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Marvin Adonay Montoya

SelfReflection on Teaching Principles

Marvin Montoya

That will be the greatest lesson that I will learn myself, as I look into the reflection of My Teaching Mirror.

My Teaching Mirror

Teaching Practice Elmer Jorge Guardado MaT February 25th 2014

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le# The follo$ing e##ay i# to be con#idered a# a Mirror to $hat ha# been the a""lication of the "rinci"le# of good teaching in my o$n "er#onal e%"erience& hence the title of it' ( #te" by #te" "roce## $ill be ta)en in con#ideration& $here the "rinci"le# $ill be defined' The $ay they $ill be u#ed in my Teaching Practice $ill al#o be de#cribed' *ut not only $ill that be the focu# of thi# "a"er& becau#e the methodology& a""roache#& method# and techni+ue# that $ill be u#ed during teaching "ractice# $ill al#o be included' (# $ell a# the difference# bet$een e learning and blended learning are and ho$ they $ill be u#ed in my teaching "ractice#' *a#ically& the follo$ing +ue#tion# $ill be an#$ered in thi# document, 1' How will I apply each of the Teaching Principles to my Teaching Practice? 2' What Methods, Strategies and techniques will I use in my Teaching Practice? -' How will I include IT and online English teaching to my Teaching Practice?

How will I apply each of the Teaching Principles to my Teaching Practice? Princi"le Good "ractice encourage# interaction bet$een #tudent# and faculty .e#cri"tion Fre+uent #tudent Faculty contact in and out of cla## i# a mo#t im"ortant factor in #tudent moti/ation and in/ol/ement' Faculty concern hel"# #tudent# get through rough time# and )ee" on $or)ing' 0t al#o enhance# #tudent#1 intellectual commitment and encourage# them to thin) about their o$n /alue# and "lan#' (""lication 0t i# nece##ary to create a teacher #tudent bond' 0n $hich #tudent# are not afraid to ha/e interaction $ith their teacher in#ide and out#ide of the cla##room' Sometime# #tudent# $ill need an e%tra hel" to get through #ome difficult time#& and $hen my #tudent# are facing tho#e rough time# 0 $i#h to be there to #u""ort them' Sometime# all they need i# #omeone to li#ten to them and other time# they $ill need #ome ad/ice' 0 "lan on being there for them $hen they need me& in#ide or out#ide of the cla##room' 2Pollard& 20034 7ollaborati/e learning i# actually one of the +ualitie# of today8# learner#' Therefore 0 belie/e that thi# "rinci"le ha# become ea#ier to reali9e' 2Pollard& 20034 Student# can be collaborati/e in many $ay#& not only com"leting ta#)# a# a grou"& or e/en a# a "air of #tudent# in a #"ecific acti/ity' They can al#o u#e the #ocial net$or)# and blog to ma)e #ure they become more collaborati/e in

Good "ractice encourage# interaction and collaboration bet$een #tudent#

5earning i# enhanced $hen it i# more li)e a team effort than a #olo race' Good learning& li)e good $or)& i# collaborati/e and #ocial& not com"etiti/e and i#olated' 6or)ing $ith other# often increa#e# in/ol/ement in learning' Sharing one1# idea# and re#"onding to other# im"ro/e# thin)ing and dee"en# under#tanding'

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le# their learning' 2Jame#& 20034 Student# no$ a day# are more li)e hand# on learner#' Therefore 0 $ill need to under#tand the $ay they learn and a""ly techni+ue# that $ill "ut them in the #"ot' ;#ing $hat they )no$ to create& a""ly and com"are critically' Student# are no longer memori9er#& they are more doer# no$' So 0 $ill a""ly techni+ue# that $ill allo$ them to demon#trate $hat they can do' Put them in the #ituation $here they ha/e to u#e the language in#tead of :u#t teaching ho$ the language $or)#' (# a good teacher $ith "rinci"le#& 0 mu#t let my #tudent# )no$ a# #oon a# "o##ible $hat their re#ult# of their e/aluation# are' Thi# $ay they can focu# on im"ro/ing $hat $a# not learned that $ell& fa#ter than if 0 too) a long time to return feedbac) to them' 0 $ill gi/e them the o""ortunity to reflect on $hat they are doing $rong at the moment in#tead of :u#t $aiting until the end of the cour#e to let them )no$' *y then it $ill be "retty u#ele## for them to )no$ a# they $ill not ha/e o""ortunity to demon#trate that they ha/e im"ro/ed in that area' 2Jame#& 20034 There are t$o thing# to con#ider $ith thi# "rinci"le& if you do not allo$ enough time for the #tudent# to com"lete their ta#)# they can become fru#trated' =o$e/er if you allo$ too much time for a ta#)& they can fini#h early and then $a#te time on other irrele/ant thing# or :u#t get bored of doing it all o/er again' Therefore $ill be /ery #trict on the time allo$ed to each ta#)' >f cour#e 0 $ill not be clo#ed minded& if 0 #ee mo#t of the

