inspecto s and of the vote ! o any ballot whose numbe does not coincide with the numbe of the ballot delive ed to the vote ! as ente ed in the voting eco d! shall be conside ed as spoiled and shall be so ma ked and signed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. Section 1$$. Challenge of illegal vote s. 4a5 Any vote ! o watche may challenge any pe son offe ing to vote fo not being egiste ed! fo using the name of anothe o suffe ing f om e"isting dis7ualification. 2n such case! the boa d of election inspecto s shall satisfy itself as to whethe o not the

g ound fo the challenge is t ue by e7ui ing p oof of egist ation o the identity of the vote ) and 4b5 >o vote shall be e7ui ed to p esent his vote As affidavit on election day unless his identity is challenged. 1is failu e o inability to p oduce his vote As affidavit upon being challenged! shall not p eclude him f om voting if his identity be shown f om the photog aph! finge p ints! o specimen signatu es in his app oved application in the book of vote s o if he is identified unde oath by a membe of the boa d of election inspecto s and such identification shall be eflected in the minutes of the boa d. Section 2%%. Challenge based on ce tain illegal acts. - Any vote o watche may challenge any vote offe ing to vote on the g ound that the challenged pe son has eceived o e"pects to eceive! has paid! offe ed o p omised to pay! has cont ibuted! offe ed o p omised to cont ibute money o anything of value as conside ation fo his vote o fo the vote of anothe ) that he has made o eceived a p omise to influence the giving o withholding of any such vote o that he has made a bet o is inte ested di ectly o indi ectly in a bet which depends upon the esult of the election. The challenged pe son shall take a p esc ibed oath befo e the boa d of election inspecto s that he has not committed any of the acts alleged in the challenge. #pon the taking of such oath! the challenge shall be dismissed and the challenged vote shall be allowed to vote! but in case of his efusal to take such oath! the challenge shall be sustained and he shall not be allowed to vote. Section 2%1. Admission of challenged vote immate ial in c iminal p oceedings. - The admission of the challenged vote unde the two p eceding sections shall not be conclusive upon any cou t as to the legality of the egist ation of the vote challenged o his vote in a c iminal action against such pe son fo illegal egist ation o voting. Section 2%2. =eco d of challenges and oaths. - The poll cle k shall keep a p esc ibed eco d of challenges and oaths taken in connection

the ewith and the esolution of the boa d of election inspecto s in each case and! upon the te mination of the voting! shall ce tify that it contains all the challenges made. The o iginal of this eco d shall be attached to the o iginal copy of the minutes of the voting as p ovided in the succeeding section. Section 2%3. +inutes of voting and counting of votes. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall p epa e and sign a statement in fou copies setting fo th the following$ %. The time the voting commenced and ended) *. The se ial numbe s of the official ballots and election etu ns! special envelopes and seals eceived) 0. The numbe unused) of official ballots used and the numbe left

.. The numbe of vote s who cast thei votes) /. The numbe of vote s challenged du ing the voting) C. The names of the watche s p esent) @. The time the counting of votes commenced and ended) ?. The numbe of official ballots found inside the compa tment fo valid ballots) '. The numbe of valid ballots! if any! compa tment fo spoiled ballots) et ieved f om the

%(. The numbe of ballots! if any! found folded togethe ) %%. The numbe of spoiled ballots withd awn f om the compa tment fo valid ballots) %*. The numbe of e"cess ballots) %0. The numbe of ma ked ballots) %.. The numbe of ballots ead and counted) %/. The time the election etu ns we e signed and sealed in thei espective special envelopes)

%C. The numbe and natu e of p otests made by watche s) and %@. 3uch othe matte s that the Commission may e7ui e. Copies of this statement afte being duly accomplished shall be sealed in sepa ate envelopes and shall be dist ibuted as follows$ 4a5 the o iginal to the city o municipal election egist a ) 4b5 the second copy to be deposited inside the compa tment fo valid ballots of the ballot bo") and 4c5 the thi d and fou th copies to the ep esentatives of the acc edited political pa ties. Section 2% . <isposition of unused ballots at the close of the voting hou s. - The chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s shall p epa e a list showing the numbe of unused ballots togethe with the se ial numbe s. This list shall be signed by all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! afte which all the unused ballots shall be to n halfway in the p esence of the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. Section 2%!. P ohibition of p ematu e announcement of voting. - >o membe of the boa d of election inspecto s shall! befo e the te mination of the voting! make any announcement as to whethe a ce tain egiste ed vote has al eady voted o not! as to how many have al eady voted o how many so fa have failed to vote! o any othe fact tending to show o showing the state of the polls! no shall he make any statement at any time! e"cept as witness befo e a cou t! as to how any pe son voted. ARTICLE (VIII COUNTING OF VOTES Section 2%". Counting to be public and without inte uption. - As soon as the voting is finished! the boa d of election inspecto s shall publicly count in the polling place the votes cast and asce tain the esults. The boa d of election inspecto s shall not ad9ou n o postpone o delay the count until it has been fully completed! unless othe wise o de ed by the Commission.

The Commission! in the inte est of f ee! o de ly! and honest elections! may o de the boa d of election inspecto s to count the votes and to accomplish the election etu ns and othe fo ms p esc ibed unde this Code in any othe place within a public building in the same municipality o city$ P ovided! That the said public building shall not be located within the pe imete of o inside a milita y o police camp o ese vation no inside a p ison compound. Section 2%#. E"cess ballots. - ,efo e p oceeding to count the votes the boa d of election inspecto s shall count the ballots in the compa tment fo valid ballots without unfolding them o e"posing thei contents! e"cept so fa as to asce tain that each ballot is single! and compa e the numbe of ballots in the bo" with the numbe of vote s who have voted. 2f the e a e e"cess ballots! they shall be etu ned in the bo" and tho oughly mi"ed the ein! and the poll cle k! without seeing the ballots and with his back to the bo"! shall publicly d aw out as may ballots as may be e7ual to the e"cess and without unfolding them! place them in an envelope which shall be ma ked "e"cess ballots" and which shall be sealed and signed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. The envelope shall be placed in the compa tment fo valid ballots! but its contents shall not be ead in the counting of votes. 2f in the cou se of the e"amination ballots a e found folded togethe befo e they we e deposited in the bo"! they shall be placed in the envelope fo e"cess ballots. 2n case ballots with thei detachable coupons be found in the bo"! such coupons shall be emoved and deposited in the compa tment fo spoiled ballots! and the ballots shall be included in the file of valid ballots. 2f ballots with the wo ds "spoiled" be found in the bo"! such ballots shall likewise be placed in the compa tment fo spoiled ballots. Section 2%8. +a ked ballots. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall then unfold the ballots and dete mine whethe the e a e any ma ked ballots! and! if any be found! they shall be placed in an envelope labelled "ma ked ballots" which shall be sealed and signed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and placed in the

compa tment fo valid ballots and shall not be counted. A ma9o ity vote of the boa d of election inspecto s shall be sufficient to dete mine whethe any ballot is ma ked o not. >on-official ballots which the boa d of election inspecto s may find! e"cept those which have been used as eme gency ballots! shall be conside ed as ma ked ballots. Section 2%$. Compa tment fo spoiled ballots. - The ballots deposited in the compa tment fo spoiled ballots shall be p esumed to be spoiled ballots! whethe o not they contain such notation) but if the boa d of election inspecto s should find that du ing the voting any valid ballot was e oneously deposited in this compa tment! o if any ballot sepa ated as e"cess o ma ked had been e oneously deposited the ein! the boa d of election inspecto s shall open said compa tment afte the voting and befo e the counting of votes fo the sole pu pose of d awing out the ballots e oneously deposited the ein. 2t shall then p epa e and sign a statement of such fact and lock the bo" with its th ee keys immediately the eafte . The valid ballots so withd awn shall be mi"ed with the othe valid ballots! and the e"cess o ma ked ballots shall be placed in thei p ope envelopes which shall fo such pu poses be opened and again labelled! sealed! signed and kept as he einafte p ovided. Section 21%. +anne of counting votes. - The counting of votes shall be made in the following manne $ the boa d of election inspecto s shall unfold the ballots and fo m sepa ate piles of one hund ed ballots each! which shall be held togethe with ubbe bands! with ca dboa d of the si6e of the ballots to se ve as folde s. The chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s shall take the ballots of the fi st pile one by one and ead the names of candidates voted fo and the offices fo which they we e voted in the o de in which they appea the eon! assuming such a position as to enable all of the watche s to ead such names. The chai man shall sign and affi" his ight hand thumbma k at the back of the ballot immediately afte it is counted. The poll cle k! and the thi d membe ! espectively! shall eco d on the election

etu ns and the tally boa d o sheet each vote as the names voted fo each office a e ead. Each vote shall be eco ded by a ve tical line! e"cept eve y fifth vote which shall be eco ded by a diagonal line c ossing the p evious fou ve tical lines. One pa ty membe shall see to it that the chai man eads the vote as w itten on the ballot! and the othe shall check the eco ding of the votes on the tally boa d o sheet and the election etu ns seeing to it that the same a e co ectly accomplished. Afte finishing the fi st pile of ballots! the boa d of election inspecto s shall dete mine the total numbe of votes eco ded fo each candidate! the sum being noted on the tally boa d o sheet and on the election etu ns. 2n case of disc epancy such ecount as may be necessa y shall be made. The ballots shall then be g ouped togethe again as befo e the eading. The eafte ! the same p ocedu e shall be followed with the second pile of ballots and so on successively. Afte all the ballots have been ead! the boa d of election inspecto s shall sum up the totals eco ded fo each candidate! and the agg egate sum shall be eco ded both on the tally boa d o sheet and on the election etu ns. 2t shall then place the counted ballots in an envelope p ovided fo the pu pose! which shall be closed signed and deposited in the compa tment fo valid ballots. The tally boa d o sheet as accomplished and ce tified by the boa d of election inspecto s shall not be changed o dest oyed but shall be kept in the compa tment fo valid ballots. Section 211. =ules fo the app eciation of ballots. - 2n the eading and app eciation of ballots! eve y ballot shall be p esumed to be valid unless the e is clea and good eason to 9ustify its e9ection. The boa d of election inspecto s shall obse ve the following ules! bea ing in mind that the ob9ect of the election is to obtain the e"p ession of the vote As will$ %. 8he e only the fi st name of a candidate o only his su name is w itten! the vote fo such candidate is valid! if the e is no othe

candidate with the same fi st name o su name fo the same office. *. 8he e only the fi st name of a candidate is w itten on the ballot! which when ead! has a sound simila to the su name of anothe candidate! the vote shall be counted in favo of the candidate with such su name. 2f the e a e two o mo e candidates with the same full name! fi st name o su name and one of them is the incumbent! and on the ballot is w itten only such full name! fi st name o su name! the vote shall be counted in favo of the incumbent. 0. 2n case the candidate is a woman who uses he maiden o ma ied su name o both and the e is anothe candidate with the same su name! a ballot bea ing only such su name shall be counted in favo of the candidate who is an incumbent. .. 8hen two o mo e wo ds a e w itten on the same line on the ballot! all of which a e the su names of two o mo e candidates! the same shall not be counted fo any of them! unless one is a su name of an incumbent who has se ved fo at least one yea in which case it shall be counted in favo of the latte . 8hen two o mo e wo ds a e w itten on diffe ent lines on the ballot all of which a e the su names of two o mo e candidates bea ing the same su name fo an office fo which the law autho i6es the election of mo e than one and the e a e the same numbe of such su names w itten as the e a e candidates with that su name! the vote shall be counted in favo of all the candidates bea ing the su name. /. 8hen on the ballot is w itten a single wo d which is the fi st name of a candidate and which is at the same time the su name of his opponent! the vote shall be counted in favo of the latte . C. 8hen two wo ds a e w itten on the ballot! one of which is the fi st name of the candidate and the othe is the su name of his opponent! the vote shall not be counted fo eithe .

