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ENGLISH GRAMMAR EXERCISES i)Past Simple or Present Perf Simple? 1. How many times (you/try)..

to pass your driving test? 2. W en (you/go) to !ome? ". #ou loo$ different. .(you/ ave) a air%ut? &. ' (not/see)... (avid at all t is wee$. ' don)t even $now w ere e is. *. (you/spea$) .to +o n yet? ,. -y sister (.e) /ew #or$ t ree times and s e)s going again ne0t mont . 1. 2 e 3S President (visit) our %ountry t ree times in t e last two years. ii)Past Simple or Past 4ontinuous? 1. ' used my time well w ile ' (wait). for my plane 5 ' wrote some emails. 2. ' (not/wor$). w en my .oss wal$ed in my offi%e. ". W en ' (wait) for t e ta0i6 ' saw two %ar %ras es. &. 2om ( ave).long air and a .eard w en e was at university. *. ' listened to t e %assette you gave me w ile ' (drive).. to wor$. ,. W at (you/do) t is time last year? 1. ' (not/%all).. you at 7 o)%lo%$ as arranged .e%ause ' was aving a meeting. 8. ' noti%ed t at e (not/listen). as ' was e0plaining t e pro.lem to im. iii)Past Simple or Present Perf Simple? W ile ' was away on oliday6 my sister (fall)...ill and ' ad to %ome ome.

1. 9y t e time we rea% ed :ran$furt ' (already/.e) very tired of driving. 2. 2 ere was a terri.le atmosp ere in t e room. 9ut on%e ' (.ring). t e matter out into t e open6 everyone seemed mu% more rela0ed. ". S e (.e).. a tea% er .efore s e .e%ame a ;ournalist. &. ' gave my friend dire%tions to my ouse6 .ut later realised t at ' (forgot) to give er t e e0a%t address. *. ' got to wor$ t is morning and was angry w en ' saw t at no one (arrive) .. yet. ,. He awo$e t in$ing e was in a prison and t at e)d .een arrested for ro..ery. He t en realised t at it (all/.e). ;ust a .ad dream.

iii) 4 ange t e tense in t e following. 3se t e tense given in .ra%$ets 1. (o you li$e t e film? (change to past simple) .t e film? 2. -y fat er loves seafood. (change to past simple) -y fat er...seafood. ". He spea$s four languages. (change to past simple) He...four languages. &. -y sister doesn)t ave a ;o.. (change to past simple) -y sister.a ;o.. *. He reads a lot of .oo$s in is spare time. (change to past simple) Hea lot of .oo$s in is spare time. ,. ' saw a great film. (change to present perfect simple) 'a great film. 1. < isn)t at ome. (change to past simple) < ome. 8. He li$ed is ;o.. (change to present simple) He. is ;o.. 7. He li$ed t e ;o.. (change to future simple) He..t e ;o..

1>. ?re t ey ere? (change to future simple) . ere? iv)4omplete wit Present Perf. Simple. 1) an e5mail. (to send) 2) (ave and Pat.t e museum. (to visit) ") ' t e pet s op. (to be) &) 2 eyalreadyt eir ru%$sa%$s. (to pack) *) -ar%usan a%%ident. (to have) ,) We.t e s opping for our grandmot er. (to do) 1) '..; .i$e. (to clean) 8) <mily er room. (to paint) 7) Aisa and a %on%ert. (to go) 1>) -y friends..smo$ing. (to give p)

v) Put in t e adjective in bold from t e first senten%e into t e se%ond senten%e in its %orre%t form (%omparative or superlative). 1) 2 is is a nice %at. 't)s mu% ..t an my friend)s %at. 2) Here is <mily. S e)s si0 years old. Her .rot er is nine6 so e is. ") 2 is is a difficult e0er%ise. 9ut t e e0er%ise wit an asteris$ (B) is t e e0er%ise on t e wor$s eet. &) He as an interesting o..y6 .ut my sister as t e.. o..y in t e world. *) 'n t e last olidays ' read a good .oo$6 .ut fat er gave me an last wee$end. ,) S% ool is boring6 .ut omewor$ is.t an s% ool. 1) S$ate.oarding is a dangerous o..y. 9ungee ;umping ist an s$ate.oarding. 8) 2 is maga=ine is cheap6 .ut t at one is.. 7) We live in a small ouse6 .ut my grandparents) ouse is event an ours. 1>) #esterday +o n told me a funny ;o$e. 2 is ;o$e was t e.;o$e ')ve ever eard. vi)4omple0 e0er%ise. A) Form a sentence using the following words. 1) in 9erlin / %an / is un%le / e / visit . 2) s e / writes / a letter / often

") play / t ey / and.all / in t e evening / always B) Rewrite the sentence using the word/words in brackets. 1) 2 ey are flying. (to Ro!e " on # esda$) .. 2) !ita spea$s <nglis . (%l entl$) . ") 2 e %at is playing. (in the ga&den) ... ) !efine the underlined parts. 1) "ho was in the cinema# pla%e Cuestion word ver. 2) !o you like cornflakes# au0iliary o.;e%t su.;e%t ver.

") $ can%t go to the party. au0iliary pla%e su.;e%t ver.

!) "hich sentence is correct# 1) "hich is correct# 9ot senten%es are %orre%t. S e always arrives late in t e morning. S e arrives always late in t e morning.

2) "hich is correct# 9ot senten%es are %orre%t.

Aast Wednesday we saw a film. We saw last Wednesday a film. ") "hich is correct# &) Form a 'uestion using the following words.

9ot senten%es are %orre%t. He)s going to .uy a present to give to is sister. He)s going to .uy is sister a present.

1) w en / get up / you / in t e morning 2) li$e / t ey / apple ;ui%e ") w ere / as / .oug t / +o n / is .oo$ .

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