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Sold No More

Combating Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking Of Women & Children In Pima County
5 !"#$%"&' ' PO (ox &''' Oro )alley* +, '5%-% .../Sold0o1ore/org

Table of Content2
1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 The Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 What od !a" Ena#$ed %" to &ccom'$i"h (ur )ir"t T*o +ear" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5 (ur ,urrent -rogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . (ur )aci$ity -$an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ 0 Sta11ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2 )unding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 / (ur Board o1 3irector" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 14 !o* We Wi$$ 5ea"ure Succe"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 11 Strength" 6 Weakne""e" (''ortunitie" 6 Threat" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7e1erence" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

$ 3 (+C456O708
i" an &ri8ona non'ro1it cor'oration9 de"ignated #y the :7S a" a 541;c<;3< organi8ation a#$e to receive tax deducti#$e donation". Sold No More #egan in =u$y 2414 a" Street$ight Tuc"on9 a 'rogram o1 the ,ri"i" -regnancy ,enter" o1 Tuc"on ;,-,<. (n =anuary 19 2413 the Street$ight Tuc"on 'rogram o1 the ,-, di"#anded and it" mi""ion a""umed #y Sold No More.
Sold No More

3 E9EC7TI)E S711+6:
Our 1i22ion
The mi""ion o1 Sold No More re1$ect" that o1 =e"u"9 *ho "aid that he came to 'roc$aim the Truth9 to hea$ the #roken>hearted9 and to 1ree the o''re""ed. Sold No More i" a ,hri"t> centered mini"try dedicated to 'roc$aiming Truth that "et" 'eo'$e 1ree and #eing a vi"i#$e mani1e"tation o1 od?" $ove and @u"tice. "erve" a" a cata$y"t 1or engaging 'eo'$e ;1< in doing @u"ticeAcham'ioning human right"Acom#ating ex'$oitation9 a#u"e9 'er"ecution9 and human tra11icking9 and ;2< in demon"trating $ove to victim" o1 "uch in@u"ticeB
Sold No More

Through 'revention and education 'rogram" de"igned to rai"e a*arene"" and minimi8e the num#er o1 victim"9 Through "u''ort o1 $a*" and $a* en1orcement activitie" that 'rotect victim" and #ring 'er'etrator" to @u"tice9 Through mini"tering to the 'hy"ica$9 emotiona$9 inte$$ectua$ and "'iritua$ need o1 victim"9 Through 'artneringCnet*orking *ith other $ike>minded organi8ation" and agencie".

The a#u"e o1 *omen and chi$dren in the %.S.9 in &ri8ona9 and in -ima ,ounty i" increa"ing dramatica$$y9 inc$uding the horri1ic nightmare o1 "ex tra11icking. (ver 1449444 chi$dren in the %.S. are #eing u"ed a" "ex "$ave". By the time they reach the age o1 eighteen9 one in 1our gir$" and one in "ix #oy" *i$$ have #een "exua$$y a#u"ed. By the time they graduate9 one in 1our co$$ege coed" *i$$ have ex'erienced ra'e or attem'ted ra'e. Thi" i" an e'idemic.

Our Impact
When Street$ight Tuc"on #egan in the "ummer o1 24149 there *ere no organi8ation" or $a* en1orcement agencie" in -ima ,ounty 1ocu"ed on "ex tra11icking. There had never #een a "ing$e "ex tra11icking ca"e 1i$ed or 'ro"ecuted. No 'er'etrator" had ever #een arre"ted. Teenage gir$"9 ho*ever9 *ere #eing arre"ted and charged *ith 'ro"titutionA *hich according to 1edera$ and &ri8ona $a* i" "ex tra11icking. Sex tra11icking in -ima ,ounty *a" hidden 1rom "ight9 o11 the radar o1 the 'u#$ic and $a* en1orcement. %nti$ the regiona$ con1erence" and training event" organi8ed and "'on"ored #y Street$ight in 24129 there had never #een any "uch a*arene"" or training event" in -ima ,ounty. %nti$ Street$ight Tuc"on?" t*e$ve media intervie*" over the 'a"t t*o year"9 there had never #een a $oca$ media re'ort on "ex tra11icking. %nti$ Street$ight Tuc"on 1ormed the Southern &ri8ona !uman Tra11icking Ta"k )orce9 there *a" no coo'erative e11ort among $a* en1orcement agencie" to com#at "ex tra11icking. & do8en agencie" are no* *orking together. 2412 "a* the 1ir"t re"cue o1 a minor #eing 'ro"tituted on the "treet" o1 Tuc"on 1o$$o*ed #y the 1ir"t arre"t and conviction o1 a 'im' 1or 'ro"tituting a minor. :n 2413 *e '$ayed a critica$ ro$e in re"cuing a teenage gir$ 1rom "ex tra11icking in Tuc"on and '$acing her in a treatment home. od ha" ena#$ed u" to accom'$i"h much9 #ut *e are at a critica$ "tage. We have given 1i1ty a*arene"" 're"entation" to "ome 09344 'eo'$e. We 'roduced and 'urcha"ed a*arene"" and 'revention curricu$um and trained 're"enter"9 #ut *e have on$y #egun to 'enetrate the "choo$"9 churche"9 youth organi8ation" and 'arent organi8ation" *ith 'revention materia$" and c$a""e". Thi" *i$$ #ecome a ma@or 1ocu" in 24139 a" 'revention i" a#"o$ute$y e""entia$ in reducing the num#er o1 victim" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation and a#u"e. We have #een given D1449444 to o'en a home 1or victim" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation and have inve"tigated "evera$ 'o""i#i$itie". But *e have yet to 1ina$i8e a $ocation9 rai"e the nece""ary 1und" and #egin the $icen"ing 'roce"". That *i$$ #e a 'riority 1or 2413 > 2414.

Our End 5oal2

Sexua$ a#u"e9 ex'$oitation and tra11icking *i$$ no $onger #e to$erated in our communitie" and our chi$dren *i$$ #e 1ree 1rom $iving in 1ear o1 "uch a#u"e9 a" a re"u$t o1 'u#$ic outcry and uni1ied action 1rom 'u#$ic and 'rivate organi8ation" and agencie". Sexua$ ex'$oitation *i$$ #e dramatica$$y reduced a" a re"u$t o1 'u#$ic a*arene"". Eictim"C"urvivor" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation *i$$ 1ind the "a1ety and 'rotection they need to "ta#i$i8e9 hea$ and #ecome a$$ od intended them to #e. o !aving earned a high "choo$ degree or E39 andCor #eginning co$$ege. o 7eintegrated #ack into "ociety *ithout #eing re>a#u"ed9 re>ex'$oited9 re> tra11icked or vo$untari$y engaging in 'ro"titution.

:ncrea"ing num#er" o1 young adu$t" *i$$ #ecome cham'ion" o1 @u"tice and mercy9 trained in doing @u"tice and in 'roviding hea$ing 1or victim" o1 a#u"e 6 ex'$oitation.

Key Distinctives of Sold No More

Whi$e *e eager$y 'artner *ith non>1aith #a"ed organi8ation"9 inc$uding governmenta$ agencie"9 *e #e$ieve that the $ove and 'o*er o1 ,hri"t are the key" to com#ating "exua$ ex'$oitation and to tran"1orming victim". We addre"" other 1orm" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation9 not @u"t tra11icking. We are engaged in a$$ 4 e$ement" nece""ary to com#at a#u"e and tra11ickingB -revention9 -ro"ecution9 -rotection9 and -artnering. We addre"" 'ornogra'hyAe"'ecia$$y chi$d 'ornogra'hyArecogni8ing that it i" a 'rimary cau"e o1 "exua$ a#u"e9 ex'$oitation and tra11icking. (ur home 1or victim" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation *i$$ #e certi1ied #y &#o$ition :nternationa$ She$ter &""ociation9 *hich e"ta#$i"he" "tandard" and #e"t 'ractice" 1or "uch home". We *i$$ 'rovide "e'arate home" 1or gir$" 12 10 and 1or tho"e over 12. We *i$$ 'rovide individua$ "creening9 a""e""ment9 ca"e management and care '$anning "u'ervi"ed #y a $icen"ed 5SW. We *i$$ 'rovide individua$ trauma thera'y u"ing the &5& a''roved !.E.&.7.T. ;!ea$ing Emotiona$C&11ective 7e"'on"e" to Trauma< mode$ that inc$ude" #i#$ica$C"'iritua$ e$ement". We *i$$ 'rovide grou' thera'y uti$i8ing the #i#$ica$$y>#a"ed F5ending the Sou$G materia$" 1or *omen and F-rince"" Ho"tG materia$" 1or gir$". (ur home" *i$$ o'erate a" a 1ami$y9 a" a $oving and "u''ortive community9 not a" an in"titution. We *i$$ 1aci$itate tran"ition 1rom our home" to inde'endent $iving #y 'roviding $iving arrangement" *ith ,hri"tian ho"tCmentor 1ami$ie". We are committed to inter>generationa$ mini"try. ,hri"tian *omen invo$ved in graduate degree 'rogram" in coun"e$ing or '"ycho$ogy *i$$ "erve a" mentor" to the gir$" *hi$e receiving co$$ege credit 1or 'racticum *ork. We *i$$ mea"ure the "ucce"" o1 our 'rogram #y regu$ar$y monitoring key marker" re$ating to our 'rogram" and the 'rogre"" o1 our c$ient"9 uti$i8ing nationa$$y recogni8ed a""e""ment too$". We reIuire everyone *ho *ork" *ith Sold No More9 vo$unteer" and 'aid "ta119 to commit to a $i1e"ty$e o1 "exua$ 'urity9 *hich inc$ude" a#"taining 1rom "exua$$y immora$ act" a" *e$$ a" avoiding a$$ 1orm" o1 'ornogra'hy.

- 3 T;E 0EE8
5od<2 ;eart
The need 1or Sold No More doe" not #egin *ith "tati"tic" on "exua$ ex'$oitation or *ith heart>#reaking "torie" o1 chi$dren #eing a#u"ed. :t #egin" in the heart o1 od. &od is where 'teadfast lo$e and faithfulness (eet) righteousness and peace *iss each other !s +5"1,#. Sold No More is where &od-s lo$e and .ustice *iss each other.

We are ,hri"t?" #ody on earthA=e"u"9 the one *ho $ove" *omen and chi$dren. &t the "ame time9 =e"u" is the ca'tive he$d a" a "ex "$ave. =e"u" "aid that he was the hungry9 the naked9 the home$e""9 the "ick9 the im'ri"oned9 and the en"$aved. 5ini"tering to them9 *e are mini"tering to him. Neg$ecting them9 *e are neg$ecting him. 1 :n the *ord" o1 5other Tere"a9 F=e"u" is the -ro"tituteto remove 1rom danger and #e1riend.G2 I will now rise up, says the Lord. I will put in a safe place the one who longs for it. !s. 12"5# Sold No More will pro$ide that safe place.