@. A name o su name inco ectly w itten which! when ead! has a sound simila to the name o su name of a candidate when co ectly w itten shall be counted in his favo ) ?. 8hen a name of a candidate appea s in a space of the ballot fo an office fo which he is a candidate and in anothe space fo which he is not a candidate! it shall be counted in his favo fo the office fo which he is a candidate and the vote fo the office fo which he is not a candidate shall be conside ed as st ay! e"cept when it is used as a means to identify the vote ! in which case! the whole ballot shall be void. 2f the wo d o wo ds w itten on the app op iate blank on the ballot is the identical name o su name o full name! as the case may be! of two o mo e candidates fo the same office none of whom is an incumbent! the vote shall be counted in favo of that candidate to whose ticket belong all the othe candidates voted fo in the same ballot fo the same constituency. '. 8hen in a space in the ballot the e appea s a name of a candidate that is e ased and anothe clea ly w itten! the vote is valid fo the latte . %(. The e oneous initial of the fi st name which accompanies the co ect su name of a candidate! the e oneous initial of the su name accompanying the co ect fi st name of a candidate! o the e oneous middle initial of the candidate shall not annul the vote in favo of the latte . %%. The fact that the e e"ists anothe pe son who is not a candidate with the fi st name o su name of a candidate shall not p event the ad9udication of the vote of the latte . %*. ,allots which contain p efi"es such as "3 ."! "+ ."! "<atu"! "<on"! ";inoo"! "1on."! ";ob." o suffi"es like "1i9o"! "B ."! "3egundo"! a e valid. %0. The use of the nicknames and appellations of affection and f iendship! if accompanied by the fi st name o su name of the

candidate! does not annul such vote! e"cept when they we e used as a means to identify the vote ! in which case the whole ballot is invalid$ P ovided! That if the nickname used is unaccompanied by the name o su name of a candidate and it is the one by which he is gene ally o popula ly known in the locality! the name shall be counted in favo of said candidate! if the e is no othe candidate fo the same office with the same nickname. %.. Any vote containing initials only o which is illegible o which does not sufficiently identify the candidate fo whom it is intended shall be conside ed as a st ay vote but shall not invalidate the whole ballot. %/. 2f on the ballot is co ectly w itten the fi st name of a candidate but with a diffe ent su name! o the su name of the candidate is co ectly w itten but with diffe ent fi st name! the vote shall not be counted in favo of any candidate having such fi st name andIo su name but the ballot shall be conside ed valid fo othe candidates. %C. Any ballot w itten with c ayon! lead pencil! o in ink! wholly o in pa t! shall be valid. %@. 8he e the e a e two o mo e candidates voted fo in an office fo which the law autho i6es the election of only one! the vote shall not be counted in favo of any of them! but this shall not affect the validity of the othe votes the ein. %?. 2f the candidates voted fo e"ceed the numbe of those to be elected! the ballot is valid! but the votes shall be counted only in favo of the candidates whose names we e fi stly w itten by the vote within the spaces p ovided fo said office in the ballot until the autho i6ed numbe is cove ed. %'. Any vote in favo of a pe son who has not filed a ce tificate of candidacy o in favo of a candidate fo an office fo which he did

not p esent himself shall be conside ed as a st ay vote but it shall not invalidate the whole ballot. *(. ,allots containing the name of a candidate p inted and pasted on a blank space of the ballot o affi"ed the eto th ough any mechanical p ocess a e totally null and void. *%. Ci cles! c osses o lines put on the spaces on which the vote has not voted shall be conside ed as signs to indicate his desistance f om voting and shall not invalidate the ballot. **. #nless it should clea ly appea that they have been delibe ately put by the vote to se ve as identification ma ks! commas! dots! lines! o hyphens between the fi st name and su name of a candidate! o in othe pa ts of the ballot! t aces of the lette "T"! "B"! and othe simila ones! the fi st lette s o syllables of names which the vote does not continue! the use of two o mo e kinds of w iting and unintentional o accidental flou ishes! st okes! o st ains! shall not invalidate the ballot. *0. Any ballot which clea ly appea s to have been filled by two distinct pe sons befo e it was deposited in the ballot bo" du ing the voting is totally null and void. *.. Any vote cast in favo of a candidate who has been dis7ualified by final 9udgment shall be conside ed as st ay and shall not be counted but it shall not invalidate the ballot. */. ,allots wholly w itten in A abic in localities whe e it is of gene al use a e valid. To ead them! the boa d of election inspecto s may employ an inte p ete who shall take an oath that he shall ead the votes co ectly. *C. The accidental tea ing o pe fo ation of a ballot does not annul it. *@. :ailu e to emove the detachable coupon f om a ballot does not annul such ballot.

*?. A vote fo the P esident shall also be a vote fo the &iceP esident unning unde the same ticket of a political pa ty! unless the vote votes fo a &ice-P esident who does not belong to such pa ty. Section 212. Election etu ns. - The boa d of election inspecto s shall p epa e the election etu ns simultaneously with the counting of the votes in the polling place as p esc ibed in 3ection *%( he eof. The etu n shall be p epa ed in se"tuplicate. The eco ding of votes shall be made as p esc ibed in said section. The ent y of votes in wo ds and figu es fo each candidate shall be closed with the signatu e and the clea imp int of the thumbma k of the ight hand of all the membe s! likewise to be affi"ed in full view of the public! immediately afte the last vote eco ded o immediately afte the name of the candidate who did not eceive any vote. The etu ns shall also show the date of the election! the polling place! the ba angay and the city of municipality in which it was held! the total numbe of ballots found in the compa tment fo valid ballots! the total numbe of valid ballots withd awn f om the compa tment fo spoiled ballots because they we e e oneously placed the ein! the total numbe of e"cess ballots! the total numbe of ma ked o void ballots! and the total numbe of votes obtained by each candidate! w iting out the said numbe in wo ds and figu es and! at the end the eof! the boa d of election inspecto s shall ce tify that the contents a e co ect. The etu ns shall be accomplished in a single sheet of pape ! but if this is not possible! additional sheets may be used which shall be p epa ed in the same manne as the fi st sheet and likewise ce tified by the boa d of election inspecto s. The Commission shall take steps so that the ent ies on the fi st copy of the election etu ns a e clea ly ep oduced on the second! thi d! fou th! fifth! and si"th copies the eof! and fo this pu pose the Commission shall use a special kind of pape .

2mmediately upon the accomplishment of the election etu ns! each copy the eof shall be sealed in the p esence of the watche s and the public! and placed in the p ope envelope! which shall likewise be sealed and dist ibuted as he ein p ovided. Any election etu n with a sepa ately p inted se ial numbe o which bea s a diffe ent se ial numbe f om that assigned to the pa ticula polling place conce ned shall not be canvassed. This is to be dete mined by the boa d of canvasse s p io to its canvassing on the basis of the ce tification of the p ovincial! city o municipal t easu e as to the se ial numbe of the election etu n assigned to the said voting p ecinct! unless the Commission shall o de in w iting fo its canvassing! stating the eason fo the va iance in se ial numbe s. 2f the signatu es andIo thumbma ks of the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s o some of them as e7ui ed in this p ovision a e missing in the election etu ns! the boa d of canvasse s may summon the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s conce ned to complete the etu ns. Section 213. P oclamation of the esult of the election in the polling place. - #pon the completion of the election etu ns! the chai man of the boa d of election inspecto s shall o ally and publicly announce the total numbe of votes eceived in the election in the polling place by each and eve y one of the candidates! stating thei co esponding office. Section 21 . <isposition of election etu ns. 4%5 2n a p esidential election$ the boa d of election inspecto s shall p epa e in handw iting and sign the etu ns of the election in se"tuplicate in thei espective polling place in a fo m to be p esc ibed by the Commission. One copy shall be deposited in the compa tment of the ballot bo" fo valid ballots! and in the case of municipalities two copies including the o iginal copy shall be handed to the municipal election egist a who shall immediately delive the o iginal copy to the p ovincial election

supe viso and fo wa d the othe copy to the Commission! and one copy each to the autho i6ed ep esentatives of the acc edited political pa ties. 2n the case of the cities! the city egist a shall etain the o iginal copy fo submission to the p ovincial election supe viso ! and fo wa d the othe copy to the Commission. 4*5 2n the election fo +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa$ the o iginal of the election etu ns shall be delive ed to the election egist a of the city o municipality fo t ansmittal to the chai man of the p ovincial boa d of canvasse s! and di ect to the chai man of the city o dist ict boa d of canvasse s in the u bani6ed cities and the dist icts of +et opolitan +anila! as the case may be! fo use in the canvass. The second copy shall likewise be delive ed to the election egist a fo t ansmittal to the Commission. The thi d copy shall be deposited in the compa tment fo valid ballots. The fou th copy shall be delive ed to the election egist a who shall use said copy in the tabulation of the advance esults of the election in the city o municipality. The fifth and si"th copies shall each espectively be delive ed to the membe s ep esenting political pa ties ep esented in the boa d of election inspecto s. 405 2n local elections$ the o iginal copy of the election etu ns shall be delive ed to the city o municipal boa d of canvasse s as a body fo its use in the city of municipal canvass. The second copy shall be delive ed to the election egist a of the city o municipality fo t ansmittal to the p ovincial boa d of canvasse s as a body fo its use in the p ovincial canvass. The thi d copy shall likewise be delive ed to the election egist a fo t ansmittal to the Commission. The fou th copy shall be deposited in the compa tment fo valid ballots. The fifth and si"th copies shall each espectively be delive ed to the membe s ep esenting the political pa ties ep esented in the boa d of election inspecto s. The Commission shall p omulgate delive y of the election etu ns. ules fo the speedy and safe

Section 21!. ,oa d of election inspecto s to issue a ce tificate of the numbe of votes polled by the candidates fo an office to the watche s. - Afte the announcement of the esults of the election and befo e leaving the polling place! it shall be the duty of the boa d of election inspecto s to issue a ce tificate of the numbe of the votes eceived by a candidate upon e7uest of the watche s. All the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s shall sign the ce tificate. Section 21". Alte ations and co ections in the election etu ns. - Any co ection o alte ation made in the election! etu ns by the boa d of election inspecto s befo e the announcement of the esults of the election in the polling place shall be duly initialed by all the membe s the eof. Afte the announcement of the esults of the election in the polling place has been made! the boa d of election inspecto s shall not make any alte ation o amendment in any of the copies of the election etu ns! unless so o de ed by the Commission upon petition of the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s within five days f om the date of the election o twenty-fou hou s f om the time a copy of the election etu ns conce ned is opened by the boa d of canvasse s! whicheve is ea lie . The petition shall be accompanied by p oof of se vice upon all candidates affected. 2f the petition is by all membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and the esults of the election would not be affected by said co ection and none of the candidates affected ob9ects the eto! the Commission! upon being satisfied of the ve acity of the petition and of the e o alleged the ein! shall o de the boa d of election inspecto s to make the p ope co ection on the election etu ns. 1oweve ! if a candidate affected by said petition ob9ects the eto! whethe the petition is filed by all o only a ma9o ity of the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and the esults of the election would be affected by the co ection sought to be made! the Commission shall p oceed summa ily to hea the petition. 2f it finds the petition me ito ious and the e a e no evidence o signs indicating

that the identity and integ ity of the ballot bo" have been violated! the Commission shall o de the opening of the ballot bo". Afte satisfying itself that the integ ity of the ballots the ein has also been duly p ese ved! the Commission shall o de the ecounting of the votes of the candidates affected and the p ope co ections made on the election etu ns! unless the co ection sought is such that it can be made without need of opening the ballot bo". Section 21#. <elive y of the ballot bo"es! keys and election supplies and documents. - #pon the te mination of the counting of votes! the boa d of election inspecto s shall place in the compa tment fo valid ballots! the envelopes fo used ballots he einbefo e efe ed to! the unused ballots! the tally boa d o sheet! a copy of the election etu ns! and the minutes of its p oceedings! and then shall lock the ballot bo" with th ee padlocks and such safety devices as the Commission may p esc ibe. 2mmediately afte the bo" is locked! the th ee keys of the padlocks shall be placed in th ee sepa ate envelopes and shall be sealed and signed by all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s. The autho i6ed ep esentatives of the Commission shall fo thwith take delive y of said envelopes! signing a eceipt the efo ! and delive without delay one envelope to the p ovincial t easu e ! anothe to the p ovincial fiscal and the othe to the p ovincial election supe viso . The ballot bo"! all supplies of the boa d of election inspecto s and all pe tinent pape s and documents shall immediately be delive ed by the boa d of election inspecto s and the watche s to the city o municipal t easu e who shall keep his office open all night on the day of election if necessa y fo this pu pose! and shall p ovide the necessa y facilities fo said delive y at the e"pense of the city o municipality. The book of vote s shall be etu ned to the election egist a who shall keep it unde his custody. The t easu e and the election egist a ! as the case may be! shall on the day afte the election e7ui e the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s who

failed to send the ob9ects efe ed to he ein to delive the same to him immediately and acknowledge eceipt the eof in detail. Section 218. P ese vation of the voting eco d. - The voting eco d of each polling place shall be delive ed to the election egist a who shall have custody of the same! keeping them in a safe place! until such time that the Commission shall give inst uctions on thei disposition. Section 21$. P ese vation of the ballot bo"es! thei disposition of thei contents. -

keys and

4a5 The p ovincial election supe viso ! the p ovincial t easu e and the p ovincial fiscal shall keep the envelope containing the keys in thei possession intact du ing the pe iod of th ee months following the election. #pon the lapse of this pe iod! unless the Commission has o de ed othe wise! the p ovincial election supe viso and the p ovincial fiscal shall delive to the p ovincial t easu e the envelope containing the keys unde thei custody. 4b5 The city and municipal t easu e shall keep the ballot bo"es unde thei esponsibility fo th ee months and sto ed unopened in a secu e place! unless the Commission o de s othe wise wheneve said ballot bo"es a e needed in any political e"e cise which might be called within the said pe iod! p ovided these a e not involved in any election contest o official investigation! o the Commission o othe competent autho ity shall demand them soone o shall o de thei p ese vation fo a longe time in connection with any pending contest o investigation. 1oweve ! upon showing by any candidate that the bo"es will be in dange of being violated if kept in the possession of such officials! the Commission may o de them kept by any othe official whom it may designate. #pon the lapse of said time and if the e should be no o de to the cont a y! the Commission may autho i6e the city and municipal t easu e in the p esence of its ep esentative to open the bo"es and bu n thei contents! e"cept the copy of

