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Escola Andorrana de batxillerat Department of English Language

2nd Batxillerat

Example I - Immigration - positive or negative effects? Immigration is the movement of people who go from country to another. This move is not accepted by many people, but I think it leads to some different, positive things. Firstly, from my point of view, immigration is positive because it introduces interesting changes in society. For example, the cohesion of the culture in a country can improve. In this same line we can see immigration introduces multiculturalism in a country, and this is the best thing that can happen. Some countries have included in their traditions music or songs that did not belong to the traditional culture in the country, but that are brought by immigrants. Also, some other contributions made by immigrants can improve society. Secondly, people who come to our countries are the people that we can later meet and learn things from. Probably, it is a little bit imaginative, but many people have an immigrant wife or a husband, and I think that these couples can be more interesting. In conclusion, we see immigration has contributed to improving societies, because if all countries, or the world in general, would always have the same people, it would be worse. Finally, I consider that is that immigrants can help the world to be better. 2nd Linguistic, 2010-11.

Escola Andorrana de batxillerat Department of English Language

2nd Batxillerat

Example II - Do you think the police is a necessary institution to protect us against crime, or is it just a repressive tool? Nowadays the police is well regarded in our society because it makes us feel safe and because we consider authorities as completely legal. But is that completely true? First of all, we can note that all crimes have to be punished. Despite this, I think that sometimes the institution that protects us (the police) against these crimes, uses extreme violence in situations where it is not necessary. One of the reasons can be racial descrimination, and we can find some examples in South Africa during the Apartheid period: blacks were treated more violently than whites. Apart form that, I believe that sometimes some policemen use inadequate weapons for their job. For example, in some strikes the police uses guns that launch rubber bullets, and sometimes this has horrible consequences - there are people who have even lost an eye because of these bullets! To conclude, I can say that it's necessary to finish with crimes and vandalism using the correct and legal methods: for example, no extreme violence or racial discrimination. Because everyone, guilty or not, has his/her own rights!
2nd Scientific B, 2010-11

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