Good "ractice u#e# 5earning i# not a #"ectator acti/e learning #"ort' Student# do not learn techni+ue# much :u#t #itting in cla##e# li#tening to teacher#& memori9ing "re"ac)aged a##ignment#& and #"itting out an#$er#' They mu#t tal) about $hat they are learning& $rite reflecti/ely about it& relate it to "a#t e%"erience#& and a""ly it to their daily li/e#' They mu#t ma)e $hat the learn "art of them#el/e#' Good gi/e# feedbac) "ractice <no$ing $hat you )no$ and "rom"t don1t )no$ focu#e# your learning' 0n getting #tarted& #tudent# need hel" in a##e##ing their e%i#ting )no$ledge and com"etence' Then& in cla##e#& #tudent# need fre+uent o""ortunitie# to "erform and recei/e feedbac) on their "erformance' (t /ariou# "oint# during college& and at it# end& #tudent# need chance# to reflect on $hat they ha/e learned& $hat they #till need to )no$& and ho$ they might a##e## them#el/e#'

Good "ractice Time "lu# energy e+ual# em"ha#i9e# time on learning' 5earning to u#e ta#) one1# time $ell i# critical for #tudent# and "rofe##ional# ali)e' (llocating reali#tic amount# of time mean# effecti/e learning for #tudent# and effecti/e teaching for faculty'

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le# cla## ha# not fini#hed a ta#) $ithin the time "eriod 0 $ill allo$ them to ha/e #ome more time $hile 0 focu# on the #tudent# $ho ha/e already fini#hed it' Thi# $ill be +uite a ta#) for me' 0 $ill need to con/ince the #tudent# that they can gi/e more than they $hat they actually thin) they can gi/e' 0 can be tric)y at the beginning& but thi# may need #ome ad:u#tment# according to the cla## 0 $ill be in' =o$e/er #"ecifying the ob:ecti/e# of the cla##& at the beginning of it may hel" the #tudent# be a$are of $hat e%"ectation# they $ill be re+uired to fulfill by the end of each cla##' Thi# $ill moti/ate them to reach the ob:ecti/e& no matter ho$ high you "lace the bar& they $ill al$ay# aim to$ard# the ob:ecti/e that 0 $ill "lace them& e/entually it $ill be high' 2*ern#tein& 20024 The fir#t #tage# of my teaching "ractice $ill be of "lain ob#er/ation& on ho$ #tudent# $ill react indi/idually to certain acti/itie#' 0n $hich 0 $ill be more a$are on their reaction to$ard# the techni+ue it#elf' My goal $ill be to identify their learning #tyle#& and hel" them de/elo" the one# in $hich they demon#trate a lac) of #ati#factory re#ult#' *y u#ing the ob#er/ation method& 0 $ill identify and re#"ect their learning #tyle& and later on "u#h them to$ard other learning #tyle# #o they can become more o"en minded to other learning #tyle# a# $ell' 2*ern#tein& 20024

Good "ractice E%"ect more and you $ill get communicate# high it' =igh e%"ectation# are e%"ectation# im"ortant for e/eryone for the "oorly "re"ared& for tho#e un$illing to e%ert them#el/e#& and for the bright and $ell moti/ated' E%"ecting #tudent# to "erform $ell become# a #elf fulfilling "ro"hecy'

Good "ractice re#"ect# di/er#ity& talent#& e%"erience& and $ay# of learning'

Many road# lead to learning' .ifferent #tudent# bring different talent# and #tyle# to college' *rilliant #tudent# in a #eminar might be all thumb# in a lab or #tudio? #tudent# rich in hand# on e%"erience may not do #o $ell $ith theory' Student# need o""ortunitie# to #ho$ their talent# and learn in $ay# that $or) for them' Then they can be "u#hed to learn in ne$ $ay# that do not come #o ea#ily'

What Methods, Strategies and techniques will I use in my Teaching Practice?

