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In our daily life, we often situations or things happen that only judiciously tol et pass or regrettable ocurrence and that, as so often, do not give importance and we admit, as they are naturally and even have been called by various names such as: EMPTY, UNFORESSEN, ERROR, CONTINGENCIES, CONFLICTS, LAPSUS, ANTINOMY, FAILURE, . . . presented at ourselves, home, family, work, communication, study, sport, business, knowledge, science, technology, society, country, etc.. So, that this time, it will provide a mathematical explanation, which corresponds to Mathematic Associative Thinking, presented in the publication: Principles of the Theory of Associations; previously, discuss some facts that, allow them to remember inadvertent situations, such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. When we see that a person on the Street URINE. When we hear that a person LYING frequently. When will SPIT on the pavement. When we say in spanish: SUBO PARA ARRIBA, we are reporting an inconsistent action. 5. When a adolescent tells his friend: YOU ARE A EMPTY HEADED for missing an appointment. 6. When a vehicle crosses the pavement in RED LIGHT. 7. When we see a sign that says in spanish: SE NESECITA EMPLEADA the Word: NESECITA, have grammatical error. 8. We know that the use of MICROWAVE OVENS produce cancer cells, in food because, people continue using them despite the health recomendation, limiting its use. 9. When a MANAGER of a company, allows the adjunct staff, decide by this failing in its primary function, if the NUCLEUS in the Business Structure. 10.We know that the CONSTITUTION of a country is the law of laws, to all citizens of a country, then, because it still uses the LEGAL LINGUISTICS, to enact laws, if the population in the majority, do not

understand, generating a Empty Association, has been called Social Inclusion Legal Linguistics. 11.The DISABILITY, in decisin-making, in any situation, is synonymous with the existence of a VACUUM. 12.For, FREUD, the DREAMS expressed in latent form and a language of symbols, the CONFLICT (Empty Association) that is the source of Psychic Disorder. 13.The FINANCIAL CRISIS (2007 2008), showed that the Macroeconomic Model (STRUCTURAL), lacks new objects or is not well Structured, being an EMPTY ASSOCIATION, so far not solved, nor has the real causes, which provoked. 14.The GLOBAL WARMING, that our planet is suffering: Climate Change, Melting Glaciers, etc., is the result of Empty Association has been increased by the increase of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, C O2 , due to increased consumption petrogrificos resources, among others. 15.The OVERSIZING of KNOWLEDGE, has generated anxiety in Education, by increasing the Empty Association, in the Knowledge Structure, because there is no Structural Order, therefore, there is a clamor of Science and Technology, 50 years, requiring the construction of: THE INTEGRATOR LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE. In the Mathematical Science, the Theory of Sets, keeps with in this definitions, a Set , which is defined as one that has no Elements, called EMPTY SET, denoted symbolically by the Greek Letter PHI,

and admits other representations, as:


b) { x x/ x x }

that stand in various publications, too, is given a philosophical sense, the NOTHING, also, the Empty Set is a Subset of any Set that you define. That is, If A is an arbitrary Set of Element, then,

this criterion accepted by the mathematical community, was so explicit, that has not been questioned even exist shows, on the Set Oneness Empty, that is, the Empty Set is unique and equal to any given Set of Element.

The interpretation of the Empty Set has been widely used in many mathematical demonstrations, make by the most remarkable mathematicians of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, howevwe, in other cognitive areas such as: Engineering, Physical, Chemistry, biology, Psychology, Social, Linguistic, etc., has not been given proper interpretation, therefore, is not mentioned in publications as specialized. Everything was going great until, thoughts change and it happened, when it was thought that not only are important Elements of the Set but the Interactions that occur between them, and there, too, change the interpretation of the Empty Set. Because when two Elements of a Set are Interacting, it means that there is movement in at least one Element, then the movement or displacement of the Element in the Set, originates in the Empty spaces Set in an instant given. But as the movement is constant, between Elements of the Set, it is a permanent constant, giving rise to the Empty Set of Interactive Elements that are Interrelated to each other. Indeed, considering that our reality is composed of Set whose Element have movement, the CELL and ATOM are the basic Elements of the Science and the Activities that humans perform, as part of a Set, are generated Interactive or Dynamics Sets. So, it appears the definition of Mathematics Association to interpret the movement that occurs between two or more Objects, where the Object is the Element, as Set and so, interrelate Objects, producing the , Mathematics Association, associating

movement of the first Object, until the last Object of the Mathematical Association, creating a new and different Object, the Objects that foIn considering the Elements of the Set as Objects (Sets) that we, the Interactive Set is a Set of Objects and if the Objects anre mutually exclusive, different from one another, resulting in the PARTITION Interactive Set and thus Interactive Set to consider as a Class Set or Set of Classes. The event or situation, which is generated in a Class Set, when one of the Objects (Class) has its own movement, is to promote EMPTY in the Set of Elements that instantly, are covered by Classes of the Set is of paramount importance in the Theory of Associations, by the following:

1. As the EMPTY is generated standing in the Class Set, shall be called the EMPTY ASSOCIATION OF CLASS SET and,by relying on the Class Set, which is generated, it will be represented by the Greek Letter PHI, in allusion to the Empty Set taking as subscript letter that corresponds to the Class Set.
So we have,

Represents the Empty Association of Class Set X.

