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Global Flood Risk Modeling

KatRisk RAA
http#$$www%katrisk%&om Feb '()*, R"" onferen&e, +rlando, FL

Dag Lohmann, Stefan Eppert, Guy Morrow KatRisk LL , !erkeley, "


KatRisk RAA

This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of cience of the !" " #epartment of $nergy under Contract No" #$%AC&'%&&OR(()('"

! A Flood *aps

KatRisk RAA
USA Flood Map on 10m resolution
Confidential 3

+oom into Florida

KatRisk RAA
KatRisk and FEMA data shown. KatRisk red, FEMA blue
Confidential 4

omething about color scales

Red KatRisk onl", no FEMA %hite Katrisk onl", low &lood depth

KatRisk RAA
#urple FEMA and KatRisk o$erlap


FEMA ! KatRisk

omething about color scales

Red KatRisk onl", no FEMA %hite Katrisk onl", low &lood depth

KatRisk RAA
#urple FEMA and KatRisk o$erlap


FEMA ! KatRisk

omething about color scales

Red KatRisk onl", no FEMA %hite Katrisk onl", low &lood depth

KatRisk RAA
#urple FEMA and KatRisk o$erlap


FEMA ! KatRisk

Florida Flood *ap +oom

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 8

Orlando ,FL- Flood *ap +oom

KatRisk RAA
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Orlando ,FL- Flood *ap +oom

KatRisk RAA
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.ortofino /otel Flood *ap +oom

KatRisk RAA
#urple FEMA and KatRisk o$erlap


FEMA ! KatRisk

.ortofino /otel Flood *ap +oom

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 12


The final result0

1lobal Flood *aps ,flood height, flood score, hot spots1lobal correlated catastrophe model ea surface temperature

KatRisk RAA

1lobal data study


Risk score and more maps Conclusions

Confidential 13

2&& yr Loss /otspots Asia

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 14

1lobal Flood 5 #rought *odel

Normali3ed urface 4ater ,monthly time step shown-

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 15

Considerations for Flood *aps

*odeling ri6erine and surface flooding All areas co6ered with (%d modeling ,no thresholdFlood depth pro6ided, not 7ust e8tent *ultiple return periods ,'&, 2&&, (&&, '&&, others-

KatRisk RAA
!se all obser6ation ,precipitation, near surface meteorology, ri6er flow- and fit model with 1enetic Algorithm 1lobal approach with correlations between countries
Confidential 16

Thoughts about Risk *odels

To represent correlations in space and time of weather and climate e6ents To ha6e a fle8ible modeling framework that allows for the inclusion of climate change scenarios and forecasting

KatRisk RAA

$6ent based models that are consistent with maps $8plicit modeling of wind, rain, storm surge



Flood maps 6s" .robabilistic model

Flood Maps One or more return period maps ,e"g" 2&&y, '&&y maps- for flood ha3ard mall data amount for results #robabilisti' Model *any e6ents" Can be used to create risk maps Large data amounts for results

KatRisk RAA
No information about spatial and temporal correlations Correlation is inherently part of the probabilistic model ometimes too complicated for underwriting" Can do portfolio management" Often good enough for underwriting, but can9t do portfolio management Can be produced using simplifying assumption : but can also be 6ery time consuming Complicated, especially when created for large areas ,countries ; continents ; whole earthConfidential 18

Two .robabilistic Flood *odeling Approaches

KatRisk RAA
#re'ipitation -Meteorolo(" Runo&& Routin( )nundation *au(e +bser$ations ,opula )nundation
Confidential 19

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 20

ome Obser6ed 1lobal Correlations

1lobal 4eather ; Climate $8tremes

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 21

Are weather and climate linked<

1lobal climate 6ariables are correlated =ut we ha6e to look for the spatial patterns on the rele6ant time scales 4e9ll in6estigate T and precipitation how first mo6ie

