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How to Be a Successful PhD Student (in Computer Science (in NLP/ML))

Mark Dredze (Johns Hopkins Universit ) Hanna M! "a##ach (Universit o$ Massachusetts %mherst) &ersion '!() March *() *('* +ein, a ,raduate student can -e e.treme# re/ardin, and a #ot o$ $un) -ut it0s a#so hard /ork! Like an thin, in #i$e) there are /a s to succeed and /a s to $ai#! Hope$u## ) ou /i## $ind a ,ood support net/ork that can he#p ou #earn /hat it takes to -e a ,ood ,raduate student! Ho/ever) not ever one is a-#e to $ind such a net/ork) and it0s important to #earn these #essons ear# ! 1his ,uide /as /ritten -ased on our e.periences as ,raduate students and our e.periences advisin, ,raduate students) speci$ica## ) PhD students in NLP and machine #earnin,2 ho/ever) /e hope man o$ the points are app#ica-#e to a /ider audience! "here possi-#e) /e have indicated /hen advice is $ie#d3speci$ic! +e ond that) the advice is #isted in no particu#ar order! No dou-t there /i## -e points /ith /hich ou disa,ree! 1hat0s tota## $ine 33 there are certain# points a-out /hich even /e had di$$erin, vie/s2 ho/ever) -e$ore ou decide to i,nore these points) it0s /e## /orth takin, the time to understand /h /e inc#uded them!

Becoming a PhD Student

Why Get a PhD?
1his 4uestion is dea#t /ith e.tensive# in other documents) so /e /i## not discuss it in detai# here2 ho/ever) /e /ant to emphasize the importance o$ askin, this 4uestion! 5ettin, a PhD /i## chan,e our career path dramatica## ! Not on# does ,ettin, a PhD mean ou /i## spend ears in schoo# (/ith -oth persona# and $inancia# imp#ications)) it /i## a#so chan,e the t pe o$ career ou pursue! "hi#e /e are -oth happ /e ,ot PhDs) it isn0t the ri,ht decision $or ever one! +e$ore app# in, to ,raduate schoo#) ou shou#d think hard a-out /hether this is the ri,ht path $or ou! Some speci$ic points to consider are as $o##o/s6 '! You have to really want it. 5ettin, a PhD takes a #on, time and a ,reat dea# o$ dedication and hard /ork! Un#ess ou really /ant it) ou /i## not $inish the PhD! *! Its mo e than o!ay to do something else fi st. Man students ,o strai,ht $rom their under,raduate de,ree to ,raduate schoo#! 1hat0s certain# $ine 33 in $act) that0s /hat /e did! Ho/ever) some o$ the -est PhD students #e$t academia $or a -it -e$ore startin, ,raduate schoo#! Doin, somethin, e#se ,ives ou a -reak $rom the academic /or#d and can he#p ou ,ain perspective! Students /ho decide that the /ant a PhD enou,h to return to academia are o$ten e.treme# motivated and do ver /e##!

"##lying to G aduate School

7n order to -e a PhD student) ou have to ,et into ,raduate schoo#! 1here are man ,ood resources devoted to this su-8ect) such as http6//cra!or,/ccc/cs,s! "e /ant to emphasize the importance o$ app# in, $or e.terna# $e##o/ships) such as NS90s 5raduate :esearch 9e##o/ships and NDS;5 9e##o/ships! Havin, such a $e##o/ship can make a hu,e di$$erence to our ,raduate schoo# e.perience! Since ou can usua## app# more than once) ou have nothin, to #ose - app# in, $or $e##o/ships /hi#e ou are a#read app# in, $or ,raduate schoo#! "e a#so have some ,enera# advice on app# in, and pickin, a schoo#6 <! $hin! %eyond the school! =$ course ou /ant to ,o to the -est schoo# possi-#e! +ut ou a#so need to -e happ ! 7$ ou aren0t happ ) ou /on0t -e success$u#! 7$ ou $ind ourse#$ /ith no socia# #i$e and no $riends) ou /on0t -e happ ! >! Su ound you self with sma t #eo#le. ?our advisor is important) -ut ou /i## a#so spend hu,e amounts o$ time /ith other students! +ein, around smart peop#e makes ou smarter! 7$ ou are the smartest person in the room) it0s time to $ind another room!

