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Dur LocatIon Dur LocatIon
8orgo Santa Croce
What we do What we do
Qualtas Promozone e Svluo Proyett s a non rojt oryanzaton
snce 1998 and works n:
local development local development
equal opportunIty
Support for hIgh school drop outs
7ocatIonal traInIng and guIdance
Courses for prIvate organIzatIons and publIc admInIstratIons
8usIness start up
3 maIn prIorItIes :
Equal opportunIty
Cender equalIty
CustomIzed approach
IncIusIon IncIusIon projects projects are are based based on: on:
Lqua| opportun|ty
uslng and malnsLreamlng approaches Lo glve uslng and malnsLreamlng approaches Lo glve
access Lo Lralnlng courses Lo people ln
vulnerable or marglnallzed slLuaLlons or wlLh
soclal dlsadvanLages and dlsablllLles.
IncIusIon IncIusIon projects projects are are based based on: on:
Gender Lqua||ty
promoLlng Lralnlng courses and provldlng access promoLlng Lralnlng courses and provldlng access
Lo women
IncIusIon IncIusIon projects projects are are based based on: on:
Custom|zed approach
1he pro[ecLs musL adopL a cusLomlzed approach 1he pro[ecLs musL adopL a cusLomlzed approach
Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe characLerlsLlcs of each
beneflclary and Lhe speclflc needs for supporL
ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr poslLlon ln Lhe [ob markeL.
Projects Projects
Cb[ecLlve: Lo provlde workers LhaL work wlLh Cb[ecLlve: Lo provlde workers LhaL work wlLh
dlsabled people speclflc Lools and skllls
deallng wlLh emoLlons and sexuallLy of Lhe
Carrled ouL ln Lwo sLeps: research on sexual Carrled ouL ln Lwo sLeps: research on sexual
and emoLlonal needs of people wlLh
8aslc and advanced Lralnlng for workers
Projects Projects
1ralnlng ln communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe hearlng
lmpalred for unemployed adulLs looklng for
[obs worklng wlLh deaf people [obs worklng wlLh deaf people
840 hours of classroom Lralnlng
360 hours of lnLernshlp ln organlzaLlons LhaL
work wlLh Lhe hearlng lmpalred
Projects Projects
provldlng arLs and crafLs skllls Lo beneflclarles
wlLh uown's Syndrome wlLh uown's Syndrome
400 hours of workshop and classroom
Art|mpresa Art|mpresa
follow up pro[ecL Lo ArLlglanablle - creaLlng
[ob opporLunlLles LhaL valorlze Lhe ablllLles of
young people wlLh dlsablllLles and glve Lhem
an acLlve role ln bulldlng Lhelr fuLure
Projects Projects
ar.Ita (ar|o Ita||ano "I speak Ita||an")
lLallan language and culLure Lralnlng course
for hearlng lmpalred forelgners. for hearlng lmpalred forelgners.
ConLenLs and meLhodologles almed aL Lhe
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe LargeL group wlLh l1
lessons Lo lmprove comunlcaLlon
opporLunlLles opporLunlLles
laclllLaLe soclal lncluslon and work placemenL
Projects Projects
Mea Verba
CommunlcaLlon as a work Lool for employees
of Lhe MunlclpallLy of llorence LhaL have a of Lhe MunlclpallLy of llorence LhaL have a
legally proLecLed sLaLus
Classroom Lralnlng
Projects Projects
1oscana de||e donne
Workshops faclllLaLlng dlscusslon and Workshops faclllLaLlng dlscusslon and
comparlson beLween women ln local
governmenL, female enLrepreneurs and
VocatIonaI VocatIonaI CuIdance CuIdance Projects Projects
Apprent|cesh|p tra|n|ng
8esearch on besL pracLlces ln apprenLlceshlp 8esearch on besL pracLlces ln apprenLlceshlp
Culdance for Lhe apprenLlces
ConslsLed of lndlvldual meeLlngs beLween Lhe
guldance counselor and Lhe apprenLlce ln guldance counselor and Lhe apprenLlce ln
order Lo help Lhem choose whlch Lralnlng
paLhway Lo follow
VocatIonaI VocatIonaI CuIdance CuIdance Projects Projects
Adu|t educat|on - ua|e Lavoro, Mondo de| Lavoro e
1rovo Lavoro
Culdance and Lrlanlng for Lhe [ob search and buslness Culdance and Lrlanlng for Lhe [ob search and buslness
sLarL up - 30 hours of classroom
1he pro[ecL was dlvlded lnLo Lwo caLegorles: AdulLs looklng
for employmenL and adulLs looklng for self-employmenL
AdulLs looklng for employmenL- provlde Lools useful ln
an acLlve [ob search (l1 skllls, uslng Lhe lnLerneL Lo look an acLlve [ob search (l1 skllls, uslng Lhe lnLerneL Lo look
for a [ob, creaLlng an approprlaLe Cv/resume and cover
leLLer, lnLervlew Lechnlques, company vlslLs and
meeLlngs wlLh worklng professlonals
AdulLs looklng for self-employmenL - supporL ln Lhe
creaLlon of a buslness plan
VocatIonaI VocatIonaI CuIdance CuIdance Projects Projects
1ralnlng and guldance for adulLs (ln parLlcular
women) Lrylng Lo geL lnLo self-employmenL or women) Lrylng Lo geL lnLo self-employmenL or
buslness sLarL-up
Culdance on work llfe conclllaLlon
TraInIng for TraInIng for empIoyment empIoyment centers centers
600 hour quallflcaLlon course for Lhe 600 hour quallflcaLlon course for Lhe
managemenL of employmenL servlces made up of
slmulaLlons, pro[ecL work and case sLudles
1he Lralnlng conslsLed of: classroom Lrlanlng (373
lndlvldual and group supporL and guldance ln work lndlvldual and group supporL and guldance ln work
lnLernshlps (publlc and prlvaLe employmenL
TraInIng for TraInIng for empIoyment empIoyment centers centers
1ralnlng courses focuslng on lnLernal and 1ralnlng courses focuslng on lnLernal and
exLernal comunlcaLlon ln publlc employmenL
agencles wlLh Lhe alm of Lransferrlng Lhe
sLraLeglc role of communlcaLlon ln order Lo
lmprove Lhe quallLy of servlces of Lhe
employmenL agencles employmenL agencles

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