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Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D



SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Ritu Sharma SUBMITTED BY: Arunjeet Singh M.B.A 2D UID: !MPU" #
1 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D


Info$%$ Te&hno'ogie$ (imite) i$ a mu'tinationa' information te&hno'og% $er*i&e$ &om+an% hea),uartere) in Banga'ore- In)ia. It i$ one of In)ia.$ 'arge$t IT &om+anie$ /ith "0-10! +rofe$$iona'$ 2in&'u)ing $u3$i)iarie$4 a$ of 5o* 6- 2""6.It ha$ offi&e$ in 22 &ountrie$ an)
2 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

)e*e'o+ment &enter$ in In)ia- 7hina- Au$tra'ia- U8- 7ana)a an) 9a+an. Info$%$ /a$ foun)e) on 9u'% 2- 6: in Pune 3% 5 R 5ara%ana Murth% an) $i; other$:- 5. S. Ragha*an- 8ri$ <o+a'a=ri$hnan- S. D. Shi3u'a'- 8. Dine$h an) A$ho= Arora-> /ith 5. S. Ragha*an offi&ia''% 3eing the fir$t em+'o%ee of the &om+an%. 5an)an 5i'e=ani Murth% $tarte) the &om+an% 3% 3orro/ing I5R "-""" from hi$ /ife Su)ha Murth%. The &om+an% /a$ in&or+orate) a$ ?Info$%$ 7on$u'tant$ P*t (t).?- /ith Ragha*an.$ hou$e in Mo)e' 7o'on%- north@&entra' Pune a$ the regi$tere) offi&e. In 6:2- Info$%$ o+ene) an offi&e in Banga'ore- /hi&h $oon 3e&ame it$hea),uarter$. Info$%$ hea),uarter$ in Banga'ore- In)ia.Info$%$ /ent +u3'i& in 66!. Intere$ting'%- Info$%$ IPO /a$ un)er $u3$&ri3e)3ut it /a$ ?3ai'e) out? 3% US in*e$tment 3an=er Morgan Stan'e% /hi&h+i&=e) u+ !A of e,uit% at the offer +ri&e of R$. 60 +er $hare. The $hare +ri&e $urge) to R$. :- "" 3% 666 ma=ing it the &o$t'ie$t $hare on the mar=et at the time. At that time- Info$%$ /a$ among the 2" 3igge$t &om+anie$ 3% mar=et &a+ita'iBation on the 5ASDAC /e'' ahea) of A)o3e S%$tem$- 5o*e'' an) (%&o$. A&&or)ing to Dor3e$ magaBine- $in&e 'i$ting on the Bom3a% Sto&= E;&hange ti'' the %ear 2"""- Info$%$ $a'e$ an) earning$ &om+oun)e) at more than #"A a %ear. In the %ear 2"""Pre$i)ent of the Unite) State$ Bi'' 7'inton &om+'imente) In)ia on it$ a&hie*ement$ in high te&hno'og% area$ &iting the e;am+'e of Info$%$. In 2"" - it /a$ rate) Be$t Em+'o%er in In)ia 3% Bu$ine$$ To)a%. Info$%$ /on the <'o3a' MA8E 2Mo$t A)mire) 8no/'e)ge Enter+ri$e$4 a/ar)- for the %ear$ 2""!- 2""1 an) 2""03eing the on'% In)ian &om+an% to /in thi$ a/ar) an) i$ in)u&te) into the <'o3a' Ea'' of Dame for the $ame. Info$%$ /a$ rate) 3e$t em+'o%er to /or= for in 2"""- 2"" - an) 2""2 3% Ee/itt A$$o&iate$. In 2""#- Info$%$ re&ei*e) o*er .! mi''ion a++'i&ation$ an) hire) fe/er than !A of a++'i&ant$. Bu$ine$$ Fee= re+orte) that Info$%$- a'ong /ith Fi+ro an) Tata a&&ounte) for near'% :"A of the GE@ B> *i$a +etition$ a++ro*e) in 2""# for the to+ " +arti&i+ant$ in the +rogram. In A+ri' 2""6- Dor3e$ rate) Info$%$ among the 0 3e$t +erforming &om+anie$ in the $oft/are an) $er*i&e$ $e&tor in the /or').

In 2""6- Info$%$ /a$ &on$i)ere) one of the Bu$ine$$ Fee=H$ 0" Mo$t Inno*ati*e 7om+anie$. Drom De&em3er 2"": ti'' A+ri' 2""6- Info$%$ fire) o*er 20"" em+'o%ee$ for
3 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

+oor +erforman&e. The &om+an% ha$ 3een hit har) 3% 'o/er in&ome from a &ri$i$ hit Euro+ean an) 5orth Ameri&an mar=et. On A+ri' 0- 2""6 Info$%$ re+orte) it$ fir$t e*er@$e,uentia' fa'' in it$ re*enue in a )e&a)e )uring the Mar&h 2""6 ,uarter.


Infosys headquarters in Bangalore, India.