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 22

1lobal ea urface Temperature

plit each 6ariable into three components

*ean > Trend > easonal > Anomalies
A6erage T has increased about &"?@ in the last A& years A6erage seasonal 6ariation is about &"?@ Anomalies are Be8tremesC T trend by region

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 23

T #ecomposition

4e can apply the same method of splitting up a temporal signal for each grid cell how second mo6ie

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 24

Analy3ing the .atterns of the Anomalies

4e can then analy3e the temporal anomalies and e8press them in patterns that reduce data si3e ,$OF ; .C analysis-

KatRisk RAA
4e essentially separate space and time with this method" $ach spatial pattern ,the $OF- has an associated temporal component ,the principal component : see ne8t pageConfidential 25

4hat are these .rincipal Components<

They are teleconnection indices

.C2 is close to the $N O inde8 .C( is close to the Atlantic *ultidecadal Oscillation
$N O A*O

KatRisk RAA
*ultiplied the .C( time series with %2
Confidential 26

.recipitation Climatology Dmm;yearE

1lobal data set from 2F)F : realtime, climatology shown for Gan2F)F : #ec (&2& Red lines are indicating tropical cyclones

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 27

Fraction of Tropical Cyclone Rain DHE

Tropical cyclones create a large fraction of the total precipitation amount in some parts of the world

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 28

Fraction of Tropical Cyclone Rain DHE

Tropical cyclones create a large fraction of the total precipitation amount in some parts of the world

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 29

Is precipitation correlated to


.rocedure0 take the $N O principal component time series and calculate the anomaly correlation coefficient for each grid cell 4e a6eraged the
precipitation anomalies o6er three month ,which increases correlation-" hown here is the ma8imum cross%correlation" Time of lag is shown below"

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 30

.recipitation $8tremes from Tropical Cyclones

.rocedure0 for each year count whether the ma8 precipitation is from a tropical cyclone

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 31

Return .eriod .recipitation

$stimated with and without TC for (?h *A.

'& year R. estimate DmmE (&& year R. estimate DmmE

KatRisk RAA
4ith TC No TC
Confidential 32

Return .eriods TC 6s" non%TC

'& year (?h precipitation R. difference Dmm;dayE between TC and non TC

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 33

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 34

*odeling 1lobal Correlations

*odeling Approach

KatRisk RAA

@nowing the spatial and temporal correlations allows us to mimic the climate system with an analogue model for T and dri6e all regional catastrophe models with it uccess criteria0

Create e8tremes with right freJuency and se6erity *aintain obser6ed correlations between regions ; continents =e fast and efficient to run ,we need at least 2&k years modeled-



moothing 2 Forecast

T .Cs
Autocorrelation Autocorrelation, % long term-

Long term memory

KatRisk RAA
( K ?
Confidential 36

1lobal .recip Anomaly Correlation

Can model anomaly correlations between grids ; regions ; countries with this approach for any desired 6ariable $8ample shows precipitation anomaly correlations for ! A and China : red L positi6e correlation, blue L negati6e

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 37

/a3ard *odel Components

KatRisk RAA
Runo&& Routin( )nundation
,omponent +utput $ Asia data 6olume ,2',&&&,&&& km((),&&& cells ?&,&&& catchments tochastic .recipitation #ownscaling Rainfall%Runoff *odel Routing Inundation monthly precipitation anomalies on &"(' deg grid K%hourly precipitation per catchment K h runoff, saturated areas, groundwater 2& min ri6er discharge at outlets Flood%depth at each cell

#re'ipitation -Meteorolo("

2)b K&m cells


! A and Asia Track *odels

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 39

TC .recipitation *odeling

TC precipitation can be modeled with conceptual models that reflect the space%time correlation structure of TC e6ents Left figure shows a possible e8treme 2& year ma8imum TC rain reali3ation, the center figure shows the 2& year return period estimate from TC rain after 2&k years of bias corrected simulations"

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 40

Rainfall%Runoff *odel
Local oil *oisture #istribution

Runoff M is lateral inflow to ri6er Calculated per catchment !ses water balance0 M L . : $ : d .recipitation .0 input, subtract snow and add snowmelt $6aporation $0 .enman%*onteith eJuation and a6ailable water

