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SUNSILK & Its Branding Strategies

Tina Umnia Hussain

Assistant Professor M.H. School of Business Presidency University

July 29, 2 !

"sfa# $han %rou& 'eader Student of M.H School of Business

(ear Sir, Subject: Submission on report Sunsilk and its branding strategies). This is to inform to you that *e are truly + dee&ly ,rateful for -ein, &rovided this re&ort *ith all the .no*led,e durin, lectures that has further contri-uted in my re&ort to understand intricate as&ects of courses that *e com&leted till no*. This re&ort has also ,iven us the &ros&ect to ,et the overall reflection a-out Sunsilk and its branding strategies. Beyond any dou-t, this term &a&er has enriched us *ith .no*led,e + information that contri-uted to elevatin, our e/&erience. 0e have ,iven our -est effort at every sta,e of &erce&tion + com&letion of this re&ort. Therefore, *e &ray and ho&e that you *ould -e .ind enou,h + as&ect this re&ort + o-li,e there-y.


Group: 01

Members of the group:

Md. Maha-u-Alam "(1 22 22 23 "sfa#$han 5ar6ana Mu.-ul Mehedi Hasan Sayma Sultana "(1 22!! 23 44444444444. 44444444444. 44444444444. 44444444444. 44444444444.

"(1 22 79 23 "(1 2228 23

"(1 22229 23

Report on

SUNSILK & Its Branding Strategies

Marketing Management Course Code: MKT 307

repared !or Tina Umnia "ossain #ssistant ro!essor$ BB# rogram

M%"% S&'oo( o! Business

Su)mitted )* Md% Ma'a)u)#(am I+: 0,-0-,0-. /ar0ana Muk)u( I+: 0,-0710-. Is!a2 K'an I+: 0,-1100-. Sa*ma Su(tana I+: 0,---30-. Me'edi "asan I+: 0,--300-.

Su)mission +ate: #pri( 7$ -010

SUNSILK & Its Branding Strategies






#ISTO ! O& SUNSILK S#AM'OO..( 'OINT O& 'A IT! )'O'* + 'OINT O& DI&&E ENCE ..+ )'OD*







!" MA KET S#A E .. ""

#" MIND S#A E . .. "" $" #EA T S#A E . "/ %" SALES EVENUE AND SOCIAL "0 ES'ONSIBILIT! ...


The &re&aration of this re&ort is a sound e/am&le of team*or.. The e/&erience is a valua-le one -ecause not only did the re&ort increase our understandin, and .no*led,e on the assi,ned to&ic, i.e. 9S !S"#$ % "ts &randing Strategies'. "t also tau,ht us im&ortant lessons of ho* to incor&orate out theoretical .no*led,e to enhance the understandin, of &ractical im&lications. "n addition, it also ,ave us a thorou,h o&&ortunity to learn from others: des&ite conflictin, ideas, the teams mana,ed to 6oin efforts and reach unanimous decisions at the end. "t re;defined our s.ills of *, *ith others to reach a final ,oal, and im&roved our communication as *ell as tolerance levels. Ho*ever, this *ould not have -een &ossi-le had *e not -een ,iven the o&&ortunity to &resent this re&ort. Therefore, *e *ould li.e to e/&ress the dee&est a&&reciation to our course instructor, Ms. (ina mnia )ossain* Assit. +rofessor, *ho has -een a continuous source of ,uidance throu,hout the re&ort and has al*ays -een there to ans*er our #uarries.

,-ecuti.e summar/

The summery descri-es the history, mission, vision, &ur&ose, and Sunsil.<s total -rand and ho* com&any mana,es these -rands for se,mentation, tar,etin,, and &ositionin,. This re&ort tells us that ho* com&any selects their se,mentation, tar,etin, and &ositionin, strate,y for a s&ecific &roduct Sunsil. sham&oo. This re&ort tells that *hat are the &ricin,, &romotion, and &ac.a,in, strate,y of Sunsil. sham&oo. "t also mentions that *hat are the version of Sunsil. sham&oo launch into the accordin, to consumer need and evaluation.