The Sex Trafficking of Children in the 7/S/ & Pima County

The Nationa$ ,enter 1or mi""ing and Ex'$oited ,hi$dren e"timate" that more than 1449444 chi$dren are invo$ved in "ex tra11icking in the %.S. 3 Bet*een 1.. and 2.2 mi$$ion youth run a*ay in a year in the %.S.9 ha$1 o1 *hom are gir$". & third o1 the gir$" are a''roached #y tra11icker" *ithin 42 hour" o1 $eaving home. (ver 24J o1 gir$" invo$ved in "ex tra11icking *ere runa*ay". 4 The average age o1 entry into "ex "$avery in the %.S. i" 13 year" o1 age. 5 (ver 29444 chi$dren runa*ay each year in -ima ,ounty. :n 2442 and 24439 Tuc"on ranked 2nd in the nation in the arre"t" o1 runa*ay". . Six to ten minor gir$" are arre"ted 1or 'ro"titution each year in Tuc"on. %nder #oth %.S. 1edera$ and &ri8ona "tate $a*9 the"e are ca"e" o1 "ex tra11icking. 0 (n the internet you can hire a teenager 1or "ex in Tuc"on. Hoca$ $a* en1orcement o11icer" *orking *ith :nternet ,rime" &gain"t ,hi$dren re'ort that

1inding adu$t men *ho agree to 'ay 1or "ex *ith a minor i" $ike F"hooting 1i"h in a #arre$.G There are no accurate "tati"tic" on "ex tra11icking in -ima ,ounty #ecau"e tho"e crime" have #een $a#e$ed a" other crime". !o*everB o :n 2411 a .?2G9 344$#. F'im'G *a" arre"ted in -ina$ ,ounty 1or "ex tra11icking and #eating a 15>year>o$d Tuc"on runa*ay gir$ o :n 2412 a 21>year>o$d 5exican nationa$ #eing "ex tra11icked in -ima ,ounty *a" 'icked u' #y -ima ,ounty Sheri11 detective". The 'im' *a" arre"ted #ut charge" o1 "ex tra11icking *ere dro''ed *hen the victim returned to 5exico. o :n 2412 a 1.>year>o$d gir$ $iving in a youth "he$ter *ent to a 'arty *here her adu$t F#oy1riendG "o$d her to eight other men *ho ra'ed her. o :n 2412 a ma$e 'im' '$ed gui$ty to chi$d 'ro"titution invo$ving a 1.>year>o$d 5arana gir$ he trained and 'ut on "outh .th &venue to "o$icit cu"tomer". o :n 2413 a 10>year>o$d gir$ *a" 1ound in a hote$ #eing 'ro"tituted a$ong *ith other adu$t *omen *ho came to Tuc"on 1or the em 6 5inera$ Sho*. o :n 2413 a 1.>year>o$d gir$ *a" re"cued 1rom "ex tra11icking and '$aced into the cu"tody o1 So$d No 5ore 1or treatmentAin"tead o1 receiving a 1e$ony conviction. o :n 2413 a 13>year>o$d gir$ *a" "educed via )ace#ook #y an adu$t ma$e 'o"ing a" a teen9 #ut re"cued #y her mother and 'o$ice @u"t #e1ore #eing 'ro"tituted. o :n 2413 a grou' o1 teenage gir$" *ere re"cued #y 'o$ice @u"t #e1ore #eing "hi''ed out o1 Tuc"on in a %>!au$. o )ive *omen have come 1or*ard *ith te"timonie" o1 having #een "ex tra11icked in Tuc"on or -ima ,ounty *hen they *ere minor". (ne #egan #eing "o$d at home at the age o1 ten #y a mother *ho *a" a heroin addict. Three #egan #eing 'im'ed out *hen they *ere t*e$ve or thirteen. Since the Street$ight Tuc"on "'on"ored a*arene"" con1erence at the %& in =anuary o1 24129 *e have received an average o1 one ca$$ a month regarding 'o""i#$e "ex tra11icking ca"e". ,a$$" have come 1rom @uveni$e detention o11icer"9 youth grou' home"9 'arent"9 $a* en1orcement o11icer"9 church youth grou' *orker"9 and home$e"" "he$ter".

Sexual +bu2e & Exploitation of Women & Children

Every 2 minute" "omeone in the %.S. i" "exua$$y a""au$ted. 1 in . %.S. *omen9 10.0 mi$$ion9 have #een the victim o1 attem'ted or com'$eted ra'e.2

44J o1 "exua$ a""au$t and ra'e victim" are under age 12. 15J are under age 12./ 1 in 4 co$$ege *omen re'ort "urviving ra'e ;15J< or attem'ted ra'e ;12J< "ince their 1ourteenth #irthday. 14 o 34J o1 ra'e "urvivor" contem'$ate "uicide a1ter*ard". o 22J o1 ra'e "urvivor" "ay the ra'e 'ermanent$y changed them. o 41J o1 co$$ege *omen *ho are ra'ed *ere virgin". o 24J o1 men *ho committed ra'e "aid that *hat they did *a" de1inite$y not ra'e.

1 in 5 co$$ege *omen re'ort having #een ra'ed at "ome 'oint during their $i1e. 11 & "urvey o1 high "choo$ "tudent" 1ound that 1 in 5 had ex'erienced 1orced "ex ;ra'e<. !a$1 o1 the"e gir$" to$d no one a#out the incident. 12 3uring the $a"t 14 year" on$y 34J o1 ra'e "urvivor" re'orted the incident to the 'o$ice.13 o (1 tho"e ra'e" re'orted to the 'o$ice9 on$y 1.J re"u$t in 'ri"on "entence". o (n$y 5>.J o1 ra'i"t" "'end even 1 day in @ai$. Eictim" o1 "exua$ a""au$t areB14 o 3 time" more $ike$y to "u11er 1rom de're""ion. o . time" more $ike$y to "u11er 1rom 'o"t>traumatic "tre"" di"order. o 13 time" more $ike$y to a#u"e a$coho$. o 2. time" more $ike$y to a#u"e drug". o 4 time" more $ike$y to contem'$ate "uicide. &ccording to the -ima ,ounty &ttorney9 F-ima ,ounty ha" one o1 the highe"t crime rate" in the nation . . . exceeding 5arico'a ,ounty.G That inc$ude" "exua$ a""au$t crime".

Sexual Exploitation Through Pornography

Child pornography is illegal 2exual abu2e and exploitation/ The num#er o1 :nternet chi$d 'ornogra'hy image" ha" increa"ed 19544J "ince 1/22. &''roximate$y 24J o1 a$$ :nternet 'ornogra'hy invo$ve" chi$dren. 15 345J increa"e in chi$d 'ornogra'hy "ite" #et*een 2C2441>0C2441. 1. 24 ne* chi$dren a''ear on 'orn "ite" every month9 many kidna''ed or "o$d into "ex.10 .5J o1 the @ohn" K#uyer"L that go on the :nternet are more re"'on"ive i1 the ad" have age de"cri'tor" $ike FyoungG or F#are$y $ega$G attached to them. 12 There are more than 1449444 *e#"ite" o11ering chi$d 'ornogra'hy. 1/

,hi$d 'ornogra'hy ha" #ecome a D3 #i$$ion annua$ indu"try. 24

F5ore #a#ie" and todd$er" are a''earing on the net and the a#u"e i" getting *or"e. :t i" more torturou" and "adi"tic than it *a" #e1ore. . . . The ty'ica$ age o1 chi$dren i" #et*een "ix and 129 #ut the 'ro1i$e i" getting younger. . . . 3emand 1or 'ornogra'hic image" o1 #a#ie" and todd$er" on the :nternet i" "oaring.G ;-ro1. 5ax Tay$or9 F,om#ating -edo'hi$e :n1ormation Net*ork" in Euro'e9G 5arch 2443<.

1(ne in three chi$dren are acce""ing a Ft"unamiG o1 ex'$icit 'ornogra'hic image" on the internet #y the age o1 14.21 )our in 1ive teenager" regu$ar$y $ook u' un"uita#$e 'hotogra'h" or 1i$m on their com'uter" or mo#i$e 'hone".



&verage age o1 1ir"t :nternet ex'o"ure to 'ornogra'hy i" 14. o 24J o1 15>10 year o$d" have had mu$ti'$e hard>core ex'o"ure" o /4J o1 2>1. year o$d" have vie*ed 'orn on$ine o 2. chi$drenM" character name" ;-okemon9 &ction 5an9 5ario< are $inked to thou"and" o1 'orn $ink". 22 24J o1 14>10 year" o$d" receive un*anted "exua$ "o$icitation" on$ine.23 :n a "tudy o1 .44 ma$e" and 1ema$e" o1 @unior high "choo$ age and a#ove9 re"earcher 3r. =enning" Bryant 1ound thatB o /1J o1 the ma$e" and 22J o1 the 1ema$e" admitted to having #een ex'o"ed to N>rated9 hark>core 'ornogra'hy. o (ver ..J o1 the ma$e" and 44J o1 the 1ema$e" re'orted *anting to Otry outO "ome o1 the "exua$ #ehavior" they had *itne""ed. o &mong high "choo$ "tudent"9 31J o1 ma$e" and 12J o1 1ema$e" admitted to actua$$y doing "ome o1 the 'rurient thing" they had "een in the 'ornogra'hy *ithin a 1e* day" o1 ex'o"ure.24

Pornography fuel2 2exual abu2e* exploitation* and trafficking 25 &ccording to a 2412 re"earch artic$e in The Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society9 "torie" and image" o1 young *omen or gir$" 1orced in "ex "$avery9 Funder"tanda#$y 'rovoke *ide"'read 'u#$ic "ym'athy. Ty'ica$$y9 ho*ever9 the re'ort" and di"cu""ion" do not inc$ude an inIuiry into *hat i" 1ue$ing the demand 1or 'ro"titution and9 thu"9 1or *omen tra11icked into 'ro"titution ;"ex tra11icking<. FOnce this inquiry is undertaken, the multifaceted relationship etween pornography, prostitution, and se! trafficking ecomes clear . :t ha" #een "aid that 'ro"titution and 'ornogra'hy are P"ym#iotica$$y re$ated? to "ex tra11icking and that the $atter P*ou$d not exi"t *ithout the 1ormer.?G2. (1 tho"e arre"ted in the %.S. 1or 'o""e""ion o1 chi$d 'ornogra'hy during 2444 > 2441B o 23J had image" o1 chi$dren . to 129 o 3/J had image" o1 chi$dren 3 to 59 o 1/J had image" o1 in1ant" and todd$er" under age three. 20

-"ycho$ogi"t Eictor ,$ineB O:n over 2. year"9 : have treated a''roximate$y 354 ma$e" a11$icted *ith "exua$ addiction". :n a#out /4J o1 the ca"e" : have 1ound that 'ornogra'hy *a" a contri#utor9 1aci$itator or direct cau"a$ agent in the acIuiring o1 the"e "exua$ i$$ne""e".G22

3r. 5ary &nne Hayden o1 the %niver"ity o1 -enn"y$vaniaB F: have #een treating "exua$ vio$ence victim" and 'er'etrator" 1or 13 year". : have not treated a "ing$e ca"e o1 "exua$ vio$ence that did not invo$ve 'ornogra'hy.G 2/ :n Novem#er 24129 a -hoenix man *a" indicted 1or tra11icking a 1.>year>o$d to 'roduce 'ornogra'hy. :n &'ri$ 2414 a ,hand$er man '$ed gui$ty to u"ing "ocia$ net*orking "ite" to $ure young gir$" into 1orced 'ornogra'hy. :n 2413 a -hoenix man *i$$ go on tria$ on 134 1e$ony count" inc$uding chi$d 'ro"titution and 'roducing chi$d 'ornogra'hy. 34

Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society B FThere are a num#er o1 $ink" #et*een 'ornogra'hy and "ex tra11icking and cur#ing 'ornogra'hy can reduce "ex tra11icking. . . . Tho"e *ho u"e 'ornogra'hy have a$"o #een "ho*n to #e more $ike$y to engage in i$$ega$ #ehavior a" *e$$.G31 Women and gir$" are $ured into 1a$"e mode$ing @o#"9 on$y to #e drugged and then ra'ed *hi$e #eing 1i$med 1or commercia$ 'ornogra'hy. 32 The tra11icker" o1 one 1.>year>o$d gir$9 F#eat9 *hi''ed9 1$ogged9 "u11ocated9 choked9 e$ectrocuted9 caned9 "ke*ered9 dro*ned9 muti$ated9 hung and caged her to coerce her to #ecome a "ex "$ave.G Some victim" are 1orced to have "ex *ith anima$"9 muti$ated and ki$$ed 1or "nu11 1i$m" ;:#id.< -"ycho$ogi"t" and '"ychiatri"t" de"cri#e the F1ourth 'ha"eG o1 "exua$ addiction a" Fan increa"ing tendency to act out "exua$$y9 #ehavior" vie*ed in the 'ornogra'hy ;:#id9 14<. FK-ornogra'hyL "timu$ate" the vie*er to act out on other $ive *omen and gir$" and #oy" the "'eci1ic act" that are "exua$i8ed and con"umed in the 'ornogra'hy. Socia$ "cience evidence9 converging *ith te"timonia$ evidence o1 rea$ 'eo'$e9 ha" $ong "ho*n the $atterG ;:#id. 12>13<.

