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I. Background
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed into law Republic Act (RA) No. 9372 or t e !u"an #ecurity Act o$ 2%%7 in Marc 2%%7 and it too& e$$ect $our "ont s later on 'uly ()* 2%%7. !eralded as a land"ar& anti+terroris" law* t e Act* according to t en Pres. Arroyo* is a "easure w ic raises t e bar on t e country,s ca"paign against terrorists w o &ill* bo"b* and "ai" to en$orce an ideology o$ e-il.

II. State Policy (Sec. 2.)

.t is declared a policy o$ t e #tate to protect li$e* liberty* and property $ro" acts o$ terroris"* to conde"n terroris" as ini"ical and dangerous to t e national security o$ t e country and to t e wel$are o$ t e people* and to "a&e terroris" a cri"e against /ilipino people* against u"anity* and against t e law o$ nations.

III. Elements of the Crime of Terrorism (Sec. 3.)

i. 0 e co""ission o$ one or "ore cri"es punis able under t e pro-isions o$ t e Re-ised Penal 1ode or #pecial 2aws. 0 e cri"es enu"erated in t e e3clusi-e list $ound in #ec. 3 o$ !#A are t e $ollowing 4


Piracy in general and Mutiny in t e !ig P ilippine 5aters (Art. (22) Rebellion (Art.(38) 1oup d,:tat (Art. (38+A) Murder (Art. 28<) >idnapping and #erious .llegal 6etention (Art. 277) 1ri"es .n-ol-ing 6estruction (Art. 328) #eas or in t e

Presidential 6ecree No. (7(3 (0 e 2aw on Arson) Republic Act No. 7979 (0o3ic #ubstances and !a9ardous and Nuclear 5aste 1ontrol Act o$ (99% Republic Act No. )2%7 (Ato"ic ;nergy Regulatory and 2iability Act o$ (97<) Republic Act No. 723) (Anti+!i=ac&ing 2aw) Presidential 6ecree No. )32 (Anti+piracy and Anti+ ig way Robbery 2aw o$ (978) Presidential 6ecree No. (<77 as a"ended (6ecree 1odi$ying t e 2aws on .llegal and ?nlaw$ul Possession* Manu$acture* 6ealing in* Ac@uisition or 6isposition o$ /irear"s* A""unitions or ;3plosi-es)

ii. 0 ereby sowing and creating a condition o$ widespread and e3traordinary $ear and panic a"ong t e populace iii. .n order to coerce t e go-ern"ent to gi-e in to an unlaw$ul de"and Note: /or t e cri"e o$ terroris" to be co""itted t ere$ore* it "ust be e"p asi9ed t at all t e ele"ents "ust be present and not in t e alternati-e. 0 e essential ele"ents t at "ust be present are4 COMMISSION OF CRIME A 1o""ission o$ t e predicate cri"es speci$ied in #ection 3 o$ t e !#A COMMUNAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION A Acts enu"erated under #ection 3 o$ t e law "ust sow and create a condition o$ widespread and e3traordinary $ear and panic a"ong t e populace

UNLAWFUL DEMAND A 1o""itted $or t e purpose o$ coercing t e go-ern"ent to gi-e in to an unlaw$ul de"and

I . Penalty (Sec. 3.)

A person guilty o$ t e cri"e o$ terroris" s all su$$er t e penalty o$ $orty (8%) years o$ i"prison"ent wit out t e bene$it o$ parole.

. Crime of Cons!iracy to Commit Terrorism (Sec. ".)

1onspiracy to 1o""it 0erroris" is a cri"e w erein two or "ore persons co"e to an agree"ent concerning t e co""ission o$ t e cri"e o$ terroris" as de$ined in #ection 3 o$ t e Act* and decide to co""it t e sa"e. Persons w o conspire to co""it t e cri"e o$ terroris" s all su$$er t e penalty o$ $orty (8%) years o$ i"prison"ent.

