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Lesson plan

SCHOOL: O Petar Berislavi CLASS: 1st grade SUBJECT: English TEACHING UNIT/LESSON: Revision STUDENT TEACHER: Dina Frani MENTOR: prof. Ana Zelalija LENGTH OF LESSON: DATE: April 1$th% &'1( AIM: - to i"prove learners) lang#age s*ills and e+pand their vo,a-#lar. OBJECTI ES/ 0 0 0 to pra,ti,e previo#sl. learned le+i,al ite"s to develop learners) lang#age s*ills to e+pand their vo,a-#lar. ! "in#tes

TEACHING STRATEGIES: instr#,ting% e+plaining% 1#estioning% de"onstrating LEARNING ACTI ITIES: listening% listening ,o"prehension% ga"es% pointing% dra2ing% pra,ti,ing le+i,al ite"s% "onitoring% ,ontrolling ,lassroo" at"osphere TEACHING MATERIALS AND AIDS/ te+t-oo*% a,tivit. -oo*% eval#ation -oo*% -la,*-oard% ,hal*% reso#r,e pa,* STUDENT GROU!INGS/ 2hole ,lass


1.1 3o#se*eeping 0 4reeting the st#dents 0 5he,*ing attendan,e

Esti"ated ti"e/ & "in#tes

1.&. 6ar"0#p/ 3ot and ,old ga"e Esti"ated ti"e/ 7 "in#tes O-je,tive/ to revise the 2ords for hot% warm and cold Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 0 tell the st#dents the. are going to pla. a ga"e a vol#nteer steps o#t of the ,lassroo" 2hile the st#dents hide a flash,ard so"e2here in the ,lassroo" 2hen the st#dent ,o"es -a,*% the other st#dents g#ide hi" to the flash,ard -. hot% warm or cold do this 2ith a fe2 st#dents

Aids and "aterials/ flash,ards 6hole ,lass


&.1. 8evising the previo#s lesson

Esti"ated ti"e/ ! "in#tes

O-je,tive/ to ,he,* ho2 "#,h the st#dents re"e"-er fro" the previo#s lesson Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 tell the st#dents the. are going to listen to the song I wash my hands again pla. tra,* &9 on 5D &


0 0

as* the st#dents to tr. and sing the song 2itho#t the help of the 5D ,he,* if the. re"e"-ered all the phrases : ; 2ash ". hands% ; -r#sh ". teeth<.=

Aids and "aterials/ 5D 5D 6hole ,lass

&.&. 8evising vo,a-#lar.

Esti"ated ti"e/ 1! "in#tes

O-je,tives/ to ,he,* if the st#dents re"e"-er le+i,al ite"s the. learned at the -eginning of the s,hool .ear Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 0 0 sho2 the st#dents flash,ards of things that so#nd si"ilar in English and 5roatian as* the" to sa. 2hat the. see in the flash,ards give o#t photo,opies of the My first words 2or*sheet and tell the st#dents the. are no2 going to see ho2 these 2ords are 2ritten in English instr#,t the" to dra2 and 2rite along the dotted lines have the" ,olo#r their dra2ings

Aids and "aterials/ flash,ards% 2or*sheet 6hole ,lass% individ#al 2or*

&.(. 8evising ,olo#rs and n#"-ers

Esti"ated ti"e/ 1! "in#tes

O-je,tives/ to ,he,* the st#dents> *no2ledge of ,olo#rs and n#"-ers Pro,ed#res/ 0 0 0 tell the st#dents to t#rn over the 2or*sheet the. have instr#,t the" to ,olo#r the -alloons a,,ording to the ,olo#r the. are ,onne,ted to as* 1#estions s#,h as What colour is number 7? or Which number is blue?

Aids and "aterials/ 2or*sheet (

;ndivid#al 2or*

CONCLUSION (.1. Ending the lesson O-je,tives/ to s#" #p the lesson Pro,ed#res/ 0 give the st#dents a ho"e2or* assign"ent Esti"ated ti"e/ 1 "in#te

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