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Course # -4883

From Ideas to Action: The Anatomy of Entrepreneurship

Instructor: Contact Information: Course Date & Time: Johnetta Boseman Hardy, MA, NX Le e! "ertified E#mai!:$ "e!! %&%'()*'&((+, home (&,'-&)'&,** January %. / May ), %&,+ 0:(&pm#*:(&pm

Course Description
Entrepreneurship is one of the most si1nificant economic and socia! phenomena of our times' 2 er +&& mi!!ion indi idua!s around the 3or!d are founders or co#founders of ne3 4usinesses today' 5A recent sur ey 4y "apita! 2ne and "onsumer Action re ea! that +&6 of Americans dream of startin1 their o3n 4usiness, 4ut near!y ))6 admit that they don7t 8no3 3hat is in o! ed in 1ettin1 a sma!! 4usiness off the 1round' This hand# on course introduces students to the ne3 enture creation process and he!ps them to understand the cha!!en1es an entrepreneur faces 3hen creatin1 and 1ro3in1 a 4usiness' 9i en the e:traordinari!y hi1h fai!ure rates of ne3 entures in most industries, this course does not see8 to promote entrepreneurship, 4ut rather to prepare students to find their o3n 4est p!ace in the entrepreneuria! economy' To achie e this, 3e 3i!! introduce the arious e!ements essentia! to de e!opin1 and !eadin1 a successfu! entrepreneuria! enterprise and !earn the attri4utes a successfu! entrepreneur must ha e, 4e1innin1 3ith ho3 to de e!op a 4usiness p!an' And students 3i!! de e!op a 4usiness p!an, find 3ays to secure financin1, identify mentors, !earn mar8etin1 techni;ues, !aunch the <=tudent Entrepreneurship >e4site, de e!op a ?itch "ompetition and participate in 9!o4a! Entrepreneurship 3ee8 throu1h the @auffman Foundation'

Course Goals
This course aims to introduce students to the 8ey concepts of entrepreneurship throu1h academic study and to insti!! in them an entrepreneuria! mindset throu1h dynamic en1a1ements 4oth in c!ass and around >ashin1ton A"'

Student Learning Outcomes Objectives

By the end of the course, students 3i!!: Knowledge Be a4!e to identify and descri4e in detai! the 4usiness functions essentia! to a successfu! entrepreneuria! enture, inc!udin1 mar8et ana!yses, financia! p!annin1, concept de e!opment and other aspects of 4usiness p!annin1'

, B The >ashin1ton "enter for Internships and Academic =eminars

S ills Aemonstrate ana!ytica! s8i!!s throu1h the e a!uation of entrepreneuria! opportunities, preparation of a 4usiness p!an Cinc!udin1 mar8et ana!ysis and financia! statementsD, and de e!opment of a 4usiness pitch Aemonstrate s8i!!s of professiona! presentation necessary for presentin1 a 3innin1 4usiness p!an in the form of a ?itch' Aemonstrate s8i!!s of entrepreneuria! team4ui!din1 Ci!ic "earning Be a4!e to descri4e the ro!e of entrepreneurship in ad ancin1 economic de e!opment and socia! mo4i!ity' Be a4!e to descri4e 3hy socia! responsi4i!ity is for a!! 4usinesses and 3hy this 3i!! increase entrepreneuria! opportunities in their corporations, institutions, and re1ions'

Re uired !e"ts # Readings

$%ntrepreneurs&ip ' Real-(orld 'pproac&) 4y Ehonda A4rams I=BN F ,&# *((-*)#%0#- Gou can order at AmaHon for I(% or !ess or 1o to
I+*'** or call Jeff at 650#%-*#*,%& (ask about 25% discount)


$!&e (all Street *ournal) For subscription at $1 per week for 12 weeks see handout