You and You "dviso

?our re#ationship /ith our advisor is the sin,#e most important re#ationship ou /i## have in ,raduate schoo#! % ,ood re#ationship /ith our advisor is critica# to our success! Make sure ou pick the ri,ht advisor for you! ?ou /i## spend hundreds o$ hours /ith our advisor) so it is a-so#ute# critica# that our advisor is someone ou #ike and /ith /hom ou /i## /ork /e##! Just -ecause ou #ike someone0s research doesn0t mean ou0## /ork /e## to,ether! Di$$erent advisors have di$$erent advisin, st #es! %sk them ho/ the run their research ,roup! 1a#k to their e.istin, students to $ind out a-out their advisin, st #e and /hat the e.pect o$ their students! @! &isten to you adviso . 1he /onAt a#/a s -e ri,ht) -ut the have -een doin, research $or (in some cases much) #on,er than ou have! (%nd) i$ it /asn0t c#ear) our advisor is our -oss 33 ou /ork $or them! "hen our advisor te##s ou to do somethin,) do it!) B! Ping you adviso . 7$ our adviser hasn0t rep#ied to an important emai#) remind them that ou are /aitin, $or their rep# ! (+ut $irst make sure that our emai# /as c#ear! See here $or advice6 http6//matt!mi,ht!net/artic#es/ho/3to3emai#/) ?our advisor is (pro-a-# ) a -us person and ma not have seen our emai# or rea#ized its importance! C! 'eed%ac!. Make sure ou o-tain $eed-ack $rom our advisor! 1his shou#d happen at #east once a ear) pro-a-# in the $orm o$ a departmenta# student revie/! Ho/ever) $eed-ack is he#p$u# and it doesn0t hurt to ask $or it more o$ten) e!,!) once a semester!

(eetings with You "dviso

1his is our primar opportunit to ,et $eed-ack) direction) advice) etc! Make the most o$ it!

D! (eet egula ly. :e,u#ar meetin,s /ith our advisor ensure that ou are -ein, productive and ena-#e our advisor to ,ive ou $eed-ack! ?ou shou#d meet /ith our advisor re,u#ar# (e!,!) /eek# ) 33 ;SP;C7%LL? i$ ou donAt /ant to! E! (a!e an agenda. Make an a,enda $or ever meetin, /ith our advisor! =ut#ine each o$ the topics that ouAd #ike to cover durin, the meetin, and their re#ative importance! 7$ you don0t kno/ /hat ou /ant to ta#k a-out) our advisor0s un#ike# to kno/ either! '(! B ing esults. 1r to -rin, resu#ts (e!,!) ,raphs) ta-#es) $i,ures) to ever meetin,! ''! Sta t with a summa y. Start each meetin, - summarizin, the previous meetin,! :emind them /hat ou a,reed on as ne.t steps) summarize /hat ouAve done (and haven0t done) since then) and ,o over our a,enda! ?our advisor has man research pro8ects! Un#ike ou) the didn0t spend the previous /eek /orkin, on our research pro8ect on# ) and /i## there$ore need to conte.t s/itch! Summarizin, our previous meetin, /i## ena-#e them to s/itch $aster and make sure ou0re -oth on the same pa,e!

(anaging You Day)to)Day Wo ! &ife * Being P oductive

5raduate schoo# is di$$erent $rom our other educationa# e.periences and an 8o- ou0ve had! Success means -ein, productive) creative) and independent! 1his doesn0t come natura## to ever one) so $i,ure out 4uick# ho/ ou can -est succeed! :emem-er too that a success$u# person can $ai#! % #ot! +ut ou arenAt 8ud,ed - our $ai#ures) ou are 8ud,ed - our successes! ?ou donAt have to -e the smartest person in the room) -ut ou have to /ork ver hard! '*! +esea ch is ,-. Not ever one is ,ood at research6 some peop#e e.ce# in the c#assroom) /hi#e others e.ce# at independent research! Ho/ever) a PhD is a research de,ree 33 the purpose o$ ,raduate schoo# is research) not takin, c#asses! %#thou,h takin, c#asses is part o$ ,raduate schoo#) /hen it comes to success) it0s a## a-out research! Do /e## enou,h in our c#asses -ut $ocus on pu-#ishin, hi,h 4ua#it research papers! '<! $al! to othe students. 1a#k to other students re,u#ar# ) -oth /ithin and outside our #a-! 1his is a ,ood /a to #earn /hether our e.pectations o$ ourse#$ and ,raduate schoo# are rea#istic) as /e## as to #earn a-out imp#ementation detai#s) interestin, pro-#ems and so#utions) /a s o$ thinkin, and pro-#em3so#vin,) and Ftricks o$ the tradeF! '>! .ve yone wo !s diffe ently. 9i,ure out ho/ ou #ike to /ork and /hat makes you most productive! (Do ou /ork -est in the ear# mornin,s or #ate evenin,G Do ou #ike /orkin, /ith others or do ou pre$er to /ork - ourse#$G Do ou /ork -est /hen ou have mu#tip#e pro8ects or 8ust oneG) 7t0s a ,ood idea to discuss these pre$erences /ith our advisor so the understand ou -etter and can /ork /ith ou as e$$ective# as possi-#e! '@! /ee# to a egula schedule. 1his /i## he#p ou make pro,ress even /hen ouAre $ee#in, unmotivated! 7tAs ,enera## a ,ood idea to /ork in the #a- at #east *( hours a /eek! ?ou /i## -ene$it $rom havin, a $ocused /ork environment) -ein, around co##ea,ues) and