0hat com&etitive strate,ies Sunsil. follo*s is also included in this re&ort. Mar.etin, &ro,rams and &romotional activities are clearly and -riefly covered in this re&ort. Another vital element such as1 leader, challen,er and follo*er are identified clearly. Mind share, share and heart share are also included here, *hich hel&s to understand a-out consumer &erce&tion a-out the &roduct.

5inally, in the end recommendations are ,iven that *hat strate,y should Sunsil. follo* to meet the strate,ies and share of their com&etitors.

Sunsilk is a hair care -rand, &rimarily aimed at *omen, &roduced -y the Unilever ,rou&. Sunsil. is Unilever<s leadin, hair care -rand, and ran.s as one of the An,lo;(utch con,lomerate=s >-illion dollar -rands?. Sunsil. sham&oos, conditioners and other hair care &roducts are sold in @9 countries *orld*ide. Sunsil. is sold under a variety of different names in mar.ets around the *orld includin, Alidor, Seda and Sedal. The -rand is stron,est in Asia, 'atin America and the Middle Aast and is the num-er one hair care -rand in BraBil, Ar,entina, Bolivia, Sri 'an.a and Thailand.

$e/ facts

Cum-er ! in Asia, 'atin America and the Middle Aast Sales of more than D! -illion a year. Sellin, in 2 countries. Also sold as Alidor, HaBeline, Seda and Sedal. Eecent A*ards1 Holds the %uinness 0orld Eecord for the most heads of hair *ashed and styled in one day.

To .no* a-out the Sunsil.. To .no* a-out the difficulties faced -y the Sunsil.. To .no* a-out the ,ro*th strate,ies used -y Sunsil.. To a-out the various &romotional strate,ies of Sunsil.. To .no* a-out the F P<s of Sunsil..


"n order to reach in our destination or com&lete the re&ort *ith &ro&er and relevant information *e collected data from several sources. 0e collected data from -oth &rimary and secondary section. "n &rimary section *e &re&ared a #uestionnaires relatin, *ith different to&ics and, a ,eneral &erce&tion ho* &eo&le thin. a-out Sunsil. . "n secondary section, *e collected information from internet, &romotional materials, and articles.

&ackground of the 1ompan/ is a multi;national cor&oration, formed of An,lo;(utch &arenta,e that o*ns many of the *orld=s consumer &roduct -rands in foods, -evera,es, cleanin, a,ents and &ersonal care &roducts. "t *as created in !98 -y the mer,er of British soa& 'ever Brothers and (utch mar,arine &roducer Mar,arine Unie. "n the !98 s the -usiness of Unilever ,re* and ne* ventures *ere launched in 'atin America. Since then Unilever has made tremendous ,ro*th, ,oin, throu,h economic crises li.e the 5irst 0orld 0ar and the %reat (e&ression. Today the com&any is fully multinational *ith o&eratin, com&anies in over ! em&loyin, a-out !79 Gitality mission. 0ith F -rands s&annin, !F cate,ories of home, &ersonal care and foods &roducts, no other countries, em&loyees. 0ith the onset of the 2!st century, Unilever

im&lemented a strate,y .no*n as 9Path to %ro*th< to transform -usiness and to launch their

com&any touches so many &eo&le=s lives in so many different *ays. !3 million times a day, someone some*here chooses a Unilever &roduct. 5rom feedin, one<s family to .ee&in, one<s home clean and fresh, Unilever -rands are &art of everyday life. Unilever<s mission is to add Gitality to life. "t meets every day needs for nutrition: hy,iene and &ersonal care *ith -rands that hel& &eo&le loo. ,ood, feel ,ood and ,et more out of life.