What Other2 +re 8oing in +ri=ona

!uman tra11icking ha" #ecome a ma@or concern at the 1edera$ $eve$ and in -hoenix. :ncrea"ed a*arene"" o1 "ex tra11icking o1 minor" in &ri8ona re"u$ted in the 'a""age o1 !ou"e Bi$$ 2.// in 24149 making it a ,$a"" 2 1e$ony to engage in 'ro"titution *ith a minor under the age o1 15. -hoenix ha" an active human tra11icking ta"k 1orce headed u' #y the %S &ttorney?" (11ice. The -hoenix -o$ice 3e'artment?" Eice %nit i" nationa$$y recogni8ed 1or com#ating chi$d "ex tra11icking9 a" i" the 5arico'a ,ounty &ttorney?" (11ice. &ri8ona State %niver"ity?" Socia$ Service" 3e'artment and ,o$$ege o1 Ha* are active$y invo$ved in com#ating human tra11icking9 a" are "evera$ key community organi8ation". :n 2411 Street$ight %S& in -hoenix o'ened their 1ir"t home 1or victim" o1 dome"tic minor "ex tra11icking. &$though they have "ix home" that can accommodate u' to 42 gir$"9

they have on$y uti$i8ed one home gir$"9 due 'art$y to the 'ro#$em o1 gir$" con"tant$y running a*ay 1rom the home $ocated *ithin the city. :n 2412 the 3ream ,enter?" 7e"cue -ro@ect o'ened 1our room" 1or victim" o1 minor "ex tra11icking.

There are 1our re"identia$ treatment 1aci$itie" in -ima ,ounty 1or victim" o1 "exua$ a#u"eB Sierra Tuc"on. 5u$tidi"ci'$inary team" uti$i8e a #io>'"ycho>"ocia$>"'iritua$ a''roach 1or treating mu$ti'$e di"order"9 inc$uding trauma and "exua$ a#u"e. ,otton*ood de Tuc"on. -$ace" "'iritua$ity at the core o1 ex'erientia$$y #a"ed treatment 1or 1ema$e" age" 13>129 inc$uding tho"e "u11ering 1rom trauma and "exua$ a#u"e E"tre$$a Ei"ta 7anch. & "u''ortive and intimate thera'eutic treatment community 1or gir$" age" 14>129 inc$uding tho"e "u11ering 1rom trauma and "exua$ a#u"e.

Why Thi2 I2 0ot Enough

)or "ome rea"on9 the community>*ide commitment to 1ighting "ex tra11icking in the -hoenix metro'o$itan area ha" not 1i$tered do*n to Tuc"on and -ima ,ounty. &" mentioned9 unti$ Street$ight Tuc"on #egan in 24149 there *ere virtua$$y no organi8ed e11ort" to com#at "ex tra11icking in -ima ,ounty. No $a* en1orcement agency in -ima ,ounty ha" a Eice %nit. 0he country1wide lac* of protecti$e shelter and speciali2ed ser$ices is responsi3le for the re1$icti(i2ation and cri(inali2ation of do(estic (inor se4 traffic*ing $icti(s. The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking#. Not one $a* en1orcement o11icer in any $a* en1orcement agency in -ima ,ounty A1edera$9 "tate9 county or $oca$Ai" "'eci1ica$$y a""igned to humanC"ex tra11icking. He"" than 1J o1 youth in "choo$"9 churche" or youth grou'" have #een given "ex tra11icking or chi$d 'ornogra'hy 'revention training. There i" not one thera'eutic 'rogram or re"identia$ 1aci$ity in -ima ,ounty "'eci1ica$$y 1or victim" o1 "ex tra11icking.

What are needed are 'rotective "he$ter" *here victim" can "ta#i$i8e9 hea$9 and re#ui$d their $ive". !aving 1e* choice"9 $a* en1orcement agencie" 'roce"" "ex tra11icking victim" a" crimina$". Since the gir$" are no $onger ke't in @uveni$e detention 1aci$itie"9 they are returned home A*hich i" *here the 'ro#$em u"ua$$y "tarted9 or they are re$ea"ed and go #ack to their 'im'"Ato *hom they have #een traumatica$$y #onded. The"e victim" "u11er 1rom "evere '"ycho$ogica$9 emotiona$ trauma a" *e$$ a" addiction" and numerou" di"ea"e".

Without the"e 'rotective "he$ter"9 the *ho$e 'roce"" o1 eradicating the chi$d "ex trade #reak" do*n. The gir$" aren?t he$'ed in the $ong run and the tra11icker" aren?t arre"ted #ecau"e there i" no one to turn them in or te"ti1y again"t them. The cyc$e continue".
Nationa$ ,enter 1or 5i""ing and Ex'$oited ,hi$dren htt'BCC***.mi""ingkid".com. -rotective "he$ter" are=. needed inand every ma@or city. But un$ike mo"t other 7o#ert W. -eter"9 Haura Hederer9 Shane Qe$$y9 FThe S$ave and the -orn StarB organi8ation" o'erating home" 1or "ex tra11icking victim"9 OLD NO MORE doe" Sexua$ Tra11icking and -ornogra'hyG ;The #rotection #ro$ect% JournalS of Human Rights and Civil Society 9 No. 59 )a$$ '. o1 2. 1ocu"ing entire$y on 'roviding "uch a home. not have the2412< $uxury 2% Nationa$ ,enter 1or 5i""ing 6 Ex'$oited ,hi$dren9 F,hi$d -ornogra'hy -o""e""or" Without effecti>e pre>ention program2* &rre"ted in :nternet>7e$ated ,rime"B )inding" 1rom the Nationa$ =uveni$e (n$ine Eictimi8ation Without la. enforcement re2cuing tho2e trapped in 2ex Study9 2445.G 2+ trafficking* and Eictor B. ,$ine9 O-ornogra'hy 6 Sexua$ &ddiction",& Christian Counseling Today 49 no.4 ;1//.<B 52. Without arre2t2 and pro2ecution2 of the perpetrator2*
26 25

3r. 5ary &nne Hayden9 %niver"ity o1 -enn"y$vania9 Brad1ord9 O,hi$d Sex &#u"eB Pro>iding home2 for >ictim2 .ill do little!aven to dimini2h 2ex &mericaM" 3irty Hitt$e Secret.O 'S (oices for Children. 3C2444. trafficking" 3, &Rcentra$.com9 11C20C2412. ***.a8centra$.comCne*"Cartic$e"C2412111/'hoenix>area> Since SOLD NO MORE i" the on$y organi8ation in -ima ,ounty dedicated to inve"tigation">revea$>'orn>indu"try.htm$. &cce""ed 12C2C12.
31 32


FThe S$ave and the -orn StarB Sexua$ Tra11icking and -ornogra'hy9G ''. 1 6 14. :#id9 ''. 5>2.

com#ating "ex tra11icking9 *e have to in"ure that tho"e other critica$


? 3 W;+T 5O8 ;+S E0+(@E8 7S TO +CCO1P@IS; T;E @+ST :E+6S

Pre>ention 3 +.arene22 +cti>itie2
Creation of a.arene22 material2 o 5u$ti'$e a*arene"" -o*er-oint 're"entation" targeting di11erent audience" o Brochure"9 'ort1o$io"9 other handout materia$" o We#"ite and )ace#ook 'age o -S&" 1or radio and te$evi"ion &! +.arene22APre>ention Pre2entation2 to o>er '*!!! people K3oe" not inc$ude 're"entation" to $a* en1orcement grou'"L o 34 o1 tho"e *ere to "ome 59544 'eo'$e in church "etting" o 1 *a" the a$$>day &#o$ition ,on1erence at the %&9 "'on"ored and 1unded #y Street$ight9 #ringing in nationa$9 "tate and $oca$ ex'ert" to addre"" "ome 254 attendee" at the 1ir"t human tra11icking con1erence in "outhern &ri8ona o 2. o1 tho"e *ere to "ome 29544 'eo'$e in other non>church "etting" 14 *ere in "choo$"B 5 at the %&9 0 at -ima ,ommunity ,o$$ege9 inc$uding a "'ecia$ anti>tra11icking event "'on"ored #y the Socia$ Service" ,ommitteeS 2 at high "choo$"9 inc$uding the &R Eirtua$ ;on$ine< &cademy 5 *ere to civic grou'"B %N ,ommittee9 Soro'timi"t9 Women :m'acting Tuc"on9 =unior Heague o1 Tuc"on 5 *ere to grou'" o1 medica$ 'ro1e""iona$"9 inc$uding 1ami$y 'ractice re"ident" at %5, and "tudent" at the %& 5edica$ ,o$$ege +W+6E CurriculumB -urcha"ed the &*are 'revention materia$" and #rought the director to Tuc"on to train vo$unteer" in doing 'revention 're"entation". The training *a" attended #y 22 'eo'$e and covered #oth curricu$aB o F:$$u"ion"G T 'rotecting youth 1rom ex'$oitation #y 'ornogra'hy o F3ece'tion"G T 'rotecting youth 1rom "ex tra11icking $? 1edia Inter>ie.2 on 2ex trafficking o 5 intervie*" on three di11erent $oca$ net*ork "tation"9 inc$uding an exc$u"ive ha$1 hour intervie* o 3 intervie*" on Tuc"on ca#$e TE o 1 're"" con1erence covered #y three $oca$ net*ork" o 5 radio intervie*" +ttended $? other e>ent2 repre2enting Streetlight Tuc2on and di2tributing material2



Pro2ecution 3 @a. Enforcement +cti>itie2

1et per2onally .ith leader2 in $! key la. enforcement agencie2 o Tuc"on mayor9 ,hie1 o1 -o$ice9 &""t. ,hie19 ,a'tain o -ima ,ounty &ttorney9 %S &ttorney o -ima ,o Sheri119 :,E9 )B:9 %S 5ar"ha$9 Border -atro$ Bormed the Southern +ri=ona ;uman Trafficking Ta2k Borce 9 *ith over 34 'eo'$e 1rom "ome ten agencie" attending the 1ir"t meeting. The 3irector o1 Sold No More continue" to "erve a" head o1 the ta"k 1orce. o 3uring the 1ir"t 1e* month" o1 meeting" over 54 'ro1e""iona$" attended re're"enting T-39 -ima ,o S(9 -,&(9 %S&(9 &R& (9 :,E9 )B:9 %S 5ar"ha$9 Border -atro$9 5arana -39 (ro Ea$$ey -39 Tohono o? (dam -39 -ima ,o =uveni$e ,ourt9 %S 3e't o1 Ha#or9 &R !ou"e o1 7e're"entative"9 and N (" "uch a" ir$ Scout"9 Southern &ri8ona &gain"t S$avery9 ,ri"i" -regnancy ,enter o 2)ormed a "ma$$ ,ore Team 1or the !uman Tra11icking Ta"k 1orce9 con"i"ting o1 one re're"entative 1rom key agencie"B T-3 ;&""t. ,hie1<9 :,E9 )B:9 %S &ttorney9 -ima ,o. Sheri119 and =uveni$e ,ourt. The 3irector o1 Sold No More continue" to "erve a" head o1 the Ta"k )orce ,ore Team. o )ormed a Ha* En1orcement committee headed u' #y the %S &ttorney?" o11ice. Organi=ed and funded the 8ome2tic 1inor Sex Trafficking C81STD training e>ent. Southern &ri8ona?" 1ir"t day>$ong training on 35ST *a" attended #y 102 'ro1e""iona$"9 a$mo"t eIua$$y divided #et*een $a* en1orcement9 "ocia$ "ervice 'rovider"9 and youth advocate"Cmini"ter". Organi=ed and led # Ta2k Borce 1eeting2* bringing in out2ide expert2 includingE o )ormer ,ongre""*oman and 1ounderCdirector o1 Shared !o'e :nternationa$ o 5arico'a ,ounty 3e'uty &ttorney o -hoenix -3 Eice %nit Sergeant o T*o "urvivor" o1 "ex tra11icking9 one 1rom -hoenix and one 1rom Tuc"on o &HE7T ;&ri8ona Heague to End 7egiona$ Tra11icking< o 3e'uty -ima ,ounty &ttorney9 "'ecia$i"t in intervie*ing tra11icking victim" 1et .ith international repre2entati>e2 of go>ernmental trafficking agencie2 o one grou' 1rom Ea"tern Euro'e o one grou' 1rom ,entra$ &"ia


