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Lesson Plan for Teaching Phrasal Verbs Lesson plan: Phrasal Verb Language Skills: Grammar Students Level:

Low-Intermediate-Advanced Time: 20 minutes General Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Have a better understanding of phrasal verbs and their usage.////develop knowledge of ph verbs(cognitive domain) Know the grammatical structure of the phrasal verbs.(NO NEED FOR THIS) Raise awareness of the various meanings of phrasal verbs.(affective domain) Use the phrasal verbS correctly within context.(psychomotor domain) Understand what phrasal verbs are and how they work.(you have repeated it IN NO1/YOU CAN DO WITHOUT IT) Identify and use common phrasal verbs.

Dont use understand/know they are not observable see Blooms taxonomy for OBSERVABLE VERBS to use in each domain Anticipated problem IN this lesson: Phrasal verbs may be inappropriate for more formal forms of writing. Solution: ExplainING that phrasal verbs are typically used in less formal contexts, such as casual speech. ShowING synonyms of a more formal nature as alternatives for more formal writing contexts.

Teaching Aids/ Materials: Powerpoint / Flashcards / Games / Video / Song / Handout (WRITE WHAT YOU WILL USE ONLY)

STEP TIME (min) Stage ACTIVITY RATIONAL Mode of Interaction


-Greetings - writing the word" get" on the board and asking students to give the meaning Then adding the particle " up" and asking Ss if they know its meaning.

- To gauge students knowledge of phrasal verbS.


Presentation Students will watch a clip from youtube : I can't put my arms down! . First time: Ss listen for listed phrasal verbs.Second time: Checking Meaning: Ss Guess what the phrasal verbs mean. Introducing the phrasal verbs and THEIR usage to the students. ExplainING phrasal verbs (using powerpoint):Phrasal verbs consist of a verb plus a particle: verb + preposition .etc -To DEVELOP students knowledge of phrasal verb. -To expose students TO learning phrasal verbs by using authentic materials

Practice #Exercise: Phrasal verb in short text

Group work activity. Students are in groups of two. A short Newspaper Article is used. The text incorporates the use of phrasal verbs. Students need to skim through the text and find the phrasal verbs in the text.

-The students can apply the knowledge they got from the lesson before. -To ensure that the students are able to use the phrasal verbS appropriately according to the context given. -Sharing their understanding with each other -To develop a better knowledge of phrasal verb.


After analyzing the short text, they have to extract all phrasal verbs found in the text. - Next, they must define the phrasal verbs and give some examples related to them. - Finally, the students will have to present their answers to the class. Or a Game: using flash card.


Summarizing WHAT they have learnt about the phrasal verbS.and checking ss understanding by asking THEM to explain some ph verbs orally

- To conclude the lesson of phrasal verbs.

Reflection on Lesson Plan: One of the graded assignments for us is to create a lesson plan. This lesson plan acts as a guideline for the teachers to teach effectively in the classroom. Based on our experience creating this lesson plan, we are exposed on how to produce or make a good and effective lesson plan suitable to the level of the students education. Apart from that, we are able to know the process needed for the teachers to evaluate the students comprehension of the topic learned in the classroom. In addition, it is useful because it helps us in dividing our lesson time proficiently without wasting any time idly. Furthermore, by creating lesson plan, will be able to focus on what we are going to teach. Lastly, by learning on how to draw a lesson plan, it serves as an extra skills for us especially if we are going to get involved with teaching field in the future.

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