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Lesson Plan Guideline

Superior University

Health and Safety Environment Module Handbook


Lesson Plan Guideline

Sr. No


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12. 1!. 1".

Course delivery arrangement Course instru tors Course introdu tion Course aims Course overage Student gain Tea &ing and learning met&odologies %.1. Lectures %.2. Case studies %.!. Class activities %.". Presentations Assessments '.1. Quizzes '.2. Exam Papers '.!. Assignments and pro ects i. !id term assignment ii. "inal#$erm pro ect Le ture )lan +rading o, ourse A ademi and dis i)linary )oli ies 11.1. Late su'missions 11.2. A'senteeism 11.!. (c)olastic )onest* 11.". Plagiarism 11.#. Cover s)eet Class rules and regulations Assessment +PA and )er entages A))endi-es i. (ample Paper

3 3 4 4 5 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 %5 %8 &% &% &% &% &% && && && &3 &5 &5 &+



Lesson Plan Guideline

1.1 Tea'hin( Staff Module Tutor Name oom and )uildin( *hone Num+er Email Consultation Hours Wing Commander (R ) Nadeem Ansari Avn / Admin Block 032 ! "23330 #argod$ain2002%&a$oo'com 02(00)M *o 03(00)M

1., Course Delivery Arran(ements Course Name and Code- Heal*$ and #a+e*& ,nvironmen* Credit Hours- 03 !e'ture Duration- 3(00 $rs in a -eek DayTime.rida&s " " $rs! / 0 $rs

#enue- Avia*ion Class Room No 23 ,. Course "ntrodu'tion

1$is course 2rovides develo2men* o+ kno-ledge and skills *o rein+orce *$e a**i*udes and be$aviors re3uired +or sa+e and environmen*all& sound -ork $abi*s' ,m2$asis is on sa+e*&4 $eal*$4 and environmen*al issues in *$e 2er+ormance o+ all 5ob *asks and regula*or& com2liance issues' 6n *$e indus*r&4 -orkers deal -i*$ $a7ardous ma*erials' #a+e*& 2rograms and governmen* regula*ions are in 2lace *o 2ro*ec* *$e $eal*$ and sa+e*& o+ 2lan* 2ersonnel as -ell as *o 2ro*ec* and im2rove *$e environmen*' 1$is course e82lains common $a7ards4 $o-orkers are 2ro*ec*ed4 and 2recau*ions *aken *o ensure a sa+e -ork2lace and environmen*'

Lesson Plan Guideline

*ro(ramSemester*re e0uisitesFollo1 UpB# Avia*ion Managemen* "*$ Avia*ion back ground Session- 20 !20 "

Te2t )oo3-

Easy Guide to Health and Safety By

Phil Hughes MBE and Liz Hughes

.. Course Aims 1o 2rovide an o22or*uni*& +or s*uden*s *o s*ud& *$e avia*ion business 2lanning4 marke*ing4 +inancial s*ra*eg&4 $uman resources4 adminis*ra*ion4 and in+orma*ion services' 1$e vie-2oin*s *aken in *$e course -ill allo- gradua*es *o 2la& a signi+ican* role in *$ose air!*rans2or*a*ion develo2men* +ields in *$e +u*ure4 -$ere +i8ed base o2era*ors re3uiremen*s are a signi+ican* issue' B& *$e end o+ *$is 2rogramme(
' #*uden*s -ill iden*i+& and de+ine *$e various *&2es o+ #a+e*&4 Heal*$4 and ,nvironmen*al $a7ards using *$e correc* *erminolog&' 2' #*uden*s -ill demons*ra*e kno-ledge o+ sa+e*& devices4 e3ui2men*4 and 2rocedures *$a* are a22ro2ria*e +or di++eren* circums*ances' 3' #*uden*s -ill iden*i+& and de+ine *$e various *&2es o+ governmen* regula*ions and agencies *$a* are designed *o 2ro*ec* $eal*$4 sa+e*&4 and *$e environmen*' "' #*uden*s -ill demons*ra*e kno-ledge o+ moni*oring e3ui2men*4 and 2rocedures *$a* are a22ro2ria*e +or di++eren* circums*ances' 0' #*uden*s -ill iden*i+& and de+ine *$e various *&2es o+ ,mergenc& Res2onse and associa*ed )ersonal )ro*ec*ion ,3ui2men* using *$e correc* *erminolog&'

/. Course Covera(eHealth and Safety Environment Areas covered include avia*ion business 2lanning4 avia*ion marke*ing4 +inancial s*ra*eg&4 $uman resources4 adminis*ra*ion4 and in+orma*ion services' .lig$* line4 +ron* desk4 +lig$* o2era*ions4 and avia*ion main*enance ac*ivi*ies are discussed alongside *$eir relevan* regula*or& con*e8*s . 6den*i+&ing *$e .i8ed Base 92era*ors4 Airs2ace anal&sis and #urrounding obs*ruc*ions' Minimum #*andards +or +i8ed Base 92era*ors4 Avia*ion .uel #ale and Avia*ion Main*enance and Re2air' 4

