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Wicked (musical) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Wicked play) Jump to: navigation, search

For the Broadway cast recording of this musical, see Wicked (musical album). Wicked

Official poster of the original Broad ay production Music Lyrics Book Basis !tephen !ch art" !tephen !ch art" Winnie #ol"man Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West $y %regory &aguire Productions '(() '(() '((* '((+! West !an Francisco tryout Broad ay ,our .nd




(see $elo ) Awards '((0 and Outstanding &usical Wicked is a musical ith music and lyrics $y !tephen !ch art" and a $ook $y Winnie #ol"man6 7t is $ased on the %regory &aguire novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (855*), a parallel novel of the 85)5 film The Wi ard of ! and 36 Frank Baum9s classic story The Wonderful Wi ard of ! (85(()6 ,he musical is told from the perspective of the itches of the 3and of O": .lpha$a, the misunderstood girl ith emerald: green skin, and %alinda, later %linda, the $eautiful, am$itious and popular $londe6 Wicked tells the story in hich these t o unlikely friends gro to $ecome the Wicked Witch of the West and the %ood Witch of the ;orth hile struggling through opposing personalities and vie points, rivalry over the same love:interest, reactions to the Wi"ard9s corrupt government, and, ultimately, .lpha$a9s pu$lic fall from grace6 ,he plot $egins $efore and continues after 1orothy9s arrival from <ansas and includes references to locations, events, characters and situations from $oth the 85)5 film and Baum9s novel6 =roduced $y +niversal =ictures in coalition ith &arc =latt and 1avid !tone, the Joe &antello:directed and Wayne 4ilento:choreographed original production of Wicked premiered on Broad ay at the %ersh in ,heatre in Octo$er '((), after completing pre: Broad ay !#; tryouts at !an Francisco9s 4urran ,heatre in &ay '(()6 7ts original stars included 7dina &en"el as .lpha$a, <ristin 4heno eth as %linda, and Joel %rey as the Wi"ard6 >8? 1espite dra ing heavy criticism from The "ew #ork Times and mi@ed critical reception else here, the musical has proved to $e a favorite among patrons6 ,he success of the Broad ay production has provoked the opening of five other ;orth 2merican productions, including t o national tours, as ell as a five:year strong West .nd production and several international productions in the likes of Japan, %ermany and 2ustralia6 While the original production on three out of its ten ,ony 2 ard nominations, garnered si@ 1rama 1esk 2 ards and received one %rammy 2 ard, Wicked has since accrued one 3aurence Olivier 2 ard and si@ #elpmann 2 ards internationally6 !ince its '(() de$ut, Wicked has $roken $o@ office records around the orld, holding eekly:gross:takings records in ;e Aork, 3os 2ngeles, 4hicago, !t6 3ouis, and 3ondon6 2ttaining B8((,((( in the first hour on sale, Wicked also set the record for the $iggest West .nd opening6 >'? 7n the eek ending January ', '(88, the 3ondon, Broad ay, and $oth ;orth 2merican touring productions simultaneously $roke the record for the highest eekly gross6 >)?>0? Both the West .nd production and the ;orth 2merican tour have $een seen $y over t o million patrons each>*? hile the original production, having played ),)0C performances, >8? cele$rated its 1rama 1esk 2 ards for

Outstanding &usical, Book, 3yrics Orchestrations Broad ay &usical '((0 Outer 4ritics 4ircle 2 ard for '((5 #elpmann 2 ard for Best

eighth anniversary on Octo$er )(, '(88, making Wicked the 80th longest:running Broad ay sho in history6>-? Contents >hide? 8 7nception and development ' !ynopsis o o o o o o o o o o o o o '68 2ct 7 '6' 2ct 77 ) =rincipal roles and current casts 0 &usical num$ers * =roductions *68 Original Broad ay production *6' Other ;orth 2merican productions *6) West .nd production *60 !u$seDuent international productions - &usic and recordings -68 &usic analysis -6' Recordings -6) Orchestration>-5? C Response C68 4ritical reception C6' 4ommercial reception C6) Behind the .merald 4urtain C60 Wicked in popular culture E 2 ards and nominations 5 !ee also 8( References 88 .@ternal links

[edit] Inception and development

>>7mage: (left) and the %regory &aguire novel (right), the musical9s stimulusFGGG*HHHp@F altIF??

4omposer and lyricist !tephen !ch art" discovered riter %regory &aguire9s 855* novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West hile on holiday and sa its potential for a dramatic adaptation6 >C? &aguire, ho ever, had released the rights to +niversal, ho had planned to develop a live:action feature film6 >E? !ch art" met &aguire in 4onnecticut in 855E and persuaded him to release them for a stage production >5? hile making, hat !ch art" called, an Jimpassioned pleaJ to +niversal producer &arc =latt to reali"e his potential adaptation6 =ersuaded too, =latt signed on as Koint producer of the proKect ith +niversal and 1avid !tone6>E? ,he novel, descri$ed as a political, social, and ethical commentary on the nature of good and evil, takes place in the 3and of O", in the years leading to 1orothy9s arrival6 ,he story centers on .lpha$a, the misunderstood, smart, and fiery girl of emerald:green skin ho gro s up to $ecome the notorious Wicked Witch of the West and %alinda, the $eautiful, $londe, popular girl ho gro s up to $ecome %linda the %ood Witch of the ;orth6 ,he story is divided into five different sections $ased on the plot location and presents events, characters and situations from 36 Frank Baum9s The Wonderful Wi ard of ! (85(() and its 85)5 film adaptation in ne ays6 7t sets the reader thinking a$out hat it really is to $e JWickedJ, and hether good intentions ith $ad results are the same as $ad intentions ith $ad results6 !ch art" considered ho $est to condense the novel9s dense and complicated plot into a sensi$le script6>5? ,o this end, he colla$orated ith .mmy 2 ard: inning riter Winnie #ol"man to develop the outline of the plot over the course of a year >8(? hile meeting ith producer &arc =latt to refine the structural outline of the sho , spinning an original stage piece rather than creating a strict adaptation of &aguire9s ork6 >5? While the draft follo ed &aguire9s idea of retelling the story of the 85)5 film from the perspective of its main villain, the story line of the stage adaptation Jgoes far afieldJ from the novel6 2s #ol"man o$served in an intervie ith $laybill, J7t as >&aguire9s? $rilliant idea to take this hated figure and tell things from her point of vie , and to have the t o itches $e roommates in college, $ut the ay in hich their friendship develops L and really the hole plot L is different onstage6J>88? !ch art" Kustified the deviation, saying J=rimarily e ere interested in the relationship $et een %alinda L ho $ecomes %linda L and .lpha$a666the friendship of these t o omen and ho their characters lead them to completely different destinies6J >8'? 7n addition to this change in focus, other modifications include Fiyero9s appearance as the scarecro , .lpha$a9s survival at the end, ;essarose using a heelchair instead of $eing $orn ithout arms, BoD having a continuing love interest for %linda, the complete cutting of .lpha$a9s years in the /inkus and 1octor 1illamond not $eing murdered6>8)?

,he 4urran ,heatre in !an Francisco,

here Wicked made its pu$lic de$ut

,he $ook, lyrics, and score for the musical ere developed through a series of readings6 >5? For these developmental orkshops, <ristin 4heno eth, the ,ony 2 ard: inning actress hom !tephen !ch art" had in mind hile composing the music for the character, >80? Koined the proKect as %linda6 !tephanie J6 Block originally read the role of .lpha$a $efore fello performer 7dina &en"el as cast in the role in late '(((6 7n early '(((, the creators recruited ;e Aork producer 1avid !tone ho $egan the transition of the orkshop production into a full Broad ay production6 Joe &antello as $rought in as director and Wayne 4ilento as choreographer hile ,ony 2 ard: inning designer .ugene 3ee created the set and visual style for the production $ased on $oth W6 W6 1enslo 9s original illustrations for Baum9s novels and &aguire9s concept of the story $eing told through a giant clock6>80? 4ostume designer !usan #ilferty created a Jt isted .d ardianJ style through more than '(( costumes, hile lighting designer <enneth =osner used more than E(( individual lights to give each of the *0 distinct scenes and locations Jits o n mood6J >80? By 2pril '((), a full cast had $een assem$led and the sho readied its pu$lic de$ut6 >80? On &ay 'E, '((), the first pu$lic performance of Wicked as held at the 4urran ,heatre in !an Francisco, as the start of !#; pre:Broad ay tryouts6 2fter officially opening on June 8(, '((), it ran there for the month and finished on June '5, '(()6 2udience reaction as maKorly positive and although critics tended to compliment the aesthetic and spectacle of the sho , they disparaged the state of its $ook, score and choreography6>8*? 1ennis #arvey of %ariety commented positively of the Jsleekly directedJ, Jsna""ily designedJ and Jsmartly castJ production yet still disapproved of its JmediocreJ $ook, JtriteJ lyrics and Jlargely genericJ music >8-? hile <aren 19!ou"a of the !an Jose &ercury ;e s rote that J!tyle over su$stance is the real theme in this .merald 4ity6J >8*? ;oting mi@ed response, the creative team started making e@tensive changes, t eaking it $efore its transfer to Broad ay6>80? Winnie #ol"man stated, J!tephen >!ch art"? isely had insisted on having three months to re rite in:$et een the time e closed in !an Francisco and hen e ere to go $ack into rehearsals in ;e Aork6 ,hat as crucialM that as the thing that made the $iggest difference in the life of the sho 6 ,hat time is hat made the sho ork6J>8C? .lements of the $ook ere re ritten hile several songs under ent minor transformations6>80? ,his included the e@cision of JWhich Way is the =artyNJ, the introductory song to the character Fiyero, hich as su$seDuently replaced $y J1ancing ,hrough 3ifeJ in !ch art"9 fear that the former failed to $e a clear Jstatement of Fiyero9s philosophy of life6J>8E? 7n addition, there as concern that &en"el9s .lpha$a Jgot a little overshado edJ $y 4heno eth9s %linda6>85? !an Francisco 4hronicle critic Ro$ert #ur itt rote, J&en"el9s $rightly intense .lpha$a the Wicked Witch >needs? a chance of holding her o n alongside 4heno eth9s gloriously, insidiously $u$$ly %lindaJ, >'(? so the creative team set a$out making her character Jmore prominent6J>85? On the su$Kect of the Broad ay revisions, !ch art"