)istor/ of Sunsilk Shampoo

'aunched in !93F, in the U$, Sunsil. had -ecome Unilever<s leadin, international sham&oo -rand. By !939, it *as availa-le in ei,hteen countries *orld*ide. "n the !92 <s, Pa.istan had a lar,ely under;develo&ed in terms of &ersonal care &roducts. The launch of Sunsil. in !928 introduced 5MH% industry in Pa.istan to redefine the lives of its &eo&le. Sunsil. introduced in !929 *ith three variants related to hair ty&e endorsement of a hair stylist *as the first ste& in -uildin, the ima,e of -rand as health care e/&ert. 0ith the com&etition of local and multinational com&anies due to rationaliBe of e/cise duties, Sunsil. has not -een a-le to ta.e share. To stren,then the -rand UP' decided to &relaunch Sunsil. &remium ran,e consistin, of four variants in January 2 . (ue to need of sham&oo for oily hair and dandruff unilever launch a ne* variant of Sunsil. havin, citrus e/tracts.

(he range consists of Sunsilk:

2ellow Sunsilk with &io +roteins from 3egetable ,-tracts: Cormal hair needs *holesome nourishment. Ce* Sunsil. *ith Bio Protein e/tracted from Ge,eta-le mil. has nutrients that dee&ly &enetrate each hair strand, to nourish it leavin, hair stron, and -eautiful.

&lack Sunsilk with Melanin from +lant ,-tracts: (ull hair needs a rich -lac. shine. Ce* Sunsil. *ith Melanin e/tracted from &lants serves this &ur&ose very effectively. "t hel&s in the ,ro*th and retention of the -lac. color of hair, ,ivin, it a rich -lac. shine. Green Sunsilk with 4ruitamins 3itamins from fruit ,-tracts: Thin and lim& hair needs e/tra -ody and volume. Ce* Sunsil. *ith 5ruitamins has natural e/tracts from fruit that contains Gitamins. These vitamins hel& in ,ivin, e/tra -ody, shine and amaBin, mana,ea-ility to the thinnin, and lifeless hair.

+ink Sunsilk with /oghurt proteins: (ry hair needs *holesome conditionin,, e/tra shine and style. Ce* Sunsil. *ith yo,hurt &roteins the dry hair full of life. "ts es&ecial in,redients moisturiBe each hair ri,ht to its ti&s leavin, it shiny and -eautiful. 0range Sunsilk with acti.e nutrients from 1itrus ,-tracts: The advanced formula of oran,e Sunsil. is the result of the latest research. This sham&oo is es&ecially desi,ned for oily hair ty&e that loo.s flat and ,reasy due to the e/cess of moisture. Ce* Sunsil. *ith active in,redients from citrus e/tracts cleans the e/cess oil off hair *hile its nutrients dee&ly &enetrate each hair strand to nourish it.

+oint of parit/ 5+0+6

Points of &arity are associations that are not necessarily uni#ue to the -rand -ut may in fact -e shared *ith other -rands. 5or an offerin, to achieve a &oint of &arity on a &articular attri-ute or -enefit, a sufficient num-er of customers must -elieve the -rand is >,ood enou,h) on that dimension. 'i.e others SUCS"'$ consists of such PIPs1

(ream soft + Smooth Stunnin, Blac. Shine 'usciously Thic. + 'on, Anti;(andruff Solution Hair 5all Solution

+oint of 7ifference 5+076:

Points of difference are attri-utes or -enefits consumers stron,ly associate *ith a -rand, &ositively evaluate, and -elieve they could not find to the same e/tent *ith a com&etitive -rand. 0ith &oint of difference, the -rand must demonstrate clear su&eriority. 5or instance1 A&&le Jdesi,nK, Golvo JsafetyK, Aner,iBer is the lar,est lastin, -attery.

8e found that +07s for Sunsil. is Ho;creation formula created -y e/&rts. They came *ith this idea to ,ra- the and to -e su&erior in the 5rom 2 9 Sunsil. started *, *ith a num-er of &rofessional hair ?e/&erts? to develo& ne* and im&roved &roducts. Aach hair >issue? variant lin.s to an ?e/&ert)*ith the relevant s&ecialist hair .no*led,e. 5or e/am&le, (r 5rancesca 5usco, a Ce* Lor. dermatolo,ist, co;created a >hairfall) variant for the -rand. The lineu& also includes1 Jamal Hammadi for Blac. Shine, Eita HaBan for Gi-rant Holour, Teddy Hharles for Plum&ed U& Golume, Thomas Ta* for (ama,e Eeconstruction, Iuidad for (efined Hurls and Lu.o Lamashita*n for Ja&anese hair strai,htenin,K for Perfect Strai,ht.

