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Geneva, 3 March 2014 - Secretary-Generals remarks at High-Level Segment of H man !

ights "o ncil #scroll $o%n for f ll &nglish te't(

Cest un plaisir et un privilge dtre avec vous aujourdhui. En devenant membres de ce Conseil, vous avez fait le serment dtre le fer de lance de la promotion et de la protection des droits de lhomme partout dans le monde. Les droits de lhomme sont inhrents la personne humaine. !r, ces droits universels sont menacs par des atteintes grande chelle "ui entachent le pa#sage moral. $ls sont mis mal par les actes indignes "ui sont commis cha"ue jour, les"uels entament la confiance des populations dans leurs dirigeants, ainsi "ue leur foi en lavenir. E%cellencies, Ladies and &entlemen, 'his Council is mandated to advance human rights ever# da# and ever#(here. 'hrough its increased d#namism, more fre"uent meetings and agile and innovative use of its uni"ue special procedures, the )uman *ights Council is helping the (orld become more vigilant in trac+ing the earliest signs of crisis. 'hrough the ,niversal -eriodic *evie( . (hich is no( (ell into its second c#cle . the Council is fostering an ever/gro(ing richness in the dialogue (ith states about their human rights commitments. 'his Council is uni"uel# a(are of the heav# toll of human rights abuses and atrocities. 0ou read the *apporteurs reports. 0ou hear the testimon# of victims and (itnesses. 0ou help translate those appeals into concrete action. 1s (e surve# crises and challenges around the (orld, #our (or+ for accountabilit# and an end to impunit# are critical. Conflicts from 2#ria to 2outh 2udan and the Central 1frican *epublic are sad testaments to (hat can happen (hen perpetrators feel free to abuse (ithout conse"uences. $ (elcome the )igh Commissioners report on promoting reconciliation and accountabilit# in 2ri Lan+a.

'he Commission on $n"uir# on the 3emocratic -eoples *epublic of 4orea gives voice to the suffering of the man# victims of grave human rights violations and provides a roadmap for the countr# to adhere (ith universal human rights standards. $ once again urge the 3-*4 authorities to (or+ (ith the international communit# to improve human rights and the living conditions of its people . and $ reaffirm m# commitment as 2ecretar#/&eneral of the ,nited 5ations to help the 3-*4 to(ard that end. $n 2#ria, all parties have committed violations of human rights of unimaginable scope and character. 'hose 2tates that are members of both the )uman *ights Council and the 2ecurit# Council have a special dut# to end this blood# (ar and ensure robust accountabilit#. 'he besieging of communities, death b# starvation and indiscriminate use of barrel bombs and other (eapons of terror are unacceptable. 'hose committing such acts are on notice6 'his Council and the (orld are (atching. 7esdames et 7essieurs les reprsentants, 7esdames et 7essieurs, 8e tiens galement souligner limportance "ue le Conseil attache au plan daction 9 Les droits avant tout :, en anglais 6 9 *ights ,p ;ront : "ue jai lanc lanne dernire. Les violations des droits de lhomme sont des signau% et il faut agir vite pour viter "ue des atrocits de masse ne se produisent< voil le message transmis par ce plan daction. Lide est "ue le s#stme des 5ations ,nies tire parti de lensemble des mandats dont il dispose pour protger les personnes "ui sont en danger. En novembre, jai envo# un message tous les fonctionnaires, renouvelant notre 9 engagement :. La teneur de ce message tait claire 6 les droits de lhomme doivent faire partie intgrante de tout ce "ue nous faisons. 8e tiens galement saluer le r=le essentiel jou par la socit civile, notamment les reprsentants des peuples autochtones et des minorits, "ui vient enrichir notre action en faveur des droits de lhomme. Les membres de la socit civile, "ui nous reprsentent 9 5ous, peuples des 5ations ,nies :, sont des partenaires indispensables. $ls doivent pouvoir mener leur action, "ui est vitale, labri des reprsailles ou dactes dintimidation.