the minutes of the voting and the election etu ns deposited the ein which they shall take and keep. 4c5 2n case of calamity o fo tuitous event such as fi e! flood! sto m! o othe simila calamities which may actually cause damage to the ballot bo"es andIo thei contents! the Commission may autho i6e the opening of said ballot bo"es to salvage the ballots and othe contents by placing them in othe ballot bo"es! taking such othe p ecautiona y measu es as may be necessa y to p ese ve such documents. Section 22%. <ocuments and a ticles omitted o e oneously placed inside the ballot bo". - 2f afte the delive y of the keys of the ballot bo" to the p ope autho ities! the boa d of election inspecto s shall discove that some documents o a ticles e7ui ed to be placed in the ballot bo" we e not placed the ein! the boa d of election inspecto s! instead of opening the ballot bo" in o de to place the ein said documents o a ticles! shall delive the same to the Commission o its duly autho i6ed ep esentatives. 2n no instance shall the ballot bo" be eopened to place the ein o take out the ef om any document o a ticle e"cept to et ieve copies of the election etu ns which will be needed in any canvass and in such e"cepted instances! the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s and watche s of the candidates shall be notified of the time and place of the opening of said ballot bo"$ P ovided! howeve ! That if the e a e othe copies of the election etu ns outside of the ballot bo" which can be used in canvass! such copies of the election etu ns shall be used in said canvass and the opening of the ballot bo" to et ieve copies of the election etu ns placed the ein shall then be dispensed with. ARTICLE (I( CANVASS AND PROCLAMATION Section 221. ,oa d of canvasse s. - The e shall be a boa d of canvasse s fo each p ovince! city! municipality! and dist ict of +et opolitan +anila as follows$

4a5 P ovincial boa d of canvasse s. - the p ovincial boa d of canvasse s shall be composed of the p ovincial election supe viso o a senio lawye in the egional office of the Commission! as chai man! the p ovincial fiscal! as vice-chai man! and the p ovincial supe intendent of schools! and one ep esentative f om each of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition political pa ty in the constituency conce ned entitled to be ep esented! as membe s. 4b5 City boa d of canvasse s. - the city boa d of canvasse s shall be composed of the city election egist a o a lawye of the Commission! as chai man! the city fiscal and the city supe intendent of schools! and one ep esentative f om each of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition political pa ty entitled to be ep esented! as membe s. 4c5 <ist ict boa d of canvasse s of +et opolitan +anila - the dist ict boa d of canvasse s shall be composed of a lawye of the Commission! as chai man! and a anking fiscal in the dist ict and the most senio dist ict school supe viso in the dist ict to be appointed upon consultation with the +inist y of Bustice and the +inist y of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts! espectively! and one ep esentative f om each of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition political pa ty in the constituency conce ned! as membe s. 4d5 +unicipal boa d of canvasse s. - the municipal boa d of canvasse s shall be composed of the election egist a o a ep esentative of the Commission! as chai man! the municipal t easu e ! and the dist ict supe viso o in his absence any public school p incipal in the municipality and one ep esentative f om each of the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition political pa ty entitled to be ep esented! as membe s. 4e5 ,oa d of canvasse s fo newly c eated political subdivisions the Commission shall constitute a boa d of canvasse s and

appoint the membe s the eof fo the fi st election in a newly c eated p ovince! city o municipality in case the officials who shall act as membe s the eof have not yet assumed thei duties and functions. Section 222. =elationship with candidates and othe membe s. - The chai man and the membe s of the boa d of canvasse s shall not be elated within the fou th civil deg ee of consanguinity o affinity to any of the candidates whose votes will be canvassed by said boa d! o to any membe of the same boa d. Section 223. P ohibition against leaving official station. - <u ing the pe iod beginning election day until the p oclamation of the winning candidates! no membe o substitute membe of the diffe ent boa ds of canvasse s shall be t ansfe ed! assigned o detailed outside of his official station! no shall he leave said station without p io autho ity of the Commission. Section 22 . :eigned illness. - Any membe of the boa d of canvasse s feigning illness in o de to be substituted on election day until the p oclamation of the winning candidates shall be guilty of an election offense. Section 22!. &ote e7ui ed. - A ma9o ity vote of all the membe s of the boa d of canvasse s shall be necessa y to ende a decision. Section 22". 2ncapacity and substitution of membe s of boa ds of canvasse s. - 2n case of non-availability! absence! dis7ualification due to elationship! o incapacity fo any cause of the chai man! the Commission shall designate the p ovincial o city fiscal to act as chai man. -ikewise! in case of non-availability! absence! dis7ualification due to elationship! o incapacity fo any cause! of such designee! the ne"t anking p ovincial o city fiscal shall be designated by the Commission and such designation shall pass to the ne"t in ank until the designee 7ualifies. 8ith espect to the othe membe s of the boa d of canvasse s! the Commission shall appoint as substitute the p ovincial! city o municipal office s of othe

gove nment agencies in the p ovince! city o municipality! as the case may be! and with espect to the ep esentatives of the acc edited political pa ties! the Commission shall appoint as substitutes those nominated by the said political pa ties. Section 22#. 3upe vision and cont ol ove boa d of canvasse s. - The Commission shall have di ect cont ol and supe vision ove the boa d of canvasse s. Any membe of the boa d of canvasse s may! at any time! be elieved fo cause and substituted motu p op io by the Commission. Section 228. >otice of meeting of the boa d. - At least five days befo e the meeting of the boa d! the chai man of the boa d shall give notice to all membe s the eof and to each candidate and political pa ty of the date! time and place of the meeting. Section 22$. +anne of delive y and t ansmittal of election etu ns. 4a5 :o the city and municipal boa d of canvasse s! the copy of the election etu ns of a polling place intended fo the city o municipal boa d of canvasse s! duly placed inside a sealed envelope signed and affi"ed with the imp int of the thumb of the ight hand of all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! shall be pe sonally delive ed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s to the city o municipal boa d of canvasse s unde p ope eceipt to be signed by all the membe s the eof. 4b5 :o the p ovincial and dist ict boa ds of canvasse s in +et opolitan +anila! the copy of the election etu ns of a polling place intended fo the p ovincial o dist ict boa d of canvasse s in the case of +et opolitan +anila! shall be pe sonally delive ed by the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s to the election egist a fo t ansmittal to the p ope boa d of canvasse s unde p ope eceipt to be signed by all the membe s the eof. The election egist a conce ned shall place all the etu ns intended fo the boa d of canvasse s inside a ballot bo" p ovided with th ee

padlocks whose keys shall be kept as follows$ one by the election egist a ! anothe by the ep esentative of the uling pa ty and the thi d by the ep esentative of the dominant political opposition pa ty. :o this pu pose! the two political pa ties shall designate thei ep esentatives whose names shall be submitted to the election egist a conce ned on o befo e the tenth day p eceding the election. The th ee in possession of the keys shall pe sonally t ansmit the ballot bo"! p ope ly locked! containing the election etu ns to the boa d of canvasse s. 8atche s of political pa ties! coalition of political pa ties! and of o gani6ations collectively autho i6ed by the Commission to designate watche s shall have the ight to accompany t ansmittal of the ballot bo"es containing the election etu ns. 2t shall be unlawful fo any pe son to delay! obst uct! impede o p event th ough fo ce! violence! coe cion! intimidation o by any means which vitiates consent! the t ansmittal of the election etu ns o to take away! abscond with! dest oy! deface o mutilate o substitute the election etu ns o the envelope o the ballot bo" containing the election etu ns o to violate the ight of the watche s. The watche s of the political pa ties! coalition of political pa ties and the candidates shall have the ight to accompany the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s o the election egist a in making the delive y to the boa ds of canvasse s. Section 23%. 3afekeeping of t ansmitted election etu ns. - The boa d of canvasse s shall keep the ballot bo"es containing the election etu ns in a safe and secu e oom befo e and afte the canvass. The doo to the oom must be padlocked by th ee locks with the keys the eof kept as follows$ one with the chai man! the othe with the ep esentative of the uling pa ty! and the othe with the ep esentative of the dominant opposition political pa ty. The watche s of candidates! political pa ties! coalition of political pa ties and o gani6ation collectively autho i6ed by the Commission to appoint

watche s shall have the ight to gua d the oom. &iolation of this ight shall constitute an election offense. Section 231. Canvass by the boa d. - The boa d of canvasse s shall meet not late than si" oAclock in the afte noon of election day at the place designated by the Commission to eceive the election etu ns and to immediately canvass those that may have al eady been eceived. 2t shall meet continuously f om day to day until the canvass is completed! and may ad9ou n but only fo the pu pose of awaiting the othe election etu ns f om othe polling places within its 9u isdiction. Each time the boa d ad9ou ns! it shall make a total of all the votes canvassed so fa fo each candidate fo each office! fu nishing the Commission in +anila by the fastest means of communication a ce tified copy the eof! and making available the data contained the ein to the mass media and othe inte ested pa ties. As soon as the othe election etu ns a e delive ed! the boa d shall immediately esume canvassing until all the etu ns have been canvassed. The espective boa d of canvasse s shall p epa e a ce tificate of canvass duly signed and affi"ed with the imp int of the thumb of the ight hand of each membe ! suppo ted by a statement of the votes eceived by each candidate in each polling place and! on the basis the eof! shall p oclaim as elected the candidates who obtained the highest numbe of votes cast in the p ovince! city! municipality o ba angay. :ailu e to comply with this e7ui ement shall constitute an election offense. 3ub9ect to easonable e"ceptions! the boa d of canvasse s must complete thei canvass within thi ty-si" hou s in municipalities! fo tyeight hou s in cities and seventy-two hou s in p ovinces. &iolation he eof shall be an election offense punishable unde 3ection *C. he eof. 8ith espect to the election fo P esident and &ice-P esident! the p ovincial and city boa ds of canvasse s shall p epa e in 7uintuplicate

a ce tificate of canvass suppo ted by a statement of votes eceived by each candidate in each polling place and t ansmit the fi st copy the eof to the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa. The second copy shall be t ansmitted to the Commission! the thi d copy shall be kept by the p ovincial election supe viso o city election egist a ) the fou th and the fifth copies to each of the two acc edited political pa ties. Section 232. Pe sons not allowed inside the canvassing oom. - 2t shall be unlawful fo any office o membe of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! including the Philippine Constabula y! o the 2nteg ated >ational Police o any peace office o any a med o una med pe sons belonging to an e"t a-legal police agency! special fo ces! eaction fo ces! st ike fo ces! home defense fo ces! ba angay self-defense units! ba angay tanod! o of any membe of the secu ity o police o gani6ations of gove nment minist ies! commissions! councils! bu eaus! offices! inst umentalities! o gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations o thei subsidia ies o of any membe of a p ivately owned o ope ated secu ity! investigative! p otective o intelligence agency pe fo ming identical o simila functions to ente the oom whe e the canvassing of the election etu ns a e held by the boa d of canvasse s and within a adius of fifty mete s f om such oom$ P ovided! howeve ! That the boa d of canvasse s by a ma9o ity vote! if it deems necessa y! may make a call in w iting fo the detail of policemen o any peace office s fo thei p otection o fo the p otection of the election documents and pa aphe nalia in the possession of the boa d! o fo the maintenance of peace and o de ! in which case said policemen o peace office s! who shall be in p ope unifo m! shall stay outside the oom within a adius of thi ty mete s nea enough to be easily called by the boa d of canvasse s at any time. Section 233. 8hen the election etu ns a e delayed! lost o dest oyed. - 2n case its copy of the election etu ns is missing! the boa d of canvasse s shall! by messenge o othe wise! obtain such

missing election etu ns f om the boa d of election inspecto s conce ned! o if said etu ns have been lost o dest oyed! the boa d of canvasse s! upon p io autho ity of the Commission! may use any of the authentic copies of said election etu ns o a ce tified copy of said election etu ns issued by the Commission! and fo thwith di ect its ep esentative to investigate the case and immediately epo t the matte to the Commission. The boa d of canvasse s! notwithstanding the fact that not all the election etu ns have been eceived by it! may te minate the canvass and p oclaim the candidates elected on the basis of the available election etu ns if the missing election etu ns will not affect the esults of the election. Section 23 . +ate ial defects in the election etu ns. - 2f it should clea ly appea that some e7uisites in fo m o data had been omitted in the election etu ns! the boa d of canvasse s shall call fo all the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s conce ned by the most e"peditious means! fo the same boa d to effect the co ection$ P ovided! That in case of the omission in the election etu ns of the name of any candidate andIo his co esponding votes! the boa d of canvasse s shall e7ui e the boa d of election inspecto s conce ned to complete the necessa y data in the election etu ns and affi" the ein thei initials$ P ovided! fu the ! That if the votes omitted in the etu ns cannot be asce tained by othe means e"cept by ecounting the ballots! the Commission! afte satisfying itself that the identity and integ ity of the ballot bo" have not been violated! shall o de the boa d of election inspecto s to open the ballot bo"! and! also afte satisfying itself that the integ ity of the ballots the ein has been duly p ese ved! o de the boa d of election inspecto s to count the votes fo the candidate whose votes have been omitted with notice the eof to all candidates fo the position involved and the eafte complete the etu ns.

