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(c) 2014 The Tapping Solution, LLC (c) 2014 The Tapping Solution, LLC

!esslca: Welcome Lo 1he 1applng World SummlL 2014. 1hls ls your hosL, !esslca CrLner. 8y
llsLenlng Lo Lhls lnLervlew you agree Lo Lhe Lerms locaLed aL We hope Lhls lnLervlew helps you become a
happler and a healLhler you. Ln[oy.

ln Lhls lnLervlew you wlll learn how Lhls summlL works and everyLhlng you need Lo know
Lo begln experlenclng resulLs wlLh Lapplng. We recommend LhaL you llsLen Lo Lhls
lnLervlew before llsLenlng Lo any of Lhe oLher lnLervlews ln Lhe summlL. 1hls really ls an
essenLlal sLepplngsLone Lo geL you Lo where you wanL Lo be. lf you are an experlenced
Lapper, we hope Lo share dlsLlncLlons LhaL wlll help you Lake your pracLlce Lo Lhe nexL

We wlll be speaklng Lo Lhe auLhor Lhe new ?ork 1lmes besL-selllng book, 1he 1applng
SoluLlon and Lhe producer of Lhls evenL, nlck CrLner. Pe also happens Lo be my broLher.
Pl nlck.

nlck: Pl !ess, how are you?
!esslca: l'm good. l'm exclLed for Lhls because l'm lmaglnlng all Lhe Lhousands of people LhaL are
llsLenlng. lor many, for Lhe flrsL Llme Lhey're golng Lo learn Lhls really lncredlble
Lechnlque LhaL's free.
1hls summlL ls free. l Lhlnk a greaL place Lo sLarL wlLh Lhls lnLervlew ls Lalklng abouL how
Lhe summlL works. ln Lhls day and age when we hear free we geL a llLLle blL skepLlcal and
we wonder whaL Lhe caLch ls. 1ell us how Lhls summlL works. Can people really llsLen ln
for free?
nlck: ?eah, absoluLely. 1he slxLh annual 1applng World SummlL, l can'L belleve LhaL, 2014.
!esslca: Crazy.
nlck: We've done Lhls slx Llmes already. lL's such a fanLasLlc evenL, such a pleasure Lo be a
parL of lL for Lhe lasL several years. As many people know, llLerally hundreds of
Lhousands of people--we mlghL be approachlng a mllllon people aL Lhls polnL--have
llsLened ln on Lhese summlLs Lhrough Lhe pasL years. A blg parL of Lhem ls LhaL Lhey are
1he way lL works ls LhaL lL's free Lo llsLen Lo over Lhls Len-day perlod. 1here are Lwo
presenLaLlons per day for Len days. We sLarL wlLh Lwo presenLaLlons. 1hey're avallable
for 24 hours. So lf you're ln Lhe uk or AusLralla, lL doesn'L maLLer where you are, you can
llsLen aL any Llme. Whenever you show up, Lhe presenLaLlons sLarL playlng. MosL of
Lhem run abouL 43 mlnuLes Lo an hour long. 1hen you can llsLen Lo Lhe oLher one. LlsLen
agaln and agaln over LhaL 24-hour perlod, and Lhen we swlLch Lo Lhe nexL presenLaLlon.
lL's sorL of a quasl-llve evenL, as lf you were aL a weekend workshop and Lhere are new
presenLaLlons all Lhe Llme, buL wlLh Lhe added flexlblllLy of llsLenlng from home and
llsLenlng whenever you wanL Lo.
1hen some people choose Lo upgrade. 1hey can choose Lo buy Lhe audlos. So for
example, lf Lhey wanL Lo llsLen Lo lL on Lhelr lod or geL Lhe Cus and puL Lhem ln Lhelr

