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Labour and Employment Department Contact details Minister

Thiru K.T. Pachamal

Labour, Population, Employment and Training, Newsprint Control, Census and Urban and Rural Employment.

Phone : 25671696 !" E#$%&52'()2*9++999 ," !"

-ecretary to .o/ernment

$hiru Mohan Pyare 01- Principal -ecretary" Phone : 2567(*72)P12#&56'+ !" E&mail : labsec at"tn34o/3in more333 Department Pro5ile $he history o5 the Labour Department dates bac6 to 192( and durin4 its initial period) it predominantly loo6ed a5ter the 7el5are o5 non&industrial labour3 8ith the rapid 4ro7th o5 the economy) the role o5 department has 7idened to co/er not only 7or6ers in or4anised sector but also those in the unor4anised sector3 $he liberalisation policy o5 the .o/ernment has pa/ed 7ay 5or rapid economic 4ro7th in the -tate3 $amil %adu is one o5 the most industrialised -tates in the country and has seen 5orei4n direct in/estments in many sectors3 $his 4ro7th has pro/ided enormous employment opportunities to the people o5 this -tate) and in the process has created one o5 the country9s lar4est pools o5 s6illed human resources3 $he Labour Department plays a crucial role in sustainin4 the rapid industrial and economic 4ro7th o5 the -tate3 -ound and responsible labour beha/iour coupled 7ith pro4ressi/e mana4ement practices are pre&re:uisites 5or 4ood industrial relations3 $he department has been stri/in4 to achie/e this important tas6 throu4h the le4al 5rame 7or6 o5 the 0ndustrial Disputes 1ct to conciliate and settle industrial disputes 5or creatin4 a con4enial atmosphere3 $he department is e55ecti/ely en5orcin4 /arious Labour Le4islations 5or protectin4 the interests o5 the 7or6ers en4a4ed in or4anised and unor4anised sectors3 0t has been implementin4 /arious 1cts to maintain 4ood industrial relations and promote 7el5are o5 7or6ers3 Contact Particulars o5 ;eads o5 Departments and <nderta6in4s Directorate = Commissionerate 0nstitute o5 Labour -tudies Employment and $rainin4 Commissionerate >actories 0nspectorate Labour ? Employment" more333 <nderta6in4=1utonomous 2odies Labour 8el5are 2oard Manual 8or6ers 8el5are 2oard

!/erseas Manpo7er Corporation more333 Documents: Policy %ote o5 Labour and Employment Department 2(1+&2(1* Particulars o5 -3C =-3$3 ,e4istrants a/ailable in $amil %adu Education&7ise 5or the period ended +13(532((9 Employment !55ice -tatistics & Community&7ise brea6 up o5 @ob -ee6ers 7aitin4 on the rolls o5 Employment !55ice in $amilnadu as on +13(+32(12 more333 1cts and !rdinances: Employment !5iice 1ct more333 8ebsites = ,elated lin6s: -ta55 Eelection Commission -outhern ,e4ion") Chennai A A .iri %ational Labour 0nstitute Ministry o5 Labour) .o/t o5 0ndia Labour 2ureau @obs 5or Dea5

0n5ormation $echnolo4y Department Contact details Minister

Mukkur Thiru N. ubramanian !n"ormation Te#hnology Phone $ %&'()%*)+,- +,e#retary to 2o3ernment

Thiru .4 Prabakar !5 +Prin#ipal e#retary to 2o3ernmentPhone $ %&'(0(6* +,E/mail $ more... 7epartment Pro"ile
Tamil Nadu has s#ienti"i# and so#ial in"rastru#ture and the human resour#es, whi#h are indispensably re8uired "or attra#ting !T in3estments. 9y harnessing the abo3e resour#es #ompletely, it be#omes ne#essary to use !CT tools to e.tend the bene"its o""ered by 2o3ernment to the Citi:ens and take Tamil Nadu to an in#omparable position in the !n"ormation Te#hnology se#tor in !ndia under the able guidan#e, dynami# leadership and "uturisti# 3ision o" our ;onourable Chie" Minister. Tamil Nadu is a "ront/runner among the tates in !ndia in !CT enabled 2o3ernan#e, by su##ess"ully implementing 3arious e/2o3ernan#e programmes o" the tate 2o3ernment and also the s#hemes under the National e/2o3ernan#e Plan +Ne2P-. Realising the basi# needs o" the #ommon man, our ;onourable Chie" Minister, has planned to ensure that all ser3i#es are made a3ailable to the #ommon man in his lo#ality through #ommon ser3i#e deli3ery outlets with e""i#ien#y, transparen#y and reliability. !n"ormation Te#hnology 7epartment will stri3e to

1.Pro3ide 2o3ernment ser3i#es, both in"ormational and transa#tional, to Citi:ens at their door steps through the internet at the earliest %. 9ridge the digital rural/urban di3ide *. Make Tamil Nadu the 9est in !T enabled 2o3ernan#e ). ubstantially in#rease the so"tware e.ports o" Tamil Nadu &. Pro3ide Cable T< ser3i#es to all households in Tamil Nadu at reasonable rates, at the earliest '. Take Computing in Tamil to a higher le3el (. Enhan#e the 8uality o" li"e o" Citi:ens through !n"ormation and Communi#ation Te#hnology.

Conta#t Parti#ulars o" ;eads o" 7epartments and Undertakings 7ire#torate = Commissionerate 7ire#torate o" e2o3ernan#e 7ata Centre +27Cmore... Undertaking=5utonomous 9odies 5rasu Cable T< Corporation Ltd Tamil Nadu e2o3erna#e 5gen#y Ele#troni#s Corporation o" Tamilnadu Ltd +ELC,Tmore... 7o#uments$ Poli#y Note o" !n"ormation Te#hnology 7epartment %01*/%01) Manual o" !n"ormation Te#hnology 7epartment +Re3ised!T Enabled er3i#es +!TE - Poli#y %00& / P7> <ersion o" the !TE Poli#y %00& more... 5nnoun#ements$ 5nnoun#ements o" !n"ormation Te#hnology 7epartment "or the year %01*/%01) +Tamil <ersion5nnoun#ements o" !n"ormation Te#hnology 7epartment "or the year %01%/%01* +Tamil <ersionmore... ?ebsites = Related links$ Tamil Nadu tate ?ide 5rea Network +TN ?5N2uidelines "or !ndian 2o3ernment ?ebsites o"tware Te#hnology Parks o" !ndia, Chennai National !n"ormati#s Center, Chennai National 5sso#iation o" o"tware and er3i#e Companies

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