recalled, J7t as clear there as ork to $e done and revisions to $e made in the $ook and the score6 ,he critical community as, frankly, very helpful to us6 We learned a lot from the revie s, hich ere honest and constructive in the aggregate, unlike ;e Aork, here the critics make up their minds $efore they come to the theatre6J >85? On Octo$er )(, '((), the musical opened on Broad ay6>80? [edit] Synopsis Wicked e@plores the concept that the Wicked Witch of the West, here kno n as .lpha$a, is a misunderstood, victimi"ed person hose $ehavior is merely a reaction against the charlatan Wi"ard9s corrupt government6 7t also displays her relationship ith the $eautiful and am$itious %alinda +pland, ho ultimately $ecomes %linda the %ood Witch of the ;orth6 [edit] Act I While the citi"ens of O" cele$rate the death of the Wicked Witch of the West, %linda descends onto the stage in her $u$$le to confirm the circumstances of the Witch9s melting6 !he recalls that the green:skinned .lpha$a as conceived during an affair $et een the erst hile &unchkin %overnor9s ife and a mysterious stranger ith a $ottle of green eli@ir6 .veryone as repulsed $y .lpha$a from $irth, so %linda asks the O"ians to empathi"e (J;o One &ourns the WickedJ)6 ,he remainder of the plot forms an e@tended flash$ack through the events of %linda9s and .lpha$a9s lives6 2t !hi" +niversity, the pair first meet6 .lpha$a is hardly surprised that all the students, including the popular $ut shallo %linda (then %alinda), revile her (J1ear Old !hi"J)6 ,he only reason that .lpha$a is sent to !hi" is to take care of her $eautiful, heelchair:$ound younger half:sister ;essarose, ho is presented ith a $eKe eled pair of !ilver !hoes, $eing her father9s favorite6 1espite .lpha$a and %alinda9s instant mutual loathing, &adame &orri$le, !hi"9s headmistress, makes them roommates6 .lpha$a had $een e@cluded from &adame &orri$le9s !orcery !eminar, $ut hen .lpha$a reveals an innate magical talent in sudden anger, &orri$le notes that her talents may $e of use to the Wi"ard of O"6 .lpha$a dreams of hat she and the Wi"ard could accomplish together (J,he Wi"ard and 7J)6 %alinda and .lpha$a later rite home a$out their unfortunate room:mate assignments (JWhat is this FeelingNJ)6 ,he students gather in a history class taught $y 1octor 1illamond, a %oat and !hi"9s only 2nimal professor, ho keeps mispronouncing %alinda9s name as J%lindaJ6 2fter dismissing the class upon the discovery of an anti:2nimal slogan on the $lack$oard, 1octor 1illamond confides in .lpha$a that something is causing the 2nimals of O" to lose their po ers of speech (J!omething BadJ)6 .lpha$a $elieves that the Wi"ard is the only one ho can help6

2n unlikely friendship develops $et een %alinda (left) and .lpha$a (right)

Fiyero, a Winkie prince, then arrives at !hi" and immediately impresses his o n $rand of mindless, cavalier and carefree living on the students (J1ancing ,hrough 3ifeJ)6 Besotted ith %alinda, a &unchkin named BoD asks her to accompany him to a party at the O"dust Ballroom, $ut having felt Jperfect togetherJ ith Fiyero, %alinda asks him to invite ;essarose instead6 3ater, %alinda discovers a $lack pointed hat in a $o@ and gives it to .lpha$a as a mock present6 7n return, .lpha$a asks &adame &orri$le to reconsider %alinda in her !orcery !eminar6 When, ho ever, .lpha$a arrives to the party earing the hat, she is only ridiculed6 1efiant, she proceeds to dance alone ithout musical accompaniment6 Feeling guilty, %alinda Koins her, marking the start of their friendship6 &ean hile, BoD convinces ;essarose that it as not pity that prompted him to ask her out, $ut the fact that she is Jso $eautifulJ, not reali"ing the full e@tent of ;essarose9s affections to ards him6 Back in their dorm, .lpha$a tells %alinda that her mother had $een fed milk:flo ers to prevent her second child from $eing $orn green:skinnedM the milk:flo ers instead caused ;essarose to $e $orn prematurely, hich left her crippled hilst her mother died in child$irth6 Feeling sympathetic, %alinda decides to give .lpha$a a makeover, making her admira$le to fello students (J=opularJ)6 ,he ne@t day, 1octor 1illamond is a$ruptly taken a ay $y O"ian officials6 ,he ne history teacher arrives ith a caged lion cu$ as the su$Kect of an in:class e@periment, revealing that 2nimals are to $e kept in a ne invention he has created (cages), hich removes their po er of speech6 #e reveals that soon all 2nimals ill $e turned dum$, and .lpha$a is outraged6 !he and Fiyero steal the cu$ and set it free, and as .lpha$a $egins to feel that she could love Fiyero, she also feels more alone than ever (J79m ;ot that %irlJ)6 &adame &orri$le finds her, announcing that .lpha$a has $een granted an audience ith the Wi"ard in the .merald 4ity6 1efying %ravity ,he $ridge section of J1efying %ravityJ, the 2ct 7 finale $roblems listening to this file& 'ee media hel(. 2t the train station, %alinda, Fiyero, ;essarose and BoD see .lpha$a off, all happy for her6 When it $ecomes apparent that BoD is not genuinely interested in ;essarose, %alinda feels guilty and suggests that BoD is not the right person for ;essarose, ho in turn insists that it is herself Jthat9s not right6J .lpha$a e@presses concern a$out leaving her younger sister $ut protesting ;essarose insists she ill manage ithout her and leaves6 7n an attempt to impress Fiyero, %alinda announces that she ill change her name to J%lindaJ in honor of 1octor 1illamond9s persistent mispronunciation6 Fiyero fails to notice and leaves6 %linda $reaks into tears6 Feeling $ad for %linda, .lpha$a invites her along to see the Wi"ard6 2fter a day of sightseeing in the .merald 4ity (JOne !hort 1ayJ), .lpha$a and %linda meet the Wi"ard6 .sche ing the special effects he employs for the $enefit of most visitors, he invites .lpha$a to Koin him (J2 !entimental &anJ)6 2s a test, he asks that .lpha$a give his monkey servant, 4histery, the a$ility to fly using the %rimmerie L an ancient $ook of spells6 .lpha$a demonstrates an intrinsic understanding of the lost language contained in the $ook, and successfully gives 4histery ings6 ,he Wi"ard then reveals a cage full of inged monkeys, proving the e@tent of .lpha$a9s po ers, and remarks that they ill make good spies to report any su$versive 2nimal activity6 Reali"ing that she has $een used and that the fraudulent Wi"ard and &adame &orri$le are responsi$le for the 2nimals in O" losing their po er of speech, a horrified .lpha$a runs a ay ith the %rimmerie, %linda goes after her, pursued $y the palace guards6 !he runs to the tallest to er, here they hear &adame &orri$le declaring to O" that .lpha$a is a JWicked WitchJ and not to $e trusted6 .lpha$a enchants a $roomstick to fly and almost convinces %linda to Koin her in her cause, $ut

%linda cannot resist the call of popularity as one of the Wi"ard9s assistants, and refuses6 3eaving %linda $ehind and escaping the guards, .lpha$a flies off to ards the estern sky, promising to fight the Wi"ard ith all her po er (J1efying %ravityJ)6 [edit] Act II

.lpha$a is increasingly ostraci"ed as the story develops, holding vie s opposed to the norm of her society 2 fe months have passed and .lpha$a9s opposition of the Wi"ard9s regime has earned her the title J,he Wicked Witch of the WestJ (reprise of J;o One &ourns the WickedJ)6 Rumor has it that the itch9s soul is so impure that pure ater could melt her6 %linda, no the Wi"ard9s assistant and adored $y everyone, is pronounced engaged to Fiyero6 7nforming him that he has to accept the fact that .lpha$a does not ant to $e found, %linda puts on a happy front despite Fiyero9s aning affections (J,hank %oodnessJ)6 &ean hile, .lpha$a arrives at her old home, the %overnor9s residence in &unchkinland, seeking refuge6 ;essarose is the %overnor no , and laments that her father Jdied of shameJ after .lpha$a re$elliously defied the Wi"ard6 !he critici"es .lpha$a for not using her ne :found po ers to help her o n sister6 %uilty, .lpha$a enchants ;essarose9s Ke eled shoes, turning them into the ru$y slippers and ena$ling her to alk6 BoD is summoned, and he $emoans that ;essarose is as J ickedJ as .lpha$a for stripping the &unchkins of their rights and prohi$iting them from leaving &unchkinland6 ;essarose e@plains that she did this to keep BoD ith her, $ut is sure that he ill stay ith her of his o n accord no that she is no longer crippled6 #o ever, BoD insists that he should no $e free to pursue %linda instead, going so far as to $randish a knife hen his J&adame %overnorJ refuses to let him go6 #urt and angry, ;essarose attempts to cast a spell from the %rimmerie to make BoD lose his heart to her, ho ever her a$ility to understand the 3ost 3anguage of !pells is not as good as her sister9s, and she mispronouces the magic ords hich causes BoD to literally lose his heart6 While .lpha$a attempts to save him, ;essarose reflects on ho $eing Jalone and lovelessJ has led to her icked actions, and fears that she deserves her infamous ne title (J,he Wicked Witch of the .astJ)6 .lpha$a says that nothing ill ever $e enough for her younger sister and leaves her for good, despite ;essarose9s frantic pleas for her sister to

