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VPD Profiles

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > VPD Profile. The VPD Manager enables administrators to use the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD feature to vie!" modif#" and create VPD Profiles. Onl# users !ith ADM$% user level privileges can access the VPD Manager. VPD !or&s b# adding a '()*) clause to ever# table in a +,- statement. VPD does not provide functional securit#. rather" it controls user access to data. /or functional securit#" use the /unction 0roups option and Menu Manager. A VPD profile is a set of virtual private database rules. Virtual private databases provide fine1tuned access control to users" across or !ithin domains. A number of preset VPD profiles can be selected and ne! profiles can be created for customi2ed access control. %ote3 Onl# users !ith ADM$% user level privileges can access the VPD Manager. $n addition" creating or editing VPD profiles re4uires a !or&ing &no!ledge of Oracle databases. /or assistance" contact Technical +upport. %ote3 To e5clude a 4uer# from being cached for 6$ drop1do!n lists" add the glog propert# glog.droplistcache.e5clude and the value of the full 7ava class name that runs the 4uer#. /or e5ample" to e5clude +hipment *efnum ,ualifiers from the cache" set the propert# to3 glog.droplistcache.e5clude8glog.server.4uer#.po!erdata.+hipment*efnum,ual,uer# +elect Profile To use an e5isting VPD profile" select it from the drop1do!n list. The preset VPD profiles are3 DATA)%T*9 1 -imits a user to onl# updating those records !hich the user created. This" in effect" creates a personali2ed database for a user limited to the records the# have created. D:A 1 Provides full access to Oracle Transportation Management schema tables. D)/A6-T 1 Provides access to the entire domain" public data" and an# other data to !hich the# have been granted access. D$+P-A9;($DD)%;+($PM)%T;)V)%T+ 1 Displa#s a flag on the Add +hipment )vent page that lets #ou hide<sho! specific events. %ote3 Do %OT use this profile. $nstead" go to the 6ser Preferences page (Configuration and Administration > Preferences > 6ser Preferences and select it there. /T$;D)/A6-T 3 OTM users that !ill access /T$ should have this profile rather than D)/A6-T. Do not use the default profile to access /T$. /T$ service providers should use the profile +)*VP*OV. $%VO-V)D;PA*T9;DOMA$%;V$+ 1 -imits access to onl# those order bases in a domain in !hich the user is an involved part#.= $%VO-V)D;PA*T9;6+)*;V$+ 1 -imits access to onl# those order bases" order releases and shipments in !hich the user is an involved part#.= +)*VP*OV 1 -imits access to onl# those shipments in !hich the user is associated !ith the service provider.

=The $%VO-V)D;PA*T9 e5ternal predicates do nothing !hen the user>s domain is the same as the domain on the order or shipment.

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