Lesson Plan Guideline

Outline Chapter 1 What is health and safety all about? 1 #ummar& ' 6n*roduc*ion '2 W$& is $eal*$ and sa+e*& suc$ an im2or*an* *o2ic: '3 W$a* is $eal*$ and sa+e*& all abou*: '" Role and +unc*ion o+ o*$er e8*ernal agencies '0 ;e**ing s*ar*ed < $a7ards4 risk assessmen* and con*rol '= Ho- do &ou make a risk assessmen*: A22endi8 ' Ha7ard 2rom2*s A22endi8 '2 Risk assessmen* record s$ee* A22endi8 '3 ,8am2le o+ risk assessmen*s com2le*ed using a slig$* varia*ions on *$e record +orms Chapter 2 Managing health and safety #ummar& 2' ;eneral managemen* res2onsibili*ies 2'2 9rganise *$e -ork so *$a* i* is sa+e 2'3 Heal*$ and sa+e*& assis*ance 2'" )rovide ade3ua*e su2ervision 2'0 )rovide in+orma*ion4 ins*ruc*ion and *raining 2'= Moni*or and revie- o+ $eal*$ and sa+e*& 2er+ormance 2'/ Ma5or occu2a*ional $eal*$ and sa+e*& managemen* s&s*ems A22endi8 2' Heal*$ and #a+e*& < Ho- do &ou com2l&: A22endi8 2'2 ,8am2le o+ a sim2le $eal*$ and sa+e*& 2olic& A22endi8 2'3 ,8am2le c$ecklis* +or -ork2lace audi*s (-alk!*$roug$ ins2ec*ion) Chapter . Frame1or3 of health4 safety and fire la1 #ummar& 3' >egal +rame-ork 3'2 W$a* *$e H#W Ac* re3uires 3'3 Managemen* Regula*ions 3'" Consul*a*ion and sa+e*& re2resen*a*ives 3'0 #a+e*& signs and no*ices 3'= C$ecklis*s +or s*ar*ing a ne- business A22endi8 3' ?our $eal*$4 &our sa+e*&( A guide +or -orkers Chapter / Control of safety ha5ards #ummar& "' 1$e -ork2lace and basic -el+are "'2 Movemen* o+ 2eo2le and ve$icles "'3 @riving +or -ork "'" .ire "'0 ,lec*rici*& 5

Lesson Plan Guideline

"'= Work e3ui2men* "'/ Manual $andling "'A #li2s and *ri2s "'B Working a* $eig$* (WAH) "' 0 Con+ined s2aces A22endi8 "' Manual $andling risk assessmen* Chapter 6 Ha5ardous su+stan'es 7 Health ha5ards #ummar& 0' Ha7ardous subs*ances 0'2 Asbes*os 0'3 @erma*i*is 0'" @rug and alco$ol 2olic& a* -ork 0'0 >egionnaires C disease 0'= )ersonal 2ro*ec*ive e3ui2men* 0'/ #moke+ree -ork2laces A22endi8 0' C9#HH assessmen* +orms A22endi8 0'2 #moke+ree 2olic& A22endi8 0'3 #moke+ree sign Chapter 8 *hysi'al and psy'holo(i'al health ha5ards #ummar& =' @is2la& screen e3ui2men* and com2u*er -orks*a*ions ='2 Musculoskele*al disorders ='3 Noise ='" #*ress ='0 Dibra*ion ='= Diolence and bull&ing A22endi8 =' Works*a*ion sel+ assessmen* c$ecklis* Chapter 9 Constru'tion and 'ontra'tors #ummar& /' 6n*roduc*ion /'2 Con*rac*ors /'3 #u22liers /'" W$a* 2eo2le need *o kno/'0 Cons*ruc*ion and main*enance 5obs /'= )roviding a $eal*$ and sa+e*& me*$od s*a*emen* /'/ #ubcon*rac*ing -ork /'A #a+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors /'B Working -i*$ a 2ermi*!*o!-ork s&s*em /' 0 Cons*ruc*ion $a7ards A22endi8 /' #am2le sa+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors A22endi8 /'2 Heal*$ and #a+e*& C$ecklis* +or con*rac*ors Chapter : A''idents and emer(en'ies #ummar& A' 6n*roduc*ion 6

Lesson Plan Guideline

A'2 Acciden*s can cos* a grea* deal A'3 Causes o+ acciden*s A'" ,mergenc& 2rocedures A'0 6nves*iga*ing acciden*s and inciden*s A'= Acciden* book A'/ Re2or*ing o+ acciden*s A'A .irs* aid A'B Role and 2o-ers o+ en+orcemen* o++icers A' 0 6nsurance claims A22endi8 A' Manager Cs inciden*/acciden* re2or* A22endi8 A'2 ,8am2le o+ a s$o2 emergenc& 2rocedure Chapter ; HSE fa'tors at airport B' !!! 6ndus*r&!#2eci+ic 6m2ac*s and Managemen* B'2 E )er+ormance 6ndica*ors and Moni*oring B'3 E Re+erences Anne8 A E ;eneral @escri2*ion o+ 6ndus*r& Ac*ivi*ies 6. Student %ain Classifi'ation Topi's A* *$e end o+ *$is module4 success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o( 6n*roduce H#, @escribe -$& is $eal*$ and sa+e*& suc$ an im2or*an* *o2ic: @e+ine -$a* is $eal*$ and sa+e*& all abou*: 6den*i+& *$e roles and +unc*ions o+ o*$er e8*ernal agencies Calcula*e < $a7ards4 risk assessmen* and con*rol )re2are a risk assessmen* documen*:

Week 1 What is health and safety all about?