stay6 When BoD akes up, he is horrified to discover that .lpha$a has transformed him into a ,in &an, so he could live ithout a heart, and a desperate ;essarose lays the entire $lame on her sister hile BoD runs a ay in horror, $elieving that .lpha$a has cursed him for leaving her sister6 2s 3ong as Aou9re &ine ,he introduction and first t o lines of J2s 3ong as Aou9re &ineJ $roblems listening to this file& 'ee media hel(. Returning to the Wi"ard9s palace, .lpha$a tries to free the remaining inged monkeys6 ,he Wi"ard attempts to regain her favor $y agreeing to set them free, recounting ho the O"ians hailed him as the Wonderful Wi"ard hen he first came to O" in a $alloon from 2merica6 #e e@plains that she could, like ise, $e hailed $y everyone if she Koins him (JWonderfulJ)6 +pon discovering the no :speechless 1octor 1illamond amongst the monkeys, ho ever, .lpha$a reKects his offer6 While attempting to escape, she $umps into Fiyero, ho runs a ay ith her, confirming that he loves her in return6 %linda sees this and is crestfallen that she has $een $etrayed $y those closest to her (reprise of J79m ;ot that %irlJ)6 When %linda states that .lpha$a can $e lured $y spreading a rumor that ;essarose is in danger, the fiendish &adame &orri$le creates a cyclone that $rings 1orothy9s house to O" and crushes ;essarose to death6 While Fiyero and .lpha$a e@press their love in a dark forest (J2s 3ong as Aou9re &ineJ), .lpha$a senses that her sister is in danger6 Before she leaves Fiyero offers her a hiding place here she9ll $e safe6 !he flies off to help, $ut is too late, arriving Kust as %linda sends 1orothy and ,oto off along the Aello Brick Road6 ,he palace guards capture .lpha$a, $ut Fiyero intervenes, allo ing .lpha$a to escape $efore surrendering himself6 ,he guards take him to a near$y cornfield to $e tortured until he tells them of .lpha$a9s herea$outs6 2t her castle, .lpha$a tries to cast any spell she can to save Fiyero, $ut thinking she has failed, she $egins to accept her reputation as J ickedJ (J;o %ood 1eedJ)6 1orothy, the !carecro , BoD L no the ,in &an L and the 4o ardly 3ion are sent to kill .lpha$a (J&arch of the Witch #untersJ)6 7t is revealed that the 4o ardly 3ion is the lion cu$ .lpha$a set freeM BoD claims that she turned him into a co ard $y not letting him fight his o n $attles6 &ean hile, .lpha$a captures 1orothy, refusing to release her until she relinDuishes ;essarose9s ru$y slippers L the only things left of her dead sister6 %linda travels to .lpha$a9s castle to arn her of the trou$le and persuade her to let 1orothy go6 2lthough .lpha$a refuses, the t o omen forgive each other for all grievances, ackno ledging they have $oth made mistakes6 .lpha$a makes %linda promise not to clear her name and to take charge in O", allo ing her to disappear6 ,he t o friends em$race for the last time $efore saying good$ye forever (JFor %oodJ)6 7mmediately after, hen 1orothy thro s a $ucket of ater on .lpha$a, the itch appears to melt a ay6 %linda, not Duite sure hat has happened, sees that all that remains of her friend is her $lack hat and a vial of green eli@ir6 Back at the .merald 4ity, %linda reminds the Wi"ard that he has an identical $ottle, and it is revealed that the Wi"ard is .lpha$a9s father, $eing the stranger hom her mother had an affair ith6 &adame &orri$le surmises that .lpha$a had special po ers $ecause she as a child of $oth O" and the outside orld6 %linda orders the Wi"ard to leave O" in his $alloon and sends &adame &orri$le to prison, $efore preparing to face the citi"ens of O", returning to the opening scene of the sho 6

&ean hile, Fiyero had in fact $een turned into the !carecro hen .lpha$a had cast spells, therefore saving him from the O"ian guards9 spears in the cornfield6 #e opens a trap door in .lpha$a9s castle, do n hich she had descended, only pretending to die for the $enefit of the others6 While .lpha$a and Fiyero leave O" forever, %linda continues her $itters eet cele$ration ith the citi"ens of O"6 ,hey ga"e up at the sky, individually appreciating their true friendship and ackno ledging that they have changed for the $etter $ecause they kne each other (JFinaleJ)6 [edit] Principal roles and current casts 'ee also: List of Wicked characters) Wicked cast lists "ri#inal Current "ri#inal Current C aracter !escription Broadway Broadway %est &nd %est &nd per$ormer per$ormer per$ormer per$ormer ,he green:skinned girl ho eventually &lp a'a $ecomes kno n as the 7dina &en"el Jackie Burns 7dina &en"el Rachel ,ucker Wicked Witch of the West .lpha$a9s roommate at !hi" +niversity ho <ristin 4handra 3ee #elen (alinda eventually $ecomes %ina Beck 4heno eth !ch art" 1allimore kno n as %linda ,he %ood .lpha$a9s younger sister ho eventually &ichelle <atie Ro ley )essarose $ecomes kno n as the Jenny Fellner Ooe Rainey Federer Jones Wicked Witch of the .ast ,he prince of the 2rKiki tri$e in the /inkus ;or$ert 3eo Richard #6 *iyero ho eventually 2dam %arcia &ark .vans But" Blake $ecomes kno n as ,he !carecro 2 human ho came to + e %i,ard ,om O" from .arth in a hot Joel %rey ;igel =laner 4live 4arter o$ ", &c%o an air $alloon ,he headmistress of Madame !hi" +niversity9s 4rage 4arole <athy &iriam Julie 3egrand Morri'le #all, hich .lpha$a !helley Fit"gerald &argolyes and %alinda attend 2 talking %oat and !octor William professor at 4rage #all ,om Flynn &artin Ball Julian Forsyth !illamond Aoumans in !hi" 2 &unchkin ho meets .lpha$a at !hi" 4hristopher .tai Bo+niversity ho James %illan Ben !tott Fit"gerald Ben!hlomo eventually $ecomes kno n as ,he ,in &an [edit] Musical num'ers

2ct 7>80? 2ct 77>80? J;o One &ourns the WickedJ L %linda J;o One &ourns the WickedJ and 4iti"ens of O" (reprise) : 4iti"ens of O" J1ear Old !hi"J L !tudents and J,hank %oodnessJ L %linda, &adame %alinda &orri$le and 4iti"ens of O" J,he Wi"ard and 7J L &adame &orri$le and .lpha$a JWhat is this FeelingNJ L .lpha$a and !tudents %alinda, J,he Wicked Witch of the .astJ L .lpha$a, ;essarose and BoD JWonderfulJ L ,he Wi"ard and .lpha$a J79m ;ot that %irlJ (reprise) L %linda J2s 3ong as Aou9re &ineJ L .lpha$a and Fiyero J;o %ood 1eedJ L .lpha$a J&arch of the Witch #untersJ L BoD and 4iti"ens of O" JFor %oodJ L %linda and .lpha$a JFinaleJ L 2ll

J!omething BadJ L 1octor 1illamond and .lpha$a J1ancing ,hrough 3ifeJ L Fiyero, %alinda, BoD, ;essarose, .lpha$a and !tudents J=opularJ L %alinda J79m ;ot that %irlJ L .lpha$a

JOne !hort 1ayJ L .lpha$a, %linda and 1eni"ens of the .merald 4ity J2 !entimental &anJ L ,he Wi"ard J1efying %ravityJ L %linda, .lpha$a, %uards and 4iti"ens of O"

[edit] Productions [edit] "ri#inal Broadway production

,he original Broad ay production has $een at the %ersh in ,heatre since its opening in '(() Wicked officially previe s $egan included <ristin Wi"ard, ;or$ert opened on June 8(, '(() at the 4urran ,heatre in !an Francisco, after on &ay 'E, in a pre:Broad ay tryout presented $y !#;6 >'8? ,he cast 4heno eth as %linda, 7dina &en"el as .lpha$a, Ro$ert &orse as the 3eo But" as Fiyero, &ichelle Federer as ;essarose, 4arole !helley as

&adame &orri$le, John #orton as 1octor 1illamond, and <irk &c1onald as BoD>80? hile !tephanie J6 Block, ho originally read the role of .lpha$a in orkshop development, served as an ensem$le mem$er and understudied the lead role6 >''? ,he tryout closed on June '5, '((), and after e@tensive retooling, >80? the musical $egan previe s on Broad ay at the %ersh in ,heatre on Octo$er E, '((), and made its official premiere on Octo$er )(6 &ost of the original production team and cast mem$ers remained ith the sho , ith the e@ception of some minor ensem$le changes and the replacement of Ro$ert &orse ith Joel %rey as the Wi"ard, John #orton ith William Aoumans as 1octor 1illamond and <irk &c1onald ith 4hristopher Fit"gerald as BoD>')? hile .den .spinosa and 3aura Bell Bundy ere added as stand$ys for .lpha$a and %linda respectively6 !ince its opening in '((), the Broad ay production has included a variety of cast mem$ers in a num$er of different roles6 [edit] "t er )ort American productions

,ouring cast mem$ers in the curtain call at a sho

in Omaha, ;e$raska

7n '((*, the first international ;orth 2merican tour started in ,oronto, Ontario, and has since visited numerous cities throughout the +nited !tates and 4anada6 >80? !tephanie J6 Block as set to open the tour as .lpha$a ith previe s $eginning &arch E, $ut after having sustained a minor inKury in rehearsal, <risty 4ates temporarily took her place6 =revie s ere therefore postponed until the follo ing day6 2fter some delay, Block made her de$ut on &arch '*, and the tour officially opened on &arch )86 ,he original touring cast also included <endra <asse$aum as %linda, 1errick Williams as Fiyero, Jenna 3eigh %reen as ;essarose, 4arol <ane as &adame &orri$le, ,imothy Britten =arker as 1octor 1illamond, 3ogan 3ipton as BoD, and 1avid %arrison as the Wi"ard6 3ike the Broad ay production, the first national ;orth 2merican tour has had a large num$er of different actors play the eight principal characters since its opening6 7n '((5, a second national tour of ;orth 2merican $egan6 While previe s $egan on &arch C, '((5 at the Bar$ara B6 &ann =erforming 2rts #all in Fort &yers, Florida, the production officially opened on &arch 8', '((56 3ike the first, this touring production has since visited numerous cities throughout ;orth 2merica6 ,he original cast starred &arcie 1odd as .lpha$a, #elene Aorke as %linda, 4olin 1onnell as Fiyero, <ristine Reese as ;essarose, &arilyn 4askey as &adame &orri$le, 1avid de/ries as 1octor 1illamond, ,ed .ly as BoD, and ,om &c%o an as the Wi"ard6>'0? ;ota$le cast replacements have included 1on 2mendolia as the Wi"ard and /icki ;oon as .lpha$a6