The ight of a candidate to avail of this p ovision shall not be lost o affected by the fact that an election p otest is subse7uently filed by any of the candidates. Section 23!. 8hen election etu ns appea to be tampe ed with o falsified. - 2f the election etu ns submitted to the boa d of canvasse s appea to be tampe ed with! alte ed o falsified afte they have left the hands of the boa d of election inspecto s! o othe wise not authentic! o we e p epa ed by the boa d of election inspecto s unde du ess! fo ce! intimidation! o p epa ed by pe sons othe than the membe of the boa d of election inspecto s! the boa d of canvasse s shall use the othe copies of said election etu ns and! if necessa y! the copy inside the ballot bo" which upon p evious autho ity given by the Commission may be et ieved in acco dance with 3ection **( he eof. 2f the othe copies of the etu ns a e likewise tampe ed with! alte ed! falsified! not authentic! p epa ed unde du ess! fo ce! intimidation! o p epa ed by pe sons othe than the membe s of the boa d of election inspecto s! the boa d of canvasse s o any candidate affected shall b ing the matte to the attention of the Commission. The Commission shall then! afte giving notice to all candidates conce ned and afte satisfying itself that nothing in the ballot bo" indicate that its identity and integ ity have been violated! o de the opening of the ballot bo" and! likewise afte satisfying itself that the integ ity of the ballots the ein has been duly p ese ved shall o de the boa d of election inspecto s to ecount the votes of the candidates affected and p epa e a new etu n which shall then be used by the boa d of canvasse s as basis of the canvass. Section 23". <isc epancies in election etu ns. - 2n case it appea s to the boa d of canvasse s that the e e"ists disc epancies in the othe authentic copies of the election etu ns f om a polling place o disc epancies in the votes of any candidate in wo ds and figu es in the same etu n! and in eithe case the diffe ence affects the esults of the election! the Commission! upon motion of the boa d of canvasse s o any candidate affected and afte due notice to all

candidates conce ned! shall p oceed summa ily to dete mine whethe the integ ity of the ballot bo" had been p ese ved! and once satisfied the eof shall o de the opening of the ballot bo" to ecount the votes cast in the polling place solely fo the pu pose of dete mining the t ue esult of the count of votes of the candidates conce ned. Section 23#. 8hen integ ity of ballots is violated. - 2f upon the opening of the ballot bo" as o de ed by the Commission unde 3ections *0.! *0/ and *0C! he eof! it should appea that the e a e evidence o signs of eplacement! tampe ing o violation of the integ ity of the ballots! the Commission shall not ecount the ballots but shall fo thwith seal the ballot bo" and o de its safekeeping. Section 238. Canvass of emaining o un7uestioned etu ns to continue. - 2n cases unde 3ections *00! *0.! *0/ and *0C he eof! the boa d of canvasse s shall continue the canvass of the emaining o un7uestioned election etu ns. 2f! afte the canvass of all the said etu ns! it should be dete mined that the etu ns which have been set aside will affect the esult of the election! no p oclamation shall be made e"cept upon o de s of the Commission afte due notice and hea ing. Any p oclamation made in violation he eof shall be null and void. Section 23$. 8atche s. - Each candidate! political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties shall be entitled to appoint one watche in the boa d of canvasse s. The watche shall have the ight to be p esent at! and take note of! all the p oceedings of the boa d of canvasse s! to ead the election etu ns without touching them! to file a p otest against any i egula ity in the election etu ns submitted! and to obtain f om the boa d of canvasse s a esolution the eon. Section 2 %. Election esulting in tie. - 8heneve it shall appea f om the canvass that two o mo e candidates have eceived an e7ual and highest numbe of votes! o in cases whe e two o mo e candidates a e to be elected fo the same position and two o mo e candidates eceived the same numbe of votes fo the last place in

the numbe to be elected! the boa d of canvasse s! afte eco ding this fact in its minutes! shall by esolution! upon five days notice to all the tied candidates! hold a special public meeting at which the boa d of canvasse s shall p oceed to the d awing of lots of the candidates who have tied and shall p oclaim as elected the candidates who may be favo ed by luck! and the candidates so p oclaimed shall have the ight to assume office in the same manne as if he had been elected by plu ality of vote. The boa d of canvasse s shall fo thwith make a ce tificate stating the name of the candidate who had been favo ed by luck and his p oclamation on the basis the eof. >othing in this section shall be const ued as dep iving a candidate of his ight to contest the election. ARTICLE (( PRE&PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSIES Section 2 1. <efinition. - A p e-p oclamation cont ove sy efe s to any 7uestion pe taining to o affecting the p oceedings of the boa d of canvasse s which may be aised by any candidate o by any egiste ed political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties befo e the boa d o di ectly with the Commission! o any matte aised unde 3ections *00! *0.! *0/ and *0C in elation to the p epa ation! t ansmission! eceipt! custody and app eciation of the election etu ns. Section 2 2. CommissionAs e"clusive 9u isdiction of all p ep oclamation cont ove sies. - The Commission shall have e"clusive 9u isdiction of all p e-p oclamation cont ove sies. 2t may motu p op io o upon w itten petition! and afte due notice and hea ing! o de the pa tial o total suspension of the p oclamation of any candidate-elect o annual pa tially o totally any p oclamation! if one has been made! as the evidence shall wa ant in acco dance with the succeeding sections.

Section 2 3. 2ssues that may be aised in p e-p oclamation cont ove sy. - The following shall be p ope issues that may be aised in a p e-p oclamation cont ove sy$ 4a5 2llegal composition o p oceedings of the boa d of canvasse s) 4b5 The canvassed election etu ns a e incomplete! contain mate ial defects! appea to be tampe ed with o falsified! o contain disc epancies in the same etu ns o in othe authentic copies the eof as mentioned in 3ections *00! *0.! *0/ and *0C of this Code) 4c5 The election etu ns we e p epa ed unde du ess! th eats! coe cion! o intimidation! o they a e obviously manufactu ed o not authentic) and 4d5 8hen substitute o f audulent etu ns in cont ove ted polling places we e canvassed! the esults of which mate ially affected the standing of the agg ieved candidate o candidates. Section 2 . Contested composition o p oceedings of the boa d. - 8hen the composition o p oceedings of the boa d of canvasse s a e contested! the boa d of canvasse s shall! within twenty-fou hou s! make a uling the eon with notice to the contestant who! if adve sely affected! may appeal the matte to the Commission within five days afte the uling with p ope notice to the boa d of canvasse s. Afte due notice and hea ing! the Commission shall decide the case within ten days f om the filing the eof. <u ing the pendency of the case! the boa d of canvasse s shall suspend the canvass until the Commission o de s the continuation o esumption the eof and citing thei easons o g ounds the efo . Section 2 !. Contested election etu ns. - Any candidate! political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties! contesting the inclusion o e"clusion in the canvass of any election etu ns on any of the g ounds autho i6ed unde this a ticle o in 3ections *0.! *0/ and *0C of A ticle H2H shall submit thei ve bal ob9ections to the chai man of the boa d of canvasse s at the time the 7uestioned etu ns is p esented fo

inclusion o e"clusion! which ob9ections shall be noted in the minutes of the canvassing. The boa d of canvasse s upon eceipt of any such ob9ections shall automatically defe the canvass of the contested etu ns and shall p oceed to canvass the est of the etu ns which a e not contested by any pa ty. 8ithin twenty-fou hou s f om and afte the p esentation of a ve bal ob9ection! the same shall be submitted in w itten fo m to the boa d of canvasse s. The eafte ! the boa d of canvasse s shall take up each contested etu n! conside the w itten ob9ections the eto and summa ily ule the eon. 3aid uling shall be made o al initially and then educed to w iting by the boa d within twenty-fou hou s f om the time the o al uling is made. Any pa ty adve sely affected by an o al uling on itsIhis ob9ection shall immediately state o ally whethe itIhe intends to appeal said uling. The said intent to appeal shall be stated in the minutes of the canvassing. 2f a pa ty manifests its intent to appeal! the boa d of canvasse s shall set aside the etu n and p oceed to ule on the othe contested etu ns. 8hen all the contested etu ns have been uled upon by it! the boa d of canvasse s shall suspend the canvass and shall make an app op iate epo t to the Commission! copy fu nished the pa ties. The boa d of canvasse s shall not p oclaim any candidate as winne unless autho i6ed by the Commission afte the latte has uled on the ob9ections b ought to it on appeal by the losing pa ty and any p oclamation made in violation he eof shall be void ab initio! unless the contested etu ns will not adve sely affect the esults of the election. Section 2 ". 3umma y p oceedings befo e the Commission. - All p e-p oclamation cont ove sies shall be hea d summa ily by the Commission afte due notice and hea ing! and its decisions shall be e"ecuto y afte the lapse of five days f om eceipt by the losing pa ty

of the decision of the Commission! unless est ained by the 3up eme Cou t. Section 2 #. Pa tial p oclamation. - >otwithstanding the pendency of any p e-p oclamation cont ove sy! the Commission may! motu p op io o upon the filing of a ve ified petition and afte due notice and hea ing! o de the p oclamation of othe winning candidates whose election will not be affected by the outcome of the cont ove sy. Section 2 8. Effect of filing petition to annual o to suspend the p oclamation. - The filing with the Commission of a petition to annual o to suspend the p oclamation of any candidate shall suspend the unning of the pe iod within which to file an election p otest o 7uo wa anto p oceedings. ARTICLE ((I ELECTION CONTESTS Section 2 $. Bu isdiction of the Commission. - The Commission shall be the sole 9udge of all contests elating to the elections! etu ns! and 7ualifications of all +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa! elective egional! p ovincial and city officials. Section 2!%. Election contests fo ,atasang Pambansa! egional! p ovincial and city offices. - A swo n petition contesting the election of any +embe of the ,atasang Pambansa o any egional! p ovincial o city official shall be filed with the Commission by any candidate who has duly filed a ce tificate of candidacy and has been voted fo the same office! within ten days afte the p oclamation of the esults of the election. Section 2!1. Election contests fo municipal offices. - A swo n petition contesting the election of a municipal office shall be filed with the p ope egional t ial cou t by any candidate who has duly filed a ce tificate of candidacy and has been voted fo the same office! within ten days afte p oclamation of the esults of the election.

Section 2!2. Election contest fo ba angay offices. - A swo n petition contesting the election of a ba angay office shall be filed with the p ope municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t by any candidate who has duly filed a ce tificate of candidacy and has been voted fo the same office! within ten days afte the p oclamation of the esults of the election. The t ial cou t shall decide the election p otest within fifteen days afte the filing the eof. The decision of the municipal o met opolitan t ial cou t may be appealed within ten days f om eceipt of a copy the eof by the agg ieved pa ty to the egional t ial cou t which shall decide the case within thi ty days f om its submission! and whose decisions shall be final. Section 2!3. Petition fo 7uo wa anto. - Any vote contesting the election of any +embe of the ,atasang Pambansa! egional! p ovincial! o city office on the g ound of ineligibility o of disloyalty to the =epublic of the Philippines shall file a swo n petition fo 7uo wa anto with the Commission within ten days afte the p oclamation of the esults of the election. Any vote contesting the election of any municipal o ba angay office on the g ound of ineligibility o of disloyalty to the =epublic of the Philippines shall file a swo n petition fo 7uo wa anto with the egional t ial cou t o met opolitan o municipal t ial cou t! espectively! within ten days afte the p oclamation of the esults of the election. Section 2! . P ocedu e in election contests. - The Commission shall p esc ibe the ules to gove n the p ocedu e and othe matte s elating to election contests pe taining to all national! egional! p ovincial! and city offices not late than thi ty days befo e such elections. 3uch ules shall p ovide a simple and ine"pensive p ocedu e fo the e"peditious disposition of election contests and shall be published in at least two newspape s of gene al ci culation. 1oweve ! with espect to election contests involving municipal and ba angay offices the following ules of p ocedu e shall gove n$

4a5 >otice of the p otest contesting the election of a candidate fo a municipal o ba angay office shall be se ved upon the candidate by means of a summons at the postal add ess stated in his ce tificate of candidacy e"cept when the p otestee! without waiting fo the summons! has made the cou t unde stand that he has been notified of the p otest o has filed his answe he eto) 4b5 The p otestee shall answe the p otest within five days afte eceipt of the summons! o ! in case the e has been no summons f om the date of his appea ance and in all cases befo e the commencement of the hea ing of the p otest o contest. The answe shall deal only with the election in the polling places which a e cove ed by the allegations of the contest) 4c5 3hould the p otestee desi e to impugn the votes eceived by the p otestant in othe polling places! he shall file a counte p otest within the same pe iod fi"ed fo the answe se ving a copy the eof upon the p otestant by egiste ed mail o by pe sonal delive y o th ough the she iff) 4d5 The p otestant shall answe the counte -p otest within five days afte notice) 4e5 8ithin the pe iod of five days counted f om the filing of the p otest any othe candidate fo the same office may inte vene in the case as othe contestants and ask fo affi mative elief in his favo by a petition in inte vention! which shall be conside ed as anothe contest! e"cept that it shall be substantiated within the same p oceedings. The p otestant o p otestee shall answe the p otest in inte vention within five days afte notice) 4f5 2f no answe shall be filed to the contest! counte -p otest! o to the p otest in inte vention! within the time limits espectively fi"ed! a gene al denial shall be deemed to have been ente ed) 4g5 2n election contest p oceedings! the pe manent egist y list of vote s shall be conclusive in ega d to the 7uestion as to who had the ight to vote in said election.