Week 2 Managing health and safety

A* *$e end o+ *$is module4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( ;eneral managemen* res2onsibili*ies 9rganise *$e -ork so *$a* i* is sa+e Heal*$ and sa+e*& assis*ance )rovide ade3ua*e su2ervision

Lesson Plan Guideline

<ee3 . Managing health and safety

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( F Ho- *o 2rovide ade3ua*e su2ervision F )rovide in+orma*ion4 ins*ruc*ion and *raining F Moni*or and revie- o+ $eal*$ and sa+e*& 2er+ormance F Abou* ma5or occu2a*ional $eal*$ and sa+e*& managemen* s&s*ems

<ee3 / A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o Frame1or3 of learn abou*( health4 safety and F >egal +rame-ork fire la1 F W$a* *$e H#W Ac* re3uires F Managemen* Regula*ions

<ee3=6 A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o Frame1or3 of learn abou*( health4 safety and F Consul*a*ion and sa+e*& re2resen*a*ives fire la1 F #a+e*& signs and no*ices F C$ecklis*s +or s*ar*ing a ne- business F ?our $eal*$4 &our sa+e*&( A guide +or -orkers

Lesson Plan Guideline

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 8 Control of safety ha5ards 1$e -ork2lace and basic -el+are Movemen* o+ 2eo2le and ve$icles @riving +or -ork .ire ,lec*rici*&

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 9 Control of safety ha5ards Work e3ui2men* Manual $andling #li2s and *ri2s Working a* $eig$* (WAH) Con+ined s2aces Manual $andling risk assessmen*

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 : Ha5ardous su+stan'es 7 Health ha5ards Ha7ardous subs*ances Asbes*os @erma*i*is @rug and alco$ol 2olic& a* -ork >egionnaires C disease

Lesson Plan Guideline

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 ; Ha5ardous su+stan'es 7 Health ha5ards )ersonal 2ro*ec*ive e3ui2men* #moke+ree -ork2laces C9#HH assessmen* +orms #moke+ree 2olic& #moke+ree sign

<ee3 1> *hysi'al and psy'holo(i'al health ha5ards

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( @is2la& screen e3ui2men* and com2u*er -orks*a*ions Musculoskele*al disorders Noise #*ress

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 11 *hysi'al and psy'holo(i'al health ha5ards #*ress Dibra*ion Diolence and bull&ing Works*a*ion sel+ assessmen* c$ecklis*


Lesson Plan Guideline

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 1, Constru'tion and 'ontra'tors 6n*roduc*ion Con*rac*ors #u22liers W$a* 2eo2le need *o knoCons*ruc*ion and main*enance 5obs )roviding a $eal*$ and sa+e*& me*$od s*a*emen*

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 1. Constru'tion and 'ontra'tors #ubcon*rac*ing -ork #a+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors Working -i*$ a 2ermi*!*o!-ork s&s*em Cons*ruc*ion $a7ards #am2le sa+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors Heal*$ and #a+e*& C$ecklis* +or con*rac*ors

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( <ee3 1/ A''idents and emer(en'ies 6n*roduc*ion Acciden*s can cos* a grea* deal Causes o+ acciden*s ,mergenc& 2rocedures 6nves*iga*ing acciden*s and inciden*s


Lesson Plan Guideline

A* *$e end o+ *$is session4 *$e success+ul s*uden*s -ill be able *o learn abou*( Acciden* book Re2or*ing o+ acciden*s .irs* aid Role and 2o-ers o+ en+orcemen* o++icers 6nsurance claims Manager Cs inciden*/acciden* re2or* ,8am2le o+ a s$o2 emergenc& 2rocedure

<ee3 16 A''idents and emer(en'ies

8. Tea'hin( and !earnin( &ethodolo(y 8.1 !e'tures>ec*ures seek *o make accessible *o s*uden*s *$e module and 2rogramme aims in addi*ion *o crucial background and +ac*ual kno-ledge' 6n*erac*ive lec*ures -ill in*roduce *$e conce2*s4 *$eories and a22lica*ion o+ *$e sub5ec* using relevan* e8am2les' #*uden*s -ill be asked 3ues*ions and are e82ec*ed *o discuss ma*erial +rom 2revious -eeks' Handou*s -ill ou*line *$e 2rinci2les o+ *$e me*$ods and give e8am2les rela*ed *o di++eren* researc$ *ec$ni3ues' #*uden*s -ould be +ree *o ask an& 3ues*ion rela*ed *o *$e sub5ec* ma**er during and a+*er lec*ures' 8., Case studies Darious case s*udies rela*ed *o avia*ion $ave been 2re2ared and -ill be 2rovided *o s*uden*s so *$a* *$e& can unders*and and anal&se various conce2*s and issues rela*ed *o academic and 2rac*ical researc$' 1$is -ill $el2 *$em in rela*ing *$eore*ical conce2*s *o 2rac*ical si*ua*ions and also in develo2ing *$eir anal&sis and s&n*$esis skills' 8.. Class a'tivities @i++eren* *&2es o+ ac*ivi*ies -ill be used in *$e class no* onl& *o en$ance s*uden*sC learning bu* also *o s*imula*e *$eir in*eres* *o-ards *$e 2rac*ical a22lica*ion o+ *$e *o2ics' Class ac*ivi*ies include( individual and group discussions, reading and analysis based activities, extempore presentations, role playing, e*c' 8./ *resentations12