Wicked ran at the Orpheum ,heatre in !an Francisco for almost ' years ,he success of the ;orth 2merican tours and original Broad ay production provoked 4hicago, 3os 2ngeles and !an Francisco to produce their o n sit:do n productions6 While the original touring cast intended to play a limited engagement from 2pril '5 to June 8', '((* at the Oriental ,heatre in 4hicago, producers decided to e@tend it to an open:ended run, making it the first non:Broad ay sit:do n production of Wicked6>'*? Opening at the same 4hicago theatre the day after the touring production had finished, the original 4hicago cast included 2na %asteyer as .lpha$a, <ate Reinders as %linda, Rondi Reed as &adame &orri$le, <ristoffer 4usick as Fiyero, ,elly 3eung as BoD, #eidi <ettenring as ;essarose and %ene Weygandt as the Wi"ard6 >'-? ;ota$le cast replacements included <risty 4ates, 1ee Roscioli, and 3isa Brescia as .lpha$aM .rin &ackey, <ate Fahrner, and 2nnaleigh 2shford as %lindaM Brad Bass as FiyeroM Bar$ara Ro$ertson as &adame &orri$leM and William Aoumans as 1octor 1illamond6 ,he production closed on January '*, '((5, after over 8,*(( performances6 >'C? ,he touring production returned to 4hicago for a special engagement at the 4adillac =alace ,heatre from 1ecem$er 8, '(8( to January '), '(886 >'E? Former 4hicago cast mem$ers Bar$ara Ro$ertson as &adame &orri$le and %ene Weygandt as the Wi"ard reprised their roles6

2n open:ended production ran in 3os 2ngeles, 4alifornia at the =antages ,heatre6 =erformances $egan on Fe$ruary 8(, '((C, ith an official opening on Fe$ruary '86 &egan #ilty and original Broad ay stand$y .den .spinosa ere %linda and .lpha$a respectively>)(? hile 4arol <ane as &adame &orri$le, ,imothy Britten =arker as 1octor 1illamond, Jenna 3eigh %reen as ;essarose, 2dam Wylie as BoD, <ristoffer 4usick as Fiyero, and John Ru$instein as the Wi"ard6>)8? ;ota$le cast replacements included 4aissie 3evy and ,eal Wicks as .lpha$aM .rin &ackey as %lindaM Jo 2nne Worley as &adame &orri$leM 1avid %arrison as the Wi"ardM and &arcie 1odd as ;essarose6 ,he production closed on January 88, '((5, after C58 performances and 8' previe s6 >)'? ,he first ;orth 2merican touring production ill return to the =antages ,heatre for a limited engagement from ;ovem$er )(, '(88 until January '', '(8'6 >))? 2dditionally, the !an Francisco production of Wicked officially opened Fe$ruary -, '((5, at !#;9s Orpheum ,heatre, follo ing previe s from January 'C6>)0? ,he cast included ,eal Wicks as .lpha$a, <endra <asse$aum as %linda, ;icolas 1romard as Fiyero, 4arol <ane as

&adame &orri$le, 1avid %arrison as the Wi"ard, 1eedee &agno #all as ;essarose, ,om Flynn as 1octor 1illamond, and .ddy Rioseco as BoD6 >)*?>)-? ;ota$le cast replacements included .den .spinosa and &arcie 1odd as .lpha$a, 2lli &au"ey as %linda, 3ee Wilkof and ,om &c%o an as the Wi"ard, and =atty 1uke as &adame &orri$le6>)C? ,he production closed on !eptem$er *, '(8(, after -C' performances and 8' previe s6>)E? [edit] %est &nd production

!ince its opening, the 3ondon production has played at the 2pollo /ictoria ,heatre ,he West .nd production opened on !eptem$er 'C, '((- at the 2pollo /ictoria ,heatre, after previe s started on !eptem$er C, '((-6 #aving ran for over five years, this production is currently $ooking until Octo$er 'C, '(8' after cele$rating its fifth anniversary on !eptem$er 'C, '(88 ith a special curtain call featuring former West .nd cast mem$ers6>)5? ,his production as tailored slightly for a British audience, including minor creative changes to dialogue, choreography, and special effects6 &ost of these changes ere later incorporated into all productions of Wicked6>0(? ,he West .nd production reunited the sho 9s original creative team ith 7dina &en"el, ho reprised the role of .lpha$a from the original Broad ay production6 >08? Original 3ondon cast mem$ers included #elen 1allimore as %linda, &iriam &argolyes as &adame &orri$le, 2dam %arcia as Fiyero, &artin Ball as 1octor 1illamond, James %illan as BoD, <atie Ro ley Jones as ;essarose and ;igel =laner as the Wi"ard6 2fter &en"el9s three:month run in the production, she as replaced $y <erry .llis, ho later transferred to the Broad ay production6 .llis9 replacement, 2le@ia <hadime, $ecame the first oman of $lack race to assume the lead role of .lpha$a6 Other nota$le replacements have included Rachel ,ucker as .lpha$aM 1ianne =ilkington and 3ouise 1earman as %lindaM Oliver ,ompsett, 3e is Bradley and 3ee &ead as FiyeroM 4aroline <eiff and ;atalie 2nderson as ;essaroseM !usie Blake, #arriet ,horpe and Julie 3egrand as &adame &orri$leM and 1esmond Barrit, !am <elly and 4live 4arter as the Wi"ard6 4urrent cast includes %ina Beck as %linda and &att Willis as Fiyero6

[edit] Su'se-uent international productions 2 condensed thirty minute version of the musical played at +niversal !tudios Japan in Osaka, Japan6 2ustralian Jemma Ri@ as part of the original cast, alternating the role of .lpha$a ith Jillian %iaachi and ,aylor Jordan6 ,he sho , hich opened on July 8', '((-, featured the preliminary storyline of 2ct 8 $ut Fiyero, &adame &orri$le, BoD, ;essarose and 1octor 1illamond ere a$sent and there ere considera$le changes in sets and costumes6>0'? ,he final performance took place on January 88, '(886 >0)? ,he first replicated non:.nglish production opened in ,okyo, Japan, on June 8C, '((C ith #amada &egumi as .lpha$a and ;umao &iyuki as %linda6 ,he production closed on !eptem$er -, '((5, in preparation for its transfer to Osaka6 >00? 2fter opening on Octo$er 88, '((5, the Osaka production closed on Fe$ruary 8), '(88, featuring .$ata &asae as .lpha$a ith ,omada 2sako as %linda6 ,he production then moved again to Fukuoka on 2pril ', '(88 here its original stars ere .$ata &asae (.lpha$a) and ;umao &iyuki (%linda)6 2fter its closure in Fukuoka on 2ugust 'E, '(88, the production re:located to ;agoya ith performances $eginning !eptem$er ')6 7t stars &asae and 2sako as .lpha$a and %linda, respectively6 Renamed Wicked: *ie +e,en -on ! (%erman: Wicked: The Witches of ! ), the %erman production of Wicked $egan previe s on ;ovem$er 8, '((C and opened on ;ovem$er 8*, at the =alladium ,heater in !tuttgart6 WillemiKn /erkaik played .lpha$a, 3ucy !cherer played %linda, &ark !ei$ert played Fiyero, 2ngelika Wedekind as &adame &orri$le, ;icole Radeschnig as ;essarose, !tefan !tara as BoD, &ichael %unther as 1octor 1illamond, and 4arlo 3au$er played the Wi"ard6 ,he production closed on January '5, '(8(, and transferred to O$erhausen>0*? here previe s $egan at the &etronom ,heater am 4entrO on &arch *, '(8(, ith an opening night of &arch E6 >0-? ,he cast featured WillemiKn /erkaik as .lpha$a, Joana Fee WPr" as %linda, Bar$ara Raugnegger as &adame &orri$le, &athias .den$orn as Fiyero, Janine ,ippl as ;essarose, Ben 1armanin as BoD, ,homas Wissmann as 1octor 1illamond, and 4arlo 3au$er as the Wi"ard6 WillemiKn /erkaik left the role of .lpha$a on Fe$ruary 'C, '(88, after $eing consistently $illed as lead for almost three and a half years $et een the !tuttgart and O$erhausen productions6 ,he O$erhausen production closed on !eptem$er ', '(886

2ustralian productions have played at the Regent ,heatre, &el$ourne (left) and the 4apitol ,heatre, !ydney (right) 2n 2ustralian production officially opened on July 8', '((E, ith previe s commencing June 'C at the Regent ,heatre in &el$ourne6>0C? 2manda #arrison and 3ucy 1urack