Section 2!!. Budicial counting of votes in election contest. - 8he e allegations in a p otest o counte -p otest so wa ant! o wheneve in the opinion of the cou t the inte ests of 9ustice so e7ui e! it shall immediately o de the book of vote s! ballot bo"es and thei keys! ballots and othe documents used in the election be b ought befo e it and that the ballots be e"amined and the votes ecounted. Section 2!". Appeals. - Appeals f om any decision ende ed by the egional t ial cou t unde 3ection */% and pa ag aph two! 3ection */0 he eof with espect to 7uo wa anto petitions filed in election contests affecting municipal office s! the agg ieved pa ty may appeal to the 2nte mediate Appellate Cou t within five days afte eceipt of a copy of the decision. >o motion fo econside ation shall be ente tained by the cou t. The appeal shall be decided within si"ty days afte the case has been submitted fo decision. Section 2!#. <ecision in the Commission. - The Commission shall decide all election cases b ought befo e it within ninety days f om the date of thei submission fo decision. The decision of the Commission shall become final thi ty days afte eceipt of 9udgment. Section 2!8. P efe ential disposition of contests in cou ts. - The cou ts! in thei espective cases! shall give p efe ence to election contests ove all othe cases! e"cept those of habeas co pus! and shall without delay! hea and! within thi ty days f om the date of thei submission fo decision! but in eve y case within si" months afte filing! decide the same. Section 2!$. Actual o compensato y damages. - Actual o compensato y damages may be g anted in all election contests o in 7uo wa anto p oceedings in acco dance with law. Section 2"%. >otice of decisions. - The cle k of cou t and the co esponding official in the Commission befo e whom an election contest o a 7uo wa anto p oceeding has been instituted o whe e the appeal of said case has been taken shall notify immediately the

P esident of the Philippines of the final disposition the eof. 2n election contests involving p ovincial! city! municipal! o ba angay offices! notice of such final disposition shall also be sent to the sec eta y of the local sanggunian conce ned. 2f the decision be that none of the pa ties has been legally elected! said official shall ce tify such decision to the P esident of the Philippines and! in app op iate cases! to the Commission. ARTICLE ((II ELECTION OFFENSES Section 2"1. P ohibited Acts. - The following shall be guilty of an election offense$ 4a5 &ote-buying and vote-selling. 4%5 Any pe son who gives! offe s o p omises money o anything of value! gives o p omises any office o employment! f anchise o g ant! public o p ivate! o makes o offe s to make an e"penditu e! di ectly o indi ectly! o cause an e"penditu e to be made to any pe son! association! co po ation! entity! o community in o de to induce anyone o the public in gene al to vote fo o against any candidate o withhold his vote in the election! o to vote fo o against any aspi ant fo the nomination o choice of a candidate in a convention o simila selection p ocess of a political pa ty. 4*5 Any pe son! association! co po ation! g oup o community who solicits o eceives! di ectly o indi ectly! any e"penditu e o p omise of any office o employment! public o p ivate! fo any of the fo egoing conside ations. 4b5 Conspi acy to b ibe vote s. - Two o mo e pe sons! whethe candidates o not! who come to an ag eement conce ning the commission of any violation of pa ag aph 4a5 of this section and decide to commit it. 4c5 8age ing upon esult of election. - Any pe son who bets o wage s upon the outcome of! o any contingency connected with

an election. Any money o thing of value o deposit of money o thing of value situated anywhe e in the Philippines put as such bet o wage shall be fo feited to the gove nment. 4d5 Coe cion of subo dinates. 4%5 Any public office ! o any office of any public o p ivate co po ation o association! o any head! supe io ! o administ ato of any eligious o gani6ation! o any employe o land-owne who coe ces o intimidates o compels! o in any manne influence! di ectly o indi ectly! any of his subo dinates o membe s o pa ishione s o employees o house helpe s! tenants! ove see s! fa m helpe s! tille s! o lease holde s to aid! campaign o vote fo o against any candidate o any aspi ant fo the nomination o selection of candidates. 4*5 Any public office o any office of any comme cial! indust ial! ag icultu al! economic o social ente p ise o public o p ivate co po ation o association! o any head! supe io o administ ato of any eligious o gani6ation! o any employe o landowne who dismisses o th eatens to dismiss! punishes o th eatens to punish be educing his sala y! wage o compensation! o by demotion! t ansfe ! suspension! sepa ation! e"communication! e9ectment! o causing him annoyance in the pe fo mance of his 9ob o in his membe ship! any subo dinate membe o affiliate! pa ishione ! employee o house helpe ! tenant! ove see ! fa m helpe ! tille ! o lease holde ! fo disobeying o not complying with any of the acts o de ed by the fo me to aid! campaign o vote fo o against any candidate! o any aspi ant fo the nomination o selection of candidates. 4e5 Th eats! intimidation! te o ism! use of f audulent device o othe fo ms of coe cion. - Any pe son who! di ectly o indi ectly! th eatens! intimidates o actually causes! inflicts o p oduces any

violence! in9u y! punishment! damage! loss o disadvantage upon any pe son o pe sons o that of the immediate membe s of his family! his hono o p ope ty! o uses any f audulent device o scheme to compel o induce the egist ation o ef aining f om egist ation of any vote ! o the pa ticipation in a campaign o ef aining o desistance f om any campaign! o the casting of any vote o omission to vote! o any p omise of such egist ation! campaign! vote! o omission the ef om. 4f5 Coe cion of election officials and employees. - Any pe son who! di ectly o indi ectly! th eatens! intimidates! te o i6es o coe ces any election official o employee in the pe fo mance of his election functions o duties. 4g5 Appointment of new employees! c eation of new position! p omotion! o giving sala y inc eases. - <u ing the pe iod of fo ty-five days befo e a egula election and thi ty days befo e a special election! 4%5 any head! official o appointing office of a gove nment office! agency o inst umentality! whethe national o local! including gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! who appoints o hi es any new employee! whethe p ovisional! tempo a y o casual! o c eates and fills any new position! e"cept upon p io autho ity of the Commission. The Commission shall not g ant the autho ity sought unless! it is satisfied that the position to be filled is essential to the p ope functioning of the office o agency conce ned! and that the position shall not be filled in a manne that may influence the election. As an e"ception to the fo egoing p ovisions! a new employee may be appointed in case of u gent need$ P ovided! howeve ! That notice of the appointment shall be given to the Commission within th ee days f om the date of the

appointment. Any appointment o hi ing in violation of this p ovision shall be null and void. 4*5 Any gove nment official who p omotes! o gives any inc ease of sala y o emune ation o p ivilege to any gove nment official o employee! including those in gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations. 4h5 T ansfe of office s and employees in the civil se vice. - Any public official who makes o causes any t ansfe o detail whateve of any office o employee in the civil se vice including public school teache s! within the election pe iod e"cept upon p io app oval of the Commission. 4i5 2nte vention of public office s and employees. - Any office o employee in the civil se vice! e"cept those holding political offices) any office ! employee! o membe o the A med :o ces of the Philippines! o any police fo ce! special fo ces! home defense fo ces! ba angay self-defense units and all othe pa a-milita y units that now e"ist o which may he eafte be o gani6ed who! di ectly o indi ectly! inte venes in any election campaign o engages in any pa tisan political activity! e"cept to vote o to p ese ve public o de ! if he is a peace office . 495 #ndue influence. - 2t is unlawful fo any pe son to p omise any office o employment! public o p ivate! o to make o offe to make an e"penditu e! di ectly o indi ectly! o to cause an e"penditu e to be made to any pe son! association! co po ation o entity! which may induce anyone o the public in gene al eithe to vote o withhold his vote! o to vote fo o against any candidate in any election o any aspi ant fo the nomination o selection of an official candidate in a convention of a political pa ty. 2t is likewise unlawful fo any pe son! association! co po ation o community! to solicit o eceive! di ectly o indi ectly! any e"penditu e o p omise o any office! o

employment! public o conside ations.

p ivate! fo

any of the fo egoing

4k5 #nlawful electionee ing. - 2t is unlawful to solicit votes o unde take any p opaganda on the day of egist ation befo e the boa d of election inspecto s and on the day of election! fo o against any candidate o any political pa ty within the polling place and with a adius of thi ty mete s the eof. 4l5 P ohibition against dismissal of employees! labo e s! o tenants. - >o employee o labo e shall be dismissed! no a tenant be e9ected f om his landholdings fo efusing o failing to vote fo any candidate of his employe o landowne . Any employee! labo e o tenant so dismissed o e9ected shall be einstated and the sala y o wage of the employee o labo e ! o the sha e of the ha vest of the tenant! shall be esto ed to the agg ieved pa ty upon application to the p ope cou t. 4m5 Appointment o use of special policemen! special agents! confidential agents o the like. - <u ing the campaign pe iod! on the day befo e and on election day! any appointing autho ity who appoints o any pe son who utili6es the se vices of special policemen! special agents! confidential agents o pe sons pe fo ming simila functions) pe sons p eviously appointed as special policemen! special agents! confidential agents o pe sons pe fo ming simila functions who continue acting as such! and those who fail to tu n ove thei fi ea ms! unifo ms! insignias and othe badges of autho ity to the p ope office who issued the same. At the sta t of the afo ementioned pe iod! the ba angay chai man! municipal mayo ! city mayo ! p ovincial gove no ! o any appointing autho ity shall submit to the Commission a complete list of all special policemen! special agents! confidential agents o pe sons pe fo ming simila functions in the employ of

thei espective political subdivisions! with such pa ticula s as the Commission may e7ui e. 4n5 2llegal elease of p isone s befo e and afte election. - The <i ecto of the ,u eau of P isons! any p ovincial wa den! the keepe of the 9ail o the pe son o pe sons e7ui ed by law to keep p isone s in thei custody who illegally o de s o allows any p isone detained in the national penitentia y! o the p ovincial! city o municipal 9ail to leave the p emises the eof si"ty days befo e and thi ty days afte the election. The municipal o city wa den! the p ovincial wa den! the keepe of the 9ail o the pe son o pe sons e7ui ed by law to keep p isone s in thei custody shall post in th ee conspicuous public places a list of the p isone s o detention p isone s unde thei ca e. <etention p isone s must be catego i6ed as such. 4o5 #se of public funds! money deposited in t ust! e7uipment! facilities owned o cont olled by the gove nment fo an election campaign. - Any pe son who uses unde any guise whatsoeve ! di ectly o indi ectly! 4%5 public funds o money deposited with! o held in t ust by! public financing institutions o by gove nment offices! banks! o agencies) 4*5 any p inting p ess! adio! o television station o audio-visual e7uipment ope ated by the ;ove nment o by its divisions! sub-divisions! agencies o inst umentalities! including gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! o by the A med :o ces of the Philippines) o 405 any e7uipment! vehicle! facility! appa atus! o pa aphe nalia owned by the gove nment o by its political subdivisions! agencies including gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! o by the A med :o ces of the Philippines fo any election campaign o fo any pa tisan political activity. 4p5 <eadly weapons. - Any pe son who ca ies any deadly weapon in the polling place and within a adius of one hund ed mete s the eof du ing the days and hou s fi"ed by law fo the egist ation of vote s in the polling place! voting! counting of