Lesson Plan Guideline

.ormal and in+ormal 2resen*a*ions -ill be conduc*ed in class *o allo- s*uden*s *o gain cons*ruc*ive +eedback +rom *$eir course ins*ruc*ors and 2eers regarding *$eir assignmen*s and 2ro5ec*s' 1$is is also *$e -a& *$roug$ -$ic$ s*uden*s can demons*ra*e and im2rove 2resen*a*ion skills' 9. Assessments a. ?ui55es 1o ensure *$e increased learning and memorisa*ion o+ lec*ures b& *$e s*uden*s *$e sc$eduled and unsc$eduled class 3ui77es -ill be carried ou*' +. E2am *apers Mid and +inal *erm e8ams -ill be conduc*ed in order *o evalua*e *$e s*uden*s learning and *$eir unders*anding o+ *$e conce2*s' ,8am 2a2er -ill $el2 in assessing *$e kno-ledge4 com2re$ension4 anal&*ical and s&n*$esis skills o+ s*uden*s (sam2le 2a2ers are a**ac$ed in anne8ure b)' 1$e de*ail o+ *$e con*en* coverage in eac$ *erm 2a2er is discussed belo-( &id term paper Health and Safety Environment Mid *erm 2a2er consis*s o+ ob5ec*ive and sub5ec*ive 2ar*s' 9b5ec*ive 2a2er consis*s o+ 0 MCGs/ 1rue < .alse o+ 20 marks' #ub5ec*ive 2a2er -ill be +ur*$er subdivided in *o *$ree 2ar* as described belo-(! *art=1 Case Study A case s*ud& rela*ed *o Heal*$ and sa+e*& environmen* / sub5ec* -ill be given *o *$e s*uden*s +or anal&sis' A 3ues*ionnaire -ill be 2rovided *o *$e s*uden*s +or e82laining *$e con*en*s and making anal&sis' *art="" !on( ?uestions 9ne or *-o long 3ues*ions -ill be given *o *$e s*uden*s de2ending u2on *$e na*ure and *ime o+ *$e 2a2er' 1o*al Marks 20 +or eac$ 3ues*ion *art=""" 13 1o*al Marks 20

Lesson Plan Guideline

Short ?uestions 1$is 2ar* con*ains 0" s$or* 3ues*ions +rom *$e s&llabus' ,ac$ 3ues*ion -ill be e82lained in brie+' 1o*al Marks 00 marks eac$' &id term paper 1ill +e of :> mar3s. "ts 1ei(hta(e 1ill +e 'al'ulated as .>.

Final term paper Health and safety environment .inal *erm 2a2er consis*s o+ ob5ec*ive and sub5ec*ive 2ar*s' 9b5ec*ive 2a2er consis*s o+ 0 MCGs/ 1rue < .alse o+ 20 marks' #ub5ec*ive 2a2er -ill be +ur*$er subdivided in *o *$ree 2ar* as described belo-(! )ar*! Case #*ud& A case s*ud& rela*ed *o avia*ion / sub5ec* -ill be given *o *$e s*uden*s +or anal&sis' A 3ues*ionnaire -ill be 2rovided *o *$e s*uden*s +or e82laining *$e con*en*s and making anal&sis' *art="" !on( ?uestions 9ne or *-o long 3ues*ions -ill be given *o *$e s*uden*s de2ending u2on *$e na*ure and *ime o+ *$e 2a2er' 1o*al Marks 20 +or eac$ 3ues*ion *art=""" Short ?uestions 1$is 2ar* con*ains 0" s$or* 3ues*ions +rom *$e s&llabus' Conce2*ual 3ues*ion -ill be given *o c$eck *$e de2*$ o+ kno-ledge and conce2*s abou* *$e sub5ec*' 1o*al Marks 20 eac$' Final term paper 1ill +e of :> mar3s. "ts 1ei(hta(e 1ill +e 'al'ulated as />. '. Assi(nments and pro@e'ts i. &idterm assi(nment 14 00 marks 1o*al Marks 20

Lesson Plan Guideline


is3 assessment Survey

Health and safety arran(ements 1. is3 assessments

Risk assessmen*s -ill be under*aken b& Hus*in @oi* -$o -ill be res2onsible *o ensure *$a* *$e signi+ican* +indings are recorded and ac*ioned' 1$e assessmen*s -ill be revie-ed annuall& or -$en *$e -ork ac*ivi*& c$anges4 -$ic$ever is soones*' ,. Consultation 1ith employees 1$e Com2an& recogni7es *$e du*ies im2osed b& *$e Heal*$ and #a+e*& (Consul*a*ion -i*$ ,m2lo&ees) Regula*ions BB=' 1$is gives rig$*s *o em2lo&ees *o be consul*ed and be 2rovided -i*$ $eal*$ and sa+e*& in+orma*ion' All em2lo&ees -ill be consul*ed direc*l& on $eal*$ and sa+e*& ma**ers4 *$roug$ regular *eam mee*ings' .. Safe plant and e0uipment Ree @oi* is res2onsible +or iden*i+&ing all e3ui2men*/2lan* needing main*enance' #$e -ill be res2onsible *o ensure e++ec*ive main*enance 2rocedures are dra-n u2 and im2lemen*ed' Ree @oi* -ill c$eck *$a* ne- 2lan* and e3ui2men* mee*s $eal*$ and sa+e*& s*andards be+ore i* is 2urc$ased' /. Safe handlin( and use of su+stan'es Hus*in @oi* -ill be res2onsible +or iden*i+&ing all subs*ances4 -$ic$ need a C9#HH (Con*rol o+ #ubs*ances Ha7ardous *o Heal*$ Regula*ions) assessmen*' Hus*in @oi* -ill be res2onsible +or under*aking C9#HH assessmen*s and im2lemen*ing ac*ions as necessar&' He -ill revie- *$e assessmen*s annuall& or -$en c$anges are made -$ic$ever is soones*' 6. "nformation4 instru'tion and supervision 1$e Heal*$ and #a+e*& >a- lea+l e*s $ave been given *o all em2lo&ees and/or *$e Heal*$ and #a+e la- 2os*er is dis2la&ed a* *$e en*rance' Heal*$ and sa+e*& advice is available +rom our consul*an*s Ino-i* All >*d4 *ele 2$one 0 23" 0=/AB0' #u2ervision o+ &oung -orkers -ill be carried ou* b& M&-a& @oi*' 8. Competen'y for tas3s and trainin( 1raining -ill be iden*i+i ed4 arranged and moni*ored b& M&-a& @oi*' 9. A''idents4 first aid and 1or3=related ill health 15