played .lpha$a and %linda respectively, ith &aggie <irkpatrick as &adame &orri$le, Ro$ %uest as the Wi"ard, Ro$ &ills as Fiyero, 2nthony 4allea as BoD, =enny &c;amee as ;essarose and Rodney 1o$son as 1octor 1illamond6 >0E? #o ever, Ro$ %uest, ho played the Wi"ard, died suddenly on Octo$er ', '((E, after suffering a stroke t o days earlier6>05? 2ustralian personality Bert ;e ton as $rought in as his replacement si@ eeks later6 7n addition, 4armen 4usack, from the first ;orth 2merican tour and 4hicago companies, made her 2ustralian de$ut as the temporary stand$y for .lpha$a hile 2manda #arrison as on e@tended leave and regular stand$y Jemma Ri@ as performing as lead6>*(?>*8? ,he &el$ourne production closed on 2ugust 5, '((5, after 0-0 performances6 ,he production then transferred to !ydney9s 4apitol ,heatre6 =revie s $egan there on !eptem$er *, '((5, ith the official opening on !eptem$er 8', '((56 &ost of the &el$ourne cast transferred $ut understudy James 16 !mith took over as BoD6 ;ota$le cast replacements included Jemma Ri@, =ippa %randison and =atrice ,ipoki alternating as .lpha$a and ,im 4amp$ell as Fiyero6 =art ay through the !ydney season, .lisa 4olla replaced =enny &c;amee as ;essarose6 ,he production closed on !eptem$er '-, '(8(, after 08' performances and E previe s6 Follo ing successful seasons in &el$ourne and !ydney, an 2ustralian tour $egan at the Q=24 3yric ,heatre in Bris$ane6 2fter a t o eek delay due to the Queensland floods, performances $egan January '*, '(88, and ran until 2pril '6 ,he touring production then moved to the Festival 4entre in 2delaide, running from 2pril 80 until June 0, '(88, and recently played its final leg at the Burs ood ,heatre in =erth, starting on June 85, '(886 ,he cast includes !ydney alumi 3ucy 1urack as %linda, Jemma Ri@ as .lpha$a, &aggie <irkpatrick as &adame &orri$le, Bert ;e ton as the Wi"ard, .lisa 4olla as ;essarose, Rodney 1o$son as 1octor 1illamond and James 16 !mith as BoD hile Wicked ne comer 1avid #arris plays Fiyero6 >*'? ,he =erth engagement finished on !eptem$er 88, '(88, rapping up more than ) years of performances in 2ustralia6 >*)? ,his production ill then transfer to !ingapore9s %rand ,heater in &arina Bay !ands from 1ecem$er C, '(88 on ards, >*0?>**? $eginning an open:ended 2sian tour6 Other confirmed destinations include !eoul and ,aipei6 ,he tour is set for an engagement in ;e Oealand $y '(8)6>*)? Jemma Ri@ ill play .lpha$a, hile 2ustralian understudy !u"ie &athers takes over as %linda6 ,hey ill $e Koined $y 1avid #arris (Fiyero), Bert ;e ton (,he Wi"ard), James 16 !mith (BoD) and .lisa 4olla (;essarose), ho all reprise their roles6 Joining them is %len #ogstrom, ho replaces Rodney 1o$son in the role of 1octor 1illamond and 2nne Wood, ho replaces &aggie <irkpatrick in the role of &adame &orri$le6 2 $rand ne production, nota$le for not $eing a replica of the original Broad ay staging, opened at the 4ity ,heatre in #elsinki, Finland on 2ugust '-, '(8( after a previe performance took place on 2ugust '06 1irected $y #ans Berndtsson, >*-? the production stars &aria AlipRR as .lpha$a, 2nna:&aiKa ,uokko as %linda, ,uukka 3eppRnen as Fiyero, +rsula !alo as &adame &orri$le, /uokko #ovatta as ;essarose, 2ntti 3ang as BoD, #eikki !ankari as 1octor 1illamond, and .ero !aarinen as the Wi"ard6 ,he second non:replicated production ran in 4openhagen, 1enmark from January 8' until &ay '5, '(88, and as presented $y 1et ;y ,eater6>*C? ,he cast included 2nnette #eick as %linda, &aria 3ucia #ei$erg Rosen$erg as .lpha$a, John &artin Bengtsson as Fiyero, &arianne &ortensen as &adame &orri$le, 2nais 3ueken as ;essarose, <im #ammelsvang #enriksen as BoD, <ristian Boland as 1octor 1illamond and !teen !pring$org as the Wi"ard6>*E? 2 1utch:language production $egan previe s at the 4ircus ,heater in !cheveningen, ,he ;etherlands on Octo$er '-, '(886 ,he official opening took place on ;ovem$er -6

WillemiKn /erkaik reprises her role of .lpha$a from the %erman productions, $ecoming the first actress to play the role in t o different languages6 >*5? !he is Koined $y 4hantal Jan"en as %linda, Jim Bakkum as Fiyero, =amela ,eves as &adame &orri$le, 4hristanne de BruiKn as ;essarose, ;iels Jaco$s as BoD, Jochem Feste Roo"emond as 1octor 1illamond and Bill van 1iKk in the role of the Wi"ard6 7n 1ecem$er '(88, a !ingapore production ill open at the &arina Bay resorts, hich previously hosted The Lion .ing6 With Jemma Ri@ as .lpha$a and !u"ie &athers as %linda6 [edit] Music and recordin#s [edit] Music analysis ,he Wicked overture ,he first 8* $ars of the overtureM note the identical chord progression to J2s 3ong as Aou9re &ineJ $roblems listening to this file& 'ee media hel(. ,he score of Wicked is heavily thematic, $earing in some senses more resem$lance to a film score than a traditional musical score6>-(? While many musical scores employ ne motifs and melodies for each song ith little overlap, !ch art" integrated a handful of leitmotifs throughout the production6 !ome of these motifs indicate irony L for e@ample, hen %alinda presents .lpha$a ith a JghastlyJ hat in J1ancing through 3ifeJ, the score reprises a theme from JWhat is this FeelingNJ a fe scenes earlier, >-(? in hich .lpha$a and %linda had espoused their mutual loathing6 , o musical themes in Wicked run throughout the score6 2lthough !ch art" rarely reuses motifs or melodies from earlier orks, >-(? the first L .lpha$a9s theme L came from The 'ur-i-al of 't. /oan, on hich he orked as musical director6>-(? J7 al ays liked this tune a lot and 7 never could figure out hat to do ith it,J he remarked in an intervie in '((06>-(? ,he chord progression that he first penned in 85C8 $ecame a maKor theme of the sho 9s orchestration6 By changing the instruments that carry the motif in each instance, !ch art" ena$les the same melody to convey different moods6 7n the overture, the tune is carried $y the orchestra9s $rass section, ith heavy percussion6 ,he result is, in !ch art"9 o n ords, Jlike a giant shado terrori"ing youJ6 >-(? When played $y the piano ith some electric $ass in J2s 3ong 2s Aou9re &ineJ, ho ever, the same chord progression $ecomes the $asis for a romantic duet6 2nd ith ne lyrics and an altered $ridge, the theme forms the core of the song J;o One &ourns the WickedJ and its reprises6>-(? !ch art" uses the J+nlimitedJ theme as the second maKor motif running through the score6 2lthough not included as a titled song, the theme appears as an interlude in several of the musical num$ers6 7n a tri$ute to #arold 2rlen, ho rote the score for the 85)5 film adaptation, the J+nlimitedJ melody incorporates the first seven notes of the song JOver the Rain$o 6J !ch art" included it as an inside Koke as, Jaccording to copyright la , hen you get to the eighth note, then people can come and say, 9Oh you stole our tune69 2nd of course o$viously it9s also disguised in that it9s completely

different rhythmically6 2nd it9s also harmoni"ed completely differently6666 7t9s over a different chord and so on, $ut still it9s the first seven notes of 9!ome here Over the Rain$o 9J6>-(? !ch art" further o$scured the motif9s origin $y setting it in a minor key in most instances6 ,his also creates contrast in the songs in hich it forms a part, for e@ample in J1efying %ravityJ, hich is ritten primarily in the key of 1:flat maKor6>-8? 7n the song J,he Wicked Witch of the .astJ, ho ever, hen .lpha$a finally uses her po ers to let her sister alk, the J+nlimitedJ theme is played in a maKor key6>-(? [edit] .ecordin#s 'ee also: Wicked (musical album) 2 cast recording of the original Broad ay production as released on 1ecem$er 8-, '((), $y +niversal &usic6 2ll of the songs featured on stage are present on the recording ith the e@ception of J,he Wi"ard and 7 (Reprise)J and J,he Wicked Witch of the .astJ6 ,he short reprise of J;o One &ourns the WickedJ that opens 2ct 77 is attached to the $eginning of J,hank %oodnessJ6 >-'? ,he music as arranged $y !tephen Oremus, ho as also the conductor and musical director, and James 3ynn 2$$ott, ith orchestrations $y William 1avid Brohn6>-'? ,he recording received the %rammy 2 ard for Best &usical !ho 2l$um in '((*>-)? and as certified platinum $y the R722 on >-0? ;ovem$er )(, '((-6 ,he al$um as certified dou$le platinum on ;ovem$er E, '(8(6 >-*? 2 fifth:anniversary special edition of the original Broad ay cast recording as released on Octo$er 'E, '((E, ith a $onus 41 including tracks from the Japanese and %erman cast recordings, J&aking %oodJ L a song later replaced $y J,he Wi"ard and 7J L sung $y !tephanie J6 Block ith !ch art" at the piano, J79m ;ot that %irlJ $y <erry .llis (featuring Brian &ay on guitar), &en"el9s dance mi@ of J1efying %ravityJ, and JFor %oodJ sung $y 3e2nn Rimes and 1elta %oodrem6>--? 2 %erman recording of the !tuttgart production as released on 1ecem$er C, '((C, featuring a track listing and arrangements identical to those of the Broad ay recording6 >-C? ,he Japanese cast recording as released on July '), '((E, featuring the original ,okyo cast6>-E? [edit] "rc estration>-5? Original orchestration Reduced orchestration Reed 8 : =iccolo, flute, alto flute, recorder, penny histle in 1 ,his orchestration as ritten for the '((* Reed ' : O$oe, .nglish horn, $ass,our (the important deleted parts ere added o$oe to the key$oard $ooks)6 Reed ) : .$ clarinet, clarinet, $ass clarinet >to lo .$?, soprano sa@ophone Reed 0 : Flute, clarinet, $ass clarinet >to lo 4?, $assoon, $aritone sa@ophone ' #orns ' ,rumpets (and FlPgel) Reed 8 : =iccolo, flute, alto recorder, penny histle in .$ Reed ' : O$oe, .nglish horn flute,

Reed ) : .:flat clarinet, clarinet, $ass clarinet, soprano sa@ophone #orn ' ,rumpets (and FlPgel)

' ,rom$ones 1rums S =ercussions ' %uitars (electric S accoustic) #arp ) <ey$oards !trings (Bass dou$ling electric)

,rom$one 1rums S =ercussions %uitar (electric S accoustic) 0 <ey$oards /iolin, electric) 4ello, Bass (Bass dou$ling