Infosys Technologies Limi e! Pu3'i&

4 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D


0""2"6 Inf% 9u'% 2- 6: Bang'ore-In)ia 5.R.5ara%ana Murth%2&hairman4 8ri$ <o+a'a=ri$hna27EO4 I 2Dire&tor4 Soft/are $er*i&e$ IT $er*i&e Information Te&hno'og% &on$u'ting $er*i&e$ I $o'ution$ USJ!. K 3i''ion22""64 USJ . K 3i''ion22""64 -"!-6"022""64 Info$%$.&om

E$ta3'i$he) in 6: - Info$%$ i$ a 5ASDAC 'i$te) g'o3a' &on$u'ting an) IT $er*i&e$ &om+an% /ith more than "0-""" em+'o%ee$. Drom a &a+ita' of USJ 20"- /e ha*e gro/n to 3e&ome a USJ 1 3i''ion &om+an% /ith a mar=et &a+ita'iBation of a++ro;imate'% USJ 2# 3i''ion. In our journe% of o*er 2: %ear$- /e ha*e &ata'%Be) $ome of the major &hange$ that ha*e 'e) to In)ia.$ emergen&e a$ the g'o3a' )e$tination for $oft/are $er*i&e$ ta'ent. Fe +ioneere) the
5 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

<'o3a' De'i*er% Mo)e' an) 3e&ame the fir$t IT &om+an% from In)ia to 3e 'i$te) on 5ASDAC. Our em+'o%ee $to&= o+tion$ +rogram &reate) $ome of In)ia.$ fir$t $a'arie) mi''ionaire$. Info$%$ Te&hno'ogie$ (imite) i$ a 'ea)er in $oft/are )e*e'o+ment an) /a$ &o foun)e) 3% 5.R. 5ara%ana Murth% an) a grou+ of $e*en IT +rofe$$iona'$ in the %ear 6: /ith an in*e$tment of J """. Ee emerge) a$ the &om+an%.$ &hairman an) 7EO an) i$ regar)e) a$ a great manager 3e&au$e of hi$ numeri&a' a3i'itie$ an) Fe$tern $t%'e of management. It ha$ &reate) $e*era' fir$t$ in In)ian in)u$tr% 'i=e 3eing the fir$t In)ian &om+an% to 3e 'i$te) on 5ASDAC in 666 an) the fir$t to +ro*i)e em+'o%ee $to&= o+tion$ +'an 2ESOP4. The &om+an% o+ene) it$ fir$t internationa' offi&e in USA in 6:#. It 3e&ame a +u3'i& 'imite) &om+an% in 662 an) offere) it$ IPO in three of the nine In)ian e;&hange$ in 66!. It re&ei*e) it$ ISO 2"" &ertifi&ation in 66! an) o+ene) other )e*e'o+ment &entre$ in In)ia in 660. B% 660 the firm /a$ /orth J2"" mi''ion- ha) 6"" em+'o%ee$ an) annua' re*enue of J2" mi''ion. It o+ene) it$ fir$t Euro+ean offi&e in Unite) 8ing)om in 66K. Info$%$ e$ta3'i$he) it$ hea),uarter$ in Banga'ore a$ there the /or=for&e$ /ere not re,uire) to 3e unioniBe)- 3enefit$ to the /or=for&e /ere re'ati*e'% a minor &o$t- an) there /a$ a huge +otentia' for +rofit. The 'ate 66"$ /a$ a time for e;+onentia' gro/th an) the main rea$on for thi$ /a$ it$ off$hore $oft/are )e*e'o+ment mo)e'. B% 2""" it$ mar=et &a+ita'iBation /a$ more than J2" 3i''ion. In 2""! it e$ta3'i$he) $u3$i)iarie$ in 7hina an) Au$tra'ia. In 2""1 it &ro$$e) J 3i''ion in re*enue. In 2""K it$ re*enue &ro$$e) J2 3i''ion an) it &om+'ete)20 %ear$.

Em)loyees in IN%OS"S
Info$%$ Te&hno'ogie$ i$ the $e&on) on'% &om+an% to &ro$$ the one@'a=h em+'o%ee mar= after in)u$tr% 'ea)er T7S. Info$%$ an) it$ $u3$i)iarie$ a))e) "- # em+'o%ee$ in the $e&on) ,uarter of thi$ fi$&a' that en)e) on !" Se+tem3er- ta=ing the tota' hea)@&ount to -""-!"K em+'o%ee$- Info$%$ $ai) on Dri)a%- o&t " after announ&ing it$ ,uarter'% re$u't$.
6 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

During the ,uarter- the IT jo3 mar=et /a$ un)er +re$$ure )ue to the g'o3a' finan&ia' &ri$i$. Man% IT firm$ ha) a'$o +o$t+one) $ome of the ne/ re&ruitment$ for ne;t ,uarter. Info$%$ announ&e) it$ ,uarter'% +rofit of a !".2 +er &ent jum+- he'+e) 3% a /ea=er ru+ee- 3eating mar=et fore&a$t$. Info$%$ $ai) 9u'%@Se+tem3er &on$o'i)ate) net +rofit ro$e to 1.!2 3i''ion ru+ee$ 2J26 mi''ion4 from 3i''ion ru+ee$ a %ear ago. Eo/e*er- the re$u't$ fai'e) to &heer u+ it$ $hare$- /hi&h )i++e) to an intra@)a% 'o/ of R$ -"1"- )o/n o*er # +& from it$ +re*iou$ &'o$ing +ri&e.