votes! o p epa ation of the election etu ns. 1oweve ! in cases of aff ay! tu moil! o diso de ! any peace office o public office autho i6ed by the Commission to supe vise the election is entitled to ca y fi ea ms o any othe weapon fo the pu pose of p ese ving o de and enfo cing the law. 475 Ca ying fi ea ms outside esidence o place of business. Any pe son who! although possessing a pe mit to ca y fi ea ms! ca ies any fi ea ms outside his esidence o place of business du ing the election pe iod! unless autho i6ed in w iting by the Commission$ P ovided! That a moto vehicle! wate o ai c aft shall not be conside ed a esidence o place of business o e"tension he eof. This p ohibition shall not apply to cashie s and disbu sing office s while in the pe fo mance of thei duties o to pe sons who by natu e of thei official duties! p ofession! business o occupation habitually ca y la ge sums of money o valuables. 4 5 #se of a mo ed land! wate o ai c aft. - Any pe son who uses du ing the campaign pe iod! on the day befo e and on election day! any a mo ed land! wate o ai c aft! p ovided with any tempo a y o pe manent e7uipment o any othe device o cont aption fo the mounting o installation of cannons! machine guns and othe simila high calibe fi ea ms! including milita y type tanks! half t ucks! scout t ucks! a mo ed t ucks! of any make o model! whethe new! econditioned! ebuilt o emodelled$ P ovided! That banking o financial institutions and all business fi ms may use not mo e than two a mo ed vehicles st ictly fo ! and limited to! the pu pose of t anspo ting cash! gold bullion o othe valuables in connection with thei business f om and to thei place of business! upon p evious autho ity of the Commission. 4s5 8ea ing of unifo ms and bea ing a ms. - <u ing the campaign pe iod! on the day befo e and on election day! any membe of

secu ity o police o gani6ation of gove nment agencies! commissions! councils! bu eaus! offices! o gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations! o p ivately-owned o ope ated secu ity! investigative! p otective o intelligence agencies! who wea s his unifo m o uses his insignia! deco ations o egalia! o bea s a ms outside the immediate vicinity of his place of wo k$ P ovided! That this p ohibition shall not apply when said membe is in pu suit of a pe son who has committed o is committing a c ime in the p emises he is gua ding) o when esco ting o p oviding secu ity fo the t anspo t of pay olls! deposits! o othe valuables) o when gua ding the esidence of p ivate pe sons o when gua ding p ivate esidences! buildings o offices$ P ovided! fu the ! That in the last case p io w itten app oval of the Commission shall be obtained. The Commission shall decide all applications fo autho ity unde this pa ag aph within fifteen days f om the date of the filing of such application. <u ing the same pe iod! and ending thi ty days the eafte any membe of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! special! fo ces! home defense fo ces! ba angay self-defense units and all othe pa a-milita y units that now e"ist o which may he eafte be o gani6ed who wea s his unifo m o bea s a ms outside the camp! ga ison o ba acks to which he is assigned o detailed o outside thei homes! in case of membe s of pa a-milita y units! unless 4%5 the P esident of the Philippines shall have given p evious autho ity the efo ! and the Commission notified the eof in w iting! o 4*5 the Commission autho i6es him to do so! which autho ity it shall give only when necessa y to assist it in maintaining f ee! o de ly and honest elections! and only afte notice and hea ing. All pe sonnel of the A med :o ces autho i6ed by the P esident o the Commission to bea a ms o wea thei unifo ms outside thei camps and all police and peace office s shall bea thei t ue name! ank and se ial numbe ! if any! stitched in block lette s on a white backg ound on the left b east

of thei unifo m! in lette s and numbe s of a clea ly legible design at least two centimete s tall! which shall at all times emain visible and uncove ed. <u ing the election pe iod! wheneve the Commission finds it necessa y fo the p omotion of f ee! o de ly! honest and peaceful elections in a specific a ea! it shall confiscate o o de the confiscation of fi ea ms of any membe o membe s of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! police fo ces! home defense fo ces! ba angay self-defense units! and all othe pa a-milita y units that now e"ist! o which may he eafte be o gani6ed! o any membe o membe s of the secu ity o police o gani6ation! gove nment minist ies! commissions! councils! bu eaus! offices! inst umentalities! o gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations and othe subsidia ies! o of any membe o membe s of p ivately owned o ope ated secu ity! investigative! p otective o intelligence agencies pe fo ming identical o simila functions. 4t5 Policemen and p ovincial gua ds acting as bodygua ds o secu ity gua ds. - <u ing the campaign pe iod! on the day befo e and on election day! any membe of the city o municipal police fo ce! any p ovincial o sub-p ovincial gua d! any membe of the A med :o ces of the Philippines! special fo ces! home defense fo ces! ba angay self-defense units and all othe pa a-milita y units that now e"ist o which may he eafte be o gani6ed who acts as bodygua d o secu ity gua d of any public official! candidate o any othe pe son! and any of the latte who utili6es the se vices of the fo me as bodygua d o secu ity gua d$ P ovided! That! afte due notice and hea ing! when the life and secu ity of a candidate is in 9eopa dy! the Commission is empowe ed to assign at the candidateAs choice! any membe of the Philippine Constabula y o the police fo ce of any municipality within the p ovince to act as his bodygua d o secu ity gua d in a numbe to be dete mined by the Commission but not to e"ceed

th ee pe candidate$ P ovided! howeve ! That when the ci cumstances e7ui e immediate action! the Commission may issue a tempo a y o de allowing the assignment of any membe of the Philippine Constabula y o the local police fo ce to act as bodygua d o secu ity gua d of the candidate! sub9ect to confi mation o evocation. 4u5 O gani6ation o maintenance of eaction fo ces! st ike fo ces! o othe simila fo ces. - Any pe son who o gani6es o maintains a eaction fo ce! st ike fo ce o simila fo ce du ing the election pe iod. The heads of all eaction fo ces! st ike fo ces! o simila fo ces shall! not late than fo ty-five days befo e the election! submit to the Commission a complete list of all membe s the eof with such pa ticula s as the Commission may e7ui e. 4v5 P ohibition against elease! disbu sement o e"penditu e of public funds. - Any public official o employee including ba angay officials and those of gove nment-owned o cont olled co po ations and thei subsidia ies! who! du ing fo ty-five days befo e a egula election and thi ty days befo e a special election! eleases! disbu ses o e"pends any public funds fo $ 4%5 Any and all kinds of public wo ks! e"cept the following$ 4a5 +aintenance of e"isting andIo completed public wo ks p o9ect$ P ovided! That not mo e than the ave age numbe of labo e s o employees al eady employed the ein du ing the si"-month pe iod immediately p io to the beginning of the fo ty-five day pe iod befo e election day shall be pe mitted to wo k du ing such time$ P ovided! fu the ! That no additional labo e s shall be employed fo maintenance wo k within the said pe iod of fo ty-five days) 4b5 8o k unde taken by cont act th ough public bidding held! o by negotiated cont act awa ded! befo e the

fo ty-five day pe iod befo e election$ P ovided! That wo k fo the pu pose of this section unde taken unde the so-called "takay" o "pa7uiao" system shall not be conside ed as wo k by cont act) 4c5 Payment fo the usual cost of p epa ation fo wo king d awings! specifications! bills of mate ials! estimates! and othe p ocedu es p epa ato y to actual const uction including the pu chase of mate ials and e7uipment! and all incidental e"penses fo wages of watchmen and othe labo e s employed fo such wo k in the cent al office and field sto ehouses befo e the beginning of such pe iod$ P ovided! That the numbe of such labo e s shall not be inc eased ove the numbe hi ed when the p o9ect o p o9ects we e commenced) and 4d5 Eme gency wo k necessitated by the occu ence of a public calamity! but such wo k shall be limited to the esto ation of the damaged facility. >o payment shall be made within five days befo e the date of election to labo e s who have ende ed se vices in p o9ects o wo ks e"cept those falling unde subpa ag aphs 4a5! 4b5! 4c5! and 4d5! of this pa ag aph. This p ohibition shall not apply to ongoing public wo ks p o9ects commenced befo e the campaign pe iod o simila p o9ects unde fo eign ag eements. :o pu poses of this p ovision! it shall be the duty of the gove nment officials o agencies conce ned to epo t to the Commission the list of all such p o9ects being unde taken by them. 4*5 The +inist y of 3ocial 3e vices and <evelopment and any othe office in othe minist ies of the gove nment pe fo ming functions simila to said minist y! e"cept fo sala ies of pe sonnel! and fo such othe outine and no mal e"penses!

and fo such othe e"penses as the Commission may autho i6e afte due notice and hea ing. 3hould a calamity o disaste occu ! all eleases no mally o usually cou sed th ough the said minist ies and offices of othe minist ies shall be tu ned ove to! and administe ed and disbu sed by! the Philippine >ational =ed C oss! sub9ect to the supe vision of the Commission on Audit o its ep esentatives! and no candidate o his o he spouse o membe of his family within the second civil deg ee of affinity o consanguinity shall pa ticipate! di ectly o indi ectly! in the dist ibution of any elief o othe goods to the victims of the calamity o disaste ) and 405 The +inist y of 1uman 3ettlements and any othe office in any othe minist y of the gove nment pe fo ming functions simila to said minist y! e"cept fo sala ies of pe sonnel and fo such othe necessa y administ ative o othe e"penses as the Commission may autho i6e afte due notice and hea ing. 4w5 P ohibition against const uction of public wo ks! delive y of mate ials fo public wo ks and issuance of t easu y wa ants and simila devices. - <u ing the pe iod of fo ty-five days p eceding a egula election and thi ty days befo e a special election! any pe son who 4a5 unde takes the const uction of any public wo ks! e"cept fo p o9ects o wo ks e"empted in the p eceding pa ag aph) o 4b5 issues! uses o avails of t easu y wa ants o any device unde taking futu e delive y of money! goods o othe things of value cha geable against public funds. 4"5 3uspension of elective p ovincial! city! municipal o ba angay office . - The p ovisions of law to the cont a y notwithstanding du ing the election pe iod! any public official who suspends! without p io app oval of the Commission! any elective p ovincial! city! municipal o ba angay office ! unless said suspension will be fo pu poses of applying the "Anti-; aft and Co upt P actices Act" in elation to the suspension and emoval of elective

officials) in which case the p ovisions of this section shall be inapplicable. 4y5 On =egist ation of &ote s$ 4%5 Any pe son who! having all the 7ualifications and none of the dis7ualifications of a vote ! fails without 9ustifiable e"cuse to egiste as a vote in an election! plebiscite o efe endum in which he is 7ualified to vote. 4*5 Any pe son who knowingly makes any false o unt uthful statement elative to any of the data o info mation e7ui ed in the application fo egist ation. 405 Any pe son who delibe ately imp ints o causes the imp inting of blu ed o indistinct finge p ints on any of the copies of the application fo egist ation o on the vote As affidavit) o any pe son in cha ge of the egist ation of vote s who delibe ately o th ough negligence! causes o allows the imp inting of blu ed o indistinct finge p ints on any of the afo ementioned egist ation fo ms! o any pe son who tampe s with the finge p ints in said egist ation eco ds. 4.5 Any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s who app oves any application which on its face shows that the applicant does not possess all the 7ualifications p esc ibed by law fo a vote ) o who disapp oves any application which on its face shows that the applicant possesses all such 7ualifications. 4/5 Any pe son who! being a egiste ed vote ! egiste s anew without filing an application fo cancellation of his p evious egist ation. 4C5 Any pe son who egiste s in substitution fo anothe whethe with o without the latte As knowledge o consent.