Lesson Plan Guideline

1$e +i rs*!aid bo8 is ke2* in *$e main o++i ce and *$e 2erson a22oin*ed *o look a+*er +i rs* aid is @on @o i*' All acciden*s and cases o+ -ork!rela*ed ill $eal*$ are *o be recorded in *$e acciden* book' 1$e book is ke2* b& @on @oi*' Hus*in @oi* is res2onsible +or re2or*ing acciden*s4 diseases and dangerous occurrences *o *$e en+orcing au*$ori*&4 (+or o++i ces >ocal Au*$ori*&)' 1$e re3uiremen*s are con*ained in *$e Re2or*ing o+ 6n5uries4 @iseases and @angerous 9ccurrences Regula*ions (R6@@9R) BB0' :. &onitorin( 1o c$eck our -orking condi*ions4 and ensure our sa+e -orking 2rac*ices are being +ollo-ed -e -ill carr& ou* a sa+e*& ins2ec*ion o+ *$e o++i ces ever& 3 mon*$s' Hus*in @oi* -ill revie- our design ins*ruc*ions annuall& or -$en signi+i can* c$anges are made -$ic$ever is *$e soones*' ;. Emer(en'y pro'edures 7 fi re and eva'uation Ree @oi* is res2onsible +or ensuring *$a* *$e +i re risk assessmen* is under*aken and im2lemen*ed' ,sca2e rou*es are c$ecked dail& b& M&-a& @oi*' .ire e8*inguis$ers are main*ained and c$ecked b& )&ro .ire >*d' ,mergenc& evacua*ion -ill be c$ecked ever& = mon*$s b& Hus*in @oi*' Chapter , 1>. $oun( *ersons A J?oung )erson C is one -$o $as no* a**ained *$e age o+ A' Com2anies are obliged *o ensure *$a* &oung 2ersons a* -ork are 2ro*ec*ed +rom an& risks *o *$eir $eal*$ or sa+e*& -$ic$ are a conse3uence o+( F *$eir lack o+ e82erienceK F *$eir absence o+ a-areness o+ e8is*ing or 2o*en*ial risksK F *$e +ac* *$a* &oung 2ersons $ave no* &e* +ull& ma*ured' ?oung 2ersons -ill be su2ervised b& a com2e*en* 2erson and *$e risks reduced *o *$e lo-es* level *$a* is reasonabl& 2rac*icable' 11. #isitors 1$e $os* o+ an& visi*or *o *$e Com2an&Cs 2remises -ill *ake all reasonable 2rac*icable s*e2s *o secure *$eir sa+e*& -$ils* on *$e 2remises' 1,. Ha5ards 1$e $a7ards +ound in *$e -ork2lace s$ould be iden*i+ied in *$e risk assessmen*s -i*$ *$e necessar& con*rol measures'