Rec*+i men T,*ge s fo* Infosys:

IN%OS"S-G*ooming Glo.,l T,len /

(a$t %ear- o*er .! mi''ion +eo+'e a++'ie) for a jo3 at Info$%$. On'% A of them /ere hire). In &om+ari$on- Ear*ar) 7o''ege too= in 6A of &an)i)ate$. Info$%$ ha$ a'/a%$ fo&u$e) on in)u&ting an) e)u&ating the 3e$t an) the 3righte$t. Fith g'o3a' hiring +ra&ti&e$- &ou+'e) /ith
7 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

e*er e;+an)ing uni*er$it% +rogram$ $u&h a$ 7am+u$ 7onne&t an) )e*e'o+ment &enter$ a&ro$$ the g'o3e- Info$%$ i$ a3'e to $our&e an) nurture ta'ent /hi'e )e'i*ering 'a$ting *a'ue to &'ient$. Info$%$- /hi&h train$ o*er 0-""" ne/ re&ruit$ e*er% %ear- i$ /e'' +re+are) to /in the 3att'e for to+@not&h ta'ent. At the heart of thi$ e)u&ation +rogram i$ a fu''% e,ui++e) J 2" mi''ion fa&i'it% in M%$ore- a3out 6" mi'e$ from Banga'ore.

HR )olicies in Infosys
Interna''% )e*e'o+e) &o)e of &on)u&t an) +o'i&ie$ to gui)e u$ The fo''o/ing +o'i&ie$ on *ariou$ $u$taina3i'it% i$$ue$ are a)o+te) uniform'% through out the re+orting entit% . HI' 012 3 AIDS CONTROL #OLIC" Info$%$ /ou') ta=e mea$ure$ to +re*ent the in&i)en&e an) $+rea) of EIL an) AIDS in the $o&iet%. In &a$e of nee)- the &om+an% /ou') arrange to +ro*i)e &oun$e''ing an) me)i&a' gui)an&e to the$e +atient$ an) their fami'ie$. $UALIT" #OLIC" 7on$i$tent /ith the grou+ +ur+o$e- Info$%$ $ha'' &on$tant'% $tri*e to im+ro*e the ,ua'it% of 'ife of the &ommunitie$ it $er*e$ through e;&e''en&e in a'' fa&et$ of it$ a&ti*itie$. Fe are &ommitte) to &reate *a'ue for a'' our $ta=eho')er$ 3% &ontinua''% im+ro*ing our $%$tem$ an) +ro&e$$e$ through inno*ation- in*o'*ing a'' our em+'o%ee$ .Thi$ +o'i&% $ha'' form the 3a$i$ of e$ta3'i$hing an) re*ie/ing the Cua'it% O3je&ti*e$ an) $ha'' 3e &ommuni&ate) a&ro$$ the organiBation. The +o'i&% /i'' 3e re*ie/e) to a'ign /ith 3u$ine$$ )ire&tion an) to &om+'% /ith a'' the re,uirement$ of the Cua'it% Management Stan)ar).


Info$%$ reaffirm$ it$ &ommitment to +ro*i)e $afe /or=ing +'a&e an) &'ean en*ironment to it$ em+'o%ee$ an) other $ta=eho')er$ a$ an integra' +art of it$ 3u$ine$$ +hi'o$o+h% an) *a'ue$. Fe /i'' &ontinua''% enhan&e our En*ironmenta'- O&&u+ationa' Eea'th I Safet% 2EES4
8 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

+erforman&e in our a&ti*itie$- +ro)u&t$ an) $er*i&e$ through a $tru&ture) EES management frame/or=. To/ar)$ thi$ &ommitment- /e $ha''M E$ta3'i$h an) a&hie*e EES o3je&ti*e$ an) target$. En$ure &om+'ian&e /ith a++'i&a3'e EES 'egi$'ation an) other re,uirement an) go 3e%on). 7on$er*e natura' re$our&e$ an) energ% 3% &on$tant'% $ee=ing to re)u&e +romoting /a$te a*oi)an&e an) re&%&'ing mea$ure$. E'iminate- minimiBe an)Nor &ontro' a)*er$e en*ironmenta' im+a&t$ an) o&&u+ationa' hea'th an) $afet% ri$=$ 3% a)o+ting a++ro+riate ?$tate@of@the@art? te&hno'og% an) 3e$t EES management +ra&ti&e$ at a'' 'e*e'$ $an) fun&tion$. Enhan&e a/arene$$- $=i'' an) &om+eten&e of our em+'o%ee$ an) &ontra&tor$ $o a$ to ena3'e them to )emon$trate their in*o'*ement- re$+on$i3i'it% an) a&&ounta3i'it% for $oun) EES +erforman&e. HUMAN RESOURCE #OLIC"/ Info$%$ re&ogniBe$ that it$ +eo+'e are the +rimar% $our&e of it$ &om+etiti*ene$$. It i$ &ommitte) to e,ua' em+'o%ment o++ortunitie$ for attra&ting the 3e$t a*ai'a3'e ta'ent an) en$uring a &o$mo+o'itan /or=for&e. It /i'' +ur$ue management +ra&ti&e$ )e$igne) to enri&h the ,ua'it% of 'ife of it$ em+'o%ee$- )e*e'o+ their +otentia' an) ma;imi$e their +ro)u&ti*it%. It /i'' aim at en$uring tran$+aren&%- fairne$$ an) e,uit% in a'' it$ )ea'ing$ /ith it$ em+'o%ee$. Info$%$ /i'' $tri*e &ontinuou$'% to fo$ter a &'imate of o+enne$$mutua' tru$t an) team/or=. &on$um+tion an)