-ersonne ne devrait avoir ris"uer sa vie pour dnoncer les violations des droits de lhomme et du droit international humanitaire ou lutter contre elles. 7esdames et 7essieurs les reprsentants, 7esdames et 7essieurs, Cette session se droule un moment o> les ?tats 7embres approfondissent leurs changes sur le programme de dveloppement pour laprs/@ABC et o> laccroissement des ingalits prsente un danger pour le respect des droits de lhomme dans toutes les rgions du monde. Le moment est bien choisi pour promouvoir la pleine intgration des normes et principes internationau% en matire de droits de lhomme dans le nouveau cadre de dveloppement. 5ous devons travailler de concert pour "ue les droits de lhomme et ltat de droit soient au cDur des dbats portant sur les objectifs dfinir, notamment limportance de lautonomisation des femmes, les droits des peuples autochtones, les droits des personnes handicapes, les droits fondamentau% en matire de sant procrative et se%uelle, les mesures prendre pour faire disparaEtre la violence lgard des femmes ainsi "ue dautres "uestions essentielles. Feaucoup de propositions judicieuses et concrtes ont t avances, notamment par la )aut/ Commissaire. 8invite le Conseil nouer des liens troits avec le Conseil conomi"ue et social et le ;orum politi"ue de haut niveau "ui vient dtre cr. 8e me flicite galement de linvitation lance par l1ssemble gnrale pour "uune juste place soit faite lducation et lapprentissage dans le domaine des droits de lhomme dans le programme de dveloppement pour laprs/@ABC. E%cellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 'his (ill be the final time $ have the honour to address the )uman *ights Council in the presence of )igh Commissioner for )uman *ights, 5avi -illa#. )igh Commissioner -illa# has been a fearless defender of the most vulnerable. 2he has been on the frontlines of crises. 2he has been an outspo+en advocate for L&F' rights and an elo"uent voice against racism, %enophobia and intolerance. 2he has been creative, persistent and patient in our vital efforts to strengthen the treat# bod# s#stem.

'his is not a time for fare(ells . she (ill continue to lead the !)C)* for a number of months to come. Fut $ +no( #ou join me in this earl# tribute to e%press our appreciation, respect and deep gratitude to )igh Commissioner 5avi -illa#. E%cellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 1s (e build on our progress, $ cannot help but reflect on the man# places and people $ have encountered in recent #ears. $ have (al+ed (ith survivors of the death camps at 1usch(itz and visited the +illing fields of Cambodia. $ have (ept (ith the survivors of the *(anda genocide, (ido(s in 2rebrenica and the mothers of the -laza de 7a#o. $ have spo+en (ith the children in refugee camps that continue to s(ell (ith 2#rians fleeing the nightmare in their countr#. $ am pained b# their plight but also inspired b# their resilience. $ +no( that their grief and their grievances . their appeals and their aspirations . can find e%pression and purpose in #our (or+ here. 'ogether, let us (or+ to secure all human rights for all people. 'ogether, let us build a life of dignit# for all. $ count on #our commitment and #our leadership. 'han+ #ou. ')E 2EC*E'1*0/&E5E*1L G *E71*42 '! ')E ),715 *$&)'2 C!,5C$L &eneva, H 7arch @ABI $t is a special pleasure and privilege to be (ith #ou. F# #our membership on this Council, #ou have s(orn to be in the vanguard of promoting and protecting human rights around the (orld.

)uman rights are the birthright of all human beings. 0et those universal rights are threatened through large/scale abuses that scar our moral landscape. 'he# are undermined b# dail# indignities that erode peoples confidence in their leaders and their faith in the future. 'his Council is mandated to advance human rights ever# da# and ever#(here. 'hrough its increased d#namism, more fre"uent meetings and agile and innovative use of its uni"ue special procedures, the )uman *ights Council is helping the (orld become more vigilant in trac+ing the earliest signs of crisis. 'hrough the ,niversal -eriodic *evie( . (hich is no( (ell into its second c#cle . the Council is fostering an ever/gro(ing richness in the dialogue (ith states about their human rights commitments. 'his Council is uni"uel# a(are of the heav# toll of human rights abuses and atrocities. 0ou read the *apporteurs reports. 0ou hear the testimon# of victims and (itnesses. 0ou help translate those appeals into concrete action. 1s (e surve# crises and challenges around the (orld, #our (or+ for accountabilit# and an end to impunit# are critical. Conflicts from 2#ria to 2outh 2udan and the Central 1frican *epublic are sad testaments to (hat can happen (hen perpetrators feel free to abuse (ithout conse"uences. $ (elcome the )igh Commissioners report on promoting reconciliation and accountabilit# in 2ri Lan+a. 'he Commission on $n"uir# on the 3emocratic -eoples *epublic of 4orea gives voice to the suffering of the man# victims of grave human rights violations and provides a roadmap for the countr# to adhere (ith universal human rights standards. $ once again urge the 3-*4 authorities to (or+ (ith the international communit# to improve human rights and the living conditions of its people . and $ reaffirm m# commitment as 2ecretar#/&eneral of the ,nited 5ations to help the 3-*4 to(ard that end. $n 2#ria, all parties have committed violations of human rights of unimaginable scope and character. 'hose 2tates that are members of both the )uman *ights Council and the 2ecurit# Council have a special dut# to end this blood# (ar and ensure robust accountabilit#. 'he besieging of communities, death b# starvation and indiscriminate use of barrel bombs and other (eapons of terror are unacceptable.