-ein, accessi-#e i$ our advisor needs to $ind ou! 7$ ou $ee# ou can0t /ork in the #a-) tr to $i,ure out /h ) and do somethin, a-out it (e!,!) ta#k to our advisor)! 'B! P io iti0e. ?ou /i## $ind that ou have man opportunities) and not enou,h time to pursue a## o$ them! 1r to $i,ure out our priorities (e!,!) research) c#asses) service) socia# #i$e) etc!) and make sure ou are spendin, our time accordin,# ! 7t0s a ,ood idea to do a time audit i$ ou $ee# thin,s aren0t matchin, up! Learn to distin,uish the immediate $rom important 33 don0t $ocus on immediate dead#ines (e!,!) home/ork) to the e.c#usion or detriment o$ #on,er3term) more important dead#ines (e!,!) con$erences)! Havin, a sma## num-er o$ hi,h 4ua#it papers is -etter than man #o/ 4ua#it papers! 'C! (a!e you own 1ne2t actions3. 7$ ouAre sittin, around /aitin, $or our advisor to te## ou /hat to do ne.t) somethin, is /ron,! 9ind somethin, to do) e!,!) read papers! 'D! /ee# a log. Heep a dai# #o, o$ ever thin, ou do and ever thin, ou think! 7tAs a ,ood idea to make sure our #o, is searcha-#e (e!,!) p#ain te.t or use a note takin, pro,ram)! 'E! Getting things done. :ead (and pre$era-# imp#ement) David %##en0s F5ettin, 1hin,s DoneF! 7t doesn0t /ork $or ever one) -ut the ideas are ver ,ood and /orth considerin,! *(! " social life. ?ou need to -e happ to -e productive and mana,e our /ork #i$e e$$ective# ! +ein, happ usua## invo#ves havin, a socia# #i$e! 1ake the time to ensure ou are happ and hea#th ) or ou /on0t -e as productive or e$$ective in our /ork #i$e! *'! Its o!ay to get stuc!. :emem-er that ;&;:?=N; ,ets stuck/demora#ized/etc! No) rea## ! ;ven super3$amous) success$u#) seemin,# 3per$ect researchers ,et stuck/demora#ized/etc! "hat makes them success$u#) ho/ever) is that the $i,ure out ho/ to move past these #o/ points to the ne.t ,reat idea! **! &ea n f om you mista!es. 9ai#in, is $ine (and ar,ua-# an important ke to success)! 9ai#in, /i## a#so happen o$ten! 1he 4uestion is /hat ou do after $ai#in,! 1ake notes! Understand /h ou $ai#ed and think a-out /hat ou0d do di$$erent# ne.t time! Man a/esome research ideas came a-out -ecause someone $ai#ed and then asked I/h GJ

+esea ch
?ou are a PhD student and a PhD is a research de,ree! 1hat means that our ,oa# is to #earn ho/ to do hi,h 4ua#it research! % PhD is #ike an apprenticeship 33 ou #earn - /atchin, others and doin, ourse#$! 9or some) doin, research comes natura## ! 9or most) it0s not somethin, that 8ust happens2 it takes hard /ork and care$u# p#annin,! 1here is a #ot to #earn a-out ho/ to do ,ood research) the ma8or points o$ /hich /e /i## out#ine here! 7n ,enera#) #ook to those around ou) particu#ar# our advisor) $or mode#s o$ productive and success$u# researchers!

+eading Pa#e s

?ou can0t e.pect to 8ump in and contri-ute to an active $ie#d /ithout kno/in, /hat other peop#e have a#read done and are doin,) /hat the main cha##en,es are) and ho/ peop#e tend to think a-out these pro-#ems! %## o$ this in$ormation comes $rom readin, papers! *<! +ead4 ead4 ead5 :ead mu#tip#e papers a /eek 33 ask our advisor (or other ,raduate students) $or su,,estions i$ ouAre unsure o$ /hat to read! ?ou have a #ot to #earn (especia## in the $irst $e/ ears) and ou0## primari# do this #earnin, - readin,! *>! $a!e notes. Make notes a-out ever paper ou read! Make notes at mu#tip#e #eve#s o$ ,ranu#arit (e!,!) one sentence summar o$ the entire paper a## the /a do/n to sentence3#eve# notes)! 9ind a note takin, s stem that makes sense $or ou! *@! +ead dee#ly. "hen readin, an important paper) tr to understand /here ever e4uation comes $rom 33 in other /ords) derive them ourse#$! 7$ ou ,et stuck) donAt -e a$raid to ask someone e#se (e!,!) another ,raduate student or our advisor) $or he#p! *B! B eadth vs. de#th. Not ever paper needs -e read in detai# $rom start to $inish! Sometimes ou on# need a hi,h #eve# vie/! "hen readin, a paper) $i,ure out /hat ou need (i!e!) /hat ou hope to achieve - readin, this paper) and read it accordin,# !