Info$%$ 3e'ie*e$ that the 'o%a't% an) &ommitment of it$ em+'o%ee$ )e+en) u+on the ,ua'it% of 'ife the% are offere) at /or= an) at home. Fe re&ogniBe that in)i$&riminate u$e of a'&oho' an) )rug$ i$ injuriou$ to the /e''3eing of in)i*i)ua'$- their fami'ie$ an) the &ommunit% a$ a /ho'e. Fe a&=no/'e)ge that the mi$u$e of the$e +$%&hoa&ti*e $u3$tan&e$ i$ a major hea'th an) $afet% haBar). Info$%$ i$ therefore &ommitte) to &reating an a'&oho' an) )rug@free en*ironment at the /or= +'a&e. Thi$ /ou') 3e a&hie*e) through the in*o'*ement of a'' em+'o%ee$ an) the 9oint De+artmenta' 7oun&i'$ in $+earhea)ing a++ro+riate initiati*e$. The initiati*e$ /ou') in&'u)eM O Rai$ing a/arene$$- through the )i$$emination of information- e)u&ation an) training an) 3% +romoting hea'th% 'ife $t%'e$ among our em+'o%ee$ an) their fami'ie$. O Moti*ating tho$e em+'o%ee$ /ho ha*e an a'&oho'N)rug +ro3'em- to $ee=
HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

a$$i$tan&e- /hi'e maintaining &onfi)entia'it% a3out $u&h &a$e$.

Info$%$ 3e'ie*e$ that re$ear&h +ro*i)e$ the foun)ation for $u$taine)- 'ong term- $ta=eho')er )e'ight. Info$%$ $ha'' nurture an) en&ourage inno*ati*e re$ear&h in a &reati*e am3ien&e to en$ure that the &om+etiti*e a)*antage in it$ o*era'' 3u$ine$$ i$ retaine) an) $ur+a$$e). To/ar)$ thi$ goa'- the 7om+an% &ommit$ it$e'f to +ro*i)ing a'' ne&e$$ar% re$our&e$ an) fa&i'itie$ for u$e 3% moti*ate) re$ear&her$ of the highe$t &a'i3re. Re$ear&h in Info$%$ $ha'' 3e a'igne) to the te&hno'ogi&a' initiati*e$ ne&e$$ar% to e*o'*e an) fu'fi' the o*era'' 3u$ine$$ o3je&ti*e$ of the 7om+an%. COR#ORATE SOCIAL RES#ONSIBILIT" #OLIC" Info$%$ 3e'ie*e$ that the +rimar% +ur+o$e of a 3u$ine$$ i$ to im+ro*e the ,ua'it% of 'ife of +eo+'e. Info$%$ /i'' *o'unteer it$ re$our&e$- to the e;tent it &an rea$ona3'% affor)- to $u$tain an) im+ro*e hea'th% an) +ro$+erou$ en*ironment an) to im+ro*e the ,ua'it% of 'ife of the +eo+'e of the area$ in /hi&h it o+erate$.

Info$%$ reaffirm$ it$ &ommitment to &on$er*e $&ar&e energ% re$our&e$ an) $ha'' en)ea*our to@ O 7om+'% /ith nationa' an) internationa' regu'ation$. O A)o+t 3e$t a*ai'a3'e te&hno'og% for energ% effi&ien&%. O Im+'ement /or')@&'a$$ o+erating +ra&ti&e$. O 7on)u&t regu'ar Energ% Au)it for &ontinua' im+ro*ement. O Promote energ% effi&ien&% through ma$$ a/arene$$.

Im)lemen , ion/
The $trategi& goa'$ of the organiBation are )eri*e) from Li$ion- Mi$$ion-La'ue- Po'i&ie$ an) 7o)e of 7on)u&t 2Refer Anne;ure@II4 of the OrganiBation. The$e goa'$ a$ in)i&ate) in MD.$ Ba'an&e S&ore 7ar) )e+'o%e) a&ro$$ the organiBation. The$e +o'i&ie$ are a++'i&a3'e on'% to Info$%$ an) not a++'i&a3'e to it$ $u3$i)iarie$- a$$o&iate$ or $u++'% &hain +artner$. (i$tening to our $hareho')er$ .The minute$ are +re+are) for +ro&ee)ing$ of Annua' <enera' Meeting. The$e minute$ in&'u)e the $ugge$tion$- &omment$ an) fee)3a&= from the $hareho')er$. 7on&ern$ of $hareho')er$ are )i$&u$$e) in the Boar) Meeting an) after +rioritiBation of the$e &on&ern$ Boar) )ire&t$ the management to integrate the $ame in 3u$ine$$ )e&i$ion. Be$i)e$ the A<M- In*e$tor Sati$fa&tion Sur*e%$- meeting /ith in*e$tor$
1! HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

an) an In*e$tor <rie*an&e 7e'' are other forum$ through /hi&h $hareho')er$ +ro*i)e re&ommen)ation$ or )ire&tion to the Boar). +*t. (t).