2. Since the Empty Association, it just generated a Class of Set, has movement, means that the Empty Association, should be the first Association, which is symbolically represented in the Set of Mathematics Associations of the Class Set, so we have to the Conjuntivista Formula of the Associative Sructure of Set X, E (X), would be the following:

E (X) =


Association, Association, . . . }

moreover, the Empty Association, to occur spontaneously, by the movement of an Objects in the Set, it is said that the Empty Association is an Association (Obvious) (Natural).

3. When in the Class Set, the movements of two Objects, then two Empty Association, one for each Object is carried out, in this case, the Empty Associations symbolized with the Greek letter PHI, with the subscript two capital letters, the first from right to left, the letter representing the Class Set and the second letter, the Object that created it. So we, the Class Set X = { A, B, C, D }

where, the Objects: A and C, the Class Set X have their own movement; then, the generated Empty Associations:



that correspond to Objects : A and C, the Class Set X.

4. Also, when the PARTITION is performed, a Class Set, has to be, one of the Partitioned Parties is a Class Set, in which the motion of any Objects is generated; then, the EMPTY ASSOCIATION originates in Class Set partitioning in that case , the Empty Association is symbolized with the Greek letter PHI, with the subscript three capital letters, the first, corresponds to the original Class Set; the second letter, corresponds to Class Set partitioning and third, the letter corresponding to the moving Object.

For example, in the Class Set

I = { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J }

the partition: IO = { A } I1 = { B, H, J } I2 = { C , D, E, F, G } In the Class Set I, we have the Empty Associations following:

; Empty Association, in the Class Set I. Partition IO the Class Set I.


AIo I ; Empty Association, in the



; Empty Association, in the Partition I1 the Class Set I. Partition I2 the Class Set I.


CI2 I ; Empty Association, in the

to provide an Associative Structure, in Class Set I and each Partition, the Class Set I, which produces the movements of Objects: A, B, C, in the Class Set I and Partitioned Classes: I O, I 1, I 2.

5. When that occurs, a Set of Objects or Targets, the ABSENCE of at least one of the Objects or targets occurs, then al that moment, produces a Empty Association, because the Set is incomplete. So we have, that if human beings, we consider the Set of Values: Truth, Freedom, Honestity, Respect, Loyalty, Justice, Tolerance, Social Solidarity and Innovation, is developingin each of us, we will have,Empty Associations, in situations numbered: N 1, 2 and 3. Likewise, when the Set of Objects, has a Structure, such as the case of human beings, which have a Linguistics Structure, by the education received, that if we fail we are causing Empty Association observed in the numbered situations by : N 4, 5 and 7.

6. Also, the Empty Association, occur in Interactive Set; when, the Objects do not meet the Functions, Activities, Policies, Objectives, among others, fully and are detailed in the Associations, which are presented in Conjuntivista formula, of Associative Structure Interactive Set. So, we have to all Company or Institution, is an Interactive Set, reason,why, the Organization, which must necesarily be an Associative Structure, Topological Category, and if the case is designed to, the failure of some Function, Policy, Activity, Duty, etc., in the Structure, the Empty Association occurs in the Business and Institutional Set, as the baring situations: N 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15.

In short, if the Set of mutually exclusive Interactive Objects, has a Associative Structure Topological of Category, that is, the union of nontrivial Associations (different Associations, of the Empty Association and Universal Association), is an Association of the Associative Structure, a

generative Interactive Tree Set is formed, as you can see on page 4; where, the partition which is designed or is present in the Set uniquely, tells us the following:

1. All the Objects are moving,or are Nucleus, which cause different Empty Associations, which are natural Interactive Set. 2. Also, the Objects are part of any Class Set Partitioning, which means that produce Empty Associations, if not satisfactorily fulfill their Functions, Directives, Obligations, among others, that correspond to the Class Set Partitioning.

3. That the Empty Set or Empty Association, always exists in Interactive Set and, as increases, the breach Objects Activities, Notes and others presented in the Associations Conjuntivista formula, each Class Set Partitioning.

Therefore, the Empty Set or Empty Association, that we see or we miss, as something common, it is not, because it helps us to Detect and Foresee (Contingency, Unforeseen, Conflict, Failures, etc.) in the Interactive Set, also, the importance, fulfill our Obligations, Functions, and other Directives, which develop in Interactive Set. Therefore, the name The Fabulous Set PHI, which I hope will help them in their personal and profesional lives Bellavista, November 12, 2013

HECTOR HURTADO BOCANEGRA Mathematical Thinker DNI. 25614915 Cel. 992158303 Av. Senz Pea N 754. Oficina 202. 2do. Piso Callao. LIMA - PERU

QUALITY, in Theory of Associations on an Interactive Set means that all Articulations and Integrations, supplied Conjuntivista Associative Structure formula are met continously in the Associative Network.


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