Pic!ing a +esea ch $o#ic

?ou0## eventua## need to come up /ith ideas $or our o/n research! 1his is a process $or /hich our advisor /i## -e inva#ua-#e! "e have some ,enera# advice on pickin, a research topic6 *C! /now the lite atu e. ?ou need to kno/ /hat0s -een previous# in order to make sure our contri-utions are actua## nove# and use$u#! Hno/ /hatAs -een done - others so ou donAt /aste our (and our advisorAs) time rep#icatin, /e##3studied ideas! *D! /now the community. Papers are not pu-#ished in a vacuum) rather the are part o$ an on,oin, dia#o,ue /ithin a communit ! Hno/ that communit ) i!e!) the participants) prior /ork) termino#o, ) etc! ?ou have to kno/ /ho ou are ta#kin, to and ho/ to ta#k to them! *E! $hin! %ig! ?ou shou#dn0t -e tr in, to so#ve easi# 3so#va-#e pro-#ems! 9ocus on so#vin, -i, pro-#ems) even i$ ou end up takin, sma## steps to/ards a so#ution! 1here are man ideas that make $or o-vious papers constitute simp#e e.tensions o$ previous /ork! "hi#e these papers ma ,et pu-#ished) the don0t usua## amount to much! 1r to $ocus on -i, pro-#ems rather than makin, incrementa# improvements to previous /ork! <(! It ta!es time. 5ood research ideas don0t happen a#on, ever da ! 7t ma take time $or ou to come up /ith a -i, idea) and that0s per$ect# $ine! U#timate# ) ou /i## -e 8ud,ed on /hat ou pu-#ish) not ho/ #on, it took ou to come up /ith the idea! <'! Dont ma!e u# # o%lems that dont e2ist. Comin, up /ith a ne/ pro-#em is ,reat) -ut make sure it0s real pro-#em! 7$ ou can0t think o$ at #east three e.amp#es o$ our pro-#em) then its pro-a-# not a rea# pro-#em! Put di$$erent# ) don0t come up /ith hammers and

then ,o #ookin, $or nai#s! Learn ho/ to desi,n/create hammers $or actua# nai#s!

$he +esea ch P ocess

<*! 'i st Yea ! %s a $irst ear) $ind a senior student /ith an interestin, research pro8ect and o$$er to he#p! 1his can ,ive ou the chance to /ork on a ,ood idea and #earn $rom someone /ho is kno/#ed,ea-#e a-out the area! 1his /i## a#so he#p ou /ork to/ards a pu-#ication ear# on in our career and #earn $irst3hand ho/ to do ,ood research! <<! Sta t with w iting. "hen ou have an idea) start - /ritin, it do/n! "ork out the detai#s on paper $irst -e$ore ou /rite an code! 1his /i## he#p e.pose pro-#ems and $#esh out the detai#s! 1his is especia## he#p$u# /hen /orkin, on mathematics! "hen /orkin, on a paper) /rite an out#ine -e$ore /ritin, an te.t so ou kno/ /hat ou are tr in, to do! <>! &ea n when to 6uit! ?ou can #earn $rom $ai#ure) -ut on# i$ ou move on! 7$ ou $ind ourse#$ repeated# #o/erin, our ,oa#s and e.pectations) ou aren0t makin, pro,ress! Learn /hen to 4uit and re# on our advisor) /ho pro-a-# kno/s -etter than ou do! <@! Dont %e deadline focused. 1here is a#/a s another dead#ine around the corner! Pu-#ish interestin, /ork /hen it0s read to -e pu-#ished! 7t0s /onder$u# to use dead#ines as motivation) -ut ou shou#dn0t pu-#ish 8ust -ecause ou received a C9P! <B! Dont leave the w iting to the end. Start /ritin, the paper as ear# as possi-#e and aim to ,et resu#ts /e## -e$ore the dead#ine! "ritin, /i## he#p ou p#an our /ork and think throu,h our h potheses and ar,uments! ;ven once ou have a dra$t /ith initia# resu#ts) there is p#ent o$ /ork to -e done in order to turn this dra$t into a hi,h 4ua#it paper! ?ou /on0t $inish this /ork i$ ou #eave the /ritin, to the ni,ht -e$ore the dead#ine! <C! "s! 6uestions. DonAt -e a$raid to ask 4uestions and/or ask $or he#p 33 ouA## #earn $aster and -e more productive than i$ ou tr to $i,ure a-so#ute# ever thin, out $or ourse#$! <D! Im#lement! ?ou understand -est /hen ou imp#ement (understandin, K intuition L math L code)! 7$ ou can) imp#ement thin,s more than once (e!,!) usin, t/o di$$erent methods) or in t/o di$$erent #an,ua,es) and check our imp#ementations ,ive identica# resu#ts! <E! 7e sion cont ol. Use version contro# $or everything (notes) code) papers) etc!)! No) rea## ! 7t ma -e time3consumin, to set up) -ut it /i## save ou time in the #on, run!