Recommended Secondar+ Readings

!ntrepreneur "a#a$ine% &nc "a#a$ine% Forbes% Financial 'i(es and )andouts

Course Re uirements
Grade Calculation
?articipation ,&6 Assi1nments: (&6 * +our ,ife -lan * 'e(plate .o to http/00www startupnation co(0start*a*business0start*a* business ht( * &dea -itch 1o(petition 2 3eception * 4tudent 5ebsite 3&4! * 6ral -resentation fro( 7bra(s 8ook Midterm E:am (&6 Business ?!an J ?itch ?roKect (&6 ,idterm %"am The e:am 3i!! 4e 4ased on information shared in c!ass and from the assi1ned readin1s'

,ajor Course -rojects:

=tudents 3i!! 4e e:pected to Ae e!op a rea!istic 4usiness p!an that you cou!d 4e1in today 3ith the money you ha e and any ideasLmeans they ha e for ma8in1 more money' Mana1e and Maintain the Eise =tudent >e4site Ae e!op and Mana1e the 5Idea Aisco ery ?itch7 "ompetition

%ntrepreneurial 'ctivities:

Idea Disco!er$ #itch Competition / This is an e:perientia! !earnin1 process that presents students 3ith an opportunity to o ersee, p!an, or1aniHe, mana1e, coordinate, mar8et and participate in the annua! ?itch "ompetition' It is a 1reat 3ay for the students to interact 3ith industry !eaders and mentors 3ho are entrepreneurs andLor enture capita!ists' It a!so pro ides another forum for students to de e!op entrepreneuria! s8i!!s and to net3or8' A pane! consistin1 of M"s, 4an8ers and esta4!ished entrepreneurs 3i!! Kud1e the competition and the top pitches C,st p!ace, %nd p!ace and (rd p!aceD 3i!! 4e reco1niHed and pro ided a cash a3ard, 4ased on c!arity, effecti eness, and inno ation' %IS& T'C 'ebsite CEeachin1 Ideas Throu1h =tudent EntrepreneursD / =tudents are 1i en the opportunity to tota!!y 4ui!d, mana1e, maintain and mar8et the student entrepreneurship 3e4site 8no3n as EI=E T>" # http:LLsites'riset3c'com' The 3e4site 3as ori1ina!!y created in Au1ust %&,,, 4y ?rofessor Hardy7s Fa!! Entrepreneurship c!ass' =ince then, students from each pre ious c!ass, pass the 4aton to the students in the current semester c!ass, to ma8e the 3e4site 4etter, current, faster and more efficient' The students 4rea8 off into committees to accomp!ish the tas8 C9enera! "oordinator, Administrator of >e4site, =ocia! Media, and Ne3s E ents' 'he 3&4! '51 student entrepreneurship website is an online resource for all e(er#in# or established students nationall9 and #loball9 4tudents fro( pre:ious classes are still in:ol:ed b9 assistin# the current 4e(ester students on de:elop(ent and the9 pro:ide input on Facebook% twitter and the website

%e!iewing Case Studies / Throu1h my partnership 3ith The >a!! =treet Journa! C>=JD, students 3i!! 4e a4!e to ta8e ad anta1e of this inno ati e teachin1 too! around rea!#3or!d co era1e of current e ents throu1h case studies' This 3i!! 4e e:treme!y en1a1in1 and 3i!! re;uire critica! thin8in1 for the students and it 3i!! spur c!assroom discussion and 1et students more in o! ed throu1h ;uiHHes, discussions and artic!es from >=J .

.nstructional -&ilosop&+:
=tudents 3i!! 4e e:pected to attend c!asses ?articipate in c!assroom discussions Eead re;uired materia!s Turn in assignments on time Ta8e Midterm "omp!ete and turn in Business ?!an ?roKect Ao a ?resentation for Ehonda A4ramsN Boo8 Eefrain from interferin1 3ith the !earnin1 of others ?articipate on >e4site Team to Launch =tudent >e4site EI=E Eead >a!! =treet Journa! ?articipate in Idea ?itch "ompetition >rite Gour Life ?!an # Temp!ate (o to http:LL333'startupnation'comLstart#a#4usinessLstart#a#

Be prepared to discuss "ase =tudy from >a!! =treet Journa! / ?rofessor Hardy 3i!! send