Protection 3 1ini2tering to )ictim2

-$ayed a critica$ ro$e in he$'ing a mother re"cue her 1.>year>o$d daughter 1rom #eing "ex tra11icked9 advocating 1or the gir$ in @uveni$e court and getting her '$aced in a home. S'ent time *ith 1ormer 'ro"tituted *omen9 mo"t o1 *hom *ere victim" o1 35ST. We rai"ed D.9444 to 'ay 1or the 1unera$ and #uria$ ex'en"e" 1or one o1 the"e *omen *ho $e1t "ix chi$dren #ehind *ithout a 1ather. :nve"tigated "evera$ 'o""i#$e $ocation" 1or a re"identia$ treatment home 1or "ex tra11icking victim". &ttem'ted to 'urcha"e one "uch 'ro'erty. ,onducted nationa$ re"earch on home"9 "eeking to determine *hy "ome *ere 1ai$ing *hi$e other" *ere "ucce""1u$. ,onc$uded that "ecurity *a" a 'rimary concernAdi"couraging gir$" 1rom running a*ayA*hich i" 'ro#a#$y #e"t addre""ed #y $ocating in a remote area. :nve"tigated and re'orted on a #rothe$ 1ronting a" a ma""age 'ar$or9 'o""i#$y invo$ving minor &"ian gir$". :nve"tigation i" ongoing. Ei"ited a 1aci$ity in San 3iego 1or adu$t *omen *ho *ere "urvivor" o1 "ex tra11icking. &ttended a nationa$ con1erence "'on"ored #y the &#o$ition :nternationa$ She$ter &""ociation9 *hich e"ta#$i"he" "tandard" and #e"t 'ractice" in order to certi1y home" 1or tra11icking victim". !e$'ed deve$o' an o11icia$ 5ending the Sou$ organi8ation in -ima ,ounty9 'roviding immediate he$' 1or victim" o1 a#u"e. &1ter the &#o$ition ,on1erence and 35ST Training9 *e #egan 1ie$ding ca$$" regarding 'o""i#$e 35ST ca"e".

Partnering 3 0et.orking KNot inc$uding $a* en1orcementL

5et *ith $eader" o1 other organi8ation"9 agencie"9 "choo$"9 mini"trie" and churche" in order to e"ta#$i"h *orking re$ation"hi'"C'artner"hi'". Street$ight %S& in -hoenix 11 $oca$ ,hri"tian mini"trie" 0 churche"9 inc$uding the 7oman ,atho$ic 3ioce"e o1 Tuc"on 5ending the Sou$ 5ini"trie" in -hoenix Southern &ri8ona &gain"t S$avery ;S&&S<. The 3irector o1 Street$ight Tuc"on #ecame the vice>chair o1 S&&S9 he$'ing to 1orm S&&S a" an &ri8ona non'ro1it cor'oration. Shared !o'e :nternationa$ %niver"ity o1 &ri8ona9 !onor" ,o$$ege -ima ,ommunity ,o$$ege9 Socia$ Service" 3e'artment

3e"ert ,hri"tian !igh Schoo$ Eai$ !igh Schoo$ &ttended an invitation>on$y 35ST coa$ition meeting in -hoenix9 attended #y 34> 44 re're"entative" o1 governmenta$9 $ega$9 @udicia$9 and $a* en1orcement agencie" in &R. Southern &ri8ona ,hi$d &dvocacy ,enter ;S&,&,< Tuc"on 5edica$ ,enter?" Sexua$ Trauma %nit Bi$atera$ Sa1ety ,orridor ,oa$ition in San 3iego &E:E&9 an organi8ation that 1aci$itate" "u'ervi"ed vi"it" #et*een chi$dren and 'arent" &- 5ini"trie"9 *hich run" 14 $arge grou' 1o"ter home" in the Tuc"on area

Conference2 3 Training 3 Education

Hed a grou' 1rom Tuc"on9 inc$uding $a* en1orcement 'er"onne$9 to a "ex tra11icking con1erence in -hoenix ;2414< &ttended a 35ST con1erence in Tuc"on 're"ented #y 3: N:T+ !ou"e ;2414< &ttended "eme"ter>$ong human tra11icking c$a"" in %& !onor" ,o$$ege ;2411< -artici'ated in ten>*eek 5ending the Sou$ training grou' ;2411< Hed a grou' 1rom Tuc"on9 inc$uding re're"entative" 1rom the %S &ttorney?" o11ice and :,E9 to an internationa$ tra11icking con1erence at the Ha* ,o$$ege at &S% ;2411< -artici'ated #y invitation in %S 3e'artment o1 =u"tice>1unded Nationa$ tra11icking "ym'o"ium in Sa$t Hake ,ity ;2412< &ttended Sex Tra11icking training event in Tuc"on "'on"ored #y &S% ;2412< &ttended !ome$and Security anti>tra11icking training con1erence in Tuc"on ;2412<


5 3 O76 C766E0T P6O56+1

The 4 F-"G o1 Sold No More and other anti>tra11icking organi8ation areB -revention &*arene"" education -ro"ecution Bringing 'er'etrator" to @u"tice -rotection 5ini"tering to victim" -artnering Net*orking *ith other organi8ation"Cagencie"

Pre>ention 3 Bocu2ing on Education

,ontinue toB o ive intervie*" and re'ort" on $oca$ media "ource"9 inc$uding 'roducing -S&" o ,onduct re"earch on "ex tra11icking and "haring key in1ormation *ith intere"ted individua$"9 agencie" and organi8ation" o &ttend community>*ide event" to di"tri#ute materia$" on "exua$ a#u"e9 ex'$oitation9 tra11icking9 and 'ornogra'hy Bui$d a Tuc"on &rea )reedom ,oa$ition9 kindred "'irit" *i$$ing to "ign our F)reedom ,oa$ition ,ommitmentG to *ork together to eradicate "ex tra11icking9 committed toB o -er"ona$ ho$ine"" and "exua$ 'urity o Being 'er"ona$$y invo$ved in eradicating humanC"ex tra11icking through 'rayer9 giving re"ource"9 and giving time and ta$ent" o Ex'o"ing the 'urveyor" o1 humanC"ex tra11icking and chi$d 'ornogra'hy9 inc$uding internet "ource" o S'eaking out9 #eing a voice 1or the victim"9 gathering other" to the mi""ion o Su''orting $a*" that e11ective$y addre"" humanC"ex tra11icking and increa"ed e11ort" to en1orce the $a*"B re"cuing the victim" and 'ro"ecuting the 'urveyor" 3eve$o' a -rayer and Socia$ Net*ork that *i$$ in1orm and intercede 1or the victim" and the 'eo'$e *ho are 1ighting the #att$e. 3eve$o' a )reedom ,am'aign that *i$$ eIui' churche" to engage the i""ue throughB o ,reating an outcry that *i$$ in1orm the Tuc"on area on the in@u"tice o1 chi$d "ex "$avery and it" 're"ence in our communitie" o Educating youth and 'arent" in the churche" o ,reating and training church>#a"ed team" o1 "'eaker" to give 'revention 're"entation" in $oca$ midd$e and high "choo$" o :nvo$vement in the hea$ing and re"toration o1 victim" o1 "exua$ a#u"e 6 ex'$oitation9 1aci$itating 5ending the Sou$ grou'" in $oca$ churche" reat$y ex'and our educationa$ 'rogram through the &W&7E curricu$um

con"i"ting o1 t*o "e'arate9 three>"e""ion 're"entation"B o F:$$u"ion"G the e11ect" o1 'ornogra'hy and ho* to avoid #eing entra''ed o F3ece'tion"G the e11ect" o1 "ex tra11icking and ho* to avoid #eing entra''ed Sold No More i" the 'rimary 'rovider o1 "ex tra11icking and 'ornogra'hy 'revention education in -ima ,ounty. &" a*arene"" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation and tra11icking increa"e"9 more and more churche" and "choo$" are reIue"ting the 're"entation". o Training ne* 're"enter" 1or our 'revention curricu$um and recruiting ne* churche" a" "ending #a"e" 1or 're"entation team". o Bui$d the nece""ary re$ation"hi'" *ith 'u#$ic and 'rivate "choo$" in order to "ecure o''ortunitie" to give the 're"entation" in midd$e and high "choo$" o ive a*arene"" 6 'revention 're"entation" in churche"9 "choo$"9 civic grou'"9 hea$thcare agencie"9 youth home"9 youth organi8ation"9 etc. .

Pro2ecution 3 Bocu2ing on Protocol2

We *i$$ continue to organi8e and $ead the Southern &ri8ona !uman Tra11icking Ta"k )orce9 inc$uding $eading the ,ore Team o We *i$$ $ead in the deve$o'ment o1 'rotoco$" 1or re"'onding to "ex tra11icking ca"e" and intervie*ing tra11ic victim" !aving 1ocu"ed 1or the 'a"t t*o year" on invo$ving $a* en1orcement agencie"9 *e *i$$ #egin to 1ocu" more on invo$ving non>governmenta$ agencie" ;FN ("G< in the Ta"k )orce o Ex'and training on com#ating "ex tra11icking to more youth *orker"9 youth home"9 and coun"e$or"9 *ith the addition o1 1ire de'artment"9 E7 'er"onne$

Protection 3 Bocu2ing on a 6e2idential Bacility for )ictim2ASur>i>or2

,ontinue meeting *ith 1ormer 35ST victim" in order to 'rovide individua$ coun"e$ing and grou' thera'y and to "o$icit their he$' in ex'o"ing 35ST in -ima ,ounty in1orming $a* en1orcement9 contri#uting to 'u#$ic a*arene"" e11ort" 5ake a 1ina$ determination on the $ocation o1 our re"identia$ 1aci$ity 1or victim"C"urvivor" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation9 inc$uding "ex tra11icking9 con1irming our conviction that the $ocation need" to #e remote in order toB o 3i"courage running a*ay9 #y removing the tem'tation" o1 ea"y acce"" to 1ormer 1riend"9 tran"'ortation9 "choo$"9 ma$$"9 "ho''ing center"9 etc. o -rovide a "a1e environment that encourage" c$o"e re$ation"hi'" and the #ui$ding o1 community

o -rovide a tranIui$ and #eauti1u$ environment that encourage" re1$ection9 c$o"ene"" to od and harmony *ith nature 1ree 1rom the con"tant noi"e9 1rantic 'ace and di"traction" o1 city $i1e o )aci$itate thera'y uti$i8ing hor"e" and other anima$"9 gardening9 and outdoor "'ort" and adventure activitie" 5ake a 1ina$ determination on the ty'e o1 re"identia$ 1aci$ity to o'enB o Whether or not *e "hou$d $imit the 1aci$ity on$y to 1ema$e victim" o1 "ex tra11icking or inc$ude other 1ema$e victim" o1 "evere "exua$ a#u"e 6 ex'$oitation o 3eciding *hether or not the 1aci$ity *i$$ #e 1or minor" on$y9 1or adu$t" on$y9 or 1or minor and adu$t 1ema$e" in "e'arate home" 3etermine ho* "uch a 1aci$ity i" to #e 1inanced9 u"ing the D1449444 a$ready avai$a#$e and rai"e the 1und" nece""ary to 'urcha"e the 'ro'erty outright9 or to $ea"e the 'ro'erty *ith the o'tion to #uy9 a$$o*ing u" to #egin 1air$y Iuick$y and rai"e 1und" more ea"i$y "ince *e *i$$ a$ready have an o'erationa$ home.