Minim+m $+,lific, ions fo* HR/

The &ore fun&tion$ for an% Euman Re$our&e De+artment are: . Re&ruitment2. Performan&e Management !. Training I )e*e'o+ment1. 7om+en$ation I Benefit$0. Organi$ationa' De*e'o+mentDor a3o*e mentione) to+i&$ /e nee) to $tu)%: . Prin&i+'e$ of Management2. Organi$ationa' Beha*iour!. Euman Re$our&e De*e'o+ment1. (a3our (a/$0. (a3our Fe'fareK. Per$onne' Management#. Fage$ I Sa'ar% A)mini$tration L,.o+* L,4s ,n! L,.o+* (elf,*e 4o s+.5ec s ,*e highly *ecommen!e! fo* he )*ofession,ls o* s +!en s 4ho is 4illing o 4o*6 ,s , f,c o*y HR o* 4,n o .e s)eci,li7e! in o Com)ens, ion 3 Benefi s8

H+m,n Reso+*ce M,n,gemen / Bes #*,c ices in Infosys Technologies

Bes Em)loye* in In!i, Info$%$ Te&hno'ogie$ (t). 2Info$%$4- 3a$e) in Banga'ore- In)ia- /a$ name) .The Be$t 7om+an% to For= for in In)ia. 3% Bu$ine$$ To)a% magaBine in a $ur*e% &on)u&te) 3% Bu$ine$$ To)a%- ER &on$u'ting firm Mer&er- an) internationa' mar=et re$ear&h firm T5S. Info$%$ ha) 3een a)ju)ge) the .Be$t 7om+an% to For= Dor. in 2"" an) 2""2 3ut ha) 'o$t thi$ +o$ition in the ne;t &ou+'e of %ear$ 2Refer E;hi3it I for the .Be$t &om+anie$ to /or= for in In)ia. from 2"" @2""K4. In the .Be$t Em+'o%er. $ur*e% &on)u&te) 3% Data,ue$t@ID7 in the %ear 2""K- Info$%$ /a$ a)ju)ge) the .Dream 7om+an% to For= for. Attra&ting the 3e$t an) the 3righte$t an) &reating a mi'ieu /here the% o+erate at their highe$t +otentia' i$ *er% im+ortant. Our &am+u$ an) te&hno'og% infra$tru&ture i$ /or')@&'a$$- /e +a% a 'ot of attention to training an)

11 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

&om+eten&% 3ui')ing- /e tr% to ha*e $o+hi$ti&ate) a++rai$a' $%$tem$- /e tr% to re/ar) +erforman&e through *aria3'e +a%. The$e are a'' +art of the $ame moti*e.? Sin&e the ear'% 2"""$- Info$%$. o+eration$ ha) 3een gro/ing ra+i)'% a&ro$$ the /or'). The num3er of em+'o%ee$ in the &om+an% a'$o in&rea$e) four@fo') to 11-K0: in Mar&h 2""K a$ &om+are) to "-#!: in Mar&h 2"" 2Refer E;hi3it III for the num3er of em+'o%ee$ in Info$%$ 3et/een 660 an) 2""K4. The &om+an% 3e'ie*e) that it$ =e% a$$et$ /ere +eo+'e an) that it /a$ im+ortant to 3ring it$ em+'o%ee$ on +ar /ith the &om+an%.$ g'o3a' &om+etitor$. In $+ite of it$ ra+i) g'o3a' e;+an$ion- Info$%$ retaine) the &u'ture of a $ma'' &om+an%. A&&or)ing to Bi=ramjeet Maitra 2Maitra4- Eea) of Euman Re$our&e$- Info$%$- ?Fe 'i=e to maintain a $ma''er &om+an% tou&h an) /e ha*e $+'it the o*era'' 3u$ine$$ into $e*era' $ma''er in)e+en)ent unit$ of aroun) 1-""" +eo+'e ea&h. Moreo*er- Info$%$ /a$ a'$o re&ogniBe) g'o3a''% an) feature) among the to+ "" &om+anie$ in 7om+uter/or').$.Be$t P'a&e$ to For= for in IT P2""K..Dor +arti&i+ating in thi$ $ur*e%- the &om+anie$ nee)e) to ha*e re*enue$ of o*er USJ 20" mi''ion in 2""0- an) to em+'o% 0"" em+'o%ee$ in the US.

Info$%$ a'$o feature) in the 'i$t in 2""1 an) 2""0 2Refer E;hi3it II for $ome of the honor$Na/ar)$ re&ei*e) 3% Info$%$4.On the &om+an%.$ ER +ra&ti&e$- 5an)an 5i'e=ani 25i'e=ani4- 7EO- Pre$i)ent an) Managing Dire&tor of Info$%$- &ommente)- ?It i$ a3out &reating a high'% moti*ate) /or=for&e 3e&au$e thi$ i$ not a fa&tor% /here %ou &an monitor the ,uantum of out+ut at the en) of the )a%. But in the inte''e&tua' 3u$ine$$ %ou &annot )o that. So- %ou ha*e to &reate a moti*ate) $et of +eo+'e /ho &an o+erate.