&randing strateg/:
The -randin, strate,y for a firm reflects the num-er and nature of common and distinctive -rand elements a&&lied to the different &roduct sold -y the firm. Brandin, strate,y involves decidin, the nature of ne* and e/istin, -rand elements to -e a&&lied to ne* and e/istin, &roducts.

&randing 7ecisions: Brandin, strate,y is one of the most vital decisions, -y

mar.eters. "t is a strate,y, *hich -rin,s lots of &ositive feed-ac. for a firm. The first -randin, decision is *hether to develo& a -rand name for a &roduct. Today, -randin, is such a force that hardly anythin, ,oes un-randed.

Unilever follo* individual name for settin, -rand name for their different &roducts, such as Sunsil., (ove JSham&ooK, Ponds, 5air + lovely, (ove for care. Unilever ,et a ma6or advanta,e of an individual name strate,ies that the com&any does not tie its re&utation to the &roducts. So, if any -rand fails or a&&ears to have lo* #uality, the com&anies name or ima,e is not hurt.
&rand ,lements: Brand elements can &lay a num-er of -rand -uildin, roles. Band

elements are those trademar.a-le devices that identify and differentiate the -rand. Most

stron, -rands em&loy multi&le -rand elements. Mar.eters choose -rand elements to -uild as much -rand e#uity as &ossi-le. Brand elements such as1 memora-le, meanin,ful, li.a-le, ada&ta-le and &rotect a-le. 0e descri-e those elements in short as follo*s1

Memorable: every consumers mind catches the -rand name. Their mar.etin,

&ro,rams set the -rand name in consumers mind. Their short -rand name such as1 (ove, &onds, Sunsil. etc are easily memora-le.
Meaningful: Avery consumer has a clear meanin, a-out Sunsil.. Honsumer

thin.s a-out Sunsil. as a &roduct *hich solve their &ro-lem relatin, *ith hair.
#ikable: 5rom our research *e found that most of the &eo&le li.e the -rand

ver-ally and visually.

+rotectable: The -rand name is le,ally and com&etitively &rotecta-le. The

-rand retain their trade mar. ri,hts and not ,eneric.

Adaptable: another fact *hich *e sa* in Sunsil.. (ifferent &ac. siBe and

ne* formulas are easily acce&ted -y the consumers.

(arget market of Sunsilk:

The main tar,et of Sunsil. is females -et*een the a,es ,rou& !@;F -elon,in, to the lo*er and middle income classes. But in their &romotional activities, they cover the *hole irres&ective of these classes. Sunsil. tar,et its on the -asis of consumer -uyin, -ehavior, income level, and &urchasin, &o*er of &eo&le. 5or *hich #uantity of the &roduct can -e chan,ed accordin, to the income and &urchasin, &o*er of the consumers as in case of Sunsil. !2 ml and 3ml &ac.s are also availa-le to tar,et lo* income ,rou&s.

"dentif/ing competitors

+ure competition: Sunsil. e/ists in the &ure com&etition.


Anal/9ing competitors: The ne* Sunsil. sham&oo aims to fulfillin, the need of its tar,et -y offerin, a hi,h #uality, assessment of conce&t in term of acce&ta-ility, credi-ility, and &erceived -enefits that it offers a healthy choice sham&oo alternative to tar,et customer.

1lasses of competitors: "n ur-an areas, Sunsilk is actin, as a challen,er a,ainst )ead % Shoulder. Sunsilk has ,ot the advanta,e of .ee&in, their &rices lo*er than )ead % Shoulder sham&oos -ut )ead % Shoulder has ca&tured a -i,,er share of the due to its intense &romotional activities. 1ompetitor re.iew: The ma6or com&etitor of Sunsil. in rural areas is B"I AM'A and in ur-an areas Sunsil. mainly cutthroat of Head + Shoulder. The main advanta,e of B"I Amla is her-al com&osition, lo* &rices, *hich attract rural -ut in term of #uality they are far -ehind Sunsil. sham&oo. "n ur-an areas Sunsil. actin, challen,e *ith Head + Shoulder. Sunsil. has ,ot the advanta,e of .ee&in, their &rices lo*er than P+% -ut P+% has ca&tured

a lar,e share due to its intense &romotional activities. %enerally, Hute *or. as a follo*er as it doesn<t ,o for any innovative action.

