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Topics for Objective Type

UnitI General science : PhysicsUniverse General Scientific lawsScientific instrumentsInventions and discoveries National scientific laboratoriesScience glossaryMechanics and properties of matterPhysical quantities, standards and unitsForce, motion and energyelectricity and Magnetism Heat, light and soundAtomic and nuclear physics. ChemistryElements and CompoundsAcids, bases and saltsOxidation and reductionChemistry of ores and metalsCarbon, nitrogen and their compoundsFertilizers, pesticides, insecticides BotanyMain Concepts of life scienceThe cellbasic unit of lifeClassification of living organism Nutrition and dieteticsRespiration ZoologyBlood and blood circulationEndocrine systemReproductive systemGenetics the science of heredityEnvironment, ecology, health and hygiene, Bio diversity and its conservationHuman diseases, prevention and remediesCommunicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases UnitII. Current Events History Latest diary of events NationalNational symbolsProfile of States Eminent persons & places in newsSports & gamesBooks & authors Awards & honoursLatest historical events India and its neighbours Appointmentswho is who? Political Science Problems in conduct of public elections Political parties and political system in India Public awareness & General administration Role of Voluntary organizations & Govt., Welfare oriented govt. schemes, their utility GeographyGeographical landmarksPolicy on environment and ecology EconomicsCurrent socioeconomic problems New economic policy & govt. sector Science Latest inventions on science & technology Latest discoveries in Health Science Mass media & communication Unit III. Geography Earth and UniverseSolar systemAtmosphere hydrosphere, lithosphereMonsoon, rainfall, weather and climateWater resources rivers in IndiaSoil, minerals & natural resources Natural vegetationForest & wildlifeAgricultural pattern, livestock & fisheries Social geograph y populationdensity and distributionNatural calamities disaster management Unit IV. History and culture of India South Indian historyCulture and Heritage of Tamil peopleAdvent of European invasion

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