12 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

Salaries for Employees

Salaries in USD !era"e

Pro"rammer nalys# !-"16 Info$%$ Sa'arie$ Pro$e%# &ana"er -!6" Info$%$ Sa'arie$ ERP nalys# #00 Info$%$ Sa'arie$ nalys# #2" Info$%$ Sa'arie$ Pro"rammer nalys# 0K! Info$%$ Sa'arie$ 42siness nalys# 16" Info$%$ Sa'arie$ Sys#ems 5minis#ra#or 2#0 Info$%$ Sa'arie$ nalys# 6 Info$%$ Sa'arie$
13 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D Pro$e%# &ana"er :K Info$%$ Sa'arie$ ERP nalys# 06 Info$%$ Sa'arie$ '70.1+ Ho2rly '0+.663.r

Di$+ute$ &an 3e main'% )efine) a$ a *er3a' &ontro*er$% or a )e3ate 3e&au$e of the in)ifferen&e in i)ea$ an) o+inion$. In ER )e+artment )i$+ute$ are mo$t 'i=e'% to ta=e +'a&e /here the /ho'e )e+artment$ ha$ to /or= for the human re$our&e$ an) to ta=e &are of their nee)$ an) at the $ame time 'oo= out for the &om+anie$ /e'fare an) +rofit$ too . Di$+ute$ &an ta=e +'a&e 3et/een the em+'o%ee an) em+'o%ee or a em+'o%ee an) the manager$ or an% +er$on of the higher authoritie$. There are man% rea$on$ for a )i$+ute to ta=e +'a&e in an organiBation $ome of the rea$on$ are a$ fo''o/$ Q 'a/$uit 2'itigation4 Q ar3itration Q &o''a3orati*e 'a/ Q me)iation Q &on&i'iation Q man% t%+e$ of negotiation Q fa&i'itation One &ou') theoreti&a''% in&'u)e *io'en&e or e*en /ar a$ +art of thi$ $+e&trum- 3ut )i$+ute re$o'ution +ra&titioner$ )o not u$ua''% )o $oM *io'en&e rare'% en)$ )i$+ute$ effe&ti*e'%- an) in)ee)- often on'% e$&a'ate$ them. Mo$t of the time in han)'ing &onf'i&t 3et/een em+'o%ee$ ER +eo+'e u$e an in*e$tigati*e a++roa&h- re*ie/ing /ho$e 3een )oing /hat an) ta=ing a++ro+riate a&tion. Often- +arti&u'ar'% 3et/een t/o em+'o%ee$- intere$t@3a$e) me)iation &an 3e more effe&ti*e a$ the +artie$ them$e'*e$ )etermine an) &ommit to a re$o'ution. Fh% )o &onf'i&t$ $ometime$ go on an) onR
14 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

often 2)e+en)ing on the in)i*i)ua'$4 it i$ ea$ier to 3e tough an) a)*er$aria' than to &ommuni&ate ni&e'%. Tough ta=e$ energ%- 3ut ni&e ta=e$ time an) in*o'*e$ o3'igation$. Management +eer$ ma% 3e in &onf'i&t- em+'o%ee$ /ithin a )e+artment ma% 3e feu)ing an) of&our$e- if there i$ a union nothing i$ more natura'2+o$$i3'%4 than for management an) the union to fight. Some +eo+'e $ome/hat +refer &onf'i&t. It &ut$ )o/n on the nee) to &ommuni&ate an) ignoring the other +art% mean$ not ha*ing to fa&e that un+'ea$ant +er$on an% more than ne&e$$ar%. Eo/e*er- &ontinuing &onf'i&t 3et/een 'in=e) +artie$ i$ not effi&ient an) &an 3e *er% un+'ea$ant an) o3$tru&ti*e for other +eo+'e /ithin the t/o &am+$. One a++roa&h to han)'e $eriou$ &onf'i&t 3et/een +artie$ i$ to u$e intere$t 3a$e) me)iation. The t/o +artie$ $hou') un)er$tan) an) agree to the +ro&e$$ in a)*an&e an) together /ith the +er$on a&ting a$ me)iator meet for a $+e&ifie) +erio). The &riti&a' +ro&e$$ o+ener i$ for ea&h +art%- /ithout interru+tion- to e;+re$$ the $ituation from hi$Nher +er$+e&ti*e an) then for the other +art% to $ummariBe /hat heN$he ha$ hear). 5o e*i)en&e i$ $u3mitte) or /itne$$e$ &a''e) a$ the truth of a''egation$ i$ 'e$$ im+ortant than ho/ the +er$on fee'$ an) +er&ei*e$ thing$ to 3e. A$ the +ro&e$$ &ontinue$- it mo*e$ from the genera' +i&ture to $+e&ifi& i$$ue$- /ith em+ha$i$ &ontinuing on ho/ the +artie$ fee' a3out the matter$ the% are e;+re$$ing. Point$ /ith +otentia' for re$o'ution ma% emerge an) further 3rain$torming ma% &onfirm $ome $o'i) area$ /here agreement 3et/een the +artie$ $hou') 3e +o$$i3'e. Fhen the +artie$ are 'in=e) 3% /or=&ommon i$$ue$ are often &ommuni&ation$ re'ate) e.g. &on$u'tation or a)*an&e noti&e on &ertain thing$- +rom+t'% re&ei*ing re,uire) )ata- agreeing to meet to )i$&u$$ &ertain thing$ et&. Be&au$e the $u3$e,uent agreement i$ rea&he) 3et/een the +artie$ an) not im+o$e) 3% the me)iator- the +ro3a3i'it% of $ignifi&ant im+ro*ement in their re'ation$hi+ i$ greater. The$e are ju$t genera' &omment$ on a +ro&e$$ that &an 3e *er% effe&ti*e. A$ ear'ier a3out union re'ation$hi+$. Mo)ifie) intere$t@3a$e) me)iation &an 3e +erfe&t in han)'ing $ome unionNmanagement re'ation$hi+ i$$ue$. There i$ often re'u&tan&e from 3oth +artie$- 3ut I ha*e 3een in*o'*e) in a *er% effe&ti*e $e$$ion /hi&h fo''o/e) a +arti&u'ar'% tough &ontra&t negotiation. A he'+fu' e;er&i$e- ho/e*er- i$ to imagine /hat the other +art% 2the union4 /ou') $a% at an intere$t@3a$e) me)iation 2not to 3e &onfu$e) /ith other me)iation +ro&e$$e$ a$$o&iate) /ith 'a3or re'ation$4. You ma% gue$$ that the main i$$ue$ /ou') 3e re$+e&t&ommuni&ation- 'a&= of tru$t et&. Su&h &on$i)eration$ ma% he'+ %ou in )e*e'o+ing $trateg% to +roa&ti*e'% initiate &onta&t /ith the union to /or= on i$$ue$ of mutua' intere$t an) e$ta3'i$h a
15 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