[edit] .esponse [edit] Critical reception ,he Broad ay production opened on Octo$er )(, '((), to mi@ed revie s from theatre critics6>C(?>C8? &en"el and 4heno eth received nearly unanimous praise for their performances as .lpha$a and %linda6 Both 0'1 Today and Time 2aga ine gave the Broad ay production of Wicked very positive revie s, ith Richard Ooglin of Time saying, J7f every musical had a $rain, a heart and the courage of Wicked, Broad ay really ould $e a magical place6J>C'? .lysa %ardner of 0'1 Today descri$ed it as Jthe most complete, and completely satisfying, ne musical 79ve come across in a long time6J>C)? 4onversely, Ben Brantley in the "ew #ork Times loved the production $ut panned the sho itself, calling it a JsermonJ that Jso overplays its hand that it seriously dilutes its po er,J ith a JgenericJ score6 #e noted that %linda is such a sho y role that the audience ends up rooting for her rather than the Jsurprisingly colorlessJ .lpha$a, ho is JnominallyJ the hero6 >C0? 1espite these mi@ed revie s, interest in Wicked spread Duickly $y ord:of:mouth, leading to record:$reaking success at the $o@ office, as descri$ed $elo 6 !peaking to The 1ri ona 3e(ublic in '((-, !ch art" commented, JWhat can 7 sayN Revie s are revie s6666 7 kno e divided the critics6 We didn9t divide the audience, and that9s hat counts6J >C)?>C*? 7nternational productions have opened to similarly am$ivalent critical reception6 ,he West .nd production opened to a slightly more up$eat response6 ,he maKority of critics have appreciated the spectacle of the lavish production, and the Jpo erhouseJ performances of actors in the roles of the t o itches6 #o ever, contemporaries have characteri"ed the production as over$lo n, occasionally preachy, and suffering from more hype than heart6 2lthough 4harles !pencer of The *aily Telegra(h descri$ed it as Jat times 666 a $it of a mess,J he praised #ol"man9s script, descri$ed <enneth =osner9s lighting design as JmagicalJ and lauded &en"el9s .lpha$a and #elen 1allimore9s %linda6 >C-? &ichael Billington of The 4uardian gave it three out of five stars and remarked on the competence of all the lead actorsM ho ever, he complained that Wicked as Jall too typical of the modern Broad ay musical: efficient, kno ing and highly professional $ut more like a piece of industrial product than something that genuinely touches the heart or mindJ6>CC? =aul ,aylor of The 5nde(endent gave e@tremely negative remarks to his vie ing of the 3ondon production, calling the attempt at topical political allegory J ell: meaning $ut also melodramatic, incoherent and dreadfully superficialJ hile deploring the acting, songs and $ook, concluding that Jthe production manages to feel at once over$lo n and empty6J>CE? [edit] Commercial reception

=laying at the Oriental ,heatre for more than ) years, the 4hicago production continually $roke $o@:office records !ince its opening in '((), the original Broad ay production of Wicked has $roken the house record at the %ersh in ,heatre t enty times during the course of its run6 7t regularly grosses in e@cess of T86- million each eek,ha$itually making it one of the t o highest eekly grossing sho s6>C5?>E(? For the eek ending January ', '(88, the Broad ay production of Wicked grossed over T'6' million, the highest one: eek $o@ office take in Broad ay history6 #o ever, ith a T80 million capitali"ation, the Broad ay production took 8* months to $reak even, earning $ack its initial investment $y 1ecem$er '8, '((06>80? 7n its first year, it grossed more than T*- million6 >E8? 7n the eek ending January 8, '((-, Wicked $roke the record, previously held $y the musical The $roducers, for the highest eekly $o@ office gross in Broad ay history, earning T8,-8(,5)06>E'? !imilarly, in the eek ending &arch 0, '((C, the 3os 2ngeles production grossed T8,CE-,88(, $ecoming the highest:grossing attraction in 3os 2ngeles theatre history, taking another record from The $roducers, hich had set the record in June '(() at the same 3os 2ngeles theatre6>E)? ,he Broad ay production of Wicked $roke its o n record in ;ovem$er '((-, reaching T8,C8*,8** >E0? and set another ne record, grossing T8,E)5,5*(, during the '((C 4hristmas holiday season6 Over the same period, the sho also $roke its o n eekly gross records in 3os 2ngeles (T8,505,5-E), 4hicago (T8,08E,)-)),>E*? and in !t 3ouis (T','58,-(E), >E-? as the seven orld ide productions of the sho grossed a collective T886' million6 >EC? 2$out the 4hicago production, producer 1avid !tone told %ariety, J e thought it ould run 8E months, then e9d spend a year in 3os 2ngeles and si@ months in !an Francisco666 $ut sales stayed so strong that the producers created another road sho and kept the sho running in 4hicago6J >EE? While the 4hicago production opened to gross T8,0((,((( in its first eek, it continually set records and $ecame the longest:running Broad ay musical in 4hicago history6 >E5?>5(?

,he 3os 2ngeles production played at the =antages ,heatre for almost ' years, grossing more than T80* million Wicked played to more than ' million visitors in 4hicago ith a gross of over T'(( million, making it the highest:grossing sho in 4hicago history $y June '((C6 >58?>5'? 7n addition, over '6' million sa the touring production in its first t o years, and it grossed over T8** million>*? ,he tour has played to capacity cro ds at almost every performance,>*? ith tickets for four: eek engagements selling out in as little as seven hours>*? hile the 3os 2ngeles production set the single: eek record ith a gross of T',*C5,500 ith nine performances during the eek ending January 0, '((56 1uring the final eek of its run, the same production again played at capacity, grossing T','58,*88, $reaking its o n record for a regular eight:performance eek6 ,he 3os 2ngeles production grossed over T80* million and as seen $y more than 86E million patrons6>5)? For the eek ending ;ovem$er '5, '((5, Wicked $ecame the first Broad ay sho in history to gross over T' million for one eek of performances, ith a gross of T',(E-,8)*6>50? 7t $roke its o n record t ice during that 4hristmas season, reaching a gross of T',8'*,C0( for the eek ending January ), '(8(6 >5*? ,he sho 9s three other ;orth 2merican productions also $roke house records in !an Francisco (T8,0E*,-5'), =rovidence (T8,C5),C-0) and !chenectady (T8,-*C,8)5), $ringing the musical9s one: eek ;orth 2merican $o@ office gross to TC,(-',))*6 >5-? 2ccording to the !an Francisco producer !#;, J&ore than 8 million people have seen this production of the sho , hich has grossed more than TC* millionJ, as of 2pril '(8(6 >5C? While the Broad ay production of Wicked elcomed its * millionth audience mem$er on !eptem$er '5, '(8(, >5E? the year of '(8( sa even more records $roken6 7n the eek ending Octo$er 8C, '(8(, Wicked $ecame only the third musical in Broad ay history to pass T*(( million in total gross6 By seats sold, it ranks tenth of all time6 >55? ,he eek of ;ovem$er 'E, '(8(, the production earned T',8*(,--* in addition to reaching a gross of T',''E,')* during the 4hristmas and ;e Aear9s eekend of that year6>8((? !imilar to the original ;orth 2merican productions of Wicked, su$seDuent international productions have eDuated the e@tremely positive reception at the $o@:office6 2lthough West .nd theatres do not pu$lish audited eekly grosses,>8(8? the 3ondon production of Wicked claims to hold the record for highest reported one: eek gross at BC-8,(((, achieved in the eek ending 1ecem$er )(, '((-6>8('?>8()? On June '), '((E, the

producers reported that over 860 million people had seen the 3ondon production since its opening, and grosses had topped B*( million6>8(0? ,he same reports stated that the sho has consistently $een one of the t o highest:grossing sho s in the West .nd6 >8()? For the eek commencing 1ecem$er 'C, '(8(, the 3ondon production grossed B8,((',EE*, the highest single: eek gross in 3ondon theatre history6 >8(*? Over '(,((( theatregoers attended the nine performances of Wicked that eek6>8(-? !imilarly, the &el$ourne production $roke 2ustralian $o@:office records, selling '0,C*( tickets in three hours during pre:sales and grossing over T86) million orth in ticket sales on the first $usiness day after its official opening6 >8(C? On 2pril 'C, '((5, the production passed the milestone of *((,((( patrons6>8(E? When it transferred to !ydney, the production $roke Jall previous eekly $o@ office records for a musical at the 4apitol ,heatre, grossing T8,0C),CC*6C(J in one eek during Octo$er '((56>8(5? Wicked cele$rated its 8,(((th performance on Broad ay on &arch '), '((-6 >88(? ,he production, having played ),'55 performances, >8? still runs today and currently stands as the 80th longest:running Broad ay sho in history6>-? !everal other productions have also reached the 8,(((th performance figure, including the first ;orth 2merican touring company on 2ugust 8*, '((C,>888? the 4hicago company on ;ovem$er 80, '((C,>E5? the West .nd company on Fe$ruary 80, '((5, >88'? the 2ustralian company on &ay C, '(88>88)? and the second ;orth 2merican touring company on 2ugust 0, '(886 >880? 2s of !eptem$er '(88, Wicked6s ;orth 2merican and international companies have cumulatively grossed nearly T'60 $illion and have $een seen $y nearly )( million people orld ide6>88*? [edit] Behind the Emerald Curtain ,he success of the Broad ay production has led to the development of an au@iliary sho , Behind the 7merald 8urtain , created $y !ean &c4ourt L an original Broad ay production cast mem$er ho played the Witch9s Father, among other roles, in addition to understudying the Wi"ard and 1octor 1illamond, $efore taking over the latter principal role L and 2nthony %alde ho has $een a s ing in the Broad ay company since '((06 ,he tour features a ninety minute $ehind:the:scenes look at the props, masks, costumes and sets used in the sho , and includes a Duestion:and:ans er session ith &c4ourt and %alde6>88-? ,he tour also featured in the 3os 2ngeles, !an Francisco, and 4hicago sit:do n productions, and ere each run $y different long: serving cast mem$ers of the sho 6 ,he tour provides a $ehind the scenes look at hat goes in to putting on the sho every day6 =articipants get a first hand account of hat it is like to $e a part of the massive production that Wicked is6 >88C? [edit] Wicked in popular culture ,he e@traordinary success of Wicked has made several of the sho 9s songs popular and has resulted in references to the sho , characters, and songs in popular culture6 ,he Broad ay production has $een featured in episodes of television programs, including Brothers 9 'isters and The War at +ome>88E? hile, for filming purposes, the =antages ,heatre in 3os 2ngeles dou$led for the %ersh in ,heatre on Broad ay >885? in an episode of 0gly Betty titled J!omething Wicked ,his Way 4omesJ here Betty, the sho 9s protagonist, goes to see Wicked on a date and accidentally stops the sho 6>8'(? 7n the episode previous to this, JBrothersJ, Betty gets tickets to see Wicked and discusses ith a friend ho much she relates to .lpha$a9s outcast status in a popularity and $eauty: oriented environment6>8'8? 7n addition, The 'im(sons episode J1onnie FatsoJ sees #omer !impson and &oe !"yslak accidentally sneak into a !pringfield production of the sho 6