Partnering 3 Bocu2ing on 0on"5o>ernmental Organi=ation2 C05O2D

Strengthen exi"ting 'artner"hi'"9 e"'ecia$$y *ith key $a* en1orcement agencie" Tuc"on -o$ice 9 -ima ,ounty Sheri119 :,E9 )B:9 -ima ,ounty =uveni$e ,ourt9 %S &ttorney 3eve$o' ne* 'artner"hi'" *ith N (" hea$thcare 'ro1e""iona$" ;e"'ecia$$y E7 'er"onne$<9 coun"e$or" and thera'i"t"9 youth "he$ter" and grou' home" 3eve$o' ne* 'artner"hi'" *ith "choo$ di"trict" Tuc"on %ni1ied9 Eai$9 )$o*ing We$$" Schoo$ 3i"trict9 &m'hitheater9 5arana9 ,ata$ina )oothi$$"9 )oothi$$" ,hri"tian

Our 5uiding Principle2 for Collaboration

i" a ,hri"tian mini"try that encourage" #road coo'eration among a$$ "ector" o1 our community. :n"tead o1 arrogant$y a""uming *e have a$$ the an"*er"9 *e "eek to co$$a#orate *ith tho"e o1 other 1aith" a" *e$$ a" tho"e having no #e$ie1 in odAa unity o1 goa$"9 not o1 "'iritua$Ctheo$ogica$ #e$ie1".

'romote" unity at "evera$ $eve$"9 #ut in uniting to addre"" common goa$"9 *e do not ex'ect diver"e grou'" to hide their re$igiou" or non>re$igiou" conviction". We #e$ieve that #y *orking together *e can #etter under"tand each other and our uniIue #e$ie1". We are a ,hri"t>centered mini"try9 "eeking to o'erate in the 'o*er o1 hi" S'irit and "haring him a" an integra$ 'art o1 a$$ *e doAnot "im'$y giving a cu' o1 co$d *ater9 #ut doing it in =e"u"? name.


'artner" *ith $eader"9 churche"9 organi8ation"9 and governmenta$ agencie" "haring our mi""ion and core va$ue"B

Com ating the se!ual e!ploitation of women and children)especially se! trafficking" *nityB #road co$$a#oration and coo'eration *ith other organi8ation" +ntegrityB in the $ive" o1 $eader" and in organi8ationa$ o'eration" and re'orting Strategic importanceB 1ocu"ed on critica$ need" and time$y i""ue" Solid research , developmentB ana$y"i" o1 $oca$9 nationa$9 and internationa$ "ex tra11icking activitie" a$ong *ith active and 'ro'o"ed "o$ution" HumilityB "eeking other?" a""i"tance and not #eing concerned a#out *ho get" credit.

& 3 O76 B+CI@IT: P@+0

Pha2e One 3 Planning & )i2ion
The -ha"e (ne -$anning 'roce"" i" de"cri#ed under 5 ,urrent -rogram (ur vi"ion i" 1or a "a1e and inviting home *here 1ema$e victim" o1 "exua$ a#u"e9 ex'$oitation and tra11icking can $ive 1or an extended 'eriod o1 time9 'roviding ho$i"tic careB Sta#i$i8ation arre"ting "e$1 de"tructive #ehavior"9 inc$uding the com'u$"ion to run a*ay -hy"ica$ hea$ing treating the many di"ea"e" a""ociated *ith "exua$ a#u"e Emotiona$ hea$ing moving 1rom #eing traumati8ed to a*akening to their true "e$ve"9 em#racing the "e$1 re"'ect9 "e$1>*orth and dignity $eading to ho'e 1or the 1uture Socia$ hea$ing moving 1rom anger and di"tru"t to re"'ecting other"9 $earning to $ove and #e $oved9 to #e a contri#uting mem#er o1 an intimate and caring community S'iritua$ hea$ing moving 1rom anger and di"tru"t o1 od to em#racing hi" $ove9 recogni8ing hi" 'ur'o"e 1or their $ive" and hi" o11er o1 unconditiona$ 1orgivene"" and tran"1ormation into a ne* creation *ith a ne* identity9 ho$y and #$ame$e"" in ,hri"t Tran"ition to 'roductivity and inde'endence moving 1rom in"ecurity and de'endency to $iving and *orking a" a contri#uting mem#er o1 "ociety The idea$ "etting 1or im'$ementing thi" vi"ion i" ranch>ty'e 'ro'erty that i" "ome*hat remote #ut not too 1ar 1or commuting9 *ith enough room 1or "e'arate home" 1or gir$" and adu$t *omen9 hor"e"9 garden"9 etc.

S'iritua$ care and #i#$ica$ education *i$$ #e "en"itive$y o11ered in $ove9 *ithout any 're""ure. :t i" im'ortant that the gir$" kno* that they are not ex'ected to F'ayG 1or *hat they receive #y #eing reIuired to "u#mit to "'iritua$ in"truction or 'ractice". 23

(ur 'rogram *i$$ inc$udeB ,erti1ication #y &#o$ition :nternationa$ She$ter &""ociation ;&:S&<9 *hich e"ta#$i"he" "tandard" and #e"t 'ractice" 1or "uch home" :ndividua$ trauma thera'y u"ing the &5&>a''roved !.E.&.7.T. mode$ ;!ea$ing Emotiona$C&11ective 7e"'on"e" to Trauma< that inc$ude" #i#$ica$C"'iritua$ e$ement" rou' thera'y uti$i8ing the #i#$ica$$y>#a"ed F5ending the Sou$G materia$" 1or *omen and F-rince"" Ho"tG materia$" 1or gir$" EIuine and other anima$ thera'y 3ai$y interaction *ith a mentor FmotherG andCor F#ig "i"terG 5edica$ and denta$ care 'rovided 'rimari$y on "ite #y vo$unteer hea$thcare 'ro1e""iona$" 5idd$e "choo$9 high "choo$ andCor co$$ege>$eve$ education9 uti$i8ing *e#>#a"ed charter "choo$" and on>"ite teacher"C1aci$itator" ,$othing and other 'er"ona$ care item" ,areer coaching9 @o# a''$ication9 re"ume *riting9 intervie*ing Hi1e "ki$$" trainingB 1inance"9 'er"ona$ '$anning 6 organi8ation9 com'uter "ki$$" Working to "u''ort the homeB gardening9 cooking9 hou"ekee'ing9 $aundry9 anima$ care :nvo$vement in and ex'o"ure to the 1ine art"B dra*ing9 'ainting9 'ottery9 mu"ic9 the theater9 #a$$et9 "ym'hony :nvo$vement in community "ervice 'ro@ect"9 $earning to $ove and give to other" Training in #ecoming an advocate 1or other" tra''ed in "exua$ ex'$oitation. -hy"ica$ exerci"e9 "'ort"9 outdoorC*i$derne"" adventure activitie" Eacation"Ctri'"B #eache"9 mountain" S'iritua$ care and #i#$ica$ education

Pha2e T.o 3 Opening Our ;ome for +dult Women

(nce the $ocation and ty'e o1 1aci$ity i" determined9 *e *i$$ #egin immediate$y to 'ur"ue the $icen"ing 'roce"" nece""ary 1or grou' home" 1or minor"9 *hich ty'ica$$y take" a#out 12 month" to com'$ete. Whi$e going through the $icen"ing 'roce"" 1or grou' home" 1or minor"9 *e *i$$ immediate$y #egin the 'roce"" o1 o'ening a home 1or *omen eighteen and o$der. o Work *ith &:S& to meet their "tandard" 1or certi1ication o 3eve$o' a detai$ed #udget and 1und rai"ing '$an

o 3eve$o' the nece""ary 'o$icie" and 'rocedure"9 inc$udingB Screening o1 'otentia$ re"ident" to identi1y 'otentia$ trauma9 'hy"ica$ and menta$ hea$th need" &""e""ment o1 ne* re"ident" to determine individua$i8ed current and $ong>range need"9 inc$uding education9 "ocia$ and "'iritua$ deve$o'ment 3etermination o1 "ervice"Cintervention" reIuired to meet tho"e need" o Secure and train key "ta11 thera'i"t" trained in uti$i8ing the !.E.&.7.T. trauma thera'y and in u"ing "'ecia$i8ed '"ycho$ogica$ a""e""ment too$" 1or "urvivor" o1 trauma and "ex tra11icking 'rogram director ;5SW< on>"ite educationa$ "u'ervi"orC1aci$itator vo$unteer hea$thcare 'ro1e""iona$" *ho conduct on>"ite exam" vo$unteer 1aci$itie" manager vo$unteer "ecurity 'er"onne$ hou"e mother"Cmentor" trained in u"ing 5ending the Sou$ a#u"e recovery materia$" o &dverti"e the avai$a#i$ity o1 the 1aci$ity to 'otentia$ re"ident" and organi8ation" in contact *ith 'otentia$ re"ident"


Pha2e Three 3 Opening Our ;ome for 5irl2 $ " $%

&1ter our home 1or *omen 12 and o$der i" o'erationa$9 and *hi$e *e are 'ur"uing the $icen"ing 'roce"" 1or grou' home" 1or minor"9 *e *i$$ #egin the 'roce"" 1or o'ening our home 1or gir$" 12>109 *hich invo$ve" the "ame com'onent"B o Work *ith &:S& to meet their "tandard" 1or certi1ication o 3eve$o' a detai$ed #udget and 1und rai"ing '$an o 3eve$o' the nece""ary 'o$icie" and 'rocedure" o Secure and train key "ta11 o &dverti"e the avai$a#i$ity o1 the 1aci$ity to 'otentia$ re"ident" and organi8ation" in contact *ith 'otentia$ re"ident" (ne key addition in the youth home *i$$ #e the 're"ence o1 ,hri"tian *omen invo$ved in graduate degree 'rogram" in coun"e$ing or '"ycho$ogy *ho "erve a" mentor" to the gir$" *hi$e receiving co$$ege credit 1or 'racticum *ork. ;5ode$ed a1ter a "imi$ar 'rogram o1 3ou$o" 5ini"trie" in Bran"on9 5i""ouri.< o The"e graduate "tudent" *ou$d a$"o #e invo$ved in on>"ite co$$ege accredited cour"e" re$ated to @u"tice mini"try9 ,hri"tian $iving9 #i#$ica$ "tudie"9 etc. o Thi" he$'" 1u$1i$$ our goa$ o1 "eeing young adu$t" #ecome cham'ion" o1 @u"tice and mercy9 trained in doing @u"tice and in 'roviding hea$ing 1or victim" o1 a#u"e. Since the 'roce"" 1rom intake to "ta#i$i8ation to hea$ing and re"toration take" year"9 gir$" *ho age out o1 our home 1or minor"Aor other "uch home" around the countryA*i$$ #e a#$e to tran"ition to our home 1or adu$t *omen.