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le# 0 $ould li)e to begin thi# "art of the e##ay by mentioning that the methodology that 0 $ill be $or)ing on in my teaching "ractice# i# ba#ed on the fact# that 0 belie/e that learner# learn the language by the "roce## of communicating $ith it' So the learner $ill ha/e a better chance of learning it by u#ing it rather than :u#t )no$ing the grammar rule# and #tructure#& but not being able to u#e the language it#elf' 6ith thi# methodology& #tudent# #hould be able to ma)e real communication' Student# $ill be gi/en the o""ortunity to try out $hat they ha/e learned' (ccuracy and Fluency $ill be another a#"ect to focu# on during my teaching "ractice and thorough out thi# methodology' (nother a#"ect of thi# methodology i# that #tudent $ill be moti/ated to di#co/er grammar rule#' 2!ichard#& 200@4 Ae%t 0 $ill mention that the Mini#try of Education re+uire# me to u#e 7ommunicati/e (""roach' Per#onally thi# a""roach i# one that 0 am fonder of' To be hone#t it "erfectly fit# in to the methodology that 0 ha/e "anned for my teaching "ractice#' (lthough 0 do "lan to combine a fe$ more method# into it and that i# the real art of teaching' E#"ecially becau#e the #yllabu# re+uire# that #tudent# reach an 0ntermediate *1 le/el by the end of their #chool year' Bet to reach that goal they mu#t be #urrounded by Engli#h en/ironment for about -00 to -50 hour#' Therefore the u#e of the .irect Method "artially i# re+uired& a# they begin to feel the need of under#tanding and communicating' The .irect method re+uire# no tran#lation and the com"lete u#e of Engli#h during cla##' Bou may a#) your#elf ho$ 0 $ill manage #ituation# $here #tudent# don not com"rehend' 6ell the u#e of /i#ual aid# i# the "rimary #u""ort in thi# ca#e& #ince #tudent# are highly /i#ual' 6ith the hel" of technological tool# #uch a# com"uter# and #mart "hone#& ea#ily an image can be found to hel" clear any doubt#' (lthough it i# a Method that 0 $ould a""ly only to re#trict the amount of 51 in the 7la##room& #o 0 $ould ha/e to #et the e%am"le by minimi9ing the u#e of 51 in the cla##' 2Me9a& 200C4 So far 0 ha/e mentioned the 7ommunicati/e 5anguage Teaching and the .irect Method& allo$ me to add to the body of method# the follo$ing? The (udio 5ingual Method& .e#ugge#to"edia and TP!' The#e $ill be the ba#e Method# to the methodology 0 $ill a""ly in my Teaching "ractice#' (nd no$ 0 $ill e%"lain #ome of the techni+ue# that $ill be u#ed and to $hich method they are lin)ed to' The #yllabu# re+uire# #tudent# to be able to u#e the language after the #chool year& there for 75T $ill be the foundation of thi# Methodology' The u#e of $arm u"# and $ra" u"# a# language game# $ill allo$ #tudent# to re"roduce $hat they ha/e learned or already )no$ in a fun $ay to )ee" them moti/ated to learn' =a/ing them order #entence# $ith #crambled #entence# $ill allo$ the gro$th of #ynta% abilitie#' The u#e of role "lay# in#tead of memori9ing dialogue# $ill "lay an im"ortant role to meet thi# goal of de/elo"ing 7ommunicati/e 7om"etence# by "lacing them in real life #ituation# and "re#enting the /ariety of o"tion# that occur in real life' From the .irect Method and Engli#h en/ironment $ill be nece##ary to embrace the #tudent# to the language' !eading aloud& allo$ing them to auto correct them#el/e# $ill "roduce not only "er#onal learning but al#o collaborati/e learning a# $ell' .ictation i# another techni+ue that 0 "lan on a""lying to thi# great e%"erience& it $ill hel" #tudent de/elo" their li#tening abilitie# to a ne%t le/el' Finally from Total Phy#ical !e#"on#e& 0 "lan to ta)e the techni+ue# of action #e+uence& role rehear#al and command to direct beha/ior a# a bit of a com"lement to the .irect Method Techni+ue#' 0n the #en#e that all the in#truction# $ill be gi/en in Engli#h& and at #ome "oint #tudent# $ill gi/e in#truction# in Engli#h a# $ell' 25ar#en Freeman& 20004