4@5 Any pe son who tampe s with o changes without autho ity any data o ent y in any vote As application fo egist ation. 4?5 Any pe son who delays! hinde s o obst uct anothe f om egiste ing. 4'5 Any pe son who falsely ce tifies o identifies anothe as a bona fide esident of a pa ticula place o locality fo the pu pose of secu ing the latte As egist ation as a vote . 4%(5 Any pe son who uses the vote As affidavit of anothe fo the pu pose of voting! whethe o not he actually succeeds in voting. 4%%5 Any pe son who places! inse ts o othe wise includes! as app oved application fo egist ation in the book of vote s o in the p ovincial o national cent al files of egiste ed vote s! the application of any fictitious vote o any application that has not been app oved) o emoves f om! o othe wise takes out of the book of vote s o the p ovincial o national cent al files of egiste ed vote s any duly app oved vote As application! e"cept upon lawful o de of the Commission! o of a competent cou t o afte p ope cancellation as p ovided in 3ections %**! %*0! %*. and %*/ he eof. 4%*5 Any pe son who t ansfe s o causes the t ansfe of the egist ation eco d of a vote to the book of vote s of anothe polling place! unless said t ansfe was due to a change of add ess of the vote and the vote was duly notified of his new polling place. 4%05 Any pe son who asks! demands! takes! accepts o possesses! di ectly o indi ectly! the vote As affidavit of anothe ! in o de to induce the latte to withhold his vote! o to vote fo o against any candidate in an election o any issue in a plebiscite o efe endum. 2t shall be p esumed p ima facie that the asking! demanding! taking! accepting! o

possessing is with such intent if done within the pe iod beginning ten days befo e election day and ending ten days afte election day! unless the vote As affidavit of anothe and the latte a e both membe s of the same family. 4%.5 Any pe son who delive s! hands ove ! ent usts! gives! di ectly o indi ectly his vote As affidavit to anothe in conside ation of money o othe benefit o p omises the eof! o takes o accepts such vote As affidavit di ectly o indi ectly! by giving o causing the giving of money o othe benefit o making o causing the making of a p omise the eof. 4%/5 Any pe son who alte s in any manne ! tea s! defaces! emoves o dest oys any ce tified list of vote s. 4%C5 Any pe son who takes! ca ies o possesses any blank o unused egist ation fo m al eady issued to a city o municipality outside of said city o municipality e"cept as othe wise p ovided in this Code o when di ected by e"p ess o de of the cou t o of the Commission. 4%@5 Any pe son who maliciously omits! tampe s o t ansfe s to anothe list the name of a egiste ed vote f om the official list of vote s posted outside the polling place. 465 On voting$ 4%5 Any pe son who fails to cast his vote without 9ustifiable e"cuse. 4*5 Any pe son who votes mo e than once in the same election! o who! not being a egiste ed vote ! votes in an election. 405 Any pe son who votes in substitution fo anothe whethe with o without the latte As knowledge andIo consent. 4.5 Any pe son who! not being illite ate o physically disabled! allows his ballot to be p epa ed by anothe ! o any pe son who p epa es the ballot of anothe who is not

illite ate o physically disabled! with o without the latte As knowledge andIo consent. 4/5 Any pe son who avails himself of any means of scheme to discove the contents of the ballot of a vote who is p epa ing o casting his vote o who has 9ust voted. 4C5 Any vote who! in the cou se of voting! uses a ballot othe than the one given by the boa d of election inspecto s o has in his possession mo e than one official ballot. 4@5 Any pe son who places unde a est o detains a vote without lawful cause! o molests him in such a manne as to obst uct o p event him f om going to the polling place to cast his vote o f om etu ning home afte casting his vote! o to compel him to eveal how he voted. 4?5 Any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s cha ged with the duty of eading the ballot du ing the counting of votes who delibe ately omits to ead the vote duly w itten on the ballot! o mis eads the vote actually w itten the eon o eads the name of a candidate whe e no name is w itten on the ballot. 4'5 Any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s cha ged with the duty of tallying the votes in the tally boa d o sheet! election etu ns o othe p esc ibed fo m who delibe ately fails to eco d a vote the ein o eco ds e oneously the votes as ead! o eco ds a vote whe e no such vote has been ead by the chai man. 4%(5 Any membe of a boa d of election inspecto s who has made possible the casting of mo e votes than the e a e egiste ed vote s. 4%%5 Any pe son who! fo the pu pose of dis upting o obst ucting the election p ocess o causing confusion among the vote s! p opagates false and ala ming epo ts o

info mation o t ansmits o ci culates false o de s! di ectives o messages ega ding any matte elating to the p inting of official ballots! the postponement of the election! the t ansfe of polling place o the gene al conduct of the election. 4%*5 Any pe son who! without legal autho ity! dest oys! substitutes o takes away f om the possession of those having legal custody the eof! o f om the place whe e they a e legally deposited! any election fo m o document o ballot bo" which contains official ballots o othe documents used in the election. 4%05 Any pe son having legal custody of the ballot bo" containing the official ballots used in the election who opens o dest oys said bo" o emoves o dest oys its contents without o against the o de of the Commission o who! th ough his negligence! enables any pe son to commit any of the afo ementioned acts! o takes away said ballot bo" f om his custody. 4%.5 Any membe of the boa d of election inspecto s who knowingly uses ballots othe than the official ballots! e"cept in those cases whe e the use of eme gency ballots is autho i6ed. 4%/5 Any public official who neglects o fails to p ope ly p ese ve o account fo any ballot bo"! documents and fo ms eceived by him and kept unde his custody. 4%C5 Any pe son who eveals the contents of the ballot of an illite ate o disabled vote whom he assisted in p epa ing a ballot. 4%@5 Any pe son who! without autho ity! t ansfe s the location of a polling place. 4%?5 Any pe son who! without autho ity! p ints o causes the p inting of any ballot o election etu ns that appea s as official ballots o election etu ns o who dist ibutes o

causes the same to be dist ibuted fo use in the election! whethe o not they a e actually used. 4%'5 Any pe son who! without autho ity! keeps! uses o ca ies out o causes to be kept! used o ca ied out! any official ballot o election etu ns o p inted p oof the eof! type-fo m mould! elect o-type p inting plates and any othe plate! numbe ing machines and othe p inting pa aphe nalia being used in connection with the p inting of official ballots o election etu ns. 4*(5 Any official o employee of any p inting establishment o of the Commission o any membe of the committee in cha ge of the p inting of official ballots o election etu ns who causes official ballots o election etu ns to be p inted in 7uantities e"ceeding those autho i6ed by the Commission o who dist ibutes! delive s! o in any manne disposes of o causes to be dist ibuted! delive ed! o disposed of! any official ballot o election etu ns to any pe son o pe sons not autho i6ed by law o by the Commission to eceive o keep official ballots o election etu ns o who sends o causes them to be sent to any place not designated by law o by the Commission. 4*%5 Any pe son who! th ough any act! means o device! violates the integ ity of any official ballot o election etu ns befo e o afte they a e used in the election. 4**5 Any pe son who emoves! tea s! defaces o dest oys any ce tified list of candidates posted inside the voting booths du ing the hou s of voting. 4*05 Any pe son who holds o causes the holding of an election on any othe day than that fi"ed by law o by the Commission! o stops any election being legally held. 4*.5 Any pe son who delibe ately blu s his finge p int in the voting eco d.

4aa5 On Canvassing$ 4%5 Any chai man of the boa d of canvasse s who fails to give due notice of the date! time and place of the meeting of said boa d to the candidates! political pa ties andIo membe s of the boa d. 4*5 Any membe of the boa d of canvasse s who p oceeds with the canvass of the votes andIo p oclamation of any candidate which was suspended o annulled by the Commission. 405 Any membe of the boa d of canvasse s who p oceeds with the canvass of votes andIo p oclamation of any candidate in the absence of 7uo um! o without giving due notice of the date! time and place of the meeting of the boa d to the candidates! political pa ties! andIo othe membe s of the boa d. 4.5 Any membe of the boa d of canvasse s who! without autho ity of the Commission! uses in the canvass of votes andIo p oclamation of any candidate any document othe than the official copy of the election etu ns. 4bb5 Common to all boa ds of election inspecto s and boa ds of canvasse s$ 4%5 Any membe of any boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s who delibe ately absents himself f om the meetings of said body fo the pu pose of obst ucting o delaying the pe fo mance of its duties o functions. 4*5 Any membe of any boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s who! without 9ustifiable eason! efuses to sign and ce tify any election fo m e7ui ed by this Code o p esc ibed by the Commission although he was p esent du ing the meeting of the said body.

405 Any pe son who! being ineligible fo appointment as membe of any boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s! accepts an appointment to said body! assumes office! and actually se ves as a membe the eof! o any of public office o any pe son acting in his behalf who appoints such ineligible pe son knowing him to be ineligible. 4.5 Any pe son who! in the p esence o within the hea ing of any boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s du ing any of its meetings! conducts himself in such a diso de ly manne as to inte upt o dis upt the wo k o p oceedings to the end of p eventing said body f om pe fo ming its functions! eithe pa tly o totally. 4/5 Any public official o pe son acting in his behalf who elieves any membe of any boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s o who changes o causes the change of the assignments of any membe of said boa d of election inspecto s o boa d of canvasse s without autho ity of the Commission. 4cc5 On candidacy and campaign$ 4%5 Any political pa ty which holds political conventions o meetings to nominate its official candidates ea lie that the pe iod fi"ed in this Code. 4*5 Any pe son who abst acts! dest oys o cancels any ce tificate of candidacy duly filed and which has not been cancelled upon o de of the Commission. 405 Any pe son who misleads the boa d of election inspecto s by submitting any false o spu ious ce tificate of candidacy o document to the p e9udice of a candidate. 4.5 Any pe son who! being autho i6ed to eceive ce tificates of candidacy! eceives any ce tificate of candidacy outside the pe iod fo filing the same and makes it appea that said ce tificate of candidacy was filed on time) o any pe son

who! by means of f aud! th eat! intimidation! te o ism o coe cion! causes o compels the commission of said act. 4/5 Any pe son who! by any device o means! 9ams! obst ucts o inte fe es with a adio o television b oadcast of any lawful political p og am. 4C5 Any pe son who solicits votes o unde takes any p opaganda! on the day of election! fo o against any candidate o any political pa ty within the polling place o within a adius of thi ty mete s the eof. 4dd5 Othe p ohibitions$ 4%5 Any pe son who sells! fu nishes! offe s! buys! se ves o takes into"icating li7uo on the days fi"ed by law fo the egist ation of vote s in the polling place! o on the day befo e the election o on election day$ P ovided! That hotels and othe establishments duly ce tified by the +inist y of Tou ism as tou ist o iented and habitually in the business of cate ing to fo eign tou ists may be e"empted fo 9ustifiable easons upon p io autho ity of the Commission$ P ovided! fu the ! That fo eign tou ists taking into"icating li7uo in said autho i6ed hotels o establishments a e e"empted f om the p ovisions of this subpa ag aph. 4*5 Any pe son who opens in any polling place o within a adius of thi ty mete s the eof on election day and du ing the counting of votes! booths o stalls of any kind fo the sale! dispensing o display of wa es! me chandise o ef eshments! whethe solid o li7uid! o fo any othe pu poses. 405 Any pe son who holds on election day! fai s! cockfights! bo"ing! ho se aces! 9ai-alai o any othe simila spo ts. 4.5 =efusal to ca y election mail matte . - Any ope ato o employee of a public utility o t anspo tation company ope ating unde a ce tificate of public convenience! including gove nment-owned o cont olled postal se vice o its

employees o deputi6ed agents who efuse to ca y official election mail matte s f ee of cha ge du ing the election pe iod. 2n addition to the penalty p esc ibed he ein! such efusal shall constitute a g ound fo cancellation o evocation of ce tificate of public convenience o f anchise. 4/5 P ohibition against disc imination in the sale of ai time. Any pe son who ope ates a adio o television station who without 9ustifiable cause disc iminates against any political pa ty! coalition o agg oupment of pa ties o any candidate in the sale of ai time. 2n addition to the penalty p esc ibed he ein! such efusal shall constitute a g ound fo cancellation o evocation of the f anchise. Section 2"2. Othe election offenses. - &iolation of the p ovisions! o pe tinent po tions! of the following sections of this Code shall constitute election offenses$ 3ections '! %?! @.! @/! @C! ?(! ?%! ?*! ?0! ?.! ?/! ?C! ?@! ??! ?'! '/! 'C! '@! '?! ''! %((! %(%! %(*! %(0! %(.! %(/! %(C %(@! %(?! %('! %%(! %%%! %%*! %**! %*0! %*@! %*?! %*'! %0*! %0.! %0/! %./! %.?! %/(! %/*! %@*! %@0! %@.! %@?! %?(! %?*! %?.! %?/! %?C! %?'! %'(! %'%! %'*! %'.! %'/! %'C! %'@! %'?! *(*! *(0! *(.! *(/! *(C! *(@! *(?! *('! *%(! *%%! *%*! *%0! *%.! *%/! *%C! *%@! *%?! *%'! **(! **0! **'! *0(! *0%! *00! *0.! *0/! *0C! *0' and *.(. Section 2"3. Pe sons c iminally liable. - The p incipals! accomplices! and accesso ies! as defined in the =evised Penal Code! shall be c iminally liable fo election offenses. 2f the one esponsible be a political pa ty o an entity! its p esident o head! the officials and employees of the same! pe fo ming duties connected with the offense committed and its membe s who may be p incipals! accomplices! o accesso ies shall be liable! in addition to the liability of such pa ty o entity. Section 2" . Penalties. - Any pe son found guilty of any election offense unde this Code shall be punished with imp isonment of not

less than one yea but not mo e than si" yea s and shall not be sub9ect to p obation. 2n addition! the guilty pa ty shall be sentenced to suffe dis7ualification to hold public office and dep ivation of the ight of suff age. 2f he is a fo eigne ! he shall be sentenced to depo tation which shall be enfo ced afte the p ison te m has been se ved. Any political pa ty found guilty shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than ten thousand pesos! which shall be imposed upon such pa ty afte c iminal action has been instituted in which thei co esponding officials have been found guilty. 2n case of p isone o p isone s illegally eleased f om any penitentia y o 9ail du ing the p ohibited pe iod as p ovided in 3ection *C%! pa ag aph 4n5 of this Code! the di ecto of p isons! p ovincial wa den! keepe of the 9ail o p ison! o pe sons who a e e7ui ed by law to keep said p isone in thei custody shall! if convicted by a competent cou t! be sentenced to suffe the penalty of p ision mayo in its ma"imum pe iod if the p isone o p isone s so illegally eleased commit any act of intimidation! te o ism of inte fe ence in the election. Any pe son found guilty of the offense of failu e to egiste o failu e to vote shall! upon conviction! be fined one hund ed pesos. 2n addition! he shall suffe dis7ualification to un fo public office in the ne"t succeeding election following his conviction o be appointed to a public office fo a pe iod of one yea following his conviction. Section 2"!. P osecution. - The Commission shall! th ough its duly autho i6ed legal office s! have the e"clusive powe to conduct p elimina y investigation of all election offenses punishable unde this Code! and to p osecute the same. The Commission may avail of the assistance of othe p osecuting a ms of the gove nment$ P ovided! howeve ! That in the event that the Commission fails to act on any complaint within fou months f om his filing! the complainant may file the complaint with the office of the fiscal o with the +inist y of Bustice fo p ope investigation and p osecution! if wa anted.