Market share: Sunsil. as a com&etitor, they are steadily ,ainin, share. At &resent situation, they ca&ture 8FM of total share.

4igure: Market Share Mind Share: to -uy a sham&oo rational consumers firstly thin. a-out Sunsil. due to the &romotional strate,ies of Sunsil.. So that Sunsil. ra&idly increase their mind share.

4igure: Mind Share

)eart Share: (ue to reach &roduct and mar.etin, attri-utes + features Sunsil.<s mind share in total com&etitive is hi,her than any other -rand. Honsumer *ould li.e to choose Sunsil. as their first choice.

4igure: )eart Share

1ompetiti.e Strategies for Sunsilk

7efining the strategic objecti.e: The Sunsilk Shampoo aims at fulfillin, the needs of its tar,et -y offerin, a hi,h #uality, assessment of the conce&t in terms of its acce&ta-ility, credi-ility and &erceived -enefits* that it offers a healthy choice sham&oo alternative to the tar,eted consumer. The theme of the &roduct shall -e anchored around the motto.

,-panding the total market: Sunsil. is very sensitive to increase its "t<s sometime very challen,in, for a firm to e/&and its total Sunsil. -asically *ishes to increase ne* customer and more usa,e.

!ew customers1 Sunsil. tryin, to attract -uyers *ho are una*are of the &roduct or *ho are resistin, it -ecause lac. of such features. Sunsil. usin, &enetration strate,y, ne* se,ment strate,y and ,eo,ra&hical e/&ansion strate,y for searchin, ne* consumers. Gery attractive advertisin, and other &ro&ositional activities &erform a vital role in this case. More usage: Sunsil. recently increase the amount, level and fre#uency of consum&tion. "t also im&roves &ac.a,in, and redesi,ns the &roduct. "t offers lar,er &ac.a,e siBes and the &roduct more availa-le. They em&hasiBe more on mar.etin, &ro,ram, *hich inform the consumer a-out the -rand and it fre#uently develo&s the &roduct *hich also s&urs ne* uses. 1hoosing General Strateg/: !. 4lank Attack: Sunsil. can follo* se,mental strate,y. "n Head + shoulders tar,etin, mainly hi,h and middle class &eo&le -ut -i, &ortion in lo*er class consumer could not ado&t their &roduct. So, Sunsli. tar,etin, the lo*er class, *ho have lo*er income and launch ne* &roduct at a lo*er &rice. 2. 4rontal Attack: Sunsil. can launch ne* sham&oo com-inin, conditioner, anti; dandruff, and shinnin, in a one &roduct as follo* as Head + Shoulders. 8. &/pass Attack: Sunsil. can introduce anti;dandruff sham&oo and &rovide an e/tra conditioner in a &ac.a,e.

1ommunication (ools of Sunsilk

There a num-er of *ays to advertise -oth local and ,lo-al -rands in the Some of the very common means throu,h *hich advertisement is done include1 ,lectronics Media: Alectronic Media has -een the ma6or factor in determinin, the ,lo-al success of Sunsil.. "n today<s *orld *here an avera,e middle class individual has access to 8 to F channels throu,h the ca-le minimum, he has the a-ility to vie* different ty&es of advertisement 6ust fli&&in, the channels. Thus the consumer of today is so *ell &osted on the fact that *henever a ne* &roduct is launched, is it in the United $in,dom or in the United States, a consumer livin, in Asia *ould -e *ell a*are of the features of the &roducts and he *ould .no* *ho the com&any is tar,etin,. +rint Media: Print Media advertisement is one of the common *ays of advertisin,. The &rint media includin, the ma,aBines, ne*s&a&ers and -rochures are relied u&on a lot. "n &rint media, the im&ortance of &lacin, the advertisement &lays an im&erative &art in increasin, the sales of the &roduct. &illboards: Bill-oards have -ecome one of the most influencin, *ays to advertise in our *orld. Averyone can see a *hole advertisement li.e you *atch on your o*n televisions or the ty&e of movin, and animated ty&e of advertisements that you can see on the -ill-oards ha&&en to -e very much in fashion. Sunsil. also has nearly all of its &roducts on the -ill-oards *hen either it<s launchin, a ne* ad, comin, u& *ith &rice &romotions or re launchin, any &roduct.