ii. Final Term Pro.e t


Lesson Plan Guideline

Follo1in( the under mentioned (uidelines4 prepare a SO* for emer(en'ies in your or(ani5ation. 6M)9R1AN1 1,>,)H9N, NLMB,R# F Ambulance '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' F .ire ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' F )olice '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' F >ocal Hos2i*al/@oc*or ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' F ,nvironmen*al Heal*$ 9++icer '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' < Name ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' < Address ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' < 1ele2$one Number ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Emer(en'y arran(ements 6n *$e even* o+ an emergenc& crea*ed b& a +i re or a bomb scare or an& o*$er suc$ inciden*s4 an evalua*ion ma& become necessar&' 6* is essen*ial *$a* all *eam members are +amiliar -i*$ evacua*ion 2rocedures' 1eam members $ave a res2onsibili*& *o *$emselves and *o o*$ers in becoming +amiliar -i*$ +ire +ig$*ing e3ui2men*4 +i re doors4 +i re corridors4 +i re alarm o2era*ing 2oin*s and *$e loca*ion o+ *$e .irs* Aid Ii*' 1$ere s$ould be an agreed mee*ing 2oin*4 under cover i+ 2ossible4 -$ere a roll call -ill be e++ec*ed in *$e even* o+ an emergenc& evacua*ion4 all *eam members mus* be a-are o+ *$is 2oin*' ,vacua*ion 2rocedures s$ould be 2rac*iced +rom *ime *o *ime as 2ar* o+ a s$o2 *raining session' 1$e #$o2 Manager4 or in *$eir absence *$e mos* senior member o+ s*a++ 2resen* s$ould assume res2onsibili*& +or *$e success+ul evacua*ion o+ *$e s$o2 2remises and s$ould4 i+ necessar&4 a22oin* du*ies *o eac$ *eam member *o assis* *$e s2eed o+ *$e evacua*ion' 1$e #$o2 Manager4 or in *$eir absence *$e mos* senior member o+ s*a++ 2resen*4 is res2onsible +or( F >ocking *$e s$o2 -$en evacua*ing *$e 2remises' F C$ecking *$a* *$e *ill is locked and kee2ing *$e *ill ke&s in *$eir 2ossession (do no* a**em2* *o remove *$e con*en*s o+ *$e *ill)' F >iaising -i*$ Cen*re Managemen* (-$ere a22licable)' Acciden*s and emergencies Chapter : F 1ele2$oning *$e emergenc& services (-$ere a22licable)' F Iee2ing Head 9++ice in+ormed o+ *$e si*ua*ion' Eva'uation arran(ements 1$ese s$ould be su2ervised4 as lis*ed above' ,scor* members o+ *$e 2ublic and *eam members *o *$e mee*ing 2oin* via *$e neares* e8i* or i+ necessar& *$e +i re e8i*' 1r& *o minimise dela& b& 2reven*ing 2eo2le +rom collec*ing 2ersonal 2ossessions' C$eck *$a* all *$e doors areclosed and *$a* no one is le+* inside *$e 2remises' 17

Lesson Plan Guideline

)om+ s'ares 6n *$e even* o+ a Bomb Aler* being advised b& *$e )olice' or *$e Cen*re Managemen*4 evacua*e *$e 2remises as +or an& o*$er emergenc&4 i+ advised *o do so' 6+ a re3ues* is made *o searc$ *$e 2remises4 do so *$oroug$l&4 being mos* vigilan* in corners4 dis2la&s and o*$er unusual loca*ions' 6n *$e even* o+ +inding a 2ackage DO NOT *AN"C. DO NOT &O#E THE "TE&. >eave *$e area and con*ac* *$e )olice and *$e Cen*re Managemen* and le* *$em deal -i*$ *$e 2ackage' .6R, )R,CAL169N# AN@ )R9C,@LR,# 9n discovering a +i re immedia*el& o2era*e *$e neares* +i re alarm call 2oin*4 and *$en *ackle *$e +i re i+ possi+le -i*$ *$e e3ui2men* 2rovided bu* do no* *ake an& 2ersonal risk in doing so' 9n $earing a +ire alarm( F @ial BBB *o call *$e +i re brigade' F >eave *$e building b& *$e neares* rou*e' F Close all doors be$ind &ou' F Re2or* *o *$e 2erson in c$arge o+ *$e assembl& 2oin*' F @o no* *ake risks' F @o no* s*o2 *o collec* 2ersonal belongings' F @o no* re!en*er *$e

9. !e'ture *lan !e'tures Le ture 1!2 Week 1 What is health and safety all about? Topi's 6n*roduce H#, @escribe -$& is $eal*$ and sa+e*& suc$ an im2or*an* *o2ic: @e+ine -$a* is $eal*$ and sa+e*& all abou*: 6den*i+& *$e roles and +unc*ions o+ o*$er e8*ernal agencies Calcula*e < $a7ards4 risk assessmen* and con*rol )re2are a risk assessmen* documen*:

)rea3 up
"'e +rea3in( 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min


Lesson Plan Guideline

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

Le ture "!# Week 2 Managing health and safety

;eneral managemen* res2onsibili*ies 9rganise *$e -ork so *$a* i* is sa+e Heal*$ and sa+e*& assis*ance )rovide ade3ua*e su2ervision

F !e'ture 64 8 <ee3 . Managing health and safety F F F

Ho*o 2rovide ade3ua*e su2ervision )rovide in+orma*ion4 ins*ruc*ion and *raining Moni*or and revie- o+ $eal*$ and sa+e*& 2er+ormance Abou* ma5or occu2a*ional $eal*$ and sa+e*& managemen* s&s*ems

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

!e'ture 94 : <ee3 / Frame1or3 of health4 safety and fire la1 F F F >egal +rame-ork W$a* *$e H#W Ac* re3uires Managemen* Regula*ions

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min


Lesson Plan Guideline

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

!e'ture ;4 1> <ee3=6 Frame1or3 of health4 safety and fire la1 F F F F Consul*a*ion and sa+e*& re2resen*a*ives #a+e*& signs and no*ices C$ecklis*s +or s*ar*ing a nebusiness ?our $eal*$4 &our sa+e*&( A guide +or -orkers

!e'ture 1141, <ee3 8 Control of safety ha5ards

1$e -ork2lace and basic -el+are Movemen* o+ 2eo2le and ve$icles @riving +or -ork .ire ,lec*rici*&

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

!e'ture 1.41/ <ee3 9 Control of safety ha5ards

Work e3ui2men* Manual $andling #li2s and *ri2s Working a* $eig$* (WAH) Con+ined s2aces Manual $andling risk assessmen*