Getting 8and P esenting9 Good +esults

>(! /now you data! Hno/ our data rea## /e##! Make sure it e.hi-its the properties ou think it does! Per$orm e.p#orator data ana# sis 33 p#ot/visua#ize it in various di$$erent /a s 33 sometimes ouA## $ind it e.hi-its interestin, properties that ou hadnAt e.pected!

>'! /now you softwa e. Make sure ou understand /hat the so$t/are packa,es ouAre usin, are doin,! 7$ ouAre pu-#ishin, resu#ts o-tained usin, someone e#seAs so$t/are) ou shou#d kno/ $or SU:; that their so$t/are does /hat ou think it is doin,! 1hereAs an Ieas J /a to do this6 read the source code! 7$ there0s no source code) -e /ar ! >*! Good %aselines. +eatin, -ase#ines is ,ood) -ut on# i$ the are /orth -eatin,! %dditiona## ) our idea is on# use$u# i$ it is an improvement over e.istin, or simp#er approaches! Learn ho/ to come up /ith convincin,) e$$ective) and S7MPL; -ase#ines! %#/a s ask ourse#$) F"hatAs the simp#est e.periment 7 cou#d do to (in)va#idate m h pothesisGJ 1a#ented researchers have a knack $or comin, up /ith simp#e -ase#ines! ><! :nde stand you esults. 7tAs not su$$icient to kno/ that our method ,ets E@M accurac on our data! ?ou a#so need to kno/ e.act# /hatAs happenin, on the @M o$ data points $or /hich our method D=;SNA1 /ork! Look at actua# data points that our method is hand#in, (in)correct# ) p#ot/visua#ize our resu#ts in various di$$erent /a s) etc! 1his e.ercise /i## -e use$u# /hen presentin, our /ork and /hen improvin, upon it! >>! (a!e you esults accessi%le! Learn ho/ to present resu#ts such that the are accessi-#e) use$u#) and convincin,! % ta-#e is rare# the most appropriate /a to present numerica# in$ormation 33 it0s a ,ood idea to read at #east one -ook a-out (4uantitative) in$ormation visua#ization! ?our resu#ts are on# convincin, i$ the are understanda-#e!

>@! /ee# t ac! of deadlines. DonAt re# on our advisor to do this $or ou 33 the Are a#read keepin, track o$ a zi##ion other dead#ines! 7$ ou think ouAre not on track to meet a dead#ine) D= te## to our advisor 33 the Ad rather kno/ sooner than #ater! >B! 'inish w iting ea ly. 9inish our paper (at #east) a /eek -e$ore the dead#ine! Not on# /i## this ,ive ou time to po#ish our /ritin,) ,et $eed-ack $rom others) and run an e.periments the su,,est) -ut it makes it more #ike# that ouA## actua## ,et an use$u# $eed-ack $rom our advisor) /ho pro-a-# has severa# other papers to read -e$ore the dead#ine! 7t0s not he#p$u# to ,et ,reat $eed-ack $rom a co##ea,ue a-out ho/ to $rame our ideas /hen ou on# have a $e/ hours #e$t -e$ore the paper is due! >C! &ea n how to w ite well. 7$ ou ever thou,ht that ou didn0t need to /rite /e## -ecause ou /ere an en,ineer or scientist) ou /ere '((M /ron,! %s a scientist) itAs our 8o- to communicate our ideas to others! 7t doesnAt matter ho/ amazin, our /ork is) it0s un#ike# to have an impact i$ no one can understand our e.p#anations! 7$ ou $ind ourse#$ thinkin, Ithe revie/ers didn0t understand m paper)J ma -e ou didn0t e.p#ain our ideas c#ear# enou,h! % /e##3/ritten paper can make the di$$erence -et/een a re8ect and an accept) or -et/een a ,ood paper and an a/ard3/innin, paper! 7$ ou /ant to improve our /ritin,) ou0## need to ,et ear# $eed-ack on our dra$ts (see a-ove!) >D! +e# oduce you esults. Part o$ pu-#ishin, is attestin, to the accurac o$ our pu-#ished resu#ts! 1hat means ou must -e a-#e to reproduce them! Make sure ou keep