Pha2e Bour 3 Tran2ition to Independent @i>ing

:n order to he$' our Fgraduate"G reintegrate #ack into "ociety *ithout #eing re>a#u"ed9 re>ex'$oited9 re>tra11icked or vo$untari$y engaging in 'ro"titution9 *e *i$$ 'rovide $ong> term tran"ition through a $ive>in mentoring 'rogram admini"tered through $oca$ churche". ;5ode$ed a1ter the 5a"ter?" ,ommi""ion di"ci'$e"hi' 'rogram 1or co$$ege> age adu$t".< Tho"e *ho $eave the re"identia$ 1aci$ity *ou$d #e given the o'tion o1 "'ending another "ix month" to a year $iving *ith a ho"tCmentor 1ami$y. o They *ou$d "ign a contract *ith the ho"t 1ami$y regarding ru$e" and 'rivi$ege". o They cou$d attend "choo$ or @o#Ccareer training9 or #egin ne* @o#". !o"t 1ami$ie" *ou$d 'rovide room and #oard9 "imi$ar to ho"ting an exchange "tudent. o !o"t 1ami$ie" *ou$d go through an exten"ive "creening 'roce"" in order to #e a''roved #y their churchC'a"tor and Sold No More.

o !o"t 1ami$ie" *ou$d #e 'rovided *ith training9 inc$uding a ho"t 1ami$y manua$. Women $iving *ith mentor 1ami$ie" *ou$d #e a#$e to #egin or continue training to #ecome an advocate 1or tho"e *ho have #een "exua$$y a#u"ed and ex'$oited.


Bacility Timeline Summary

Whi$e *e are "eriou" a#out our '$an"9 *e rea$i8e that od may have other '$an" and timeta#$e". =ame" *arn" u" not to #oa"t a#out our '$an" 1or tomorro*. :n"tead9 FWhat you ought to "ay i"9 F:1 the Hord *ant" u" to9 *e *i$$ $ive and do thi" or that.G 33 We are a$"o reminded that9 F& man?" mind '$an" hi" *ay9 #ut the Hord direct" hi" "te'".G We *i$$ uti$i8e vo$unteer and 'ro1e""iona$ con"u$tant" 1rom variou" di"ci'$ine"9 inc$uding #u"ine""Cdeve$o'ment9 menta$ hea$th9 $ega$9 and medica$ to deve$o' a$$ ma@or a"'ect" o1 our 'rogram"9 mini"try9 $ega$ "tructure9 'o$icie"9 and 'rocedure". Pha2e OneE )i2ion & Planning 3 14 month"9 =anuary (cto#er 2413 o 5ake a 1ina$ determination on the $ocation o1 our re"identia$ 1aci$ity. o 5ake a 1ina$ determination on the ty'e o1 re"identia$ 1aci$ity 1or victim"C"urvivor" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitationB not $imiting it to "ex tra11icking victim"9 'roviding home" 1or #oth minor" and adu$t" o 3etermine ho* "uch a 1aci$ity i" to #e 1inanced and $aunch 1und rai"ing cam'aign Pha2e T.oE Opening ;ome for +dult Women 3 2 month"9 Novem#er 2413 =u$y 2414 Pha2e ThreeE Opening ;ome for 5irl2 $ to $% 12 month"B =u$y 2415 =u$y 241. o Begin $icen"ing 'roce"" a" "oon a" 'ro'erty $ocation i" 1ina$i8ed ;Nov. 2413< o Begin 'rogram '$anning and deve$o'ment one year a1ter home 1or adu$t *omen o'en" Pha2e BourE Tran2ition to Independent @i>ing 3 12 month"9 =anuary 3ecem#er 2410

=ame" 4B13>1..


7 3 ST+BBI05 )olunteer Staff

Eo$unteer" *ork in every area o1 Sold No MoreB a*arene"" con1erence"9 a*arene"" 're"entation"9 'revention education9 1und rai"ing activitie"9 mai$ing"9 training event" Qey grou'" o1 vo$unteer" inc$udeB o Board o1 3irector" e"ta#$i"he" the mi""ion o1 Sold No More and eva$uate" 'rogre""S "et" overa$$ 'o$icyS hire"9 advi"e"9 and eva$uate" Executive 3irectorS a''rove" annua$ #udget o Steering ,ommittee meet" month$y *ith the Executive 3irector to "hare in1ormation9 give direction9 'rovide 1eed#ack9 '$an event" 6 activitie" o &#o$ition ,on1erence ,ommittee '$anned and executed the regiona$ &#o$ition ,on1erence at the %& in =anuary 2412 o )ree to Haugh ,ommittee '$an" and execute" thi" annua$ 1und rai"ing event o Wa$k 4)reedom ,ommittee '$an" and execute" thi" annua$ 1und rai"ing event (nce our re"identia$ 1aci$ity i" o'en9 vo$unteer" *i$$ #e needed 1or con"truction9 'ainting9 re'air"9 ground" kee'ing9 routine maintenance9 cooking9 etc. o Eo$unteer hea$thcare 'ro1e""iona$" *i$$ 'rovide routine exam" and eva$uation" o Eo$unteer 1aci$itie" manager o Eo$unteer "ecurity 'ro1e""iona$" ;inc$uding 1ormer $a* en1orcement and mi$itary< *i$$ 'rovide on>"ite "ecurity

Paid Staff
2412B & 1u$$>time executive director and a ha$1>time admini"trative a""i"tant. 2413 o )u$$>time executive director o 14 hour>'er>*eek rece'tioni"tB te$e'hone9 emai$" o 14 hour>'er>*eek admini"trative a""i"tant 2414B :nc$ude" o'ening home 1or adu$t *omen o )u$$>time executive director o )u$$>time admini"trative a""i"tant o -art>time deve$o'ment director o -art>time #ookkee'er o !a$1>time rece'tioni"t o !a$1>time human re"ource manager 6 vo$unteer coordinator o !a$1>time thera'i"t o )u$$>time 'rogram director ;5SW< o (ne 1u$$>time hou"e mother and one 'art>time re$ie1 hou"e mother 2/


' 3 B708I05
)unding 1or Sold No More *i$$ come 1rom donation" #y individua$"9 churche"9 organi8ation"9 and #u"ine""e"S 1und rai"ing activitie"S and grant" 1rom non> governmenta$ organi8ation". Sold No More *i$$ not uti$i8e government 1und". )und rai"ing i" a F,atch 22G 'roce""B We need 1und" to o'en a home9 #ut mo"t 'eo'$e give a1ter they "ee a home o'ened. (ur '$an i" to $ea"e 'ro'erty *ith the o'tion to #uy9 and o'en a home 1or adu$t *omen 1air$y Iuick$y *hi$e *e 'ur"ue the 12>month 'roce"" 1or o'ening a home 1or minor".

Bund 6ai2ing +cti>itie2

)inancia$ need" *i$$ #e made kno*n through our *e#"ite9 )ace#ook 'age9 emai$"9 and 'o"ta$ mai$ing". -aid "ta11 *i$$ rai"e 54J o1 their "a$ary through 'er"ona$ 1und rai"ing activitie" &nnua$ F)ree to HaughB Haugh to )reeG comedy event &nnua$ FWa$kC7un So$d No 5oreG 3onor" *i$$ #e contacted and thanked *ithin a month a1ter making their contri#ution )inancia$ need" *i$$ #e a continua$ item 1or 'rayer

D1449444 de"ignated 1or our re"identia$ 1aci$ity 39444 checking account #a$ance end o1 2412

2412 D239444 donation" made 1or the Street$ight Tuc"on mini"try o1 the ,-, D139444 1rom individua$" /9444 1rom churche"9 organi8ation" 19444 in>kind grant 239444 Wa$kC7un So$d No 5ore 459444 ,-, genera$ 1und D /19444 Tota$ -ro@ected 2413 D 249444 449444 359444 359444 D1139444 2414 D2449444 1409444 449444 459444 donation" to genera$ 1und donation" 1or 'aid "ta11 )ree to Haugh ;inc$ude" "'on"or"< Wa$kC7un So$d No 5ore ;inc$ude" "'on"or"< D4029444


2413 D 249.44 129444 19444 144 19444 19244 344 144 19244 544 244 39444 544 444 144 444 344 544 19444 19444 F$$$*?!! 2414 D1.39444 549444 59444 544 29244 29244 .44 19444 19544 29444 544 59444 544 544 19444 344 544 39444 29444 D2419/44 Sa$arie" 6 Bene1it" )und 7ai"ing9 marketing9 -7 :n"urance ;cor'oration9 vehic$e"9 $ia#i$ity< 3ue"9 "u#"cri'tion"9 #ook" ,on1erenceCTrave$ 5i$eage reim#ur"ement ,e$$u$ar 'hone )urniture9 eIui'ment (11ice "u''$ie" ,om'uter "u''$ie" ;"o1t*are< -o"tage -rintingC,o'ying .44 Educationa$ 're"entation" Training materia$" ,ontinuing education9 "ta11 Eo$unteer Service" We#"ite" -ro1e""iona$ 1ee" &udit 6 Tax 5i"ce$$aneou" Tota$ -rogram Sta11 6 &ctivitie"

7e"identia$ Sta11 6 )aci$itie" ;12 month #udget< D1349444 Sa$arie" and Bene1it" 3.9444 Hea"e 249444 7e"ident ex'en"e" ;1ood9 c$othing9 toi$etrie"9 etc.< 29444 (11>"ite activitie" 1or re"ident" ;trave$9 $odging9 etc.< .9444 Hicen"e" 6 ,erti1ication .9444 -ro'erty 5aintenance .9444 Eehic$e 5aintenance 49444 )ue$ 29444 Hand"ca'ing 129444 %ti$itie" .9444 Security Sy"tem D2349444 Tota$ 7e"identia$ Sta11 6 )aci$itie" F?%$*#!! Total Program & 6e2idential Bacility



Gerry Peyton -re"ident 6 Executive 3irector
=erry ha" over 1orty year" o1 ex'erience in mini"tryB vi"ionary deve$o'ment9 'a"tora$ mini"try9 teaching in co$$ege and high "choo$9 and organi8ationa$ $eader"hi'9 inc$uding #ui$ding net*ork" and coa$ition" o1 churche" and mini"trie" to addre"" critica$ i""ue". !e *a" one o1 the 1ounding 'a"tor" o1 the Eineyard ,hri"tian ,ommunity in Tuc"on 1/019 and the 'rinci'a$ 1ounder o1 the Tuc"on ,ri"i" -regnancy ,enter in 1/219 the -ay"on ,hri"tian 5edica$ ,$inic in 24459 and Street$ight Tuc"on in 2414. :n addition to #eing the 1ounding director o1 So$d No 5ore9 =erry "erve" a" the head o1 the Southern &ri8ona !uman Tra11icking Ta"k )orce and a" the 'art>time dean o1 the :n"titute o1 Bi#$ica$ Studie" at North*e"t Bi#$e ,hurch in Tuc"on. =erry ha" a B& 1rom the %niver"ity o1 &ri8ona9 an 5&9 magna cum $aude9 1rom 3a$$a" Theo$ogica$ Seminary9 an 5&9 magna cum $aude9 1rom Trinity :nternationa$ %niver"ity9 and certi1ication #y the :nternationa$ !uman 7ight" :n"titute in Stra"#ourg9 )rance. =erry ha" "erved a" a 'a"tor9 co$$ege 1acu$ty mem#er9 and teacher at 3e"ert ,hri"tian !igh Schoo$ and -u"ch 7idge ,hri"tian &cademy9 #oth in Tuc"on. !e *a" a 1ire1ighter on the Tuc"on )ire 3e'artment and the city director 1or T)3?" minority recruitment 'rogram. =erry?" 'a""ion 1or @u"tice and cham'ioning the o''re""ed ha" inc$uded mini"tering to tho"e #eing #ruta$$y 'er"ecuted in Sudan9 a" the director o1 Sa1e !ar#or :nternationa$ 7e$ie1. !i" 1ir"t ma"ter?" the"i" 1ocu"ed on *omen?" i""ue"9 and hi" "econd the"i" invo$ved the deve$o'ment o1 a coa$ition o1 organi8ation" mini"tering in Sudan. )or t*o decade" =erry "'oke on "exua$ity in high "choo$" and co$$ege"9 and "erved a" the 1ounding chairman o1 the Tuc"on Sex 7e"'ect movement9 "eeking to im'$ement an a#"tinence>#a"ed "ex education 'rogram in 'u#$ic "choo$". The thread" o1 Bi#$e and *or$dvie* teaching9 @u"tice9 com'a""ion 1or the o''re""ed9 "exua$ity9 *omen?" i""ue"9 and net*orkingCcoa$ition #ui$ding are *oven throughout =erry?" $i1e and mini"try. =erry and hi" *i1e9 eorgia9 have three chi$dren and ten grandchi$dren. Their 1ir"t @o# a1ter #eing married *a" to "erve a" re"ident coun"e$or" 1or the &ri8ona "tate "choo$ 1or @uveni$e de$inIuent gir$". They have a$"o ex'erienced the deva"tation o1 chi$d "exua$ a#u"e in their o*n 1ami$y. &" a re"u$t9 mini"tering to the victim" o1 chi$d "ex tra11icking i" not a com'$ete$y ne* direction 1or them. :t i" another "te' in a "imi$ar direction.