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le# The#e $ill be the foundation#& the#e $ill be the guide# by $hich my cla##e# $ill be directed in my Teaching Practice#' They $ill follo$ the ob:ecti/e of the #yllabu#& and yet ha/e my /ery o$n #ignature #tam"ed on the front of them' (# 0 am #ure $e all ha/e to follo$ the #ame guideline& but each teacher gi/e# hi# cla##e# hi# #"ecific characteri#tic# that $ill identify each methodology created by each and e/ery one of them' How will I include IT and online English teaching to my Teaching Practice? The rea#on $hy 0 did not mention technology in the #econd "art of thi# "a"er& i# becau#e 0 decide to lea/e it e%clu#i/ely for the end' The late#t trend# in Engli#h 5anguage Teaching are e learning and *lended 5earning' E 5earning in/ol/e# the u#age of technology to learn #omething' 0t can be 7. !>M ba#ed& net$or) ba#ed& intranet ba#ed or internet ba#ed' 0t can include te%t& /ideo& audio& animation and /irtual en/ironment#' 2Motteram& 201-4 >f cour#e thi# ty"e of learning in/ol/e# interaction only $ith the technological tool#' The learning that intent to a""ly to my Teaching Practice i# called *lended 5earning' 6hich not only in/ol/e# the u#e of technology but it al#o in/ol/e# the interaction of face to face cla##e# $ith the teacher' The teacher $ho later become# a tutor $hen #tudent# are in their Dirtual 5earning En/ironment' So ba#ically you blend the cla##room $ith online content and $eb 2'0& a""arently you might thin) that thi# i# #omething ne$' 0n reality it ha# been "rogre##ing #ing 2000& and ha# become one of the #tronge#t method# u" to date' 6ith the gro$th of the u#e of technological tool# and the u" ri#e on #mart "hone# and other gadget# #uch a# tablet#' ( ne$ $ay of learning e/ol/ed& and thi# i# *lended 5earning' 2Mar#h& 20124 The $ay 0 "lan to im"lement *lended 5earning to my Teaching Practice i# the follo$ing, *a#ically to get #tudent# $armed u" from the beginning& ha/e them record them#el/e# $hile ha/ing a #hort con/er#ation $ith a cla##mate' (n audio recording $ill then turn into a /ideo recording of a con/er#ation' 0 am /ery #ure that "retty much all of my #tudent $ill ha/e a Faceboo) account and therefore 0 can create a "ri/ate grou" in $hich 0 can include all of my #tudent#& there 0 can "o#t rele/ant information and lea/e lin)# for them to "ractice and #end me the re#ult# /ia email' Some a##ignment# may include them recording a me##age& and #ending it /ia email through and internet "age of choice' >r e/en ha/ing them u"load their con/er#ation /ideo# to you tube& and ha/e their cla##mate# $atch and comment on the#e a# an acti/ity' There are ton# of $eb#ite# that can be u#ed in $eb 2'0 to hel" #tudent# learn Engli#h' =a/e tem $or) in team# to create a blog& and build their E 5earning Portfolio $ill be yet another ta#) in $hich 0 $ill include 0T to my Teaching Practice' E 5earning Portfolio that they $ill "re#ent to the cla## at the end of the "ro:ect a# e/idence of $hat ha# been learned during the "roce##' Teaching $a# ne/er an ea#y ta#)& but a# teacher $e ha/e the obligation to hel" ma)e learning ea#ier for our #tudent#' =ence the rea#on $hy all that i# included in thi# "a"er in/ol/e# a lot of $or) out#ide of the cla##room& but that $ill ha/e a tremendou# im"act on the li/e# of all the young #tudent# $ho $ill be in my cla##' My goal i# not only to moti/ate the#e #tudent#& my goal $ill al#o be to in#"ire them to learn more and more' To learn e/en more from their mi#ta)e#& rather than to be afraid of ma)ing them' That $ill be the greate#t le##on that 0 $ill learn my#elf& a# 0 loo) into the reflection of My Teaching Mirror'

Self !eflection on Teaching Princi"le#

*ern#tein& E' 220024' Generally Accepted Principles of Teaching and Learning. *ro$n ;ni/er#ity' Jame#& !' 220034' Nine Principles Guiding Teaching and Learning. ;ni/er#ity of Melbourne' 5ar#en Freeman& .' 220004' Techniques and principles in Language Teaching. >%ford ;ni/er#ity Pre##' Mar#h& .' 220124' Blende Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. 7ambridge ;ni/er#ity Pre##' Me9a& .' 2200C4' English ylla!us. Mini#terio de Educacion El Sal/ador' Motteram& G' 2201-4' "nno#ation in Learning Tecnologies for English Language Teaching. *riti#h 7ouncil' Pollard& (' 220034' Principles into practice. E S ! 7' !ichard#& J' 2200@4' Co$$unicati#e Language Teaching Today. 7ambridge ;ni/er#ity Pre##'

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