These ads seem to -e a&&earin, all the time, *hich is really ,ood for the com&any, as they are easily attractin, the customers in every &ossi-le manner. out free Samples: 0hen the ne* Sunsil. Blac. *as introduced, *hat the com&any did *as, to create a*areness amon,st the youth they *ent to schools and colle,es and distri-uted free sam&les of the &roducts and ,ave out little -rochures *hich told the #ualities that the &roduct had and the &ro&er method of ,ettin, a -lac. and shiny hair loo.. Ad.ertising Alliance: AI' Time 0arner and Unilever announced their multi; million dollar advertisin, alliance. AI' Time 0arner, the *orld=s lar,est advertiser, announced a multi;million dollar enhanced cross;&latform advertisin, and mar.etin, &artnershi& under *hich AI' Time 0arner *ill -rin, Unilever=s *ide array of leadin, consumer &roduct -rands to millions of consumers throu,h innovative mar.etin, cam&ai,ns across AI' Time 0arner=s -road ran,e of online, on;air and &rint media in 2 2.


". The Sunsil. is a ,lo-al com&any and each country has o*n culture, so Sunsil. should

drive accordin, to local &references and needs -ecause it is really necessary in today economic crisis to ca&ture hu,e share. Sunsil. can arise and ensure social res&onsi-ility in the society, so they *ould esta-lish themselves in customer mind and customer *ould -e loyal a-out Sunsil.. To ensure social res&onsi-ility and hi,hli,htin, -enefits they &rovide Sunsil. can raise their revenue. Sunsil. must focus on social res&onsi-ility, to maintain ima,e amon, customers, mainly advertisement covers hu,e e/&enses of Sunsil., -ut *e recommend them to cut their advertisement e/&enditures, in the economic crisis and should more focus on social res&onsi-ility. To ensure social res&onsi-ility and hi,hli,htin, -enefits they &rovide Sunsil. can raise their revenue.

5i,ure1 Sales revenue and social res&onsi-ility

/. Peo&le are familiar *ith Sunsil., ho*ever they are not interested in *hether it is a unilever &roduct or not. Throu,h e/tensive mar.etin, methods unilever should ma.e &eo&le a*are of the fact that it is a Unilever Product and not 6ust any &roduct so that the -rand loyalty increases and &eo&le &urchase its &roduct due to its -rand name and not 6ust the &roduct name.


Sunsil. has hu,e &otential of rural 72M of total &o&ulation -ut not yet develo& a successful strate,y to &enetrate this The success of Sunsil. emulated *hich ca&tured the rural -y t*o strate,ies; (evelo& stron, distri-ution structure and Ado&tin, &ac.a,in, and &ricin,. Sunsil. increase -uyin, of ra* material so that it does not have to suffer devolution and continuously increase in tariff rates. They introduced a smaller ! mi &ac. of Sunsil. in order to ca&ture lo*er income se,ment. Sunsil. enter into *e- mar.etin,. They should increase fre#uencies of advertisin, -y electronic and &rint media. They should introduce 2 in ! sham&oo &lus conditioner *hich demand hu,e &otential 5inally,, every thin, in account *e can say that if Sunsil. em&hasiBe more on social res&onsi-ility and create more attractive mar.etin, &ro,rams, they can ,ra- hu,e num-er of customers.


*** *** ***.mill*ard-ro* ***.,oo, ***.*i.i& ***

Unilever financial statement 2

*** *** ***.traction&

7; 2

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