more +o$iti*e unionNmanagement re'ation$hi+. %o* eg/ A u$ 3a$e) M57 ha) gi*en Info$%$ a +roje&t on 9ALA 3a$e) +'atform. The )ea' /a$ ma)e $u&h that the +roje&t ha) to &om+'ete in a +erio) of ! month$- if una3'e to &om+'ete /ithin that time- an a))itiona' 0 )a%$ /ou') 3e a''otte) a$ mutua' un)er$tan)ing. It ne*er ha++ene) in the hi$tor% of the &om+an% that the% )i)nHt &om+'ete an +roje&t /ithin gi*en time. But thi$ time 'u&= /a$nHt in the their fa*our an) there are t/o +eo+'e main'% re$+on$i3'e for thi$ +ro3'em. Fhen a &om+an% ta=e$ u+ a +roje&t- it )i*i)e$ the +roje&t into +art$ an) )i$tri3ute$ the /or= among team$. Dor thi$ +arti&u'ar +roje&t- fi*e team$ /ere $e'e&te). Ea&h team &on$i$t$ of 0 +rogramme$ an) ma=e$ a tota' of 20 mem3er$. Among$t tho$e 0 mem3er$- a $enior +rogramme$ i$ a++ointe) a$ team 'ea)er- Among the 0 team 'ea)er- ! of them ha) an e;+erien&e of K@: %ear$ an) the% ha) at 'ea$t /or=e) $u&&e$$fu''% on 0 +rior +roje&t$. But the other 2 'ea)er$ ha) an e;+erien&e of @2 %ear$ 3ut /ere ne*er +art of an% +rior +roje&t$. So- it /a$ )e&i)e) that the fir$t@2a4SSenior team 'ea)er to &om+'ete hi$ +art of /or= an) the $e&on) 234team 'ea)er /i'' he'+ the fifth team 'ea)er. 1 team$ name'% $t- !r) I 0th ha*e $u&&e$$fu''% &om+'ete) their +art$ e;&e+t the 1th team. Due to thi$ in&om+'ete +at- the +roje&t /a$ not &om+'ete) /ithin the gi*en fine in&'u)ing the e;tra 0 )a%$. On en,uir%- the team 'ea)er of the 1th team &om+'aine) that hi$ team )i)nHt get mu&h he'+ from hi$ $enior &o'uage- ha$ he e;+e&te). But the $enior &o'uage ha) gi*en hi$ $tatement that hi$ junior &o'uage ha) ne*er $ho/n an% intere$t in re&ei*ing hi$ he'+. Due to their egoi$ti& nature it /a$ the &om+an% /hi&h $uffere) the 'o$$. The &om+an% ha$ 3oth it$ re+utation in the mar=et an) the &re)it$. SUGGESTIONS