/o0 Can . C&ange t&e (orld1

)an. *+: Introductions, -e inspired . -abson /ideo, Ste!e )obs 0 "o!e, Death and #assion and discuss S$llabus.
1ssignment 2e3t Class:

2rder %honda 1brams4 Boo8 5&ntrepreneurship 1 %eal.'orld6 1pproach / (

2rder The (all Street *ournal

Thin8 a4out 3hat team you 3ant to 4e on: >e4site, Mar8etin1 J ?itch Team' Eead "hapter ,# >hat is Entrepreneurship and "hapter % # 2pportunity Identification and Feasi4i!ity ana!ysis from A4rams7 Boo8 C?rofessor Hardy 3i!! e#mai! first t3o "haptersD' Ideas for a 4usiness project 7eb. *8. >rite Gour Life ?!an and turn in 7eb.9:th # Temp!ate 9o to http:LL333'startupnation'comLstart#a# 4usinessLstart#a#4usiness'htm' Inter ie3 your fa orite Entrepreneur / due March (,'

7eb. ;: Discuss 5'hat is &ntrepreneurship, Characteristics of an &ntrepreneur, 'here do <pportunities Come 7rom.6
1ssignment for 2e3t Class: Eead "hapter ( # Basic Business ?!annin1 and "hapter +# Business ?!annin1 from A4rams7 Boo8' >or8 on Idea for Business ?!an ?itch ?roKect and turn in Fe4' %+, typed and si1ned C!ess than three !ines at the mostD' Be prepared to discuss' Idea ?itch "ompetition Team de e!ops time !ine and 4e prepared to discuss' Inter ie3 your fa orite Entrepreneur / due March (,

7eb. 9:: . 'e will discuss =our Idea, >ar et %esearch and the 'inning -usiness #lan .Turn in "ife #lan' Aiscuss Time!ine for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition and Eeception'
1ssignment for 2e3t Class: Eead "hapter ) #Gour "ustomers and Tar1et Mar8et, "hapter 0# "ompetiti e Ana!ysis, =trate1ic ?ositionin1 and Eis8 Assessment and "hapter ,% # Mana1ement and Leadership, from A4rams7 Boo8' Eead Entrepreneuria! re!ated Artic!es J "ase =tudies from >a!! =treet Journa! / ?rofessor Hardy 3i!! send'

7eb. 9+: 2< Class in <bser!ance of #resident4s Da$

1ssignment 2e3t Class: >or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site and ?itch "ompetition

7eb. *8: Discuss Idea with Chris 'ilson, Student &ntrepreneur, Kathleen >anle$, C&< 1sset Solutions (roup, and -radle$ Donaldson, /enture Capitalists 0 Turn in Idea. >arch ;: 'h$ are Customers Important, 'ho are =our Competitors and 'h$ Should =ou, ha!e a (ood >anagement Team?
>or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for EI=E >e4site' Eead "hapter *# Mar8etin1 Fundamenta!s, and "hapter ,& # Mar8etin1 Tactics'

>arch 9:: Discuss >ar eting #lan, >ar eting Strateg$ and >idterm
1ssignment 2e3t Class:

>or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site' =tudy for Midterm'

>arch 9+: >idterm &3am

1ssignment 2e3t Class: >or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site' Eead "hapter . # Money Mana1ement in A4ram7s Boo8 and "hapter ,0 # Le1a! Issues, in A4ram7s Boo8'

Date T-1: 7ield Trip to 9++@ 0 !isit 9++@ is a platform to rein!ent the
world b$ connecting the hottest startups with the resources the$ need to e3cel. 7rom our Campus a few bloc s from the 'hite Bouse, 9++@ ser!es as a global hub for startups tac ling major challenges in education, energ$, health care, go!ernment, and other critical industries. 9++@ startups recei!e mentorship, corporate connections, access to capital, media attention, and a pipeline of top talentCthe raw materials critical for inno!ators to succeed

>arch *8: 1ccounting and 7inancial 7ramewor for Success . . &ntrepreneur, 1uthor and C7< (eorge Dines discusses in simple terms, 5The 7inancials for =ou and =our -usiness.6
1ssignment 2e3t Class: >or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site'