detai#ed notes on ho/ ou o-tained the resu#ts in our paper so that ou can repeat the e.periments! %t the minimum) this /i## -e he#p$u# $or runnin, additiona# e.periments -ased on revie/er $eed-ack (or /hen ou need to /rite our thesis!) >E! +eo gani0e afte su%mission. =r,anize and document our code) resu#ts) etc! 7MM;D7%1;L? a$ter a paper dead#ine! Don0t kid ourse#$ 33 i$ ou donAt do it then) itAs never ,oin, to happen! %,ain) ou /i## -e ,rate$u# ou took the time to do this /hen ou $ind ou need to rerun our e.periments (e!,!) $or our thesis)! @(! +elease code and data! :e#ease an code or data that is centra# to our pu-#ication! 1his ensures that others can reproduce or -ui#d on our ideas! 9urthermore) i$ others use the code/data) the /i## cite ou! "hat more cou#d ou /antGN @'! ;uality and not 6uantity. ?ou /i## -e 8ud,ed -ased on the 4ua#it ) and not the 4uantit o$ our pu-#ications! ?ou /i## $ind end#ess C9Ps $or con$erences) -ooks) 8ourna#s) etc! Most o$ these /onAt matter to our career! No one is impressed - pu-#ications in some random 8ourna#! 1ake the time to ,et a hi,h 4ua#it paper into a con$erence that matters! @*! Pu%lish o #e ish doesnt sta t in you fi st yea . "ith increasin, pressure to pu-#ish) some students think the need a paper in their $irst ear! ?ou do not! 7t is un#ike# that a$ter #ess than a ear ou /i## have an important and nove# idea to contri-ute to the communit ! Learn somethin, $irst so our $irst contri-ution is /orth/hi#e!

"e cannot overestimate the importance o$ ,ivin, ,ood ta#ks! % ,ood ta#k can make the di$$erence -et/een peop#e readin,/citin, our con$erence paper and peop#e dismissin, it! 9urthermore) kno/in, ho/ to ,ive a ,ood ta#k /i## he#p ou ,et a ,ood 8o- a$ter ,raduate schoo#! %s a PhD student) ou must #earn ho/ to ,ive ,ood ta#ks) so start ear# ! @<! P actice! 1he sin,#e -est /a to #earn ho/ to ,ive ,ood ta#ks is to practice! Practice in $ront o$ the mirror) in $ront o$ $riends) co##ea,ues) etc! 7t is not unusua# to practice an important ta#k severa# times! %#so) $ind opportunities to ,ive ta#ks! 7$ our schoo# has a student seminar) vo#unteer to speak! 1hese $orums /i## a##o/ ou to improve our presentation ski##s /e## -e$ore ou have to ,ive con$erence and 8o- ta#ks! @>! "s! fo feed%ac!. 7$ ou ,ive a ta#k (either a practice ta#k or a rea# ta#k ) ask our audience $or $eed-ack on c#arit ) st #e) content) presentation) etc! @@! S#end time on content! "ith Po/erPoint) He note) etc!) it0s eas to spend #ots o$ time on the #ook and $ee# o$ the s#ides! Ho/ever) this is $ar #ess important than havin, a c#ear out#ine and c#ear /a s o$ presentin, our content! Spend our time on /hat ou /ant to sa and ho/ ou /ant to sa it -e$ore ou /ork on $anc animations!

@B! $iming. 1he ri,ht amount o$ materia# in the ri,ht amount o$ time is the ha##mark o$ a ,ood ta#k! 1he moment a speaker sa s I7 don0t have time so 7 am ,oin, to rush throu,h this)J ha#$ the audience tunes out! 7$ ou don0t have time to cover somethin,) skip it entire# (or -etter et) don0t put it in the ta#k in the $irst p#ace)! 7t is -etter to cover a sin,#e topic /e## than man topics poor# ! 1ime ourse#$ /hen ou practice our ta#k! Use these timin,s to make notes /hich /i## he#p ou decide i$ ou are movin, too s#o/# or 4uick# durin, the actua# ta#k! Do ou ta#k $aster or s#o/er durin, practice as compared to the actua# presentationG 9i,ure this out so ou kno/ ho/ to ad8ust our timin,s accordin,# !

Poste s
Poster presentations can -e an important part o$ the pu-#ication process! 1here are man di$$erent approaches to makin, ,ood posters) so /e0## out#ine a $e/ hi,h #eve# points! @C! Sta t a conve sation! % poster is supposed to assist ou in startin, and maintainin, a conversation! ?our poster shou#d there$ore advertise our /ork and persuade peop#e that the /ant to ta#k /ith ou! 7t shou#d a#so contain in$ormation that /i## he#p ou ta#k a-out our /ork! % poster is not a rep#acement $or our paper! 7t0s oka to omit detai#! @D! 7isually att active. Peop#e visit posters that #ook nice and aren0t 8ust a mess o$ math! ?ou don0t need to -ecome an artist) -ut #earn ho/ to use ,raphics and co#ors! @E! $ell a sto y. Just as a ta#k shou#d have a c#ear stor #ine) so shou#d our poster! ?ou /i## use our poster as a ,uide /hen ta#kin, to visitors a-out a-out our /ork! Make sure sure it has the ri,ht content in the ri,ht order (see -e#o/)! B(! P actice! Just as it0s important to practice ta#ks) it0s important to practice presentin, our poster! Practicin, our presentation /i## he#p ou /ork out /hether our poster contains the ri,ht content) at the ri,ht #eve# o$ detai#) arran,ed in the ri,ht order!

