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Project report on the socio-cultural environment and the problems faced by a business organisation.



DIVISION: SY-A ROLL NO. : 2014 PRN NO. : 09020621081



CONTACT DETAILS: ,- ).+.'!AD P.*%-/00110 "%#.2-13455160761 %-)ail Id-


I 9!.#D #I:% "! "HA*: )r. P. S. A*A*D- )D- SADHVI !!DS PV". #"D A*D HIS DA.+H"%' )s. '.;%%*A A*A*D !' "H%I' &!!P%'A"I!* A*D PA"I%*&% A*D A) +'A"% .# !' "H%I' +.IDA*&%. I "HA*: "H%) !' )A:I*+ "HIS %*!')!.S "AS: %ASI%' A*D <.I"% %*=!>A;#%.



Socio-cultural environment may be divided into2 a( Social environment. b( &ultural and cross cultural environment. Social environment-It has been accepted that being a part and parcel of societybusiness does have social purpose so as to enjoy social acceptance .social environment of business consists of a ?hole variety cultures - beliefs- valuestraditions- attitudes- institutions- stratifications- etc. "here are several social movements ?hich dra? their form and content from the nature of social objectives and constraints. or e@ample2 trade union movement- consumersA movement- etc. ;usiness ethics get very much affected by these social movements. ;usiness has to balance bet?een the aspirations of various interest groups ?ith its o?n achievements. Sociological environment is a comple@

resulting form of operation of many forces-political- ecological- geographicalhistorical- etc. In social harmony- an end is achieved by different methods and means- and so social environment differs from place to place- from time to time. &ultural and cross cultural environment-&ulture is understood as that comple@ ?hole ?hich includes Bno?ledge- belief- art- morals- la?- customs and other capabilities- and habits acCuired by an individual as a member of a society. "hus- culture of a society is shared by its members and cultural ethos are passed on from generation to generation. "here are sub-cultures ?ithin culture. 9hen people ?ith different cultural bacBgrounds promote- o?n and manage organisations- organisations themselves tend to acCuire distinct cultures. &ulture performs four functions2 0. &ulture creates distinctions bet?een one organisation and another. 5. &ulture conveys a sense of identity for organisation members. 6. &ulture facilitates the generation of commitment to something nobler that oneAs self interest. /. &ulture enhances social system stability. &ulture becomes a liability ?here the shared values are not in agreement ?ith those that ?ill further effectness of the organisation. C%&'%()& )*+,-'* ./0-/ 012&%,1-, 3%*01,** )(,: I1 4&53)&0*)'051- it is essential to understand cultural differences across countries. rom country to country there are differences in profit motivationstyle of negotiations- business goals- etc. &ulture determines goods and services. A''0'%6, 52 +,5+&, '5.)(6* 3%*01,** is largely determined by their culture. ;usiness systems are a product of beliefs and customs of the society in ?hich they e@ist.

T/, *+0(0' 52 -5&&,-'070*8 )16 0160706%)&0*8 is also important in culture. It is related to employee morale- inter and intra-union rivalry- etc. E'/0-* is also a very important factor in culture. It is a code of conduct. %thics concerns morals and philosophy. It deals ?ith the behaviour of individuals and the standards governing the interrelationship bet?een individuals. ;usiness justifies its involvement in cultural affairs because of the better Cuality of life in the community. &ulture should attract better Cuality of citiDens. &ultural opportunities may challenge youth to raise their achievement- drives and provide better outlets for their energies- and thereby reducing tendencies to?ards de linCuency.

I intervie?ed ?ith the o?ner of Sadhvi foods pvt. #td ?ho also runs "he &harcoal Pit- a restaurant at ).+.'oad. "hey ?ere established around 04 years bacB- in the year 0335. "hese served as a base for the catering and the food processing business ?hich ?as established over the years has a sound clientele. "he restaurant operates only at nights serving only Indian cuisine ?hile the catering business offers a ?ide variety of cuisines ranging from Indian to &hinese to &ontinental to "hai- etc. "he main priority- liBe that of any other hospitality organiDation- ?as creating a secure demand circle- ?hich they succeeded in.

S5-05-C%&'%()& P(53&,8* F)-,6 B9 T/, O(4)10*)'051: T/,0( I8+)-' O1 T/, O(4)10*)'051: S5&%'051 T5 T/, P(53&,8* A16 I8+)-' O2 T/, S5&%'051* O1 T/, O(4)10*)'051 : A major problem faced by the organisation is that the employees donAt sticB to a particular job for a long time. Also Bno?n as job hopping- the employees

change their jobs pretty freCuently. "his is due to the lacB of job securityE employees donAt really have an incentive to continue ?orBing in the company. "hey are constantly in search for more lucrative job opportunities. As todayAs generation ?orBs mainly for money they find it tough to get job satisfaction and taBe up better paying job offers instantly. "his greatly hampers the smooth functioning of the organisation. Due to the ever changing employees there isnAt any constant standard operating procedure. Also the organisation finds it e@tremely tough to focus on various other aspects as it is busy searching and recruiting ne? employees constantly. A lot of time and resources are ?asted in training the ne? employees on such freCuent basis. Proper employee orientation and efficient training can reduce this problem to a great e@tent. %mployee orientation ?ould inculcate a sense of loyalty in the employee. It ?ould maBe him feel at ease and enjoy his ?orB. %fficient training ?ould also ensure that the employees are fed ?ith professional values ?hich ?ill maBe them respect the company and value their contract. "he company could also taBe measures to ?orB to?ards the ?elfare of the employees. After all human resources are the most valuable resources for any business organisation. All these measure ?ill greatly prevent the employees from changing jobs freCuently and maBe them loyal to the company. Another problem freCuently faced by the organisation is service related. It is impossible to please everyone and hence it is but obvious that some of the guests are often left displeased ?ith the service provided by the organisation. "his could be because of the guest not liBing the Cuality of the food- the Cuantity- the hygiene standards maintained- etc. Poor coordination amongst the various departments- cross contamination- poor hygiene standards maintained by the ?aiters or by the Bitchen staff- laDiness on behalf of a fe? employees are just some of the reasons that could be the cause of the problem. Here lies the problem. "he organisation may not Bno? ?hich department to hold responsible

for the incompetency. or e@ample2 - Should the food F beverage production department $the Bitchen staff i.e. chefs. etc.( be held responsible or should the food F beverage service department $service staff i.e. ?aiters- etc( be held responsible for the hair in the soup. "his could result in a blame game ?hich may lead to internal conflicts such as inter departmental or interpersonal conflicts. "hese hamper the smooth functioning of the organisation and reflect poorly on the organisation. Again proper training to the employees could greatly mitigate this problem as it ?ould help maBe the employees competent and inculcate team spirit and a good healthy bond bet?een the employees. "his ?ould result in a competent ?orBforce ?orBing in a healthy ?orB environment and thereby giving e@cellent results. "here are several other problems faced by the organisation. A prominent one amongst those is that of the competitors posing as guests ?ho have suffered from food poisoning after dining at their restaurant. "his is due to the poor business ethics of the competitors. "his has tarnished the reputation of the organisation in the past. "he restaurant in order to prevent this from taBing place again and again has started Beeping fortnightly food samples so that just in case some guest accuses them of providing their customers ?ith poor Cuality food products they can provide the authorities ?ith food samples ?hich can be tested. All these problems hampered the smooth functioning of the organisation and ?ere tacBled ?ith efficient and suitable solutions. "his has resulted in increased profits- a happy and satisfied ?orBforce and an e@cellent reputation for the organisation in the marBet.

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