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car, geL Lhe workbook LhaL comes wlLh Lhe LranscrlpLs, all LhaL exLra fun sLuff, Lhey can
make LhaL cholce. 8uL LhaL's only a cholce. 8esldes LhaL, lL's free for everyone.
!esslca: ?es. lL Lruly ls a global evenL. We've goLLen emalls from women ln CuaLemala LhaL slL
LogeLher aL an lnLerneL cafe, Lo a young boy ln Chlna who ls llsLenlng Lo Lhe summlL
before golng lnLo exams and helplng wlLh LesL anxleLy. lL's really lncredlble Lo Lhlnk how
many people are llsLenlng all over Lhe world, and you can llsLen ln for free.
l Lhlnk whaL we should do ls [ump lnLo whaL Lapplng ls, how lL works. 1hen l wanL Lo
hear from you how people can geL Lhe mosL ouL of Lhls evenL. LeL's sLarL wlLh Lhe baslcs.
WhaL ls Lhls Lapplng Lhlng, LhaL ofLen seems a llLLle blL welrd because you're Lapplng on
polnLs ln your head. WhaL ls lL?
nlck: AbsoluLely. l sLlll laugh aL myself when l wake up every mornlng and say, l'm dolng
whaL Loday? l'm Lapplng and sharlng lL wlLh Lhe world?!" 1applng, oLherwlse known as
Ll1, LmoLlonal lreedom 1echnlque, LhaL's Lhe form of Lapplng LhaL we're dolng. We call
lL Lapplng because we are llLerally Lapplng on endpolnLs of merldlans on our body.
We're dolng Lhls Lapplng moLlon whlle saylng cerLaln sLaLemenLs whlle focuslng on
whaL's challenglng us, whaL Lhe problem ls, whaL Lhe lssue ls.
l also llke Lo descrlbe lL as a comblnaLlon of anclenL Chlnese acupressure, LhaL's a
Lapplng componenL, and modern psychology.
!esslca: AbsoluLely. WhaL's so greaL ls wlLh every dlfferenL experL LhroughouL Lhe Len days,
people have dlfferenL dlsLlncLlons of how Lhey use Lhls. 8uL one Lhlng ls clear. lL's so
easy Lo experlence lL and anyone can do lL.
nlck: lL's one of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL drew me Lo Lapplng lnlLlally. As you know, !ess, l learned lL for
myself personally abouL a decade ago and LhoughL lL was welrd and was wonderlng
whaL l was dolng exacLly. 8uL l had an early experlence where l had some neck paln LhaL
l woke up wlLh, a crlck ln Lhe neck, and l sald, Why don'L l Lry Lhls Lapplng Lhlng on lL? l
keep hearlng how greaL lL ls for paln rellef."
So l dld. l looked up Lhe lnsLrucLlons onllne and l was Lapplng Lhrough Lhe polnLs. 1he
nexL Lhlng l knew Lhe paln was gone. lL was an experlence LhaL l know many people have
had wlLh Lapplng where [usL flve or Len mlnuLes and you feel a shlfL, and someLhlng
l goL so exclLed. As you well know, !ess, l spenL Lhe nexL couple of years sharlng lL wlLh
everyone, you lncluded. 1he runnlng [oke aL Lhe Llme, and l Lhlnk you guys sLlll Lease me,
was LhaL don'L say anyLhlng ls wrong around nlck because he'll make you Lap on lL.
!esslca: ?eah. lL doesn'L maLLer lf you're ln Lhe mlddle of a parLy, he wlll make you sLarL Lapplng.
lL's Lrue.
nlck: 1haL's Lhe genesls for our [ourney wlLh lL and maklng Lhe fllm and wrlLlng Lhe book and
dolng Lhe 1applng World SummlL. !usL share Lhe power of Lhls Lechnlque wlLh people
because lL ls so powerful, as we'll cover ln [usL a few mlnuLes. lL works on so many
dlfferenL Lhlngs and lL's so effecLlve. lL's really Laken Lhe world by sLorm.
!esslca: 8lghL. ?ou Lalked abouL havlng LhaL experlence wlLh paln rellef. Cne of Lhe reasons l
Lhlnk Lhls summlL has done so well and helped so many people ls LhaL people are
Lapplng whlle Lhey're llsLenlng, and Lhey're experlenclng Lhe resulLs for Lhemselves.

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Cne of Lhe reasons LhaL l was lnlLlally a blL skepLlcal abouL Lapplng ls l heard LhaL lL
worked for paln rellef. lor me l'd seen how lL worked for sLruggles and Lhlngs LhaL l was
havlng Lrouble leLLlng go of, Lhe anxleLy and some anger and some dlfferenL
resenLmenLs and Lhlngs llke LhaL. lL really helped me move pasL a loL of Lhlngs.
8uL when you hear one Lhlng works for so many oLher Lhlngs, agaln, you can geL a llLLle
blL skepLlcal because you Lhlnk ls Lhls a maglc plll. Pow does lL work and how ls lL LhaL
Lapplng can work for so many dlfferenL areas of your llfe?
nlck: Such a greaL quesLlon. 1applng's been around for 30 years. lL was dlscovered by 8oger
Callahan ln Lhe laLe '70s. l Lhlnk lL was 1979. lor a long Llme Lhe dlscusslon around whaL
was acLually happenlng, why lL was worklng, was around Lhe energy sysLems ln Lhe body
and Lhe merldlan sysLems. lnformaLlon LhaL ls llkely accuraLe and one day we'll see,
Wow, we can acLually measure Lhese dlfferenL energy flelds and we see whaL's golng
on wlLh Lhe Lapplng."
lrom Lhe more sclenLlflc perspecLlve, whaL Lhe laLesL research ls showlng, really, daLa
LhaL's come ln ln Lhe lasL couple of years, ls LhaL when we Lap on Lhese endpolnLs of
merldlans on our body, so we Lap on our body whlle focuslng on Lhe sLress, Lhe Lrauma,
Lhe anxleLy, Lhe paln, whaLever's boLherlng us, we acLually send a calmlng slgnal Lo Lhe
amygdala ln Lhe braln.
A loL of people wlll be famlllar wlLh Lhe amygdala as Lhe flghL or fllghL" response cenLer
ln Lhe braln. lL's really Lhe sLress cenLer. lL's Lhe place where when we geL angry, when
we geL anxlous, when we feel Lhe sLress ln our body LhaL ls whaL's llghLlng up.
Cne of Lhe blg componenLs of whaL Lapplng ls dolng ls lL's deacLlvaLlng LhaL amygdala.
lL's sendlng LhaL calmlng slgnal. lL's releaslng LhaL sLress. lL's really ofLenLlmes re-
encodlng Lhe memory, l belleve, because you can have a memory of someLhlng. ?ou
don'L erase lL. ?ou sLlll remember whaL happened, buL you have dlsLance from lL. l sorL
of llke Lo use Lhe word charge ls gone from lL. 1he charge behlnd Lhe memory ls gone
from lL.
We're Lapplng on Lhese endpolnLs of merldlans, calmlng Lhe amygdala. 1haL underlylng
sLress response, LhaL amygdala flrlng, plays such a blg role ln so many aspecLs of our
!ess, l Lhlnk LhaL we all Lake lL for granLed. lf you ask people, Are you sLressed ouL, or ls
Lhe modern day sLressful? We say, Ch yes, of course, l'm so sLressed, l'm so busy."
SLress ls [usL a parL of our experlence, and sadly we Lake LhaL as [usL parL of Lhe norm,
parL of whaL we experlence ln our llves and lL's Lhe way llfe has Lo be.
8uL lL doesn'L have Lo be LhaL way. We can Lruly leL go of LhaL sLress, reduce lL or
ellmlnaLe lL compleLely. We can release Lhe pasL angers and resenLmenLs. We can leL go
of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL have been holdlng us back for so long.
lf people are Lhe famlllar wlLh Lhe paLLerns of procrasLlnaLlon or self-saboLage, we can
sLop Lhese paLLerns. We can geL Lo Lhe underlylng emoLlonal lssues behlnd lL. We can
geL Lo Lhe underlylng LraumaLlc experlences behlnd lL. We can calm LhaL sLress response
Lo have a dlfferenL experlence of llfe.