>arch ;9: #ower with #oise and 2etwor ing0 International, >oti!ational &ntrepreneur and Spea er . Kerri 2orris 0 Turn in &ntrepreneur Inter!iew.
1ssignment 2e3t Class: >or8 on Lo1istics for Idea ?itch "ompetition' Eead "hapter - # Financin1 Gour Business and "hapter ,* #9ro3in1 the Menture in A4rams Boo8' >or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site'

1pril 8 . 7ield Trip to Ke!in #lan s4 DEnder 1rmorF Cupids Cup #itch Competition at >ar$land Eni!ersit$. 1pril + / (uest Spea er and /enture Capitalist &dgar Barrell, #rinciple of Barrell #artners discusses 3here the money comes from and ho3 to 1ro3 your 4usiness'
1ssignment 2e3t Class: Eead in A4rams Financin1 Gour Business "hapter - and 9ro3in1 the Menture "hapter ,* >or8 on !o1istics for Idea Aisco ery ?itch "ompetition' >or8 on !o1istics for =tudent EI=E >e4site' Eead "hapter ,+ / 2perations, "hapter ,) # Techno!o1y and "hapter ,. # =ocia! Entrepreneurship and

=ocia! Eesponsi4i!ity, in A4ram7s Boo8' Ta8e "!ass ?hoto on Apri! ,+ for >e4site'

1pril 98 : Idea Disco!er$ #itch Competition and %eception . Bosted b$ T'C Students, for T'C Students.
1ssignment 2e3t Class: Eead "hapter - # Financin1 Gour Business "hapter - # 9ro3in1 the Menture "hapter ,* A4ram7s Boo8'

1pril *G: Discuss <perations of Small -usiness, 'h$ 2ot Esing Technolog$ Can #ut =ou <ut of -usiness and 'h$ Corporations Should (i!e -ac .Social %esponsibilit$
1ssignment 2e3t Class: ?ut finishin1 touches on =tudent EI=E >e4site' >or8 on Gour ?resentation' >or8 on E:ecuti e =ummary and turn in May )'

>a$ H: #itch #resentations of -usiness Idea . Turn In =our &3ecuti!e Summar$

Good Luc2 0it& 3inding and Living 4our -assion5

!(C Course -olicies

7or a detailed list of all T'C policies, please refer to $our student handboo .

>e stron1!y encoura1e students to 4e professiona! at a!! times'

% ual Opportunit+7'66irmative 'ction

The >ashin1ton "enter acti e!y su4scri4es to a po!icy of e;ua! opportunity in education'

Class Cancellation
=tudents are e:pected to attend e ery c!ass period as schedu!ed un!ess there is an una oida4!e circumstance or i!!ness' "!asses do not meet on federa! ho!idays$ ho3e er, your professor may e!ect to reschedu!e the c!ass for another e enin1 to ma8e#up time and 3or8'

8erbal9 Se"ual9 %t&nic7Racial /arassment

The >ashin1ton "enter does not to!erate harassment of any nature' Mer4a!, se:ua!, ethnic and or racia! harassment in any 3ay of its students, staff, and facu!ty are prohi4ited' The >ashin1ton "enter ad ises students to notify their ?ro1ram Ad isor if they 4e!ie e they may ha e 4een e:posed to se:ua! or er4a! harassment'

Disabilit+ Services
If you are a student 3ho is defined under the American 3ith Aisa4i!ities Act and re;uires assistance or support ser ices, p!ease inform The >ashin1ton "enterNs disa4i!ity coordinator, 4y emai!in1 disa4i!ityser icesOt3c'edu'

The coordinator 3i!! or1aniHe such ser ices as note ta8ers, readers, si1n !an1ua1e interpreters, etc' If you need course adaptations or accommodations 4ecause of a disa4i!ity, if you ha e emer1ency medica! information to share, or if you need specia! arran1ements in case the 4ui!din1 must 4e e acuated, p!ease ma8e an appointment to spea8 3ith disa4i!ity ser ices upon arri a!' Aisa4i!ity ser ices information is a ai!a4!e on on!ine at 33't3c'eduLdisa4i!ityPser ices'shtm!'