,he !outh =ark episode Broad ay Bro 1o n features Wicked and other musicals and have these sho s contain su$liminal messaging6 7n the episode these messages persuade omen into performing oral se@ upon their spouse or $oyfriend6 J1efying %ravityJ as covered on the television series 4lee in the JWheelsJ episode here t o of the characters L the main female Rachel Berry (played $y 3ea &ichele) and a supporting male character <urt #ummel (played $y 4hris 4olfer) L competed for a lead role $y singing the song6>8''? 7n a later episode titled J;e AorkJ, the t o duet on the %ersh in stage and sing JFor %oodJ6 2 clip of the song J=opularJ plays in the '((5 movie :ombieland hile the actor and musician John Barro man sang a version of J,he Wi"ard and 7J (retitled J,he 1octor and 7) on his '((E +< tour, ith adapted lyrics referring to his *octor Who and Torchwood character Jack9s affection for ,he 1octor6 While <erry .llis9 version of J79m ;ot that %irlJ appeared on the cele$ratory fifth: anniversary edition of the original Broad ay cast recording, .llis, ho played .lpha$a in the West .nd and the Broad ay productions of Wicked, also recorded her o n rock version of J1efying %ravityJ6 Both songs ere produced $y British musician Brian &ay and featured him on guitar and ere featured on her e@tended play Wicked in 3ock ('((E) and her de$ut al$um 1nthems ('(8()6 !he performed her version of J1efying %ravityJ at the '((E 3oyal %ariety $erformance alongside &ay on guitar6 2 dance remi@ of her rock version of J1efying %ravityJ as later released in '(886 Rapper 1rake sampled the musical9s song J=opularJ in his song of the same name6 &edia as diverse as the anime series 3ed 4arden, the daytime drama $assions and the Buffy the %am(ire 'layer graphic novels have all parodied Wicked6s songs and characters6>8')?>8'0? 2t the start of the second of three episodes of the miniseries, Tin 2an (another adaptation of Baum9s O"ian universe), protagonist 1% refers to her father as J=opsicleJ vice the more common names J=opJ or J=appiJ, echoing %alinda in her letter home at the start of JWhat is this FeelingNJ6 >8'*? 2lso, in the second episode of the 2B4 Family drama series +uge, one of the characters ears a J!hi" +niversityJ athletic 1ept t:shirt, hile Wicked and its Jlong linesJ have $een mentioned in the ;ickelodeon series i8arly6 ,he Broad ay musical 'hrek the 2usical parodies the sho 9s 2ct 7 finale ith JWhat9s +p, 1ulocNJM character 3ord FarDuaad re:enacts J1efying %ravityJ $y proclaiming J;o one9s gonna $ring me do nJ follo ed $y the legato $elt hile atop his castle6 [edit] Awards and nominations 2ain article: List of awards and nominations recei-ed by the musical Wicked ,he original Broad ay production of Wicked as nominated for 8( ,ony 2 ards in '((0, including Best &usicalM BookM OrchestrationsM Original !coreM 4horeographyM 4ostume 1esignM 3ighting 1esignM !cenic 1esign hile receiving t o nominations for Best 2ctress L for &en"el and 4heno eth6 >8'-? &en"el on the Best 2ctress a ard, and the sho also on the ,ony 2 ards for Best !cenic 1esign and Best 4ostume 1esign, nota$ly losing Best Book, Original !core and ultimately Best &usical to 1-enue ;6>8'C? ,he same year, the sho on - 1rama 1esk 2 ards out of 88 nominations, including Outstanding &usical, Book, 1irector and 4ostume 1esign>8'E?>8'5? in addition to inning 0 Outer 4ritics 4ircle 2 ards out of 8( nominations6 ,he original Broad ay cast recording also received the '((* %rammy 2 ard for Best &usical !ho 2l$um6 !ince its opening in '((), the Broad ay production of Wicked has accrued )' a ards out of -) nominations, $eing consecutively nominated every year for at least one a ard6

!imilarly, su$seDuent productions of the musical have eDuated in a$undant success6 ,he ;orth 2merican tours have garnered 8' a ards out of 80 nominations hile the 4hicago production as nominated for * Joseph Jefferson 2 ards6 ,he West .nd production has received * 3aurence Olivier 2 ard nominations and despite not inning any in '((C, >8)(? it on the 2udience 2 ard for &ost =opular !ho at the '(8( a ard ceremony6>8)8? ,he original 2ustralian production received - #elpmann 2 ards out of 8' nominations, including Best &usical6 Wicked as named the Best &usical of the 1ecade $y 7ntertainment Weekly maga"ine and hailed Ja cultural phenomenonJ $y %ariety maga"ine6>8)'? While not technically an Ja ardJ, the character of .lpha$a as named C5th on .ntertainment Weekly9s list of ,he 8(( %reatest 4haracters of the =ast '( Aears6>8))? [edit] See also Musical Theatre portal Oz portal 3ists of musicals

[edit] .e$erences
a b c U JWickedJ6 5nternet Broadway *atabase6 http:VV 6i$d$6comVproduction6aspN71I8)0E*6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6 '6 / =ress release (&arch C, '((-)6 JWest .nd &usical 9WickedJ 3aunches ith Record:Breaking !ales L Bo@ Office ,akes B8((,((( in First #our ,otal 2dvance !ales ;o B86C &illionJ6 ickedthemusical6co6uk6 http:VV 6 ickedthemusical6co6ukVreadne sarchive6aspNidI((8 kd6 Retrieved &arch 5, '(886



/ %ans, 2ndre 6 JWicked Breaks Record for #ighest:%rossing Week in Broad ay #istoryJ6 $laybill6 January 0, '(88, Retrieved &arch 5, '(886 / =ress release (January 0, '(88)6 JWicked !ets ;e Bo@ Office Record ith a !ingle Week %ross of over B8 &illion, 4ro ning a Record:Breaking '(8(J6 ickedthemusical6co6uk6 Retrieved &arch 5, '(886
a b c d U JWickedJ6 ,alkin9 http:VV 6talkin$road ay6comVregionalVdallasVdallas8*'6html6 ;ovem$er 5, '((C6>dead link?



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a b

J3ongest Runs on Broad ayJ6 $laybill6 2ugust 80, '(886


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13. 14.

/ &aguire, %regory (855*)6 Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West6 ReganBooks6 7!B; 5CE:(:(-(:)5800:C6 U a b c d e f g h i j k l m 1avid 4ote ('((*)6 Wicked: The 4rimmerie: 1 Behind< the<'cenes Look at the +it Broadway 2usical 6 #yperion6 7!B; 5CE:8:0(8:)(E'(: 56 U a b !taff, Broad ay (June 8', '(())6 JWere 4ritics Wicked to B9 ay:Bound ,unerNJ6 Broadway.com6 http:VV 6$road ay6comVsho sV ickedV$u""V5''))V ere:critics: icked:to: $ ay:$ound:tunerV6 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886 / #arvey, 1ennis (June 8', '(())6 JWickedJ6 /ariety6 http:VV 6variety6comVrevie V/.888C5'8((0NrefcatidI))6 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886 / http:VV JWicked the &usical in !an FranciscoJ6 6musicalsch art"6comV icked:sf6htm6 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886





/ JWicked 3yrics and !ong !tories : J1ancing ,hrough 3ifeJJ6 http:VV 6musicalsch art"6comV icked:lyrics:*6htm6 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886 U a b c JWicked #istory::J,here9s ;o =lace 3ike #ome: Wicked Returns to !an FranciscoJJ6 http:VV 6defyinggravitythe$ook6comV ickedV icked:san: francisco6htm6 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886 / #ur itt, Ro$ert (June 8', '(())6 J.very itch ayJ6 'an Francisco 8hronicle6 http:VV 6sfgate6comVcgi:$inVarticle6cgiN fIVcVaV'(()V(-V8'V11'CE-8061,36 Retrieved 2ugust '8, '(886 / &acklin, <aren (&ay 'E, '(())6 JWitchy WaysJ6 http:VV$estof6sf eekly6comV'(():(*:'EVcalendarV itchy: aysV6 ;ovem$er 85, '((C6 / J!tephanie J6 Block, !tar FileJ6 http:VV 6$road ay6comVgenVBu""W!tarWFile6asp@NciI)*0((6 ;ovem$er 5, '((C6 'F Weekly6 Retrieved





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')6 '06 '*6

/ J2mour !tar 3ands Role in Broad ay9s WickedJ6 $laybill6 / J1odd, Aorke, 4askey and &c%o an ,o !tar in Wicked9s !econd ;orth 2merican ,ourJ6 $laybill6 Fe$ruary 5, '((56 / %ans, 2ndre (&arch '), '((*)6 JWicked ,o #ave Open:.nded 4hicago RunJ6 $laybill6 http:VV 6play$ill6comVne sVarticleV58EEE6html6 Retrieved January 88, '((E6 / <leiman, <elly6 JWickedJ6 2isle !ay 4hicago6 http:VVaislesay6comV4#7: W74<.16html6 Retrieved January 88, '((E6 / %ans, 2ndre (January '*, '((5)6 JWicked .nds 3engthy 4hicago !it:1o n .ngagement Jan6 '*J6 $laybill6 http:VV 6play$ill6comVne sVarticleV8'**0E6html6 Retrieved January '*, '((56 / JWickedJ6 Broad ayinchicago6com / Jones, 4hris (1ecem$er 0, '(8()6 J!ing:a:long:a 9Wicked9J6 8hicago Tribune / JWicked 4ities L 3os 2ngelesJ6 Wicked The 2usical6 http:VV 6 ickedthemusical6comVXWicked4ities3os2ngeles4ompany6 Retrieved ;ovem$er 5, '((C6 / %ans, 2ndre (January 0, '((C)6 JJohn Ru$instein and 4arol <ane !et for 3626 WickedJ6 $laybill6 / %ans, 2ndre (January 88, '((5)6 JWicked .nds 3engthy 3os 2ngeles Run Jan6 88J6 $laybill6 http:VV 6play$ill6comVne sVarticleV8'*(*E6html6 Retrieved January 88, '((56 / J9Billy .lliot,9 9&emphis,9 93a 4age9 4oming to =antages ,heatre in '(88:8'J6 / %ans, 2ndre (Fe$ruary -, '((5)6 JWicked, ith Wicks and <asse$aum, Opens in !an Francisco Fe$6 -J6 $laybill6 http:VV 6play$ill6comVne sVarticleV8'*55)6html6 Retrieved &arch -, '((56 / %ans, 2ndre (1ecem$er 8-, '((E)6 J<asse$aum and Wicks Will #ead 4ast of !an Francisco WickedJ6 $laybill6 / J1romard, Flynn, #all and Rioseco Will Join <asse$aum and Wicks in !an Fran WickedJ $laybill6 January 8), '((56 / %ans, 2ndre (Fe$ruary 88, '(8()6 J.spinosa ,o Join !an Francisco 4ompany of Wicked in &archJ6 $laybill6 / BWW ;e s 1esk6J9Wicked9 $road ay orld6com6 2pril '*, '(8(6 ,o .nd !an Francisco RunJ6