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ln Lhls 1applng World SummlL we'll cover welghL loss and we'll cover relaLlonshlps and
flnances, and all Lhese oLher really lmporLanL Loplcs. AL Lhe end of Lhe day, underneaLh
all of Lhose Loplcs, lL's abouL happlness. lL's abouL how we en[oy llfe. lL's abouL havlng
more fulfllllng relaLlonshlps, belng more abundanL, belng paln-free ln our llves, fulfllllng
our purpose and mlsslon and belng happy and drlven and fulfllled on a dally basls. 1haL
ls whaL l belleve Lapplng can really make happen.
!esslca: 8lghL. l Lhlnk we're consLanLly underesLlmaLlng Lhe way LhaL sLress ls lmpacLlng us,
menLally as well as physlcally. WhaL's been lncredlble Lhrough my own experlence ls
LhaL Lhe more l Lap Lhe more you geL lL. ?ou geL LhaL LhaL sLress ls really lmpacLlng you ln
ways LhaL you've never lmaglned. So lL's lncredlbly empowerlng Lo have Lhls Lechnlque.
8efore we go lnLo exacLly how Lo Lap, l Lhlnk lL helps Lo Lalk a llLLle blL abouL Lhe hlsLory,
who sLarLed lL and how has lL evolved Lo where lL ls now.
nlck: AbsoluLely. l menLloned 8oger Callahan, who was a psychologlsL ln Lhe laLe '70s, who
was worklng wlLh a cllenL by Lhe name of Mary. She was a regular cllenL. Pe was a
LradlLlonal psychologlsL. She had a severe waLer phobla. 8y severe l mean noL [usL
scared of oceans and swlmmlng, buL scared of showers and baLhs and even drlnklng
waLer. lL was an ouL and ouL phobla.
8oger had been worklng wlLh her for abouL a year-and-a-half, havlng very llLLle success,
Lrylng cognlLlve behavloral Lherapy, exposure Lherapy, Lhe Lhlngs LhaL he had been
Lralned ln, and [usL wasn'L geLLlng anywhere.
ln facL, Lhe sLress of Lhe sesslons Lhemselves, as Mary Lalked Lo 8oger abouL her fear and
phoblas and where lL mlghL have sLarLed and Lrled Lo explore, [usL Lhe sLress lLself was
so much for Mary LhaL she would walk away from all Lhe sesslons wlLh a mlgralne
headache. She had Lhe waLer phobla Lo sLarL wlLh, and Lhen she walked ouL wlLh a
mlgralne headache.
As you can lmaglne, he was dlsappolnLed ln Lhe facL LhaL he couldn'L help her. MosL
people ln Lhose professlons are looklng Lo help people, looklng Lo geL powerful resulLs
for Lhelr cllenLs and Lhelr paLlenLs, and he [usL wasn'L geLLlng lL.
Cne day Mary was aL hls house for a sesslon. 1hey were slLLlng ouLslde looklng aL hls
pool. 1hey were uslng Lhe pool Lo Lrlgger Mary and do a llLLle exposure Lherapy wlLh lL.
Mary was looklng aL Lhe pool and sald, ?ou know, when l look aL Lhe pool l geL Lhls
queasy feellng ln Lhe plL of my sLomach. lL feels llke buLLerflles ln Lhere."
As lL happened, 8oger Lhe nlghL before was readlng abouL Lhe merldlan sysLem ln Lhe
body and had read LhaL Lhe sLomach merldlan ended underneaLh Lhe eye, LhaL Lhere's a
polnL underneaLh Lhe eye for Lhe sLomach merldlan. So [usL on a whlm, on an
lnsplraLlon, he sald, Mary, why don'L you Lry Lapplng underneaLh Lhe eye, dolng a llLLle
She Lrled lL. She Lapped underneaLh Lhe eye, and nexL Lhlng you knew she says, lL's
gone." She sald, 1he feellng ln Lhe plL of my sLomach ls gone." She checked ln on Lhe
feellng of Lhe waLer phobla, and LhaL was gone as well. She was phobla-free [usL llke