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

&id Term E2am


Lesson Plan Guideline

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

<ee3 : Ha5ardous su+stan'es 7 Health ha5ards

Ha7ardous subs*ances Asbes*os @erma*i*is @rug and alco$ol 2olic& a* -ork >egionnaires C disease

<ee3 ; Ha5ardous su+stan'es 7 Health ha5ards

)ersonal 2ro*ec*ive e3ui2men* #moke+ree -ork2laces C9#HH assessmen* +orms #moke+ree 2olic& #moke+ree sign

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

<ee3 1> *hysi'al and psy'holo(i'al health ha5ards

@is2la& screen e3ui2men* and com2u*er -orks*a*ions Musculoskele*al disorders Noise #*ress

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min


Lesson Plan Guideline

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

<ee3 11 *hysi'al and psy'holo(i'al health ha5ards

#*ress Dibra*ion Diolence and bull&ing Works*a*ion sel+ assessmen* c$ecklis*

<ee3 1, Constru'tion and 'ontra'tors

6n*roduc*ion Con*rac*ors #u22liers W$a* 2eo2le need *o knoCons*ruc*ion and main*enance 5obs )roviding a $eal*$ and sa+e*& me*$od s*a*emen*

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

<ee3 1. Constru'tion and 'ontra'tors

#ubcon*rac*ing -ork #a+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors Working -i*$ a 2ermi*!*o!-ork s&s*em Cons*ruc*ion $a7ards #am2le sa+e*& rules +or con*rac*ors Heal*$ and #a+e*& C$ecklis* +or con*rac*ors

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min


Lesson Plan Guideline

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

<ee3 1/ A''idents and emer(en'ies

6n*roduc*ion Acciden*s can cos* a grea* deal Causes o+ acciden*s ,mergenc& 2rocedures 6nves*iga*ing acciden*s and inciden*s

<ee3 16 A''idents and emer(en'ies

Acciden* book Re2or*ing o+ acciden*s .irs* aid Role and 2o-ers o+ en+orcemen* o++icers 6nsurance claims Manager Cs inciden*/acciden* re2or* ,8am2le o+ a s$o2 emergenc& 2rocedure Final E2am

evision previous le' 16 min "ntro of the su+@e't .> min &ain le' /6 min )rea3 16 min )a'3 to main le' /6 min Class Assi(nment 16 min evision for the day 16 min

+rading o, ourse
Sr.# Contents /eig&tag e 5, 5, &-, 5, 5, &-, %-, 3-, 23

Pre01id Assessment 1 assignments 2 Quizzes ! !id $erm Exam Post01id Assessment % Quizzes ' assignments ( "inal pro ect 1* Presentation o. .inal pro ect 11 "inal $erm Exam

Lesson Plan Guideline

Overall Per entage %--,

11 A ademi 2 3is i)linary Poli ies

11.1 !ate Su+missionAccording *o *$e Lniversi*& 2olic&4 an assignmen* submi**ed a+*er *$e due da*e4 -i*$ou* an a22roved e8*ension4 -ill be 2enalised a* *$e ra*e o+ 20M deduc*ion o+ *$e 2ossible ma8imum marks o+ *$e assessmen* i*em' 1$is 2olic& is a22licable *ill *$e ne8* -orking da& a+*er due da*e and *ime o+ assignmen*' Assignmen*s submi**ed a+*er *$is -ill be a-arded 7ero marks'

11., A+senteeism>a*e coming and s$or*age in a**endance i'e' 3 con*inual absen*s +rom class4 ensure *$a* s*uden*s -ill be s*ruck o++ +rom *$e relevan* sub5ec*' 6* is no* acce2*able +or &ou *o dis*urb *$e class b& en*ering la*e' 6+ &ou are unavoidabl& la*e4 *$en 2lease -ai* ou*side un*il *$e lec*urer indica*es &ou ma& come in'

11.. S'holasti' Honesty#u2erior Lniversi*& e82ec*s eac$ s*uden* *o do $is/$er o-n -ork' 1$e Lniversi*& $as N7ero *oleranceN +or c$ea*ing4 2lagiarism4 unau*$orised collabora*ion on assignmen*s and 2a2ers4 using Nno*esN during e8ams4 submi**ing someone elseOs -ork as oneOs o-n4 submi**ing -ork 2reviousl& submi**ed +or ano*$er course4 or +acili*a*ing ac*s o+ academic dis$ones*& b& o*$ers' 1$e 2enal*ies are severeP 11./ *la(iarism Lniversi*& 2olic& 2ro$ibi*s s*uden*s 2lagiarising4 collusion4 co2&ing and g$os* -ri*ing an& ma*erial under an& circums*ances' A s*uden* 2lagiarises i+ $e or s$e 2resen*s *$e *$oug$*s or -orks o+ ano*$er as oneCs o-n' 1$is de+ini*ion ma& include( Lsing ano*$erCs ideas -i*$ou* due ackno-ledgemen*K Working -i*$ o*$ers -i*$ou* 2ermission and 2resen*ing *$e resul*ing -ork as *$oug$ i* -as com2le*ed inde2enden*l&' Aiding ano*$er s*uden* *o 2lagiarise is also a viola*ion o+ *$e 2lagiarism )olic& and ma& invoke a 2enal*&' 24

Lesson Plan Guideline

11.6. Cover Sheets for AssessmentA .acul*& #2eci+ic Assignmen* Cover #$ee* (available a* universi*& books$o2) is *o be com2le*ed and a**ac$ed *o eac$ assessmen* i*em *o be submi**ed'

