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Insert the right suffixes into the spaces:

1. A programm designs, writes, and tests programmes for perform . studies organization needs to be taken to maxim systems and decides efficien

various tasks on a comput 2. A systems anal what act . 3. aser print

are prefer

to other types of print

devices because of their speed and !uite ". #he microcomput . (t is programm ,. -e have found that operat breaks during the day great .. #he number of ship /. -e decided to computer more independ 0. *pool . is a way of stor data temporari by another part of the system. environ s on we have purchased does not have a $%&#&A' compil in )A*(+ only. s who have the freedom to take short improve their perform s will increase over the com the entire planet to give each divis . months.

disk or tape until it can be process 1. #urn may be expens in the long run. 12. *oftware develop sophisticat glob market. applicat your office into a paper

at the beginning, but can produce big sav

s are produc s for a grow


B. Now decide for each word that has a suffix what part of speech the word is (eg. noun (n), verb (v) , adverb (adv), adjective (adj) ). Insert the correct form - n, v, adv or adj into the spaces.

programmer analyst maximize printing compiler computerize of...4storing 3big...4 savings increasingly a growing

3for4 performing organizational efficiency 3device4 !uiteness programmable division *pooling developer sophisticated global turning action printer

a computer

preferable microcomputer

greatly independence

shipment 3a way 3...your office....4

3...are4 producing application ...3market4

. Insert the right prefixes into the spaces: 1. $loppy disks are 2. (f a printer cable. 3. #he plexor was not working because someone had expensive and functions, you should check the useable. face

connected it by mistake. ". proper installation of the possible to read what is on the screen. glare shield will make it

,. After you

fer text using the 5cut and paste5 feature, you may have to format the text you have inserted.

.. 6ou can lingual or even /. keyboards4 or 0. 6our pay rise is

mize your chances of finding a 7ob if you are lingual. pheral devices can be either put devices 3such as printers4. active to the beginning of 8une and you will receive a put devices 3such as

9annual bonus 3:twice a year4.

1. #he

al 3:04 and

decimal 3:.4 systems are number

systems used as a form of shorthand in reading groups of four binary digits . 12. As the results are written. !. "i## in the gaps with the correct prefix from the fo##owing #ist: auto maxi mono de mega mu#ti dec micro semi inter mini sub chrome screen. regular, the programme will have to be

1. ;ost people prefer a colour screen to a 2.

script is a character or symbol written below and to the right of a

number or letter, often used in science. 3. A byte e!uals approximately one million bytes. bug it to

". %nce you finish your program, you will have to test it and remove all the mistakes. ,. #he introduction of industry.

conductor technology revolutionized the computer

.. (f a computer system has two or more central processors which are under common control, it is called a /. #he processor system. imal system is a number system with a base of 12.

0. -hen the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics system, we refer to this as %ther pages active graphics.

Beginners English exercise "Prefix -in" created by eos17 with The test builder

Click here to see the current stats of this English test

1. our offensi!e re"arks are #$E%&'(T%B)E*. # E $ & $ & . T ( ( * on the side of #)%$1E)&2)*.

+. The in,ured -erson was the road. /. 0is -ulse and breath were 3. 4he 5s too

# T . $ 1 E . & ) * to a--ly for this ,ob. #%&EE2%B%&*.

6. This book co!ered with "ould is 7. $fter the accident8his car is #E%)9E)&)'C$EB*. 7. The child is :. 0e was an

# T $ T E P & . & ( * to recei!e his bicycle. # T T E & E & & % $ % 2 . * child. #T&&%C%&*. # E 1 $ ) & ) E % T = B * e!idence during

;. The sale of alcohol to "inors is 1<. The wo"an ga!e the trial.

nter"ediate English exercise "Prefix 1nder or '!er" created by eos17 with The test builder Click here to see the current stats of this English test
1. >uring ?orld ?ar && "any -eo-le went +. This fa"ous actor suffers fro" "ade an ad!ertise"ent. /. These trees 3. This country 6. $ll the deserts are conditions. 7. Towns are often deserted. 7. $n analysis shows that wo"en are :. This -ainting has been ;. 'n 4unday the e"ergency ward is 1<. .y father wears an 11. & ha!e in winter. and & feel sick now @ -hotos. . The boat is . since he has fruits . ou ought to root the" u-. rice and the "arket is falling. because of the weather whereas country areas are . by the ex-ert. .

