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From Galaxies to Cells


Lecture and demonstration by Denise Melo

Level IX Acutonics Practioner, licensed by the Kairos Institute

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014 Location: Unity Spiritual Life Center, 5603 N.W 41st, OKC, OK Time: 7-8:30pm Cost: Free of charge, donations appreciated
Please come and join us and invite your friends for this fascinating event!
Sound Healing is a powerful, creative healing force used by cultures around the world for thousands of years to transform body, mind and spirit. Acutonics is a unique approach to Sound Healing, in the field of Harmonic Medicine that works with the principals of Oriental Medicine and the Music of the Spheres. Acutonics seeks to harmonize and balance the body, psyche and soul and to reconnect the individual with the natural rhythms, bridging, balancing and harmonizing the inner and outer universes, the microcosm and the macrocosm. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ, every system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse that exists in resonant harmony and sympathy to the cycles of the earth and the heavens. We use sound in scientific and intuitive ways for reconnecting with the Higher Self Our work brings the divine into physical form. When we bring that into the body, the Divine Blueprint is automatically activated remembering who we really are, the blueprint of our souls what we came here to do Each time we clear our own energies and realign with our natural patterns, this clearing takes place for the planet as a whole. This goes back to the "As above, so below." Donna Carey

About the Presenter:

Denise Melo hails from Brazil where she was a licensed Psychologist who taught as a Professor of Psychology for five years at Universidade FMU. Her professional experience as psychologist includes work with institutionalized children, women victims of domestic violence, terminally ill patients, and individual and group session therapy for adults, for over ten years. Based on her prior experience with counseling and supportive services to terminally ill patients in Brazil -- in the last fifteen years she has been offering end-of-life care and coaching for the elderly and their families here in Oklahoma. She spent two years in the Peruvian portion of the Amazon Rain Forest researching Shamanism and giving Biodanza workshops for adults. Biodanza is a system of integration within ourselves, with others and with the Cosmos. Experiences induced by music, movement and encounters in groups, Biodanza creates a safe space that facilitates the development and expression of potential of vitality, sexuality, creativity, feelings and transcendence. She speaks Portuguese, Spanish and English and has been invited to run courses and workshops in the U.S., Brazil and Peru. She has been studying and applying the power of healing sounds since she started Biodanza over thirty years ago. She is Facilitator and Didacta Professor certified by the Biodanza International Foundation. She is a Level IX Acutonics Practitioner licensed by the Kairos Institute. She has ben studying directly with Donna Carey, one of the founders of this System of vibrational sound healing that utilizes tuning forks and symphonic gongs tuned to the planets, Tibetan bowls, bells, and other percussion instruments.

**Visit Denises Facebook page, Melod, for additional information about Acutonics and sound healing**

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