,. Class ules and e(ulations

All mobile 2$ones mus* remain s-i*c$ed o++ (no* ke2* on silen* / vibra*ion mode) +or *$e en*ire dura*ion o+ a class' An& breac$ o+ *$is rule -ill lead *o immedia*e con+isca*ion o+ *$e 2$one4 -$ic$ -ill onl& be re*urned a+*er *$e semes*er is over' No +ood4 drinks4 bubble gum or bee*le!nu* -ill be allo-ed inside *$e classroom' All male and +emale s*uden*s o+ avia*ion de2ar*men* are re3uired *o -ear a22roved uni+orm' )lease no*e care+ull& *$a* under no circums*ances &ou -ill be allo-ed *o a**end classes -i*$ou* uni+orm4 casual and s$abb& ge*u24 +or e8am2le4 dir*& and unironed clo*$es' 1$e Lniversi*& s$all *ake a 2ar*icularl& s*ern vie- o+ an& kind o+ immodes* and revealing clo*$es' C$ea*ing4 2lagiarism4 o++ensive language and disru2*ive be$aviour -ill be addressed according *o 2olicies +or academic misconduc* men*ioned in *$e #*uden*sC Handbook' A s*uden* mus* $ave ma8imum 2ar*ici2a*ion in class lec*ure and ac*ivi*ies' He/s$e s$ould *$ink cri*icall& *o make e++ec*ive argumen*s during *$e class' ;ive res2ec* *o &our class ma*es in *erms o+ *$eir o2inions and argumen*s' A s*uden* is encouraged *o make o22osing argumen* bu* main*ain class decorum canno* be ignored' A 0!minu*e break -ill be given' An& s*uden* coming la*e or re*urning la*e a+*er *$e break -ill be considered absen* +or *$a* da&' 6n case o+ cancella*ion / makeu2 o+ a class &ou s$all be no*i+ied *$roug$ *$e 2rogram manager or class coordina*or' 6+ &ou +ail *o a**end a* leas* B0M o+ *$e sessions &ou -ill receive an . grade +or *$e module

.. Assessment %*A and *er'enta(es


Lesson Plan Guideline

A:>=1>>BC 1$is is an ou*s*anding s*andard indica*ing com2re$ensive kno-ledge and
unders*anding o+ *$e relevan* ma*erialsK demons*ra*ion o+ an ou*s*anding level o+ academic abili*&K mas*er& o+ skills (as iden*i+ied in *$e assessmen* *ask)K and ac$ievemen* o+ all assessmen* ob5ec*ives' A9>=9;BC 1$is is an e8cellen* s*andard indica*ing a ver& $ig$ level o+ kno-ledge and unders*anding o+ *$e relevan* ma*erialsK demons*ra*ion o+ a ver& $ig$ level o+ academic abili*&K sound develo2men* o+ skills (as iden*i+ied in *$e assessmen* *ask)K and ac$ievemen* o+ all assessmen* ob5ec*ives' A8>=8;BC 1$is is a ver& good s*andard indica*ing a $ig$ level o+ kno-ledge and unders*anding o+ *$e relevan* ma*erialsK demons*ra*ion o+ a $ig$ level o+ academic abili*&K reasonable develo2men* o+ skills (as iden*i+ied in *$e assessmen* *ask)K and ac$ievemen* o+ all assessmen* ob5ec*ives' A6>=6;BC 1$is is a sa*is+ac*or& s*andard indica*ing an ade3ua*e kno-ledge and unders*anding o+ *$e relevan* ma*erialsK demons*ra*ion o+ an ade3ua*e level o+ academic abili*&K sa*is+ac*or& develo2men* o+ skills (as iden*i+ied in *$e assessmen* *ask)K and ac$ievemen* o+ mos* assessmen* ob5ec*ives' Fail Aless than 6>BC

1$is is an unsa*is+ac*or& s*andard indica*ing an inade3ua*e kno-ledge and unders*anding o+ *$e relevan* ma*erialsK insu++icien* evidence o+ academic abili*&K +ailure *o develo2 skills (as iden*i+ied in *$e assessmen* *ask)K and +ailure *o ac$ieve assessmen* ob5ec*ives'


Lesson Plan Guideline

A22endi8 A #am2le )a2ers

*art " Case Study

Case Study is 'ompulsory and 'arries ,> mar3s Attempt +oth 0uestions in 'ase study

*art "" Alon( 0uestionsC

Attempt +oth lon( ?uestions4 all 0uestions 'arry e0ual mar3s ?.1 <hat is meant +y HSE4 define types and ela+orate any three.

,> mar3s ?., E2plain types of fires4 ho1 do you e2tin(uish different types of fires4 e2plain in detail. ,> mar3s

*art """ Ashort 0uestionsC

Attempt any three 0uestions4 all 'arries e0ual mar3s
?.1 <hat is hei(ht pho+ia4 des'ri+e 1ays and means to (et out of this pho+ia. 1> mar3s ?., Des'ri+e the safety rules for 'onstru'tion. Ela+orate any four. 0 marks ?.. <hat is the HSE for an airport. *repare a HSE plan for a small airport 1> mar3s ?./ *repare an e2it plan for an or(ani5ation in 'ase of fire. 27

Lesson Plan Guideline

1> mar3s


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