'hose committing such acts are on notice6 'his Council and the (orld are (atching. E%cellencies, Ladies and &entlemen, $ also (ant to highlight for the Council the importance $ attach to the *ights ,p ;ront 1ction -lan that $ launched last #ear. $t sends the message that human rights violations are signals to act earl# to prevent mass atrocities. 'his initiative see+s to ensure that the ,nited 5ations s#stem leverages the full breadth of its mandates to protect people at ris+. $n 5ovember, $ sent m# rene(ed JCommitmentK to all staff along (ith a clear message6 )uman rights must be integral to all (e do. $ also (ant to salute the essential role of civil societ#, including representatives of indigenous peoples and minorities, in enriching our human rights (or+. 1s representatives of JLe the -eoplesK, civil societ# is our indispensable partner. 'he# must be able to carr# out their vital (or+ free of reprisals and free of intimidation. 5o one should have to ris+ their life for standing up and spea+ing out on violations of human rights and international humanitarian la(. E%cellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 'his session ta+es place as 7ember 2tates deepen their discussion on the post/@ABC development agenda and as rising ine"ualities threaten respect for human rights in all parts of the (orld. 'his is a critical time to promote the full integration of international human rights standards and principles in the ne( development frame(or+. Le must (or+ together so that human rights and the rule of la( are essential components of the conversation on the goals . including the centralit# of (omens empo(erment, the rights of indigenous peoples, the rights of people (ith disabilities, fundamental se%ual and reproductive rights, ending violence against (omen and other +e# issues. 'here are man# sound and practical proposals on the table . including those put for(ard b# the )igh Commissioner.

$ encourage this Council to establish close lin+s (ith the Economic and 2ocial Council and the ne(l# established )igh Level -olitical ;orum. $ also applaud the &eneral 1ssembl#s call to integrate human rights learning and education in the post/@ABC agenda. E%cellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 'his (ill be the final time $ have the honour to address the )uman *ights Council in the presence of )igh Commissioner for )uman *ights, 5avi -illa#. )igh Commissioner -illa# has been a fearless defender of the most vulnerable. 2he has been on the frontlines of crises. 2he has been an outspo+en advocate for L&F' rights and an elo"uent voice against racism, %enophobia and intolerance. 2he has been creative, persistent and patient in our vital efforts to strengthen the treat# bod# s#stem. 'his is not a time for fare(ells . she (ill continue to lead the !)C)* for a number of months to come. Fut $ +no( #ou join me in this earl# tribute to e%press our appreciation, respect and deep gratitude to )igh Commissioner 5avi -illa#. E%cellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 1s (e build on our progress, $ cannot help but reflect on the man# places and people $ have encountered in recent #ears. $ have (al+ed (ith survivors of the death camps at 1usch(itz and visited the +illing fields of Cambodia. $ have (ept (ith the survivors of the *(anda genocide, (ido(s in 2rebrenica and the mothers of the -laza de 7a#o. $ have spo+en (ith the children in refugee camps that continue to s(ell (ith 2#rians fleeing the nightmare in their countr#. $ am pained b# their plight but also inspired b# their resilience.

$ +no( that their grief and their grievances . their appeals and their aspirations . can find e%pression and purpose in #our (or+ here. 'ogether, let us (or+ to secure all human rights for all people. 'ogether, let us build a life of dignit# for all. $ count on #our commitment and #our leadership. 'han+ #ou.

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