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lL's one of Lhose Lhlngs, you can lmaglne 8oger's asLonlshmenL LhaL day, havlng a cllenL
for a year-and-a-half and dolng Lhls welrd Lapplng Lhlng and Lhe phobla [usL cleared. ?ou
can lmaglne Mary's asLonlshmenL, how she dld Lhls Lapplng and someLhlng she's been
scared of for so long she was no longer scared of. 8uL now we know why. We know Lhe
reasons why wlLh Lhe amygdala ln Lhe braln and we see how by Lrlggerlng LhaL fear and
Lhen Lapplng she calmed Lhe amygdala and leL go of LhaL phobla.
8oger spenL Lhe nexL decade or so developlng Lhe Lapplng proLocol. WhaL he dld ls he
had dlfferenL Lapplng sequences for dlfferenL lssues. So lf you had anger you would Lap
on cerLaln polnLs, lf you had anxleLy you would Lap on oLher polnLs and so forLh.
Cne of hls sLudenLs by Lhe name of Cary Cralg Look hls sysLem, he was acLually meeLlng
wlLh 8oger and he sald, ?ou know, l Lhlnk LhaL lf we slmpllfy Lhls, lf we hlL all Lhe same
polnLs ln a row no maLLer whaL we're deallng wlLh, lL's easler Lo remember and lL's golng
Lo work greaL."
1haL was Cary Cralg's lnnovaLlon. Pe developed Ll1, whlch ls a form of Lapplng LhaL we
now use, whlch ls slmpler ln LhaL once you learn Lhe Lapplng and Lake a few mlnuLes Lo
learn lL and flgure ouL whaL you're Lapplng on. 8uL once you know Lhe Lapplng sequence
Lhe Lapplng never really changes. WhaL changes ls whaL you're focused on, whaL Lhe
challenge ls, Lhe way you approach lL verbally and so forLh.
!esslca: 8lghL. We llke Lo call lL Lapplng because everybody has Lhelr own dlsLlncLlons on how Lo
use lL, buL we deflnlLely are ln Lhls summlL followlng Lhese nlne polnLs.
nlck: ?eah. eople ask someLlmes, whaL's Lapplng versus Ll1? l llke Lo descrlbe Lhe Lerm
Lapplng slmllar Lo a Lerm llke medlLaLlon. 1applng ls a general name for everyLhlng we're
dolng, whlch means LhaL Ll1 ls a form of Laplng and 1l1 ls a form of Lapplng. CLher
people have Lhelr own dlsLlncLlons. 1hey're all forms of Lhls Lapplng process. !usL llke
medlLaLlon you have all Lhe dlfferenL klnds of medlLaLlons. eople have Lhelr own names
for lL. 1here's vlpassana, Lhere's Lhls, Lhere's LhaL, and Lhey're all forms of medlLaLlon.
l Lhlnk Lapplng ls [usL really Lhe umbrella Lerm for any process where we are Lapplng on
Lhese endpolnLs of merldlans whlle speaklng ouL loud whlle focuslng on a challenge.
!esslca: CreaL, nlck. l would love Lo [ump lnLo Lhe Lapplng. lor everyone LhaL's llsLenlng, [usL
Lake a deep breaLh ln. CeL cenLered and ready because nlck ls golng Lo Leach you how
you can sLarL Lapplng for yourself. nlck, Lake lL away.
nlck: Wonderful. We're [usL looklng here Lo have a baslc experlence [usL so you can feel Lhe
shlfL ln your body. 1haL's one of Lhe greaL Lhlngs abouL Lapplng ls LhaL lL's noL someLhlng
you have Lo spend an hour or Lwo hours or Lhree days learnlng and saylng, does Lhls
really work? ?ou're golng Lo feel an experlence very qulckly.
1o sLarL wlLh your flrsL experlence, l'd love for you Lo elLher plck Lwo Lhlngs Lo focus on.
Cne ls lf you're feellng physlcal paln ln your body rlghL now lL can be a greaL LargeL
because lL's very easy Lo see a shlfL. ?ou're elLher ln paln or you're noL ln paln, or lL's
golng down. lf you're noL feellng paln you mlghL look for some Lenslon ln your
shoulders. ?ou mlghL [usL Lake a second and roll around your neck and [usL ask yourself,
lf l were holdlng sLress ln my body where would lL be? 1haL can be a good place Lo sLarL.

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lf you feel really relaxed and loose and you don'L wanL Lo focus on your body, [usL plck
anoLher lssue. lck someLhlng LhaL perhaps you've been sLresslng ouL abouL Lhe lasL
couple of days. lck someLhlng LhaL happened a week ago LhaL you [usL keep Lhlnklng
abouL. lck someLhlng you're angry abouL or anxlous abouL. WhaLever comes up ls
greaL. !usL plck LhaL.
?ou wanL Lo Lry Lo be as speclflc as posslble wlLh lL. ?ou don'L wanL Lo [usL say l'm
sLressed ouL abouL Lhe world or sLressed abouL my llfe. ?ou wanL Lo say l feel angry
because of whaL !oan sald Lhree days ago.
?ou wanL Lo sLarL Lhlnklng abouL lL. lck Lhe lssue ln your mlnd and Lry Lo plck lL
speclflcally. locus on one speclflc aspecL of lL. We'll Lalk abouL speclflc versus global or
general a llLLle laLer on. So plck Lhe aspecL.
1hen we also wanL Lo glve lL a number on a 0 Lo 10 scale ln Lerms of lnLenslLy, so 10
would be Lhe hlghesL lnLenslLy, 0 would be no lnLenslLy. lf you have back paln you can
very clearly easlly probably feel lL's a 7 or an 8. lck a number. lf you're angry abouL
someLhlng, how angry are you? lf you're anxlous, how anxlous are you? !usL glve lL a
now we have Lhe LargeL. We have Lhe Lhlng LhaL we are Lapplng on. 1hen we have Lhe
lnLenslLy. now we're golng Lo do Lhe Lapplng. l'm golng Lo lead you Lhrough Lhe Lapplng,
and l'm golng Lo use very general language because l obvlously don'L know whaL you
plcked aL home. ?ou can Lap along wlLh me. ?ou've now made Lhe cholce. ?ou've made
Lhe consclous cholce Lo focus on Lhls lssue.
Lven lf you're noL uslng Lhe same language LhaL your lssue ls abouL, you're golng Lo flnd
LhaL you can geL some beneflLs and geL greaL beneflLs [usL by Lapplng along wlLh Lhe
general language. 1ap afLer me. l'll gulde you Lhrough Lhe polnLs. l'll explaln Lhem.
Agaln, lf you're confused abouL Lhe polnLs we also make a vldeo avallable so you can see
lL even more clearly. 8uL you'll be able Lo follow along.
We sLarL by Lapplng on Lhe slde of Lhe hand. lL's called Lhe karaLe chop polnL. We're
golng Lo Lake four flngers of one hand and Lap on Lhe ouLslde of Lhe oLher hand. 1hls ls
LhaL meaLy parL of Lhe hand below Lhe plnky on Lhe ouLslde of Lhe hand. ?ou can use
your rlghL hand Lo Lap on your lefL, your lefL on your rlghL, whaLever feels comforLable
for you.
8y Lapplng l mean you're [usL golng Lo Lap conLlnuously, almosL as lf you were drummlng
on a Lable. We're golng Lo sLarL by Lapplng on Lhe slde of Lhe hand. lL's called Lhe karaLe
chop polnL. use one hand Lo Lap on Lhe oLher, whaLever hand feels comforLable for you.
We're Lapplng on Lhe meaLy parL of Lhe hand, below Lhe plnky. 1ake four flngers on one
hand and [usL Lap conLlnuously.
We're golng Lo speak a couple phrases ouL loud. 1hls phrase ls called Lhe seLup phrase.
WhaL we're golng Lo do ls we're golng Lo say, Lven Lhough." and l'm golng Lo flll ln Lhe
blank a general problem. lor example, we mlghL be saylng, Lven Lhough l have back
paln. Lven Lhough l'm angry. Lven Lhough l'm frusLraLed."
1he second parL of Lhe sLaLemenL ls, l love and accepL myself now." l know LhaL mlghL
seem funny for some people. lf lL feels really uncomforLable you can change Lhe