P ofessional Develo#ment
Pro$essiona# deve#opment) net/orkin,) and (u#timate# ) $indin, a 8o- are important! B'! Do inte nshi#s! 7ndustria# (and academic) internships are ,reat /a s to #earn ne/ ski##s) meet ne/ peop#e) /ork on ne/ pro-#ems) and make some e.tra mone ! 1here are di$$erent schoo#s o$ thou,ht on timin,) ho/ever! =ne approach is to do an internships ear# on in ,raduate schoo#) /hen ou don0t et have a research topic and haven0t -ui#t up momentum on a speci$ic pro-#em! %nother approach is to do an internship #ater) /hen ou have a specia#ized set o$ ski##s/interests and are c#oser to #ookin, $or a 8o-! +oth are ,ood approaches and it doesn0t hurt to do more than one internship! B*! +eview #a#e s! Start revie/in, papers in our research area! =$$er to he#p our advisor /ith paper revie/s 33 the /i## a#most a#/a s take ou up on our o$$er! %sk our advisor

$or $eed-ack on our revie/s so ou can improve our revie/in, ski##s! B<! Give tal!s. Learnin, to ,ive ,ood presentations is ver important (see a-ove)! =ne -ene$it o$ ,ivin, ta#ks is that doin, so advertises our /ork and makes sure peop#e kno/ /ho ou are! +ein, /e##3kno/n /i## pa o$$ /hen ou are #ookin, $or a 8o-!

P og essing $h ough G aduate School

%s ou #ook around at other students) ou0## pro-a-# /onder ho/ ou are doin,! Don0t 8ust specu#ate and tr to compare ourse#$ to others 33 ask our advisor! "hi#e CS PhDs usua## take @3B ears) p#ent o$ peop#e take #on,er! 7t0s not necessari# -ad to take C ears! :emem-er that ou /on0t -e 8ud,ed on ho/ #on, ou spent in our PhD pro,ram) -ut - /hat ou produced! :ou,h# speakin,) here is /hat to e.pect in terms o$ pro,ress! B>! Stage -< 1ake c#asses) $ind an advisor) /atch others do research) read papers) comp#ete a pro8ect /ith resu#ts (thou,h not necessari# a paper)! Usua## *3< ears! B@! Stage =< Pick a ,enera# area o$ interest) #ead research on a pro8ect in this area) pu-#ish a paper) make a contri-ution to this area! Usua## *3> ears! BB! Stage >< ;va#uate our /ork) come up /ith a stor ) /rite a thesis! Usua## ' ear!

?etwo !ing
BC! $uto ials. "rite tutoria#s/annotated -i-#io,raphies/technica# notes! 7$ the 0re ,ood) this can -e a hi,h# e$$ective /a to make sure our name is kno/n /ithin our communit ! 1hink o$ a## the tutoria#s ou0ve read - /e##3kno/n academics! BD! Big names. Hno/ /ho the F-i, namesF are in our area and $o##o/ their /ork c#ose# ! BE! Go to confe ences! ;ven i$ ou aren0t presentin, a paper) tr to ,o to a con$erence ever ear! (:emem-er that our advisor ma not a#/a s have mone to send ou) ho/ever!) 7$ ou $ee# uncom$orta-#e a-out not presentin, a paper) remem-er that ou can te## peop#e) F=h) 7Am not presentin, a paper here 1H7S ear!F C(! Int oduce you self. Don0t -e sh a-out introducin, ourse#$ to ne/ peop#e (8unior and senior) at con$erences) even i$ ou $ind this hard! 7$ ou0re not sure /hat to sa ) ask them to te## ou a-out their /ork! 7$ it he#ps) ask our advisor to make introductions! C'! "ct # ofessionally. ?our actions re$#ect not on# ourse#$) -ut a#so our #a- and our advisor! %dditiona## ) itAs possi-#e that ou /i## continue to interact /ith the researchers in our communit $or decades to come 33 makin, sure ou esta-#ish a reputation as someone /ho acts pro$essiona## is there$ore an investment in our $uture!

'inding a @o%

9indin, a 8o- is a comp#e. process and -e ond the scope o$ this document! 1here are man ,ood ,uides on this topic! "e0## #eave ou /ith t/o thin,s to keep in mind) ho/ever6 C*! You a e not alone. Do not e.pect to $ind a 8o- a## - ourse#$! Part o$ our advisor0s 8ois to he#p ou $ind emp#o ment! Start ta#kin, /ith our adviser ear# a-out our career ,oa#s and our 8o- search! "ork /ith our advisor to deve#op a p#an! ?ou can a#so re# on our other contacts) such as our committee mem-ers and our internship hosts! C<! Success means many things. Man students think that an academic research 8o- is the true measure o$ success6 i$ ou don0t -ecome a pro$essor) ou haven0t succeeded! This is total nonsense! No rea## ! ?ou are ,ettin, a PhD -ecause o$ the trainin, it provides! %cademic research is one area that -ene$its $rom or re4uires this trainin,) -ut there are man man others6 teachin,) industria# research) ,overnment research) science po#ic ) $inancia# investment) entrepreneurship) etc! Durin, our PhD) tr to /ork out /hat ou #ove to do! 1hen) a$ter our PhD) $ind a 8o- that /i## #et ou do that! 9or some) this is teachin, and academic research) -ut it is ridicu#ous to think that is the ri,ht career $or ever one /ith a PhD! "e kno/ man -ri##iant peop#e /ho choose a non3 academic career path -ecause it0s /hat the /anted to do and it makes them happ ! U#timate# ) ou need to do /hat /i## make ou happ !