1+. &n .auritius & ha!e taken beautiful 1/. .ind @ you are going to fall

heeling too "uch @ 13. The yesterday. of 4tate for Education !isited "y school

$d!anced English exercise "PrAfixes" created by felin #<7-1++<<6* with The test builder Click here to see the current stats of this English test
1. &5" not sure what the doctor wrote - it5s al"ost illegal B inlegibleB illegible* +. + &f she left "e8 life would be unbearableB non-bearable* . #legibleB

. #debearableB subbearableB at the ti"e.

/. / &f only & hadn5t "arried so young - & was !ery #"atureB un"atureB in"atureB i""ature*

3. The exa"iners re"o!e "arks for words8 don5t theyC #uns-eltB se"i-s-elt B under-s-elt B "iss-elt* 6. ?ear what you like - we5re -retty infor"alB unfor"alB defor"al* in this office. #for"alB

7. 1nless you the fish first8 your guests won5t en,oy it. #se"iboneB unboneB -re-boneB debone* 7. & think the 2o!ern"ent should the -ost office. #denationaliseB unnationaliseB disnationaliseB innationalise* :. & wish "y and & were still on s-eaking ter"s. #ex--artnerB -re--artnerB non--artnerB de-artner* ;. 1se this tool and you5ll do an excellent ,ob. #"acro-ur-oseB "ono-ur-oseB "icro-ur-oseB "ulti--ur-ose* 1<. %et5s for" a and do so"ething about the -oor state of the co""on. #subco""itteeB anti-co""itteeB "ulti-co""itteeB underco""ittee*

&nter"ediate English exercise "4uffix" created by anony"e with The test builder Click here to see the current stats of this English test
1. careful +. ,ealous /. king 3. book

6. head 7. s-oon 7. -olite :. relation ;. "an 1<. drain 11. -unish 1+. free 1/. crude 13. know

English exercise "4uffixes" created by anony"e #+7<;-+<<7* with The test builder Click here to see the current stats of this English test
1. $fter two years of 8 .ary got to know >a!e really well. +. &f you don5t s-eak the language you feel "ore like a /. Carol s-ent a !ery ha--y 3. & asked a she didn5t know. 6. E!ery 7. >on5t forget to add a "ilk. 7. ?e li!e in a beautiful city. . on a s"all island. what ti"e the -lane arri!ed8 but knows that -arents worry a lot . of sugar8 and so"e on the outskirts of the

:. %isa -icked u- a of snow8 and threw it in "y face ;. 1nder the floor there was a ru"bling sound of . describing its

1<. The college sent 4ue a s"all courses.

11. 'n days8 we s-end a lot of ti"e indoors watching tele!ision and -laying ga"es.. 1+. The "ystery creature has a long six legs. 1/. 4ean recei!ed "ost of his his "other. body8 and education fro"

13. The go!ern"ent is going to -ro!ide "ore houses for 16. Cathy 5s the children. 17. This road is extre"ely is bad. 17. ?e didn5t ha!e any -eo-le. Dualities "ade her fa!ourite with when the weather in finding your house.

1:. &t was !ery of you to lea!e all the doors and windows o-en. 1;. E!eryone thanked the fire--fighters for their +<. Eane5s -arty was the "ost had.
Other pages with Grammar Topics

efforts. she had e!er

?e use rather as an ad!erb of degreeF

.odifying an ad,ecti!eF The film was rather good. .odifying an ad!erbF It happened rather quickly. (otesF 1. It is stronger than fairly, but not as strong as very. 2. It can modify a noun, often coming before the article !. It"s rather a problem. #. It can modify some verbs I rather like it.

B* To ex-ress -reference

)ather thanF $ather than is normally used to compare parallel structures %et"s take the train rather than the bus.

$ather you than me& I decided to write rather than email.

?ould ratherF

?ould rather G infiniti!e without 5to5F I"d rather leave now. ?ould rather G -ronoun G -ast tenseF I"d rather he came early.

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