Section 2"". A est in connection with the election campaign. - >o pe son shall be a ested andIo detained at any time fo any alleged offense committed du ing and in connection with any election th ough any act o language tending to suppo t o oppose any candidate! political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties unde o pu suant to any o de of whateve name o natu e and by whomsoeve issued e"cept only upon a wa ant of a est issued by a competent 9udge afte all the e7ui ements of the Constitution shall have been st ictly complied with. 2f the offense cha ged is punishable unde a p esidential dec ee whethe o iginally o by amendment of a p evious law! the death penalty shall not be imposed upon the offende e"cept whe e mu de ! ape o a son is involved. 2n all cases! the penalty shall not be highe than eclusion pe petua and the offende shall be entitled to easonable bail upon sufficient su eties to be g anted speedily by the competent cou t. +o eove ! loss of the ight of citi6enship and confiscation of p ope ty shall not be imposed. Any office o a pe son who shall violate any p ovision of this section shall be punished by imp isonment of not less than si" 4C5 yea s and one 4%5 day no mo e than twelve 4%*5 yea s! with the accesso y penalties fo election offenses. The p ovision of 3ection *C@ of this Code shall not apply to p osecution unde this section. Section 2"#. P esc iption. - Election offenses shall p esc ibe afte five yea s f om the date of thei commission. 2f the discove y of the offense be made in an election contest p oceedings! the pe iod of p esc iption shall commence on the date on which the 9udgment in such p oceedings becomes final and e"ecuto y. Section 2"8. Bu isdiction of cou ts. - The egional t ial cou t shall have the e"clusive o iginal 9u isdiction to t y and decide any c iminal action o p oceedings fo violation of this Code! e"cept those elating to the offense of failu e to egiste o failu e to vote which shall be unde the 9u isdiction of the met opolitan o municipal t ial cou ts.

: om the decision of the cou ts! appeal will lie as in othe c iminal cases. Section 2"$. P efe ential disposition of election offenses. - The investigation and p osecution of cases involving violations of the election laws shall be given p efe ence and p io ity by the Commission on Elections and p osecuting officials. Thei investigation shall be commenced without delay! and shall be esolved by the investigating office within five days f om its submission fo esolution. The cou ts shall likewise give p efe ence to election offenses ove all othe cases! e"cept petitions fo w it of habeas co pus. Thei t ial shall likewise be commenced without delay! and shall be conducted continuously until te minated! and the case shall be decided within thi ty days f om its submission fo decision. ARTICLE ((III LEGAL FEES Section 2#%. Collection of legal fees. - The Commission is he eby autho i6ed to collect fees as follows$ 4a5 :o fu nishing ce tified t ansc ipt of eco ds o copies of any eco d! decision o uling o ent y of which any pe son is entitled to demand and eceive a copy! fo eve y page P *.(( 4b5 :o eve y ce tificate o w it o p ocess %(.(( 4c5 :o each ce tificate not on p ocess *.(( 4d5 2n app op iate cases! fo filing a second and succeeding motions fo econside ation /(.(( 4e5 :o eve y sea ch of any eco d of mo e than one yea As standing and eading the same %(.(( Section 2#1. Payment of :ees. - The fees mentioned in the p eceding section shall be paid to the cashie of the Commission who shall in all cases issue a eceipt fo the same and shall ente the amount eceived upon his book specifying the date when eceived!

the fee! and the pe son f om whom eceived. The cashie immediately epo t such payment to the Commission. ARTICLE ((IV TRANSITOR' PROVISIONS


Section 2#2. Pending actions. - Pending actions and causes of action a ising befo e the effectivity of this Code shall be gove ned by the laws then in fo ce. Section 2#3. <esignation of ce tain p e-election acts immediately afte the app oval of this Code. - 2f it should no longe be easonably possible to obse ve the pe iods and dates he ein p esc ibed fo ce tain p e-election acts in the election immediately following the app oval of this Code! the Commission shall fi" othe pe iods in o de to ensu e that vote s shall not be dep ived of thei ight of suff age. Section 2# . Acc editation of dominant opposition pa ty. - :o pu poses of the ne"t local elections in %'?C and the ne"t p esidential elections in %'?@ o ea lie ! the dominant opposition pa ty shall be that political pa ty! g oup o o gani6ation o coalition of ma9o national o egional political pa ties opposed to the ma9o ity pa ty which has the capability to wage a bona fide nationwide campaign as shown by the e"tent of its o gani6ation and the numbe of +embe s of Pa liament affiliated with it$ P ovided! howeve ! That with specific efe ence to the ne"t local elections in constituencies which a e ep esented in the ,atasang Pambansa by +embe s who do not belong eithe to the ma9o ity pa ty o to the political pa ty o coalition of political pa ties desc ibed above! the ep esentatives of the opposition in the boa d of election inspecto s! boa d of canvasse s o othe simila bodies shall be p oposed e"clusively by the pa ty to which said +embe of the ,atasang Pambansa belong$ P ovided! howeve ! That it is egiste ed befo e the ne"t local elections. Any political pa ty! g oup o o gani6ation o coalition of political pa ties seeking acc editation unde this section shall file a ve ified petition with the Commission on Elections stating the ein such

info mation as may be necessa y to enable the Commission to dete mine the 7ualifications fo acc editation in acco dance with the standa d he ein p ovided. The Commission on Elections shall acc edit the dominant opposition pa ty not late than thi ty days befo e the campaign pe iod in eve y election. 2n case a p esidential election is held befo e the ne"t local elections o befo e the p esidential election in %'?@! the p ovisions of the Constitution shall be enfo ced in dete mining which shall be the dominant opposition pa ty fo pu poses of the ne"t local elections. Section 2#!. Pa ty ep esentatives in the boa d of election inspecto s. - #ntil such time as the two acc edited political pa ties a e dete mined in acco dance with the p ovisions of the Constitution! the two membe s shall each be p oposed by the uling pa ty and the dominant opposition pa ty as may be dete mined by the Commission pu suant to the p ovisions of this Code. Section 2#". App op iations! and insu ance fo boa d of election inspecto s. - The cost of holding the ne"t local elections p ovided in this Code shall be funded out of the cu ent app op iations of the Commission on Elections p ovided fo this pu pose. 2n case of deficiency! additional funding may be p ovided out of the special activities fund intended fo special p io ity activities autho i6ed in the ;ene al App op iations Act. The chai man and the poll cle k of the boa d of election inspecto s shall eceive pe diem at the ate of one hund ed pesos on election day and fifty pesos on each of the egist ation and evision days. The inspecto s of the political pa ties shall be g anted a pe diem of fifty pesos on election day and twenty-five pesos on each of the egist ation and evision days. Education suppo t pe sonnel of the +inist y of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts shall eceive a pe diem of twenty-five pesos du ing election day.

3upe viso s! p incipals and othe administ ato s of the +inist y of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts who may be asked by the Commission! and actually epo t! fo supe viso y assignment du ing egist ation and election day shall be entitled to a pe diem of fifty pesos. The p ovincial! city and municipal t easu e s shall eceive pe diem at the ate of one hund ed pesos on election day. Payments of pe diems unde this section shall be made within seventy-two hou s afte the election o egist ation day. The chai man! poll cle k and pa ty ep esentatives in the boa d of election inspecto s shall be insu ed with the gove nment 3e vice 2nsu ance 3ystem at fifty thousand pesos each unde te ms and conditions that shall be ag eed upon by the Chai man of the Commission! the +inist ies of the ,udget! and the +iniste of Education! Cultu e and 3po ts. Section 2##. 3pecial election fo P esident befo e %'?@. - 2n case a vacancy in the Office of the P esident occu s befo e the p esidential election in %'?@! the 3peake of the ,atasang Pambansa shall act as P esident until a P esident and a &ice-P esident o eithe of them shall have been elected and shall have 7ualified. Thei te m of office shall commence at noon of the tenth day following thei p oclamation! and shall end at noon on the thi tieth day of Bune of the si"th yea the eafte . The Acting P esident may not decla e ma tial law o suspend the p ivilege of the w it of habeas co pus without the p io consent of at least a ma9o ity of all the +embe s of the ,atasang Pambansa! o issue any dec ee! o de o lette of inst uctions while the lawmaking powe of the P esident is in fo ce. 1e shall be deemed automatically on leave and the 3peake P o-Tempo e shall act as 3peake . 8hile acting as P esident! the 3peake may not be emoved. 1e shall not be eligible fo election in the immediately succeeding election fo P esident and &ice-P esident.

The ,atasang Pambansa shall! at ten oAclock in the mo ning of the thi d day afte the vacancy occu s! convene in acco dance with its ules without need of a call and within seven days enact a law calling fo a special election to elect a P esident and a &ice-p esident to be held not ea lie than fo ty-five days no late than si"ty days f om the time of such call. The bill calling such special election shall be deemed ce tified unde pa ag aph 4*5! 3ection %'! A ticle &222 of the Constitution and shall become law upon its app oval on thi d eading by the ,atasang Pambansa. App op iations fo the special election shall be cha ged against any cu ent app op iations and shall be e"empt f om the e7ui ements of pa ag aph 4.5! 3ection %C of A ticle &222 of the Constitution. As p ovided in the thi d pa ag aph! 3ection ' of A ticle &22 the eof! the convening of the ,atasang Pambansa cannot be suspended no the special election postponed. >o special election shall be called if the vacancy occu s within seventy days befo e the date of the p esidential election of %'?@. Appointments e"tended by the Acting P esident shall emain effective! unless evoked by the newly elected P esident within ninety days f om his assumption of office. Section 2#8. 3pecial election to fill e"isting vacancies in the ,atasang Pambansa. - The election of +embe s to fill e"isting vacancies in the ,atasang Pambansa shall be held simultaneously with the ne"t local election in %'?C o in the ne"t special national election fo P esident and &ice-P esident if one is held ea lie . Section 2#$. Elective officials in e"isting sub-p ovinces. - The election of elective public officials in e"isting sub-p ovinces shall likewise be held simultaneously with the ne"t local elections of %'?C and %''( in acco dance with thei espective cha te s! sub9ect to the same te m! 7ualifications! manne of election and esolution of election cont ove sies as a e he ein p ovided fo compa able p ovincial elective officials.

ARTICLE ((V FINAL PROVISIONS Section 28%. =eo gani6ation of the Commission on Elections. - 2n o de to p omote ma"imum efficiency in ca ying out its constitutional duty to insu e f ee! o de ly and honest elections and in discha ging its 9udicial powe s and functions unde the Constitution! the Commission is he eby autho i6ed to eo gani6e its office within twelve months afte the fi st election to be held unde this Code. 2t may c eate! me ge! o abolish depa tments! offices! divisions o units! edist ibute functions and eassign pe sonnel! change designations of e"isting positions sub9ect to pe tinent e"isting laws and egulations. 2t may ecommend the levels and ates of sala ies of its subo dinate officials and employees sub9ect to the laws and egulations on civil se vice and compensation! position classification and standa di6ation of sala ies$ P ovided! That no pe manent official o employee al eady in the se vice of the Commission! upon app oval of this Code! shall be laid off! o demoted in ank o sala y. Section 281. 3epa ability clause. - 2f fo any eason any section o p ovision of this Code! o any po tion the eof! o the application of such section! p ovision o po tion to any pe son! g oup o ci cumstance is decla ed invalid o unconstitutional! the emainde of this Code o the application of such section! p ovision o po tion the eof to othe pe sons! g oups o ci cumstances shall not be affected by such decla ation. Section 282. =epealing clause. - P esidential <ec ee >o. %*'C! othe wise known as The %'@? Election Code! as amended! is he eby epealed. All othe election laws! dec ees! e"ecutive o de s! ules and egulations! o pa ts the eof! inconsistent with the p ovisions of this Code a e he eby epealed! e"cept P esidential <ec ee >o. %C%? and ,atas Pambansa ,lg. *( gove ning the election of the membe s of the 3angguniang Pampook of =egions 2H and H22.

Section 283. Effectivity. - This Code shall take effect upon its app oval. App oved! <ecembe 0! %'?/.

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