'cademic ,isconduct
Academic misconduct inc!udes, 4ut is not !imited to the acts !isted here' For a fu!! statement of the po!icy of T>" on academic misconduct, p!ease refer to the T>" Academic "ourse Hand4oo8' The >ashin1ton "enter reser es the ri1ht to impose pena!ties and sanctions for any incident of academic misconduct up to and inc!udin1 fai!ure for the course and e:pu!sion from the pro1ram' ,' #lagiarism. ?!a1iarism is a form of academic misconduct and is considered academic fraud' It is an attempt to recei e a 1rade or other credit that 3ou!d not 4e 1ranted if the instructor or others 8ne3 the fu!! truth a4out the 3or8 you su4mitted' ?!a1iarism occurs 3hen someone copies or ta8es the inte!!ectua! 3or8 of another as one7s o3n, and fai!s to proper!y reference or pro ide proper and fu!!y ade;uate attri4ution to the ori1ina! author of the 3or8' ?!a1iarism may 4e either intentiona! or unintentiona!' ?!a1iarism may a!so ta8e the form of se!f#p!a1iarism in the e ent of tryin1 to su4mit 3or8 done for another course or pro1ram for credit 3ithout the e:press permission of instructor' ,' Cheating. The use of notes or 4oo8s 3hen prohi4ited, and the assistance of another student 3hi!e comp!etin1 a ;uiH or an e:am, or the pro idin1 of information to another indi idua! for this purpose, un!ess such co!!a4oration is appro ed 4y the course instructor' %' 7alsification. The improper a!teration of any record, document or e a!uation' (' <bstruction. Beha in1 in a disrupti e manner or participatin1 in acti ities that interfere 3ith the educationa! mission of The >ashin1ton "enter at !ectures, courses, meetin1s or other sponsored e ents' +' 1bsenteeism. The chronic fai!ure to attend pro1ram components Cinc!udin1 internship, internship courses, or other schedu!ed acti itiesD 3ithout a a!id reason or prior notification' Missin1 t3o or more c!asses mi1ht resu!t in a !o3er 1rade e a!uation for the course' A!so, in such cases your instructor 3i!! notify the courses coordinator, 3ho 3i!! notify your pro1ram ad isor and possi4!y your campus !iaison' )' Disrupti!e -eha!ior. Any 4eha ior, 3hether acti e or passi e, that interferes 3ith the en ironment of teachin1 and !earnin1 or tone of professiona!ism as esta4!ished 4y the instructor' 0' "omp!icity in any act of academic misconduct 4y another person' =tudent 9rie ances If students ha e a pro4!em 3ith their instructor, the course materia!, c!ass format, or other aspects of the course, they shou!d spea8 to the instructor first' If that is not possi4!e or they choose other3ise, students shou!d spea8 3ith the course coordinator 3ho 3i!! arran1e a conference in consu!tation 3ith the director of academic affairs' If students 3ish to ma8e a forma! comp!aint, they must su4mit it in 3ritin1 to the courses coordinator at coursesOt3c'edu' The courses coordinator 3i!! re!ay it to the director of academic affairs, 3ho 3i!! in esti1ate the situation, consu!t the re!e ant parties and inform the student of the pro1ress of the in esti1ation in order to come to a reso!ution of the situation'

)ohnetta -oseman Bard$, >.1.