I. #ccom!lice (Sec. $.)

5 o "ay be terroris"B eld as an acco"plice to t e cri"e o$ terroris" or conspiracy to co""it a cri"e o$

Any person w o* not being a principal under Article (7 o$ t e Re-ised Penal 1ode or a conspirator as de$ined in #ection 8 ereo$* cooperates in t e e3ecution o$ eit er t e cri"e o$ terroris" or conspiracy to co""it terroris" by pre-ious or si"ultaneous acts shall suffe the !e"alt# of f o$ se%e"tee" &'() #ea s* fou $o"ths o"e +a# to t,e"t# &-.) #ea s of /$! /so"$e"t0

II. #ccessory (Sec. %.)

5 o "ay be eld liable as an accessory to t e cri"e o$ terroris" or conspiracy to co""it a cri"e o$ terroris"B Any person w o* a-ing &nowledge o$ t e co""ission o$ t e cri"e o$ terroris" or conspiracy to co""it terroris"* and wit out a-ing participated t erein* eit er as principal or acco"plice under Articles (7 and (< o$ t e Re-ised Penal 1ode* ta&es part subse@uent to its co""ission in any o$ t e $ollowing "anner4 (a) by pro$iting i"sel$ or assisting t e o$$ender to pro$it by t e e$$ects o$ t e cri"eC (b) by concealing or destroying t e body o$ t e cri"e* or t e e$$ects* or instru"ents t ereo$* in order to pre-ent its disco-eryC (c) by arboring* concealing* or assisting in t e escape o$ t e principal or conspirator o$ t e cri"e* shall suffe the !e"alt# of te" &'.) #ea s a"+ o"e +a# to t,el%e &'-) #ea s of /$! /so"$e"t0

III. Terrorist &rgani'ations( #ssociation or )rou! of Persons (Sec. *+.)

5 at group "ay be considered a terrorist organi9ationB Any group* organi9ation or association4 (. Drgani9ed $or t e purpose o$ engaging in terroris" 2. Dr w ic * alt oug not organi9ed $or suc purpose* actually uses suc acts to terrori9e in t is Act to sow or create a condition o$ widespread and e3traordinary $ear and panic a"ong t e populace to coerce t e go-ern"ent to gi-e in to an unlaw$ul de"and 5 o as aut ority to declare an organi9ation* group or association a terrorist groupB 1o"petent Regional 0rial 1ourts upon application by t e 6epart"ent o$ 'ustice t at suc organi9ation or association be declared as terrorist or outlawed organi9ation group*

.E. Sur,eillance( interce!tion and recording of communications (Sec. +-..)

0 e police "ay sub=ect t ose c arged wit or suspected o$ co""itting t e cri"e o$ terroris" or t e cri"e o$ conspiracy to co""it terroris" to sur-eillance and trac&* intercept and record t eir co""unication* bot oral and written* upon written order o$ t e 1ourt o$ Appeals. ;3ception4 lawyers and clients* doctors and patients* =ournalists and t eir sources and sensiti-e business correspondence

E. Period of detention /ithout /arrant of arrest. (Sec.*..)

A person arrested $or allegedly -iolating t e pro-isions o$ t is statute could be legally detained up to t ree days ante t e $iling o$ t e co"plaint. Note4 Arrest "ust result $ro" t e e3istence o$ probable cause a$ter t e police e3a"ined t e ban& deposits o$ persons arrested a-e sur-eilled and

E.. 0estriction to tra,el (Sec. 2%.)

.$ t e e-idence o$ guilt is not strong* t e person c arged s all be entitled to bail. 0 e rig t o$ tra-el o$ persons suspected* upon court order* "ay be li"ited wit in t e "unicipality or city w ere e resides or w ere t e case is pending. #uspected persons "ay also be placed under ouse arrest by order o$ t e court and "ay not use p ones* cellp ones and e"ails and ot er "eans o$ co""unications wit people outside t e residence.

E... E1amination of 2ank de!osits( accounts( and records (Sec. 2+-33.)

0 e police "ay conduct t e e3a"ination and $ree9ing o$ deposits* place"ents* trust accounts* assets and records in a ban& or $inancial institution upon written order o$ t e 1ourt o$ Appeals. 0 ese ban& deposits* "oney and accounts s all be sei9ed* se@uestered and $ro9en in order to pre-ent t eir use* trans$er* or con-eyance $or purposes t at are ini"ical to t e sa$ety and security o$ t e people or in=urious to t e interest o$ t e #tate.