KatRisk RAA
R n + a c p e g a PET = ( + ( 1 + ga / g s )) Lv

torage change d calculated with semi%distributed model Runoff has a slow and a fast component 1roundwater included
Confidential 41

Ri6er Routing

Transport water along ri6er network Linear time%in6ariant causal method

KatRisk RAA
( x c t )2 h ( x , t )= exp ( ) 3 4Dt ( 4 D t ) x
For backwater effects ,e"g" in estuaries- use full hydrodynamic eJuations
Confidential 42

Response function h,8- is analytic solution to ad6ection%diffusion eJuation ,Lohmann et al" 2FFF-

Rainfall : Runoff Calibration

$8ample of using a genetic algorithm to calibrate the hydrological model

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 43

$8ample of Calibration

Correlation R L &"F?) for =undaberg ,A! hown are time series and log%log plot

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 44

Inundation Flood .lain *odeling

(d propagation of flood wa6es through terrain (nd order finite%6olume scheme sol6ing the shallow%water eJuations #escribes multiple sources of flood risk0

KatRisk RAA
Ri6erine flooding #am breaks torm surge
=undaberg, Australia
Confidential 45

.lu6ial Flood *odelling

Captures surface water flooding from intense precipitation and snowmelt Inertial (d scheme by =ates et al", (&2( Runoff ratio from runoff model calibrated rainfall

KatRisk RAA
=undaberg, Australia
Confidential 46

#T*s , RT* and K&m;F&m N$#

/igh%Juality #T*s used where freely a6ailable ,eg ! A, Gapan, Australia and 1=In other areas a combination of RT* and A T$R data is used Combining multiple datasets significantly increases #T* Juality

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 47

.lu6ial Flood .atterns on #T*s

!se different #T*s to compute plu6ial flooding First e8ample K&m N$# 6s" F&m ,deri6ed from K&m- N$#

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 48

.lu6ial Flood .atterns on #T*s

!se different #T*s to compute plu6ial flooding econd e8ample F&m RT* 6s" filtered F&m RT*

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 49

.lu6ial Flood .atterns on #T*s

!se different #T*s to compute plu6ial flooding K&m N$# 6s" filtered F&m RT*

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 50

1lobal $8posure

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 51

1lobal Nulnerability

Published Curves

US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Hazard Research Centre !iddlese"# Research papers




KatRisk RAA
.' -'

o i t R e g m a D



$oss data analysis %uilding surveys




Component&based approach

' ' , (' (, Flo o d D e p th ,ft)' ), *' *,



2&& yr Loss /otspots Asia

KatRisk RAA
,ombine (lobal e.posure and $ulnerabilit" to de$elop &lood s'ores and hot spots
Confidential 53

$ Asia Region Flood *aps

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 54

Asia Flood *aps ,Gakarta-

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 55

Asia Flood *aps , ingapore, eoul-

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 56

*ore ! A Flood *aps ,NO-

KatRisk RAA
/0 State FEMA and KatRisk 'o$era(e
Confidential 57

+oom into NO Flood *aps

KatRisk RAA
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NOC Flood *ap

KatRisk RAA
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NOC Flood *ap

KatRisk RAA
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*ore NO tate Flood Risk *ap

KatRisk RAA
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*ore NO tate Flood Risk *ap

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 62

*ore NO tate Flood Risk *ap

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 63

*ore NO tate Flood Risk *ap

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 64

*ore NO tate Flood Risk *ap

KatRisk RAA
Confidential 65


Catastrophe models represent correlations of e8treme e6ents in space and time In this talk I made a connection between global climate 6ariables and e8treme weather e6ents 1lobal climate is correlated

KatRisk RAA
e"g" ea surface temperature and precipitation

Confidential 66

Asia and ! A Flood maps show areas that are 6ulnerable 1lobal flood risk score can help with underwriting risk

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