8a>id ;illi2 Eice -re"ident

3avid ha" #een a cham'ion around the cau"e o1 1ighting again"t human tra11icking "ince 244/9 organi8ing c$ergy and #ui$ding community a*arene"" around the i""ue in centra$ and "outhern &ri8ona. 3avid i" the $ead 'a"tor o1 race ,ommunity ,hurch in Tuc"on9 having #een in 'a"tora$ mini"try "ince 1//5. !e ha" an 5.3iv. 1rom )u$$er Theo$ogica$ Seminary. !e i" married to Tere"a9 a native o1 -eru. 3avid i" 'a""ionate a#out introducing 'eo'$e to ,hri"t and he$'ing them 1ind their true identitie" in !im. !e ha" "een and ex'erienced the radica$ tran"1ormation that ,hri"t #ring" to 'eo'$eM" $ive"9 and *ant" 33

to he$' other" di"cover ,hri"tM" $ove 1or them and #e eIui''ed to take ,hri"tM" $ove to Tuc"on and the *or$d.

Gohn Patton Secretary

&n ex'erienced entre'reneur9 =ohnM" #u"ine"" "en"e and commitment to integrity continua$$y 'u"h hi" com'any to ne* $eve$". !e i" current$y the ,(( o1 &$trin"ic So$ution"9 a "o1t*are deve$o'ment com'any en@oying it" eighth year in o'eration and "erving over 054 cor'orate and government enter'ri"e cu"tomer". )ormer$y9 =ohn "erved a" :nternet -ro@ect 5anager ,on"u$tant 1or %niver"a$ Technica$ :n"titute9 $eading the team in charge o1 market "trategy9 #randing9 'rogramC'roduct deve$o'ment and de'$oyment. !e *a" the Eice -re"ident o1 The Envoy rou' in charge o1 c$ient internet "trategie"9 'roviding mini"try deve$o'ment "ervice" to nationa$ mini"trie" and ,hri"tian organi8ation" "uch a" the -re"identia$ -rayer Team9 Wor$d -rayer Team9 and 5i""ion &merica. =ohn ha" a$"o #een active in ,hurch $eader"hi' "erving in *or"hi'9 mi""ion" and menM" mini"try a" an e$der and $ay 'a"tor "ince giving hi" $i1e to =e"u" ,hri"t in 1//1.

Ed Triplett Trea"urer
Ed i" current$y retired a1ter "erving a" an o11icer in the %.S. &rmy9 and *orking 1ourteen year" *ith Ea$$ey Nationa$ Bank o1 &ri8ona ;5anager< and 1i1teen year" *ith 'er"ona$ 1ami$y im'ort #u"ine"" ; enera$ 5anager<. !e ha" a B& in -u#$icCBu"ine"" &dmini"tration 1rom %niver"ity o1 &ri8ona. Ed ha" "erved a" a vo$unteer 1or Tuc"on )ami$y 3e#t ,oun"e$or" and taught variou" community c$a""e" on credit and de#t. !e ha" "erved a" a 3eacon in hi" church and a vo$unteer marriage coun"e$or in the area o1 1inance". !e i" current$y a mem#er o1 North*e"t Bi#$e ,hurch9 "erving a" a mem#er o1 the 1inance committee. Ed ha" #een married 1or thirty>1ive year" *ith three adu$t "on" and t*o grandchi$dren

6andy 6eynold2 Board 5em#er

7andy i" the )ounder and Executive 3irector o1 ,ommunity 7ene*a$9 a ,hri"tian ,ommunity 3eve$o'ment cor'oration mo#i$i8ing the *ho$e church to #ring the *ho$e go"'e$ to the *ho$e city. 7andy cham'ion" $eader" and "erve" a" a cata$y"t in deve$o'ing ne* mini"trie". :n 1/25 7andy came to the %niver"ity o1 &ri8ona 1rom Southern ,a$i1ornia on a gymna"tic" "cho$ar"hi'. Whi$e at the %&9 he "tarted a Bi#$e "tudy that gre* to #ecome a church ca$$ed the Eineyard ,hri"tian ,ommunity9 *hich 1ocu"ed on the margina$i8ed9 hi''ie"9 home$e"" and other" *ho needed the $ove o1 ,hri"t. !e "erved there a" the 'a"tor unti$ 1/25. 7andy "tarted 7ene*a$ ,oun"e$ing in 1/25 and "erved a" it" 1ounder and executive director unti$ 2445. 3uring that time he authored and 'u#$i"hed nine #ook" and *ork#ook" inc$uding -ood .ews for /our Strong01illed Child and the Recovery 2iscovery Series *ork#ook". 34

:n 244.9 7andy "tarted ,ommunity 7ene*a$9 *ith the mi""ion o1 tran"1orming the city. !e continue" to coun"e$ 'art>time and he i" *orking on encouraging the #ody o1 ,hri"t to #ring hea$ing9 deve$o'ment and the ood Ne*" to the 'oor9 margina$i8ed9 vu$nera#$e and #roken in Tuc"on. 7andy ha" 1our chi$dren and "ix grandchi$dren.


$! 3 ;OW WE WI@@ 1E+S76E S7CCESS

O>erall Program
Since there are no hard "tati"tic" on the "ex tra11icking o1 minor" in the Tuc"on are9 *e cannot mea"ure our "ucce"" in term" o1 $o*ering tho"e num#er". Benchmark" *e *i$$ $ook 1or inc$udeB 544 'eo'$e committed to the )reedom ,oa$ition #y 3ecem#er 2413S 19444 #y 3ecem#er 2414S 19544 #y 3ecem#er 2415 24 mini"trie"9 organi8ation"9 and agencie" in the Tuc"on area invo$ved *ith the Southern &ri8ona !uman Tra11icking Ta"k )orce #y 3ecem#er 24139 25 #y 3ecem#er 24149 34 #y 3ecem#er 2415 24 o1 the 344 ,hri"tian churche" in the Tuc"on area invo$ved in at $ea"t one areaB 'rayer net*ork9 1inancia$ giving9 a*arene""Ceducation9 or re"toration #y 3ecem#er 24139 25 #y 3ecem#er 24149 34 #y 2415 24 a*arene"" 're"entation"9 inc$uding 1i$m "creening"9 to youth9 'arent"9 churche"9 civic organi8ation" in 24139 25 in 24149 34 in 2415 14 'revention 're"entation" ;F3ece'tion"G9 F:$$u"ion"G< given in midd$e and high "choo$" during 2413S 24 during 2414S 34 during 2415 (ne training event 'er year on "exua$ ex'$oitationCtra11icking geared to*ard" 'ro1e""iona$"B $a* en1orcement9 'ro"ecutor"9 "ocia$ "ervice 'rovider"9 coun"e$or"9 youth advocate"9 mini"ter"9 hea$thcare 'ro1e""iona$" 4>5 ne*" media ;te$evi"ion9 radio9 ne*"'a'er< "torie"Cintervie*" 'er year on "exua$ ex'$oitationCtra11icking 1>2 *omen or men invo$ved in our mini"try ;"uch a" the graduate "tudent mentor"< every 4>5 year" #ecoming invo$ved 1u$$>time in humanC"ex tra11icking mini"try 34J increa"e in the arre"t and 'ro"ecution o1 tho"e invo$ved in "ex tra11icking o1 minor" ;'im'" and @ohn"< each year o1 2413 2415

6e2idential Treatment Program

(ccu'ancy 6 -artici'ation 4>5 *omen in our "a1e home 1or adu$t" during 24149 .>14 each year therea1ter o & ratio o1 1 "ta11 to 3 re"ident"B director9 thera'i"t9 hou"e mother 4>5 gir$" in our "a1e home 1or minor" during 24159 .>14 each year therea1ter o & ratio o1 more than 1 "ta11 to 2 re"ident"B director9 thera'i"t9 hou"e mother9 one graduate "tudent mentor to every t*o re"ident" 24J o1 the gir$"C*omen *ho enter our 'rogram com'$ete the 'rogram 2>3 *omen invo$ved in our $ong>term tran"ition 'rogram during 24109 4>5 each year therea1ter 1>2 Fgraduate"G o1 our 'rogram every 3>4 year" #ecoming invo$ved in "exua$ ex'$oitationCtra11icking mini"try ;i.e. "'eaker"9 a*arene""Ceducationa$ 36

're"enter"< -"ycho$ogica$ &""e""ment" Each re"ident in our home 1or *omen and our home 1or gir$" *i$$ #e given "tandardi8ed '"ycho$ogica$ a""e""ment" "uch a"B o Trauma Sym'tom" :nventory mea"ure" degree" o1 -TS3 o Trauma 6 &ttachment Be$ie1" Sca$e tra11icking victim" do not tru"t adu$t" o ,ognitive 3i"tortion Sca$e o 3i""ociative Ex'erience" Sca$e di""ociation i" very common *ith tra11icking victim" o &du$t &ttachment :ntervie* ;&&:< not a "e$1 te"t o S'iritua$ We$$>Being Sca$e *ho$e>'er"on hea$ing i" e""entia$ o !eart$and )orgivene"" Sca$e 1orgivene"" ;not reconci$iation< i" key in hea$ing o od :mage :nventory ex'$oitation victim" o1ten #$ame od Benchmark a""e""ment" *i$$ #e given u'on entry into the treatment 'rogram o &""e""ment" every 3>4 month" therea1ter 5ea"ura#$e9 "igni1icant im'rovement evidenced #yB o )ir"t>hand re'ort" #y 'rogram director9 thera'i"t"9 mentor"9 hou"e mother" o Standardi8ed '"ycho$ogica$ a""e""ment"