The% $hou') 3e'ie*e$ in +ro*i)ing e,ua' o++ortunit% to e*er% in)i*i)ua'. <ro/th of e*er% in)i*i)ua' i$ +ure'% 3a$e) on hi$ or her meritoriou$ /or=- ,ua'ifi&ation$ an) a3i'itie$. The% $hou') )oe$ not )i$&riminate in em+'o%ment o++ortunitie$ or +ra&ti&e$ on the 3a$i$ of ra&e&o'our- re'igion- $e;- nationa' origin- age or an% other &hara&teri$ti& +rote&te) 3% 'a/. Thi$ +o'i&% go*ern$ a'' a$+e&t$ of em+'o%ment in&'u)ing $e'e&tion- jo3 a$$ignment&om+en$ation- )i$&i+'ine- termination an) a&&e$$ to 3enefit$ an) training. The% $hou') i$ &ommitte) to +ro*i)e e,ua' em+'o%ment o++ortunitie$ to a'' em+'o%ee$. An% em+'o%ee$ /ith ,ue$tion$ or &on&ern$ a3out an% t%+e of )i$&rimination in the /or=+'a&e are en&ourage) to 3ring the$e i$$ue$ to the attention of their imme)iate $u+erior or the h* )e+artment. If an% em+'o%ee fin)$ an% t%+e of )i$&rimination in the /or=+'a&e- the% are free
16 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

to re+ort to their re$+e&ti*e ho)H$ or to inform the h* )e+artment /ithout fear of re+ri$a'. An%one foun) to 3e engaging in an% t%+e of un'a/fu' )i$&rimination /i'' 3e $u3je&t to $tri&t )i$&i+'inar% a&tion- u+ to an) in&'u)ing termination of em+'o%ment.

Em)loyee Me!ic,l E=,min, ion

The% /i$he$ to maintain a $afe an) hea'th% /or=ing en*ironment for the 3enefit of a'' em+'o%ee$. Do''o/ing an offer of em+'o%ment an) a$ a &ontinuing &on)ition of em+'o%mentthe% $hou') re$er*e$ the right to re,uire em+'o%ee$ to $u3mit me)i&a' fitne$$ &ertifi&ate$ at their o/n &o$t. You ma% 3e re,uire) to ha*e other me)i&a' e*a'uation$ )uring %our em+'o%ment if the% $hou') ha$ &on&ern$ a3out %our +h%$i&a' a3i'it% to +erform %our jo3 effe&ti*e'%. Su3$e,uent

17 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Arunjeet Singh MBA2-D

me)i&a' e;amination$ /i'' 3e for jo3@re'ate) +ur+o$e$ 3a$e) on 3u$ine$$ ne&e$$it% an) &ou') 3e +erforme) 3% a +h%$i&ian or me)i&a' a)*i$or $e'e&te) an) +ai) for 3% TEEY SEOU(D. Information on an em+'o%ee.$ me)i&a' &on)ition or hi$tor% /i'' 3e maintaine) &onfi)entia''%. A&&e$$ to thi$ information /i'' 3e 'imite) to tho$e /ho ha*e a 'egitimate nee) to =no/. If the medical fitness certificate is found to be fake or conceals any facts then the management will have the right to terminate the person concerned.

A$ a +art of %our em+'o%ment /ith them %ou ma% ha*e a&&e$$ to &onfi)entia' an)Nor +ro+rietar% information an) re&or)$. The +rote&tion of &onfi)entia' 3u$ine$$ information an) tra)e $e&ret$ i$ *ita' to the intere$t$ an) their $u&&e$$. Su&h &onfi)entia' information in&'u)e$- 3ut i$ not 'imite) to the e;am+'e$ 'i=e &om+uter +ro&e$$e$- &om+uter +rogram$ an) &o)e$- &u$tomer 'i$t$- &u$tomer +referen&e$)ea'er or &u$tomer +ur&ha$e +ri&e$- organi$ationH$ finan&ia' information- mar=eting $trategie$in&enti*e $&heme- ne/ materia'$ re$ear&h- +en)ing +roje&t$ an) +ro+o$a'$- +er$onne' +o'i&ie$ re&or)$ an) +ro$+e&t 'i$t$ et&. Em+'o%ee$ are +rohi3ite) from u$ing- &o+%ing- or )i$&'o$ing an% $u&h &onfi)entia' information to an% other +er$on- em+'o%ee- firm- &or+oration- )ea'er$ or other entit% either )uring or $u3$e,uent to their em+'o%ment- e;&e+t a$ authoriBe) in /riting 3% the management. Em+'o%ee$ /ho are e;+o$e) to &onfi)entia' information ma% 3e re,uire) to $ign a non@ )i$&'o$ure agreement a$ a &on)ition of em+'o%ment. Em+'o%ee$- /ho im+ro+er'% u$e or )i$&'o$e tra)e $e&ret$ or &onfi)entia' 3u$ine$$ information- /i'' 3e $u3je&t to )i$&i+'inar% a&tion- u+ to an) in&'u)ing termination of em+'o%ment- e*en if the% )o not a&tua''% 3enefit from the )i$&'o$e) information.

"ny e#$loyee of the co#$%ny not ind&lge in %ny $%'t( ti#e ) cons&lting %ctivities o' %ny othe' %ctivities d&'ing his ) he' ten&'e of e#$loy#ent *ith &s. He ) she sh%ll not $&+lish o' div&lge eithe' d&'ing the $e'iod of thei' e#$loy#ent *ith the co#$%ny o' the'e%fte' to %ny $e'son %ny t'%de sec'et o' %ny info'#%tion, $l%ns, d'%*ings, $hotos o' co''es$ondence conce'ning the +&siness of the -o#$%ny o' %ny of the de%lings, t'%ns%ctions o' %ff%i's, *hich #%y co#e to thei' .no*ledge d&'ing o' in the co&'se of his ) he' e#$loy#ent *ith &s.

18 HR Policies Of Infosys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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