For o er %& years Johnetta Boseman Hardy has infused her passion and e:pertise in entrepreneurship to practice, teach, ad ise and counse! 4oth or1aniHations, institutions, indi idua!s, and facu!ty, staff and students in the hi1her education arenas on the princip!es and practice of entrepreneuria! endea ors' Ms' Hardy is current!y the Airector of the "enter for Entrepreneurship and Inno ation C"EID at the Qni ersity of Ba!timore, 3hich connects emer1in1 and esta4!ished entrepreneurs to resources and opportunities that acce!erate their sustaina4!e re enue and 1ro3th' =he is a!so the Founder J "E2 of the Hardy =o!utions 9roup, LL", a firm that specia!iHes in pro idin1 resources, education and e:pertise to ma:imiHe the success of e:istin1 and emer1in1 sma!! 4usinesses in academic and 4usiness de e!opment, trainin1, financia! p!annin1L!iteracy and e:ecuti e coachin1' =he is a fre;uent pu4!ic spea8er, presenter and academic !ecturer' =he 3as appointed 4y the "onsortium for Entrepreneurship Education to 4e the =tate Airector for the A" Area Entrepreneurship "oa!ition' Most recent!y, Ms' Hardy ser ed as the E:ecuti e Airector of the Ho3ard Qni ersity Institute for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Inno ation CELID 3hich is a uni;ue pro1ram to stimu!ate the notion of the practice of entrepreneurship to Ho3ard Qni ersity and a!! historica!!y 4!ac8 co!!e1es, and to the re1iona! African#American community' Qsin1 her e:tensi e corporate, non#profit or1aniHation, and 1o ernment contacts, Ms' Hardy 3as not on!y a4!e to pro ide e:perientia! opportunities for those interested in entrepreneurship, 4ut she 3as a4!e to ac;uire a!ua4!e fundin1 for pro1ram proKects and initiati es' 2ther pre ious position positions he!d inc!ude: former Associate Airector for the Nationa! Association of B!ac8 Accountants$ Business Airector at the Ho3ard Qni ersity =ma!! Business Ae e!opment "enter and =u4 "enters at the =ma!! Business AdministrationNs >ashin1ton Metropo!itan Aistrict 2ffice and the Nationa! "ounci! of Ne1ro >omen' Ms' Hardy has counse!ed o er (,&&& 4usinesses on 4usiness start#up, mar8etin1, -CaD certification and financin1 Che!pin1 4usinesses o4tain a tota! of more than I%) mi!!ion do!!arsD' Businesses ha e e:p!oded in the mar8et p!ace as a resu!t of her assistance' For o er ,+ years, Ms' Hardy has 4een teachin1 entrepreneurship, as an adKunct professor, at The >ashin1ton "enter for Internships and =eminars and Kust recent!y at the Qni ersity of Ba!timore in ?rofessiona! Ae e!opment' =he is current!y 3ritin1 a 4oo8 that 3i!! focus on African American 3omen in entrepreneurship' =he has conducted numerous professiona! seminars$ appeared on numerous Eadio J TM sho3s$ 4een inter ie3ed 4y the Ne3 Gor8 Times, >ashin1ton ?ost, >a!! =treet Journa!, Inc' Ma1aHine, The >ashin1ton Business Journa!, B!ac8 Enterprise, Entrepreneur Ma1aHine$ The Ba!timore =un, and the Ba!timore Aai!y Eecord and more' Ms' Hardy recei ed her Master of Arts in 2r1aniHationa! "ommunication =tudies, and a Bache!or of Arts from Ho3ard Qni ersity in "ommunications 3ith a minor in Micro#En ironmenta! =tudies and Aesi1ns' =he a!so attended ?ratt Institute in Ne3 Gor8 for Business Administration and is a "ertified N:Le e! Business Instructor' Ms' Hardy recei ed the %&&* Facu!ty of the Gear A3ard from The >ashin1ton "enter for Internships and Academic =eminars, and in %&&. recei ed the Le1acy in Entrepreneurship Education A3ard from the African American Empo3erment 9roup' =he current!y ser es on =ma!! Business Techno!o1y Ae e!opment "enters7 Board, the 9!o4a! Inno ation Forum Brain Trust Board, and the 9o ernin1 Board for ATHENA?o3er!in8 >omen of Ba!timore' In addition, she is a mem4er of the A!pha @appa A!pha =orority Inc' # Xi Reta 2me1a "hapter in >ashin1ton, A"' A nati e of >ashin1ton, A'"', she is married to Me! in T' E' Hardy, Es;' and they are the proud parents of t3o dau1hters # E!iHa4eth Mi ian and Mictoria Joyce Hardy' -

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