7ecidivi"m He"" than 14J recidivi"m rate 1or gir$"C*omen "ucce""1u$$y com'$eting our 'rogramB not returning to "exua$ addiction"9 "ex tra11icking9 or vo$untary 'ro"titution


$$ 3 ST6E05T;S & WE+40ESSES 3 OPPO6T70ITIES & T;6E+TS

The ,ri"i" -regnancy ,enter" o1 Tuc"on ha" generou"$y given their 'er"ona$ #$e""ing and 1inancia$ "u''ort9 'rovided 1ree o11ice "'ace and eIui'ment9 and ex'o"ed our mini"try to the thou"and" o1 'eo'$e invo$ved in their mini"try. -u#$ic a*arene"" o1 humanC"ex tra11icking and a de"ire to mini"ter to it" victim" ha" #een increa"ing dramatica$$y in the %.S. over the 'a"t decade. o 5a@or ne*" "torie" and documentarie" on humanC"ex tra11icking are a''earing "evera$ time" a month on te$evi"ion and in nationa$ ne*" maga8ine" and 'a'er". o The Street$ight Tuc"on "'on"ored &#o$ition ,on1erence at the %& *a" a ma@or #oo"t in 'u#$ic a*arene"" regarding humanC"ex tra11icking in "outhern &ri8ona. o The 3ome"tic 5inor Sex Tra11icking Training Event *a" a ma@or #oo"t in a*arene"" 1or 'ro1e""iona$" in $a* en1orcement9 "ocia$ "ervice"9 and youth *ork We have #ecome the go>to organi8ation *hen it come" to com#ating "ex tra11icking in "outhern &ri8ona. o :ndividua$ 'eo'$e9 churche" and organi8ation" ca$$ u" *ith Iue"tion" and ti'" on 'o""i#$e tra11icking ca"e". o -ro"tituted *omen come to u". o Ne*" media contact u" 1or intervie*". We have #een #$e""ed *ith exce$$ent vo$unteer" and 'aid "ta11. :nvo$vement in regiona$ and nationa$ con1erence" during the 'a"t t*o year" ha" 'rovided u" *ith inva$ua#$e in1ormation regardingB o The nature and extent o1 "ex tra11icking o -reventing "exua$ ex'$oitationCtra11icking through 'u#$ic a*arene"" o Ha*" re$ating to "ex tra11icking *hat?" changed and *hat need" to change o The va$ue and nece""ity o1 anti>tra11icking ta"k 1orce" o Treating victim"C"urvivor" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitationCtra11icking :denti1ying and intervie*ing victim" -roviding e11ective treatmentCthera'y ('ening and o'erating re"identia$ treatment 1aci$itie" We have e"ta#$i"hed good9 *orking 'artner"hi'" *ith "evera$ governmenta$ agencie"9 churche"9 1aith>#a"ed mini"trie" and civic organi8ation". :nvo$vement *ith the %.S. 3e'artment o1 =u"tice?" (11ice o1 =uveni$e =u"tice -rogram" ha" #een e"'ecia$$y he$'1u$ in deve$o'ing a coordinated9 community> *ide e11ort that i" $inked to nationa$ 'rogram" to com#at "ex tra11icking. 3+

:nvo$vement *ith &#o$ition :nternationa$ She$ter &""ociation ha" #een e"'ecia$$y he$'1u$ in net*orking *ith exi"ting home" 1or victim" and in '$anningC're'aring to o'en our home" in com'$iance *ith e"ta#$i"hed "tandard" and 'ractice".

5any in $a* en1orcement remain unconvinced that there i" a "igni1icant 'ro#$em *ith "ex tra11icking in -ima ,ounty. & "enior $a* en1orcement o11icer in Tuc"on F"tart$edG anti>tra11icking o11icia$" 1rom -o$and9 Fdec$aring that there *ere hard$y any human tra11icking ca"e" in Tuc"on. !e "ugge"ted that 'erha'" other &ri8ona citie" ;"ay9 -hoenix< exaggerated their "tati"tic" #ecau"e there *a" 1edera$ money attached to 1ighting tra11icking. !o*ever9 he conceded that the Tuc"on 'o$ice did not $ook 1or tra11icking ca"e"9 re$ying in"tead on 'eo'$e re'orting "u"'iciou" activitie".G34 o There i" no Eice %nit in any $a* en1orcement agency in "outhern &ri8ona. Not one $a* en1orcement agent i" "'eci1ica$$y a""igned to human or "ex tra11icking. o There ha" on$y #een one arre"t and 'ro"ecution in -ima ,ounty 1or "ex tra11icking a minor. Whi$e the ca"e *a" hand$ed very *e$$9 the gir$ *a" 1ound Faccidenta$$yG *hi$e 'o$ice *ere inve"tigating an unre$ated crime. No one *a" $ooking 1or the victim. o -artici'ation in the Southern &ri8ona !uman Tra11icking Ta"k )orce #y $a* en1orcement 'ro1e""iona$" ha" dec$ined dramatica$$y "ince 5ay 2412. Some ca"e" o1 'o""i#$e "ex tra11icking that *ere re'orted to $a* en1orcement in 2412 *ere not hand$ed *e$$ #y the re"'onding o11icer". )ema$e minor" and their adu$t "u'ervi"or" re'orted that "ome o11icer" interrogated the victim" a" i1 they *ere crimina$"9 u"ing 1ou$ $anguage and making threat". &" a re"u$t9 the victim" re1u"ed to coo'erate and the "u'ervi"ing adu$t" "aid they *ou$d no $onger re'ort "uch ca"e" to $a* en1orcement9 a" their a#i$ity to *ork *ith the gir$" *a" de"troyed or "eriou"$y damaged. Not 'roviding direct "ervice" to minor" invo$ved in "exua$ ex'$oitation and not having a treatment 1aci$ity ha" great$y ham'ered our e11ort" to engage vo$unteer"9 churche"9 and other organi8ation". :t ha" a$"o "igni1icant$y dimini"hed our a#i$ity to rai"e 1und". Since the ,ri"i" -regnancy ,enter" o1 Tuc"on *i$$ no $onger "u''$y ha$1 o1 our o'erationa$ ex'en"e"Aa$though they *i$$ continue to 'artner *ith u"9 'roviding 1ree o11ice "'aceA*e *i$$ need to more than dou#$e our donation". o 5onth$y ;or other regu$ar< donation" amount to $e"" than D19444 a month. Without committed9 regu$ar donation" *e cannot '$an or #udget our 'rogram. o (rgani8ation" *ith grant o''ortunitie" have #een re$uctant to give grant" to a ne*9 "tartu' organi8ation. 3/

There i" a great o''ortunity 1or 1urther uniting 'eo'$e in "outhern &ri8ona in a common mi""ion that re1$ect" the very heart o1 odB hi" $ove and @u"tice. There may #e an un'recedented o''ortunity 1or uniting churche" in "outhern &ri8ona in "erving and co$$a#orating *ith $oca$ governmenta$9 "ocia$9 and educationa$ entitie". There i" a go$den o''ortunity to 'rovide 1or "outhern &ri8ona "omething that i" de"'erate$y needed #ut "ore$y $ackingB a hea$ing home 1or victim" o1 "exua$ ex'$oitation.

Thi" mini"try *i$$ #e o''o"ed in every *ay 'o""i#$e #y the enemy o1 our "ou$" and #y the 1orce" o1 evi$ that 'ro1it 1rom "exua$ ex'$oitation. There i" ri"k 1rom the 'er'etrator" o1 ex'$oitation9 #oth 1or the victim"C"urvivor" a" *e$$ a" 1or their caregiver". Thi" mini"try *i$$ emotiona$$y9 "'iritua$$y and 'hy"ica$$y tax everyone *ho i" invo$ved9 e"'ecia$$y tho"e 'roviding direct care to the victim"C"urvivor". ,are 1or the caregiver" mu"t #e *e$$ '$anned and 1aith1u$$y executed. Everyone invo$ved *i$$ need to maintain a c$o"e *a$k *ith the Hord9 inc$uding a vigi$ant 'rayer $i1e and regu$ar time" 1or re1re"hing and rene*a$.



1 2

5atthe* 25B32>4..

Brian Qo$odie@chuk9 ed.9 'other Teresa, Come 3e 'y 4ight% The #rivate 1ritings of the 5Saint of Calcutta6 ;N+B 3ou#$eday9 2440<9 343.
3 4

,hi$d Ex'$oitation and (#"cenity Section 24409 ***.u"do@.govCcrimina$Cceo"C'ro"titution.htm$.

!. !ammer9 3. )inke$hor9 6 &. Sed$ak9 F7una*ay C Thro*na*ay ,hi$drenB Nationa$ E"timate" and ,haracteri"tic".G FNationa$ :ncidence Studie" o1 5i""ing9 &#ducted9 7una*ay9 and Thro*na*ay ,hi$drenG ;(11ice o1 =uveni$e =u"tice and 3e$inIuency -revention9 2442<. Wor$d !o'e :nternationa$9 The .ational Report on 2omestic 'inor Se! TraffickingB 7merica8s #rostituted Children ;&r$ington9 E&B Wor$d !o'e :nternationa$9 244/<9 .0. 6 htt'BCCa8"tarnet.comCne*"C$oca$Cartic$eU21c2a014>0511>5e.#>#541>422.a#4a02aa.htm$. &ri8ona Su'erior ,ourt in -ima ,ounty )e$ony ca"e 1i$ing" detai$ed #y charge )+1//3C1//4 through )+244/C2414. Nationa$ :n"titute o1 =u"tice 6 ,enter" 1or 3i"ea"e ,ontro$ 6 -revention. #revalence, +ncidence and Consequences of (iolence 7gainst 1omen Survey, 1//2. / %.S. Bureau o1 =u"tice Stati"tic"9 Se! Offenses and Offenders9 1//0.
1, 11 + % 5

7. War"a*9 + .ever Called it Rape ;Ne* +orkB !ar'er,o$$in"9 1//4<.

3oug$a"9 Q. &. et a$. O7e"u$t" )rom the 1//5 Nationa$ ,o$$ege !ea$th 7i"k Behavior Survey.O Journal of 7merican College Health 4. ;1//0<B 55>... T. ,. 3avi"9 . V. -eck9 and =. 5. Storment9 O&cIuaintance 7a'e and the !igh Schoo$ Student.O Journal of 7dolescent Health 14 ;1//3<B 224>24. 13 ,. 5. 7enni"on9 ONationa$ ,rime Eictimi8ation Survey9 ,rimina$ Eictimi8ation 2441B ,hange" 1rom 2444>2441 *ith Trend" 1//3>2441O ;Wa"hington9 3.,.B %.S. 3e'artment o1 =u"tice9 Bureau o1 =u"tice Stati"tic"9 N,= 1204409 2442<. 14 Wor$d !ea$th (rgani8ation. 2442. Nationa$ ,enter 1or 5i""ing 6 Ex'$oited ,hi$dren F:nternet Sex ,rime" &gain"t 5inor"B The 7e"'on"e o1 Ha* En1orcementG ;EirginiaB Nationa$ ,enter 1or 5i""ing 6 Ex'$oited ,hi$dren9 2443<.
16 1% 1+ 15 12

N2!2 )i$tering Service -re"" 7e$ea"e9 2C2C41. F,om#ating -edo'hi$e :n1ormation Net*ork" in Euro'e9G 5arch 2443.

Qa11ie 5c,u$$ough9 F& )uture. Not & -a"tG9 =uveni$e =u"tice )und ;Shared !o'e :nternationa$M" FThe Nationa$ 7e'ort on 3ome"tic 5inor Sex Tra11ickingB &merica?" -ro"tituted ,hi$dren9G 244/< '. 1/. 1/ Red Herring 'aga9ine 9 1C12C42. =erry 7o'e$ato9 FTo' Ten 7evie*"9G ;To' Ten 7evie*"9 :nc.9 5 3ecem#er9 2445< htt'BCCinternet> 1i$ter>revie*....'ornogra'hy>"tati"tic".htm$. +ou ov re"earch and a "tudy #y chi$d #ehaviora$ ex'ert Tanya Byron9 ***.dai$ymai$.co.ukCne*"Cartic$e>13321.5CThird>'u'i$">aged>14>vie*>'orn>internet.htm$W 22 htt'BCCinternet>1i$ter>revie*.to'tenrevie*".comCinternet>'ornogra'hy>"tati"tic".htm$. Sean Barney9 Senior -o$icy &dvi"or FThe -orn Standard9 ,hi$dren and -ornogra'hy on the :nternet9 & Third Way 7e'ort9G #y9 =u$y 2445. 3onna 7ich !ughe"9 :ids Online% #rotecting /our Children in Cy erspace9 'u#$i"hed #y )$eming !. 7eve$$9 Baker Book !ou"e ,om'any9 rand 7a'id"9 5:9 1//29 '. 22. 34 FEva$uation" 1rom -o$i"h overnmenta$ rou' on !uman Tra11icking9G :ntervie*" conducted in Tuc"on9 5ay 13>1.9 2412.
24 23 21 2,

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