E.... Creation of 2odies (Sec. $3- $%)

#nti-Terrorism Council An Anti+0erroris" 1ouncil is ereby created. 0 e "e"bers o$ t e 1ouncil are4 (() t e ;3ecuti-e #ecretary* w o s all be its 1 airpersonC (2) t e #ecretary o$ 'ustice* w o s all be its Fice 1 airpersonC and (3) t e #ecretary o$ /oreign A$$airsC (8) t e #ecretary o$ National 6e$enseC ()) t e #ecretary o$ t e .nterior and 2ocal Go-ern"entC (7) t e #ecretary o$ /inanceC and (7) t e National #ecurity Ad-isor* as its ot er "e"bers. 0 e 1ouncil s all i"ple"ent t is Act and assu"e t e responsibility $or t e proper and e$$ecti-e i"ple"entation o$ t e anti+terroris" policy o$ t e country. )rie,ance Committee 0 ere is ereby created a Grie-ance 1o""ittee co"posed o$ t e D"buds"an* as c air* and t e #olicitor General* and an undersecretary $ro" t e 6epart"ent o$ 'ustice (6D')* as "e"bers* to recei-e

4 and e-aluate co"plaints against t e actuations o$ t e police and law en$orce"ent o$$icials in t e i"ple"entation o$ t is Act.

4IIII. E1tra Territorial #!!lication

0 e pro-isions o$ t is Act s all apply to4 (. .ndi-idual persons w o co""it any o$ t e cri"es de$ined and punis ed in t is Act wit in t e terrestrial do"ain* interior waters* "ariti"e 9one* and airspace o$ t e P ilippines 2. .ndi-idual persons w o* alt oug p ysically outside t e territorial li"its o$ t e P ilippines* co""it* conspire or plot to co""it any o$ t e cri"es de$ined and punis ed in t is Act inside t e territorial li"its o$ t e P ilippines 3. .ndi-idual persons w o* alt oug p ysically outside t e territorial li"its o$ t e P ilippines* co""it any o$ t e said cri"es on board P ilippine s ip or P ilippine airs ip 8. .ndi-idual persons w o co""it any o$ said cri"es wit in any e"bassy* consulate* or diplo"atic pre"ises belonging to or occupied by t e P ilippine go-ern"ent in an o$$icial capacity ). .ndi-idual persons w o* alt oug p ysically outside t e territorial li"its o$ t e P ilippines* co""it said cri"es against P ilippine citi9ens or persons o$ P ilippine descent* w ere t eir citi9ens ip or et nicity was a $actor in t e co""ission o$ t e cri"e 7. .ndi-idual persons w o* alt oug p ysically outside t e territorial li"its o$ t e P ilippines* co""it said cri"es directly against t e P ilippine go-ern"ent.

4 . #!!lica2le 5uris!rudence
#out ern !e"isp ere ;ngage"ent Networ&* .nc.* et al. -s. Anti+0erroris" 1ouncil* et al.* G.R. No. (7<))2* (7<))8* (7<)<(* (7<<9%* (79()7* (7987(. Dctober )* 2%(%. /acts4 #e-eral petitions $iled be$ore t e 1ourt c allenged t e constitutionality Republic Act No. 9372 (RA 9372) on t e ground t at it was intrinsically -ague* i"per"issibly broad and -iolati-e o$ t e ci-il liberties ens rined in t e Gill o$ Rig ts o$ t e $unda"ental law o$ t e land. .ssue4 5 et er or not it is per"issible $or t e 1ourt to conduct a -agueness analysis o$ R.A. No 9372 Ruling4 ND. Petitioners a-e establis ed neit er an actual c arge nor a credible t reat o$ prosecution under RA 9372. ;-en a li"ited -agueness analysis o$ t e assailed de$inition o$ Hterroris"I is t us legally i"per"issible. 'udicial power neit er conte"plates speculati-e counseling on a statute,s $uture e$$ect on ypot etical scenarios nor allows t e courts to be used as an e3tension o$ a $ailed legislati-e lobbying in 1ongress.

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