$hings to &ea n
Masterin, the $o##o/in, technica# too#s /i## he#p ou e$$ective# conduct success$u# research6 '! *! <! >! +ash con$i,uration (e!,!) !-ashrc) environment varia-#es) a#iases) P%1H) CL%SSP%1H) P?1H=NP%1H Uni. -asics (e!,!) cd) #s) mv) rm) rmdir) man) histor ) ctr#Lr) ctr#La) ctr#Le) ctr#LO and ctr#LP) ki##rin, vs! c#ip-oard) 33 see http6//$reeen,ineer!or,/#earnUN7Qin'(minutes!htm# $or a startin, point @! +asic -ash scriptin, (e!,!) sort) uni4) cut) tr) /c) .ar,s) $ind) ,rep) a/k) sed) B! ctr#Lc) ps au. and ,rep) ki## 3E) ctr#Lz and -,) $,) top C! di$$ D! Ho/ to insta## so$t/are #oca## E! ;macs or vi '(! ;c#ipse or 7nte##i8 ''! Screen (and /h ou need it) '*! Make '<! +asic : p#ottin, commands '>! 5rid en,ine (e!,!) 4su-) 4stat) 4#o,in) '@! &ersion contro# (e!,!) ,it) 'B! Ho/ to use a de-u,,er (e!,!) 8d-)

Athe +esou ces

% $e/ e.ce##ent artic#es on re#ated topics6

'! La/rence Sau#0s advice $or ne/ ,raduate students6 http6/////!cs!ucsd!edu/Rsau#/startSresearch!pd$ *! < 4ua#ities o$ success$u# PhD students6 http6//matt!mi,ht!net/artic#es/success$u#3phd3 students/ <! '( reasons PhD students $ai#6 http6//matt!mi,ht!net/artic#es//a s3to3$ai#3a3phd/ >! H="1=6 Send and rep# to emai#6 http6//matt!mi,ht!net/artic#es/ho/3to3emai#/! See other artic#es $rom http6//matt!mi,ht!net/artic#es/ @! %dvice $rom Jason ;isner6 http6/////!cs!8hu!edu/R8ason/advice/ 33 inc#udin, ho/ to read a paper (http6/////!cs!8hu!edu/R8ason/advice/ho/3to3read3a3paper!htm#)) ho/ to $ind research pro-#ems (http6/////!cs!8hu!edu/R8ason/advice/ho/3to3$ind3research3 pro-#ems!htm#)) and /h ou shou#d /rite the paper $irst (http6/////!cs!8hu!edu/R8ason/advice//rite3the3paper3$irst!htm#) B! %dvice $or senior ,rad students6 http6/////!cs!um-c!edu/Rmaried8/papers/advice3 summar !htm# C! Ho/ to /rite /e##6 http6/////!amazon!com/Manua#3"riters3:esearch3Dissertations3 Seventh/dp/(**BD*<<CC/re$KsrS'S'GsK-ooksTieKU19DT4idK'<'BE(>>C@TsrK'3' D! Ho/ to -e a ,ood ,raduate student6 http6/////!cs!indiana!edu/ho/!*-/ho/!*-!htm# E! Ho/ to -e a ,ood ,raduate student6 http6/////!deirdremcc#oske !com/docs/pd$/%rtic#eS<'@!pd$ '(! 1he Nationa# Ph sica# Science Consortium 5raduate 9e##o/ Student Hand-ook (Some is administrative stu$$ app#ica-#e on# $or NPSC $e##o/s) -ut a #ot o$ ,enera# advice too) http6//npsc!or,/Current9e##o/s/assets/5radStudentHand-ook!pd$ ''! C:%3" ,raduate student in$ormation ,uide (shou#d ou ,o) ho/ to app# ) /hat ,rad schoo# is #ike)6 http6//cra3/!or,/LinkC#ick!asp.G$i#eticketK@vD8o34Hs<(M<dTta-idKD@ '*! %dvice on out#ines and paper3/ritin, $rom 5eor,e "hitesides (hi,hest h3inde. o$ an #ivin, chemist)6 http6/////!ee!ucr!edu/Rr#ake/"hitesidesS/ritin,SresSpaper!pd$

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