'-6 'C6

'E6 '56 )(6

)86 )'6

))6 )06

)*6 )-6 )C6 )E6 )56

/ J=hoto Flash: West .nd9s W74<.1 4ele$rates *th BirthdayYJ6 Broad ay orld6com6 http:VV$road ay orld6comVarticleV=hoto:Flash:West:.nds: W74<.1:4ele$rates:*th:Birthday:'(888((06 Retrieved '(88:8(:)(6 / %ans, 2ndre (1ecem$er 8, '((-)6 J1iva ,alk: 4hatting 3ags !tar .den .spinosaJ6 ith Wicked and $laybill6


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/ 4arter, <elley 36 (;ovem$er 80, '((5)6 J9Wicked9 2ctor Ready for 8,((( &ore !ho sJ6 8hicago Tribune6 http:VV 6chicagotri$une6comVentertainmentVstageVchi: 8880W ickednov80,8,'E050(06story6 Retrieved ;ovem$er 8C, '((C6 / JWicked ;o 3ongest:Running &usical in 4hicago #istoryJ6 Broadwayworld.com6 Wisdom 1igital &edia6 June '8, '((C6 http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVvie column6cfmNcolidI8500*6 Retrieved January 88, '((C6 / JWicked Bids 32 Fare ell, 3eaves #appy Fans and Broken Records in 7ts WakeJ6 BroadwayWorld.com6 January 8', '((56 http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVarticleVW74<.1WBidsW32WFare ellW3eavesW#app yWFansWandWBrokenWRecordsWinWitsWWakeW'((5(88'6 Retrieved January 8), '((56 / J7t9s Official: W74<.1 Becomes the #ighest Weekly %rossing Broad ay &usical in #istoryJ6 ($road ay orld6com)6 ;ovem$er )(,




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8((6 / JW74<.1 !hatters O n Record for #ighest %rossing B ay !ho J6 Broad ay orld6com6 http:VV$road ay orld6comVarticleVW74<.1W!hattersWO nWRecordWforW#ighestW %rossingWB ayW!ho W'(88(8()6 Retrieved '(88:():'(6 8(86 / !henton, &ark (Octo$er )8, '((-)6 J!pinning the %rosses666 and !pinning the %ossipJ6 The 'tage6 http:VV 6thestage6co6ukVshentonV'((-V8(VspinningWtheWgrossesWandWspinnin gWt6php6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6>dead link?


/ JWicked 9!ets Record9 for West .ndJ6 BB8 "ews6 Octo$er )8, '((-6 http:VVne s6$$c6co6ukV8VhiVentertainmentV-8('8'E6stm6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6

8()6 U a b J#arriet ,horpe in &orri$le in West .nd Wicked 2pril 80J6 Wicked The 2usical (0.)6 Fe$ruary '(, '((E6 http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVvie column6cfmNcolidI'*)(06 Retrieved 2pril 8, '((E6 8(06 / J,he hit musical Wicked reaches B*( million gross and continues to $reak recordsJ6 West .nd production official site6 June '), '((E6 http:VV 6 ickedthemusical6co6ukVreadne s6aspNidI80 kd6 Retrieved July ), '((E6 8(*6 / JWicked !ets ;e Bo@ Office Record For 3ondon ,heatresJ6

8(-6 / JW74<.1 !.,! ;.W BO[ OFF74. R.4OR1 W7,# 2 !7;%3. W..< %RO!! OF O/.R B8 &7337O;, 4ROW;7;% 2 R.4OR1:BR.2<7;% '(8(J6 Wicked the

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8(E6 / JWicked elcomes ist *((,(((th patronYJ6 http:VV 6 ickedthemusical6com6auV ickedV;e sV;e s!tory6asp@NidI8C'6 Retrieved &ay 'C, '((56>dead link? 8(56 / 1odds, ,roy6J9Wicked9 Breaks RecordsJ6 2ussietheatre6com6au6 Octo$er 8*, '((56 88(6 / JWicked Flies to 8,(((th Broad ay =erformance, BroadwayWorld.com6 &arch 8-, http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVvie column6cfmNcolidIE'5)6 ;ovem$er E, '((C6 &arch ')J6 '((-6 Retrieved

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88*6 / http:VV Wicked:returns

88-6 / JBehind the .merald 4urtainJ6 Broad ay in 4hicago6 http:VV 6$road ayinchicago6comVsho sWdyn6phpN cmdIdisplayWcurrentSdisplayWsho tagIemeraldcurtain(C6 Retrieved January 88, '((E6 88C6 / JBehind the .merald 4urtain official e$siteJ6 Behind the 7merald 8urtain6 http:VV 6emeraldcurtain6comV6 Retrieved ;ovem$er 5, '((56 88E6 / J&atriarchyJ6 Brothers 9 'isters6 '((C:(*:'(6 ;o6 '), season 86

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8''6 / JWheels (%lee) : Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJ6 .n6 ikipedia6org6 http:VVen6 ikipedia6orgV ikiVWheelsWZ'E%leeZ'56 Retrieved 1ecem$er )(, '(8(6 8')6 / J2t .very Windo J6 3ed 4arden6 Octo$er )8, '((-6 ;o6 *, season 86

8'06 / Whedon, Joss ( ), Jeanty, %eorges (p), O ens, 2ndy (i)6 JBuffy the /ampire !layer !eason .ightJ The Long Way +ome v), 8 (&ay '8, '((C), 1ark #orse 4omics 8'*6 / Tin 2an episode ', 1ecem$er ), '((C6

8'-6 / J'((0 ,ony 2 ardsJ6 BroadwayWorld.com6 http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVtonya ardsyear6cfmNyearI'((06 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6 8'C6 / J,ony 2 ards '((0: ,he WinnersJ6 BB8 "ews6 June C, '((06 http:VVne s6$$c6co6ukV8VhiVentertainmentV)CE'--)6stm6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6 8'E6 / J9 icked9 ,his Way 4omes - 1rama 1esk 2 ard WinsJ6 The +ollywood 3e(orter6 &ay 8E, '((06 http:VV 6all$usiness6comVservicesVmotion: picturesV05)C05':86html6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6 8'56 / J'((C 1rama 1esk 2 ard WinnersJ6 1rama http:VV 6dramadesk6comV'(()W'((0dd6htm6 Retrieved '((C6>dead link? 1esk 2 ards6 ;ovem$er 5,

8)(6 / J;ominations 2nnounced for '((C 3aurence Olivier 2 ardsJ6 ,he !ociety of 3ondon ,heatre6 January 8E, '((C6 http:VV 6officiallondontheatre6co6ukVne sVdisplayVcmVcontent7dV5')5'6 Retrieved ;ovem$er E, '((C6>dead link? 8)86 / J!pring 2 akening, 4at on a #ot ,in Roof and Wicked Win Olivier 2 ardsJ6 $laybill6 http:VV 6play$ill6comVne sVarticleV8)E(0(:!pring:2 akening:4at:on: a:#ot:,in:Roof:and:Wicked:Win:Olivier:2 ards6 Retrieved 1ecem$er )(, '(8(6 8)'6 / JW74<.1 ;amed 9Best !tage &usical9 of the 1ecade $y .ntertainment WeeklyM 2ugust: Osage 4ounty Best =layJ6 Broad ay orld6com6 http:VV 6$road ay orld6comVarticleVW74<.1W;amedWBestW!tageW&usicalWof WtheW1ecadeW$yW.ntertainmentWWeeklyW'((58'(-6 Retrieved 1ecem$er )(, '(8(6 8))6 / JBroad ay %als .lpha$a, &imi and /iolet 2mong .ntertainment Weekly\s ,op 8(( 4haractersJ6 Broad ay6com6 &ay 'E, '(8(6 http:VV 6$road ay6comV$u""V8*'*0)V$road ay:gals:elpha$a:mimi:and: violet:among:entertainment: eeklys:top:8((:charactersV6 Retrieved 1ecem$er )(, '(8(6 [edit] &1ternal links Official production sites o ;orth 2merica

o o o o o

+< Japan #olland !ingapore Behind the .merald 4urtain

4ast lists for all productions at Wikia Wicked at the 7nternet Broad ay 1ata$ase Wicked at =lay$ill /ault Wicked at &usical!ch art"6com, the official !tephen !ch art" fan site Wicked at the Queensland =erforming 2rts 4entre January '(88 >sho ? Articles related to t e musical Wicked >sho ?v 2 d 2 e Wicked

>sho ?v 2 d 2 e Step en Sc wart,

>sho ?v 2 d 2 e The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 'y L3 *rank Baum

The Fairylogue and 3adio<$lays (85(E)

Sta#e +elevision Comics 4ideo #ames

The Wi ard of ! (85(') The Woggle<Bug (85(*) The Tik<Tok 2an of ! (858)) The Wi ard of ! (850') The Wi (85C0) The 2ar-elous Land of ! (85E8) The Wi ard of ! (85EC) The Wonderful Wi ard of ! ('((() The Wi ard of ! ('(88) Tales of the Wi ard of ! 3eturn to ! (85-0) !ff to 'ee the Wi ard (85-C) The Wonderful Wi ard of ! (85E-) The Wi ard of ! (855() The ! .ids (855-) 1d-entures in the 7merald 8ity Lost in ! ('((') *orothy of ! The Wonderful Wi ard of ! 1d-entures in ! ! ! '=uad The 7nchanted 1((les of ! The Wi ard of ! : Beyond the #ellow Brick 3oad ('((E) 7merald 8ity 8onfidential ('((5)

Parodies .eima#inin#

The Wo ard of 5 !s Tra(alh>es e o 2?gico de !r@ The Wonderful Wi ard of +a6s Wi ard of !dd The Wi ard of 2ars (85-*) +unter (85C)) :ardo (85C0) ! (85C-) The Wi ard of 1.5.*.'. (85EC) The Wonderful 4ala,y of ! (855() Twister (8550) Tin 2an ('((C)

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