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sLaLemenL. ?ou can say, l choose Lo relax or l choose Lo leL lL go." 8uL Lhls baslc seLup
sLaLemenL ls really saylng, Lven Lhough l have Lhls problem, l accepL myself wlLh lL."
l Lhlnk lL's a really lmporLanL parL of Lhe process because we are acknowledglng Lhe
problem, we're dolng Lhe Lapplng Lo calm Lhe amygdala and calm Lhe energy sysLem,
and we're accepLlng ourselves wlLh Lhe problem. !ess, wlll you be my echo as we Lap
!esslca: ?ep.

nlck: All rlghL. Agaln, l'm uslng general language. ?ou can use Lhe same language l use or lf
you wanL you can change lL for your speclflc lssue. 1applng Lhe slde of Lhe hand:

SP: Lven Lhough l have Lhls sLress ln my body,
l love and accepL myself now.

1wo more Llmes, sLlll Lapplng on Lhe slde of Lhe hand:

SP: Lven Lhough l have Lhls sLress ln my body,

1here's some varlaLlon aL Lhe end. lor example, now l'm golng Lo say:

SP: l deeply and compleLely love and accepL myself.

Cne more Llme:

SP: Lven Lhough l have Lhls sLress,
l deeply and compleLely love and accepL myself.

1haL's Lhe seLup sLaLemenL. We're seLLlng lL up. We're brlnglng Lhe energy forward.
We're focuslng on Lhe lssue. We're havlng Lhe baslc here's Lhe problem and l accepL
myself wlLh lL.

1he language helps us connecL Lo Lhe feellng, buL lL doesn'L have Lo be exacL. ?ou can
say, l love and accepL myself," l deeply and compleLely love and accepL myself." lf LhaL
doesn'L feel rlghL, lf you Lhlnk lL's Loo woo-woo or wacko, you can say, l choose Lo relax
and leL lL go now." WhaLever feels comforLable for you.

!esslca: 8lghL. 1hls really ls a seLup sLaLemenL. lL [usL seLs us up for Lhe process of Lhe Lapplng,
and helps us geL Lo a space where we can be really honesL wlLh ourselves.

nlck: AbsoluLely. 1hen we sLarL Lapplng Lhrough Lhe polnLs. 1he flrsL polnL ls Lhe eyebrow
polnL. lL's on Lhe lnslde of Lhe eyebrow, rlghL where Lhe halr ends and lL meeLs Lhe nose.
?ou can Lake Lwo flngers of one hand, Lap on one slde, on Lhe oLher slde or on boLh

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sldes. 1he merldlans run down boLh sldes of Lhe body. 1ap genLly flve Lo seven Llmes.
?ou don'L have Lo counL. ?ou don'L have Lo geL lL perfecL. !usL repeaL:

L8: 1hls sLress.

Movlng on Lo Lhe slde of Lhe eye. lL's noL Lhe Lemple. lL's rlghL nexL Lo Lhe eye on Lhe
bone. Agaln, one slde or boLh sldes wlLh Lwo flngers:

SL: 1hls sLress.

now under Lhe eye on Lhe bone, one slde or boLh sldes:

uL: 1hls sLressful lssue.

under Lhe nose:

un: 1hls sLressful lssue ln my body.

under Lhe mouLh. lL's above Lhe chln, below Lhe llp, rlghL ln LhaL llLLle crease ln Lhere.
?ou wanL Lo Lry Lo make conLacL wlLh Lhe bone Lhere:

CP: 1hls sLressful lssue.

We have Lhree polnLs lefL. lor Lhe nexL polnL - lL's Lhe collarbone polnL - you [usL wanL
Lo feel for Lhe Lwo llLLle bones of Lhe collarbone. 1hen [usL go down an lnch ouL Lo each
slde abouL an lnch. ?ou can Lap wlLh all Len flngers of boLh hands Lo make sure you geL
Lhe polnL. 8epeaL agaln:

C8: 1hls sLressful lssue.

now we move underneaLh Lhe arm, Lhree lnches underneaLh Lhe armplL, rlghL on Lhe
bra llne for women, elLher slde of Lhe body:

uA: 1hls sLressful lssue.

1he lasL polnL ls rlghL aL Lhe Lop of Lhe head. ?ou can Lap wlLh flve flngers. We do look a
llLLle funny here, buL lL's worLh lL. 1applng Lhe Lop of Lhe head:

1P: 1hls sLressful lssue.

LeL's do one more round now LhaL you have some of Lhe baslcs of lL. We go back Lo Lhe

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L8: 1hls lssue,
SL: 1hls paln,
uL: 1hls anger,
un: 1hls anxleLy,
CP: 1hls Lhlng l'm deallng wlLh,
C8: 1hls challenge,
uA: 1hls challenge,
1P: 1hls sLressful lssue.

1ake a deep breaLh now, and leL lL go. As you saw Lhere l was obvlously changlng up Lhe
language saylng paln, anger, anxleLy. ?ou're noL golng Lo feel lL aL all, buL LhaL [usL shows
LhaL whaLever lL ls LhaL you're golng Lhrough, Lhrough Lhose polnLs, Lhrough Lhe
remlnder phrase, you're [usL Lapplng on really whaL you're feellng.

AfLer every round or Lwo of Lapplng, so Lhere we dld Lwo rounds - you mlghL do flve or
slx rounds ln a row - afLer every round or Lwo we wanL Lo do Lwo baslc Lhlngs. Cne:
check ln on Lhe orlglnal lssue. 1haL number LhaL you gave before, lL was a 7 or an 8. now
lL's a 6 or a 3, a 3 or a 4, whaLever lL ls, you Lune ln and see how lL shlfLed. Lven a shlfL
from an 8 Lo a 7 means LhaL you're movlng ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon.

1hen Lhe second Lhlng LhaL we always do ls Lry Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo: Lhrough LhaL process,
whaL else came up? WhaL oLher ldeas, lnslghLs, memorles come up as you're dolng Lhe

1he flrsL Llme, rlghL now, you're Lrylng Lo flgure ouL how lL works and focus on Lhe
polnLs. ?ou mlghL noL have Lhose klnds of ldeas, buL when you geL comforLable wlLh Lhe
Lapplng, you'll see LhroughouL Lhe summlL as you're Lapplng along, LhaL you flnd LhaL
you're Lapplng on one Lhlng and Lhen anoLher Lhlng comes up. 8eally followlng LhaL
process, followlng Lhe lnLulLlon and whaL your body brlngs up for you ls how we really
peel Lhe layers of Lhe onlon Lhrough whaLever lssue we're deallng wlLh.

!esslca: 8lghL. !usL Lo be clear, we sLarL wlLh Lhe seLup sLaLemenL. 1hen when we conLlnue golng
Lhrough Lhe rounds we flnd ourselves back aL Lhe eyebrow polnL. WhaL we wanL Lo say
ls how we're feellng.

l wanL Lo acLually Lalk Lo you a llLLle blL abouL how Lo flgure ouL whaL we're meanL Lo
say. 1hroughouL Lhese Len days people are golng Lo hear a loL of dlfferenL advlce from
experLs Lo help Lhem galn clarlLy, buL whaL ls Lhe polnL? Why are we really saylng Lhese
Lhlngs? lf you could also answer, because some people are heslLanL because Lhey Lhlnk,
Why should l say negaLlve Lhlngs, aren'L l [usL relnforclng Lhem?"

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nlck: AbsoluLely, absoluLely. LeL me sLarL wlLh Lhe second quesLlon flrsL, wlLh Lhe negaLlve, or
whaL l llke Lo call 1he 1ruLh," because whaL we're dolng ln Lhls process ls for a shorL
perlod of Llme speaklng our LruLh, speaklng Lhese negaLlve sLaLemenLs because Lhey feel
Lrue Lo us. We're noL asklng you Lo say, l'm angry" lf you're noL. We're noL asklng you
Lo afflrm LhaL you're anxlous lf you're noL feellng LhaL way. We're asklng you Lo say,
Pow do you feel ln your body?"

WhaL's Lhe LruLh of whaL you feel rlghL now? 1o acknowledge Lhe anger, Lhe depresslon,
Lhe anxleLy, Lhe frusLraLlon, Lhe paln, Lhe sadness and say, 1hls ls Lrue for me rlghL now.
LeL me Lap on lL. LeL me clear lL ouL of my body. LeL me calm Lhls response."

We dldn'L geL Lo do lL ln LhaL round or Lwo, buL lf we had gone longer Lhen you can
swlLch Lo poslLlve afflrmaLlons. ?ou can sLarL wlLh saylng, l'm so angry." 1hen
someLlmes LhaL anger swlLches Lo sadness, so you Lap on some sadness. 1he nexL Lhlng
you know you sLarL Lapplng and saylng, l choose Lo forglve. lL's Llme Lo leL go. lL's Llme
Lo release Lhls from my body."

lf we sLarL wlLh Lhe poslLlve afflrmaLlons Loo soon - and l know people have Lhls
experlence, where Lhey're Lrylng Lo be poslLlve buL Lhey're llke, l can'L be, l'm [usL

!esslca: lL doesn'L feel Lrue.

nlck: LxacLly, exacLly. We wanL an afflrmaLlon LhaL feels Lrue, or even aL leasL parLly Lrue. lf
you have anger aL 8 or 9 and l say Lo you, !ess, l know LhaL whaL Lhey [usL dld Lo you ls
really wrong and you're angry aL level 8 or 9, buL why don'L you forglve Lhem rlghL

?ou're golng Lo say, no, l was aLLacked, l'm angry!" 8uL lf we can acknowledge LhaL
anger, and even brlng lL down Lo a 3, LhaL opens Lhe door for heallng. 1haL opens Lhe
door for leLLlng go. We're only spendlng a shorL perlod of Llme on Lhe anger, on Lhe
anxleLy, on Lhe paln, on Lhe LruLh, on Lhe pasL, whaLever we feel. 1hen leLLlng lL go.

!esslca: 8lghL. l ofLen explaln Lo people how someLlmes we mlghL be upseL and we're angry.
1hen we can even geL angry abouL belng angry, because we Lhlnk, l'm such an
lnLelllgenL person, why am l leLLlng Lhls person Lrlgger me?" Cr, Pow have l fallen lnLo
Lhls old paLLern agaln?" 1here's such power ln LhaL seLup sLaLemenL of saylng, l accepL
where l am," so you don'L keep plllng up Lhose emoLlons.

8uL also, we mlghL loglcally know whaL we wanL Lo do or we loglcally know how we
wanL Lo feel, buL physlcally feellng lL ln our body ls so dlfferenL. We know Lhls because
we say, l had a guL feellng" or, 1hey broke my hearL" or, 1hey sLabbed me ln Lhe

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back." We lnLulLlvely know LhaL we're noL [usL feellng emoLlons ln our braln, buL we're
feellng Lhem ln our body. WhaL a greaL Lechnlque Lo creaLe LhaL connecLlon, LhaL
communlcaLlon beLween Lhe body and Lhe braln.

nlck: 1haL's such a greaL polnL and lL's such an lmporLanL one, because ofLenLlmes we're
dolng all Lhls headwork. We're Lhlnklng abouL our afflrmaLlons, and our heallng, and
how Lo change our llves, and how Lo creaLe a new llfe, and noL feellng lL.

?ou'll see, a loL of Lhe presenLers ln Lhe summlL wlll Lalk abouL Lhe body. leellng lL ln Lhe
body ls someLhlng LhaL when l'm Lapplng wlLh someone and Lhey say, l'm really angry,"
l'll ask a quesLlon llke, Where ln your body are you angry?" 1hey feel lL. Ch, lL's ln my
hearL." lL's ln my sLomach." 1hey know very clearly where Lhey're feellng lL.

1he more we connecL Lo LhaL body sensaLlon, Lhe more we release Lhese emoLlons and
release Lhese blocks from our llfe aL Lhe deepesL level. lL's noL [usL a surface release.

!esslca: ?eah. SomeLhlng else l [usL wanL Lo polnL ouL. When we're Lapplng on Lhe poslLlve,
people someLlmes Lhlnk, l don'L undersLand how LhaL works lf Lapplng ls clearlng ouL
feellngs." lL's noL clearlng ouL feellngs. lL's calmlng LhaL amygdala. lL's calmlng LhaL
cenLer. When you're calm lL's easy Lo Lhlnk poslLlve LhoughLs. 1hose negaLlve LhoughLs
aren'L congruenL wlLh you feellng calm.

nlck: LxacLly. l also wanL Lo address your earller quesLlon on, Pow do we know whaL Lo say?"
l Lhlnk lL's really lmporLanL ln Lhe scope of Lhls summlL, where Lhere are 20
presenLaLlons over Lhe Len days. ?ou'll see all Lhe presenLers are lncredlble. 1hey're
experLs ln Lhelr fleld. 1hey're lncredlble aL openlng Lhe door for you as Lo whaL Lo work
on, whaL Lo say, whaL Lo focus on, whaL Lhe challenge ls.

1here's a loL of Lapplng ln each of Lhe sesslons. eople wlll Lake you Lhrough Lapplng on
gullL and anxleLy and on welghL loss and on relaLlonshlps, Lhe language Lo use. 8uL Lhls
language ls [usL Lo open Lhe door for you.

1here's sorL of Lwo ways Lo do Lapplng. 1here's whaL we call global Lapplng" and Lhen
Lhere's speclflc Lapplng. Clobal means we're uslng more general language. LeL's say we
were Lapplng on anxleLy, global Lapplng would be, Lven Lhough l'm anxlous, l deeply
and compleLely love and accepL myself." 1he speclflc Laplng would be golng deeper lnLo
Lhe evenL. WhaL speclflcally are you anxlous abouL? WhaL happened LhaL's remlndlng
you, LhaL's brlnglng up Lhls anxleLy?

1he speclflc Lapplng ls really powerful and really lmporLanL. l recommend as people are
Lapplng along Lo Lry Lo geL as speclflc as posslble. 8uL someLlmes LhaL's noL easy Lo do.

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SomeLlmes you don'L know exacLly whaL's golng on and someLlmes you've goL Lo sLarL
wlLh Lhe more general Lapplng ln order Lo geL LhaL clarlLy.

When we Lhlnk of an lssue ln our llfe, and especlally lf lL's a blg lssue llke challenge loslng
welghL or a dlfflculL relaLlonshlp or paln ln our bodles, when we Lhlnk of Lhe whole lssue,
we're so overwhelmed by all Lhe aspecLs of lL, everyLhlng LhaL's golng on and all Lhe paln
and sufferlng we've experlenced from lL. !usL sLarLlng Lo Lap on lL can brlng down LhaL
anxleLy, can brlng down LhaL overwhelm. 1hen from Lhere we geL more clarlLy as Lo
whaL speclflcally ls golng on.

?ou'll flnd LhaL LhroughouL Lhe Len days, Lap along wlLh people, make noLes as Lhlngs
come up. lL's greaL Lo have a pen and paper handy because someone mlghL say
someLhlng and all of a sudden flve Lhlngs come Lo mlnd LhaL you wanL Lo Lap on and
clear ouL. So you can make a noLe of LhaL.

1hen ln Lerms of Lhe language lLself, Lhe more you llsLen Lhe beLLer you'll geL aL
languaglng lL for yourself. lL's more lmporLanL LhaL you acLually feel Lhe feellng Lhan
acLually worry abouL saylng Lhe exacL words. Language cerLalnly helps us Lo connecL Lo
feellngs. 1haL's why we use lL here and LhaL's why lL's powerful.

8uL please don'L geL caughL up ln, l don'L know whaL Lo say" or lf, l'm dolng lL rlghL."
lL's a very forglvlng process. uo Lhe Lapplng. Learn where Lhe polnLs are exacLly. 1haL's
lmporLanL. uo Lhe Lapplng and Lap along wlLh Lhe summlL, and you're golng Lo geL greaL

!esslca: ?eah, absoluLely. Cne Llme l heard you speak ln publlc and you sald someLhlng preLLy
brllllanL. l'll admlL lL. ?ou sald someLhlng LhaL really sLruck me and l LhoughL, ?eah,
acLually l Lhlnk LhaL's our fuLure." ?ou sald, l hope LhaL when people Lhlnk of Lapplng
Lhey Lhlnk of lL Lhe same way Lhey do of yoga or medlLaLlon." 1hls ls someLhlng LhaL you
can lncorporaLe. lL's a llfesLyle change, so LhaL when you have Lhose Lhlngs LhaL lmpacL
you negaLlvely ln your llfe.

1he reallLy ls, we can'L conLrol Lhe fuLure so we don'L know whaL mlghL happen ln our
fuLure, buL we know LhaL we have Lools Lo go LhroughouL llfe so LhaL we don'L have Lo
[usL surrender Lo feellngs llke anger or anxleLy or depresslon. 1haL we have Lhls new Lool
LhaL can gulde us Lhrough and really become a llfesLyle.

nlck: ?eah, absoluLely. l Lhlnk lL can flL lnLo LhaL. l was acLually Lalklng a couple of monLhs ago
Lo Lhe edlLors aL revenLlon magazlne, whlch ls a greaL llLLle magazlne LhaL ls around Lhe

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1hey asked me, WhaL do you see for Lapplng? Where do you wanL lL Lo flL?" l sald [usL
my personal vlslon, Lhe nexL sLep ls LhaL lL's used ln LhaL same phrase. WhaL do you do
Lo lmprove your llfe, yoga, medlLaLlon, Lapplng?" ?oga's so body focused and
sLrengLhenlng and calmlng. MedlLaLlon ls more menLally focused and calmlng and
heallng. 1applng ls sorL of ln beLween because we're brlnglng up some speclflc lssues
from our llfe, Lapplng and calmlng Lhe body. l Lhlnk alLogeLher Lhey work really well.

!esslca: ?es. lL's amazlng Lhe way LhaL lL's spreadlng. l'm so exclLed abouL Lhls evenL. Pow can
somebody really geL Lhe mosL ouL of Lhese Len days?

nlck: 1he more you can llsLen, Lhe beLLer. l Lhlnk Lhere's a loL Lo be sald for lmmerslon. l know
people are busy. l know Lhey have a loL golng on. 8uL when you focus over Lhls Len-day
perlod, when you make LhaL commlLmenL. Some people wake up laLe aL nlghL, ln Lhe
mornlng. llnd Llme Lo do lL because LhaL lmmerslon, LhaL focus, ls where l see Lhe mosL
dramaLlc resulLs.

now Lhls ls Lhe slxLh year we've been runnlng lL. When l hear from people LhaL Lhey [usL
buckled down and Lapped and Lapped and Lapped and llsLened, and even llsLened Lo
presenLaLlons LhaL Lhey dldn'L Lhlnk were lmporLanL Lo Lhem. 1haL's a key Lhlng. eople
are llke, well, l'm noL Lrylng Lo lose welghL so l don'L need Lo llsLen Lo LhaL presenLaLlon.
CfLenLlmes when you llsLen Lo someLhlng else you'll flnd lnslghLs LhaL relaLe Lo your llfe.

1ry Lo llsLen as much as posslble. Share lL wlLh your frlends and famlly. lf you have
people LhaL you can do lL LogeLher wlLh, lf you have a close frlend LhaL you can
encourage each oLher Lo do lL and share your experlences, LhaL can be really powerful as

!esslca: Wonderful. nlck, Lhank you so much. l'm so exclLed for Lhe sLarL of Lhls evenL. l [usL wanL
Lo remlnd everybody LhaL's llsLenlng, lf you wanL Lo see a vldeo we do provlde a vldeo
on how Lo Lap. l am so exclLed Lo geL sLarLed. nlck, Lhank you.

nlck: !ess, Lhanks for havlng me on. Lveryone, please en[oy Lhls slxLh annual 1applng World
SummlL. l am so dellghLed LhaL you're wlLh us, and l'm honored LhaL you're havlng
!esslca and l along and Lhe resL of 1he 1applng SoluLlon Leam on Lhls [ourney for you. lL
ls Lruly llfe changlng and lL's world changlng, and l'm exclLed.

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